Join Into New Data

Jan 19, 2012

I need joining 2 tables and putting the result into a new table.

Table export has the following columns:
Period, Actual, Company, Currency, Account, Amount, a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k

Table cc_split has the following columns:
Company, Fun_Account, CC_Account, x, y, Split

The new table called export2 has exactly the same values as export i.e. :
Period, Actual, Company, Currency, Account, Amount, a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k

So what I need to join from export and split into export2 are company, cc_account (that shall go into account column of export2 together with the account of export) and the amount, which shall be ( split column * amount column of export), the rest values shall be the same.

So what I have so far is

WHERE EXP_DATA.PERIOD IN ('1102', '1103', '1104')]

So at the end basically table exp_data 2, shall have the same values as exp_data but the account column shall include the same values of account column of exp_data plus the values of cc_account of cc_split table. And also the amount column shall be the multiplication of the column split from cc_split * amount of exp_data

I have realised that I need an alias, maybe a for exp_data and b for cc_split.

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Can Any One Tell Me The Difference Between Cross Join, Inner Join And Outer Join In Laymans Language

Apr 30, 2008


Can any one tell me the difference between Cross Join, inner join and outer join in laymans language

by just taking examples of two tables such as Customers and Customer Addresses

Thank You

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Fill Data Grid With Data From JOIN Query

Jul 8, 2013

I am working on a school project and have come up against a bit of a sticking point. I am supposed to be creating a very basic OMS, the teacher themselves have said they do not know how to do this (in previous years it has all be done via Access) but apparently I am a lucky one to be doing it in SQL this year.

So I have 2 tables for products in the system

|productid |productname |
|Int |varchar(50) |

|detailId |productid |description |price |stock |
|Int |Int |Text |Money |Int |
| |FK_From_ | | | |
| |productid_| | | |
| |products | | | |

One of the user requirements of the OMS is to fill a data grid with product name and the product details which I have the query for or rather I have created a view for, which is then queried from a stored procedure.

CREATE VIEW [dbo].[v_stock]
AS SELECT tab_products.productname, tab_productdetails.description, tab_productdetails.image, tab_productdetails.price, tab_productdetails.stock
FROM tab_productdetails INNER JOIN
tab_products ON tab_productdetails.productid = tab_products.productid

The problem I am having is then returning the data from this query into a data grid, I think the reason is because when I attached the stored procedure to a table and then call that procedure via the table adapter there is a mismatch of the schema - specifically the table it is attached to does not contain the column "productName".

I am thinking I need to create a temporary table to fill the data grid with - however, I am not sure how I would create a temporary table.

Is there something I am missing or not done correctly. As far as I can tell the queries work as when I preview them they produce the expected results.

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Join Three Data Sets From Different Data Flows Into One Txt File

Mar 9, 2008

Hi, I was wondering how it is posible to join three data sets from different data flows into one txt file.
Let's explain a little more:

I have 3 dataflows. Each of them connect to sql server and and by a SQL command, they bring data into SSIS.

Each SQL command differ between them. So each data set have different columns (they dont have the same format). Also the amount of columns differ between each one.

What I need is to join the three data sets into one txt file. How can I do this? It is posible to join them with different data set formats into a txt file?

Is this the best way to join different data? It is better to use as many OLE DB Sources are needed instead of different data flows?
Thanks for your help!

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Exporting Data From A Merge Join From One Data Flow To Another

Mar 1, 2006


Does anyone know if it is possible to point data that underwent the "merge join" transformation (in one data flow) to the following data flow? I don't want to recreate all that merging, sorting and calling the same sources again in the following data flow if the data that I am using exists in the previous data flow. The merged data is simply too big to export to an excel file, so does anyone have any ideas? Thanks!

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Inner Join Duplicate Data

Jun 13, 2000

i have 2 tables not connected in any way
but both have orderid filed (same filed).
In one table this filed (and onther one) are keys,
the second table dose not hace a key at all.
The same order_id CAN repeat itself in each table.
When i try to join the tables (some rows just in one table and some in both):
Select, tab1.orderid, tab2.sku
from tab1 inner join tab2 on tab1.orderid=tab2.orderid
The result i get is duplicate.
each row is multiple.
What I'm doing wrong?

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Join On Similar Data

Feb 23, 2015

Table One is an older database and has the column employee id, which would always consist of first letter of the last name an underscore and a numeric value. So for example, data looks like


Our new data structure simply removed the letter & underscore.


Now my question is, how could I join on oldDB.employeeID to newDB.employeeID since the data is very similar, but not exactly the same?

