Job Fails For Package Containing Script Task With Error The Script Files Failed To Load.

Apr 7, 2006

I have developed an SSIS package that includes a Script Task on a 32-bit machine. The PrecompileScriptIntoBinaryCode property is set to True. After I build the package, the .dtsx file includes a <BinaryItem> element for that Task. Package runs fine on the dev machine, both in BIDS and as SQL Server Agent job.

When I deploy the package to a 64-bit server, it runs fine when I execute the package ad hoc from SQL Server Management Studio. However, when I schedule the package for execution as a SQL Server Agent job, the package fails with the message: "the script files failed to load."

I have reviewed posts on this error from late 2005, but the solutions don't work in this case. Specifically:

1. The Precompile property is already set to True.

2. I have already verified that the script was compiled.

Any further suggestions?

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SSIS Job Fails For Package Containing Script Task With Error The Script Files Failed To Load.

Apr 10, 2006

I have developed a SQL Server 2005 Integration Services (SSIS) package that includes a Script Task on a 32-bit machine.  The PrecompileScriptIntoBinaryCode property is set to True.  After I build the package, the .dtsx file includes a <BinaryItem> element for that Task.  Package runs fine on the dev machine, both in BIDS and as SQL Server Agent job.
When I deploy the package to a 64-bit server, it runs fine when I execute the package ad hoc from SQL Server Management Studio.  However, when I schedule the package for execution as a SQL Server Agent job, the package fails with the message: "the script files failed to load."
I have reviewed posts on this error from late 2005, but the solutions don't work in this case.  Specifically:
1. The Precompile property is already set to True.
2. I have already verified that the script was compiled.
Any further suggestions?

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Load A SSIS Package Via Web Service: The Package Failed To Load Due To Error 0xC0011008 Error Loading From XML.WHAT IS THAT?

May 19, 2006


I have a big problem and i'm not able to find any hint on the Network.

I have a window2000 pc, VS2005,II5 and SQLServer 2005(dev edition)

I created an SSIS Package (query to DB and the result is loaded into an Excel file) that works fine.

I imported the dtsx file inside my "Stored Packages".

I would like to load and run the package programmatically on a Remote Scenario using the web services.

I created a solution with web service and web page that invoke the web service.

When my code execute:
Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.Application.LoadFromDtsServer(packagePath, ".", Nothing)

I got the Error:
Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.DtsRuntimeException: The package failed to load due to error 0xC0011008 "Error loading from XML. No further detailed error information can be specified for this problem because no Events object was passed where detailed error information can be stored.". This occurs when CPackage::LoadFromXML fails.

The error message doesn't help so much and there is nothing on the www to give me and advice....

Is it a SSIS problem???

Thank you for any help!!

Marina B.

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The Script Files Failed To Load In Script Task When Setting A Breakpoint In The Task On Vista

Mar 15, 2007

I cannot set a breakpoint in a Script task and have it complete successfully. I am running Vista 32-bit and only the workstation tools for SQL Server 2005 SP2. The steps to recreate are:

1) Create a new SSIS project/package.
2) Add a Script Task.
3) Set a breakpoint in the Script Task.
4) Run the package.

When I remove the breakpoint, the script task succeeds. When I put it back the task fails. The execution results say "Error: The script files failed to load." I completely uninstalled all SQL Server 2005-related entries using the Programs and Features control panel, rebooted, reinstalled the Workstation Tools, then applied a freshly-downloaded SQL Server 2005 SP2 and rebooted. If I change "RecompileScriptIntoBinaryCode" to false the script fails whether there's a breakpoint or not. If it's true (the default), the script only fails when a breakpoint is set. I would like to be able to set a breakpoint to assist in debugging the package. For the time being, I can move the package to a different (non-Vista) OS, where it works fine, but I would like to be able to develop and debug on Vista.

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Script Files Failed To Load Error

Feb 24, 2006

Hi all,

I have a package with a number of script components. All are set "PreCompile=True".

