Java Alert When Database Table Updated

Aug 23, 2007

Hello Everyone,

I am new to connecting to databases through java and in fact have not done much database programming although I am fairly good at SQL.
I have used the MS JDBC driver to connect to a MS SQL server database but I want to update my application every time a record is added to the database and or alert the user.
From what I have read, i assume that I can create a Trigger in java but how do I get my trigger to call a method / run java code?

Thanks for your time and Help


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DB Engine :: Alert When Database Table Is Created

Jul 24, 2015

I use below trigger to email me when a database is created or dropped.
SET @tsql = EVENTDATA().value

[Code] ...

Is there a way we can get notification when a table is created or altered or dropped ?

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How Can I Set A Update Trigger On A Table In Database A After A Record Had Been Updated From Another Database B?

Jan 22, 2008

Hi guys, may I know is it possible to create an update trigger like this ? Assuming there are two database, database A and database B and both are having same tables called 'Payments' table. I would like to update the Payments records on database A automatically after Payments records on database B had been updated. I can't use replication because both tables might having different records and some records are the same. Hope can get any assistance here, thank you.

Best Regards,

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How To Connect Two Applications To One Table In Java

Aug 25, 2013

I am working on a hospital application using java programming language, i need to know how to connect two applications to one table over a network where the data read by application one can not be read by application 2 and vise versa...

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Nov 22, 2007

Hello Friends!!

Is there a way to connect to mdf database files using java language?

I use the code below to connect to my oracle database... but now i want to use java code to connect to mdf database file...

Is there a way to do it?
What will be the connection string in that case?
Thanking you in advance..

/* THIS CODE Connects to oracle database using java language*/
Connection con = null;
Statement st =null;
Statement batchStm = null;

System.out.println("Registred Driver");

//Conecting to dbase
con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbcdbcbSourceOra","scott","tiger");

System.out.println("Got the Connection");

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Using Java To Connect A Sql Server 2005 Database.

Aug 6, 2007

Hi, guys. It's the first time I connect a database.

My OS is windows XP.

I downloaded the sqljdbc on microsoft website and unzipped it.
Copy the sqljdbc_1.1 to the directory C:Program Files.

Modified the system variables:
classpath=.;%JAVA_HOME%libdt.jar;%JAVA_HOME%lib ools.jar;
JAVA_HOME=D:Program FilesJavajdk1.5.0_10
ProgramFiles=C:Program Files

I installed the sqlserver 2005and created a sqlserver db engine with windows authentification by default.

Using the management studio I created a database named BudgetAuthorization.
After that I created a user:
USE BudgetAuthorization
CREATE USER aaron792

Now I want to write a java application to access the database.
The application and the database are on the same computer.

I started the TCP/IP service, using the configuration manager.

Then use the eclipse to write the java application:

import java.sql.*;
public class TestJDBC
public static void main(String[] srg)
String driverName
= ""; // Start JDBC
String dbURL = "jdbcqlserver://localhost:1433;
DatabaseName=BudgetAuthorization"; // Connect the server and the database
//String userName = "Administrator"; // windows user
//String userPwd = "password"; // windows login password
String userName="aaron792";
String userPwd="12345";
Connection dbConn;
dbConn = DriverManager.getConnection(dbURL,userName,userPwd);
System.out.println("Connection Successful!");
// if successful print Connection Successful!
catch (Exception e)

But it cann't be done!
The error information is:
Login failed for user 'aaron792'. The user is not associated with a trusted SQL Server connection.

I also tried the windows user, still failed.
What's wrong? Can anyone help?
Many thanks!

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Java App Connecting To SQL Server 2005 Express Database

Oct 4, 2006

Hey All,

I am having a problem connecting to a database I have with a java app I am creating for my senior project. I am using the latest MS JDBC for connecting to the SQL Server.

Below is the code I am trying to run:

try {

con =ds.getConnection();
} catch (Exception ex) {

The ds and con variables are declared and initialized correctly. The error I am getting now is this: Cannot open database "*databasename*" requested by the login. The login failed.

Any suggestions on what I could be doing wrong?

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Trigger For Updating Value On One Table When That Value Is Updated On Base Table

Jul 30, 2015

If the id1 will change in table1 it should also change the corresponding id1 field in table2 it does not do anything.

ON [dbo].[table1]
-- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from

[Code] .....

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Get An Alert If A Database Becames 85% Full

Nov 15, 2001

I'm looking for advise on how to set up or create an alert that will monitor database free space. I need to receive an alert if a database becames 85% full. I need to implement this ASAP. The servers I work with are on version 7.0.
I was just wondering if there is any system stored procedure or alert as such.

Thanks in advance.

vivek s.

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Alert If Database It Larger Then XxxGB

Apr 18, 2008


i want to be alerted when any of my databases is more the xxxGB.

i know one method to do that and it is with the alerts in the SQL agent Performance condition ,but with this alert i needs to created alert monitor for every DB.

do you know a better way to achieve that ?

