K, I Got Dreamweaver To Hook Up To My Access Database(Yes Lots Of Trouble) BUT...

Jan 6, 2008

when I hit F12 to preview my page and forms etc it goes to this error

This error (HTTP 500 Internal Server Error) means that the website you are visiting had a server problem which prevented the webpage from displaying.
For more information about HTTP errors, see Help.


AND when I try to hold up to an SQL database it wont let me and says the server doesnt exist still. Whats wrong with my SQL server and what can I do to resolve this problem?

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DTS Connect To Access 97 Secure Database Trouble...

Oct 7, 2005

Ok, I need to give some details. I have a secure Access Database using WorkGroup Security logon. It is an Access 97 database (yes I know it is "old").

I tried to create a DTS package in SQL Server 2000 to connect to it, but I am getting the same error that I got before I "joined" the workgroup when attempting to access the DB. So I changed the Service logon identites to mimic <me> as the logon, and still I can't get it to connect. The user name and password I put in the connection are correct.

It seems like nothing is working and I am all out of ideas. Does anyone have any recommendations? Has anyone done anything like this successfully?

PS: I can manually logon to the database, and extract the data 1 table at a time, but I don't want to export 40 tables each time I have to load this data. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.


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Access To SQL Server 2000 Pauses With Lots Of Inserts, Updates, ...

Nov 21, 2007

I have the following problem: Within a VBScript, I use a component (written in C++ I think with use of ADO) for sending "Insert", "Update" Statements to an SQL Server 2000 for inserting, updating data. If I insert 100 - 120 Records in a Loop, all works fine. If I insert 1000 records, approximately 150 records will be inserted very quick, then the program pause fo approx. 8 - 15 minutes and then it proceed for the next 150 recs, pause for 8 - 15 minutes and so on.

If I use a SQL Server 2005 for the database, all works fine. The same happens with another customer and another program written in Visual Basic 6.0 with ADO. The access to SQL 2000 pause and with SQL 2005 all works fine. It seems to me that this is a problem with some buffers, timeout, or so. Has anyone an idea on what screw I can turn?


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How To Hook Reporting Services Report To A VB6 Application.

Nov 20, 2007

I have an existing vb6 application which used Crystal reports .dsr inside the vb application for the forms. Now I need to change to Reporting services reports. I haven't worked in VB before. I am looking for some guidelines as to how to hook up the Reporting Services reports to vb6 application.

Any ideas or links will be appreciated.

Thanks in advance

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Lots Of Stats Based On One Database Table

Feb 9, 2007


I'm new to reporting services and this is a very general question. I'm working on a large sales stats report with many results.
I want to be able to compare many results for two dates. These results
include, average sales value per day, average sales per weekday, sales
with payment received, etc.

So basically there is lots of analysis
needed mainly based on one database table (a fairly standard orders table).

What seemed the most logical thing to do is get all the relevant order rows for
these two date ranges, A and B, and append a period column to the
results, and then do all the maths/aggregate functions in Reporting
Services. Thus only having to connect to database once.

And use a matrix with date period columns.
So my query gives me results like:

Period order_total, is_weekday, no_weekdays_in_period.....

A 123 0 22....

A 54 1 22....

B 134 0 20...

Does this make the most sense? Or should I do the maths (grouping and aggregate functions) in lots of
different queries (in which case, is Reporting Services worthwhile using?)?

Any advise/suggestions appreciated.

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Best Practice For Add, Edit Records Into Database With Lots Of Fields ?

