Jul 20, 2005
I am trying to export data from a SQLServer database into a text fileusing a stored procedure. I want to be able to read it and debug iteasily; therefore, I want all the columns to indent nicely. This meansI need to append trailing spaces to a text string (such as "Test1 ")or append leading space in front of a text string that contains anumber (such as " 12.00"). Now, the stored procedure works fine whenI run it in Query Analyzer. But it doesn't work correctly when I runit using ISQL - All the columns are not indented. I am wondering whyit doesn't work in ISQL.This is what I want, and this is also what I get when I run the storedprocedure using Query Analyzer:Test1 , 2,Test1.txt , 1.00, 1.00Test22 , 2,Test22.txt , ,Test333 , 2,Test333.txt , 30.00, 30.00This is what I get if I run the stored procedure using ISQL(isql -S myserver -E -w 556 -h-1 -n -d mydb -Q "exec MyTest"):Test1, 2,Test1.txt, 1.00, 1.00Test22, 2,Test22.txt, ,Test333, 2,Test333.txt, 30.00, 30.00You can see that the result from ISQL has the following differences:1. It puts a space in front of each row.2. It appends enough spaces at the end of each line to makethe line length to be exactly 61 characters.3. It gets rid of the trailing space from each column.4. It leaves only one blank space if the column has nothingbut a serie of spaces.The following is the stored procedure that I am testing:create procedure MyTestasset nocount oncreate table #Test(Field1 varchar(10) null,Field2 varchar( 5) null,Field3 varchar(20) null,Field4 varchar(10) null,Field5 varchar(10) null)insert into #Test values( "Test1 ", " 2","Test1.txt ", " 1.00", " 1.00" )insert into #Test values( "Test22 ", " 2","Test22.txt ", " ", " " )insert into #Test values( "Test333 ", " 2","Test333.txt ", " 30.00", " 30.00" )select Field1 + "," +Field2 + "," +Field3 + "," +Field4 + "," +Field5from #Testdrop table #TestgoStrangely, the differences #3 and #4 only show up when I use theSELECT statement on a table. They don't show up when I use SELECTstatements to show constant text strings or string variables, likethis:set nocount onselect "Test1 " + "," +" 2" + "," +"Test1.txt " + "," +" 1.00" + "," +" 1.00"select "Test22 " + "," +" 2" + "," +"Test22.txt " + "," +" " + "," +" "select "Test333 " + "," +" 2" + "," +"Test333.txt " + "," +" 30.00" + "," +" 30.00"The result is like the following if I use constant text strings orstring variables:Test1 , 2,Test1.txt , 1.00, 1.00Test22 , 2,Test22.txt , ,Test333 , 2,Test333.txt , 30.00, 30.00I need to run it from ISQL because that is how I run _all_ my otherstored procedures. I don't want to do anything differently justbecause I need to run this stored procedure.Thanks in advance for any suggestion.Jay Chan
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Oct 24, 2006
I had a post a week or so ago with this issue, I found the cause, but cannot figure out how to fix it... The problem is the comparison on the NVarChar(Max) fields when one of them exceeds 4000 chars. If I comment out the following lines of the stored proc, everything works. I tested without using COALESCE and it still does not work. COALESCE(Comments, '') = COALESCE(@o_Comments, '') ANDCOALESCE(SpecialNotes, '') = COALESCE(@o_SpecialNotes, '') ANDCOALESCE(IAppComments, '') = COALESCE(@o_IAppComments, '') ANDCOALESCE(MgmtNotes, '') = COALESCE(@o_MgmtNotes, '') AND set ANSI_NULLS ON
