Key Factors For Efficiency Of SQL Server 2000 (performace Tuning)

Apr 18, 2007

Hello All,

I am new to SQL Server 2000. I am eager to learn what factors/parameters are key for obtaining good retrieval performance of SQL Server 2000 (prompt response to user query).

I recall that someone told me that a recordset with asOpenStatic cursor type has higher speed than that of a recordset with other cursor types.

Is this true or false. Are there really some key parameters for perfomance tuning .


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Mdac 2.8 And Sql 2005 Server Side Cursor Performace Issue

Jun 18, 2007


I have a VB6 application using classic ado (MDAC 2.8) for connecting ms sql 2000 server. Application uses a lot of server side cursors. Now I want to switch to ms sql 2005 server but I have noticed very serious performance problem. Sql profiler results of execution of following commands:

declare @p1 int
set @p1=180150131
declare @p3 int
set @p3=1
declare @p4 int
set @p4=16388
declare @p5 int
set @p5=22221
exec sp_cursoropen @p1 output,N' Select ... from ... where .... order by ...',@p3 output,@p4 output,@p5 output
select @p1, @p3, @p4, @p5

on sql server 2000:

CPU: 234
Reads: 82515
Writes: 136
Duration: 296

and on sql server 2005:

CPU: 4703
Reads: 678751
Writes: 1
Duration: 4867

Both databases are identical, the servers runs on the same machine (Pentium 2,8 Ghz, 2 GB RAM) with only one client connected. On forums I've read that Microsoft doesn't recommend using server side cursors on sql 2005 but is there any way to increase performance to some acceptable level?

thanks in advance

szymon strus

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Query Tuning And Stored Procedure Tuning

Nov 22, 2000


Is there any good books for Query Tuning and Stored procedure Tuning


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Linked Server, Views And Efficiency

May 6, 2005


I have two servers that i want to create a SQL RS report on.
On one server there is an HR database with our staff details, on the other server there is a database of assets.

In order to report on the assets assigned to each user i am thinking that i will have to :
1) link the servers
2) create a view in the HR database exposing the fields needed
3) create a view in the assets database exposing the assets information joined to the view from the other server
4) create my reports on the view on the assets server.

is this right or am i barking up the wrong tree?

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Key Factors For Defining Indexes.

Aug 21, 2004


Plz explain me what are the key factors or conditions one should consider while defining indexes on a field.


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Storing DATA To Sql Server From Access Efficiency