Within a Sequence Container I have a set of five script tasks each followed by an Execute Process Task. Each pair is linked but the five pairs are independent (hope this makes sense).

The first pair executed successfully but the other four all failed with the "Script files failed to load" error.

Anyone have a clue why this might happen or what I might change to solve the problem?

The package is scheduled under SS Agent so I'm currently thinking of taking these steps out of SSIS and putting them into the job. Not ideal but at least I can have some confidence that it will work.

Any suggestions would be very welcome.



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Execute Package Task: Error 0x80070005 While Preparing To Load The Package. Access Is Denied.

Jun 8, 2007

I am having problems executing a child package from a parent package using the Execute Package Task. I am attempting to run the master package through a SQL Server Agent job.

The SQL Server Agent job is owned by sa. The step that runs the parent package is configured to load the package from the SSIS Package Store on the same server that the job is running.

I have the Execute Package Task configured as follows:

Location: SQL Server
ExecuteOutOfProcess: True
Connecting as a SQL Server login (let's say TestEtl)

I have added the db_dtsoperator database role to both the TestEtl login and the login that SQL Server Agent connects through. I have also configured the child package's reader role to include db_dtsoperator. Per, this should allow these logins to run the child package.

I have enabled logging of all events in both the parent and child packages. I see the following in the logs when the Execute Package Task executes (omitted portions unrelated to the execution of the child package task):

450939 OnPreExecute ChildPackage 2007-06-08 13:35:17.000 2007-06-08 13:35:17.000 450940 OnPreValidate ChildPackage 2007-06-08 13:35:17.000 2007-06-08 13:35:17.000 450941 OnPostValidate ChildPackage 2007-06-08 13:35:17.000 2007-06-08 13:35:17.000 450942 User: Diagnostic ETL 2007-06-08 13:35:17.000 2007-06-08 13:35:17.000 ExternalRequest_pre: The object is ready to make the following external request: 'IDataInitialize::GetDataSource'.450943 User: Diagnostic ETL 2007-06-08 13:35:17.000 2007-06-08 13:35:17.000 ExternalRequest_post: 'IDataInitialize::GetDataSource succeeded'. The external request has completed.450944 User: Diagnostic ETL 2007-06-08 13:35:17.000 2007-06-08 13:35:17.000 ExternalRequest_pre: The object is ready to make the following external request: 'IDBInitialize::Initialize'.450945 User: Diagnostic ETL 2007-06-08 13:35:17.000 2007-06-08 13:35:17.000 ExternalRequest_post: 'IDBInitialize::Initialize succeeded'. The external request has completed.450946 User: Diagnostic ETL 2007-06-08 13:35:17.000 2007-06-08 13:35:17.000 ExternalRequest_pre: The object is ready to make the following external request: 'IDBCreateSession::CreateSession'.450947 User: Diagnostic ETL 2007-06-08 13:35:17.000 2007-06-08 13:35:17.000 ExternalRequest_post: 'IDBCreateSession::CreateSession succeeded'. The external request has completed.450948 OnError ChildPackage 2007-06-08 13:35:17.000 2007-06-08 13:35:17.000 Error 0x80070005 while preparing to load the package. Access is denied. . 450949 OnError ParentPackage 2007-06-08 13:35:17.000 2007-06-08 13:35:17.000 Error 0x80070005 while preparing to load the package. Access is denied. . 450950 OnTaskFailed ChildPackage 2007-06-08 13:35:17.000 2007-06-08 13:35:17.000 450951 OnPostExecute ChildPackage 2007-06-08 13:35:17.000 2007-06-08 13:35:17.000 450952 OnWarning ParentPackage 2007-06-08 13:35:17.000 2007-06-08 13:35:17.000 SSIS Warning Code DTS_W_MAXIMUMERRORCOUNTREACHED. The Execution method succeeded, but the number of errors raised (1) reached the maximum allowed (1); resulting in failure. This occurs when the number of errors reaches the number specified in MaximumErrorCount. Change the MaximumErrorCount or fix the errors. 450953 OnPostExecute ParentPackage 2007-06-08 13:35:17.000 2007-06-08 13:35:17.000 450954 PackageEnd ParentPackage 2007-06-08 13:35:17.000 2007-06-08 13:35:17.000 End of package execution.

