Job Agent - Runs Without Errors, But Against Test DB

Mar 26, 2008

I've got a very simple package that truncates some rows from a table. The packages utilizes configurations as described in a post I made on this forum yesterday

When the package is deployed and installed on the prod server, it runs successfully from the Execute Package Utility, utilizing the configurations as expected, removing the rows from the target table.

When the package is run from the SQL Agent on prod, it completes successfully without errors, but the rows in the prod table remain. On the "Data Source" tab in the job, the correct connection string shows pointing at the prod database (picked up from a config file on the prod server).

Curiously, the job appears to run the truncate against the test db table - I tested this by putting rows in the target tables on both test and prod. When the package is run from SQL Agent, the test rows are removed. When run from the Execute Package Utility on prod, the prod rows are removed. Huh?

Again, the Data Source tab in the Job on prod shows the prod db connection string and the package removes the rows correctly from the prod table when run from the Execute Package Utility on prod.

Does anyone have any thoughts on this behavior when using the Job Agent to execute a package?


Jamie Pick

View 12 Replies


SSIS Job Runs Great Manually, But Not Using SQL Agent

Oct 16, 2006

I am using SQL 2005.  I have created a SSIS package that basically executes another SSIS package (as part of a larger package) .  It runs fine in SSBIDS but will not run if I save it and schedule it using SQL Agent.   I should mention I am using a domain/admin account with SQL Agent, so I don't think that is the problem.

When I execute the job in SSBIDS, the Execute Package Utility window pops up, at which point I click on the Execute button, the job runs successfully and then I click on the close button. 

I suspect it is not running via SQL Agent because of the user intervention required to complete the task (i.e. clicking on execute as described above).  Is this correct?  If so, is there a way to override the requirement for any user intervention.  Or, could it be from something else?



Thanks for any insight.


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Package Runs From Command Prompt, But Wouldn't From The Agent

Sep 20, 2007

A strange thing is happening to us: we create a bat file that executes an SSIS package with multiple connection managers and tasks.

When calling the bat file from command prompt €“ the package runs just fine!

When calling the same bat file from SQL Server Agent (that runs under the same NT account as SSIS, and all other SQL services, and belongs to local Adminstrators), the package fails half way through with connection failed issue.


Has anyone ever experienced this issue, do you have any possible solutions?

Thank you!

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Replication - Are Schema Changes Replicated If The Sanapshot Agent Runs On A Schedule

Mar 4, 2003

I have Snapshot set up as a schedule task between server A and server B.

If I make changes to the db schema on server A - the changes are not replicated to server B.

Is this normal?

Do I have to restart the Sanapshot agent each time there is a schema change?



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SSIS Package Runs OK Manually But Not From SQL Server Agent...Permissions?

Dec 19, 2007

I have a problem where I have an SSIS package (SQL Server 2005) that won't run properly from SQL Server Agent, but it runs fine when kicked off manually from Integration Services -> Run Package or when run in debug from Visual Studio.

The first step in the package checks for the existance of a file via a script task. The script looks like this...

Code Block
Public Sub Main()

Dim TaskResult As Integer
Dim ImportFile As String = CStr(Dts.Variables("BaseDirectory").Value) + CStr(Dts.Variables("ImportDirectory").Value) + CStr(Dts.Variables("ImportFile").Value)

If Dir(ImportFile) = "" Then
Dts.TaskResult = Dts.Results.Failure
Dts.TaskResult = Dts.Results.Success
End If


End Sub

This script runs fine and the file is seen as expected when I run the package manually. But as a step in a SQL Server Agent job, it doesn't see the file.

The SQL Server Agent service is set to start up / log on as a Local System Account. I've also tried setting up a credential / proxy (using an account that I know can see and even move / rename the file) to run the job as but that didn't seem to help.

The package is being run from SQL Server (stored in MSDB) and is set to rely on SQL Server for sensitive information, so I don't think that's an issue; other packages are set up like this in terms of sensitive data and run fine.

Any ideas why my script can't "see" the file I'm looking at when it's kicked off by SQL Server agent? I've looked and looked...I can't seem to figure this out. I would really appreciate any help you might be able to offer up.