Jun 13, 2008

 I have a function which is writing thousands of records coming from Access database and I was wondering if someone can suggest how can reconstruct my code for faster processing. Here my code: Public Sub MigrateNFSData(ByVal calcTbl As DataTable, ByVal strDBConnection As String)        Dim sqlServerConn As New SqlConnection(strDBConnection)        'Define stored procedures        Dim command As New SqlCommand        Dim getAccID As New SqlCommand("GetAccountID", sqlServerConn)        Dim getActionID As New SqlCommand("GetActionID", sqlServerConn)        Dim getExchangeID As New SqlCommand("GetExchangeID", sqlServerConn)        'Dim getParrentAccID As New SqlCommand("GetParentAccID", sqlServerConn)        Dim getStatusID As New SqlCommand("GetStatusID", sqlServerConn)        Dim getTraderID As New SqlCommand("GetTraderID", sqlServerConn)        Dim getGroupID As New SqlCommand("GetGroupID", sqlServerConn)        Dim getGroupIDByIP As New SqlCommand("GetGroupIDByIP", sqlServerConn)        Dim getTraderIDByIP As New SqlCommand("GetTraderIDByIP", sqlServerConn)        'Define insert records stored procedures        Dim insertAcc As New SqlCommand("InsertAccount", sqlServerConn)        insertAcc.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure        Dim insertAction As New SqlCommand("InsertAction", sqlServerConn)        insertAction.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure        Dim insertExchange As New SqlCommand("InsertExchange", sqlServerConn)        insertExchange.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure        Dim insertGroup As New SqlCommand("InsertGroup", sqlServerConn)        insertGroup.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure        Dim insertStatus As New SqlCommand("InsertStatus", sqlServerConn)        insertStatus.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure        Dim insertTrader As New SqlCommand("InsertTrader", sqlServerConn)        insertTrader.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure        Try            sqlServerConn.Open()        Catch ex As Exception            MessageBox.Show("Connection failed to open!")        End Try        'Set parameters to helper Get Stored Procedures to retreive Id's         getAccID.Parameters.Add("@AccName", SqlDbType.NVarChar)        getAccID.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure        getActionID.Parameters.Add("@ActionName", SqlDbType.NVarChar)        getActionID.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure        getExchangeID.Parameters.Add("@ExchName", SqlDbType.NVarChar)        getExchangeID.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure        'getParrentAccID.Parameters.Add("@ParentName", SqlDbType.NVarChar)        'getParrentAccID.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure        getStatusID.Parameters.Add("@StatusName", SqlDbType.NVarChar)        getStatusID.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure        getTraderID.Parameters.Add("@TraderName", SqlDbType.NVarChar)        getTraderID.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure        getGroupID.Parameters.Add("@GroupName", SqlDbType.NVarChar)        getGroupID.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure        getGroupIDByIP.Parameters.Add("@IP", SqlDbType.NVarChar)        getGroupIDByIP.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure        getTraderIDByIP.Parameters.Add("@IP", SqlDbType.NVarChar)        getTraderIDByIP.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure        command = New SqlCommand("InsertTradeTransaction", sqlServerConn)        command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure        'Set Parameters for Insert stored procedures        insertAcc.Parameters.Add("@Account", SqlDbType.Text)        insertAction.Parameters.Add("@ActionName", SqlDbType.Text)        insertExchange.Parameters.Add("@Exchange", SqlDbType.Text)        insertGroup.Parameters.Add("@Group", SqlDbType.Text)        insertGroup.Parameters.Add("@ACCID", SqlDbType.Int)        insertGroup.Parameters.Add("@GroupID", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier)        insertStatus.Parameters.Add("@StatusName", SqlDbType.Text)        insertTrader.Parameters.Add("@Group", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier)        insertTrader.Parameters.Add("@IP", SqlDbType.Text)        insertTrader.Parameters.Add("@TraderName", SqlDbType.Text)        insertTrader.Parameters.Add("@TraderID", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier)        'Adding stored Get Stored Procedure's parameters-----------------------        command.Parameters.Add("@OrderNum", SqlDbType.Text)        command.Parameters.Add("@ACC_ID", SqlDbType.Int)        command.Parameters.Add("@Group_ID", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier)        command.Parameters.Add("@Trader_ID", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier)        command.Parameters.Add("@Exch_ID", SqlDbType.Int)        command.Parameters.Add("@Date", SqlDbType.DateTime)        command.Parameters.Add("@Time", SqlDbType.DateTime)        command.Parameters.Add("@ActionID", SqlDbType.Int)        command.Parameters.Add("@StatusID", SqlDbType.Int)        command.Parameters.Add("@TimeSent", SqlDbType.DateTime)        command.Parameters.Add("@Qty", SqlDbType.Int)        command.Parameters.Add("@Product", SqlDbType.Text)        command.Parameters.Add("@MMYYY", SqlDbType.Text)        command.Parameters.Add("@ExchOrderID", SqlDbType.Text)        command.Parameters.Add("@TimeTicks", SqlDbType.Int)        command.Parameters.Add("@W2G", SqlDbType.Int)        command.Parameters.Add("@W2Exch", SqlDbType.Int)        command.Parameters.Add("@G2ExchDerived", SqlDbType.Int)        command.Parameters.Add("@Msg", SqlDbType.NVarChar)        'command.Parameters.Add("@ExchDate", SqlDbType.DateTime)        'command.Parameters.Add("@ParentID", SqlDbType.Int)        'Paremeters Defenition--------------------------------------        'Parsing DateTime Objects        Dim formaterA As IFormatProvider        formaterA = New System.Globalization.CultureInfo("en-GB", True)        Dim dateObj As Date        'DEBUG        'Dim rows = calcTbl.Rows.Count        Dim colValues = GetColumnsValues(calcTbl)        'Write table with computed NFS data to sql server DB        For Each dr As DataRow In calcTbl.Rows            Dim orderNo = dr.Item("Order No").ToString()            command.Parameters("@OrderNum").Value = dr.Item("Order No").ToString()            getAccID.Parameters("@AccName").Value = dr.Item("Acct").ToString()            If