Iterate Through A Resultset In C# Without Cursors

Mar 24, 2008


Here is a part of my proc :

Code Snippet
@param1 INT
@param2 INT

-- how to affect a variable to this resultset in order to iterate and get fields ?
SELECT field FROM table

In this proc, I would like to iterate through the resultset without using cursors, but I have no idea of the way to achieve it (I'm a very beginner in T/SQL)

And, in the case I would like to read this resultset through C# code, how can I return this resulset in my C# code in order to read it ?

Very sorry for these beginner questions

Thanks in advance

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Reporting Services :: SSRS Report Does Not Display Resultset Through Dataset Returns Resultset

Oct 10, 2012

I am creating a simple SSRS table report through Report Builder. My dataset is looking for the stored procedure . When I execute the Stored procedure through SSMS I get resutset for certain parameters. I execute the dataset  (Store procedure) through query designer in dataset properties and I get results back. But when I try to run the report and see the preview, I do not get any results displayed. I been looking on the same issue form last 3-4 days and have not found any clue.

Following is the stored procedure I am using. Also I am passing multivalued parameter through report as well, and I am using spilt function to seperate the libraryid I am reading from parameter values. This works fine. I have similar kind of four other reports and with different stored procedure which exactly follow the same method , like multivalue parameters and other criteria are also very similar. All other reports works just fine.. This perticular report has issue for displying results, following is the stored procedure I am using 



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Iterate Through Dates

Dec 16, 2003


although I don't consider myself a newbie in SQL, I find working with the date functions rather confusing.

I have this (very) simpel statement:
Select count(*) from Invoices inv Where Date = '12/16/2003'

Which gives me the amount of invoices on this (exact) date. Is it possible to iterate between dates? I give a start- and enddate and it fetches the data for all the date in between
startdate 01/11/2003
stopdate 15/12/2003

Date #invoices
01/11/2003 9
02/11/2003 5
03/11/2003 11
14/12/2003 23
15/12/2003 21

All help appreciated.

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Iterate Through A Table To Use With WHERE?

Oct 23, 2012

If I have a table that has a list of IDs, how can I run a query that has a WHERE clause that can iterate through the first table?

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Iterate Through A View?

Feb 20, 2004

Hello everybody,

obviously, I'm a newbie, so please forgive me for using the wrong terms accidently.

I have created a view that looks like this:


ID is a bigint, Disc & Cut ar varchars

As you can see, the ID is not the primary key.
Still, what I need is only the record of the first occurance of each ID,
like this:


Is there a way that I can iterate through the view and compare one record to
the previous or next?
(I didn't find anything in the Microsoft Library yet...)



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Iterate A Variable

Feb 27, 2007

Hi Guys,

I need to design this SSIS migration package to migrate data.

In a Execute SQL Task, I need to get a full result set and assign it to an variable, such as v_collection;

The SQL statement can be as simple as : select primary_key from a_table;

After that I have a ForEach Loop container, that consumes the variable, and assign each iteration to another variable, such as v_iter, the type of v_iter is DT_I4, because the primary key is a long integer

The problem is: in Oracle, the primary key is NUMERIC(10,0) and in SQL it is int.

I can not assign a NUMERIC(10,0) to an variable of DT_I4, but if I change the variable definition to DT_NUMERIC, then it would not work for SQL.

Anyone knows how to fix this?

I was thinking to add a Script Task between the Execute SQL Task and the Foreach Loop, and somehow access the collection variable, v_collection, and manually convert the value to a DT_IT, then repopulate another collection variable, v_collection_I4 with Integers, and force the Foreach Loop to use v_collection_I4 collection variable.

Will this work? If yes, how? :)

Thanks a lot!