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[pe_updateAppraisal]
-- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here
@OrderId INT,
@FileNumber NVarChar(25),
@OrderDate DateTime,
@ClientID NVarChar(25),
@ClientFileNumber NVarChar(25),
@PropertyTypeID INT,
@EstimatedValue money,
@PurchaseValue money,
@LoanOfficer NVarChar(50),
@ReportID INT,
@ReportFee money,
@FeeBillInd bit,
@FeeCollectInd bit,
@CollectAmt money,
@Borrower NVarChar(50),
@StreetAddrA NVarChar(50),
@StreetAddrB NVarChar(50),
@City NVarChar(50),
@CountyID INT,
@StateID INT,
@Zip NVarChar(50),
@ContactName NVarChar(50),
@PhoneA NVarChar(50),
@PhoneB NVarChar(50),
@PhoneC NVarChar(50),
@ApptDate DateTime,
@ApptTime NVarChar(25),
@AppraiserID INT,
@InspectionDate DateTime,
@DateMailed DateTime,
@TrackingInfo NVarChar(50),
@ReviewedBy INT,
@PreNotesID INT,
@PostNotesID INT,
@StatusID INT,
@Comments NVarChar(MAX),
@SpecialNotes NVarChar(MAX),
@MgmtName NVarChar(50),
@MgmtContactName NVarChar(50),
@MgmtAddress NVarChar(50),
@MgmtPhone NVarChar(50),
@MgmtFax NVarChar(50),
@MgmtFee money,
@CheckNumber NVarChar(25),
@MgmtNotes NVarChar(MAX),
@SentAppraiser DateTime,
@InfoReceived DateTime,
@CheckReceived DateTime,
@CheckMailed DateTime,
@INumFamilies NVarChar(10),
@IStyle NVarChar(15),
@IUnit NVarChar(15),
@IConstruction NVarChar(15),
@IBasement NVarChar(10),
@IBFinished NVarChar(10),
@IGarage NVarChar(10),
@INumCars NVarChar(2),
@IGarageType NVarChar(10),
@IContactHas NVarChar(10),
@IAvailable NVarChar(10),
@IInformedAmt NVarChar(5),
@IRealtorContract NVarChar(10),
@IContractContact NVarChar(50),
@IPermitCO NVarChar(10),
@ICORenewal NVarChar(10),
@IRenewalInt NVarChar(15),
@IAppComments NVarChar(MAX),
@IKitchen1 NVarChar(5),
@IKitchen2 NVarChar(5),
@IKitchen3 NVarChar(5),
@IKitchen4 NVarChar(5),
@IKitchenB NVarChar(5),
@IBedroom1 NVarChar(5),
@IBedroom2 NVarChar(5),
@IBedroom3 NVarChar(5),
@IBedroom4 NVarChar(5),
@IBedroomB NVarChar(5),
@IBathroom1 NVarChar(5),
@IBathroom2 NVarChar(5),
@IBathroom3 NVarChar(5),
@IBathroom4 NVarChar(5),
@IBathroomB NVarChar(5),
@AppraiserPerc NVarChar(6),
@AppraiserFee money,
@o_OrderId INT,
@o_FileNumber NVarChar(25),
@o_OrderDate DateTime,
@o_ClientID NVarChar(25),
@o_ClientFileNumber NVarChar(25),
@o_PropertyTypeID INT,
@o_EstimatedValue money,
@o_PurchaseValue money,
@o_LoanOfficer NVarChar(50),
@o_ReportID INT,
@o_ReportFee money,
@o_FeeBillInd bit,
@o_FeeCollectInd bit,
@o_CollectAmt money,
@o_Borrower NVarChar(50),
@o_StreetAddrA NVarChar(50),
@o_StreetAddrB NVarChar(50),
@o_City NVarChar(50),
@o_CountyID INT,
@o_StateID INT,
@o_Zip NVarChar(50),
@o_ContactName NVarChar(50),
@o_PhoneA NVarChar(50),
@o_PhoneB NVarChar(50),
@o_PhoneC NVarChar(50),
@o_ApptDate DateTime,
@o_ApptTime NVarChar(25),
@o_AppraiserID INT,
@o_InspectionDate DateTime,
@o_DateMailed DateTime,
@o_TrackingInfo NVarChar(50),
