It's Really A Strange World Over In....

Jul 16, 2007

...the Access many bad practices

Like this one

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Hello World: SQL Server + ASP.NET

Mar 15, 2006

Hi everybody,
This is propably very silly question...
I've used SQL Server for sometime now, but always through tools supplied by my hosts (my Little Admin, SQL Server Web Admin).
I always wanted to try running the real thing, so I've installed SQL Server 2K developer edition on my machine. I also have IIS and .NET framework running.
What would be the next step to see those 3 components in action? I have noticed Northwind database in the Enterprise Manager. How do I make the connection?
I have the SQL Server Service Manager running fine, but when I open Query Analyzer it comes up with the window "Connect to SQL Server" and this little dropdown, where you can choose the server is actually empty. What do I do?
Thank you all for your pointers.

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DB Web Access From Around The World

Mar 29, 2004

Here's a nice little scenario:

Say you have users who would be accessing a SQL Server database over the web from around the world (mainly the US, Japan, and UK), and you wanted to make the access as fast as possible.

Say also you have a couple of million dollars for hardware and software.

What architectures would you build?



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World Week

Apr 13, 2008

Hi, I have a table ABC. It has 2 columns, A and B. At column A i have 3 rows, Week,Goal,Used. Let say for column B at row Week is WW15 now, after 7 days i want the row to be updated to WW16. How do i do that? Advice please.

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Hello World: SQL Server + ASP.NET

Mar 15, 2006

Hi everybody,

This is propably very silly question...

I've used SQL Server for sometime now, but always through tools supplied by my hosts (my Little Admin, SQL Server Web Admin).

I always wanted to try running the real thing, so I've installed SQL Server 2K developer edition on my machine. I also have IIS and .NET framework running.

What would be the next step to see those 3 components in action? I have noticed Northwind database in the Enterprise Manager. How do I make the connection?

I have the SQL Server Service Manager running fine, but when I open Query Analyzer it comes up with the window "Connect to SQL Server" and this little dropdown, where you can choose the server is actually empty. What do I do?

Thank you all for your pointers.

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Hello Model World?

Dec 18, 2007

I want to get hole through to Analysis Services 2005
from MS SQL Server 2005 with openquery,
so I created linked server (MSOLAP).
How to test that I can access an "database" on Analysis Services Server?

Something like select * from openquery(linked_olap, getdate())
or openquery(linked_olap, 'print hello world')
or openquery(linked_olap, select results from dataminingmodelCreatedWithVstudio)

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Handling World Time With SQL And ASP.NET

Mar 24, 2004


I would like to capture date time in my SQL during a certain operation. This piece of data will be displayed to an ASP.NET page.

When displaying the date time, I want it converted to the local time zone equivalent as set in the user's operating system.

What setup do I need on the SQL and the coding in the ASP.NET page?


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In The World Of J2EE, What Are JSF Component That

Aug 7, 2005

In the world of J2EE, What are JSF component that maps to
the .Net list components?

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Stored Procedures: How In The World Do I Use These Things?

Apr 11, 2008

I was told I can use them with SQLDataSources, but I have no clue how to do it.
I believe I have managed to set up the querry in the datasource correctly, but what do I need to do to actually use it in my VB code?
Any help is appreciated, and any tutorials you've found to be usefull on the subject are sure to help.

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SSRS Report With Geographic World Map

Jan 3, 2014

I am creating a SSRS report with geographic world map. I am able to to download few shape files and use them.

However, the maps which i have downloaded misses few locations (for e.g. South Sudan which was formed few years back).

Where can i find the latest world map shape file?

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Sycn Databases From Different Parts Of The World

Mar 28, 2008

Hi all,
New to replication
I need suggestions on how go about keeping 2 sql servers from different parts of the world to be in sync all times, some latency may be accepted.

Here is the senario,
we have website hosted in NA and customers from all parts of the world log in to oursystem and does what ever they have to do which will update the sql server databases. as our company is expanding we want to have a same website hosted in eu, so when ever a person logs from eu he will be hitting the webservers in eu and anything he do will go to the SQL database servers that are in eu. Now the problem i have is when one site goes down say NA site goes down, we need to route all the traffic to site in EU that means sql servers in EU. This brings the challenge of both the servers need to be in sync all times.