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Package Runs In BIDS, Manually In Mgmt. Studio, But Not Via Agent. Why???

Aug 2, 2007

As the subject suggests I am encountering an error while running a package through an agent. Unfortunately the error does not provide much information for me to diagnose the problem, and hence the post.

I have pasted the error below and appreciate help from anyone.

Thank you,

Executed as user: EPSILONSYSTEM. Microsoft (R) SQL Server Execute Package Utility Version 9.00.3042.00 for 32-bit Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 1984-2005. All rights reserved. Started: 10:16:31 AM Error: 2007-08-02 10:16:32.25 Code: 0xC002F304 Source: File System Task File System Task Description: An error occurred with the following error message: "Could not find a part of the path 'P:FinanceItems Sold Below CostItems Sold Below Cost_2007-08-01.csv'.". End Error DTExec: The package execution returned DTSER_FAILURE (1). Started: 10:16:31 AM Finished: 10:16:32 AM Elapsed: 1.047 seconds. The package execution failed. The step failed.

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SSIS Package That Runs Fine Through Command Prompt, XML Error When Run Through SQL Server Agent Job CmdExec

Aug 17, 2006

I have an SSIS package that runs fine through command pormpt although when I try to run it from a SQL Servr Agent Job CmdExec step it bombs out.  Please help this has me stumped...the SSIS package uses an XML connection string so certain key settings such as connection strings and email info can be changed easily.  Currently this is all on the same machine.  I have not moved it beyond where I am developing.


On the command line I am using the following command...

dtexec /F "S:connectionscontacts.dtsConfig" /DE "password"


Below is the output log...


Microsoft (R) SQL Server Execute Package Utility
Version 9.00.1399.06 for 32-bit
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 1984-2005. All rights reserved.

Started:  6:59:40 PM
Progress: 2006-08-16 18:59:41.29
   Source: Data Flow Task
   Validating: 0% complete
End Progress
Progress: 2006-08-16 18:59:41.29
   Source: Data Flow Task
   Validating: 33% complete
End Progress
Progress: 2006-08-16 18:59:41.71
   Source: Data Flow Task
   Validating: 66% complete
End Progress
Progress: 2006-08-16 18:59:41.73
   Source: Data Flow Task
   Validating: 100% complete
End Progress
Progress: 2006-08-16 18:59:41.77
   Source: Data Flow Task
   Validating: 0% complete
End Progress
Progress: 2006-08-16 18:59:41.77
   Source: Data Flow Task
   Validating: 33% complete
End Progress
Progress: 2006-08-16 18:59:41.77
   Source: Data Flow Task
   Validating: 66% complete
End Progress
Progress: 2006-08-16 18:59:41.77
   Source: Data Flow Task
   Validating: 100% complete
End Progress
Progress: 2006-08-16 18:59:41.79
   Source: Data Flow Task
   Prepare for Execute: 0% complete
End Progress
Progress: 2006-08-16 18:59:41.79
   Source: Data Flow Task
   Prepare for Execute: 33% complete
End Progress
Progress: 2006-08-16 18:59:41.79
   Source: Data Flow Task
   Prepare for Execute: 66% complete
End Progress
Progress: 2006-08-16 18:59:41.79
   Source: Data Flow Task
   Prepare for Execute: 100% complete
End Progress
Progress: 2006-08-16 18:59:41.81
   Source: Data Flow Task
   Pre-Execute: 0% complete
End Progress
Progress: 2006-08-16 18:59:41.84
   Source: Data Flow Task
   Pre-Execute: 33% complete
End Progress
Progress: 2006-08-16 18:59:41.90
   Source: Data Flow Task
   Pre-Execute: 66% complete
End Progress
Progress: 2006-08-16 18:59:41.90
   Source: Data Flow Task
   Pre-Execute: 100% complete
End Progress
Progress: 2006-08-16 18:59:41.92
   Source: Data Flow Task
   Post Execute: 0% complete
End Progress
Progress: 2006-08-16 18:59:41.92
   Source: Data Flow Task
   Post Execute: 33% complete
End Progress
Progress: 2006-08-16 18:59:41.92
   Source: Data Flow Task
   Post Execute: 66% complete
End Progress
Progress: 2006-08-16 18:59:41.92
   Source: Data Flow Task
   Post Execute: 100% complete
End Progress
Progress: 2006-08-16 18:59:41.92
   Source: Data Flow Task
   Cleanup: 0% complete
End Progress
Progress: 2006-08-16 18:59:41.93
   Source: Data Flow Task
   Cleanup: 33% complete
End Progress
Progress: 2006-08-16 18:59:41.93
   Source: Data Flow Task
   Cleanup: 66% complete
End Progress
Progress: 2006-08-16 18:59:41.93
   Source: Data Flow Task
   Cleanup: 100% complete
End Progress
Progress: 2006-08-16 18:59:41.95
   Source: Send Mail Task
   The SendMail task is initiated.: 0% complete
End Progress
Progress: 2006-08-16 18:59:42.09
   Source: Send Mail Task
   The SendMail task is completed.: 100% complete
End Progress
DTExec: The package execution returned DTSER_SUCCESS (0).
Started:  6:59:40 PM
Finished: 6:59:42 PM
Elapsed:  1.984 seconds