@o_ReviewedBy INT,
@o_PreNotesID INT,
@o_PostNotesID INT,
@o_StatusID INT,
@o_Comments NVarChar(MAX),
@o_SpecialNotes NVarChar(MAX),
@o_MgmtName NVarChar(50),
@o_MgmtContactName NVarChar(50),
@o_MgmtAddress NVarChar(50),
@o_MgmtPhone NVarChar(50),
@o_MgmtFax NVarChar(50),
@o_MgmtFee money,
@o_CheckNumber NVarChar(25),
@o_MgmtNotes NVarChar(MAX),
@o_SentAppraiser DateTime,
@o_InfoReceived DateTime,
@o_CheckReceived DateTime,
@o_CheckMailed DateTime,
@o_INumFamilies NVarChar(10),
@o_IStyle NVarChar(15),
@o_IUnit NVarChar(15),
@o_IConstruction NVarChar(15),
@o_IBasement NVarChar(10),
@o_IBFinished NVarChar(10),
@o_IGarage NVarChar(10),
@o_INumCars NVarChar(2),
@o_IGarageType NVarChar(10),
@o_IContactHas NVarChar(10),
@o_IAvailable NVarChar(10),
@o_IInformedAmt NVarChar(5),
@o_IRealtorContract NVarChar(10),
@o_IContractContact NVarChar(50),
@o_IPermitCO NVarChar(10),
@o_ICORenewal NVarChar(10),
@o_IRenewalInt NVarChar(15),
@o_IAppComments NVarChar(MAX),
@o_IKitchen1 NVarChar(5),
@o_IKitchen2 NVarChar(5),
@o_IKitchen3 NVarChar(5),
@o_IKitchen4 NVarChar(5),
@o_IKitchenB NVarChar(5),
@o_IBedroom1 NVarChar(5),
@o_IBedroom2 NVarChar(5),
@o_IBedroom3 NVarChar(5),
@o_IBedroom4 NVarChar(5),
@o_IBedroomB NVarChar(5),
@o_IBathroom1 NVarChar(5),
@o_IBathroom2 NVarChar(5),
@o_IBathroom3 NVarChar(5),
@o_IBathroom4 NVarChar(5),
@o_IBathroomB NVarChar(5),
@o_AppraiserPerc NVarChar(6),
@o_AppraiserFee money
SET FileNumber = @FileNumber,
OrderDate = @OrderDate, ClientID = @ClientID,
ClientFileNumber = @ClientFileNumber, PropertyTypeID = @PropertyTypeID,
EstimatedValue = @EstimatedValue, PurchaseValue = @PurchaseValue,
LoanOfficer = @LoanOfficer, ReportFee = @ReportFee,
FeeBillInd = @FeeBillInd, FeeCollectInd = @FeeCollectInd,
CollectAmt = @CollectAmt, Borrower = @Borrower,
StreetAddrA = @StreetAddrA, StreetAddrB = @StreetAddrB,
City = @City, CountyID = @CountyID, StateID = @StateID, Zip = @Zip,
ContactName = @ContactName, PhoneA = @PhoneA, PhoneB = @PhoneB,
PhoneC = @PhoneC, ApptDate = @ApptDate, ReportID = @ReportID,
ApptTime = @ApptTime, AppraiserID = @AppraiserID,
InspectionDate = @InspectionDate, DateMailed = @DateMailed,
TrackingInfo = @TrackingInfo, ReviewedBy = @ReviewedBy,
StatusID = @StatusID, Comments = @Comments,
SpecialNotes = @SpecialNotes, CheckNumber = @CheckNumber,
MgmtName = @MgmtName, MgmtContactName = @MgmtContactName,
MgmtAddress = @MgmtAddress, MgmtPhone = @MgmtPhone,
MgmtFax = @MgmtFax, MgmtFee = @MgmtFee, MgmtNotes = @MgmtNotes,
CheckMailed = @CheckMailed, CheckReceived = @CheckReceived,
InfoReceived = @InfoReceived, SentAppraiser = @SentAppraiser,
PreNotesID = @PreNotesID, PostNotesID = @PostNotesID,
INumFamilies = @INumFamilies,
IStyle = @IStyle, IUnit = @IUnit, IConstruction = @IConstruction,
IBasement = @IBasement, IBFinished = @IBFinished,
IGarage = @IGarage, INumCars = @INumCars,
IGarageType = @IGarageType, IContactHas = @IContactHas,
IAvailable = @IAvailable, IInformedAmt = @IInformedAmt,
IRealtorContract = @IRealtorContract, IContractContact = @IContractContact,
IPermitCO = @IPermitCO, ICORenewal = @ICORenewal,
IRenewalInt = @IRenewalInt, IAppComments = @IAppComments,
