I have a sql 2005 cluster. I recently moved a new server in place of an old server we had
Both the servers now have w2k3 sp2 sql 2005 sp1 both have 2000 dts designer package.
My problem is that i have a dts package that runs on sql01inst01 without any issues but the same package when i try to run it from sql02inst02 just hangs ... digging deeper i found that - when i try to parse a query / build query / try giving parameters in a Execute SQL task it says
"The selected connection does not provide sql support"
The connection it reference is a postgres connection looking up info from a udl file.
Hi, I'm building a portal for supervisors can view their agents errors. We have a team that have been using Access to import data and QC it. I want to get these records into SQL but at the same time, the agents need to import their own work. I've create a DTS package that will import the data into the SQL table from a folder the agents have access to. I tried to create the strored proc to be run from the ASP page however it's not working and I'm having a hard time figuring out why. Here is the procCREATE PROCEDURE DTS AS exec master..xp_cmdshell 'dtsrun /KEMTSQL02 /ADJUSTMENTS /E'GODoes anyone know what I'm doing wrong? Any help would be great. Thanks!
on the server i am planning to run my packages at runtime using sql server agent...i remove the text files from exisiting location(for eg C to different location(D.when ever i receive a file at c:
I want my package to run.
How can i set this up in the sql server agent?????how will the sql server agent know that this package had received a file.
or is there anyway i can run my packages automatically other than sql server agent
Hi, when call a sub-package from the parent package with the executeoutofprocess=true I have about 5-10 sec delay before sub-package starts running. ( this is a big delay for me as the sub_package is in a foreach loop)
the sub_package itself it's very simple and contains just one script task with a small script in in it. even if this delay is for validation I still can't understand why it is taking 5-10 ses. cheers
I have to create a package that executes other packages I've already created... Every one of these packages run with the same Configuration File, but if I try to execute the main one, including the path of the file, I get errors from the other packages because they can't find it... How can I manage to pass this file and its content to the other packages??
Here a little explanation of te process:
Main Package needs configuration file X.dtsConfig, and calls: package1, which needs configuration file X.dtsConfig; package2, .......
i have two packages, one that adds data to a Fact Table (package1) and one that updates the dimension tables (package2). i want package1 to run all day, as it waits for incoming csv files and i want it to stop every night at 11pm and run package2, which updates dimension tables. then package2 should stop at say, 1am and package1 would run again. i tried setting the Daily Frequency schedule of package1 to occur every 24hours starting at 3pm and ending at 3:15pm, just to test if it will stop at 3:15pm, but it didnt. how can i create a job schedule that will perform the behavior? thanks a lot!
Is there any way to check from SQL code if a specific SSIS stored package is running like a SQL system view or stored procedure? Management studio option works fine but not if you need to determine if a specific package already is running or not?
I need to execute a long running package (it takes about 16 hours to finish) to load a data warehouse for the first time with all historical data. This package it's a master package and execute other packages; I log the start time and the finish time of the package in a table to manage future incremental loads.
I executed the package on sql server where it is saved, but after 8 hours it was running, a new package was started automatically. Then two more packages started .. each every two hours.
I set the MaxConcorrentExecutable = 4, this could affect this strange behavoir ?
Before I decided to post this thread, I searched the forum and saw that I'm not the only one going crazy with running SSIS packages in a job agent.
My package has some warnings ('truncation may occur due to inserting data from data flow column 'xxx' with a length of 50 to a database column with a length of 20') but it runs correctly in VS (development).
If I run it from dtexecui, it runs correctly...
If I configure my job as a SQL Server Integration Services Package I get this error in History Started: 3:24:12 PM Progress: 2007-11-07 15:24:13.19 Source: Package1 Validating: 0% complete End Progress Progress: 2007-11-07 15:24:13.19 Source: Load T_TITLE Validating: 2% complete End Progress Progress: 2007-11-07 15:24:13.20 Source: Load T_TITLE Validating: 4% complete End Progress Progress: 2007-11-07 15:24:13.20 Source: Load T_TITLE Validating: 6% complete End Progress Progress: 2007-11-07 15:24:13.22 Source: Load T_TITLE Validating: 8% complete End Progress Progress: 2007-11-07 15:24:13.23 Source: Load T_TITLE Validating: 10% complete End Progress Progress: 2007-11-07 15:24:13.23 Source: Load T_TITLE Vali... The package execution fa... The step failed.