Feb 7, 2006

What's the best practice for adding / editing a record into a database with lots of fields ?I am not talking about the mechanics of it, as there are a lot of trivial examples using ADO.NET, stored procs, etc.
Deleting is easy, you just pass in (a few) primary key/keys to uniquely identify the record.
But in the real world when you have, say, a table with 100 fields! Do you code the INSERT sproc by hand,  with 100 parameters... then call it with your ADO.NET code ? sounds like a lot of work to me...
What about updating! That's even worst, sometimes you may need to update only 3 or 4 fields, but using sprocs you would have to pass the whole 100 parameters in again, and "update" the whole record (when in fact you are only changing 3 or 4 fields).
With the update i could write different sprocs targeting only the fields i wish to update, but that sounds like duplicating work, vs having one generic update proc.
Sometimes i just feel like bypassing sprocs and having inline sql as it would be less work... but i know it is untidy.. and more potential to be buggy.
So come on guys (and gals)... let's hear your thoughts on how you would handle the insert  / update scenarios when you have lots of fields ? Northwind examples are too trivial :-)

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Access Trouble

Sep 28, 2007

I'd been using this DB for months. Then I had to install Vista and it's become very difficult to work with because of so many security demands. You set permissions here and there and it still does not work. For some reason the permissions are being wiped out often after a sign off.

Anyhow it seemed to work until about an hour ago off and on. Accasional breakdowns happen. I also want to add that I am debugging a huge C# app and Sql Server is attached to it. So the conditions are definitely unstable but that part of code which broke down has not been changed for months.

I had to disconnect DBs and reconnect them in Sql Server and VS back and forth a number of times.

In short, I got this error (after some other similar):

Cannot open user default database. Login failed.
Login failed for user 'DDMNVT61AlexBB'.
at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlInternalConnection.OnError(SqlException exception, Boolean breakConnection)
at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.ThrowExceptionAndWarning(TdsParserStateObject stateObj)
at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.Run(RunBehavior runBehavior, SqlCommand cmdHandler, SqlDataReader dataStream, BulkCopySimpleResultSet bulkCopyHandler, TdsParserStateObject stateObj)
at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlInternalConnectionTds.CompleteLogin(Boolean enlistOK)
at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlInternalConnectionTds.AttemptOneLogin(ServerInfo serverInfo, String newPassword, Boolean ignoreSniOpenTimeout, Int64 timerExpire, SqlConnection owningObject)
at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlInternalConnectionTds.LoginNoFailover(String host, String newPassword, Boolean redirectedUserInstance, SqlConnection owningObject, SqlConnectionString connectionOptions, Int64 timerStart)
at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlInternalConnectionTds.OpenLoginEnlist(SqlConnection owningObject, SqlConnectionString connectionOptions, String newPassword, Boolean redirectedUserInstance)
at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlInternalConnectionTds..ctor(DbConnectionPoolIdentity identity, SqlConnectionString connectionOptions, Object providerInfo, String newPassword, SqlConnection owningObject, Boolean redirectedUserInstance)
at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnectionFactory.CreateConnection(DbConnectionOptions options, Object poolGroupProviderInfo, DbConnectionPool pool, DbConnection owningConnection)
at System.Data.ProviderBase.DbConnectionFactory.CreatePooledConnection(DbConnection owningConnection, DbConnectionPool pool, DbConnectionOptions options)
at System.Data.ProviderBase.DbConnectionPool.CreateObject(DbConnection owningObject)
at System.Data.ProviderBase.DbConnectionPool.UserCreateRequest(DbConnection owningObject)
at System.Data.ProviderBase.DbConnectionPool.GetConnection(DbConnection owningObject)
at System.Data.ProviderBase.DbConnectionFactory.GetConnection(DbConnection owningConnection)
at System.Data.ProviderBase.DbConnectionClosed.OpenConnection(DbConnection outerConnection, DbConnectionFactory connectionFactory)
at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.Open()
at tapTCPports_1.HttpHistoryRequests.subHistoryRequest_Click(String symbol, String passThru, String discriminator) in C:VCsharp_Projects apTCPports_1HttpHistoryRequests.cs:line 103

I go to Sql Server and see all tables in the Server Explorer.

I go to my VS Server Explorer and see all tables.

Connection strings haven't been changed.

What could be the problem?


