I've reviewed the books on line looking to see if SQL Server 2005 would now include a feature that Oracle has for years. When you declare a variable in a procedure, function, etc you can declare them as a particular table and column type. Example:
ghdep2 is the table and ssndependentid is the column. This is great because I'll never run in to a truncation issue as the variable will always be whatever the table is. This may slow things down a bit doing that sort of check but I don't care.
I just want to confirm that I can't do this in SQL 2005. All signs point to no.
I like to define my procedure parameter type to match a referenced table colum type, similar to PL/SQL "table.column%type" notation. That way, when the table column is changes, I would not have to change my stored proc. Any suggestion?
Hi there! I'm using a Switch statement in my SQL as follows:
SELECT symbol, Switch(timestamp Is Null,Null, timestamp <= 005959, 0, timestamp<=235959,23) AS period INTO averageprice FROM stocktrades;
Now here's my problem. The Data Type stored in the 'period' field of this new table I've created, dubbed averageprice, is a Text field and I want it to be a Number field. I've tried my best to figure this out and I'm still looking so any helpful hints or solution would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!!!
How do you set the type to varChar like this using markup (xml tags in the .aspx page)? If I were creating a SQLDataSource control declaratively and one of the parameters needed to be set to VarChar rather than just a string I would set a parameter type to varchar using this syntax: myAdapter.UpdateCommand.Paramters.Add("@Title", SqlDbType.VarChar, 80, "Title"); SQLDataSource control as a default will create parameters as strings even though the table it is pointing to has type varchar in it such as below: <asp:Parameter Name="Title" Type="String" /> If I leave it like that, I get the following error below (as expected) since it really needs to be type SqlDbType.VarChar "The data types text and nvarchar are incompatible in the equal to operator" Below is example default markup the SqlDataSource control creates with an update. Where in this markup should I change things so it will update correctly to varchar rather than just trying to throw a string in the table? <asp:SqlDataSource ID="IISLearning_Content_SqlDataSource" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:IISLearningConnectionString %>" SelectCommand=""></asp:SqlDataSource> <asp:SqlDataSource ID="MySqlDataSource" runat="server" ConflictDetection="CompareAllValues" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:MyConnectionString %>" OldValuesParameterFormatString="original_{0}" SelectCommand="SELECT * FROM [MyTable]" UpdateCommand="UPDATE [MyTable] SET [Title] = @Title WHERE [ID] = @original_ID AND [Title] = @original_Title"> <UpdateParameters> <asp:Parameter Name="Title" Type="String" /> <asp:Parameter Name="original_ID" Type="Int32" /> <asp:Parameter Name="original_Title" Type="String" /> </UpdateParameters> </asp:SqlDataSource>
Hi all,I have a table called PTRANS with few columns (see create script below).I have created a view on top that this table VwTransaction (See below)I can now run this query without a problem:select * from dbo.VwTransactionwhereAssetNumber = '101001' andTransactionDate <= '7/1/2003'But when I create an index on the PTRANS table using the command below:CREATE INDEX IDX_PTRANS_CHL# ON PTRANS(CHL#)The same query that ran fine before, fails with the error:Server: Msg 242, Level 16, State 3, Line 1The conversion of a char data type to a datetime data type resulted inan out-of-range datetime value.I can run the same query by commeting out the AssetNumber clause and itworks fine. I can also run the query commenting out the TransactionDatecolumn and it works fine. But when I have both the conditions in theWHERE clause, it gives me this error. Dropping the index solves theproblem.Can anyone tell me why an index would cause a query to fail?Thanks a lot in advance,AmirCREATE TABLE [PTRANS] ([CHL#] [varchar] (100) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,[CHCENT] [numeric](2, 0) NOT NULL ,[CHYYMM] [numeric](4, 0) NOT NULL ,[CHDAY] [numeric](2, 0) NOT NULL ,[CHTC] [char] (2) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL) ON [PRIMARY]GOCREATE VIEW dbo.vwTransactionsASSELECT CONVERT(datetime, dbo.udf_AddDashes(REPLICATE('0', 2 -LEN(CHCENT)) + CONVERT(varchar, CHCENT) + REPLICATE('0', 4 -LEN(CHYYMM))+ CONVERT(varchar, CHYYMM) + REPLICATE('0', 2 -LEN(CHDAY)) + CONVERT(varchar, CHDAY)), 20) AS TransactionDate,CHL# AS AssetNumber,CHTC AS TransactionCodeFROM dbo.PTRANSWHERE (CHCENT <> 0) AND (CHTC <> 'RA')*** Sent via Developersdex http://www.developersdex.com ***Don't just participate in USENET...get rewarded for it!