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Buy A Clue As To How To Iterate Sideways

Sep 14, 2007

i am having a hard time with two kinds of text files that have kind of 'repeating groups' in them...i want to loop it, but dont know how.
one is a text file with a record length of 1200 bytes, but all 95601records are all on one row with no lf, cr or anything else between them, so i cannot feature how to get the forEach container to chop of a Right of claimchunk of 1200 bytes at a time, then go get the next 1200 bytes, because the items aren't stacked, they are adjacent to each other, if you see what i mean.
the other text file has a record lenght of 52 bytes with 28 bytes filler, but this file also goes 'down and across', meaning that here, there are fourteen 'rows' in the file, and they have thousands of lines too, so this one also has to consume all the columns on the row before it moves to the next row.
am i making this harder than it needs to be?
thanks for any light

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SQL XML :: Iterate And Modify XML File

Sep 15, 2015

I've a problem with this XML file shown below.


[Code] ...

In particular i want to replace the value of all <let_tot_prel> tags, but i can't manage to do what i want. 

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How To Iterate Through Table Variable Without Using Cursor

Aug 14, 2007

I need a small help. In my stored procedure, i create a table variable and fill it with records based on my query. The ID field within the table is not continous and can have any value in increasing order .e.g. The ID sequence may be like 20, 33, 34, 59, 78, 79... I want to iterate through each record within the table but without using a Cursor. I want to use a loop for this purpose. There are many articles pointing out how to iterate through records in a table variable but that requires the IDs to be continous which is not possible in my case. Can anyone help me solve this problem...
Any help is appreciated...

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Transact SQL :: Iterate Through Values In Column?

Jun 28, 2015

The following stored procedure works well as far as it goes but I need to amend it.

    @AE decimal (18,2) outputAS

-- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from

-- interfering with SELECT statements.


-- Insert statements for procedure here

declare@odds decimal (18,2)
(SELECT @odds= sum
(1/ (RacingMaster.RM_SP) )
FROM RacingMaster
where RM_Draw='1')

[Code] .....

The column RM_Draw holds integer values from 1 through to 20. provide a way so that when the procedure has produced a result based on RM_Draw='1'' it will produce a separate result for RM_Draw=2 and so all the way to 20 so that the resultant figures can be outputted to my app.

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Iterate Through All Excel Files And All Their Sheets

Jun 4, 2007


i need to transfer (migrate ) the data from xl sheet to sqlserver but actually the thing is if the source excel file has different sheets, in each sheet i have the data

and i need to move the entire data( all the data that is present in all sheets of the excel file) to a single table into sql server

like wise i have many xl files ( which have many sheets ) .

for eg:

excel file 1:

-> sheet 1

-> sheet 2

-> sheet 3

excel file 2:

-> sheet 1

-> sheet 2

-> sheet 3

excel file 3:

-> sheet 1

-> sheet 2

-> sheet 3

now i need to get the data from all of the files and i need to insert into a single table ( sql server) in ssis package

so plz help me by giving the solution asap.


B L Rao

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How To Iterate Thru Tables? Jamie Thomson...?

Nov 13, 2006

How does one setup a SSIS package to iterate through all (or selected) tables in a database. The reason is to update an internal database nightly using an approach similar to how Jamie Thomson stated in the below article.

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Iterate Result Set Inside Stored Procedure

Oct 26, 2007

Hello, I have a situation that I query a table and return multiple rows (email addresses). I want to iterate through the rows and concatenate all email addresses into one string (will be passing this to another stored procedure to send mail).  How can I process result rows inside a stored procedure? This is what I have so far: CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[lm_emailComment_OnInsert] @serviceDetailID int,@comment varchar(500),@commentDate DateTime,@commentAuthor varchar(100)ASBEGINDECLARE @serviceID intDECLARE @p_recipients varchar(8000)DECLARE @p_message varchar(8000)DECLARE @p_subject varchar(100)/* Grab the Service_id from underlying Service_Detail_id*/SELECT @serviceID = Service_id FROM lm_Service_Detail WHERE Service_Detail_id = @serviceDetailID/* Get email addresses of Service Responsible Parties */
SELECT DISTINCT dbo.lm_Responsible_Party.EmailFROM dbo.lm_Service_Detail INNER JOIN
dbo.lm_Service_Filing_Type ON dbo.lm_Service_Detail.Service_id = dbo.lm_Service_Filing_Type.Service_id INNER JOIN
dbo.lm_Responsible_Party_Filing_Type ON dbo.lm_Service_Filing_Type.Filing_Type_id = dbo.lm_Responsible_Party_Filing_Type.Filing_Type_id INNER JOIN
dbo.lm_Responsible_Party ON dbo.lm_Responsible_Party_Filing_Type.Party_id = dbo.lm_Responsible_Party.Party_idWHERE (dbo.lm_Service_Detail.Service_Detail_id = @serviceDetailID)/* Build message */
SET @p_subject = "KLM - Service ID: " + CAST(@serviceID AS varchar(4))SET @p_recipients = "" /*need string of addresses*/