If I change to Operating System (CmdExec) type this is my error output: Started: 3:31:20 PM Progress: 2007-11-07 15:31:22.04 Source: Load T_TITLE Validating: 0% complete End Progress Progress: 2007-11-07 15:31:22.05 Source: Load T_TITLE Validating: 2% complete End Progress Progress: 2007-11-07 15:31:22.07 Source: Load T_TITLE Validating: 4% complete End Progress Progress: 2007-11-07 15:31:22.07 Source: Load T_TITLE Validating: 6% complete End Progress Progress: 2007-11-07 15:31:22.08 Source: Load T_TITLE Validating: 8% complete End Progress Progress: 2007-11-07 15:31:22.68 Source: Load T_TITLE Validating: 10% complete End Progress Progress: 2007-11-07 15:31:22.68 Source: Load T_TITLE Validating:... Process Exit Code 1. The step failed.
Is there a way to see a more meaningful output?
SSIS really frustrates me in the last couple of days...
I have a meaty job that currently runs as a set of sql scripts under sql agent and I'm transferring this job to run as a SSIS package. I have managed to set it up so that it runs as a sql job (cheers guys!), and I'm watching the job run now, maxing out the CPU usage as it tries to run 10 different tasks at the same time . great stuff!
However, I've been thinking about how to view the progress of this job/package (the job only has one step; "run SSIS package"). With the current job as single scripts, in SQL agent you can view which step of the job you are at.... is it possible to somehow view which package task you're at (ideally with nice shiny yellow green and red updates like in debugging), or do you have to output each step result into a log file?
Oh, and another question! If i have a checkpoint in a package, and the package falls over, when the job is rerun through SQL agent, will it start at the checkpoint, or run from the start?
When I run an SSIS package from the MSDB in SQL Server Management Studio it never shows up under 'Running Packages'.
I have confirmed that the package is indeed running.
I've also tried to check the packages running on the server programatically by using the GetRunningPackages() method. This too returns nothing when clearly packages are running.
I have created a master controller package which runs as follows
deletes all the log files -> deletes few flat files on different drives -> preprocess task(execute package task) -> c# executable (execute process tasks) -> postprocess tasks (execute package tasks)
i need a create a task just before the preprocess task with an user input asking whether he wants to run a particular batch file before proceeding to preprocess. if the user says yes it should run a batch file followed by preprocess tasks, c# and post process or else it should directly goto preprocess, c# and post process (neglecting batch file task)
if I have some packages (.dtsx) that are depolyed to Server A and I have SQL Agent installed on Server B - if I run a run a package from SQL Agent, does it run on Server A or Server B?
I have created several DTS Packages those are working fine, tested and verified. I need to run them by a single click, either by batchfile or some sort of command.
Has anyone monitored the execution of SSIS packages with MOM? Are there extreme benefits over just utilizing the built in execution and event logs, as well as the Windows Event Viewer?
What is the recommended way to monitor SSIS execution?
I'm experiencing some frustration with my active/passive SQL cluster not running my .DTSX packages. I am hoping someone can shed some light on what I need to do.
I've created some .DTSX packages with the SQL Server Business Intel Dev Studio. I initially built & tested these packages in a non-SQL cluster environment without any problems. I'm now re-creating them to work on our SQL cluster. If I run the package through the Dev Studio it works great.
The packages basically grab .txt files from one of the shared drives (which is a resource of the sql cluster group) and imports the data into the one of the databases. The database does not have any special settings (right-click -> new database... -> enter name -> click ok).
I've setup a SQL Server Agent Job with 1 step with the following properties. Step name: I Offices Type: SQL Server Integration Services Package Run as: SQL Agent Service Account Package source: File system Package: G:ImportRAGFLOffices.dtsx
When I run the SQL Server Agent Job through MSSQL Server Management Studio (right-click -> start job) I get an error on "Execute job 'RAGFL TestJob'".
These are the 2 messages that show up when I view the history of the SQL Server Agent job.
*********************************************************************************************** Date 9/25/2007 1:16:13 PM Log Job History (RAGFL TestJob)
Step ID 0 Server BADBOYS Job Name RAGFL TestJob Step Name (Job outcome) Duration 00:00:01 Sql Severity 0 Sql Message ID 0 Operator Emailed Operator Net sent Operator Paged Retries Attempted 0
Message The job failed. The Job was invoked by User sa. The last step to run was step 1 (I Offices). ***********************************************************************************************
*********************************************************************************************** Date 9/25/2007 1:16:13 PM Log Job History (RAGFL TestJob)
Step ID 1 Server BADBOYS Job Name RAGFL TestJob Step Name I Offices Duration 00:00:01 Sql Severity 0 Sql Message ID 0 Operator Emailed Operator Net sent Operator Paged Retries Attempted 0
Message Executed as user: THEISLANDAdministrator. The package execution failed. The step failed. ***********************************************************************************************
I have a series of SSIS packages which populate 12 different databases. Which data source & target they use is controlled by values passed down from the SQL Agent Scheduler Job Step using "Set Values"
These values are passed to Variables which are used in the Expressions in the connection manager for the database to change the connection string and initial catalog.