Hi, We are running : - Visual Studio 2005 Team Edition for Software Developers - SQL Server 2005 Express (SQLEXPR32.EXE) Installed : - SQL Server with Advanced Services (SQLEXPR_ADV.EXE) incl. Reporting Services - SQL Server Toolkit (SQLEXPR_TOOLKIT.EXE)
We have a VS Solution with a Reporting Project
When opening Visual Studio, the following message appears :
"Make sure the application for the project type (.rptproj) is installed."
I have no idea why this message appears.
Is this a known problem/bug ? Anybody any idea how I can solve this ?
Hi, We are running : - Visual Studio 2005 Team Edition for Software Developers - SQL Server 2005 Express (SQLEXPR32.EXE) Installed : - SQL Server with Advanced Services (SQLEXPR_ADV.EXE) incl. Reporting Services - SQL Server Toolkit (SQLEXPR_TOOLKIT.EXE)
We have a VS Solution with a Reporting Project
When opening Visual Studio, the following message appears :
"Make sure the application for the project type (.rptproj) is installed."
I have no idea why this message appears.
Is this a known problem/bug ? Anybody any idea how I can solve this ?
I can populate a dataTable with type double (C#) of say '1055.01' however when I save these to the CE3.5 database using a float(CE3.5) I lose the decimal portion. The 'offending' code is:
We have some columns in a table where the date is stored as 19980101 (YYYYMMDD). The data type for this column is NUMBER(8) in Oracle.
I need to copy rows from Oracle to SQL Server using SSIS. I used the Data Conversion transformation editor to change it to DT_DATE, but the rows are not being inserted to the destination.
On Error, If I fail the component, then the error is :
There was an error with input column "ORDER_DATE_CONV" (1191) on input "OLE DB Destination Input" (29). The column status returned was: "Conversion failed because the data value overflowed the specified type.".
hello all .. I have a form that includes two textboxes (Date and Version) .. When I try to insert the record I get the following error message .. seems that something wrong with my coversion (Data type)"The conversion of a char data type to a datetime data type resulted in an out-of-range datetime value.The statement has been terminated."
in my SQL database I have the date feild as datetime and the version as nvarchar(max) this is the code in the vb page .. Can you please tell me how to solve this problem?Imports System.Data.SqlClient Imports system.web.configuration
Partial Class Admin_emag_insert Inherits System.Web.UI.Page
Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load Record_DateTextBox.Text = DateTime.Now
End Sub
Protected Sub clearButton_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles clearButton.Click Me.VersionTextBox.Text = "" End Sub
Protected Sub addButton_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles addButton.Click Dim objConnection As SqlConnection Dim objDataCommand As SqlCommand Dim ConnectionString As String Dim record_date As Date Dim version As String Dim emagSQL As String
'save form values in variables record_date = Record_DateTextBox.Text version = VersionTextBox.Text
'Create and open the connection objConnection = New SqlConnection(ConnectionString) objConnection.Open() emagSQL = "Insert into E_Magazine (Record_Date, Version ) " & _ "values('" & record_date & "','" & version & "')"
'Create and execute the command objDataCommand = New SqlCommand(emagSQL, objConnection) objDataCommand.ExecuteNonQuery() objConnection.Close()
AddMessage.Text = "A new emagazine was added successfully"
Hi,I would like to convert a dollar amount ($1,500) to represent Fifteenhundred dollars and 00/100 cents only for SQL reporting purposes. Isthis possible and can I incorporate the statement into an existingleft outer join query.Thanks in advance,Gavin
I have a field that is currently stored as the data type nvarchar(10), and all of the data in this field is in the format mm/dd/yyyy or NULL. I want to convert this field to the smalldatetime data type. Is this possible? I've tried to use cast in the following way, (rsbirthday is the field name, panelists is the table), but to no avail.
SELECT rsbirthday CAST(rsbirthday AS smalldatetime)
FROM panelists
the error returned is "incorrect syntax near 'rsbirthday'.
