Issues With Parameterised Report

Apr 9, 2007


I want a matrix report which displays Sales Data or Discount Data (Column) Vs Year (Row). I want to have a parameter which displays a text as 'Sales', 'Discount'.

When I Select 'Sales', the report should display 'Sales Amount' Vs 'Year' and when I select 'Discount', the report should display 'Discount Data' Vs Year. I am getting all the data from OLAP Cube.

Any help is highly appreciated.


S Suresh

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Parameterised Queries

Aug 15, 2005

HiNew to sql server. using beta2 2005. What is the way to implementparameterised queries? I need the queries to be updatable as these wouldwork as recordsets that forms will be bound to for data entry.ThanksRegards

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Using Parameterised Filters

Oct 6, 2006

Dear ppl,

I am using Merge Replication between SQL Server 2005 (Publisher) and Pocket PC (Subscriber). I have a .NET compact framework appliction on the Pocket PC that replicates data from the server.

I am using SqlCeReplication class on the Pocket PC application to synchronise the data. By default, when i call the Syncrhonise() method, it pulls all the data from the server. What I want is to pass a parameter from the Pocket PC and filter the data based on that paramter. E.g. from the Employee table, I want only those Employee that belongs to a CompanyID that I pass as a parameter.

Is there a way to do this, so that i can pass parameters from my PDA application (Windows Mobile), and make the Filters specified in the Publication to use that parameter to filter out the rows.

Nabeel Farid

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How To Create Parameterised Views?

Jun 15, 2007

I am using SqlServer2005 and 2005. I have a large database for which I have to provide reports for it. I need a report that user will specify a date, and the report will be run, from this month & year and I will calculate the first day of the month and the last day of the month and these will serve as the input parameters for a long SELECT query.For my previous reports i've used views . But for this functionality i need  a parameterized view, which i cant create.Please help me how to create a parameterized view.... Thanks in Advance... 

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Low Performance When Using Parameterised Query

Jul 20, 2005

Hey...Why do I sometimes experience low performance when I use a parameter insteadof an exact value?For example the following performs very bad:declare @TypeID integerselect @TypeID = 10select ID from t_Table1 t1, t_Table2 t2 wheret_t1.ID = t_t2.FID andt2.Type = @TypeIDbut this query performs ok:select ID from t_Table1 t1, t_Table2 t2 wheret_t1.ID = t_t2.FID andt2.Type = 10Jakob

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Calling Parameterised Views From VB

Jul 20, 2005

I'd really appreciate your help creating a parameterised view in SQLServer, which I can then invoke from VB5. I'm using DAO and ODBC toconnect to SQL Server 2000.I can open Tables and Views, but can't find how to create or use a"query" parameter. If I use the "?" (in the SQL Enterprise managerView design mode), the syntax checker verifies the query ok, but Ithen get the message "Parameters cannot be used in this query type".It doesn't like the %var% terminology at all here.I am sure I could build the full query in VB and save it to the Server"on-the-fly", but this partly defeats the object, doesn't it?I could really do with a couple of pointers: (a) how to define theview/query in Ent Manager and (b) how to invoke it from VB, supplyingthe parameter.Thanks ever so in anticipation.Phil

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SSIS, DataReader And Parameterised Stored Procedures

Sep 26, 2007

Hi, i have a text file destination which i am trying to output data to via an SSIS package. I cannot seem to be able to set up the package so that i execute a parameterised stored procedure and insert the data into a text file. I have set up the following


a. connection to the SQL 2005 database
b. Flat file destination, which links to an empty file on the network : D:GCDReportsfeedsgmr_p201.fs_20070724

ANy quick help would be greatly appreciated.


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Update Statement To Include Multiple Parameterised Input

Oct 18, 2006

I want to do an update query like the following:UPDATE tblUserDetails SET DeploymentNameID = 102 WHERE (EmployeeNumber = @selectedusersparam)Is there some simple way to add the @selectedusersparam as value1,value2,value3 etc. or do I have to input it with this type of syntax:UPDATE dbo_tblUserDetails SET dbo_tblUserDetails.DeploymentNameID = 102WHERE (((dbo_tblUserDetails.EmployeeNumber)=value1 Or (dbo_tblUserDetails.EmployeeNumber)=value2));Help appreciated.Many thanks.