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Trouble Upgrading From Access To SQL On The Web

Dec 19, 2001


I have a problem regarding the importing the access database in the SQL server 7.0.
We have a matrimonial portal named www.viwahmandap.com which is using an access database.We are using the dsn to access this .mdb file. Now we will be upgrading to SQL 7.0.The server administrator won't
do anything like importing the access database .So i will have to download the access database on our domain ,import this access file into an SQL database using the DTS wizard which is available in SQL 7.0(This i can do). This will create the respective .mdf & .ldf files.Now What are the next steps to be followed at my end? What should i ask for from the the server administrator?Are there any changes required in my ASP application.What else should be done?Please help.


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Dreamweaver And SQL

Jun 27, 2007

I have a program in Dreamweaver I am trying to connect to SQL Server 2005 Express. When declaring my connection string how do I know what my Provder is  and how do I find out what my data source is? Right now I have my provider=SQLOLEDB.

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SQL, ASP, Dreamweaver

Apr 26, 2008

When I tried to view the page or when pressing F12. Why it asked me to dowload? Then I can't view the page.

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Mar 30, 2008

Is there anyone who can help me how to connect my SQL via dreamweaver? You can message me a bo2t@yahoo.com


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Trouble Translating Query From Access To SQL Server

Feb 16, 2006

Gary writes "I'm imported the query from Access (where it worked perfectly) to SQL View where the "Iif" statements caused an issue.

Here's a SMALL portion of the original:
SELECT tblTransactionBuyer.TransBuyerID,
([TransBuyerPropSalePrice]*([DefBasePercentVA])/100) AS LoanBaseVA,
IIf([TransBuyerVaUsed]="Yes",[DefFundingUsedVA],[DefFundingVA])))/100 AS VAFunding, ......

Below, are my changes so far, but I'm stuck.
SELECT tblTransactionBuyer.TransBuyerID,
([TransBuyerPropSalePrice]*([DefBasePercentVA])/100) AS LoanBaseVA,

If([TransBuyerVaUsed]="Yes",[DefFundingUsedVA],[DefFundingVA]/100)) AS VAFunding, ........

It appears that I may not be able to put an IF into a SQL SELECT. If not, how can I get the same effect ?

Thanks. Gary

Listed Below is the Full Access Query:

SELECT tblTransactionBuyer.TransBuyerID, tblDefaults.CompID, tblTransactionBuyer.TransBuyerEntryDate, qryUserAlphaList.UserName, qryUserAlphaList.UserAreaCode, qryUserAlphaList.UserPhone, tblTransactionBuyer.TransBuyerName, tblTransactionBuyer.TransBuyerVaEligible, tblTransactionBuyer.TransBuyerPropAddress, tblTransactionBuyer.TransBuyerPropCity, tblTransactionBuyer.TransBuyerPropSalePrice, ([TransBuyerPropSalePrice]*([DefBasePercentFHA])/100) AS LoanBaseFHA, ([TransBuyerPropSalePrice]*([DefBasePercentCONV])/100) AS LoanBaseCONV, ([TransBuyerPropSalePrice]*([DefBasePercentVA])/100) AS LoanBaseVA, ([TransBuyerPropSalePrice]*([DefBasePercentJumbo])/100) AS LoanBaseJumbo, [LoanBaseFHA]*[DefMipFHA]/100 AS MipFHA, [LoanBaseCONV]*[DefMipCONV]/100 AS MipCONV, [LoanBaseJumbo]*[DefMipJumbo]/100 AS MipJumbo, [TransBuyerPropSalePrice]*(IIf([TransBuyerPropSalePrice]>=[DefLoanMinJumbo],[DefFundingJumboVA],IIf([TransBuyerVaUsed]="Yes",[DefFundingUsedVA],[DefFundingVA])))/100 AS VAFunding, [LoanBaseFHA]-[DownOverMinFHA]+[MipFHA] AS LoanTotalFHA, [LoanBaseCONV]-[DownOverMinCONV]+[MipCONV] AS LoanTotalCONV, [LoanBaseJumbo]+[MipJumbo]-[DownPaymentJumbo] AS LoanTotalJumbo, [LoanBaseVA]+[VAFunding]-[DownPaymentVA] AS LoanTotalVA, [TransBuyerPropSalePrice]*([DefMinDownPayFHA]/100) AS MinDownFHA, [TransBuyerPropSalePrice]*[DefMinDownPayCONV]/100 AS MinDownCONV, [TransBuyerPropSalePrice]*[DefMinDownPayVA]/100 AS MinDownVA, [TransBuyerPropSalePrice]*[DefMinDownPayJumbo]/100 AS MinDownJumbo, tblTransactionBuyer.TransBuyerIntRate, tblTransactionBuyer.TransBuyerLoanYears, tblTransactionBuyer.TransBuyerHazardIns, tblTransactionBuyer.TransBuyerFloodIns, tblTransactionBuyer.TransBuyerClosingDate, IIf(([TransBuyerConvDownPayPercent]/100)*[TransBuyerPropSalePrice]>[TransBuyerConvDownPayCash],([TransBuyerConvDownPayPercent]/100)*[TransBuyerPropSalePrice],[TransBuyerConvDownPayCash]) AS ConvDownPay, tblDefaults.DefBuyAppraisal, tblDefaults.DefBuyCreditReport, tblDefaults.DefBuyJumboUnderwriting, tblDefaults.DefBuyVAUnderwriting, tblDefaults.DefBuyFHAUnderwriting, tblDefaults.DefBuyCONVUnderwriting, tblDefaults.DefBuyJumboTaxService, tblDefaults.DefBuyVATaxService, tblDefaults.DefBuyFHATaxService, tblDefaults.DefBuyCONVTaxService, tblDefaults.DefBuyFloodCert, tblDefaults.DefBuyAbstractTitle, tblDefaults.DefBuyMiscFedex, tblDefaults.DefBuyRecording, tblDefaults.DefBuySurvey, tblDefaults.DefBuyAttorney, tblDefaults.DefBasePercentFHA, tblDefaults.DefBasePercentCONV, tblDefaults.DefBasePercentJumbo, tblDefaults.DefBasePercentVA, [TransBuyerPropSalePrice]*[DefPropTaxRate] AS PropTax, [LoanBaseFHA]*[DefBuyOrigFHA]/100 AS OrigFHA, [LoanBaseCONV]*[DefBuyOrigCONV]/100 AS OrigCONV, [LoanBaseVA]*[DefBuyOrigVA]/100 AS OrigVA, [LoanBaseJumbo]*[DefBuyOrigJumbo]/100 AS OrigJumbo, [DefTitleInsDollar]*([TransBuyerPropSalePrice]/[DefTitleInsPerX]) AS TitleInsurance, [OrigFHA]+[DefBuyAppraisal

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Macro Dreamweaver 8

Apr 19, 2008


I have Marco Dreamweaver 8 and SQL. I don't know how to tied them up. Anyone who can help me?


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SQLExpress - Remote Access Trouble When Publishing A Site

Sep 12, 2007

Hi all,
I followed this excellent tutorial (from Microsoft) about creating and using a SQLExpress db table internal to your website:
and the site I created works just fine - locally. When I publish to my web host provider I get this error:
[SqlException (0x80131904): An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server.  When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections. (provider: SQL Network Interfaces, error: 26 - Error Locating Server/Instance Specified)]
My web host provider supports .NET 2.0 but doesn't support MS SQL Server. But that should matter - right? Because I'm putting the db instance right in the website?
I did a search and followed some of the advice:
I went into the SQL Server Surface Area Config Mgr and set SQLExpress for local and remote connections and rebooted/republished. I also have SQL Server 2005 installed as a separate entity (if that makes a difference).
I still get the above error. This is the connection string from the web.config:
<connectionStrings><add name="ConnectionString" connectionString="Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|Customers.mdf;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient"/>
</connectionStrings>And this is the call from the markup:
<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:ConnectionString %>"
SelectCommand="SELECT * FROM [Customer]"></asp:SqlDataSource>
Does any know the fix for this? 
Thanking you in advance

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Trouble With Cursor Designed To Revoke Object Access.

