Iterative Sql Statements / Update Operation Row By Row Using Ssis
Nov 6, 2007
Hi , I am trying to update a main table from its staging table based on certain criteria
like if the checksum doesnot match for the same Business/primary key update that row in the main table .
problem what i am facing is if there are two rows in the staging table with different checksum values the main table's corresponding row gets updated with only the first row from the staging table and ignores the second row in staging , i want the update to be capturing each row. is there a way to do this task repitively in ssis.
iam using execute sql task in ssis
first step to delete all matching checksum records in staging
next update non matching checksum into main table.
i want to repeat these two steps based until condition that count of rows in staging is equal to zero .
is there a way to acheive this please let me know.
for example
staging main table
name age checksum name age checksum
xyz 26 456 xyz 24 876
xyz 28 234
my result should have in main table
xyz 28 234
but instead i am getting xyz 26 456
i want the update statement row by row not set based . please help me with this
What are the options for a user to trigger an ssis package or job, it needs to be user friendly or in excel can I have a custom component to do update statements or trigger job?
I should add an Identity field (Identity=True) and a row version field(timestamp) to my table, and avoid to arrange tables into different databases, is it true in general?
I'm having a problem with an update operation in a stored procedure. Itruns so slowly that it is unusable, unless I comment a part out in whichcase it is very fast. However, I need the whole thing :). I have atable of email addresses of people who want to get invited to parties.Each row contains information like email address, city, state, country,and preferences for what types of events are of interest.The primary key is an EMAILID, and has a unique constraint on the emailfield. The stored procedure receives the field data as arguments, andinserts the record if the email address passed is not in the database.This works perfectly. However, if the stored procedure is called for anemail address that already exists, it updates the existing row insteadof doing an insert. This way I can build a web page that lets peoplemodify their preferences, opt in and out of the list and so on.If I am doing an update, the stored procedure runs SUPER SLOW (and thepage times out) unless I comment out the part of the update statementfor city, state, country and zipcode. However, I really need to be ableto update this!My database has 29 million rows.Thank you for telling me anything about how I can speed up this update!Here is the SQL statement to run the stored procedure:declare @now datetime;set @now = GetUTCDate();EXEC usp_EMAIL_Subscribe @Email='', @OptOutDate=@now,@Opt_GenInterest=1, @Opt_DatePeople=0, @Opt_NewFriends=1,@Opt_OldFriends=0, @Opt_Business=1, @Opt_Couples=0, @OptOut=0,@Opt_Events=0, @City='Boston', @State='MA', @ZCode='02215',@Country='United States'Here is the stored procedure:SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ONGOSET ANSI_NULLS ONGOALTER PROCEDURE [usp_EMAIL_Subscribe](@Email [varchar](50),@Opt_GenInterest [tinyint],@Opt_DatePeople [tinyint],@Opt_NewFriends [tinyint],@Opt_OldFriends [tinyint],@Opt_Business [tinyint],@Opt_Couples [tinyint],@OptOut [tinyint],@OptOutDate datetime,@Opt_Events [tinyint],@City [varchar](30), @State [varchar](20), @ZCode [varchar](10),@Country [varchar](20))ASBEGINdeclare @EmailID intset @EmailID = NULL-- Get the EmailID matching the provided email addressset @EmailID = (select EmailID from v_SENWEB_EMAIL_SUBSCRIBERS whereEmailAddress = @Email)-- If the address is new, insert the address and settings. Otherwise,UPDATE existing email profileif @EmailID is null or @EmailID = -1BeginINSERT INTO v_SENWEB_Email_Subscribers(EmailAddress, OptInDate, OptedInBy, City, StateProvinceUS, Country,ZipCode,GeneralInterest, MeetDate, MeetFriends, KeepInTouch, MeetContacts,MeetOtherCouples, MeetAtEvents)VALUES(@Email, GetUTCDate(), 