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Disappearing Parameterised Filters And Filter Joins In Publication Properties Page Of Replication Monitor

Jan 22, 2007


We have an issue with our replication configuration when viewed through replication monitor. Parameterised Filters and joined filters don't appear in the gui. However, when we script the publication all the filters are present.

This issue only seems to occur when we have a remote distributor.

I should also point out that we have a merge push topology that uses a custom RMO synchronisation component on a separate server to either the publisher or the distributor. Also all the databases in the topology are called the same name. This has caused us other issues relating to this topology in particular so I raise it here as well although I don't expect it to be the case in this instance.

Any help would be greatly appreciated in clarifying this matter.

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Issues Using Parameterised Reports Connecting To Oracle Using ODBC And Microsoft OLE DB Provider For Oracle

Sep 12, 2007

I have an issue using parameterised reports connecting to Oracle using "ODBC" and "Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Oracle" using parameteried reports. The following error is generated "ORA-01008 not all variables bound (Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Oracle)" and a similiar one for ODBC. It works fine for simple reports. Do these 2 drivers have issues passing parameters for a remote Oracle query?

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This Feature Remote Access To Report Data Sources And/or The Report Server Database Is Not Supported In This Edition Of Report

Jun 16, 2006

SQL server 2005 express reporting problem.

error message:

This feature "remote access to report data sources and/or the report server database" is not supported in this edition of reporting service

I got this error message when I try to connect to database hosted in another PC running SQL server 2000.

Is it true that SQlL server Express can only use Local Database Engine to host the database?

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Reporting Services :: Add Sub-report To Main Report Using Report Builder?

Sep 9, 2015

I just created a report builder. I have a main report and i wanted to create a sub report. why i cant or i cant view the path or the folder of my  .rdl file to be use as my sub report.

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Modifying A Report Created In Report Builder In The Report Designer.

Jun 30, 2006

After I use the report builder to create a generic report, how do I actually get that report into the report designer so that I can modify it more effectivly?

The issue that I have now is that the file on the report server is not a .rdl file and if I simply save it as one and then bring it into VS to modify it the code file is a html structure rater than a XML file type.

Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks

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How Do I Jump To Another Report Based On A Value In My Current Report? Report Has No Parameters.

May 3, 2007

How do I jump to another report based on a value in my current report. The report that I am jumping from has no parameters, just values.

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Report Builder: How Can I Append Two Table Fields To Report In Report Builder

Feb 6, 2008


When i select datasource in Report Builder, i am able to see all the available DataSources.

Eg: I have selected one datasource from the list and which has 3 tables(table1, table2, table3) associated to that datasource.

when i drag and drop table1 fields to report, i am not able to see the other 2 tables(table2 & table3)

Is there any property or relationship do i need to maintain?


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Report Builder Using Report Model Based On Linked Server (Excel) - Primary Key?

Sep 6, 2007

I've created a linked server with a pretty basic Excel spreadsheet, and used this command to create a linked server to it:

sp_addlinkedserver ''XL_SPS_1', 'Excel', 'Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0', 'c:MyExcel.xls', null, 'Excel 8.0'

I want to use this as the data from which to build a report model. As linked servers don't show up in the Data Source View wizard, I created a view in SQL Server:

create view MyExcel
select * from XL_SPS_1...Sheet1$

Okay, great, now the view shows up in the DSV wizard and I can create the data source view. However, when I create a new report model based on this data source view, the Report Model Wizard tells me at "Create entities for all tables" that I've got an error when it processes dbo_MyExcel that "Table does not have a primary key."

I assume this is where the identifying attributes for the entities in the report model are taken from, so I really can't go further. Does anyone have an idea as to how to add a primary key to a linked server (Excel) in SQL 2005? Can this be done? Other than importing spreadsheet data to a SQL table, how can I get around this?


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Reporting Services :: Domain User - Unable To Run Report In SSRS Report Manager?

Oct 9, 2015

I have done the following and a domain user would not access report created a login to the SQL server to the user (this SQL Server is where data source DB is)went to site setting in Report Manager and made this use a system userright clicked on report folder and made this user in the browser roleeven checked that in the report in question, the user is already in the browser role Still the user would not access the report! "User .......... does not have required permission" is the error message I am getting. 