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How To Join Data - Can't Figure This One Out

May 22, 2008

Hi -

I have three tables that I am trying to join in order to produce some report output. I have tried numerous ways, but they all don't give the results I need to provide.

Below is the table creation, some inserts for data and the output I am looking for.

[EmpName] [varchar] (100),
[Acct_Num] [varchar](15),
[Acct_Name] [varchar] (50)


[Acct_Num] [varchar](15),
[PerfDate] [smalldatetime],
[Channel] [varchar](25),
[Medium] [varchar](25),
[Clicks] [int],
[Impressions] [int]

[Acct_Num] [varchar](15),
[RevenueDate] [smalldatetime],
[Channel] [varchar](25),
[Medium] [varchar](25),
[ServiceLevel] [varchar],
[TransactionType] [varchar],
[GrossRev] [decimal](18, 2)

INSERT INTO SalesAcct (EmpName, Acct_Num, Acct_Name)
VALUES ('BobSmith', '100XYZ', 'My Account')

INSERT INTO Perf (Acct_NUm, PerfDate, Channel, Medium, Clicks, Impressions)
VALUES ('100XYZ', '05-11-2008', 'US', 'Net', 240, 500)

INSERT INTO Revenue (Acct_Num, RevenueDate, Channel, Medium, GrossRev)
VALUES ('100XYZ', '05-11-2008', 'US', 'Net',500.50)
INSERT INTO Revenue (Acct_Num, RevenueDate, Channel, Medium, GrossRev)
VALUES ('100XYZ', '05-11-2008', 'US', 'Cable',23.75)

What I need to provide to mgmt is two is rolled up by EmpName and AcctNum and Date, and the other is details like:

EMPName | Acct_Num | Acct_Name | Date Rev $ | Clicks | Impressions
BobSmith| X0000005 | My Account | 2008-05-11 |524.25| 240500

EMPName | Acct_Num | Channel | Medium | Date | Rev $ | Clicks | Impressions
BobSmith | X0000005 | US | Net | 2008-05-11 | 500.50 |240 | 500
BobSmith | X0000005 | US | Cable | 2008-05-11 | 23.75 | 0 | 0

My latest query, which doesn't work is:
select S.EmpName, S.acct_num, R.RevenueDate as Date, coalesce(R.Channel, channel,
coalesce(R.medium, P.medium), GrossRev, coalesce(P.clicks, ''), coalesce(P.impressions, '')
FROM SalesAcct AS S
left outer join Revenue as R on S.acct_num = R.acct_num
left outer join Perf as P on S.acct_num = P.acct_num

Yields two rows...but the Medium duplicates and the Clicks and Impressions also get duplicated when they should be zero.

Any help would be appreciated.

Thank you,

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Join Data From 2 Tables

Nov 22, 2007

I have 2 tables , one is Broker and Other is Booking, Booking table has 4 brokers codes as foreign keys with other columns, like


id Broker1 Broker2 Broker3 Broker4
1 100 101 102 101
2 101 102

brokers can bu null in booking (means no broker)


BrokersCode BrokerName
100 John
101 muller
102 ABC

Now my requirement is to show broker Name (John, Muller, ABC) against their codes in table Booking.
i tried with left outer join, but this is not working after join in result it shows more rows in booking table as original.
(No of records in booking table should be same after join as before, the thing is only to show brokers names) .

Any help?

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Sql Data Join Related Problem

Apr 1, 2008

I am using join for 2 tables in one sql data file.
now i want to build relationship between 2 tables of different SQL file is it possible?

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How To Join Tables And Get Desired Data...

May 16, 2005

I have a problem...I have two tables, patient_tran and patient_plan. Patient_tran has case_entry_date and patient_id,patient_plan has patient_id, plan_Id, plan_eff_date and plan_term_date. I need to join these two tables and get the patient_id, plan_id but the plan_id should be the plan_id where the entry_date falls between plan_eff_date and plan_term_date. If doesn't match the criteria then pick up the plan_id where the plan_term_date is null, if there's no null plan_term_date then pick up the plan_id with the most recent plan_term_date. In patient_plan table, there's could be more than one plan per patient. How can I do this? Can anyone please help, will be most appreciated.

Thanks in advance!!

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SQL 2012 :: CTE Ignores The Data In The Second Join?

Aug 19, 2014

I have created a common table expression. The first query is meant to select a particular months worth of data. The second query is meant to select the following months data but only for the subscribers (MSISDN's) that appeared in the first month.