getAccID.ExecuteScalar() = Nothing Then                insertAcc.Parameters("@Account").Value = dr.Item("Acct").ToString()                insertAcc.ExecuteNonQuery()                getAccID.Parameters("@AccName").Value = dr.Item("Acct").ToString()                command.Parameters("@ACC_ID").Value = getAccID.ExecuteScalar()            Else                command.Parameters("@ACC_ID").Value = Int32.Parse(getAccID.ExecuteScalar()).ToString()            End If            getGroupID.Parameters("@GroupName").Value = dr.Item("Group ID").ToString()            If getGroupID.ExecuteScalar() = Nothing Then                'Find Group by IP address if input Data Table doesn't have group                getGroupIDByIP.Parameters("@IP").Value = dr.Item("IP").ToString()                If getGroupIDByIP.ExecuteScalar() = Nothing Then                    insertGroup.Parameters("@GroupID").Value = Guid.NewGuid                    insertGroup.Parameters("@Group").Value = dr.Item("Group ID")                    insertGroup.Parameters("@ACCID").Value = getAccID.ExecuteScalar()                    insertGroup.ExecuteNonQuery()                    command.Parameters("@Group_ID").Value = getGroupID.ExecuteScalar()                Else                    command.Parameters("@Group_ID").Value = getGroupIDByIP.ExecuteScalar()                End If            Else                command.Parameters("@Group_ID").Value = getGroupID.ExecuteScalar()            End If            getTraderID.Parameters("@TraderName").Value = dr.Item("Trd ID").ToString()            If getTraderID.ExecuteScalar() = Nothing Then                getTraderIDByIP.Parameters("@IP").Value = dr.Item("IP").ToString()                If getTraderIDByIP.ExecuteScalar() = Nothing Then                    insertTrader.Parameters("@Group").Value = getGroupID.ExecuteScalar()                    insertTrader.Parameters("@IP").Value = dr.Item("IP").ToString()                    insertTrader.Parameters("@TraderName").Value = dr.Item("Trd ID").ToString()                    insertTrader.Parameters("@TraderID").Value = Guid.NewGuid                    insertTrader.ExecuteNonQuery()                    command.Parameters("@Trader_ID").Value = getTraderID.ExecuteScalar()                Else                    command.Parameters("@Trader_ID").Value = getTraderIDByIP.ExecuteScalar()                End If            Else                command.Parameters("@Trader_ID").Value = getTraderID.ExecuteScalar()            End If            getExchangeID.Parameters("@ExchName").Value = dr.Item("Exch").ToString()            If getExchangeID.ExecuteScalar() = Nothing Then                insertExchange.Parameters("@Exchange").Value = dr.Item("Exch").ToString()                insertExchange.ExecuteNonQuery()                command.Parameters("@Exch_ID").Value = getExchangeID.ExecuteScalar()            Else                command.Parameters("@Exch_ID").Value = getExchangeID.ExecuteScalar()            End If            getActionID.Parameters("@ActionName").Value = dr.Item("Action").ToString()            If getActionID.ExecuteScalar() = Nothing Then                insertAction.Parameters("@ActionName").Value = dr.Item("Action").ToString()                command.Parameters("@ActionID").Value = getActionID.ExecuteScalar()            Else                command.Parameters("@ActionID").Value = getActionID.ExecuteScalar()            End If            getStatusID.Parameters("@StatusName").Value = dr.Item("Status").ToString()            If getStatusID.ExecuteScalar() = Nothing Then                insertStatus.Parameters("@StatusName").Value = dr.Item("Status").ToString()                insertStatus.ExecuteNonQuery()                command.Parameters("@StatusID").Value = getStatusID.ExecuteScalar()            Else                command.Parameters("@StatusID").Value = getStatusID.ExecuteScalar()            End If            'getParrentAccID.Parameters("@ParentName").Value = ""            'If getParrentAccID.ExecuteScalar() = 0 Then            'insert parent acc            'Else            'command.Parameters("@ParentID").Value = getParrentAccID.ExecuteScalar()            dateObj = Date.Parse(dr.Item("Exch Date").ToString(), formaterA)            command.Parameters("@Date").Value = dateObj            command.Parameters("@Time").Value = DateTime.Parse(dr.Item("Time").ToString())            command.Parameters("@TimeSent").Value = DateTime.Parse(dr.Item("Time Sent").ToString())            If (dr.Item("Qty").Equals(System.DBNull.Value)) Then                command.Parameters("@Qty").Value = System.DBNull.Value            Else                command.Parameters("@Qty").Value = Int32.Parse(dr.Item("Qty").ToString())            End If            command.Parameters("@Product").Value = dr.Item("Product").ToString()            command.Parameters("@MMYYY").Value = dr.Item("MMMYY").ToString()            command.Parameters("@ExchOrderID").Value = dr.Item("Exchange Order ID").ToString()            If (dr.Item("Time Ticks").Equals(System.DBNull.Value)) Then                command.Parameters("@TimeTicks").Value = System.DBNull.Value            Else                command.Parameters("@TimeTicks").Value = Int32.Parse(dr.Item("Time Ticks").ToString())            End If            'command.Parameters("@ExchDate").Value = Date.Parse(dr.Item("Exch Date").ToString())            'command.Parameters("@ExchDate").Value = Convert.ToDateTime(dr.Item("Exch Date").ToString())            'DEBUG            'Dim strW2G = dr.Item("W2G").ToString()            'Dim strW2E = dr.Item("W2E").ToString()            If (dr.Item("W2G").Equals(System.DBNull.Value)) Then                command.Parameters("@W2G").Value = System.DBNull.Value            Else                command.Parameters("@W2G").Value = Int32.Parse(dr.Item("W2G").ToString())            End If            If dr.Item("W2E").Equals(System.DBNull.Value) Then                command.Parameters("@W2Exch").Value = System.DBNull.Value            Else                command.Parameters("@W2Exch").Value = Int32.Parse(dr.Item("W2E").ToString())            End If            'command.Parameters("@G2ExchDerived").Value = Int32.Parse(dr.Item("Time Delta G2E").ToString())            If (dr.Item("Time Delta G2E").Equals(System.DBNull.Value)) Then                command.Parameters("@G2ExchDerived").Value = System.DBNull.Value            Else                command.Parameters("@G2ExchDerived").Value = Int32.Parse(dr.Item("Time Delta G2E").ToString())            End If            command.Parameters("@Msg").Value = dr.Item("Msg").ToString()            command.ExecuteNonQuery()        Next        sqlServerConn.Close()    End Sub