When I try to use the same command within SQL Server Agent Job using a CmdExec step I get the following error...


Description: The package is attempting to configure from the XML file "S:connectionscontacts.dtsConfig".  End Info  Warning: 2006-08-16 18:40:03.15     Code: 0x80012012     Source: contactsPackage Description: The configuration file name "S:connectionscontacts.dtsConfig" is not valid. Check the configuration file name.  End Warning  Warning: 2006-08-16 18:40:03.15     Code: 0x80012059     Source: contactsPackage Description: Failed to load at least one of the configuration entries for the package. Check configurations entries and previous warnings to see descriptions of which configuration failed.  End Warning  Info: 2006-08-16 18:40:03.20  ...  Process Exit Code 1.  The step failed.


Thanks in advance for any help!!!

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Several Different Errors When Creating And Running SSIS Package. Package Runs Successfuly Sometimes.

May 2, 2008

Hi All,

I am in the process of moving from a 32-bit SQL Server 2005 Enterprise (9.0.3054) to a 64-bit SQL Server 2005 Enterprise (9.0.3054 with 4 CPUs and 8GB of memory on Win 2003 SP2) and the process has been very frustrating to say the least. I am having a problem with packages that I created on my 64-bit SQL Server. I am importing a few tables from the 32-SQL Server into the 64-bit SQL Server using the Task --> Import to create the package.

Sometimes when I am creating a package I get the following error in a message box:

SQL Server Import and Export Wizard

The SSIS Runtime object could not be created. Verify that DTS.dll is available and registered. The wizard cannot continue and it will terminate.

Additional information: Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt. (System.Windows.Forms)

Other times when I run a package that has run successfully before I get the following error:

Faulting application dtexecui.exe, version 9.0.3042.0, stamp 45cd726d, faulting module unknown, version, stamp 00000000, debug? 0, fault address 0x025d23f0.

Other times I get this error message:

.NET Runtime version 2.0.50727.1433 - Fatal Execution Engine Error (79FFEE24) (80131506)

And still other times

The package appears to hang when running. By this I mean that the Package Execution Progress shows progress up to a point then it just stops. (The package takes about 17 seconds to run normally) CPU usage is at 1% and the package cannot be stopped.

I have deleted and re-created the package several times and I have also re-installed the service pack on the SQL Server (9.0.3054) but that did not help.

Does anyone have any other suggestions to try?


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Sql Server Agent Errors Starting

Mar 24, 2005

Hi guys, I'm trying to figure out why i'm having issues with the SQL server agent trying to start.

the error i get is 14258 cannot perform this operation while sqlserveragent is starting. try again later. sql-dmo(odbc sqlstate:42000)

any ideas how to fix this. I start the service as a domain user that is an admin on the server. but when i run a job it gives me the above error.


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Intermitent Distribution Agent Errors

Mar 24, 2008

I have a replication Push Subscription configured that works most of the time but I get occasional errors satating that "The process could not connect to the Subscripber 'xxxx'". The details are

Login failed for user '(null)'. Reason: Not associated with a trusted SQL Server connection.
(Source: PYRRXNDAL341WIN (Data source); Error number: 18452)

This happens randomly and when it does fail, I can either what for the next occurence in the schedule or I can start the agent manually and it completes successfully. I can also ping the other box when it happens. I've looked at the event logs and don't see anything going on around the times the distribution agent is having the problems.