I'm rather new to all things SQL, so I only have the vaguest idea of what I'm actually doing.
update tblPact_2008_0307 set student_dob = '30/01/1996' where student_rcnumber = 1830when entering update date in format such as ddmmyyyyi know the sql query date format entered should be in mmddyyyy formatis there any way to change the date format entered to ddmmyyyy in sql query?
The table in SQL has column Availability Decimal (8,8)
Code in c# using sqlbulkcopy trying to insert values like 0.0000, 0.9999, 29.999 into the field Availability we tried the datatype float , but it is converting values to scientific expressions€¦(eg: 8E-05) and the values displayed in reports are scientifc expressions which is not expected we need to store values as is
Error: base {System.SystemException} = {"The given value of type SqlDecimal from the data source cannot be converted to type decimal of the specified target column."}
"System.InvalidOperationException: The given value of type SqlDecimal from the data source cannot be converted to type decimal of the specified target column. ---> System.InvalidOperationException: The given value of type SqlDecimal from the data source cannot be converted to type decimal of the specified target column. ---> System.ArgumentException: Parameter value '1.0000' is out of range. --- End of inner exception stack trace --- at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlBulkCopy.ConvertValue(Object value, _SqlMetaData metadata) --- End of inner exception stack trace --- at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlBulkCopy.ConvertValue(Object value, _SqlMetaData metadata) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlBulkCopy.WriteToServerInternal() at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlBulkCopy.WriteRowSourceToServer(Int32 columnCount) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlBulkCopy.WriteToServer(DataTable table, DataRowState rowState) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlBulkCopy.WriteToServer(DataTable table) at MS.Internal.MS COM.AggregateRealTimeDataToSQL.SqlHelper.InsertDataIntoAppServerAvailPerMinute(String data, String appName, Int32 dateID, Int32 timeID) in C:\VSTS\MXPS Shared Services\RealTimeMonitoring\AggregateRealTimeDataToSQL\SQLHelper.cs:line 269"
Code in C#
SqlBulkCopy bulkCopy = new SqlBulkCopy(sqlConnection, SqlBulkCopyOptions.Default); DataRow dr; DataTable dt = new DataTable(); DataColumn dc;
try {
dc = dt.Columns.Add("Availability", typeof(decimal)); €¦.
dr["Availability"] = Convert.ToDecimal(s[2]); ------ I tried SqlDecimal €¦€¦€¦.
I am trying to use the Bulk Insert Task to load from a csv file. My final column is a bit that is nullable. My file is an ID column that is int, a date column that is mm/dd/yyy, then 20 columns that are real, and a final column that is bit. I've tried various combinations of codepage and datafiletype on my task component. When I have RAW with Char, I get the error included below. If I change to RAW/Native or codepage 1252, I don't have an issue with the bit; however, errors start generating on the ID and date columns.
I have tried various data type settings on my flat file connection, too. I have tried DT_BOOL and the integer datatypes. Nothing seems to work.
I hope someone can help me work through this.
Thanks in advance,
SSIS package "Package3.dtsx" starting.
Error: 0xC002F304 at Bulk Insert Task, Bulk Insert Task: An error occurred with the following error message: "Cannot fetch a row from OLE DB provider "BULK" for linked server "(null)".The OLE DB provider "BULK" for linked server "(null)" reported an error. The provider did not give any information about the error.The bulk load failed. The column is too long in the data file for row 1, column 24. Verify that the field terminator and row terminator are specified correctly.Bulk load data conversion error (type mismatch or invalid character for the specified codepage) for row 1, column 23 (cancelled).".
Error: 0xC002F304 at Bulk Insert Task 1, Bulk Insert Task: An error occurred with the following error message: "Cannot fetch a row from OLE DB provider "BULK" for linked server "(null)".The OLE DB provider "BULK" for linked server "(null)" reported an error. The provider did not give any information about the error.The bulk load failed. The column is too long in the data file for row 1, column 24. Verify that the field terminator and row terminator are specified correctly.Bulk load data conversion error (type mismatch or invalid character for the specified codepage) for row 1, column 23 (cancelled).".
Task failed: Bulk Insert Task 1
Task failed: Bulk Insert Task
Warning: 0x80019002 at Package3: The Execution method succeeded, but the number of errors raised (2) reached the maximum allowed (1); resulting in failure. This occurs when the number of errors reaches the number specified in MaximumErrorCount. Change the MaximumErrorCount or fix the errors.