'Subscriber', @City, @State, @Country, @ZCode,@Opt_GenInterest, @Opt_DatePeople,@Opt_NewFriends, @Opt_OldFriends, @Opt_Business, @Opt_Couples,@Opt_Events)EndElseBEGINUPDATE v_SENWEB_EMAIL_SUBSCRIBERSSET--City = @City,--StateProvinceUS = @State,--Country = @Country,--ZipCode = @ZCode,GeneralInterest = @Opt_GenInterest,MeetDate = @Opt_DatePeople,MeetFriends = @Opt_NewFriends,KeepInTouch = @Opt_OldFriends,MeetContacts = @Opt_Business,MeetOtherCouples = @Opt_Couples,MeetAtEvents = @Opt_Events,OptedOut = @OptOut,OptOutDate = CASEWHEN(@OptOut = 1)THEN @OptOutDateWHEN(@OptOut = 0)THEN 0ENDWHERE EmailID = @EmailIDENDreturn @@ErrorENDGOSET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFFGOSET ANSI_NULLS ONGOFinally, here is the database schema for the table courtesy ofenterprise manager:CREATE TABLE [dbo].[EMAIL_SUBSCRIBERS] ([EmailID] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL ,[EmailAddress] [nvarchar] (255) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_ASNULL ,[OptinDate] [smalldatetime] NULL ,[OptedinBy] [nvarchar] (255) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL,[FirstName] [nvarchar] (255) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL,[MiddleName] [nvarchar] (255) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL,[LastName] [nvarchar] (255) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,[JobTitle] [nvarchar] (255) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,[CompanyName] [nvarchar] (255) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_ASNULL ,[WorkPhone] [nvarchar] (255) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL,[HomePhone] [nvarchar] (255) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL,[AddressLine1] [nvarchar] (255) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_ASNULL ,[AddressLine2] [nvarchar] (255) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_ASNULL ,[AddressLine3] [nvarchar] (255) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_ASNULL ,[City] [nvarchar] (255) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,[StateProvinceUS] [nvarchar] (255) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_ASNULL ,[StateProvinceOther] [nvarchar] (255) COLLATESQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,[Country] [nvarchar] (255) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,[ZipCode] [nvarchar] (255) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,[SubZipCode] [nvarchar] (255) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL,[GeneralInterest] [tinyint] NULL ,[MeetDate] [tinyint] NULL ,[MeetFriends] [tinyint] NULL ,[KeepInTouch] [tinyint] NULL ,[MeetContacts] [tinyint] NULL ,[MeetOtherCouples] [tinyint] NULL ,[MeetAtEvents] [tinyint] NULL ,[OptOutDate] [datetime] NULL ,[OptedOut] [tinyint] NOT NULL ,[WhenLastMailed] [datetime] NULL) ON [PRIMARY]GOCREATE UNIQUE CLUSTERED INDEX [IX_EMAIL_SUBSCRIBERS_ADDR] ON[dbo].[EMAIL_SUBSCRIBERS]([EmailAddress]) WITH FILLFACTOR = 90 ON[PRIMARY]GOALTER TABLE [dbo].[EMAIL_SUBSCRIBERS] WITH NOCHECK ADDCONSTRAINT [DF_EMAIL_SUBSCRIBERS_OptedOut] DEFAULT (0) FOR [OptedOut],CONSTRAINT [DF_EMAIL_SUBSCRIBERS_WhenLastMailed] DEFAULT (null) FOR[WhenLastMailed],CONSTRAINT [PK_EMAIL_SUBSCRIBERS] PRIMARY KEY NONCLUSTERED([EmailID]) WITH FILLFACTOR = 90 ON [PRIMARY]GOCREATE INDEX [IX_EMAIL_SUBSCRIBERS_WhenLastMailed] ON[dbo].[EMAIL_SUBSCRIBERS]([WhenLastMailed] DESC ) ON [PRIMARY]GOCREATE INDEX [IX_EMAIL_SUBSCRIBERS_OptOutDate] ON[dbo].[EMAIL_SUBSCRIBERS]([OptOutDate] DESC ) ON [PRIMARY]GOCREATE INDEX [IX_EMAIL_SUBSCRIBERS_OptInDate] ON[dbo].[EMAIL_SUBSCRIBERS]([OptinDate] DESC ) ON [PRIMARY]GOCREATE INDEX [IX_EMAIL_SUBSCRIBERS_ZipCode] ON[dbo].[EMAIL_SUBSCRIBERS]([ZipCode]) ON [PRIMARY]GOCREATE INDEX [IX_EMAIL_SUBSCRIBERS_STATEPROVINCEUS] ON[dbo].[EMAIL_SUBSCRIBERS]([StateProvinceUS]) ON [PRIMARY]GOMeet people for friendship, contacts,or romance using free instant messaging software! See a picture youlike? Click once for a private conversation with that person!<a href=""><imgsrc=""></a>*** Sent via Developersdex ***Don't just participate in USENET...get rewarded for it!