I did some research on merge replication, this might not work because in this concept we have to make 1 server as the master and the others as slaves. Also i need to think in a way that if they want to expand more that means to asia, i will be having another server, these all need to be in Sync.

We are using SQL Server 2005 standard edition.
I was reading that this can be achived easily with peer-to-peer replication,but is only available in Enterprise edition which is 4times the cost of standard edition.My company is not going to agree for this, so got to do the research and propose a solution

Any help will be greatly appreciated

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Real World: Backup Strategy And Implementation, How?

Jan 24, 2007

Real World: Backup Strategy and implementation, how?
A quote:

€œReal World:

Whether you back up to tape or disk drive, you should use the tape rotation technique. Create multiple sets, and then write to these sets on a rotating basis. With a disk drive, for example, you could create these back files on different network drives and use them as follows:

//servername/data1drive/backups/AWorks_Set1.bak. Used in week 1, 3, 5 and so on for full and differential backups.
//servername/data2drive/backups/AWorks_Set2.bak. Used in week 2, 4, 6 and so on for full and differential backups.
//servername/data3drive/backups/AWorks_Set3.bak. Used in the first week of the month for full and differential backups.
//servername/data4drive/backups/AWorks_Set4.bak. Used in the first week of the quarter for full and differential backups.

Do not forget that each time you start a new rotation on a tape set, you should overwrite the existing media. For example, you would append all backups in week 1. Then, when starting the next rotation in week 3, you would overwrite the existing media for the first backup and then append the remaining backups for the week.€?

I understand these concepts, however in €˜the real world€™ how do you go about implementing these jobs in SQL2K and how on earth do you schedule the tasks to overwrite, for example, week 1, when on week 3€™s rotation.

Could I have real world examples or scripts for the jobs that would carry out this task? It appears that whatever course you do, it does not fully cover the above, and I have only worked on my own and never with a DBA, so I have never seen this implemented in any environment.

I would like full details on this please, as I need to get my head around it.



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I Want Send All Kind Of Phones Arround World

Apr 29, 2007


I Want to send SMS all kind of phones arround the world,so what can i do for that pls help me...............

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Select * && Table Name Issue (Reserve World)

Aug 21, 2006

Hi All,

We are trying to read a table name Order through command line SQLcmd.
But it is giving us an error. Order is an SQl2005 reserver word and app programmer created that table who left. No we have problem to read that table through sqlcmd. any ide a how we can do that.

1> use ACCMedford
2> select * from 'Order'

3> go

Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Server ACCMedford, Line 2
Incorrect syntax near 'Order'.

1> select * from "order"
2> go

Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Server ACCMedford,, Line 2
Incorrect syntax near 'order'.

1> select * from order
2> go

Msg 156, Level 15, State 1, Server ACCMedford,, Line 1
Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'order'.

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Table Partitioning Design In Actual World

May 23, 2008

I have gone through the table partitioning in MSDN, like Designing Partitions to Manage Subsets of Data . But how to do this in actual world, since some db need to partition for 7 days, then archive these days records on the 8th day, while other prefer 14 days/monthly, and run this repetitively for many years? If this is running weekly, how can i generate the scheme and function dynamically? What if ID for row count is not viable?

Sure this will not work:

Code Snippet
CREATE PARTITION FUNCTION [TransactionRangePF1] (datetime)
AS RANGE RIGHT FOR VALUES ('10/01/2003', '10/02/2003', '10/03/2003',
'10/04/2004', '10/05/2004', '10/06/2004', '10/07/2004');

Then how to drop partition periodically?

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Security Of Viewing The Reports Manager From The Outside World

Aug 31, 2007

How do you stop anyone from the outside world from viewing the report manager?

From typing eg( and directly accessing the report manager?

Is there a security step i missed somewhere?