e.g. REPLACE( @[User::ConString] , "Royalty", @[User::RoyDb] )
These jobs run successfully the majority of the time but each day I get a significant number of failures where one or more target or error trapping table cant be found. They are all using the same connection manager and most of the tables in the database get updated correctly but the job fails on trying to access one or two of the tables, with the following message in the On Error event:
-1071636248,0x,Opening a rowset for "[dbo].[RIGDUE_DAY]" failed. Check that the object exists in the database.
This happens both when I schedule the jobs in parallel with other jobs running the same packages & when I run the job by itself using the right click, start at step option. e.g.
I had one fail last night, I ran it by itself this morning, it failed, I ran it again, it succeeded. Nothing concerning the data it was transforming had changed.
I have applied the hotfix to service pack one concerning the paralel use of variables in a package as referred to in the following link.
We are using SQL Server 2005 Standard edition. We have the development studio installed on a developer€™s workstation. The SSIS package is accessing network folders using UNC and the tasks in packages are accessing SQL Server with a SQL Server id.
The SSIS package runs fine on the workstation. We deploy the SSIS package as a SSIS store on SQL Server. I receive Error 18456 Severity 14 State 8 error when I run the SSIS package as a SQL Agent job.
When I run the SSIS package from the Integration Services Management Studio, I get The AcquireConnection method call to the connection manager "dboSQLabm" failed with error code 0xC0202009.
I€™m sure this is a permission based problem since it runs fine on my workstation. I tried logon onto the SQL Server with my id (I€™m an admin to the server). I tried running the agent with my windows id. It looks like I€™m getting problem connecting to the SQL Server tables since the logs are properly written to the network drive.
In SQL DTS 2000, all we needed to do was give the SQL agent id permission to the network folder. I tried to search the forums, but none of the solutions seem to work for my situation.
I seem to be missing something with SQL 2005 SSIS and I am wondering how I would accomplish my taks. With SQL 2000 and DTS we designed our DTS packages so that we could load one file or database from start to finish. We then have controlling programs written in VB that will monitor directories, when a file shows up in a directory it loads the package, changes the necessary properties and executes it. These programs handle all of our error notifications and dealing with the files afterwards, making sure files are complete in the directory before the DTS runs, etc. With .NET and SQL 2005 I have learned that I can change the properties by using variables and expressions, which I think would handle all of our situation but I can not run them remotely. The documentation says that I could setup a scheduled job and then call sp_start_job from my program. That seems like it would require a lot of scheduled jobs and then I still need to get the parameters into the packages. The other option is to use a web service, that would require IIS on my SQL box which everywhere says I don't want. Am I using SSIS for something I am not supposed to be or how do I accomplish this in 2005? I have noticed that you can not even run packages through the SQL Server Management Studio. We have a number of packages that are built that are run on demand when needed. In SQL 2000 I could just click and execute the package. In 2005 is my only option to setup some sort of fake job in the job scheduler?
I need some help from you on a problem with SQL Server Agent that I believe many of you have experienced. When searching on the web I find some loose answers, but it would not solve my problems. So here is my story.
1. I have created two SSIS packages, package 1 and package 2. Both packages have a Execute SQL Task making a select sql statement to a table, say Customer in AdventureWorks DB. Package1 also makes a Execute Pacakge Task to Package 2. Both packages have protectionlevel property set to EncryptSensitiveWithUserKey
2. Then I created two package configuration files per package, one indirect xml configuration and one xml configuration file. The former I created an environment variable called pack1, which was specifying the path and file name of second config file. Likewise, I did for package2. Maybe I could have reused thie first configuration file, but I am not sure since package1 calls package2.
3. Now I build and deploy my packages. Then I run my manifest file, going through the deployment wizard setting the necceccary properties like server name, user, password, I have also create the same environment variables on the deployment machine. I ensure that the package1 and package2 can be run under integration services (file system). And both package works. So far so good
4. Now I want to create a SQL server agent job that runs package1 and package2. Here I found an article that decribed How to Schedule and Run a SSIS package ( DTS ) Job in SQL Server 2005 http://www.codeproject.com/useritems/Schedule__Run__SSIS__DTS.asp
5. I created a job executor account and then Create SQL proxy account and associate proxy account with job executor account as described. I created a new ssis job, specifying type ssis integration services, run as proxy, setting package source to SSIS package store, naming the server and package name (package2).