I am sure that what I am doing is quite common, and I obviously have something misconfigured somewhere - but I'm not sure what my misconfiguration is. Can anyone enlighten me?

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Error: Failed To Load Script Task

Aug 30, 2006

I have an email script that keeps failing to load when I execute my script task. I have the precompileintobinarycode set to true. Anyone know why it won't load the script? I would use the Send Mail task but it can't find my smtp connection or something.



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SSIS Package Fails To Load With Error Loading Value &&<DTS:PropertyExpression ...

Jul 17, 2007

Good day all,

I am having an interesting SSIS problem where the package fails to load with the following error message:

Code: 0xC0010018
Source: {BE86A659-AB44-403A-9C89-3524821879E0}
Description: Error loading value "" DTS:Name="SqlStatementSource">"Select dbo.fnGetLastOpenExtract('" + @[User::in_ExtractName] + "') as eh_ID"" from node "DTS: PropertyExpression".

This very same package runs on our test server, but fails to even load on UAT server.

SSIS packages are the same on both Test and UAT servers (I compared not just dates and sizes - they are literally the same: byte-to-byte)
DTExec version is 9.00.3042.00 on both servers.
HKLMSOFTWAREMicrosoftMicrosoft SQL Server90DTSSetupVersion = 9.2.3042.00 on both machines.

This started to happen when the UAT machine was upgraded to Service Pack 2 of SQL Server 2005. Please note that the UAT server only runs SSIS packages and does not have SQL 2005 database engine installed. There is, however, an older installation of SQL Server 2000 on UAT machine (I am not sure if Test machine has it - will check tomorrow).

Any help is greatly appreciated.



Here is the compete output from DTExec:

Code Snippet

D:AM5Jobs>"C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90DTSBinnDTExec.exe" /File "D:ExtractsGBG_ExtractSSISImport_ExtractStartComplete_03.dtsx" /Checkp OFF /Cons MT /Set Package.Variables[User::in_ExtractName].Properties[Value];SagittaMapping_Replication /Set Package.Variables[User::in_StartComplete].Properties[Value];Start
Microsoft (R) SQL Server Execute Package Utility
Version 9.00.3042.00 for 32-bit
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 1984-2005. All rights reserved.

Started: 12:33:21 PM
Error: 2007-07-17 12:34:52.98
Code: 0xC0010018
Source: {BE86A659-AB44-403A-9C89-3524821879E0}
Description: Error loading value "<DTS:PropertyExpression xmlns:DTS="" DTS:Name="SqlStatementSource">"Select dbo.fnGetLastOpenExtract('" + @[User::in_ExtractName] + "') as eh_ID"</DTS:PropertyExpression>" from node "DTS:PropertyExpression".
End Error
Error: 2007-07-17 12:34:52.98
Code: 0xC0010018
Source: {BE86A659-AB44-403A-9C89-3524821879E0}
Description: Error loading a task. The contact information for the task is "Execute SQL Task; Microsoft Corporation; Microsoft SQL Server v9; ? 2004 Microsoft Corporation; All Rights Reserved;;1". This happens when loading a task fails.
End Error
Error: 2007-07-17 12:34:52.98
Code: 0xC0010021
Description: Element "{1c66489c-2a3f-4c8a-b9e7-0161875427a2}" does not exist in collection "Executables".
End Error
Error: 2007-07-17 12:34:52.98
Code: 0xC0010018
Description: Error loading value "<DTS:Executable xmlns:DTS="" IDREF="{1c66489c-2a3f-4c8a-b9e7-0161875427a2}" DTS:IsFrom="-1"/>" from node "DTS:Executable".
End Error
Error: 2007-07-17 12:34:52.98
Code: 0xC0010018
Description: Error loading value "<DTS:PrecedenceConstraint xmlns:DTS=""><DTS:Property DTS:Name="Value">0</DTS:Property><DTS:Property DTS:Name="EvalOp">2</DTS:Property><DTS:Property DTS:Name="LogicalAnd">-1</DTS:Property><DTS:Property DTS:Name="Expression"></" from node "DTS:PrecedenceConstraint".
End Error
Could not load package "D:ExtractsGBG_ExtractSSISImport_ExtractStartComplete_03.dtsx" because of error 0xC0010014.
Description: The package failed to load due to error 0xC0010014 "One or more error occurred. There should be more specific errors preceding this one that explains the details of the errors. This message is used as a return value from functions that encounter errors.". This occurs when CPackage::LoadFromXML fails.
Started: 12:33:21 PM
Finished: 12:34:53 PM
Elapsed: 91.938 seconds