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MSDE Or SQL 2005 Deployment Resources - Real World Input

Feb 9, 2006

I have traditionally done web app and client server programming and am have been playing around with a new tool (Win forms) app that I eventually want to distribute to other developers and a couple of business people in our organization. I have done apps in the past that all connect to a central server for data access. The I'm working on now will have an individual DB per user and should be available locally for a desktop version of the software.

I am looking for more resources on things to consider when deploying an app with either MSDE or SQL 2005 Express. More specifically, items like long term maintenance of the db once it's installed with the user, etc. (DB bloat, transaction files, auto maintenance routines I may want to build in, etc)

I have seen all of the msdn docs on what you need to deploy (and how to do it), but I'm looking fro input from people that have deployed it and any significant pitfalls they have run into with that sort of deployment.

Any links or book references would be appreciated, thank you,

Cy Huckaba

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SSAS Data Mining: Using The Time Series Model In A Real World Scenario.

Mar 15, 2008

I probably posted my question in the wrong forum so please check here:


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Strange, Very Strange (BIDS)

Jul 19, 2006

Hi everyone,

I€™m suffering a queer behaviour when I use BIDS. Concretely, when I open a dtsx from my project (it has 10 packages) many times Sequence Container and Data Flow tasks are invisible. I mean, its lines are not visible at all whereas its titles are. I mean, what you see is just a white box€¦

Then, I€™m gonna Data Flow layer and I have to do double-clik over the tasks and are visible but on Control Flow I don€™t see how to solve.

Curiously in our development and production server such behaviour doesn€™t happen (we are accessing by mean Terminal Server from our workstations)

How odd!. Everything is fine except this.

I want to remark you that such project has been copied from the server, this is, these packages are been built on the server

Thanks for your thougts or ideas,

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Now This Is A Strange One.

Mar 6, 2007

I have a datasource where i assign the control Parameter value depending on whether theres a value in the querystring or a gridview selectedvalue is indeed selected.When i do this using a querystring it works fine, however, when i do it using gridView_selectedIndexChanged it doesn't work.Here's the code     <asp:SqlDataSource ID="jobDetailsDS" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:promanConn %>" SelectCommand="SELECT tblJobs.intJobId, tblJobs.intJobStaffId, tblJobs.intJobUserId, tblJobs.intJobCategoryId, tblJobs.strJobTitle, tblJobs.strJobDesc, tblJobs.strJobNotes, tblJobs.dateJobLogged, tblJobs.dateJobDeadline, tblJobs.dateJobCompleted, tblJobs.intJobPriorityId, tblJobs.strJobSolution, tblJobs.boolJobCompleted, tblPriority.priorityName,, tblPriority.priorityOrder, tblStaff.staffName, AS staffID, tblProblemCategoriesLookup.strProblemCatName, tblProblemCategoriesLookup.intProblemCatId, AS Expr1, tblStaff_1.staffName AS UserName FROM tblJobs INNER JOIN tblPriority ON tblJobs.intJobPriorityId = INNER JOIN tblStaff ON tblJobs.intJobStaffId = INNER JOIN tblProblemCategoriesLookup ON tblJobs.intJobCategoryId = tblProblemCategoriesLookup.intProblemCatId INNER JOIN tblStaff AS tblStaff_1 ON tblJobs.intJobUserId = WHERE (tblJobs.intJobId = @intJobId)"     InsertCommand="INSERT INTO tblJobs(intJobStaffId, intJobUserId, intJobCategoryId, strJobTitle, strJobDesc, strJobNotes, dateJobLogged, dateJobDeadline, intJobPriorityId, boolJobCompleted) VALUES (@intJobStaffId, 56 , 39, @strJobTitle, @strJobDesc, @strJobNotes,{ fn NOW() }, { fn NOW() }, @intJobPriorityId, 0); ">                <SelectParameters>            <asp:Parameter Name="intJobId" Type="int32" />        </SelectParameters>        <InsertParameters>            <asp:Parameter Name="intJobStaffId" Type="Int32" />            <asp:Parameter Name="strJobTitle" Type="String" />            <asp:Parameter Name="strJobDesc" Type="String" />            <asp:Parameter Name="strJobNotes" Type="String" />            <asp:Parameter Name="intJobPriorityId" Type="Int32" />            <asp:Parameter Name="intJobUserId" Type="Int32" />        </InsertParameters>    </asp:SqlDataSource>Code Behind             ElseIf dest > 0 Then            jobDetailsDS.SelectParameters.Item("intJobId").DefaultValue = Request.QueryString("dest")            notesDS.SelectParameters.Item("intJobId").DefaultValue = Request.QueryString("dest")            notesDS.InsertParameters.Item("intJobId").DefaultValue = Request.QueryString("dest")            gvActiveJobs.Visible = "False"        End If    End Sub    Protected Sub gvActiveJobs_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles gvActiveJobs.SelectedIndexChanged        gvActiveJobs.Visible = "False"        jobDetailsDS.SelectParameters.Item("intJobId").DefaultValue = gvActiveJobs.SelectedValue        notesDS.SelectParameters.Item("intJobId").DefaultValue = gvActiveJobs.SelectedValue        notesDS.InsertParameters.Item("intJobId").DefaultValue = gvActiveJobs.SelectedValue    End Sub I also debugged and checked the value of gvActiveJobs.SelectedValue and it is what i was expecting but its still no good.Can anyone help?ThanksMatt 