May 30, 2008

Hi everyone. I am having difficulties with a cursor that I am trying to write. The purpose of the cursor is to loop through all tables in a selected Database and revoke "Select" access to that table for the indicated role (RoleToRevoke). I am getting the error on the @name variable within the REVOKE statement. I have placed a comment indicating where I am getting the error. Is there a way to have sql server interpret this @name variable within the REVOKE statement? Thanks for your help.

Code Snippet

USE [Database_Name];

Declare cursorExample Cursor for
from information_schema.tables
Where TABLE_TYPE='Base Table'
and TABLE_SCHEMA='dbo'

Declare @name as varchar(255)
Declare @ErrorSave as int
Declare @ErrorCount as int

Open cursorExample

Fetch Next from cursorExample into @name

SET @ErrorSave = 0
SET @ErrorCount = 0

Begin Tran

While @@Fetch_Status=0


--Getting Error on Line below on @name

IF (@@ERROR <> 0)


Print 'Error Revoking Access to Table: ' + CAST(@name AS varchar(75))
SELECT @ErrorCount = @ErrorCount + 1
IF (@@ERROR = 0)


Print 'Successful Revoking Select Rights on Table: ' + CAST(@name AS varchar(75))

SELECT @ErrorSave = @ErrorSave + 1
Fetch Next from cursorExample into @name


IF @ErrorCount = 0


PRINT 'Total Tables Affected:' + CAST(@ErrorSave AS varchar(75))



Close cursorExample
Deallocate cursorExample

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Remote SQL WebHosting && Dreamweaver

Sep 14, 2006

Ok, so i am developing a site on Dreamweaver, and am looking to develop dynamic database communication.How can i communicate with the database on this remote server? I have a custom connection string, but i dont know how to develop it locally. Im self taught at this business, so im sorry if my posts are patronising to you expierienced guys. Thank-You.

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How To Connect SQL Server Using Dreamweaver

Mar 17, 2004

HELP HELP HELP !!!!!!!!!!!

I'm having problem in connecting SQL Server using Dreamwerver....
I totally don't have any idea in doing that....
PLease help....

thank you

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Setting Up A Testing Server To MS SQL Using Dreamweaver MX

Apr 7, 2004

I'm new to the whole MS SQL server thing, have been using Access in past developments via the development platform in Dreamweaver.

Now I'm making the leap to MS SQL and still want to use Dreamweaver to handle some of the development aspects, does anyone know how or what i would need to do to have a direct connection with the server in dreamweaver?

I've setup an ODBC connection with my hosting providers already.


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Having Trouble Connecting To Database

Aug 19, 2006

Hi I am new at this.   
I have a little program written in C# in asp.net.  The program basically accesses a database and stores new records.  The database is supposedly already attached to MSDE so I am able to see the tables of the database inside asp.net.   I can click on the individual slots of the table and modify the datas manually.  However, I want to connect to the database from my C# program and be able to input data into the database via the website that the C# program produces.  After I type in the data into the website and click the submit button on the website, I get an error page that says this:
Login failed for user 'sa'
the line of code thats causing this error is:
con = new SqlConnection("data source=(local)\NetSdk; initial catalog=Friends; user id=sa");
Why is it not able to connect to the database?

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Trouble Deploying Sql Database

Aug 21, 2006

I used VWD 2005 Express to create my web application (that uses a sql 2005 database), and now I'm trying to deploy it.  I was to understand that all I had to do was to upload all my files to the root folder and the web host's server (webhost4life.com).  However, they require me to upload the sql 2005 db to a seperate sql server using a control panel that is very clunky.  Does anyone know how to upload the sql 2005 db to the host server or an online tutorial where I could go to learn?  Thanks for the help!

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Having Some Trouble Connecting To A Database....