Using our application we are getting inconsistent results when we are trying to update a table with more than 15 update queries sequentially. We are using Merge replication in our SQL server database. On updating one row, it invokes a trigger to update another table and one more trigger for the merge replication. At only few
I am getting the below error message while performing Bulk Insert/Update operation.
Could not allocate space for object 'dbo.pros_mas_det'.'PK__pros_mas__3213E83F22401542' in database 'admin_mbjobslive' because the 'PRIMARY' filegroup is full. Create disk space by deleting unneeded files, dropping objects in the filegroup, adding additional files to the filegroup, or setting autogrowth on for existing files in the filegroup.
My Current SQL Server version :
Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 (RTM) - 10.50.1600.1 (X64)  Apr  2 2010 15:48:46  Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation Express Edition with Advanced Services (64-bit) on Windows NT 6.1 <X64> (Build 7601: Service Pack 1) (Hypervisor)Â
My current database size crossed the limit size of 10 GB.
Dear All! I have a script task that try to connect to a computer. In script task, I use code as following:
Try Directory.GetFiles(ReadVariable(strFullPath) Catch ex As Exception Catch
Dts.TaskResult = Dts.Results.Failure End try
In the case, strFullPath is IP address instead of ServerName then package run is not correct. (EX: strFullPath = \, Of course, This path is exist). Its a trange at that: When I run package form source then its suucess. But When I run it from Job of SQL Agent then its fiailure. Pls help me to solve this problem. Thank a lot!
Hi guys! Is there a way to combine these update statements? Dim update_phase As New SqlCommand("INSERT INTO TE_shounin_zangyou (syain_No,date_kyou,time_kyou) SELECT syain_No,date_kyou,time_kyou FROM TE_zangyou WHERE [syain_No] = @syain_No", cnn) Dim update_phase2 As New SqlCommand(" UPDATE TE_shounin_zangyou SET " & " phase=2, phase_states2=06,syounin2_sysd=CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),GETDATE(),101) WHERE [syain_No] = @syain_No", cnn)
The same table is updated so I think it would be better to have just one update statement. But the problem is that, the first update statement retrieves values from another table, whereas the update values of the second statement is fixed. Is there a way to combine these two statements. I tried to do so but it does not update. Here's my code... Dim update_phase As New SqlCommand("UPDATE TE_shounin_zangyou SET TE_shounin_zangyou.syain_No=TE_zangyou.syain_No, TE_shounin_zangyou.date_kyou=TE_zangyou.date_kyou, TE_shounin_zangyou.time_kyou=TE_zangyou.time_kyou FROM TE_zangyou WHERE TE_zangyou.syain_No = TE_shounin_zangyou.syain_No", cnn) Please help me. Thanks.
I am creating my companys' database and I have a small problem that must be solved.
I have a pictures table: PicturesTable ------------- ProductID int ForeignKey Picture nvarchar(30) ...
(A product can have many pictures & the ProductID is unique for any product, but not for the table of pictures).
What I want to do is to somehow do a procedure to: 1) Check if any images (for a productID) exists in the table 2) if they do not exist then add the appropriate images into the table 3) if the images exist, then update the images with the new one that I have.