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Get Alert On Modification Of Database Objects

May 31, 2007

Hi All,

We having the SQL SERVER 2000 Production server. We need to cofigure the alert on the production server that if any objects schema or SP got changed then server should fire the alert to all of DBA mailid.

Is there any way to sent the alert.

Thanks in advance.


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Alert Based On Database Size

Nov 1, 2007

Hi all,

I want to have some kind of alert , when the database size reaches 100 Gb. So, what is best way to do this.

Could anyone suggest (or) provide some steps / links , how to do this.


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SQL 2012 :: Alert Not Being Inserted To Sysalerts Table

Jul 17, 2015

I've built 4 new SQL2012 Ent SP2 instances using our standard build docsscripts all of which include an alert to pick up Sev 14 bad login messages.

However when I force a bad login to test these, they work on 2 servers but not the other 2.

The ones that fail write the Sev 14 msg to the SQL Error log and Windows Eventvwr fine, but there is no entry in the sysalerts table!?.

The alert is enabled and the windows event log service is running. I've noticed that none of the other alerts I've set up write to the sysalerts table though?

i'm not concerned about that yet, just the fact its not writing to the sysalerts table in the first place.

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Jun 20, 2000

is there a such thing as a "UPDATED table".. as in a trigger's INSERTED table or DELETED table ....

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Who/When Was A Table Updated?

Apr 10, 2000

How can I determine who and when a table in a db was updated, I dont need this per record, I only need to know the last time an update was made to a table. Thanks.

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How To Get Last Updated Row In A Table

Mar 9, 2015

I have a table written in to sql by the program Wincc flex wich is currently constantly saving data in to it. I want to reed this data back in to Labview and update it’s content on Labview constantly to plot a graph that keeps updating over time.

I have achieved this after some research but my problem is that I need a way of just reading the last row (meaning most recent row, not last row as the bottom one) inserted in to the table written by wincc and saved in sql WITHOUT having to read all the data and selecting for example the higest value of a timestamp column (which is added by wincc) because this would cause too much lag since the table has a lot of elements and I need to constantly read it. One of the main problems is that the data written by wincc is written in a circular buffer, which does delete 20% of the data when it fill’s up and start writing new data in to the free space, so that the temporal order of the data does nothing to do (at least nothing simple) with the index order in the table. Is there anything like a method to save the index of the last row modified in the table so that labview could read it and directly access the most recent recordset in the table just by index specification on a query?

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Getting The Name Of The Updated Table

Mar 7, 2006

I am writing a generic trigger in VS 2005 that selects records from the inserted table, and updates an audit table. I am, however, unable to retrieve the name of the table that the insert occurred on. I am using the following code to select the records, and obtain the name.. Can anyone offer any alternatives to accomplishing this task? Thanks in advnace for any help you can provide.


SqlDataAdapter tableLoader = new SqlDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM inserted", connection);

DataTable insertedTable = new DataTable();


string insertedTableName = insertedTable.TableName;

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When Was A Table Updated?

Jan 22, 2008

is there any way to know when was the table last touch (updated) in all scenarios (insert, delete, update, etc..)?

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Database Is Not Updated

Jun 12, 2007

I am trying to insert data to a simple table using SQL express

However , I can see the data saved in the DataSet but not in the actual database.

If I try to insert the same user again , I got primary key violation ???

Here is the insert function :

string SqlConnection = @"Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|QJ.mdf;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True";

SqlConnection Conn = new SqlConnection(SqlConnection);

SqlDataAdapter DataAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM USERS", Conn);

SqlCommandBuilder ComandBuilder = new SqlCommandBuilder(DataAdapter);

DataAdapter.InsertCommand = ComandBuilder.GetInsertCommand();

DataAdapter.UpdateCommand = ComandBuilder.GetUpdateCommand();

DataSet DS = new DataSet();

DataAdapter.Fill(DS, "USERS");

DataTable DT = DS.Tables["USERS"];

DataRow DR = DT.NewRow();

DR["NAME"] = txtUserName.Text;

DR["Password"] = txtPass.Text;

DR["Type"] = 1;





I dont know what I have done wrong

Please help

Thanks very much

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Database Query... Novice Alert...No Idea Where To Turn...

Dec 18, 2006


I'm creating a website for a student organization at my university. Basically, I have an Excel file with a list of contacts that the members of our organization need to be able to search on our website.

The only field that I need our members to be able to search is "contact location." So for example, a member might want to know if our organization has any contacts in Spain, so the member would type "spain" into the "contact location search" field" and would get results.

I really don't known where to turn... I need the easiest thing that would be manageable for a novice. It doesn't need to be an intense search function; just something to make the website functional (so it obviously needs to be uploadable to a server; the server has PHP idea if that has any relevance). I've been searching around all day and have come across potentials like PHP, SQL, XML, etc. but have no idea which way to turn... I have Office and Adobe Studio programs at my disposal.