The query returns result for month 1 but ignores the second month. If I remove the last inner join to the CTE (INNER JOIN Test_Table tt ON tt.MSISDN = B.SUBSCRIBER_NUMBER) then I get a full list for both months but obviously this isn't limited to those MSISDN's in the first month.

The second issue that I'm having is that I can't select a sample of say only a 1000 MSISDN's from the first month...

WITH Test_Table (Report_Month, MSISDN, SUB_SEGMENT)


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How To Join And Show Data In Browser

Mar 21, 2007

This is the select statement I'm currently using but I can't seem to get the browser to show any data. It just shows the table structure.

I use the g and the p as aliases. Easier maintenance this way.

strSQL = "SELECT g.GuestID, g.ProgramID, p.ProgramID AS Expr1, g.GuestName, g.GuestDescription, p.URL, p.Description FROM dbo.T_ProgramGuests g INNER JOIN dbo.T_ProgramLinks p ON g.GuestID = p.LinkID WHERE p.ProgramID = " & Request("ProgramID")

I have an ASP page where the above sql code is embedded. I have two SQL tables. One is called T_ProgramGuests and the other is called T_ProgramLinks. The asp page basically does a read only of the two tables and is suppose to return the results inside of the html tables I have in the asp page. But all I see when I test is the html and the tables are devoid of data.

on error resume next
set con = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
con.Open "File Name=E:webserviceCompanyCompany.UDL"
set recProgram = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")

strSQL = "SELECT g.GuestID, g.ProgramID, p.ProgramID AS Expr1, g.GuestName, g.GuestDescription, p.URL, p.Description FROM dbo.T_ProgramGuests g INNER JOIN dbo.T_ProgramLinks p ON g.GuestID = p.LinkID WHERE p.ProgramID = " & Request("ProgramID")

recProgram.Open strSQL,con


<TABLE border="1" cellspacing="0" border="1" width="70%">

<p><b>Guest Name and Description:</b></p>
<th width="35%" align="left">Guest Name</th>
<th width="45%" align="left">Guest Description</th>
<TD headers="t2"><%=recProgram.Fields("GuestName")%></TD>
<TD headers="t3"><%=recProgram.Fields("GuestDescription")%></TD>

<TABLE border="1" cellspacing="0" border="1" width="70%">
<br /><br />
<p><b>URL and Description:</b></p>
<th width="35%" align="left">URL</th>
<th width="45%" align="left">Description</th>
<TD headers="t4"><%=recProgram.Fields("URL")%></TD>
<TD headers="t5"><%=recProgram.Fields("Description")%></TD>
set recProgram = nothing
set con = nothing
'response.write err.Description


I am new to using the advanced features of SQL and could sure use some help with this.

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Join Data From Multiple Cubes

Aug 6, 2007

I am trying to build a report that access data from multiple cubes. Is it possible to join multiple cubes based on their shared dimensions? Or is it possible for report to display data from multiple cubes properly aligned based on the dimension.

SQL Server Analysis Services 2005 and Reporting Services 2005

We have multiple cubes with “Year� as a shared dimension and each one has different Rate info. The cubes have other set of shared dimensions which I am planning to set it up as a parameter. I would like to display the report as

I really appreciate any suggestion.


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Help With Data Transformations With Outer Join?