What I thought was to just delete all the images from the table for the specific product:
DELETE FROM PicturesTable WHERE ProductID = '10-11'
and then add the appropriate images: INSERT INTO PicturesTable (ProductID, Picture) VALUES ('10-11', 'Dir1/Pic1.gif') INSERT INTO PicturesTable (ProductID, Picture) VALUES ('10-11', 'Dir1/Pic2.gif') INSERT INTO PicturesTable (ProductID, Picture) VALUES ('10-11', 'Dir1/Pic3.gif')
but I do not like a lot this idea because if a user tries to read the pictures for that product (at the same time I was deleting them) s/he would get nothing. Is any other way that I can do it please?
My manager is interested in knowing if there is a way to update our website's SQL database using a method with excel, similar to importing.
The person who was previously in my position had imported a few hundred new products into the database with an excel spreadsheet.
Now, we would like to make updates such as a price changes or similar adjustments to a number of the products in the database. We could use a web interface, but ours requires us to find each product individually and it takes too much time. I told him that it would probably be necessary to write an SQL statement to update the tables, but we're also interested in maintaining the integrity of the database and are worried about loosing data due to a typo. Is it possible to export the db contents to an excel file, make changes, and then merge those changes into the existing database? I have tried and failed, so I am wondering if any experienced users could help me out.
Also, is there some kind of phpmyadmin for MS SQL? A free, open source alternative would be best.
Hi, I have this update statement that works, it updates the totalamount to calc amount, but I want to update totalamount only when it is not equal to calcamt.I have tried many things but in vain.Can some one please help me. How do i use case statements to update only when totalamount!=calcamt.
update c set totalamount= calcamt from Prepay c JOIN (select sum(amt) as calcamt, payid from pay group by payid )b ON b.payid= c.payid where c.cust_no='somenum'
I have written one CTE (common table expression) and trying to use same CTE with three seperate UPDATE statements which gives me error saying "Invalid Object name" (it works fine when I try to use with 1 update statement (any one from three update statements)
Isnt it possible that I can use 1 CTE with mutiple update statements?
What is the single SQL statement to truncate the blank space on either side of data. Ex. Table1 has Name as column. I have records filled with blank space on both side for Name field. With one query I want to correct (truncate the leading and trailing space) the data. How? SQL Server 2005 SP2. Thank you, Smith
Hi, I have this update statement that works, it updates the totalamount to calc amount, but I want to update totalamount only when it is not equal to calcamt.I have tried many things but in vain.Can some one please help me. How do i use case statements to update only when totalamount!=calcamt.
update c set totalamount= calcamt from Prepay c JOIN ( select sum(amt) as calcamt, payid from pay group by payid )b ON b.payid= c.payid where c.cust_no='somenum'
I have scenario in which I am getting a row from XLS and in that ro I have data for multiple tables based on if one table has some data or not
EXAMPLE : Search a table in database on basis of column in the xls row STEP #1 If TABLE A has that row then do nothing and move to next step else insert new row into TABLE A and move to next step STEP #2 If TABLE B has that row then do nothing and move to next step else insert new row into TABLE B and move to next step STEP #3 If TABLE C has that row then do nothing and move to next step else insert new row into TABLE C and move to next step STEP #4 If TABLE D has that row then do nothing and move to next step else insert new row into TABLE D and move to next step STEP #5 If TABLE E has that row then do nothing else insert new row into TABLE E
Currently I am trying to achieve this by using multicast and from that multicast putting inputs into 5 OLE DB DESTINATION but by doing this some time one step execute earlier then previous and integrity constrain violated so getting error.
I am almost sure I can update variables columns in one select/case type statement, but having problems working out the syntax.
I have a table with transactions - with tran types as the key.
in this example, types = A,B,C ,D.
in this first example I am updating the sum of QTY to value t_A based on tran types =A.
can I perform sub query/case to update with the same where clause but for types B,C and D?? I also have to insert for specific lot numbers each sum values.