Any suggestions on where to start looking for more detail?

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SQL Errors, Trapping In Server Agent

Nov 28, 2005

Hello to all,I've fallow problem. I've a sp called as a job of SA each minute. Thisruns pretty nice, but from time to time, the job is aborted, and Idon't know why.Considering my logging, which is implemented in DB, I know, in whichpoint it is happening, but I don't know the exact error.This one is for sure any SQL server exception.I wanted to track this error, but reading all news, and help, andperforming some tests, I've find out, that this is almost likeimpossible, to catch the error in t-sql code (for example in this sp),and wirte it to any table for futher review.Reading great documentation from Erland Sommarskog, I know, there isno way to catch this error in t-sql, because, usualy the sql terminatesexecution of the code immieadetly (so I found it also by my tests).Now, my question is: sice I'm calling this sp continously in ServerAgent as a job scheduled to be called each one minute, is it any way,to trap this error on this level? In SA? and THEN save it somewhere inmy db?I'm calling the sp as a 'command' in job step as 'execsp_name_of_procedure'.If I'll try like this:declare @err intset @err = 0exec sp_name_of_procedureset @err = @@errorif @err <> 0begininsert into tbl_logger (sql_error, msg) values (@err, 'SQL raised anerror')endwill it work, or the sql will assume the whole code as a one batch, andwill terminate after call of sp?Thank you in advance for reply.GreatingsMateusz

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Reporting Errors &&amp; Output From SQL Agent

Sep 4, 2007

I'm scheduling a T-SQL job with SQL Agent. The job uses PRINT to write out various progress and status messages as it runs. I created an Operator, and set a Notification when the job fails -- will that send me the entire output of the job, or just the error message?

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SSIS Package Step Errors And Logs From SQL Job Agent?

Mar 28, 2007

I've deployed an ssis package to the database server through the manifest file over the network..

The package runs great when testing through on my client.

I've added the package to a job step in the sql server job agent.

When I test the new job, the package step fails, but there is no error or log information in the job history.

Wwhere can I get error information? And/or How can make SSIS error information more verbose in the job history?

Thanks for any help or information.

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Transactional Replication And Deadlock + Suspect Agent Errors For Over 80 Databases

Oct 25, 2005

I have more than 80 databases on my publisher (SQL Server 2000 SP4), I tried to enable Transaction Replication on all of those databases instantly through some T-SQL programming and DTS Packages. Every thing works fine until the snapshot agents starts to take sanpshot from the publisher databases. As soon as their snapshot agents start for those 80 databases, they start giving the deadlock error. All 80 snapshot agents starts at the same time.

Error Message:
Transaction (Process ID xxx) was deadlocked on lock resources with another process and has been chosen as the deadlock victim. Rerun the transaction.

Error Detail:
Transaction (Process ID xxx) was deadlocked on lock resources with another process and has been chosen as the deadlock victim. Rerun the transaction.
(Source: Server_Distribution (Data source); Error number: 1205)


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SQL Agent Delegation Errors After Upgrading To Build 3186 On MS Cluster

Sep 12, 2007


I've just installed SQL 2005 SP2 Rollup 3 Package (Build 3186) on a 2 node X64 W2K3 Cluster.
Everything went fine, although after the install, the SQLAgent Services of my instances started to complain about delegation not enabled for the domain account used for the SQLAgent Service.

SPN's were already registered, so I've enabled unconstrained delegation & no errors anymore..

Apparently we're obliged to enable delegation as soon as this hotfix is installed

(maybe due to fix 938086 included in it ?)

To make this setup more secure, we would like to enable constrained delegation.
This does not seem to work, as soon as we choose constrained delegation by adding the SPN of the clustername to the domain user account we're running with & restart the sql agent, it fails with the same error as when no delegation was configured:

! [298] SQLServer Error: 22022, CryptUnprotectData() returned error -2146892987, 'The requested operation cannot be completed. The computer must be trusted for delegation and the current user account must be configured to allow delegation.' [SQLSTATE 42000]
! [442] ConnConnectAndSetCryptoForXpstar failed (0).