Jul 20, 2005

Hello all.I am trying to write a query that "just" switches some data around soit is shown in a slightly different format. I am already able to dowhat I want in Oracle 8i, but I am having trouble making it work inSQL Server 2000. I am not a database newbie, but I can't seem tofigure this one out so I am turning to the newsgroup. I am thinkingthat some of the SQL Gurus out there have done this very thing athousand times before and the answer will be obvious to them.This message is pretty long but hopefully gives you enough informationto replicate the issue.There are 3 tables involved in my scenario. Potentially a lot more inthe real application, but I'm trying to keep this example as simple aspossible.In my database I have many "things". Let's call them "User Records"(table: users) for this example. My app allows the customer to createany number of custom "Extra Fields" (XF's) for a given User Record.The Extra Field definitions are stored in a table which we can callattribs. The actual XF values for a given user record are stored in athird table, let's call it users_attribs.users_attribs will look something like this (actual DDL below.)UserID | ExtraFieldID | Value--------------------------------------User_1 | XF_1 | hamUser_1 | XF_2 | eggsUser_2 | XF_1 | baconUser_2 | XF_2 | cheeseUser_3 | XF_2 | onionsThe end result is that I want a SQL query that returns something likethis:UserID | XF_1 | XF_2-------------------------------------User_1 | ham | eggsUser_2 | bacon | cheeseUser_3 | NULL | onionsPotentially there would be one column for each extra field definition.One interesting question is how to get a dynamic number of columns toshow up in results, (so new XF's show up automatically) but I'm notworried about that for now. Assume I will hard-code a specific set ofextra fields into my query.The key here is that all users must show up in the final result EVENIF they don't have some extra field value defined. Since User_3 inthe example above doesn't have an XF_1 record, we see a NULL in thatcolumn in the final result.With Oracle I am able to accomplish this via an Outer Join, and I knowSQL Server supports Outer Joins, but I can't seem to make it work. Inever version I have tried so far, if any user is missing any extrafield value, the entire row for the user goes "missing", and that ismy problem.It seems like one possible solution would be to just go ahead andpopulate the users_attribs table with a NULL value for thatcombination of user ID and extra field ID, basically adding a new rowlike this:UserID | ExtraFieldID | Value--------------------------------------User_3 | XF_1 | NULLI would like to avoid that if possible, for a number of reasons,particularly the question of *when* that NULL would be added. I don'twant my report to touch the database and add stuff at reporting timeif at all possible. In Oracle, I seemingly don't have to, and I wantto get to that point on SQL Server.So, here is some specific DDL to recreate this scenario:CREATE TABLE users (user_id varchar(60), username varchar(60));-- Extra Field (attribs) definitionsCREATE TABLE attribs (xf_id varchar(60), xf_name varchar(60));-- Extra Field values for UsersCREATE TABLE users_attribs (user_id varchar(60), xf_id varchar(60),val varchar(60));-- populate the sample tables-- sample User recsINSERT INTO users VALUES ('U_1', 'John Smith');INSERT INTO users VALUES ('U_2', 'Mary Rogers');-- sample extra field definitionsINSERT INTO attribs VALUES ('XF_1', 'Extra Field 1');INSERT INTO attribs VALUES ('XF_2', 'Extra Field 2');INSERT INTO attribs VALUES ('XF_3', 'Extra Field 3');-- sample values for User Extra Fields (XF's)-- U_1 ("John Smith") has complete values for each XFINSERT INTO users_attribs VALUES ('U_1', 'XF_1', 'XF_1 value forU_1');INSERT INTO users_attribs VALUES ('U_1', 'XF_2', 'XF_2 value forU_1');INSERT INTO users_attribs VALUES ('U_1', 'XF_3', 'XF_3 value forU_1');-- U_2 ("Mary Rogers") only has one value, missing the other two..INSERT INTO users_attribs VALUES ('U_2', 'XF_2', 'XF_2 value forU_2');Now, I can get what I want on Oracle, provided that I define an newview that joins the three tables together, then do a separate query onthat view that does an outer join. I could dispense with the view,but I don't want to hard-code the XF ID's into the query. I am finewith hardcoding the XF names, though. (Long story.)-- Create a User Extra Field view that joins Users-- extra field definitons (attribs)-- and values (users_attribs.)CREATE VIEW u_xf_view ASSELECT u.user_id, at.xf_name, uxf.valFROMusers u,attribs at,users_attribs uxfWHEREuxf.user_id = u.user_id ANDuxf.xf_id = at.xf_id-- Oracle-only outer join syntax works if you use the view:SELECTu.username as "User Name",uxf1.val as "Extra Field 1 Value",uxf2.val as "Extra Field 2 Value",uxf3.val as "Extra Field 3 Value"FROMusers t,u_xf_view uxf1,u_xf_view uxf2,u_xf_view uxf3WHEREuxf1.user_id(+) = t.user_id ANDuxf1.xf_name(+) = 'Extra Field 1' ANDuxf2.user_id(+) = t.user_id ANDuxf2.xf_name(+) = 'Extra Field 2' ANDuxf3.user_id(+) = t.user_id ANDuxf3.xf_name(+) = 'Extra Field 3';-- RESULTS (correct):User Name Extra Field 1 Value Extra Field 2 Value ExtraField 3 Value------------- ------------------------ ------------------------------------------------John Smith XF_1 value for U_1 XF_2 value for U_1 XF_3value for U_1Mary Rogers NULL XF_2 value for U_2 NULL2 Row(s)So far I have not been able to get the equivalent result in SQLServer. Like I said, I am really hoping to avoid populating thoseNULL values. Can anything think of a way to replicate Oracle'sbehavior here? I have tried a number of variations on the ANSI joinsyntax instead of Oracle's (+) operator, but everything I tried so farhas only yielded a row when ALL extra fields are populated (or evenworse behavior.)I greatly appreciate any assitance you may be able to give. I would behappy to provide any additional information if I forgot to mentionsomething important. I apologize in advance for any broken / wrappedlines. Thank you for taking the time to read this.I'm going to be out of town for the next week or so, so I won't checkfor a response until then, but as soon as I get back home I will checkback in the newsgroup.Thank you!!Preston Landerspibble (at) yahoo (dot) com