Create table #t_reconcile( t_lot_number int not null, t_A float, t_B float, t_C float, t_D float)
insert #t_reconcile
select t.lot_number, sum(t.qty) from i , t where i._id = t.event_id i.transaction_type = 'A' group by t.lot_number order by t.lot_number
I'm working on a query which involves changing the case of a field from mixed case to all lower case. The field exists in multiple tables, so to do this I have multiple update statements. Is there a way to make this more efficient?
See below for example:
update InvestBroker set BrokerID = lower(BrokerID)
update InvestFill set BrokerID = lower(BrokerID)
update InvestBrokerAccount set BrokerID = lower(BrokerID)
update InvestFIXBroker set BrokerID = lower(BrokerID)
update InvestUploadBrokerFilter set BrokerID = lower(BrokerID)
update InvestSettleInstructions set BrokerID = lower(BrokerID)
(0 row(s) affected) Msg 208, Level 16, State 1, Line 41 Invalid object name 'X_SET_PREOP'.
FOR THE FOLLOWING CODE SEGMENT.. I am trying to do 2 updates with just one WITH BLOCk.Create table #temp( MPOG_CASE_ID uniqueidentifier, lab_name varchar(100), lab_date datetime, lab_value decimal(19,2) );
with X_SET_PREOP as ( SELECT xx= ROW_NUMBER() OVER ( PARTITION BY lab.MPOG_Case_ID, lab.lab_name ORDER BY lab.lab_date DESC ), lab.MPOG_Case_ID, lab.lab_name, lab.lab_value,lab.lab_date FROM MPOG_Research..ACRC_427_lab_data lab
HiI'm using the SQL 2000 table variable to hold 2 different fact sets.I'm declaring the variable @CurrentTable and inserting into it using aSELECT statement with no problems.I'm leaving certain of the columns null in order to later update themwith the PK.Problem is in the UPDATE syntax I'm usingUPDATE @CurrentTableSET ManagerTitle = (select mgrs.pos_title from mgrs) wheremgrs.pos_num = @CurrentTable.MgrPosNumIt is insisting I declare the @CurrentTable variable when I try to useit in the where clause.Is it simply out-of-scope or am I really doing something foolish?Andrew
Hi,I am using MS SQL Server 7.0 SP2 in Windows 2000 server SP4.I have one-to-many tables (TABLE_HEAD and TABLE_DETAILS)which I amgoing to update by using a stored procedure with UPDATE statements.But somehow ,ONCE IN A WHILE, when executing the stored procedurewith about 1000 rows updated, I lost 10-20 records from TABLE_HEAD(seems like 10-20 records were deleted) , and all data rows inTABLE_DETAILS were updated correctly (even details of lost rows ofTABLE_HEAD).In update procedure, I update both part of primary key and othercolumns with having WHERE condition.Please help , I really don't know why this happens.Thanks in advanceNipon Wongtrakul
Our existing DW's ETL was written in a very complex fashion by the previous team. They use DTS package lookups to read a row in the Source SQL Server database see if that row exists in the taget SQL Server database. If the row does not exist, they use ActiveX scripts to INSERT the row in the target SQL Server database. If it exists, they update the row on the target side. How would you do this in SSIS? Apologize if this sounds like a basic question, however, I would have done this via Stored Procedures or SQL Scripts especially since it involves SQL Servers alone. Appreciate any help.
I'm using SQL Server 2012 Analysis services in Tabular mode and connected to Oracle Database and while importing, I'm getting below error after importing some rows.
OLE DB or ODBC error: Accessor is not a parameter accessor.. The current operation was cancelled because another operation in the transaction failed.
I have a SP that has the correct syntax. However when I run my web-app it gives me this error: "Only one expression can be specified in the select list when the subquery is not introduced with EXISTS. " The procedure takes in three parameters and retrieves 23 values from the DB to display on my form. Any ideas?
I have been posting to the Data Presentation Controls forum for about a month regarding a problem I've been dealing with.
What it boils down to is that on a button click event, I was updating some records, then re-executing a SELECT statement to get the records back out and rebind my DataGrids. This was happening too quickly and the data was not being updated in time before the SELECT was executed. So my grids would still display "old" data.