With Unconstrained delegation enabled for computer account & user account, everything goes fine.
As soon as constrained delegation is chosen, by adding the SPN's to the domain user account of SQL Agent, SQL agent fails to start.

We use a domain account for the SQL Agent.
This account has an 2 SPN registered on it

MSSQLSvc/<FQDN SQL instance network name>:1433
MSSQLSvc/<FQDN SQL instance network name>

Connections to SQL go fine, authorization scheme is Kerberos even when SQL Agent fails to start due to this delegation failure.

Domain account has "act as part of operating system" & "impersonate a client after authorzation"

Anyone an idea ?

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A Procedure Runs Slow As A Job But Runs Fast Executed In A Query Window

Apr 23, 2008

Performance issue.

I have a very complex Stored Procedure called by a Job that is Scheduled to run every night.
It's execution takes sometimes 1 or 2 hours and sometimes 7 hours or more.

So, if it is running for more than 4 hours I stop the Job and I run the procedure from a Query Window and it never takes more than 2 hours.

Can anyone help me identify the problem ? I want to run from the Job and not to worry about it.

Some more information:
- It is SQL 2000 Enterprise with SP4 in a Cluster (It happens the same way in any node).
- The SQL Server and SQL Agent services run using a Domain Account that have full Administrative access.
- When I connect to a Query Window I also use a Windows Account.

- There is no locks or process bloking or being blocked while the job is running.
- Using the Task Manager the processor activity is ok, no more than 30 % in any processor.

View 15 Replies View Related

Distribution Agent Error - (Multiple-step OLE DB Operation Generated Errors....)

Oct 18, 2005


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Running A Large Number Of SSIS Packages (with Dtexec Utility) In Parallel From A SQL Server Agent Job Produces Errors

Jan 11, 2008


I have stumbled on a problem with running a large number of SSIS packages in parallel, using the €œdtexec€? command from inside an SQL Server job.

I€™ve described the environment, the goal and the problem below. Sorry if it€™s a bit too long, but I tried to be as clear as possible.

The environment:
Windows Server 2003 Enterprise x64 Edition, SQL Server 2005 32bit Enterprise Edition SP2.

The goal:
We have a large number of text files that we€™re loading into a staging area of a data warehouse (based on SQL Server 2k5, as said above).

We have one €œmain€? SSIS package that takes a list of files to load from an XML file, loops through that list and for each file in the list starts an SSIS package by using €œdtexec€? command. The command is started asynchronously by using system.diagnostics.process.start() method. This means that a large number of SSIS packages are started in parallel. These packages perform the actual loading (with BULK insert).

I have successfully run the loading process from the command prompt (using the dtexec command to start the main package) a number of times.

In order to move the loading to a production environment and schedule it, we have set up an SQL Server Agent job. We€™ve created a proxy user with the necessary rights (the same user that runs the job from command prompt), created an the SQL Agent job (there is one step of type €œcmdexec€? that runs the €œmain€? SSIS package with the €œdtexec€? command).

If the input XML file for the main package contains a small number of files (for example 10), the SQL Server Agent job works fine €“ the SSIS packages are started in parallel and they finish work successfully.

The problem:
When the number of the concurrently started SSIS packages gets too big, the packages start to fail. When a large number of SSIS package executions are already taking place, the new dtexec commands fail after 0 seconds of work with an empty error message.

Please bear in mind that the same loading still works perfectly from command prompt on the same server with the same user. It only fails when run from the SQL Agent Job.

I€™ve tried to understand the limit, when do the packages start to fail, and I believe that the threshold is 80 parallel executions (I understand that it might not be desirable to start so many SSIS packages at once, but I€™d like to do it despite this).

Additional information:

The dtexec utility provides an error message where the package variables are shown and the fact that the package ran 0 seconds, but the €œMessage€? is empty (€œMessage: €œ).
Turning the logging on in all the packages does not provide an error message either, just a lot of run-time information.
The try-catch block around the process.start() script in the main package€™s script task also does not reveal any errors.
I€™ve increased the €œmax worker threads€? number for the cmdexec subsystem in the msdb.dbo.syssubsystems table to a safely high number and restarted the SQL Server, but this had no effect either.