SET @p_message = @p_message + "Service Detail ID: " + CAST(@serviceDetailID AS varchar(4)) + char(13)SET @p_message = @p_message + "Comment Date: " + CAST(@commentDate As varchar(25)) + char(13)SET @p_message = @p_message + "Comment Author: " + @commentAuthor + char(13)SET @p_message = @p_message + "Comment: " + @comment + char(13)PRINT "subject: " + @p_subject + char(13)PRINT "recip: " + @p_recipients + char(13)PRINT "msg: " + @p_message + char(13)/*Send the email*/
Execute master..xp_sendmail @recipients = @p_recipients, @message = @p_message, @subject = @p_subject END

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Iterate Field In Table And Create A View

Jul 14, 2015

I have a table that houses fully qualified table names, roughly 15. How can I iterate that table and create a view ? For example, something like this

Create Table tocreateviewfrom (dbname varchar(100))
Insert Into tocreateviewfrom Values (foxfire.dbo.abcd), (foxfire.dbo.abcde), (foxfire.dbo.abcdf), (foxfire.dbo.abcdg), (foxfire.dbo.abcde), (foxfire.dbo.abcdl)

--Then somehow iterate each value in the field dbname to create a view something like
Create View viewcreatedfromtable As
Select * from foxfire.dbo.abcd
Union All
Select * from foxfire.dbo.abcde

[Code] ....

I tried this, but it is only printing the last result returned not the entire result set

Declare @database varchar(max), @sql varchar(max)
Declare c1 Cursor For
Select Program
from tocreateviewfrom
Open c1

[Code] .....

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SQL Server 2008 :: Iterate Through Database Tables?

Mar 18, 2015

MS SQL 2008.I want to execute a delete query on certain tables in my database to delete some rows in the tables.The tables selected has a certain name pattern (the name ends with "Temp").

So I can do this to get a list of the table names

FROM sys.Tables where
name like '%Temp'

Now I want to check each table to see if it has a column with the name "DateStamp" and then execute a delete query as follows:

delete form TableName where
DateStamp is < '2010-01-01'

In other words I need to iterate through the tables names, How to do this?

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Foreach Loop Container Does Not Iterate Automatically

Sep 19, 2007


Another classic example of something silly I must be doing

I have a "Foreach Loop Container" which uses a "Foreach ADO Enumerator".
The object source is a recordset variable.

Inside the "Foreach Loop Container", a lot of things are happening - some Execute SQL Tasks, Send Mail Tasks, Script Tasks and also a couple of Sequence Containers.

Now, I am getting 2 records in the recordset, but, the "Foreach Loop Container" executes just once.

Any Ideas?

Thanks in advance.

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SQL XML :: How To Iterate Through Repeating Identical Child Nodes

Sep 16, 2015

I am working with a pretty complicated medical XML document and I am trying to query out lab information. The problem I am having is that there are many repeating child nodes and I can’t seem to get all the info I need without creating a bunch of columns. Here is a snippet of the XML; In attempting to shorten it up I may have left some elements unclosed but I hope not create table

#xml(ccd xml)
insert into #xml
Values ('<ClinicalDocument xmlns="urn:hl7-org:v3">
<templateId root="2.16.840.1.113883." />

[Code] ...

I can grab all the lab names alright but I am tiring to also grab the lab components as well. A lab could have just one component or it could have a dozen and I will never know ahead of time how many there are.

The following query works ok but would like to be able to grab all the components for a given lab in one column instead of making several columns incrementing the singleton each time. Is there a way that I can iterate through without creating a bunch of columns?