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How To Pass Parameters In Url For A Report Published In Reportserver (report Built On Stocked Procedure) ?

Apr 30, 2007


I have created a report with the report server project template.

the report is created from stoked procedure having defaut input parameters.

With visual studio, i publish my report on reportserver. whenever i access to my report on this url :

http://localhost/ReportServer/Pages/ReportViewer.aspx?%2fReport+Project4%2fReport4&rs:Command=Render. the created report is with the default parameters.

I would like to know if i can transmet parameters for the stocked procedure to build the report with the request i want.

I tried to put parameter directly in the url in this way


but without success.

my error message is that one

An attempt was made to set a report parameter '@region' that is not defined in this report. (rsUnknownReportParameter)

My stocked procedure is :

ALTER procedure [dbo].[akli] @region varchar ='m'
select * from dbo.Report2 where region=@region

The request used to buid the report ?
DECLARE @region varchar
EXECUTE dbo.akli @region

What is wrong in that ?

Thanks for your help.


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Reporting Services :: SSRS Report Runs In Visual Studio But Not Report Manager

Jul 5, 2012

I have written a report visual studio.  The report has 10 multi-value parameters that pull data from their individual data sets within the reports.  When running the report from within Visual Studio it renders fine.  There are no errors reported, only a warning related to a pathname I have use to retrieve image data and display on the report.Deployment of the report is error free.When I view the report I briefly get the "Loading" splash window, but then nothing.  None of the headers or static text is displayed.  The results window is blank.

The report defaults all the parameter values.  In trying to debug the issue I have found by reducing the number of parameter values the report will render.  Once I have all the values added, the report does nothing.Below is the query being used for the report.  The where clause in the query shows the parameters being used and the syntax.We are running on Windows Server 2008 R2 and SQL Server 2008 R2.

a.USCATVLS_1 AS [Main Category], a.USCATVLS_2 AS Market, a.USCATVLS_3 AS [Alternate Retail], a.USCATVLS_4 AS Country, b.ITEMXTRAS_1_Type AS Type,
b.ITEMXTRAS_2_Finish AS Finish, b.ITEMXTRAS_3_SubCategory AS SubCategory, b.ITEMXTRAS_4_Department AS Department,


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Multi-value Parameter In Master Report Passing To Single Param Sub-report In A List.

Aug 20, 2007

Here's tricky one.

I have a fairly complex report that was given to me that was hard coded for single parameters. There is a dropdown for each market (created from a query in SSRS). The users have to run for each market each week.

Is there a way to use this report as a Sub-report inside a list of a master report and then use a mult-value parameter?

I want this multi-value parameter to build the values for the list and then run the "sub-report" for each value.

Essentially, I want to create a for each loop.

Any ideas?

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Reporting Services :: Open Report In Excel But Need Raw Data Not Duplicate Of Report Output

Nov 23, 2015

We are about to implement SSRS reports (SQL Server 2012), and have found one issue we don't like. The report looks great when we open it in pdf format. However, when we open it in Excel format, we want it to be the raw data, not look like the pdf report. I tried the simpl headers, and that removed the page header/footer. However, the report format was still in play.In other words, we would like the report when opened in Excel, to look just like it does when we open it as a CSV.I have tried to modify the config file a couple of times. Here is my latest attempt:

Extension Name="CSV" Type="Microsoft.ReportingServices.Rendering.DataRenderer.CsvReport,Microsoft.ReportingServices.DataRendering">
     <Name Language="en-US">CSV (comma delimited)</Name>
   <Extension Name="CSV" Type="Microsoft.ReportingServices.Rendering.DataRenderer.CsvReport,Microsoft.ReportingServices.DataRendering">
     <Name Language="en-US">Excel (csv)</Name>

Essentially I have set Visible = "false" for the Excel type, and tried to duplicate the CSV, changing the name to make it look to the user like it is "Excel". This fails. I checked the event viewer, and I see two entries.. The RSReportServer.config file has been modified. (Information)The value for UrlRoot in RSReportServer.config is not valid. The default value will be used instead.I literally took the file, opened it in Notepad, pasted in my changes, from another notepad window, and tried to run the report. I did not see EITHER of the two names I expected, using the OverrideNames tag. As I said earlier, I was able to affect the outcome, by setting SimpleHeaders to true (or however it is identified). That did work in that the page header and footer was removed.