The request:

Can anyone give ideas what could be the cause of the problem?
If you have any ideas about how to further debug the problem, they are also very welcome.
Thanks in advance!

Eero Ringmäe

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Stored Procedure Just Runs And Runs

Oct 9, 2001

I have a stored proceedure (which I will tag on at the end for those interested) which is taking at least 15 minutes to run when executed, but completes in 1 minute when the tsql statement is run in Query Analyser. Why is this?

I suspect that it may be connected to table indexing, but why then is this bypassed when QA is used?

Any advice appreciated.


************************************************** ***********************
IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sysobjects WHERE id = object_id(N'dbo.sp_ValidateAIGL') AND OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsProcedure') = 1)


/* ************************************************** ************************
************************************************** ************************ */


@PeriodNo Int,

SELECT@TaxYear = TaxYear,
@PeriodNo = PeriodNo,
@Frequency = Frequency

SELECT @ProgramLogID = (SELECT ProgramLogID FROM tbl_SYSProgramLogs WHERE IGLProgramID = @IGLProgramID AND IGLPeriodID = @IGLPeriodID)


-- *** Global Non Program Specific Data Errors ***
-- CHECK - that there are records in the DEB_IGL_PAYROLL_OUTPUT file.....none and the routine failed...
INSERT INTO #IGLErrors SELECT NULL, 100, 'No records were processed by the IGL run!'


-- CHECK - search for any records where the employee's EXPENSE_CODE is NULL
NULLIF(EmpNo, ''),
'Employee "' + COALESCE(NULLIF(RTRIM(EmpNo), ''),
'<Missing Employee>') + '" (Organisation Unit - ' + COALESCE(RTRIM(OrgUnitCode),
'<No Organisation Unit>') + ') does not have a EXPENSE_CODE Code.'
FROM tbl_OUT_Payroll
ANDIGLProgramID = @IGLProgramID

-- CHECK - check that the BALANCE of DEBITs match the balance of CREDITs
IF (SELECT SUM(Cash) FROM tbl_OUT_Payroll WHERE IsCredit = 1 AND IGLProgramID = @IGLProgramID) <> (SELECT SUM(Cash) FROM tbl_OUT_Payroll WHERE IsCredit = 0 AND IGLProgramID = @IGLProgramID)
INSERT INTO #IGLErrors SELECT NULL, 3, 'The total cash value for DEBIT elements does not match the total cash for CREDIT elements.'

-- *** Program 1 and 2 errors ***
IF @IGLProgramID IN (1, 2)
-- CHECK - search for any records where the employee's COST_CENTRE is NULL
NULLIF(EmpNo, ''),
'Employee "' + NULLIF(RTRIM(EmpNo), '') + '" (Organisation Unit = ' + RTRIM(OrgUnitCode) + ') does not have a COST_CENTRE Code.'
FROM tbl_OUT_Payroll
ANDIGLProgramID = @IGLProgramID


-- Check for EMPLOYEEs that were not transfered to the PAYROLL output (usually caused by missing ORG_UNITs or not picked up in
-- the DEB_VIEW_APPOINTEE view...)
'Employee "' + RTRIM(EMP_NO) + '" was excluded from the summary. Check their Organisation Unit codes!'


-- Check that there are no ELEMENTS in the COSTING_OUTPUT table that don't exist in the tbl_IGLElements table
'Element "' + RTRIM(ELEMENT) + '" does not exist in the IGL Interface Elements table!'
FROM tbl_IGLElements



-- *** Add a error to indicate the number of errors ***
'Warning, there are ' + CAST(Count(*) AS VarChar(5)) + ' recorded errors!'

-- Transfer the records to the ErrorsLog table ready for the user to view...
INSERT INTO tbl_SYSErrorsLog (IGLProgramID, OutputLogID, KeyField, ErrorID, Description)


FROM tbl_SYSErrorsLog


GRANT EXECUTE ON dbo.sp_ValidateAIGL TO Public

View 2 Replies View Related

DB Engine :: Replicate A Master Test Database To 100 Test Environments?

Oct 12, 2015

We are setting up a test lab environment with 100 machines.  We want one master testing db that gets replicated to each to run scripted application tests nightly.  