6. Now, I try running job1 which runs package2. ANd it works. I was aware if I needed to give file permission on users (read and execute) on my dtsx/dtsconfig/log files. So far so good
7. Now, I try to run job test which runs package1 (which also runs package2). But now the job fails :-(. The job runs for some seconds, but fails. I have to say that I have some script tasks with message boxes inside!!! hope this doesn't matter. I have created all neccessary accounts, proxies, credentials and so on. here is the view history
Date 17.10.2006 00:50:53 Log Job History (test)
Step ID 1 Server ABEO-GEIR Job Name test Step Name test Duration 00:00:07 Sql Severity 0 Sql Message ID 0 Operator Emailed Operator Net sent Operator Paged Retries Attempted 0
Message Executed as user: abeo-geir as_jobuser. The package execution failed. The step failed.
Continue: This error is well known for you. It has been mentioned in many postings. Well, how do I go from here. Setting logging on the job results in only this information
PackageStart,ABEO-GEIR,ABEO-GEIR as_jobuser,Package1,{3F5BD166-D24B-4838-B3F1-018B6C2C7523},{8E1B8E45-7F1D-4C24-852C-2694F993E6D2},17.10.2006 00:59:40,17.10.2006 00:59:40,0,0x,Beginning of package execution.
PackageEnd,ABEO-GEIR,ABEO-GEIR as_jobuser,Package1,{3F5BD166-D24B-4838-B3F1-018B6C2C7523},{8E1B8E45-7F1D-4C24-852C-2694F993E6D2},17.10.2006 00:59:41,17.10.2006 00:59:41,1,0x,End of package execution.
Well, I read some place that I could run the job as type operating system (cmdexec). Here i could not choose Run as, but had to select SQL SErver agent account. NOw I got this message
Date 17.10.2006 01:05:21 Log Job History (test)
Step ID 0 Server ABEO-GEIR Job Name test Step Name (Job outcome) Duration 00:00:00 Sql Severity 0 Sql Message ID 0 Operator Emailed Operator Net sent Operator Paged Retries Attempted 0
Message The job failed. The Job was invoked by User sa. The last step to run was step 1 (test).
As you see, I can't come any further. I NEED HELP FROM YOU. I AM STUCK. I know many of you have solved this and I hope you can guide me through thise. I don't know how many hours or days I have used on this.
I have created ssis package. It has been successfully running at UI level.
But when i am trying to execute it from the command prompt by using dtexec utility it is showing the following error messages.
Error: 2005-12-23 17:01:57.67 Code: 0xC00470FE Source: Data Flow Task DTS.Pipeline Description: The product level is insufficient for component "Flat File Source" (1). End Error Error: 2005-12-23 17:01:57.67 Code: 0xC00470FE Source: Data Flow Task DTS.Pipeline Description: The product level is insufficient for component "Script Component" (9). End Error
Does anyone know why this happens? When I run one of the packages in my project (by hitting the play button in the designer), all of the other packages in that project open before it starts running?
I have created a big list of packages, some calling others. They all work fine from my computer using Visual Studio.
When I try to deploy them (building them with deployment turned on and running them either directly from Management Studio or as a job) I get the errors with the password of connection strings. From what I read so far its the encryption process that kills it.
I have tried to add a password to some packages, but it still didnt work (only when run directly on my computer in management studio after deploying to SQL Server, but not as a job).
I have tried to change ProtectionLevel to SecurityStorage, wouldnt let me save in Visual Studio (I understand it is ot allowed in VS because you are saving to File System, how the hell am I supposed to save it to anything else? why is it showing there if its not even valid?).
If anyone can please give me the steps to doing it properly, that would be awesome. I simply need to run the packages from SQL Server! thats all! I have no idea why it has to be soooo difficult :/
I have a SQL Scheduled Job in SQL 2005 SP2 that executes a few different SSIS packages. When I update the SSIS Packages, SQL Agent runs the job and shows success; however, the underlying packages are not executed. The packages are located on the server but we are using UNC paths in the jobs since much of the time they are started manually from a remote workstation and the jobs seem to look at the initiating workstation's file server rather than that of the SQL Server. Is this a known issue?
It is clear to me that in order to be able to use certain SSIS components (for example the Excel jet provider) I must launch my packages using the 32bit DTEXEC located at Program Files (x86)Microsoft SQL Server90DTSBinn. However, when I do this it seems that there are other components of the package that no longer work as expected.