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Exec Pkg Task: Error 0xC0202009 While Preparing To Load The Package. An OLE DB Error Has Occurred. Error Code: 0x%1!8.8X!.

Feb 21, 2007

I cannot execute a package by using Execute Package task.
I supplied sa credentials to connection manager, and it shows the list of Packages on SQL Server but when running the task it says

Error 0xC0202009 while preparing to load the package. An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x%1!8.8X!.

Any clue ?


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Integration Services :: The Package Failed To Load Due To Error 0xC0011008

Apr 15, 2015

I am trying to run a SSIS Package from SQL Server BI Studio. I receive the error "The package failed to load due to error 0xC0011008".  SQL Server 2008 R2 installed (32bit Win 7), along with Integration Services.  The Package connects to a SQL Server DB.

Here is the full error taken from consol in BI Studio:

SSIS package "CreateDynSSIS_DB_RunDynSSiSDB.dtsx" starting.
Error: 0x1 at ST_Gen_Pkg_Src_SqlServ: System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. ---> Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.DtsRuntimeException: The package failed to load due to error 0xC0011008
"Error loading from XML. No further detailed error information can be specified for this problem because no Events object was passed where detailed error information can be stored.". This occurs when CPackage::LoadFromXML fails.


The error is thrown at this line:

DynamicPackage = app.LoadPackage(DynamicPackagePath, null);

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Package Failed Validation From The ExecutePackage Task Error

Feb 8, 2006

I have an SSIS package which calls two other SSIS packages as part of it's control flow (using the Execute Package task). Both packages are stored in the same parent folder on the same server. The first child package runs successfully, the second does not. It ran fine for days until yesterday. Not sure what I might have done. I have tried to delay validation and recreate the connection. No go. Has anyone else run into this. I am running SQL 2005 RTM and VS 2005 RTM on XP Pro SP2. Any suggestions would be welcome.

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Maitenace Plan Check Database Integrity Task Fails With Failed:(0) Alter Failed For Server 'xyz'

Feb 21, 2008


I am administering several SQL Servers running SQL Server 2005 SP2 Build 3042.
I have a common maintenance plan that runs on each of the servers. The maintenance plan runs
fine on all the servers except for one. On the one server the Database Integrity check fails with the following error:

Check Database integrity on Local server connection
Databases: <list of databases>
Include indexes
Task start: 2008-02-21T00:05:42.
Task end: 2008-02-21T00:05:46.
Failed0) Alter failed for Server €˜XYZ€™

I created a test maintenance plan to just do the integrity check and selected one database only and this also failed with the same error message. I ran this test maintenance plan and configured it for each of the databases in question and it failed each time.
If I run the DBCC manually against the databases they all report fine.

I read some of the post that talked about the €œAllow Updates€? being set incorrectly but that does not apply to my problem since my configured and run values are set to 0.

Does anyone know what the problem could be?