My goal is to minimize the amount of work to move this thing to each of the 100 test machines.  I am wondering if we need to even have the sql local and invest in a monster db server with 100 copies of the db we restore and each test machine point to their own db on that server, or if I should use db mirroring or something to get the master test db to each of those machines instead.

View 6 Replies View Related

SSIS Or SQl Agent Job Moving From A Network Folder To A Sharepoint Folder - Errors...

Oct 31, 2007


I have a network folder called A

I have a SharePoint (2007) Document Library site called B. Web Client is enabled on the server and B is mapped as a Drive (let's call it Y for this discussion)

I want to move documents in A to B. Easy enough, right? Not so....

I first started by creating a batch file that issues a COPY \A \Y /Y at the command prompt. Viola! Worked Great!

I then moved that command to a SQL Agent job as a CMDExec statement (exact same statement) and attempted to run it.....CRASH! It found the files in A but then said "The system cannot find the path specified"

Ok, so I tried it in SSIS. CRASH! Checked the error log. Same thing...

So I then checked the account under which the SQl Agent was running (special domain account for all our SQL Servers). Thinking it might mater I changed it to run under my name (I'm in Domain admin). I also ensured I had permissions to the SPS 2007 library as well. (I did).

Ran again! CRASH! Same error....

So, I created a batch file , placed thec ommand in the batch file and ran that from the command prompt! Viola! Worked Great.

So, I was thinking of how ingenious I was as I pasted my C:RootCopy.bat into my SQL Agent job. With a big grin on my face I right clicked and picked "Start Job at step".......CRASH! Same error.

Does anyone have any ideas on this ???????????????


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Unit Testing For SSIS - To Test Or Not To Test?

Oct 17, 2006

Now that we have a good programming model in SSIS - the question is whether to write automated unit tests for your packages, and would it generally be a good idea for packages?

Also - if yes to write tests - then where to find more informations regarding How to accomplish that?

View 1 Replies View Related

How To Test SSis Package And What Are The Things I Need To Test It ?

Nov 27, 2007

hi every one,
i need to test SSIS pacakge which will import data from different database where record count is around 5 millions.
iam planning to test it through c# code as well as manually also.
SSIS source : consist of 7 tables
SSIS destination :consist of 7 tables
Using c# code iam trying to run ssis package through batch file.
i am putting expected rowcount, column count in an excel file and comparing same with destination tables by writing query implementing ADO.Net concept.
am i going right way ,can any one suggest best and productive way to test the ssis package .
what are the other things i need to test it.
do any one can add test cases to it.


Test Case


Verify all the tables have been imported.


Verify all the rows in each table have been imported.


Verify all the columns specified in source query for each table have been imported


Verify all the data has been received without any truncation for each column.


Verify the schema at source and destination


Verify the time taken /speed for data transfer


Fields truncated due to difference in length of the field at destination.
Arif shareef

View 9 Replies View Related

SQL 2012 :: Restore DB From Prod To Test - How To Restore Users In Test

Jun 25, 2015

I need to restore test DB from production backup but once it is restored I would need all the permissions of sql logins and windows AD account intact in test Db as it was before.

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SQL Server 2008 :: How To Make Sproc Return Errors For Underlying Table Errors

Jul 1, 2015

I recently updated the datatype of a sproc parameter from bit to tinyint. When I executed the sproc with the updated parameters the sproc appeared to succeed and returned "1 row(s) affected" in the console. However, the update triggered by the sproc did not actually work.

The table column was a bit which only allows 0 or 1 and the sproc was passing a value of 2 so the table was rejecting this value. However, the sproc did not return an error and appeared to return success. So is there a way to configure the database or sproc to return an error message when this type of error occurs?

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Parent Package Reports Failure On Errors, But No Errors In Log

Jul 31, 2006

I have a parent package that calls child packages inside a For Each container. When I debug/run the parent package (from VS), I get the following error message: Warning: The Execution method succeeded, but the number of errors raised (3) reached the maximum allowed (1); resulting in failure. This occurs when the number of errors reaches the number specified in MaximumErrorCount. Change the MaximumErrorCount or fix the errors.

