Job Is Disabling Every Night

Apr 12, 2002

Please help if you can! I have setup a job that runs every day on an hourly basis. Every morning I find that it's been disabled. The funny thing is is that the schedule is disabled, but the job is not (you see 'Enabled' in the jobs list in EM, but when you view the schedules tab, it's disabled.) Also, it runs a several times before becoming disabled.



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Shrinking A Log File Every Night

Dec 13, 2007

I have a relatively high usage 2005 database whose transaction log grows every day.

Untill now I have been manually shrinking the log files .. but I would like to automate this process.

In the maintenance schedule that runs every night

1 Do a full backup to disk
2. Do a transaction log backup to disk
3. run the following TSQL


4. Backup disk files to tape.

however it doesn't work !! the TLOG file does not shrink, even though its the same as the manual job that I run?

There is nothing in the SQL logs .. but in the event log I get

Event Type: Error
Event Source: SQLISPackage
Event Category: None
Event ID: 12291
Date: 13/12/2007
Time: 00:50:10
Computer: ALGSQL1
Package "MyDB_FULL_BACKUP" failed.
For more information, see Help and Support Center

any ideas ?

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Stupid Late Night SQL Question

Dec 27, 2003

How do I return the updated value to client for this update?

UPDATE table SET x = x + 1 WHERE idvalue = y

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Timeouts Like Clock-work Every Night.

Sep 21, 2007

We get the following errors at the same times every night (between about 3AM and 4AM) on our distributor (ss2000). The publisher and subscribers do not log anything unusual during this time period but are busy. The distribution agents time-out with:
Timeout expired (Source: ODBC SQL Server Driver (ODBC); Error number: S1T00)

exec sp_MSadd_repl_commands27hp 2, N'pacefs', 0x0013D1040000A2BF00010013D119000008080142000003D70002F4A10000001E0003A1000000003E01000029007B00430041004C004C002000730070005F004D00530069006E0073005F00740062006C005F0063006F006E00760065007200730069006F006E005F006400610074006100200028003F002C0020003F002C0020003F002C0020003F002C0020003F002C0020003F002C0020003F002C0020003F002C0020003F002C0020003F002C0020003F002C0020003F002C0020003F002C0020003F002C0020003F002C0020003F002C0020003F002C0020003F002C0020003F002C0020003F002C0020003F002C0020003F002C0020003F002C0020003F002C0020003F002C0020003F002C0020003F002C0020003F002C0020003F002C0020003F002C0020003F002C0020003F002C0020003F002C0020003F002C0020003F002C0020003F002C0020003F002C0020003F002C0020003F002C0020003F002C0020003F0029007D00060000004C007B00370030004300460037004100420041002D0041003600430034002D0034003300340045002D0039003500310045002D003300360037003000410044003500320036004500330035007D000C00050000005765656B310C00000C00000043757272656E744D6F6E746801000000010000000C000000060000003173742054440100010000000C00000008000000484C4320576573740C00000009000000526566696E616E6365010000480000000C000000050000004E61696C730C000004000000323239340C000000090000004A656464204C6172610C00000C0000004C656E64696E6720547265650C000000000000000C00000007000000333431353338320C0F0000003239353433323330202020202020200E00002E0032003000300037002D00300039002D00310030002000310032003A00350036003A00330034002E003400360030000C000B0000004C454E44494E47545245450C130000004C454E44494E4754524545204E4554574F524B0C09000000524546494E414E43450100000000000001000000000000000713040016003400300032003000300030002E0030003000300030000713040016003400300035003000300030002E00300030003000300001000000540000008E01000000000000010000000000000001000000000000000C000000090000004A656464204C6172610C0000050000004E61696C730C000008000000484C4320576573740C000000060000003734363937330C0002000000464C0C0000000000010000002005000001000000480000000100000001000000010000000000000001000000000000008E, 0x0013D1040000A2BF00010013D119000008080142000003D70002F4A20000001E00033D000000003E01000029007B00430041004C004C002000730070005F004D00530069006E0073005F00740062006C005F0063006F006E00760065007200730069006F006E005F006400610074006100200028003F002C0020003F002C0020003F002C0020003F002C0020003F002C0020003F002C0020003F002C0020003F002C0020003F002C0020003F002C0020003F002C0020003F002C0020003F002C0020003F002C0020003F002C0020003F002C0020003F002C0020003F002C0020003F002C0020003F002C0020003F002C0020003F002C0020003F002C0020003F002C0020003F002C0020003F002C0020003F002C0020003F002C0020003F002C0020003F002C0020003F002C0020003F002C0020003F002C0020003F002C0020003F002C0020003F002C0020003F002C0020003F002C0020003F002C0020003F002C0020003F0029007D00060000004C007B00370031003500370037004500420031002D0034003200450035002D0034004300420041002D0039004600320036002D003300360037003000420030003400450039004200370030007D000C00000000000C000000070000004D6F6E74683131810C0000000A000000556E61737369676E6564818C0C00000006000000457175697479810C040000004E6F6E650C000000030000003931360C0C0000004E69636F6C61205365