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Parameters!Blah.Label(0) - How To Iterate Through Array

Nov 27, 2007

I have a multi select param that I display on the title of the report using something like so:

The problem is when a user selects more than one value it does not get displayed on the title. Addding Parameters!Division.Label(0) + Parameters!Division.Label(1) + Parameters!Division.Label(2) doesn't returns an error if user only selects 1 or 2 values because Parameters!Division.Label(2) is empty.

Is there a way to iterate through or do error checking on the array so that I can dynamically populate the title with the values selected by the user.

Any help would me much appreciated.

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Iterate Thru A Dataset To Generate Multiple Charts

Jan 17, 2008

Hi, has anyone been able to implement something like this?

I have two data sets
1) List of all stores
2) Table containing the following fields: store, sales as of end of quarter, quarter end date

I am creating a graph that would track the trend of sales quarter per quarter for each store and would need to have an individual graph for each.

Is there a way to dynamically do this rather than creating an individual recordset for each store?


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SQL Server 2008 :: Iterate Query Using A Loop As Many As 5 Times Max?

Mar 20, 2015

If exists (select fieldID from #tmploginfo where status <> 0
group by fieldID
having count(*) > 0)
backup log rdb to disk = N'C:

I want to iterate this query using a loop as many as 5 times max.

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Transact SQL :: Iterate Through Table Rows And Do Conditional Update

Aug 11, 2015

I have a table with the following fields:

ID (int, identity)
Name (nvarchar(255))
Block (nvarchar(50))
Street (nvarchar(255))
Floor (nvarchar(50))
Unit (nvarchar(50))
Address1 (nvarchar(255))
Address2 (nvarchar(255))

I want to iterate through the table and populate Address1 as [Block] [Street] #[Floor]-[Unit].If the 'Floor' field contain a number < 10 (e.g., '8'), I want to add a '0' before it (e.g., '08'). Same for Unit.How would I do this using cursors (or other recommended method)?

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For Loop - Iterate From Older Files To Newer Files Based On File's Timestamp

Mar 13, 2008

In the For Loop, How to Iterate from Older flat files to Newer flat files based on File's Timestamp. If there are some older files in that folder, it should be processed first and then continue with the newer one.

Any Suggestions?

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FOR XML Vs. Resultset

Apr 9, 2003

How much performance hit should I expect to use FOR XML to generate XML string directly from SQL Server 2000? I like this approach because it is simple and easy. However, others told me that it has a big performance hit. They prefer to use a COM+ component to create XML string from a Resultset. Any suggestions? Thanks.

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How To Get This Resultset...

Sep 24, 2006

Hi,I have 3 tables as follow :Kanji :kanji_id....References :ref_id....KanjiRefskref_idkanjikref_idrefkref_value....So, there is a many-to-many relationship between Kanjis and References(one kanji may have more than one reference type, and a reference typemay be set to more than one kanji).For example, one kanji may have the value 'abc' for reference type #1,and the value 'def' for reference type #2, another kanji may also havethe reference type #1, but have instead the value '123' and so on...I have two questions :1) How to get all kanjis that do NOT have the reference #3 (ref_id = 3)within their list of references?2) How to get the value of all the kanjis that have the reference #3,but still get other kanjis that do not have the reference #3...forexample, if I had 3 kanjis, with the two first having values 'abc' and'def' for reference #3, and the last one having no reference #3, I'dlike to get that resultset :kanji_id kref_value1 'abc'2 'def'3 NULLI manage to get all the kanjis that have reference # 3 with thefollowing query :SELECT kanji_id, kref_valueFROM Kanjis INNER JOIN kanjiRefs ON kref_idkanji = kanji_idWHERE kref_idref = 3however, this obviously does not include kanjis having no reference#3...any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks! :)ibiza

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Limited Resultset Without SP

Sep 22, 2006

I have a search query on my page. However, since the resultset may be very large, I want to retreive only those results that are currently shown on the gridview page.Often a user won't browse through more than a couple of pages, so it's b-*** to send all the records to the client.I know that with a sp you can define that you want to retrieve the first or second x records, but I want to do this with that possible?