It appears to be failing while executing the child package. However, the logs (via the "progress" tab) for both the parent package and the child package show no errors other than the one listed above (and that shows in the parent package log). The child package appears to validate completely without error (all components are green and no error messages in the log). I turned on SSIS logging to a text file and see nothing in there either.

If I bump up the MaximumErrorCount in the parent package and in the Execute Package Task that calls the child package to 4 (to go one above the error count indicated in the message above), the whole thing executes sucessfully. I don't want to leave the Max Error Count set like this. Is there something I am missing? For example are there errors that do not get logged by default? I get some warnings, do a certain number of warnings equal an error?



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Execute Sql Server Agent Job Task - Job Immediately Returns Success... However Agent Job Is Still Running???

Nov 30, 2006

when I run a package from a command window using dtexec, the job immediately says success.
DTExec: The package execution returned DTSER_SUCCESS (0).
Started: 3:37:41 PM
Finished: 3:37:43 PM
Elapsed: 2.719 seconds

However the Job is still in th agent and the status is executing. The implications of this are not good. Is this how the sql server agent job task is supposed to work by design.



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How To Solve 0 Allocation Errors And 1 Consistency Errors In

Apr 20, 2006

Starwin writes "when i execute DBCC CHECKDB, DBCC CHECKCATALOG
I reveived the following error.
how to solve it?

Server: Msg 8909, Level 16, State 1, Line 1 Table error: Object ID -2093955965, index ID 711, page ID (3:2530). The PageId in the page header = (34443:343146507).
. . . .
. . . .

CHECKDB found 0 allocation errors and 1 consistency errors in table '(Object ID -1635188736)' (object ID -1635188736).
CHECKDB found 0 allocation errors and 1 consistency errors in table '(Object ID -1600811521)' (object ID -1600811521).

. . . .
. . . .

Server: Msg 8909, Level 16, State 1, Line 1 Table error: Object ID -8748568, index ID 50307, page ID (3:2497). The PageId in the page header = (26707:762626875).
Server: Msg 8909, Level 16, State 1, Line 1 Table error: Object ID -7615284, index ID 35836, page ID (3:2534). The PageId in the page heade"

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Snapshot Agent &&amp; Log Reader Agent Will Not Start.

Nov 30, 2006

Hi All,

I would appreciate any help here at all. I am pulling my hair out!

I am unable to start the snapshot agent or log reader agent from within SQL management studio. it fails on executing step 2 with unknown username or bad password.

I have checked all account details and they are correctly using my domain admin account. I can connect to SQL using teh same account and it also has sysadmin permissions.

If i copy the step 2 paramters and start from the cmd prompt (again logged in using the same domain account) they both start fine.

Any ideas would be gratefully received.

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Cannot Start Log Reader Agent And Snapshot Agent

May 18, 2007

I am testing peer to peer replication in our environment. I simulated a three node peer to peer topology and a local distributor.

For some wierd reason I cannot get the Log Reader Agent and snapshot agent to start. The domain account under which SQL Server Agent runs has administrator previlage on the box. I also use a domain account for SQL Server Service. (none of the passwords changed).

This is the error I am getting - "Executed as user: abc. A required privilege is not held by the client. The step failed"

Any ideas???

Also this domain account is a member of



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SQL Server Agent Could Not Access Replication Agent

Feb 19, 2007

We just moved source server to newer, bigger box ... Windows 2003 and Active Directory ... Snapshot agent worked but distribution failed ... Same login as on older machine, login is sysadm, used DCOMCNFG to allow ability to launch process ... What are we missing?

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Sql Agent Not Starting Can We Reinstall Just Agent ?

Feb 7, 2002

SQLServerAgent could not be started (reason: Unable to connect to server '(local)'; SQLServerAgent cannot start).

Is any has the same problem ?

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Only One SSIS Job Runs...

Feb 12, 2007


Currently I have two SSIS jobs on my machine. The problem I'm having is, only one of the jobs executes succesfully, the other one fails for incorrect user login. Both jobs use the same configuration database and all the packages on both jobs have the protection level set to "DontSaveSensitive". Both jobs have been deployed in the exact same manner, yet only one succeceeds and the other fails.

Can anybody tell me why this is going on?

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