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Execute Package Task Error: Failed To Decrypt Protected XML Node DTS:Password

Jun 20, 2006

I have a package (PackageA) with an Execute Package Task that execs PackageB. When I run PackageA I get this error on the Execute Package Task :

Failed to decrypt protected XML node "DTS:Password" with error 0x8009000B "Key not valid for use in specified state.". You may not be authorized to access this information. This error occurs when there is a cryptographic error. Verify that the correct key is available.

PackageB has 'EncryptSensitiveWithUserKey' ProtectionLevel. I'm providing passwords in the dtsConfig so I'm guessing I should change it to 'DontSaveSensitive'?

Interestingly, PackageA also has 'EncryptSensitiveWithUserKey' ProtectionLevel, but I don't get an error about PackageA, just on the task that runs PackageB.

(SP1 is installed).

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SSIS Script Task Fails To Load

May 9, 2007


I seem somehow stuck in some Script Task problems in SSIS on a x64-environment which has SP2 installed already.

If I'm running the package in 32-bit mode, I'm continuously getting the following error
"Warning: Precompiled script failed to load. Attempting to recompile. For more information, see the Microsoft Knowledge Base article, KB931846 ("

on one of the package's scripts --
the given links advises to install SP2... what a useless hint.

And if I switch the project to run in Run64BitRuntime=True , another script tasks complains
"ScriptTask_78888010d24c477ea7c8d69f4f5568a5 is not a valid Win32 application. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x800700C1)

-- whatever that might mean...

Maybe I should add that the packages were running in 32-bit mode for the last 12 months now. Without any problems like that.

Those effects are occuring since we put SP2 onto the server...

Any comments on this topic? Similar experiences? Maybe yet some solutions too?

Regards, Frank

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SSIS Script Task Editor Fails To Load

Jul 26, 2007

Since applying July 2007 Microsoft patches it was noted that we were not able to open the editor for the Script Task component in an SSIS package. We received an error dialog with text similar to 'Engine failed with unknown error. (Microsoft.VisualBasic.Vsa.Dt).' All other solutions provided in the forum did not resolve our issue. It was noted somewhere else that the OLE32.dll seemed to have been affected. We reregistered this file using the command 'regsvr32.exe ole32.dll' and suddenly we were able to get into the editor. I don't know why this fixed the issue, but it did for us in our environment. Good luck!

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Implementing Transaction In SSIS Package - [Execute SQL Task] Error: Failed To Acquire Connection &&<ConnectionName&&>.

Jun 30, 2006

I have a simple SSIS package with three "Execute SQL Tasks". I am using ADO.Net Connection to execute SPs on a DB server.

When I execute this package It works fine. So far so good.

Now, I need to implement transation on this package. And problem starts now onwards. When I try to execute package after setting TransationOption = Required for the Sequence container which contains all the tasks, I get following error.

[Execute SQL Task] Error: Failed to acquire connection "NYCDB0008.Export". Connection may not be configured correctly or you may not have the right permissions on this connection.

"NYCDB0008.Export" is the name of the ADO.Net connection. I have been hunting for any solution but all in vain. I have tried changing all DTC settings on the dev as well as Database server.

Please respond if anyone has any solution.



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Integration Services :: SSIS Fails To Load Files From Network When Executed Via Agent (2008 R2 SP2)

Aug 5, 2014

I have a simple SSIS package that reads a flat file and copies it into a SQL Server table.

When the flat fiel is on the C drive I have no problem runnign this package from SQL Server Agent, but as soon as I update the path to a network location the package only works when I run it manually, but fails when is executed via the SQL Server agent job.

The error says "cannot open the datafile", while the datafile location is valid.

Is this a kind of limitation of a SQL Server Agent that only local files are allowed to be processed?

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SSIS Data Flow Task Fails To Load All Text From Flat File

Jan 2, 2007

Hi Guys,

have a flat file which is loaded into the database on a daily basis.
The file contains rows of strings which I load into a table,
specifically to a column of length 8000.