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Very Strange

Nov 19, 2001

I moved a table from one file group to another file group. After moving the table the row count show 0 but when I open the table it’s returning all the rows. Is something wrong with the table? Do I have created a cluster index and drop on the table?

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Strange Fix

Aug 2, 2006

I have table in my db thats used as a temporary table. At the end of the day it contains thousands of records which get summarized then all are deleted. I recently moved the application over to a new server with pretty much the same hardware config and noticed a big performance hit when running queries on this temp table (455 milliseconds as opposed to 1) In short, the fix was dropping the table and re-creating it.
Anybody know how this could be? I know that even if you delete records from a table, the table still seems to retain its physical size on the hard drive, could this have something to do with it?


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May 4, 2004

CREATE TABLE #users(users varchar(50),pasw varchar(50),title varchar(50))
insert into #users select 'test','abcdef','ceo'
SELECT * FROM #users
alter table #users alter column pasw nvarchar(50)
update #users set pasw=pwdencrypt(pasw)
SELECT * FROM #users

What happens to the TITLE column?
I had a table like the above with users and passwords in the Production DB. The password column had VARCHAR type. I changed it to NVARCHAR and encrypted the passwords. When i executed the SELECT *, the title column appeared like this. :eek:
If i query the table by column names instead of * i see the correct values. I couldn't understand what behaviour is it.


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May 22, 2008

Hi Experts,
Am able to restart my local sql server using a login which dont have a sysadmin privileage.This login only have access to a particular database .Its only having datareader and datawriter as DB roles but still am able to restart the server.Please help



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Strange Error

Aug 3, 2006

I am using c# and ASP.NET 2 and I am getting a very strange error. I
have a field called CompanyID in SQL Server 2005, and it allows null
values in it. When this CompanyID is not NULL, ie for example it is
202, then when i press the update button it allows me to update
perfectly in the database. However if the CompanyID is NULL,
and I try to update the companyID, to lets say 202, the application
just crashes with the following message:- System.InvalidCastException: Object cannot be cast from DBNull to other types. I tried to set some breakpoints in the application to debug, however it does not even pass through these breakpoints! Any ideas on what the problem can be or how I can debug? Thanks for your help and time Johann