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4 Part Name Join Returning Too Much Data

Jan 12, 2008


I recently created a linked server to db2. When I do a join on the linked server it is returning to much data.
select * from table1 left join [linkedServer]..Schema.Table as tb1 on

For now, I had to first get the ids I wanted from table1 and then use a subquery to join table1 on the a result set produced from a query to the linked server that only specified those ids. Below is an example

select * from table1 left join (select col1 from [linkedServer]..Schema.table where id=1 or id=2) as tb1 on

I'm guessing I have some setting wrong. One of the biggest reasons for me to use the four part name is so I can do joins like the first example.

Please let me know if you have any ideas.


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Left Join And Data Displayed

May 21, 2007

I am trying to utilize the left join to display all the links for a particular record by ID. When I test my code in query analyzer I get repeats of records and links for one ID. I dont want repeats, I want to see only the links associated with each ID. This is my query code below, I have tested it with several variations but still getting the same results.

Code Snippet

SELECT T_ProgramGuests.ProgramID, T_ProgramGuests.GuestName, T_ProgramGuests.GuestDescription, T_ProgramLinks.URL, T_ProgramLinks.Description FROM T_ProgramGuests LEFT OUTER JOIN T_ProgramLinks ON T_ProgramGuests.ProgramID = T_ProgramLinks.ProgramID WHERE (T_ProgramGuests.ProgramID = 9734)

I've been reading up on this in the forum but everyone does this differently which makes it more confusing.

So if 9734 looked like this:

John Smith - making of widgets
'John's Widgets Website' (this would be a link)

But if John Smith had three actual links why am I only seeing the first one?

What is the easiest way for me to get my data to display correctly and not have repeats?

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Join Problem With Non Matching Data

Feb 28, 2008

I have been assigned to write a report that queries 3 tables. Table Store, Store_ID unique index, Cust table Cust_ID non unique index, CUST_Store_ID relates to Store Table, Table Emp, Emp_ID non unique index, Emp_Store_ID relates to Store Table

The problem is that the Employes and the customer don't relate to each other in any way. There can be stores with no Employees and there can be stores with no Customers. There are employees and customers listed multiple times in thier respective tables, and the multiple listings need to show on the report. A result set may look like this.

Store | Emp | Cust
2| |3
2| |4
3| |5
3| |5

I tried a full join, but ended up with this:
Store ID ~~~~~Emp~~~~~Cust

OHCOL-811C ~~~~~10498500|OHCOL-811C|00151.00|448097821|SL0005 ~~~~~448097821| | | |N|AD-TSUACE |SPKG |146921092
OHCOL-811C ~~~~~10498500|OHCOL-811C|00152.00|448097821|SL0006 ~~~~~448097821| | | |N|AD-TSUACE |SPKG |146921092
OHCOL-811C ~~~~~10498500|OHCOL-811C|00153.00|448097821|SL0007 ~~~~~448097821| | | |N|AD-TSUACE |SPKG |146921092
OHCOL-811C ~~~~~10498500|OHCOL-811C|00154.00|448097821|SL9827 ~~~~~448097821| | | |N|AD-TSUACE |SPKG |146921092
OHCOL-811C ~~~~~10498500|OHCOL-811C|00155.00|448097821|SL0150 ~~~~~448097821| | | |N|AD-TSUACE |SPKG |146921092
OHCOL-811C ~~~~~10498500|OHCOL-811C|00151.00|448097821|SL0005 ~~~~~448097821| | | |N|AD-TSUACE |SPKG |146876651
OHCOL-811C ~~~~~10498500|OHCOL-811C|00152.00|448097821|SL0006 ~~~~~448097821| | | |N|AD-TSUACE |SPKG |146876651
OHCOL-811C ~~~~~10498500|OHCOL-811C|00153.00|448097821|SL0007 ~~~~~448097821| | | |N|AD-TSUACE |SPKG |146876651
OHCOL-811C ~~~~~10498500|OHCOL-811C|00154.00|448097821|SL9827 ~~~~~448097821| | | |N|AD-TSUACE |SPKG |146876651
OHCOL-811C ~~~~~10498500|OHCOL-811C|00155.00|448097821|SL0150 ~~~~~448097821| | | |N|AD-TSUACE |SPKG |146876651

As you can see Cust is being duplicated for each Emp. The actual result set should look like this.