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Reporting Services :: SSRS Report Export In Excel To 2 Pages Where Have 2 Tables In Report

Sep 21, 2015

I have a ssrs report having 2 tables in with 4 columns in each. When I go to export option in preview I can see all data coming in one excel sheet, But I am trying to get 2 tables in 2 different pages in Excel when I export.First page of excel comes with first table data with 4 columns and second page of excel comes with second table data with 4 columns .

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Reporting Services :: How To Change Parameter Visibility When Accessing Report From Report Manager

Apr 16, 2015

I am working on reports in SSRS 2008 (not R2)... There are some reports with parameters that are hidden when the report is accessed through normal URL using ReportViewer.asx..The thing is that these hidden parameters need to be visible when the report is accessed using SSRS Report Manager.

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Passing Report Parameters To An SSRS 2005 Report Hosted In Sharepoint 2007

Nov 18, 2007

Here is a situation in my company:

We have an Office SharePoint 2007 site, we developed a couple of web parts and added them to our site. We used SQL Server Reporting services 2005 as our reporting solution. The reports are hosted on the report center and when we need a report, we open it by sending a URL requesting the report, passing the report parameters in the URL query string. So the report is filtered based on the parameters passed from the web parts.

But since best practices say that you should host reports directly under SharePoint, by configuring the reporting services to run in the SharePoint integrated mode. We followed the steps and installed SharePointRS and we finally succeeded to publish the reports to a SharePoint folder, but we had a limitation: we are unable to pass the report parameters internally to the report hosted in SharePoint. If we passed them in the query string as the report center case, SharePoint neglects them totally.
So the question is: how can I pass parameters internally between a SharePoint web part and a SQL server 2005 reporting services report hosted in SharePoint?

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Possiblity / Instructions On How To Install Report Builder Locally Without Hitting Report Server

Feb 16, 2007

We have a remote business client who has a proxy server setup and this translates into receiving a 407 proxy authentication blocking error when attempting to download the report builder application for deployment off the report server which is housed locally with us. The proxy server does not allow them to download application type files off another site. At the moment, they would not like to disable the proxy for these users to allow them to deploy the application on their client or add the report server as a trusted site. Is there a method by which Report Builder can be locally installed on the client pc instead of online only with it knowing the correct report server to access and then still launch correctly when the report builder button is pressed through report manager?

I am not a web application guru by any means and we have tried to replicate the oneclick deployment and what occurs in the local settings/apps/2.0 subdirectories, but the application still attempts to download/install again. If we attempt to just launch the local executable on the client, report builder assumes the client pc (localhost) is the report server to access. Is there a method which will succeed?

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SoapException While Rendering Report Through WebService - Error During Processing Of ‘ReportParameterTime’ Report Parameter

May 5, 2008

I am extracting RS reports through a WebService:
report = execService.Render("EXCEL", null, out extension, out mimeType, out encoding, out warnings, out streamIds);

Some works fine but some are generating the following SoapException:

Error during processing of €˜ReportParameterTime€™ report parameter. ---> Error during processing of €˜ReportParameterTime€™ report parameter. ---> Error during processing of €˜ReportParameterTime€™ report parameter.
I set required parameters to their default values. In this specific report I have two required parameters:
1: ReportParameterTime, String
2: ReportParameter1, String

I set them to their default values (ReportParameterTime to "[Czas].[Kalendarzowy].[Rok].&[2007]" - means
Time Calendar Year 2007) but I am getting the exception above. I set parameters using this code:

execService.SetExecutionParameters(parameterValues.ToArray(), CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.Name);

Where parameterValues is a List<ReportExecution2005.ParameterValue>.

When I am using Microsoft.Reporting.WinForms.ReportViewer the report is generated without
any problems. I can see one parameter to choose: "Kalendarzowy" (means adj. Calendar) and can
select years, the default value is "2007".

What am I doing wrong and how can I fix this error ? Does anybody know ?