Feb 13, 2007

I am doing one of the Microsoft virtual labs "Creating ASP.NET Web Applications with C# - Part 2" using Visual Web Developer Express. I am trying to fill a gridview with database information, but it gives me the error "An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server.  When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections. (provider: Named Pipes Provider, error: 40 - Could not open a connection to SQL Server)".This is on the local machine that I am executing the code.  public void BindGrid(string sortfield)
//Create DataAdapter to fetch data from Prodcuts table
SqlDataAdapter myCommand = new SqlDataAdapter("select * from Products", myConnection);
//Create dataset and fill it with Product data
DataSet ds = new DataSet();
myCommand.Fill(ds, "Products");
//Bind Product data to Datagrid
DataView Source = ds.Tables["Products"].DefaultView;
Source.Sort = sortfield;
dgProducts.DataSource = Source;
} It stops on the line "myCommand.Fill(ds, "Products"); and points out the error mentioned earlier. I am not sure what to do...any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks in advance, and I apologize as well if I have not pointed out enough information.

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Trouble Exporting Database

Apr 28, 2007

Hi all, this has been bothering me for a few days now so i thought id better get some good advice!
I am going through the process of exporting a SQL Server 2005 DB to my hosting company for the first time. Initially I tried using SQL Server Management Studio to "Export" the DB, which has all of the membership functionality (by runnung aspnet_regsql.exe) and a few extra tables - nothing too complicated.
Exporting with SQL SMS did not seem to copy my stored procedures accross and this gave me problems.
I then tried SQL Server Database Publishing Wizard - as recommended by this post: http://weblogs.asp.net/scottgu/archive/2007/01/11/tip-trick-how-to-upload-a-sql-file-to-a-hoster-and-execute-it-to-deploy-a-sql-database.aspx
So this is my process:
1. set up empty DB on hosting server2. get admin to allow dbo permissions on this DB3. open SQL SDPW and create a script which will create an exact copy of my local DB4. run the script on my new empty Db on server...
when i do this i get the following errors:
Msg 208, Level 16, State 1, Procedure vw_aspnet_Users, Line 3Invalid object name 'dbo.aspnet_Users'.Msg 208, Level 16, State 1, Procedure vw_aspnet_MembershipUsers, Line 3Invalid object name 'dbo.aspnet_Membership'.Msg 208, Level 16, State 1, Procedure vw_aspnet_Profiles, Line 3Invalid object name 'dbo.aspnet_Profile'.Msg 208, Level 16, State 1, Procedure vw_aspnet_UsersInRoles, Line 3Invalid object name 'dbo.aspnet_UsersInRoles'.Msg 208, Level 16, State 1, Procedure vw_aspnet_WebPartState_User, Line 3Invalid object name 'dbo.aspnet_PersonalizationPerUser'.
When i look at the DB hosted on the server, it seems that all of my stored procedures are there. One thing I noticed was that some of my "Views" were in the "Tables" folder (i dont know if this matters)The result that this is having is that I do not get any errors, but the queries on my page where i reference one of my views (like vw_aspnet_MembershipUsers), the latest records are not appearing.I think that somehow my stored procedures are not referencing the correct views and tables maybe?Anyway - if anyone has come across this, please help me out (even if its just to say ive done something stupid )  

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I Am Having Trouble Connecting To The Database

Sep 7, 2007

Dear Sir -

I am new to thsi and I have installed the SQL server 2005 Dev (not express). I am useing Visual Web Express - When I create an application and attempt to launch it - the web config tell me that I am unable to connect to the Database - in the properties page (sidebar) the database status says closed - an I cannot seem to connect if though I go into the connections and test it says connected!

What is happening?

I need this to work? Can anyone assist?

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Trouble Writing To A Database

Nov 13, 2007

I am trying to write to a database through C++ with the ODBC stuff. I can connect to and close the database as well as write certain things to it. I am having trouble writing strings or chars to it though. I'm not really a DB programmer and probably won't have to do it in C++ for a long time, so I'm just looking for some quick help so I can move on to other stuff. I know this code probably won't look right either since I;ve only seen this stuff for about 2 days now. Basically I have a string that I want to bind using SQLBindParameter so that I can use it in an ExecDirect statement. Basically when I run the little code snippet below, it writes some crazy character set out. Any help would be appreciated because I really have no clue what I'm doing.