Store ID ~~~~~Emp~~~~~Cust

OHCOL-811C ~~~~~10498500|OHCOL-811C|00151.00|448097821|SL0005 ~~~~~448097821| | | |N|AD-TSUACE |SPKG |146921092
OHCOL-811C ~~~~~10498500|OHCOL-811C|00152.00|448097821|SL0006 ~~~~~448097821| | | |N|AD-TSUACE |SPKG |146876651
OHCOL-811C ~~~~~10498500|OHCOL-811C|00153.00|448097821|SL0007 ~~~~~NULL
OHCOL-811C ~~~~~10498500|OHCOL-811C|00154.00|448097821|SL9827 ~~~~~NULL
OHCOL-811C ~~~~~10498500|OHCOL-811C|00155.00|448097821|SL0150 ~~~~~NULL

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Using Join To Match Transactions To Client Data

Apr 10, 2001

I am running SQL2k on Win2k sp1. I need to match a transaction record (using txn_date) to client data as it would have appeared on the date of the transaction (using client_last_update).

A new row is inserted into my client table every time any part of the clients information changes, thereby leaving the change history in tact. The client_last_update field holds the date the change took place. It is required that the user be provided the client information that was current on the day of the transaction.

Example: A client record (name, address, accountno) was inserted to the client table on 2/1/2000 (the last_update field is empty because it's a new record).

The client record is modified on 4/15/2000 for a name change (making the last_update = 4/15/2000), and again on 12/5/2000 (making the last_update = 12/5/2000).

Transactions are made by the client on 2/5/2000, 6/10/2000, and 3/25/2001. These dates are held in the txn_date field in the transaction table.

The client now has 3 transaction records in the transaction table for his/her account number and 3 client records in the client table.

The transaction on 2/5/2000 should be joined to the initial client record ((2/5/2000 > empty) AND (2/5/2000 < 4/15/2000))

The transaction on 6/10/2000 should be joined to the client record having the last_update = 4/15/2000 (6/10/2000 > 4/15/2000) AND (6/10/2000 < 12/5/2000))

The last transaction, executed on 3/25/2001 should be joined to the most current client record, which has last_update = 12/5/2000 (3/25/2001 > 12/5/2000).

I have been experimenting with the code below, and found it to only return client data where the client record update_date = '4/18/2000'.

select * from transaction t Left Outer Join client c On t.SEC_ACCT = c.Account_No and t.Txn_Date > coalesce(c.Last_Update_Date, '1/1/1900') and t.Txn_Date < (select min(c2.Last_Update_Date) from client c2 where c2.Last_Update_Date > coalesce(c.Last_Update_Date, '1/1/1900'))

An example of a record that DID get returned carried a txn_date of '1/2/2001', and possible client update_dates of: NULL, '5/13/1999', and '4/18/2000'. The row returned carried a client update_date of '4/18/2001', and rightly so.

An example of a record that DID NOT get returned carried a txn_date = '1/2/2001' and possible client update_dates of: NULL, and '6/11/1999. This row was not returned.

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Join: Conditionally Include Data From Sub Rows?

Nov 2, 2004

Having one invoice table (ord) and one 'person' table (actor) I would like to include the name of the person who is responsible for an invoice: SELECT Ord.OrdNo, Ord.Selbuy, AC.Nm AS 'Responsible', AC.EmpNoFROM OrdLEFT OUTER JOIN Actor AS AC ON Ord.Selbuy = AC.EmpNoWHERE ord.ordno = 23505 This works perfectly fine if Ord.Selbuy has a corresponding value in Actor:|26914 |21|Yvonne| 21| or if there is no corresponding value in Actor:|26914 |21|NULL| NULL| But what if Ord.Selbuy=0? Then I end up with 3285 rows from Actor! This happens because Actor.EmpNo=0 is allowed. Persons which have never been employed or used to be employed gets Actor.EmpNo=0.Can I create a SELECT statement which only returns data from the INVOICE row if Ord.Selbuy=0?|26914 |21|NULL| NULL| p.s. I'm not able to change table structure/behavior of update procedures, because the tables/code belong to a "bought from the shelf"-business system.