Advance thanks ....... My table is TimeSheet:----------------------------------- CREATE TABLE [dbo].[TimeSheet]( [autoid] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, [UserId] [int] NOT NULL, [starttime] [datetime] NOT NULL, [endtime] [datetime] NOT NULL, [summary] [nvarchar](50) NOT NULL, [description] [nvarchar](50) NULL, [dtOfEntry] [datetime] NOT NULL, [Cancelled] [bit] NULL) ON [PRIMARY] My Query is------------------ insert into timesheet (UserId, StartTime,EndTime, Summary, Description,DtOfEntry) values (2, '19/04/2008 2:05:06 PM', '19/04/2008 2:05:06 PM', '66', '6666','19/04/2008 2:05:06 PM')i m not able to insert value Error Message is-------------------------Msg 242, Level 16, State 3, Line 1The conversion of a char data type to a datetime data type resulted in an out-of-range datetime value.The statement has been terminated. can any body give any solution
Hey, I have a big problem that i wanna search data from SQL by DateTime like thatselect * from test where recorddate='MyVariableWhichHoldDate'i use variable that holds Date info.i searched a lot infomation on net but there is no perfect solution. i know why this occur but there is no function to solve this problem. i used a lot of ways. it accept yyyy-mm-dd format but my variable format is dd-mm-yyyyy . is there any function for this problem? and any other solution.thanks for ur attentionregards
I am using Visual Studio 2005 and SQL Express 2005. The database was converted from MS Access 2003 to SQL Express by using the upsize wizard.
I would like to store the current date & time in a column in a table. This column is a smalldatetime column called 'lastlogin'.
The code I'm using is:
Dim sqlcommand As New SqlCommand _
("UPDATE tableXYZ SET Loggedin = 'True', LastLogin = GetDate() WHERE employeeID = '" & intEmployeeID.ToString & "'", conn)
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
This code works fine on my local machine and local SQL server. However at the client side this code results in the error as mentioned in the subject of this thread. I first used 'datetime.now' instead of 'getdate()', but that caused the same error. Then I changed the code to 'getdate()', but the error still remains.
The server at the client is running Windows Server 2000 UK . My local machiine is running WIndows XP Dutch.
Maybe the conversion from Dutch to UK has something to do with it. But this should be solved by using the 'Getdate()' function..... ?
Im trying to insert some values into a table but i get the following error: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Must declare the scalar variable "@username". the strange thing is that the variable username is declared at the beginning and acording to my debugger the variable username has a value (that it gets from a textbox when a button is pressed). Here is my code so please feel free to point out what im doing wrong. Im a beginner to using asp.net.1 protected void ButtonSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) 2 { 3 string @username = TextBoxUsername.Text; 4 string @company = TextBoxCompany.Text; 5 string @password = TextBoxPassword.Text; 6 string @mail = TextBoxMail.Text; 7 string @adr = TextBoxAdr.Text; 8 string @phone = TextBoxPhone.Text; 9 string @contact = TextBoxContact.Text; 10 string myConnectionString; 11 12 myConnectionString = @"Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=C:UsersalhoDocumentsIntrapointWebApp_DataIntrapoint.mdf;Integrated Security=True;Connect Timeout=30;User Instance=True"; 13 14 SqlConnection myConnection = new SqlConnection(myConnectionString); 15 string myInsertQuery = "INSERT INTO company (username, password, company, mail, adr, phone, contact) Values(@username, @password, @company, @mail, @adr, @phone, @contact)"; 16 SqlCommand myCommand = new SqlCommand(myInsertQuery); 17 myCommand.Connection = myConnection; 18 myConnection.Open(); 19 myCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); 20 myCommand.Connection.Close(); 21 22 }
I'm trying to use the SSIS Execute SQL Task to pull XML from a SQL 2005 database table. The SQL is of the following form:
SELECT MT.MessageId 'MessageId', MT.MessageType 'MessageType', FROM MessageTable MT ORDER BY MT.messageid desc FOR XML PATH('MessageStatus'), TYPE
) FOR XML PATH('Report'), TYPE
For some reason I can only get this query to work if I use an ADO.NET connection type. If I try to use something like the OLEDB connection I get the following error:
<ROOT><?MSSQLError HResult="0x80004005" Source="Microsoft XML Extensions to SQL Server" Description="No description provided"?></ROOT>
Can anyone tell me why the SELECT ... FOR XML PATH... seems only to work with ADO.NET connections?