The string has a length of 690, but the format is like 'xxxxxx xx xx..'
and so on, where 'xxxx' represents data. So there are spaces, etc present in the middle.

I used SQL 2000 DTS to load the files in, and it was just a Column
Transformation with the Col001 from the text file loading straight to
my table column. After the load, if I select len(col) it gives me 750
for all rows.

Once I started to migrate this to SSIS, I
allocated the Control Flow Task and specified the flat file source and
the oledb destination, and gave the output column a type of String and
output column width of 8000. But when I run the data flow task it
copies only 181 or 231 characters out of the 750 required.
I feel it stops where it finds the SPACES and skips the rest.

specified row delimiters or CR, and LF. I checked the file under
UltraEdit and there were no special characters in the file that would
cause the problem.

Any suggestions how I can get it to load the full data?


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FTP Task Fails If There Are No Files - How To Avoid This?

Oct 15, 2007


I have an FTP task on a package that runs every hour, downloads files from FTP and processes them.

If there are no files, the package should stop successfully after the FTP task, but the problem is that it fails because there are no files.

How can I avoid this?

And another question is there another way to download files and delete then with out another FTP task?


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FTP Task - Delete Remote Files Always Fails

Mar 11, 2006


I have two FTP Tasks configured in my SSIS package. One is for "Receive files" and the other is set for "Delete remote files." Both use variables for the source/destination paths. My remote path variable contains a wild card in the name field such as /usr/this/is/my/path/*.ext and it is working to FTP all the .ext files to my working directory. I then rename the files and want to remove the original files from the FTP server. I use the same variable as the remote path variable in the delete as I do in the receive.

Using the same FTP connection manager for both tasks I am always getting a failure on the delete. The FTP connection manger is setup to use the root user. Using a terminal I am able to open an FTP connection to the server and remove the files manually. There doesn't seem to be any detailed documentation on the FTP Task configured for Delete remote files so I'm hoping someone might have some insight to the problem.

I receive the same message for each of the files that was downloaded:
Error: 0xC001602A at MyPackage, Connection manager "FTP Connection Manager": An error occurred in the requested FTP operation. Detailed error description: 550 usr hisismypathdatafile1.ext: No such file or directory.
The attempt to delete file "usr hisismypathdatafile1.ext" failed. This may occur when the file does not exist, the file name was spelled incorrectly, or you do not have permissions to delete the file.

With the root user/working manually I'm not understanding the permission reason, the file does exist and is spelled correctly.


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Execute Package Task Can't Continue When The Child Package Failed?

Aug 25, 2006

I use a execute package task to run a child package in which I run some sql task.

as the error handle I insert a script task and link a line from execute package task to script task

of course the line is red,

but I found when the child package failed, the execute package task turns red,it stopped

the script task can't be run, I don't konw why?

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Checkpoints: FTP Task Download FTP Files Fails In Between Then What Will Happen?

Feb 13, 2007


I have a FTP task in my control flow that download files from a FTP server. This ftp task is inside a foreach container that loops over a ADO recordset for the file name. The files that the ftp task pulls are huge. If the FTP task fails then I want the FTP task to restart and only download those files that have not been downloaded. Is this possible?

What possible configurations do I have to make to the foreach container and the filetask?

Thanks a lot in advance for your help and time.



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DTS Jobs Failed : Cannot Create COM Server To Load And Execute DTS Package

Sep 12, 2007


DTS job fails with the following error, A Server (Windows 2003 SE with SP1) has 4 SQL Server 2000 instances with mixed of SP3 & SP4. But few jobs are failing in all the 4 instances.

Executed as user: DCADB04SYSTEM. DTSRun: Cannot create COM Server to load and execute DTS Package. Error -2147221008 (800401F0): CoInitialize has not been called. Process Exit Code -2147221008. The step failed.