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Problem Grabbing Correct Data On A Join

Apr 21, 2008

Hi folks,

I'm a little new to SQL programming but I'm learning. :)

I need to do a join on a table where I exclude records that have more than one urn (unique record number).

In the example table below I want to exclude both entries in the cr_urn column of 49074 & 49075.

cr_urn proc_urn crs_seq crp_seq crp_site


To get to this ->

cr_urn proc_urn crs_seq crp_seq crp_site


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How To JOIN Tables To Produce Contiguous Data

Aug 6, 2015

I have a SQL database that has multiple tables I need to combine for an analytics presentation. The tables are PRODUCTS (contains product information and UPC), STORES (Store number, name and address), DATES (List of dates that data is published on), and DATA (quantity, by store, by UPC, by date). I am trying to combine these so that i have one table with a row for each UPC on each day at each store. Also, I would like to lookup values for year ago quantities at the same store for the same UPC. Is there a way to structure a query to provide all of this information? I know it will be a lot of rows, but I will filter by product prior to pulling the data.

I think the solution requires a subquery in the FROM portion of the statement, but I am not sure how to structure it. Here are the Fields:

Products.UPC, Data.UPC, Data.Store_Num, Stores.StoreNum, Data.StartDate, Dates.DateKey, and finally the reason we are here Data.Qty

I am using an Azure SQL Database.

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SQL Server 2012 :: Join On Different Data Types

Jun 11, 2014

We have a query that joins column A int which is an int onto column B with contains only int's but was created as a varchar and can't be changed to an int at the moment.

Casting column a as a varchar in the ON of the join to left join seems to void the index altogether and the query just runs for every.

We are talking a few hundred million rows of data in each table.

Temp solution is select into a #Hash table as correct data type and index then use the #Hash table in the join.

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Move Column Of Data To Another Table With A Join

Oct 12, 2013

I have two tables. They both have an identity field to join them together. One of the tables has a column of data that I want to put in the other table. I need to make sure the data is brought over using the join so it updates that column for the right record.

I am struggling with this. Should I use a update or an insert? I'm leaning toward update but I can't figure out how with the join.

This is what I have tried so far:

Update grpcon.GroupID = groups.GroupID
from grpcon Inner Join groups
on grpcon.GroupNum=groups.GroupNum

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Join Tables With Almost Identical Column Data

Oct 29, 2014

Selecting the data from these two tables? The columns 'host_ext_id' have the same data BUT in 'adrmst' all data is preceeded by A0000.

table is 'adrmst'

Host External IDAddress NameAddress Line 1Address Line 2City StatePostal Code
A000042401 T-3803VC 1530401 00 WENGER STTOPEKA KS66609
A000042403 CO INC 1420 PP BLVD GARYSBURGNC278319748
A000042405 CO INC 1419 PP BROWN RD KISSIMMEEFL347463415

table is 'shipment'

Shipment IDHost External IDcar_move_idP_DEST_LOC_ID
42401 42401
42402 42402 SDQD_00862TAGSDQD
42403 42403 SDQD_00863TAGSDQD
42404 42404 SDQD_00863TAGSDQD
42405 42405 SDQD_00863TAGSDQD

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Join Query-capture Excluded Data

Sep 26, 2007

I have 2 tables, table one with 772 pieces of compliant data. Table 2 has 435 pieces of data that meet another criteria (all the columns are identical it was just passes through an additional filter). I need to capture the values that are excluded from table 2.

Example Table 1
ID some value
1 x
2 x
3 x
4 x
5 x

Table 2
ID some value
2 x
3 x
5 x

I need to capture the data from ID 1 and 4 and assign a new value to it, it is extra compliant data. Thanks!

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Data Flow Task &&amp; Exception Join

Jan 5, 2007


I need some suggestions how to achive the followings using Data Flow Task?

I have a csv file containing some logs from a different system. CSV file contains columns Code & ErrorMessage.

I also have a SQL table called filters. This table also contains code column.

I need to do the following two things

1. Get all record from csv file where code does not exists in Filters (SQL table)

2. Gell all record from csv file where code does exists in Filters(SQL Table) and ErrorMessage contains a specific keyword.

I can add a derived column with the following function

IsExists = FINDSTRING(ErrorMessage,"MyKeyword",1) which will tells me if MyKeyword contains in the message but I donot know how to filter IsExists > 0 and how to do exception join?



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- Using Inner Join When The Field In My Data Table Has The Null Default Value:

Jul 16, 2006

I have a datatable : Data_Table  and a look up table: Lk_table. Myfield that I
use in Inner Join  is defined in both the
data and look table.