exec sp_MSadd_distribution_history 7, 3, N'The process is running and is waiting for a response from one of the backend connections.', 0x0000000000000000000000000000, 0, 0, 0.00, 0x00, 1, 0x0000000000000000000000000000, 0, 0x01, 0x01

This is driving me crazy as there appears to be little to go on and I don't know what to do next.

Any useful suggestions?



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Creating A Report That Is Emailed Every Night

Oct 10, 2007


Some of you might remember me posting a question about importing data from a csv. Well I've managed to do that now by writing a service.

Now all I need to do is have some kind of method of exporting the data as a report via email every night.

The tables are as follows...



Disb_2 - Disb_20
"Same as Disb_1"

The report structure I need is...

cNumber ClName FE type dateReq payee amount vat total chequeReq

With data from each disb on a new line, i.e. cNumber could be the same for 20 rows! (don't blame me, it's what they want!)

The records should only be shown though when the dateReq is equal to today. I think I can do that with the DateDiff function.

The problem I have is knowing how to set the report up and what to do it in, Reporting services or Business Intelligence. The report only has to be an email, would it even be simpler to write an extra class into my service?


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Data Changes Made Late At Night Dissapear

Sep 10, 2005

Hi,Sorry for the obscure title but I'm afraid I can't think of a betterway to describe what happened to one of my clerks last night. The guy wasworking late, made a series of changes (accross a number of tables with adependant relationship structure - i.e. a customer linked to an order linkedto an invoice linked to a payments etc.) Now when he came back this morningnone of the work he did last night was still there. I'm by no means asql-pro - but I've managed to make do so far. Here's what I know:1) All of our records in all of our tables have date/time stamped. Once whenthey go in and once when they're changed. So with a little work I can buildup a good picture of what usage our database gets at what times. I've pulledup a query and there is a big fat hole between 8pm-10pm - stuff thathappened before that is still there, stuff that happened after that is stillthere - but all the changes that were put in between then just aren't thereany more. So it's not just insertions but updates as well.2) There is no perceivable break in our identity columns. So despite thefact that I know he entered 7 new customers, I can go back through thecustomers table and look at where those customers should sit visa vie entrytimes - and it's just as though the customers he entered never existed -sql server just keeps incrementing sequentially and there's no break - sothe last customer entered at about 6:50 pm was something like number 11912and the customers entered this morning have numbers that carry on from11913.3) I'm running in a shared environment - the server is hosted by awebhosting company (who shall remain nameless unless I can prove it's theirfault!) based in the US - the server has 100's of other Users databasesrunning on it.I just don't know where to begin diagnosing this sort of problem. But it hasme really running scared. It's not the first time something like this hashappened to me (i've noticed it once before when I had to get a connectionkilled by the people who manage our server because of a long-running querythat seemed to have just got bunged up and was locking a key table) - butthat was just a few records changed by the user who's connection got killed.Nothing like this... but it's pretty scary - I've got no way of knowing thatI'm losing changes like this on a continuous basis. It's my worstnightmare - like a pipe leaking underneath a floor board - and you only findout when the water starts running down the stairs!Has anyone got any ideas? Any starting places? Anyone else had anything likethis happen to them before?ThanksNick

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Vista Installs SQL Server 2005 SP1 Every Night!!

Jan 12, 2007

With Vista Ultimate (release), I installed SQL server 2005 Developer edition. I installed SP1, apparently successfully. But my Windows update history shows the SP being installed successfully every night. I have automatic updating turned on (via AD policy).

Has anyone seen this, and does anyone know how to fix it?