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Query Resultset

Mar 31, 2005

I have 2 Sql statements within a stored procedure.But second one crashes my app - I'm getting object not found
I need some help when writing several querys into the same sp, do I have to define some thing special?

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Resultset From Two Tables

Feb 1, 2008

I am trying to write a select statement that will return the values of two columns from two different tables in the same statement. I believe the join word needs to be used somewhere, but I am having difficulty with it.

Table1 (table name)
Column1 (column name)

Table2 (table name)
Column2 (column name)

results should be:

Thanks in advance.

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Weigh Resultset

Jul 20, 2005

Hi,This is what I want to do. For a data acquisition query, if conditionA is met, set weight to 1, else if condition B is met, set weight to 2etc.Is this possible? I thought about using CASE function but to noavail.Using the classical Northwind db as target db, and its employees tableas target table, if [note] column contains 'BA', then I want to setweight to 1, else if it contains 'BTS', then I want to set weight to 2etc. Weight or the like is an auxillary artificially created column.Something likeDECLARE @col intselect firstname, lastname, @col =(CASE noteswhen '%BA%' then 1when '%BTS%' then 2else 0END as aiCOL)-- and I'd like to alias @col as aiCOL or whateverfrom employeeswhere notes LIKE'%BA%'ORnotes LIKE '%BTS%'failed.Thanks.

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Resultset As Source

Mar 20, 2007

According to the BOL documenation of the ExecuteSQLTask you can populate a variable with a resultset. I specified a variable of type 'Object' and followed the instructions and everything is fine.

Now I have TWO issues.

1) I want to filter some unwanted rows from this variable and add into another recodset. For filtering i am using foreach loop and putting condition on variable. It works fine till here, but how to update another 'Object' type variable.

2) How to make the result set as source in a data flow task. I want the filtered result set to become source in a data flow



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ResultSet Streaming

Jan 10, 2008

I am using the SQL Server 2005 JDBC driver. I need to write a piece of code that makes use of the streaming ResultSet. That is as soon as I get the first row, a worker thread should be able to begin processing on it without waiting for the second row to arrive. When the second row arrives, the second worker thread should start processing on this new row without waiting for the third row to arrive and so on. Usually, with a ResultSet, I need to wait for all the rows to arrive first before I can start navigating the rows in the ResultSet. But in my code, I need to start navigating the ResultSet even as more rows are pouring in from the DBServer. How can I do that? Any pointers in this direction will be helpful. Further, I want to know will setfetchsize be of any help here? If I set the setfetchsize value to 1, does that mean that as soon as I get the first row, I can start working on this row of the resultset(viz start navigating the ResultSet) without waiting for the second row to arrive in the ResultSet?

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Empty Resultset From Sql2005

Aug 23, 2006

I have used Red Gates SQL bundle to make an identical db on sql2005 express from sql 2000. When i run my query against the sql2000 i get what I want, but when i run it against the sql2005, i get nothing.
Anyone got any suggestions to why?
<!-- <add name="TPLConnectionString" connectionString="Data Source=[SQL2000],1433;Network Library=DBMSSOCN;Initial Catalog=TPL;User ID=??????;Password=????????;"
providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />
<add name="TPLConnectionString" connectionString="Data Source=[SQL2005]\SQLEXPRESS,1433;Integrated Security=true;Network Library=DBMSSOCN;Initial Catalog=TPL;User ID=?????;Password=???????;"
providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />
SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(ISPQuery, dbConnection);
SqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader();
Please help!!!
Best regards
Terje Kristensen

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Adding Column In Resultset From SP

Dec 27, 2006

I have a sp: mysp_getstuff it contains the following:SELECT  Adress,City FROM tblUserData WHERE UserName='john'as you can see it returns 2 columns.I also have another SP: mysp_GetNr. This sp returns an integer.I want to call mysp_getnr from mysp_getstuff and add the result to the 2 columns in a column named 'Number'So the resultset from mysp_getstuff should be:Adress, City, Number (in which the number column contains the result from mysp_GetNr)How can I do that?

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Multiple Resultset Limit?

Feb 15, 2005

Is there a limit to the number of result sets that a SQL query can return at one time?

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