So I build my query like this:

SELECT     * FROM         dbo. Data_Table  INNER JOIN

dbo. Lk_table ON dbo.Data_Table.MyField = dbo.Lk_table.Myfield


The pb, sometimes  I
have myfield still with its default null value in the datatable: Data_Table.
So, I end up getting 0 record when I execute the query shown above.

How do I turn that around so that even if myfield in Data_Table
is Null, I still get the records from Data_Table. (I don t want a set of
records including all possible values from the look up table: Lk_Table)

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Unable To Join Two Tables Together On Same Field Except Different Data Types

Sep 30, 2013

I am trying to join two tables together, on the same field except they have different data types, see the properties below

1itemClassnvarchar 512 1024 UNICODE Latin1_General_CI_AI
2PGCode varchar 3 3 iso_1 Latin1_General_CI_AS
in the code for the join,

left join common.dbo.qryPRDGroupDets on CAST(qryData_GB1_ByColumn.itemclass as varchar(3)) = Cast(common.dbo.qryPRDGroupDets.PGCode as varchar(3))

I have tried using the CAST function on one side of the join then on both, to no avail...

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SQL Server 2008 :: Inner Join Database Table With XML Data

Jan 25, 2011

I have a XML data passed on to the stored proc in the following format, and within the stored proc I am accessing the data of xml using the nodes() method

Here is an example of what i am doing

DECLARE @Participants XML
SET @Participants = '<ArrayOfEmployees xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
<Employees EmpID="1" EmpName="abcd" />
<Employees EmpID="2" EmpName="efgh" />
</ArrayOfEmployees >'

SELECT Participants.Node.value('@EmpID', 'INT') AS EmployeeID,
Participants.Node.value('@EmpName', 'VARCHAR(50)') AS EmployeeName
@Participants.nodes('/ArrayOfEmployees /Employees ') Participants (Node)

the above query produces the following result

EmployeeID EmployeeName
--------------- -----------
1 abcd
2 efgh

How do I join the data coming out from the above query with another table in the database, for example Employee in this case

i.e. somewhat like this (note the following query does not perform the join correctly)

SELECT Participants.Node.value('@EmpID', 'INT') AS EmployeeID,
Participants.Node.value('@EmpName', 'VARCHAR(50)') AS EmployeeName
@Participants.nodes('/ArrayOfEmployees /Employees ') Participants (Node)
Employee EMP ON EmployeeID = EMP .EmployeeID

My desired output after the join would be

EmployeeID EmployeeName Email Home Address
--------------- ----------- --------------- -----------
1 abcd New York
2 efgh Austin

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SQL Server 2008 :: Join Two Tables With Specific Data

Jul 15, 2015

I have two queries from two different tables ex ABC and BCD. For table ABC, according to my query, I got 11 records ; for table BCD I only got 9 records.

Bottom line: I would like to see only 11 records from Table ABC including certain data from table BCD after I joined this two tables.

However, no matter what I did I always got 99 records when I joined.

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SQL Server 2008 :: Query To Union Join Data

Jul 30, 2015

I have a query which wants to union join the data. no matter how many times I tried, I got an error. How to change my union query?

select distinct b.lev5 AS "LEVEL 1",b.lev5NAME, C.lev7 "FUND", C.lev7NAME,round (sum(,2) AS AMOUNT
(Select distinct b.lev5
from bf_data a
inner join bf_orgn_cnsl_tbl b
on a.bf_orgn_cd = b.bf_orgn_cd

[Code] .....

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Pulling Data Back From 2 Tables - Join On Top 1 Record

Nov 7, 2013

I have sql pulling back data from 2 tables (Ticket, Assignment) matching on an ID.

however the Assignment table can have more than 1 record for a matching ID in the Ticket table so is bringing back rows for each of these entries HOWEVER i only want 1 row returned matching on the FIRST record in Assignment table (on earliest DateAssigned field)

Here's my code

SELECT t.TicketID, CreatedByUserID, CreatedForUserID, DateCreated, a.DateAssigned FROM Ticket t
INNER JOIN Assignment a ON (SELECT TOP 1 TicketID FROM Assignment
WHERE [TicketID] = t.TicketID
ORDER BY DateAssigned ASC) = t.TicketID

WHERE (CreatedByUserID NOT IN (SELECT u.UserID FROM Users u
INNER JOIN Profiles p ON u.UserID = p.UserID

[Code] ....

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