Appreciate you suggestion to fix this,

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Ssis Job Fails With Package Execution Failed

Jan 30, 2007


I have a dts package migrated from sql server 2000 to sql server 2005 clustered server using migration wizard without any problem.

I have created a new job on sql server 2005 and one of the steps involves executing the SSIS package. It keeps failing with the error message "package execution failed". I have logged in here as a domain administrator (as also a local administrator).

I followed Article ID: 918760 but did not help.

I need this to be resolved asap.

Any quick help, much appreciated.



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Execute Package Task Fails

Jan 27, 2008

I have added a package from SQL Server to another package as an "Execute Package Task" it fails with this error:

Error: Error 0xC0014062 while preparing to load the package. The LoadFromSQLServer method has encountered OLE DB error code 0x80040E14 (Only the owner of DTS Package 'nVision_AgentPump' or a member of the sysadmin role may create new versions of it.). The SQL statement that was issued has failed. .

I tried setting the Protection Level to "don't save sensitive", and running the package in process and out. Any idea where to look?


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Execute Package Task Always Fails.

Sep 26, 2006

I have a package (i.e. child package) which runs itself perfectly fine without displaying any error.

However when I embeded this package inside another package (i.e. parent package) using Execute Package Task. The task always fails. It seems strange enough.

The child package has two variables that need to be passed in from parent package.

Can any expert here please help out? Thanks.

- Steve

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SQL 2012 :: SSIS Package - FTP Task Fails When Run From A Job

Apr 3, 2014

We are running SQL Server 2012 SP1 64-Bit EE on Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1. I have a SSIS Package which connects to a FTP Site and downloads a file. Then it truncates a table and loads the file data into a table. This package works okay when executed from within VSS and SSMS (In SSISDB, right click on the package and execute). However, when I execute it as a Job it does not run and appears to be failing on the first task which is the FTP Task. SQL job step - Type: SSIS Package; Run as: SQL Server Agent Service Account (domain account called playuser); Authentication: Windows Authentication.In the All Executions Standard Report for the SSISDB Catalog, it only says: FTP Download File: Errors: There were errors during task validation.

Is this because my domain account does not have access to the FTP Site?Is this where I need to come up with a Proxy Account with Credentials?Do I need to set up a SQL Server Login (Proxy Account) with the same username being used in the FTP Batch file?

FTP Commands in a batch file:
cd omb

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SSIS Package With An FTP Task Fails When Scheduled

May 7, 2006

I have a SSIS package with an FTP task to download a Excel file and populate a table using an excel connection mnager and a SQL Server Destination and it always fails with the following error when scheduled:

The job failed. The Job was invoked by User sa. The last step to run was step 1 (FTP-DM-CRN_ALLOCATION_COMMENTS).

Executed as user: WEB-INTSQLSYSTEM. The package execution failed. The step failed.

The box on which SQL Server is installed is on a workgroup on the domain and the SQL Server is started up by the Local System user on the box.

I am thinking this has to do with windows security based on all the information that I have read on these kind of error messages. Any input on resolving this will be much appreciated.



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Error Creating Package - Failed To Save Package File ... Emp EmpD4B.tmp With Error 0x80040154 Class Not Registered

May 19, 2006

I had just installed SQL 2005 dev on my laptop and got an error message when I tried to create a package using the BI IDE. I received the same error using VS2005 IDE. But the project was created regardless without any packages. When I tried to create a new package in the project, I received the same error again, but with an option to view the error details.

Following is the text of the error details:

TITLE: Microsoft Visual Studio

Error creating package


Failed to save package file "C:Documents and SettingsmyoungbloodLocal SettingsTemp mpD4B.tmp" with error 0x80040154 "Class not registered".


Failed to save package file "C:Documents and SettingsmyoungbloodLocal SettingsTemp mpD4B.tmp" with error 0x80040154 "Class not registered".


I found a similar post that suggested that they try the following:

regsvr32 msxml3.dll
regsvr32 msxml4.dll
regsvr32 msxml6.dll

But msxml6.dll could not be found.