Thank you all-powerful and all-knowing web gods! I owe you my deepest gratitude!


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Log Shipping Alert Firing For Database That No Longer Exists

Nov 8, 2006

I have an error 14421 (database has restore threshold for 45 minutes and has not restored in more than "so many" minutes)firing for a database that no longer exists. How can I remove this alert? I have other log shipping plans that are running and so I can't delete the Log shipping alert job.

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Current Updated Value In Table

Oct 11, 2007

hello all..
i  want to update my table information with the value which is currently inserted/updated in another table to get the value of a currently inserted single cell in that table..?
table1 contains Refno,.....Refno is primarykey,identity
table 2 contains uploadID,....uploadID is primary key,identity
table3 contains RefNo,UploadID(both r foriegn keys corresponding to table1 & table2)
how to fill table3 with values(not manually) when i am inserting records into table1 n table2 ..( refno and uploadId are identity columns )..Any Idea..?
thanks in Advance

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Table Is Not Getting Updated Fully

Jan 31, 2008

Hi all,
i have a table1 with 3,25,000 records in US database.i want to upadate this table information in to table2 in SG database based on some condition (if prodid and skuno match in both tables, then update ordertransferind column in table2 from table1) what is happening is after 10,000 records query is not executing. in status bar it is displaying 'done'. but only 10,000 records are updating not the remaining ones. for this 10,000 records also it is taking more than 1 hour time. i tried by incresing the commandTimeout to max value(99999)...but still it is same...any advise...please suggest...
 i am using sql2005,visualstudio 2005....
 thanks for the help..

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SQL To Email When Table Is Updated?

Aug 7, 2007

I want to setup a method to get emailed whenever someone adds an item to a particular table.

I'm looking at SP's, and DTS's.. but i'm just not sure what the best path is. will create a great Custom DTS Email Task.. but then i don't know what to do next... I don't know how to say.. "If a new row is added, then run this DTS"... or if i should schedule the DTS to run every 30 minutes and then somehow query for new "Created" dates.

Please Help!

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Last Updated Datetime In Table

Apr 15, 2008

How do I find who and when a particular table in SQL database 2005 was last updated.
Note that the table does not have a column which stores the last updated datetime.


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Replicated Table Is Not Updated

Jun 19, 2008

Dear All,
i've made repliaction stup using the information guide below. all the things are done axactly. now i've inserted a row in the publisher. but i'm not getting the record at the subscriber database. please let me know where i'm missing

Even you learn 1%, Learn it with 100% confidence.

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Table Identity After Updated

Oct 1, 2007

Hello all,

I fixed a after update trigger with sql server 2005 and I need to return the last identity updated in the table to insert it into another table. How can i get the last Identity updated in a table?

Please help ..

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An Email Is Sent When The Database Is Updated..any Help?

Jul 1, 2007

in the database, there is some information about the applicant: his name, his email, his status (accepted or rejected)....etc.
the page that is shown to the administrator displays the applicant name and his status, when he changes any of the applicants status, an email is sent to that applicant.
is there any way to do that?
thanks in advance  

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MS SQL Database Doesnt Get Updated

May 25, 2007

Till yesterday every thing was fine....after i installed visual studio...god knws wat happnd dat it was not working, i did everything again but noe using my forms i am unable to write/edit/update the database, though i can view the same.....can any one suggest was might b d problem.

(i have set permissions for IUSER bot Read and Write)

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Determining Last Time A Table Was Updated (6.5, 7.0, 2k)

May 28, 2002

I am trying to find a global way of when the last time a row in one of my tables was updated or data inserted. I say global because I don't want to drill down through each table looking for modified rows.

I am a DBA of several hundred databases and want to retire those no longer being used.

Is there a column of a system table that has this info.

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Finding Out Which Rows Have Been Updated In A Table

Feb 9, 2005

Can this be done easilly through a stored proc?

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Updated Records From A Table Insert Into Another

Jul 26, 2007


I need to create a trigger to save every record which has been updated in a table (e.g. "Contacts") into another (e.g. "Shadow_contacts). So basically something like a versioning on database level.
I have no experience with it and any precise hints/solutions would be very appreciated


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How Is Represented The Updated Table In A Trigger?

Feb 14, 2007


I am a newbie creating triggers and I would like to know what is the name of the updated logical table. That is, since the are identifiers like "inserted" and "deleted" that represent the inserted and deleted rows, respectivaly, I presumed that "updated" existed - but it does not.

I have a table with a column named "UpdatedTimeStamp" which I would like to update anytime the other columns are modified. I intended to create the following trigger:

create trigger myTrigger
on myTable
after update

update updated set UpdateTimeStamp=GetDate()

Of course, "updated" is not a valid identifier that represents the updated row.

Please, help me in creating this trigger. What is the correct way of doing a trigger like this?

Thanks a lot in advanced.

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