How do I get SQL Server to commit the UPDATE before my C# code continues?
Does an UPDATE statment lock the entire table or just the rows that will be affected by the UPDATE?
I ask because -
Can I run UPDATE statements in parallel on the same table on the same column. The need for doing this is because the table is a large fact table. I plan to execute the same UPDATE statements on different time sections of the data to expedite the processing.
If the UPDATE statment lock the entire table then I cannot run an UPDATE in parallel. If the UPDATE statement just locks the rows that will be affected then maybe I can because rows affected will be different for each UPDATE.
I searched a bit but didn€™t get too far in actually solving a case of deadlock in a simple query I have running here. The queries in question are executed under 2 separate transactions (Serializable IsolationLevel) and are shown below. I guess I don€™t understand how those 2 can deadlock because they are operating on different rows of the table and Serializable should keep them isolated pretty well too. Is it because I€™m using the column value inside an update stmt? How should this query be split if that€™s the case?
This is what the SQL Profiler has to say: Lock: Deadlock Chain Deadlock Chain SPID = 59 Lock: Deadlock Chain Deadlock Chain SPID = 57 Lock: Deadlock my_user_name
57: UPDATE CreditCard SET Balance = Balance - 200 WHERE (Account = 0 AND CardHolder = 'Foo' AND Balance - 200 >= 0) 59: UPDATE CreditCard SET Balance = Balance - 250 WHERE (Account = 3 AND CardHolder = 'Bar' AND Balance - 250 >= 0)
I also used DBCC TRACEON(1204, 3605, -1) but I don€™t understand what the SQL log is telling me. Can anyone shed some light on why the above 2 statements sometimes cause the following: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Transaction (Process ID 57) was deadlocked on lock resources with another process and has been chosen as the deadlock victim. Rerun the transaction. at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.OnError(SqlException exception, Boolean breakConnection) at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.ThrowExceptionAndWarning(TdsParserStateObject stateObj) at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.Run(RunBehavior runBehavior, SqlCommand cmdHandler, SqlDataReader dataStream, BulkCopySimpleResultSet bulkCopyHandler, TdsParserStateObject stateObj) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.RunExecuteNonQueryTds(String methodName, Boolean async) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.InternalExecuteNonQuery(DbAsyncResult result, String methodName, Boolean sendToPipe) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteNonQuery()
I really don't want to retry the update if I don't have to. Table looks like: Column DataType Length
I have an SSIS package, that move file from one folder (Download) to another folder (Working), where it will be processed and passed to (Processed) folder. The folder (Working) is created at run time and deleted after finishing process. I ran this package using SQL Server Agent (I created a sql job). My problem is that the package fails to move the file from Download to Working, Although it can move it to other folders (say I skipped Working and move it directly to the already-created folder "Processed").
I traced the problem and found the error "Access is denied", when run the package without Agent (double click). I provided the necessary permissions to all levels of folders to the user XX, which I made it the (SQL Server Agent Service Account) as well as the Job Owner. By this, the package executes successfully (again by double clicking it), but with Agent it FAILS.
Why Agent cannot move the file to the run-time-created folder (Working) ?
Hi, I just want you to know that I am very young in ASP.NET world so please bear with me.I have been looking for an answer to my problem, but unfortunately I couldn’t find one. So I created a user here on just for making this post. Before I continue I just want to apologies if there is another post where this question is already answered.
Please watch this Print Screen I just took: � “ As you can see the “INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE Statements� are disabled, and that’s exactly my problem. I tried with an MS access database and it works perfect, but when I use a MS SQL database this field gets disabled for some reason. The MDF file is located in the App_data folder and is called ASPNETDB. And when I try to add custom SQL statements, it gives me Syntax error near “=�. Something like that. I bought the Total Training Set1 package and it works perfect in their examples. I just want to thank you for reading my post and I hope that you got some useful information for me. By the way, I’, from Sweden so you have to excuse me if my English is rusty. Thanks! PS: Can it be that I’m running windows Vista?