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Strange Behaviour

Oct 3, 2006

This is the actual statement displayed from Response.Write in classic ASP. INSERT INTO WOTasks (WoNum,TaskNum,TaskDesc,TaskMemo,Account,ModifyDate,Estimate,TaskHours,Unit,UnitCost,TotalCost) SELECT '06-012497',TaskNum,TaskDesc,TaskMemo,Account,'2006-Oct-3',1,TaskHours,Unit,UnitCost,TotalCost FROM Tasks WHERE procnum = '000002' There are 4 records returned from the SELECT part of the statement. In some situations, 4 records are inserted to WOTasks table, in others, only 1 record is inserted. I can't find out why 1 record, instead of 4, record is inserted. A form page submits the form to the save page using post method. The above statement is contained in the save page. When one of the form textbox is filled, 1 record is inserted. When the textbox is not filled, 4 records are inserted. You may think the textbox has something to do with the behaviour. I also think so but the content of the textbox does not affect the sql statement. In both cases, the insert statement is the same. In the actual codes, only strings in quotes are variables and the rest are hardcoded. When I run the statement in SQL Server, 4 records are affected. No such problem when connected with Access.The actual code belowSub AddTask(ByVal proc, ByVal wonum)   Dim sSQL   sSQL = "INSERT INTO WOTasks (WoNum,TaskNum,TaskDesc,TaskMemo,Account,ModifyDate,Estimate,TaskHours,Unit,UnitCost,TotalCost) SELECT '" & wonum & _          "',TaskNum,TaskDesc,TaskMemo,Account,'" & curDate & "',1,TaskHours,Unit,UnitCost,TotalCost FROM Tasks WHERE procnum='" & proc & "'" 'Response.Write sSQL:Response.End   conn.Execute sSQL, , 128 End Sub

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Strange SQL Issue

Jan 20, 2008

Hi there I have this statement I have written as follows:strCommand = "SELECT * FROM tblstock WHERE Type='"&Statement &"' AND Description like'"&criteria &"%' OR Tag like'"&criteria &"%'OR Location like'"&criteria &"%' OR LAN like'"&criteria &"%' OR RAM like'"&criteria &"%' OR CD like'"&criteria &"%' OR OS like '" &criteria &"%' OR SN like'" &criteria &"%' OR DeviceStatus like'" &criteria &"%' ORDER BY " &sSortStr     The variable "Statement" is passed into the sub as "PC"  which means only records of type "PC" should be displayed along with any other criteria.  The issue I'm having is that when I specify criteria I'm also recieving other types eg "Cameras" if they contain any of my criteria..  I can't understand how because in the statement I tell it only to display records of type "PC".. Anybody know what I'm doing wrong? Thanks 

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Strange Behavior

Feb 1, 2008

 I've done a new tabel that insert the UserId that in a uniqueidentifier get from Membership.GetUser().ProviderUserKeySo if I want to make a select statement threw storedprocedure in codebehind it runs as it shouldCode behindDim GetCustomersCars As CustomerCarByUserId = New CustomerCarByUserId MyCars.DataSource = GetCustomersCars.CarByUserId(Membership.GetUser().ProviderUserKey)MyCars.DataBind() But in when I use ObjectDataSource it fails<asp:ObjectDataSource id="ObjectDataSource1" runat="server" selectmethod="CarByUserId"                            typename="CustomerCarByUserId">                            <SelectParameters>                                <asp:Parameter defaultvalue="Membership.GetUser().ProviderUserKey" name="UserId" type="Object" />                            </SelectParameters>                        </asp:ObjectDataSource>I've tried with Membership.GetUser().ProviderUserKey.ToString(), but that doesnt work. Error message:InvalidCastExceptionI connect to the same source in both cases.Any one with an Idee ?

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A Strange Error Here...