IBedroomB = @IBedroomB, IBedroom1 = @IBedroom1, IBedroom2 = @IBedroom2,
IBedroom3 = @IBedroom3, IBedroom4 = @IBedroom4, IKitchenB = @IKitchenB,
IKitchen1 = @IKitchen1, IKitchen2 = @IKitchen2, IKitchen3 = @IKitchen3,
IKitchen4 = @IKitchen4, IBathroomB = @IBathroomB, IBathroom1 = @IBathroom1,
IBathroom2 = @IBathroom2, IBathroom3 = @IBathroom4, IBathroom4 = @IBathroom4,
AppraiserPerc = @AppraiserPerc, AppraiserFee = @AppraiserFee
WHERE OrderID = @o_OrderId AND
COALESCE(FileNumber, '') = COALESCE(@o_FileNumber, '') AND
COALESCE(OrderDate, 01/01/1900) = COALESCE(@o_OrderDate, 01/01/1900) AND
COALESCE(ClientID, 0) = COALESCE(@o_ClientID, 0) AND
COALESCE(ClientFileNumber, '') = COALESCE(@o_ClientFileNumber, '') AND
COALESCE(PropertyTypeID, 0) = COALESCE(@o_PropertyTypeID, 0) AND
COALESCE(EstimatedValue, 0) = COALESCE(@o_EstimatedValue, 0) AND
COALESCE(PurchaseValue, 0) = COALESCE(@o_PurchaseValue, 0) AND
COALESCE(LoanOfficer, '') = COALESCE(@o_LoanOfficer, '') AND
COALESCE(ReportID, 0) = COALESCE(@o_ReportID, 0) AND
COALESCE(ReportFee, 0) = COALESCE(@o_ReportFee, 0) AND
COALESCE(FeeBillInd, 0) = COALESCE(@o_FeeBillInd, 0) AND
COALESCE(FeeCollectInd, 0) = COALESCE(@o_FeeCollectInd, 0) AND
COALESCE(CollectAmt, 0) = COALESCE(@o_CollectAmt, 0) AND
COALESCE(Borrower, '') = COALESCE(@o_Borrower, '') AND
COALESCE(StreetAddrA, '') = COALESCE(@o_StreetAddrA, '') AND
COALESCE(StreetAddrB, '') = COALESCE(@o_StreetAddrB, '') AND
COALESCE(City, '') = COALESCE(@o_City, '') AND
COALESCE(CountyID, 0) = COALESCE(@o_CountyID, 0) AND
COALESCE(StateID, 0) = COALESCE(@o_StateID, 0) AND
COALESCE(Zip, '') = COALESCE(@o_Zip, '') AND
COALESCE(ContactName, '') = COALESCE(@o_ContactName, '') AND
COALESCE(PhoneA, '') = COALESCE(@o_PhoneA, '') AND
COALESCE(PhoneB, '') = COALESCE(@o_PhoneB, '') AND
COALESCE(PhoneC, '') = COALESCE(@o_PhoneC, '') AND
COALESCE(ApptDate, 01/01/1900) = COALESCE(@o_ApptDate, 01/01/1900) AND
COALESCE(ApptTime, '') = COALESCE(@o_ApptTime, '') AND
COALESCE(AppraiserID, 0) = COALESCE(@o_AppraiserID, 0) AND
COALESCE(InspectionDate, 01/01/1900) = COALESCE(@o_InspectionDate, 01/01/1900) AND
COALESCE(DateMailed, 01/01/1900) = COALESCE(@o_DateMailed, 01/01/1900) AND
COALESCE(TrackingInfo, '') = COALESCE(@o_TrackingInfo, '') AND
COALESCE(ReviewedBy, 0) = COALESCE(@o_ReviewedBy, 0) AND
COALESCE(PreNotesID , 0) = COALESCE(@o_PreNotesID, 0) AND
COALESCE(PostNotesID, 0) = COALESCE(@o_PostNotesID, 0) AND
COALESCE(StatusID, 0) = COALESCE(@o_StatusID, 0) AND
/*COALESCE(Comments, '') = COALESCE(@o_Comments, '') AND
COALESCE(SpecialNotes, '') = COALESCE(@o_SpecialNotes, '') AND*/
COALESCE(CheckNumber, '') = COALESCE(@o_CheckNumber, '') AND
COALESCE(MgmtName, '') = COALESCE(@o_MgmtName, '') AND
COALESCE(MgmtContactName, '') = COALESCE(@o_MgmtContactName, '') AND
COALESCE(MgmtAddress, '') = COALESCE(@o_MgmtAddress, '') AND
COALESCE(MgmtPhone, '') = COALESCE(@o_MgmtPhone, '') AND
COALESCE(MgmtFax, '') = COALESCE(@o_MgmtFax, '') AND
COALESCE(MgmtFee, '') = COALESCE(@o_MgmtFee, '') AND
/*COALESCE(MgmtNotes, '') = COALESCE(@o_MgmtNotes, '') AND*/