Thanks in advance.


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Replication :: Undistributed Transactions Build Up At Same Time Each Night

May 12, 2015

There is a database "Foo" sitting on server "A". There is a database "Bar" sitting on server "B". A.Foo publishes a subset of its schema. B.Bar subscribes to A.Foo's publication. The distribution database is on "B" (B.distributor). This a push subscription (transactions are pushed to the subscriber from the distributor). Every day (including the weekend) I get the following alert:

"5/12/2015 3:53:16 AM, Unsubscribed Transactions (Count) onĀ "B" is Warning.

SQL Server instanceĀ "B" has 636771 unsubscribed replication transactions received by the Distributor and not received by a Subscriber.

Unsubscribed Transactions (Count): Number of replication transactions received by the Distributor and not received by a Subscriber."

The number of transactions will vary. The alerts will be sent between 1:20 AM (EST) and 3:30 AM (EST). I'm trying to figure out what is causing the backup of transactions. I assume the issue precedes the alerts by 30-minutes or so.

There are no backups occurringNothing is blocking the distributor agent in the subscription databaseJob activity is at a minimum; the few jobs running run throughout the dayThe machine has plenty of resources -- CPU, RAM, etc.The publisher database shows no signs of stress.

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Trigger - Disabling

May 18, 2001

I need to disable a trigger for a week w/o droping it. Is there a way in sql ?

Thanks and nice week-end.


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Disabling Replication

Jan 9, 2003

I have a server that was being used for logshipping and had
replication set up at some point as well. One of the databases got out
of sync in the logshipping process so I removed logshipping and was
going to reinitialize the database and set up the logshipping again.
The database is in read only mode and when I try to take it out of
read only I get the following message:

Error 5063: Database 'XXXXXXXX' is in warm standby. A warm stanby
database is read-only. ALTER DATABASE statment failed. sp_dboption
command failed.

I have tried to disable replication on the server but get the
following error message:

SQL Server Enterprise Manager could not disable 'SRVXXXX' as a
Error 3906: Could not run BEGIN TRANSACTION in database 'XXXXXXX'
because the database is read only.

So my problem is that I can't take the database out of read-only mode
because of replication and I can't disable replication because the
database is in read-only mode.

Has anyone come across this before and how should I resolve it? I
tried dropping the database as well and that didn't work either.

Any ideas or help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance,


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Disabling The Trigger

Mar 25, 2003


I have a update trigger on a table. Can I disable this trigger for duration of a job which updates this table.

Thanks in advance ...j

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Disabling Triggers

Feb 15, 2001

Is there a way to disable a trigger when performing a transaction besides dropping and recreating the trigger? I am trying to perform an insert on a table, and this keeps firing a trigger that I want to disable.

Any help is appreciated.

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Disabling Distribution DB

May 28, 2008

I have accidentally registered an existing database as a distribution database, which made it a system database.
the data itself is safe and sound, but I want to undo the whole thing.

How can I do this?

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Disabling Job Using VBScript

Jun 6, 2008

I have an SQL job that runs a .vbs script. It has the following code:

Cmd2.ActiveConnection = Conn2
Cmd2.CommandText = "USE msdb EXEC sp_update_job @job_name = 'Email Download',@enabled = 0"
Cmd2.CommandType = 1

It's not disabling the job. If I execute in Query Analyzer, it works. I'm thinking it might be a permissions issue. Any suggestions?


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Disabling Primary Key

Jul 20, 2005

Hii have a table with primary key defined on col1 and col2. now i want tohave col3 also included in primary key. when i alter the table it givesme error for duplicate rows. there is an option for 'with nocheck' butit only works with check or foreign key constraint. is there any optionin sql server like in oracle 'no validate' which doesnt validate theexisting data and force the data validation from new records.thanxFarid*** Sent via Developersdex ***Don't just participate in USENET...get rewarded for it!

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Disabling All Logins

Dec 4, 2007

Hi all,

1) Can anybody provide me the script for DISABLING all the jobs in the server and vice versa (i.e.) for enabling also.

2) Script for DISABLING LOGINS and script for ENABLING all Logins.

Its Sql Server 2005

Thanks... Any Help Greatly appreciated.

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Queue Not Disabling

Oct 11, 2006

HI There

My activated proc is rolling back the transaction and putting the message abck on the queue infinately ?