SQLCHAR test1 = 'a';

retcode = SQLBindParameter(hstmt, 1, SQL_PARAM_INPUT, SQL_C_CHAR, SQL_CHAR,0,0,&test1, 0,&test);

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Trouble Using SQL Database In VB Express

Apr 25, 2007

First off, I am fairly new to sql.

I've created an sql database in VB express, created some tables, and entered some data in those tables. My problem now lies with actually using that data. What i'd like to do is have a Sub use the database's data and fill in a series of variables. Right now i have the Sub using an Excel file to assign the information, looks like this:

Public Sub CharStatDefault() 'loads each character's default stats

CharSheet = xlBook.Worksheets(2)


For excelInt = 1 To 22


With P.C(excelInt)

.Vit = CharSheet.Range("AC" & excelInt).Value

.Phy = CharSheet.Range("AD" & excelInt).Value

.Mag = CharSheet.Range("AE" & excelInt).Value

.Off = CharSheet.Range("AF" & excelInt).Value

.Def = CharSheet.Range("AG" & excelInt).Value

.Agl = CharSheet.Range("AH" & excelInt).Value

End Sub

So basically i want to change the CharSheet.Range("XX" & excelInt).Value to something that utilizes the data from my database.

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Having Trouble Following Tutorial - Working With Data In ASP.NET 2.0 :: Creating A Data Access Layer

Nov 1, 2006

HiI'm having problems following the tutorial on creating a data access layer -  http://www.asp.net/learn/dataaccess/tutorial01cs.aspx?tabid=63 - when I try to compile in Visual Studio 2005 I get namespace could not be found. I followed exactly the tutorial - I created a dataset and added this code in my aspx page.  <asp:GridView ID="GridView1" runat="server"             CssClass="DataWebControlStyle">               <HeaderStyle CssClass="HeaderStyle" />               <AlternatingRowStyle CssClass="AlternatingRowStyle" />In my C# file I added these lines...    using NorthwindTableAdapters; <<<<<this is the problem - where does this come from?   protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)    {        ProductsTableAdapter productsAdapter = new         ProductsTableAdapter();        GridView1.DataSource = productsAdapter.GetProducts();        GridView1.DataBind();    }Thanks in advance

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Having Trouble Creating Database Diagrams

Aug 29, 2007

tried to add a third and fourth table to an exsiting relationship diagram in VS05 server explorer, when i click save i get an error "the operation could not be completed"  i am able to create new diagrams but it seems every time i click save, and close the diagram the reopen it and add new tables then click save i get the same error message, i dont even try and create the actual relationship but just add a third table and boom the problem occurs
thanks in advance

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Serious Trouble Getting Database Table Information

Feb 7, 2001

I would like to know how to (if it is at all possible) in SQL (or even ADO) to retrieve all the data concerning database X's

a) Tables
b) Tables column names
c) Tables column's data types

I don't want to use the doa.tabledefs object.. .i would prefer to do it in SQL, but using ADO objects (since I am developing stuff in VB) would be ok too.

Please Help.. i have been going crazy trying to find anything useful.. email me back please!


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Trouble Restoring A Database To A Different Server

Sep 26, 2006

Hello everyone.
Pretty new to SQL Server and i've run into some trouble with something I am attempting to do.

Basically, we imported one of our databases on one of our SQL Servers to a new sql server that we just setup. That went ok with no problems. The DB is now in the new SQL Server.

Now, we need to copy the contents of a second DB from the original server into this new sql server DB. For reference:

We imported a DB Called: siebeldb
We want to import/overwrite another DB into that same DB. We backedup the DB and moved the file to the new SQL server.


Import/Restore: sbprd01(a backup file) into siebeldb

I hope that makes sense.

I have the following command that I am trying to execute in the SQL Query analyzer:

FROM DISK='C:Documents and SettingsAdministratorDesktopsiebelprddb092509.bak'
WITH MOVE 'siebelprddb_Data'
TO 'C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQLDatasiebeldb_Data.mdf',
MOVE 'siebelprddb_Log'
TO 'C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQLDatasiebeldb_Log.mdf',

It is running right now, but seems to be running into errors. I just added the 'REPLACE' option according to the t-sql reference guide.