COALESCE(SentAppraiser, 01/01/1900) = COALESCE(@o_SentAppraiser, 01/01/1900) AND
COALESCE(InfoReceived, 01/01/1900) = COALESCE(@o_InfoReceived, 01/01/1900) AND
COALESCE(CheckReceived, 01/01/1900) = COALESCE(@o_CheckReceived, 01/01/1900) AND
COALESCE(CheckMailed, 01/01/1900) = COALESCE(@o_CheckMailed, 01/01/1900) AND
COALESCE(INumFamilies, '') = COALESCE(@o_INumFamilies, '') AND
COALESCE(IStyle, '') = COALESCE(@o_IStyle, '') AND
COALESCE(IUnit, '') = COALESCE(@o_IUnit, '') AND
COALESCE(IConstruction, '') = COALESCE(@o_IConstruction, '') AND
COALESCE(IBasement, '') = COALESCE(@o_IBasement, '') AND
COALESCE(IBFinished, '') = COALESCE(@o_IBFinished, '') AND
COALESCE(IGarage, '') = COALESCE(@o_IGarage, '') AND
COALESCE(INumCars, '') = COALESCE(@o_INumCars, '') AND
COALESCE(IGarageType, '') = COALESCE(@o_IGarageType, '') AND
COALESCE(IContactHas, '') = COALESCE(@o_IContactHas, '') AND
COALESCE(IAvailable, '') = COALESCE(@o_IAvailable, '') AND
COALESCE(IInformedAmt, '') = COALESCE(@o_IInformedAmt, '') AND
COALESCE(IRealtorContract, '') = COALESCE(@o_IRealtorContract, '') AND
COALESCE(IContractContact, '') = COALESCE(@o_IContractContact, '') AND
COALESCE(IPermitCO, '') = COALESCE(@o_IPermitCO, '') AND
COALESCE(ICORenewal, '') = COALESCE(@o_ICORenewal, '') AND
COALESCE(IRenewalInt, '') = COALESCE(@o_IRenewalInt, '') AND
/*COALESCE(IAppComments, '') = COALESCE(@o_IAppComments, '') AND*/
COALESCE(IKitchen1, '') = COALESCE(@o_IKitchen1, '') AND
COALESCE(IKitchen2, '') = COALESCE(@o_IKitchen2, '') AND
COALESCE(IKitchen3, '') = COALESCE(@o_IKitchen3, '') AND
COALESCE(IKitchen4, '') = COALESCE(@o_IKitchen4, '') AND
COALESCE(IKitchenB, '') = COALESCE(@o_IKitchenB, '') AND
COALESCE(IBedroom1, '') = COALESCE(@o_IBedroom1, '') AND
COALESCE(IBedroom2, '') = COALESCE(@o_IBedroom2, '') AND
COALESCE(IBedroom3, '') = COALESCE(@o_IBedroom3, '') AND
COALESCE(IBedroom4, '') = COALESCE(@o_IBedroom4, '') AND
COALESCE(IBedroomB, '') = COALESCE(@o_IBedroomB, '') AND
COALESCE(IBathroom1, '') = COALESCE(@o_IBathroom1, '') AND
COALESCE(IBathroom2, '') = COALESCE(@o_IBathroom2, '') AND
COALESCE(IBathroom3, '') = COALESCE(@o_IBathroom3, '') AND
COALESCE(IBathroom4, '') = COALESCE(@o_IBathroom4, '') AND
COALESCE(IBathroomB, '') = COALESCE(@o_IBathroomB, '') AND
COALESCE(AppraiserPerc, 0) = COALESCE(@o_AppraiserPerc, 0) AND
COALESCE(AppraiserFee, 0) = COALESCE(@o_AppraiserFee, 0)
View 13 Replies
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Nov 16, 2005
create FUNCTION [dbo].[search](@art varchar,@cd varchar,@tra varchar,@gen varchar,@cdate datetime,@label varchar)
RETURNS @result TABLE(Artist varchar(100),CDTitle varchar(100),Track varchar(100),CDtype
varchar(100),CDDate datetime, Label varchar(100))
IF @art <>'/'
INSERT INTO @result SELECT dbo.CD.CDCoverURL AS ' ', dbo.CD.CDTitle AS 'CD Title',cd.cdtype as
'Section', convert(varchar,cd.cddate,106) as 'Release Date', dbo.Label.Label,
FROM artist,cd,label,shelf,cdtrack,artisttrack,track
WHERE artist.artistid=artisttrack.artistid and cd.cdid=cdtrack.cdid and
track.trackid=cdtrack.trackid and label.labelid=cd.labelid and
shelf.shelfid=cd.shelfid and artisttrack.trackid=track.trackid