Normally it disabled the queue after a few rollbacks, i can see in the sql log that it just keeps rolling back and re-activating thousands of times.

It only stops when i disable activation on the queue.

WHy is the queue not disabling ?


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Disabling The TransactionLog

Sep 20, 2006

I have an SSIS task that transforms 70 million rows of data nightly.

The data is dumped and imported fresh every day.

Obviously I don't want my production Transaction Log getting cluttered up with 70 million rows of transaction logs daily.

Is there any way to avoid logging to the transaction log with an SSIS task?

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Constraint Disabling

Dec 20, 2006


Is there any way to disable/enable constraints on the table?

Command "ALTER TABLE table_name {CHECK|NOCHECK} CONSTRAINT ALL" produces error.

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Disabling Foreign Key Constraints

Dec 22, 2000

I want to disable foreign key constraints en mass. Is there a way to do this?

I know that I can go into each table and navigate to the Relationship tab of Properties and uncheck the "Enforce relationship for INSERTs and UPDATEs" box, but I'd much prefer to automate this process with a query since there are 160+ tables and probably 200+ relationships to disable.

I figure that sysconstraints my be the ticket, but I will keep experimenting until I get the right solution. In the meantime, any insight to steer me in the right direction is appreciated.

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Disabling Publication Using SQL DMO. URGENT!!!!!!!!

Oct 29, 1999

I'm using DMO (SQLOLE65.dll) to programmatically replicate selected publications. The Publication object supports a property called Enabled, which can be set to FALSE. I'm setting the enabled property to TRUE for those publications that need be replicated, and make the others FALSE. Still, all publications get replicated. [I give DoAlter to commit the changes i made.]
Any solution,Please mail me ASAP to


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Disabling FOREIGN KEY Constraint...

Jan 11, 2007

sql 2000, northwind databse

code in sql analyzer:



but still i am getting the error:

Quote: Server: Msg 4712, Level 16, State 1, Line 2
Cannot truncate table 'categories' because it is being referenced by a FOREIGN KEY constraint.

what i need to do is write a query that just cleans all the tables of all data.

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Disabling Named Pipes

Jul 23, 2005

In the process of doing some routine monitoring/clean-up we'vediscovered that several (many?) users are apparently set to access ourSQL Server 2000 database instances via the Named Pipes protocol. Inreadings and recommendations we've decided that our WAN would be bestserved if we use the less "chatty" TCP/IP.As such we've also decided to try to enforce this decision to useTCP/IP exclusively using the domain login script used by all of ourend-users.Question: does anyone know what registry entries are created/used toindicate that TCP/IP is enabled and is the default protocol for SQLServer 2000? Our environment is: XP Pro SP2 and SQL Server 2000(typically SP3).TIAGlenn - newbie DBA

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Disabling A Task At Runtime

Oct 1, 2007

Hi all,

Here is my situation. I need to disable a task at runtime. I have a script task that configures a boolean variable at runtime and sets its value to either true or false based on a condition. And also i have already set "disable" property of the component to get value from the boolean variable. The problem here is that the component gets the default value which we give during variable creation instead of getting the configured value.

Am i missing out anything. thanks in advance.


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Disabling Export Formats

Apr 2, 2008

I'm currently using SQL Server 2000 and SSRS 2000 with the latest Service Packs.

I need to disable Excel Exports for a single report.

I've found a way to disable Exporting Formats but it disables for ALL REPORTS on the server.
This involves changing the rsreportserver.config file.

Another site mentions a way to disable Exporting Formats for a single Report.

Code Snippetusing System.Reflection;
using Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms;
using Microsoft.SqlServer.ReportingServices2005.Execution;

namespace MyProject
public class ServerReportDecorator
private readonly ServerReport serverReport;

public ServerReportDecorator(ReportViewer reportViewer)
this.serverReport = reportViewer.ServerReport;

public ServerReportDecorator(ServerReport serverReport)
this.serverReport = serverReport;

public void DisableUnwantedExportFormats()
foreach(RenderingExtension extension in serverReport.ListRenderingExtensions())
if(extension.Name == "XML" || extension.Name == "IMAGE"
|| extension.Name == "MHTML")

private void ReflectivelySetVisibilityFalse(RenderingExtension extension)
FieldInfo info = extension.GetType().GetField("m_serverExtension",
| BindingFlags.Instance);
if (info != null)
Extension rsExtension = info.GetValue(extension) as Extension;
if(rsExtension != null)
rsExtension.Visible = false;

I'm looking for further clarification of this process.
1. Where I can download the Microsoft.SqlServer.ReportingServices2000 dll?
2. Does anyone have a project example of the process? How/When to actually use the code quoted?