To test this I have created a simple package with two tasks (Run64BitRuntime is set to False): 1. Data flow task importing data from Excel 2. Execute SQL Task which does a simple select (select 1) from a Native OLE DB SQL data source (same SQL Server on which packages are stored). This task contains no input or output parameter.
When I try to execute the package using the 64bit DTEXEC, task 1 fails with the following error (as expected): Code: 0xC0202009 Source: connection1 Connection manager "SourceConnectionExcel" Description: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_OLEDBERROR. An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80040154. An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft OLE DB Service Components" Hresult: 0x80040154 Description: "Class not registered".
When I execute the package with the 32bit DTEXEC, task 2 fails with the following error Code: 0xC002F210 Source: Execute SQL Task Execute SQL Task Description: Executing the query "" failed with the following error: "Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt.". Possible failure reasons: Problems with the query, "ResultSet" property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly, or connection not established correctly.
Now here is the confusing part: When I change task 2 to use the .Net provider instead of the OLE DB the package works fine. According to the MS documentation, both of these providers are supported on 32 and 64 bit so am I missing something? One more thing to note: before I was able to use the 32 bit DTEXEC I had to re-register it as described in this KB article: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/919224
I'm running several SSIS-packages in stored procedure using dtexec. Actually, there is a software that is running the procedure, but that's not important here.
The problem: if some of the packages failes, the whole procedure does not fail and I don't know if all the packages are successfully completed.
Here is a sample list of ssis-packages from procedure:
I'm expecting to run 3 isloated version of the package with in first version VARA=1 VARB=0 VARC=0 second version VARA=0 VARB=1 VARC=0 third version VARA=0 VARB=0 VARC=1 but it doesn't seem like doing that the maxconcurrent variable is set to 40 to be on the safe side.
when I run I get
first version VARA=1 VARB=0 VARC=0 second version VARA=1 VARB=1 VARC=0 third version VARA=0 VARB=1 VARC=1
I have around 160 packages in SSIS. When i run these packages, after some times the errror comes that the system is low on virtual memory and then visual studio freezes. I have a machine with 1G memory. All these packages are not running parallely but they have some dependencies defined on them.
Please let me know if theres some way to configure it correctly,
Based on advice from this board, I am setting up our newly-converted DTSX packages (sql server 2000 (DTS) to 2005 (SSIS) package conversion) to utilize package configurations to make it easier to run them in multiple environments (dev, testing, production, etc...). This seems to be working just fine, but I now have another question.
We have approximately 12 DTSX packages which need to be executed in a specific sequential order. I was wondering what the best / most widely accepted method is to allow for running them as an automated process. If you double click on each DTSX file individually, the "Execute Package Utility" pops up, and you can run the package. I'd like to know the best way for us to be able to run each package, one after the other (each one waiting until the previous one completes before it begins), until they have all processed. It would be nice if it did not rely on SQL Server being installed on the machine on which it is being run...
I have a system of SSIS packages in which several packages perform the same lookup on the same table. E.g., i have PackageA, PackageB and PackageC all doing a lookup on TableA. All of these packages are spawned by the same PackageD and run frequently. In some cases, there is an issue with concurrency on these lookups. I get the following exception :
" The ProcessInput method on component "LKP Lookup SecurityID" (6658) failed with error code 0xC004702C. The identified component returned an error from the ProcessInput method. The error is specific to the component, but the error is fatal and will cause the Data Flow task to stop running.
The hex code of this exception corresponds to the following description : "DTS_E_BUFFERNOTLOCKED. This buffer is not locked and cannot be manipulated." That's as much as i could find on this.
My suspision is that the SSIS engine somehow figures that the lookup in these distinct packages is the same one and builds a shared version of the lookup table in memory. Then there is some sort of a multi-threading issue in accessing this shared memory which leads to the exception above.
Has anyone experienced this? Can someone shed some light on this?
We are in the process of upgrading to a new SQL 2012 server but we have many packages that load data from dbf files created with FoxPro into one of our databases. We have not converted the packages and run them with DTS but we get the following error:
Error: 2013-08-26 11:05:27.36 Code: 0xC0209303 Source: BenchmarkLoad Connection manager "OLEDB NPIONE.Investment.middleTierSQL" Description: The requested OLE DB provider SQLNCLI.1 is not registered. If the 64-bit driver is not installed, run the package in 32-bit mode. Error code: 0x00000000.
[Code] .....
I searched for OLEDB and ODBC drivers for SQL 2012 64 bit but cannot find any that is newer than the 2005 that we have. What can I do short of changing the source files to overcome this issue?