and artist.artist=@art
Group by dbo.CD.CDCoverURL, dbo.CD.CDTitle, dbo.CD.CDType, dbo.CD.CDDate,
dbo.Label.Label, dbo.Shelf.Shelf
if @cd <>'/'
insert into @result SELECT dbo.CD.CDCoverURL AS ' ', dbo.CD.CDTitle AS 'CD Title',cd.cdtype as 'Section', convert(varchar,cd.cddate,106) as 'Release Date', dbo.Label.Label, dbo.Shelf.Shelf
FROM artist,cd,label,shelf,cdtrack,artisttrack,track
where artist.artistid=artisttrack.artistid
and cd.cdid=cdtrack.cdid and track.trackid=cdtrack.trackid and label.labelid=cd.labelid
and shelf.shelfid=cd.shelfid and artisttrack.trackid=track.trackid and cd.cdtitle=@cd
Group by dbo.CD.CDCoverURL, dbo.CD.CDTitle, dbo.CD.CDType, dbo.CD.CDDate, dbo.Label.Label, dbo.Shelf.Shelf
if @tra <> '/'
insert into @result SELECT dbo.CD.CDCoverURL AS ' ', dbo.CD.CDTitle AS 'CD Title',cd.cdtype as 'Section', convert(varchar,cd.cddate,106) as 'Release Date', dbo.Label.Label, dbo.Shelf.Shelf
FROM artist,cd,label,shelf,cdtrack,artisttrack,track
where artist.artistid=artisttrack.artistid
and cd.cdid=cdtrack.cdid and track.trackid=cdtrack.trackid and label.labelid=cd.labelid
and shelf.shelfid=cd.shelfid and artisttrack.trackid=track.trackid and track.track=@tra
Group by dbo.CD.CDCoverURL, dbo.CD.CDTitle, dbo.CD.CDType, dbo.CD.CDDate, dbo.Label.Label, dbo.Shelf.Shelf
if @gen <>'/'
insert into @result SELECT dbo.CD.CDCoverURL AS ' ', dbo.CD.CDTitle AS 'CD Title',cd.cdtype as 'Section', convert(varchar,cd.cddate,106) as 'Release Date', dbo.Label.Label, dbo.Shelf.Shelf
FROM artist,cd,label,shelf,cdtrack,artisttrack,track
where artist.artistid=artisttrack.artistid
and cd.cdid=cdtrack.cdid and track.trackid=cdtrack.trackid and label.labelid=cd.labelid
and shelf.shelfid=cd.shelfid and artisttrack.trackid=track.trackid and cd.cdtype=@gen
Group by dbo.CD.CDCoverURL, dbo.CD.CDTitle, dbo.CD.CDType, dbo.CD.CDDate, dbo.Label.Label, dbo.Shelf.Shelf
if @cdate<>'01/01/1900'
insert into @result SELECT dbo.CD.CDCoverURL, dbo.CD.CDTitle, dbo.CD.CDType, dbo.CD.CDDate, dbo.Label.Label, dbo.Shelf.Shelf
FROM artist,cd,label,shelf,cdtrack,artisttrack,track
where artist.artistid=artisttrack.artistid
and cd.cdid=cdtrack.cdid and track.trackid=cdtrack.trackid and label.labelid=cd.labelid
and shelf.shelfid=cd.shelfid and artisttrack.trackid=track.trackid and cd.cddate=@cdate
Group by dbo.CD.CDCoverURL, dbo.CD.CDTitle, dbo.CD.CDType, dbo.CD.CDDate, dbo.Label.Label, dbo.Shelf.Shelf
if @label<>'/'
insert into @result SELECT dbo.CD.CDCoverURL, dbo.CD.CDTitle, dbo.CD.CDType, dbo.CD.CDDate, dbo.Label.Label, dbo.Shelf.Shelf
FROM artist,cd,label,shelf,cdtrack,artisttrack,track
where artist.artistid=artisttrack.artistid
and cd.cdid=cdtrack.cdid and track.trackid=cdtrack.trackid and label.labelid=cd.labelid
and shelf.shelfid=cd.shelfid and artisttrack.trackid=track.trackid and label.label=@label
Group by dbo.CD.CDCoverURL, dbo.CD.CDTitle, dbo.CD.CDType, dbo.CD.CDDate, dbo.Label.Label, dbo.Shelf.Shelf
upon running executing this function with valid values i am not getting any results.
anything is wrong?
thank you,
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