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Any Script For Disabling All The Constraints On All The Tables In A Db?

Apr 21, 2004

Any script out there for disabling all the constraints on all the tables in a database?

Since there are more than 100 tables I need to import the data into, is there any generic script that I can use to disable all the constraints and triggers etc on all the tables?


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Disabling Triggers From Stored Procedures

Mar 8, 2004


Is it possible to disable a trigger from a Stored Procedure? If it is, how do you do it?



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Disabling Constraint For Bulk Loading

Dec 7, 2005

Greetings,I want to bulk load data into user defined SQL Servertables. For this i want to disable all the constraints on all the userdefined tables.I got solution in one of the thread and did the following:declare @tablename varchar(30)declare c1 cursor for select name from sysobjects where type = 'U'open c1fetch next from c1 into @tablenamewhile ( @@fetch_status <> -1 )beginexec ( 'alter table ' + @tablename + ' check constraint all ')fetch next from c1 into @tablenameenddeallocate c1goNow when i try to truncate one of the tables (say titles) it gives methe following error:Cannot truncate table 'titles' because it is being referenced by aFOREIGN KEY constraint.Can anyone show me the right path? I am working on ASE 12.5TIA

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Disabling The AUTOCOMMIT Option In MSSQLServer

Jun 8, 2006

Hello,Is there anyway.. we can disable AUTOCOMMIT option in MSSQL serverwhile executing the SQL queries via SQL ANALYZER

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Enabling Or Disabling Parameters (URGENT)

Nov 13, 2007

I have a report that can accept two parameters name or address. So if the user selects the name the dropdown for address should be disabled. if the user select an address the name dropdown should be disables?

is it possible to do something like this in SQL Report


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SQL Server Express SP2 Disabling SA Account

Apr 16, 2007

I recently updated a default instance of SQL Express to Service Pack 2. When I tried to attach my database I got an error "Login failed for user SA. The user is not associated with a trusted SQL server connection".

I found that my SA account for the instance was locked out. I unlocked it and everything worked again.

This happened to my on two different PC's using a default instance of SQL Express. Does anybody know why SA is being locked out? Thanks in advance.

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Programmatically Disabling/enabling Drilldowns

Nov 2, 2007

I have a report where a particular row may or may not need to drill down, depending on whether or not there is more than one row grouped within it. I was wondering if there is some sort of property I can access that will enable or disable a drill down. I know where to go to do it in the IDE, but this is something that needs to happen at runtime.


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Help W/Disabling FK Constraints For Batch Operations

May 2, 2006

HI all,

I'm trying to have a SProc that will initialize a database for me. This db is in development (I'm primarily writing SSIS packages, atm), and I constantly need to truncate the tables, then re-add a dummy/unknown row (PK/Identity value = 1). Of course, I need triggers not to fire (got that part working), and FK constraints to be bypassed temporarily -- that's the problem.

Here's where I'm at:

CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[_InitializeDB]


DECLARE @name varchar(255)
DECLARE @sql nvarchar(255)

DECLARE tables CURSOR FOR SELECT [name] FROM [sysobjects] WHERE [type]='U' AND [name]<>'sysdiagrams'

OPEN tables
EXEC sp_executeSQL @sql
SET @sql = 'DISABLE TRIGGER ALL ON [' + @name + ']'
EXEC sp_executeSQL @sql
SET @sql = 'TRUNCATE TABLE [' + @name + ']'
EXEC sp_executesql @sql
SET @sql = 'INSERT INTO [' + @name + '] (Active) VALUES (0)'
EXEC sp_executeSQL @sql
PRINT @sql + ':'
SET @sql = 'ENABLE TRIGGER ALL ON [' + @name + ']'
EXEC sp_executeSQL @sql
EXEC sp_executeSQL @sql

CLOSE tables

Running this Sproc produces (for the first ref'd table):

Msg 4712, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Cannot truncate table 'Person' because it is being referenced by a FOREIGN KEY constraint.

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