Does my script look ok? Am I doing anything wrong?



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Trouble Converting Datatype For Database Insert

Dec 7, 2004

I need to take a value from a textbox and insert it into a field in my database which takes decimals. My problem, no matter what I try I cannot convert the value so that the database will accept it. This all happens when the submit button is hit on my webpage. Here is the cmdSubmit_click sub code:

Dim surveyNum As Decimal = Decimal.Parse(txtSurveyNum.Text, Globalization.NumberStyles.Number)
myCmd.CommandText = "INSERT INTO survey(ID) VALUES('" & surveyNum & "')"
myCmd.Parameters.Add("surveyNum", SqlDbType.Decimal)
myCmd.Parameters("surveyNum").Value = System.Convert.ToDecimal(txtSurveyNum.Text)

lblMessage.Text = "Record successfully updated"
lblMessage.Text = "Query error: " & Err.Description
End Try

Thnx in advance, any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Trouble Updating SQL Server Express Database

Aug 18, 2007

I am having trouble updating my database. I have seen a couple of other people had the same problem. Two answers I had found and tried did not work. The updating if newer I had already came across in a step by step class room tutorial written by a college professor and to make sure the save procedure came after the update procedure. I did need to make this last change but its still not updating. Any further advice on this subject would be appreciated.

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Database Access Via COM Objects - V- Database Access Via Stored Procedures

Aug 17, 2000

We have been asked to look into using stored procedures with SQL Server 7.0 as a way to speed up a clients site. 99% of all the articles I have read along with all the books all say Stored Procedure should be used whenever possible as opposed to putting the SQL in your ASP script. However one of my colleagues has been speaking to Microsoft and they said that that they were surprised that our client wanted to use Stored Procedures as this was the old method of database access and that now he should really consider using COM objects for data access as itis much faster. Has anyone got any views on this or know of any good aticles regarding this matter ?

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Trouble Using ADOX To Create Linked Tables In Jet Database From An ODBC Datasource

Jun 5, 2007


I am using ADOX to create linked tables in a jet database from an ODBC datasource.
The tables in the ODBC data source does not have a primary key.
so I am only able to create read only linked tables.But I want to update the records also.
I tried adding a primary key column to the linked table while creating the link.
but I am getting an error while adding the table to the catalog.

The error message is "Invalid Argument".

I use the following code for creating the linked table

Sub CreateLinkedTable(ByVal strTargetDB As String, ByVal strProviderString As String, ByVal strSourceTbl As String, ByVal strLinkTblName As String)

Dim catDB As ADOX.Catalog
Dim tblLink As ADOX._Table

Dim ADOConnection As New ADODB.Connection

ADOConnection.Open("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" & "Data Source=" & strTargetDB & ";User Id=admin;Password=;")

catDB = New ADOX.Catalog

catDB.ActiveConnection = ADOConnection

tblLink = New ADOX.Table

With tblLink

' Name the new Table and set its ParentCatalog property
' to the open Catalog to allow access to the Properties
' collection.
.Name = strLinkTblName
.ParentCatalog = catDB

' Set the properties to create the link.
Dim adoxPro As ADOX.Property

adoxPro = .Properties("Jet OLEDB:Create Link")
adoxPro.Value = True

adoxPro = .Properties("Jet OLEDB:Link Provider String")
adoxPro.Value = strProviderString

adoxPro = .Properties("Jet OLEDB:Remote Table Name")
adoxPro.Value = strSourceTbl

End With

'Adding primary key,
'***** the source column name is "Code" ******
tblLink.Keys.Append("PrimaryKey", ADOX.KeyTypeEnum.adKeyPrimary, "Code")

'Append the table to the Tables collection.
'******The exception occurs on the following line***********

'Append the primary index to table.
catDB = Nothing

End Sub

If I avoid the line for adding the primary key,everything works fine,but the table ctreated is readonly.

Thanks in advance
Sudeep T S

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