I have been working on some SSIS packages for a while now and today while i was working i was trying to create a new connection and in the process there was an error and it said the BIDS has to be closed and i closed it but later when i open BIDS and try to open my project(.sln) from the file menu to work on the half done package it pops up an error which shows the path to my project location on the first line and next statement on the pop up error box says:
"Make Sure the application for the project type (.dtproj) is installed."
I tried to check some forums in which some suggested to try installing SP1 which i tried but ..i dont know why but the SP1 fails to install (i dont know if its causing problem becoz i already installed SP2 as i had some other problem before for which the cure was to install SP2).
Did anyone here face such a problem before ?
I'd really appreciate if the experts here can tell a cure for this problem.
I am trying to put the data from a field in my database into a row in a table using the SQLDataSource.Select statement. I am using the following code: FileBase.SelectCommand = "SELECT Username FROM Files WHERE Filename = '" & myFileInfo.FullName & "'" myDataRow("Username") = CType(FileBase.Select(New DataSourceSelectArguments()), String)But when I run the code, I get the following error:Server Error in '/YorZap' Application. Unable to cast object of type 'System.Data.DataView' to type 'System.String'. Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code. Exception Details: System.InvalidCastException: Unable to cast object of type 'System.Data.DataView' to type 'System.String'.Source Error: Line 54: FileBase.SelectCommand = "SELECT Username FROM Files WHERE Filename = '" & myFileInfo.FullName & "'" Line 55: 'myDataRow("Username") = CType(FileBase.Select(New DataSourceSelectArguments).GetEnumerator.Current, String) Line 56: myDataRow("Username") = CType(FileBase.Select(New DataSourceSelectArguments()), String) Line 57: Line 58: filesTable.Rows.Add(myDataRow)Source File: D:YorZapdir_list_sort.aspx Line: 56 Stack Trace: [InvalidCastException: Unable to cast object of type 'System.Data.DataView' to type 'System.String'.] ASP.dir_list_sort_aspx.BindFileDataToGrid(String strSortField) in D:YorZapdir_list_sort.aspx:56 ASP.dir_list_sort_aspx.Page_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e) in D:YorZapdir_list_sort.aspx:7 System.Web.Util.CalliHelper.EventArgFunctionCaller(IntPtr fp, Object o, Object t, EventArgs e) +13 System.Web.Util.CalliEventHandlerDelegateProxy.Callback(Object sender, EventArgs e) +45 System.Web.UI.Control.OnLoad(EventArgs e) +80 System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() +49 System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain(Boolean includeStagesBeforeAsyncPoint, Boolean includeStagesAfterAsyncPoint) +3743 Version Information: Microsoft .NET Framework Version:2.0.50727.42; ASP.NET Version:2.0.50727.210 Please help me!
I am stuck with a SSIS package and I can€™t work out. Let me know what steps are the correct in order to solve this. At first I have just a Flat File Source and then Script Component, nothing else.
[Script Component [516]] Error: System.InvalidCastException: Unable to cast COM object of type 'System.__ComObject' to class type 'System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection'. Instances of types that represent COM components cannot be cast to types that do not represent COM components; however they can be cast to interfaces as long as the underlying COM component supports QueryInterface calls for the IID of the interface. at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline.ScriptComponentHost.HandleUserException(Exception e) at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline.ScriptComponentHost.AcquireConnections(Object transaction) at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline.ManagedComponentHost.HostAcquireConnections(IDTSManagedComponentWrapper90 wrapper, Object transaction)
Script Code (from Script Component):
' Microsoft SQL Server Integration Services user script component ' This is your new script component in Microsoft Visual Basic .NET ' ScriptMain is the entrypoint class for script components
Imports System Imports System.Data.SqlClient Imports System.Math Imports Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline.Wrapper Imports Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.Wrapper
Public Class ScriptMain Inherits UserComponent
Dim nDTS As IDTSConnectionManager90 Dim sqlConnecta As SqlConnection Dim sqlComm As SqlCommand Dim sqlParam As SqlParameter
Public Overrides Sub Input0_ProcessInputRow(ByVal Row As Input0Buffer)
Dim valorColumna As String Dim valorColumna10 As Double
valorColumna = Row.Column9.Substring(1, 1)
If valorColumna = "N" Then valorColumna10 = -1 * CDbl(Row.Column10 / 100) Else valorColumna10 = CDbl(Row.Column10 / 100) End If
Executed SQL statement: SELECT Schoolindex, Variant, VVSchool, [index], indincl, VVRuimtes, School FROM School WHERE (Schoolindex = @PARAM1)
Error Source: SQL Server Compact Edition ADO.NET Data Provider
Error Message: @PARAM1 : Unable to cast object of type 'System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 to type System.IConvertable'. ****************************************
The same querypreview works fine without the parameter:
SELECT Schoolindex, Variant, VVSchool, [index], indincl, VVRuimtes, School FROM School WHERE (Schoolindex = 186)
Can anybody tell me why this is? And tell me a way to get the tableadapter working?