May 13, 2008

So we currently are running a SQL 7 Server, which hopefully we will be updating this year but untill then we're stuck.  I've got a web app using ASP.NET 2.0 and on occasion I get this error:
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server. When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections. (provider: TCP Provider, error: 0 - Only one usage of each socket address (protocol/network address/port) is normally permitted.) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlInternalConnection.OnError(SqlException exception, Boolean breakConnection) at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.ThrowExceptionAndWarning(TdsParserStateObject stateObj) at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.Connect(Boolean& useFailoverPartner, Boolean& failoverDemandDone, String host, String failoverPartner, String protocol, SqlInternalConnectionTds connHandler, Int64 timerExpire, Boolean encrypt, Boolean trustServerCert, Boolean integratedSecurity, SqlConnection owningObject, Boolean aliasLookup) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlInternalConnectionTds.OpenLoginEnlist(SqlConnection owningObject, SqlConnectionString connectionOptions, String newPassword, Boolean redirectedUserInstance) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlInternalConnectionTds..ctor(DbConnectionPoolIdentity identity, SqlConnectionString connectionOptions, Object providerInfo, String newPassword, SqlConnection owningObject, Boolean redirectedUserInstance) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnectionFactory.CreateConnection(DbConnectionOptions options, Object poolGroupProviderInfo, DbConnectionPool pool, DbConnection owningConnection) at System.Data.ProviderBase.DbConnectionFactory.CreatePooledConnection(DbConnection owningConnection, DbConnectionPool pool, DbConnectionOptions options) at System.Data.ProviderBase.DbConnectionPool.CreateObject(DbConnection owningObject) at System.Data.ProviderBase.DbConnectionPool.UserCreateRequest(DbConnection owningObject) at System.Data.ProviderBase.DbConnectionPool.GetConnection(DbConnection owningObject) at System.Data.ProviderBase.DbConnectionFactory.GetConnection(DbConnection owningConnection) at System.Data.ProviderBase.DbConnectionClosed.OpenConnection(DbConnection outerConnection, DbConnectionFactory connectionFactory) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.Open()

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Very Strange Error Can Anyone Help With .

Mar 25, 2004

I Some sql that it keeps throwing the following error

SqlDumpExceptionHandler: Process 52 generated fatal exception c0000005 EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION. SQL Server is terminating this process.

Here is the sql

UPDATE dbo.temptable
SET code = 'MM'
FROM dbo.temptable T
ON T.ProductID = P.ProductID
JOIN dbo.carmakes CM WITH (NOLOCK) ON CM.MakeID = C.MakeID
JOIN dbo.CarDealerMakes CDM WITH (NOLOCK)

SELECT distinct A.ProductID
JOIN dbo.ActionPurchases AP WITH (NOLOCK)
ON A.ActionID = AP.ActionID
WHERE A.CustomerID = 2


SELECT distinct A.ProductID
JOIN dbo.ActionServices S WITH (NOLOCK)
ON A.ActionID = S.ActionID
WHERE 2 = A.ProductID)

That sql will run on windows 2000 but it will not run on windows 2003.
I have the latest service pack.

Has anyone ever come across this before or have and suggestions ?

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Strange In Query

Jul 9, 2005

I have a query as follow:
SELECT @resRate = (SELECT resRate FROM ProjectAssign WHERE proNo =                                                             (SELECT projNo FROM Timer_Cust WHERE refNum = @actProjNo  AND                                                                        username= (SELECT username FROM Timer_Emp WHERE refNum = @actEmployee)                                                             )                                        )
 the definition of table Timer_cust contains refNum(int),  projNo(varchar) and projName(varchar).Timer_cust table doesn't contain column username. So  this query shoud generate a runtime error. however it works fine without error.But if I run                      SELECT projNo FROM Timer_Cust WHERE refNum = @actProjNo  AND                                                                        username= (SELECT username FROM Timer_Emp WHERE refNum = @actEmployee)A runtime error message appears.Why?

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Strange Indexes

Aug 13, 2001

Can any one tell me why sp_helpindex shows several indexes though there is only one index on the table. When i use Enterprise manager it shows only one index..Any it a bug I need to apply latest service pack ?

Here is the output shows


First one is actual index that I created, remaining

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Strange!any Explanations????

Jul 31, 2000

i have four separate jobs which run at scheduled time daily..out of which one job has run properly and the other three have not run at all(there is no details of it in "View job history")for only one day in between..again from the next day all the four jobs are running properly.what could be the reason for the three jobs not running on a particular day?(The jobs were scheduled between 3 and 4am in the nobody would be using the system at that time and the system was definitely up at that time as that one job has run)
i could afford to have such strange behaviour in future as the jobs are important and should run daily.any ideas by which i could make sure all four jobs run daily?

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