I did get a copy of this file from a coworker, and after copying it and registering it, I was able to add a package to the project.

My concern now is what is the likelyhood of this being the only file missing from the installation.

I'm wondering if I should reinstall, or (if it exists) do a repair on the installation.



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Package Fails But Single Task Ends With Success

Nov 8, 2006


I've created a simple package that contains only one task that is an execute sql task. When I run only this single task from Business Intelligence development studio it runs successfully. But when I run the whole package (also from Business intlligence studio), the package fails.

The data source I access is ODBC. I'm sure the real reason for the error is the bad ODBC driver of the data source but this can't be changed. So I need to know what is different from running only a task in a package to running the whole package. If I knew that I might be able to adjust some setting and make it work.

Any help welcome.

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JOB With SSIS Step Fails If Package Contains A Script Task

Aug 5, 2005

I have a Job Step defined to execute a SSIS Package.  This SSIS package contains a Script Task.  The Job fails with the message "Package execution failed.  The step failed." 

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Execute Package Task Often Fails For FlatFile Connection -- Very Hard To Troubleshoot

Jul 18, 2007

I have a simple parent package that calls 3 small simple child packages (child1, child2, and child3). Each child package does nothing but contains a FlatFile connection. I run these 3 child packages in parallel inside parent package. The parent package fails sometimes (i.e. sometimes success, but sometimes failed). And the failure is replicable.

I would like to send you all of 4 simplest packages via email if anyone is interested in helping out.

Here is the error info

Code Snippet

SSIS package "parent.dtsx" starting.

Executing ExecutePackageTask: C:SSISDasLoaderchlid3.dtsx

Executing ExecutePackageTask: C:SSISDasLoaderchld2.dtsx

Executing ExecutePackageTask: C:SSISDasLoaderchild1.dtsx

Error: 0xC0014005 at : The connection type "FLATFILE" specified for connection manager "_MedicalClaimServiceLine_070713_161742152820" is not recognized as a valid connection manager type. This error is returned when an attempt is made to create a connection manager for an unknown connection type. Check the spelling in the connection type name.

Error: 0xC0010018 at : Error loading value "<DTS:ConnectionManager xmlns:DTS=""><DTS:Property DTS:Name="DelayValidation">0</DTS:Property><DTS:Property DTS:Name="ObjectName">_MedicalClaimServiceLine_070713_161742152820</DTS:Property><DTS:Property DTS:Name="DTSID">{CA12C" from node "DTS:ConnectionManager".

Error: 0xC00220DE at child2: Error 0xC0010014 while loading package file "C:SSISDasLoaderchld2.dtsx". One or more error occurred. There should be more specific errors preceding this one that explains the details of the errors. This message is used as a return value from functions that encounter errors.


Task failed: child2

Warning: 0x80019002 at parent: SSIS Warning Code DTS_W_MAXIMUMERRORCOUNTREACHED. The Execution method succeeded, but the number of errors raised (3) reached the maximum allowed (1); resulting in failure. This occurs when the number of errors reaches the number specified in MaximumErrorCount. Change the MaximumErrorCount or fix the errors.

Information: 0x40016042 at chlid3: The package is attempting to configure from the parent variable "z".

Information: 0x40016042 at child1: The package is attempting to configure from the parent variable "x".

Information: 0x4004300A at Data Flow Task, DTS.Pipeline: Validation phase is beginning.

Information: 0x4004300A at Data Flow Task, DTS.Pipeline: Validation phase is beginning.

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Package Failed : Failed To Decrypt Protected XML Node DTS:Password With Error

Apr 21, 2008

Dear all,

I've built SSIS package and made a job to execute it automatically but it always returns an error. The job returns OK but when we looked at the Log File viewer, it conatins this error log :

Key not valid for use in specified state

Failed to decrypt protected XML node "DTS Password" with error

What's wrong with the package ?
Thanks in advance.

Best regards,


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