Hallow My code does not insert Data into Database, please can someone look on it and give a technical problem over here please It does not generate any error please, when I CLICK THE BUTTON IT DOES NOT GENERATE ERROR, IT GIVE ME THE MESSAGE THAT ITEM ADDED, BUT WHEN I LOOK MY TABLE NOTHING ID INSIDE Sub Add_To_Cart(ByVal Src As Object, ByVal Args As EventArgs) Dim FVProductID As Label = FormView1.FindControl("ProductID") Dim FVProductName As Label = FormView1.FindControl("ProductName")Dim FVProductPrice As Label = FormView1.FindControl("ProductPrice") Dim DBConnection As SqlConnection Dim DBCommand As SqlCommand Dim sql As String Dim SQLAddString As String DBConnection = New SqlConnection("Data Source=MANDARISQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=SHOES;Integrated Security=True") DBConnection.Open() If Not Session("OrderID") Is Nothing Then sql = "SELECT Count(*) FROM ShoppingCart " & _ "WHERE OrderID = '" & CType(Session("OrderID"), String) & "' " _ & "AND ProductID = '" & FVProductID.Text & "'" DBCommand = New SqlCommand(sql, DBConnection)
If DBCommand.ExecuteScalar() = 0 Then SQLAddString = "INSERT INTO ShoppingCart (OrderID, ProductID, OrderDate, ProductName, ProductPrice, ProductQnty) VALUES (" & _ "'" & CType(Session("OrderID"), String) & "', " & _"'" & FVProductID.Text & "', " & _ "'" & Today() & "', " & _"'" & FVProductName.Text & "', " & _ "'" & FVProductPrice.Text & "', 1)"DBCommand = New SqlCommand(SQLAddString, DBConnection) DBCommand.ExecuteNonQuery() End If End If DBConnection.Close()
I want to take a table (SQL server) and show all it's data in a form of INSERT... (text file) so that I can show it on a web-page and just paste the INSERT text into a MyTableData.sql and then I can just run this script on the Query analyzer and fill my table with data
I need it so I can backup my DATA both in English and other languages... (a replacement for the DTS packages that gives me hard time with the LOCALE / UNICODE translation)
did anyone already made such program ? where can I find something like this ?
I need to make a job that will update up to 8000 rows with the list description of 'berkhold' to 'berknew' in SQL 2000. This is something that I have to do with several projects manually every day by doing the following 2 steps.
SELECT ListDescription, CRRecordID FROM dbo_BerkleyGroupInventory WHERE ListDescription ="BerkHold" AND CRCallDateTime<'1/1/2003' AND CRCallResultCode ='CC' ORDER BY CRRecordID
I then scroll to the 8000th row and copy the CrrecordID and run the following query
UPDATE dbo.berkleygroupinventory SET listdescription ='berknew' WHERE ListDescription ='BerkHold' AND CRRecordID <=5968432 AND CRCallDateTime ='1/1/2003' AND CRCallResultCode='CC'
I'm sure there's an easier way to do this, but I'm very new to SQL and haven't figured it out yet
Hi, I want to know the different sources, mediums and ways using which the duplicate recoprds or adta can make an entry in our database tables. I found 4 ways for this from many articles on net that are as follows:
Duplicate data might arrive at your database via an interface to another system Data is loaded into table from other sources because during data loads, the integrity constraints are disabled Merging data from disparate systems Inheriting a poorly designed databaseBut is there any other ways also present????? Please tell me???