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Reporting Services :: SSRS / How To Print A Report Without Bringing Up The Rendered Report

Jun 29, 2015

I'm wondering how to print a SSRS report without bringing up a report viewer. Is there way to print(PDF format) the SSRS report in the web application( .net )  directly from the "print" button without bringing up a report viewer?

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Custom Security Extension - Report Manager And Report Server On Different Machines

Sep 19, 2007


I'm trying to deploy Reporting Services on an Internet-facing web server using a custom security extension (forms authentication). We will be putting Report Manager on the Web Server outside of the firewall, and Report Server on another machine inside the firewall. When testing the solution in a development environment with Report Manager and Report Server on the same box, the solution works fine.

When testing it using the Internet-facing environment described above, it almost works but there seems to be an issue with the authentication cookie that is generated. Here's what happens:

1. User enters credentials on UILogon.aspx and submits form.
2. In the code-behind, LogonUser() is called through a web service proxy and the authentication cookie is returned successfully. The code used here to set the cookie is the same code used in the Forms Authentication sample that ships with RS2005.
3. The user is redirected to Folder.aspx, and the request hangs for a while, and eventually kicks you back out to UILogon.aspx, as if it lost the authentication cookie. When doing a trace on the HTTP header, the cookie is still there.

Is there anything special I need to do to make the Report Server "see" the cookie when I have Report Manager and Report Server on different machines?

Any help would be much appreciated!


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Unable To Launch Report Builder From Report Manager( But Works From Localhost !!!)

Jul 17, 2007


I am unable to launch report builder from the report manager from a client machine. But I am able to launch from the localhost.

Even I am able to launch report builder by clicking reportbuilder.exe on the local machine.

Please help !!

OS - Windows XP professional

SQL Reporting Services 2005.

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Installing Report Service In Window XP - Report Builder And Other Option Are Not Displaying

Dec 15, 2006


I have installed SQL Server Reporting Service on window xp. everything working fine except one thing.

I have installed sql server with my a/c. my a/c have admin rights. when i giving http://dineshpatel/reports it is displaying page but Report Builder and other option are not displaying. I hope i don't have admin rights.

I have checked with local administrator login also but same problem.

what additional setting are require for admin rights?

Dinesh Patel

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Custom Assembly Behaves Differently In The Report Designer And Report Manager

Mar 18, 2008

Hello everyone,

I created a custom assembly using C# to transform some binary data into text, and in this assembly I used one win32 dll developed by our customer to help me to do the tranformation.
The code I used to call the win32 dll is like below:
[DllImport("tdasuie.dll", EntryPoint = "AlrtLogConditionToText",
ExactSpelling = false, CharSet = CharSet.Auto, SetLastError = true)]
private static extern UInt32 AlrtLogConditionToText(Byte[] pbCondition, StringBuilder pszText, UInt32 dwSize);

I defined a C# method to call the above win32 method and return a string. Then in the report, I called this C# method to get the correct string.

In the report designer, the C# method in the custom assembly can return the correct string in the preview window. But after I deployed the report into the report server, the textbox will only display "#error" in the report manager web page.

Can anybody help me on it? Thanks a lot.


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Reporting Services :: Row Group Totals On A Drill Down Report Builder Report

Oct 28, 2015

I have a report builder drill down report. I have row groups with totals.    It looks like the attached.   The problem is when the report is not expanded the Grand Totals column is not accurate... it is displaying the totals of one of the rows when expanded.The expression in the Total Show text box is

= Switch (                                                                      
                                         Sum(IIF(Fields!status.Value = "CO", CDbl(Fields!TX_CO.Value),           Nothing)),
  MID(Fields!protocol_id.Value,1,7) = "GENERAL" and                                                  MID(Fields!program_id.Value,1,6)
= "INTAKE",                                                        Sum(IIF(Fields!status.Value = "CO",


Is there any way to not display the expression in the Total columns unless the report is expanded?

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Failing To Deploy Report With Report Manager Wizard In Visual Studio BI !

Jul 16, 2007

I am getting the following error when I attempt to deploy my test report.

"Failed to Deploy Report, The user 'XXX/IUSR_XXX' has insufficient rights to perform this action."

Has anyone gotten this error before, I have tried every permission option I could with the IUSR account by adding it to each folder etc ...and still get no resolve. Anyone have a fix for this bug ?

Responses are much appreciated!!

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