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Efficiency Of Sql Server On Searching On Text Field

Jul 26, 2007


We have a application running on Sql server 2005, which require to browse/search text field. Does anyone know if Sql server's search/browse performance on text field is better than oracle?

The table the application will search on is a customer table that has a 10000 records in it, does this size of table casue a performance problem for sql server 2005 if I index the text field?

Please advise, thanks for your help!


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Transact SQL :: Iterating Through A Schedule With Recursions And Factors?

Jul 30, 2015

I have a scenario in which a schedule is recorded like the top table below. Notice the start and end times, the meeting length, and the fact that you could book more than 1 meeting (book factor) during the times slot. The second table is the result needed. I have it working using the dreaded cursor, but I know there's got to be a more elegant solutions.


7/1/2015 8:00


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SQL 2012 :: Replaying Workloads With Minimal External Factors

Apr 8, 2014

I'm currently working on a project at work to test the effects of database compression, trying to obtain measurable data on the impact of the compression on other server resources, and therefore whether the reduction in space used is worth the extra overhead. This has involved taking a trace of a production customer's workload for a period of time and replaying it against a backup using Distributed replay in synchronised mode.

I'm then taking a trace of that replay, as well as using perfmon to record useful data about the server, before and after compression is enabled. Finally, I'm loading the traces into a tool called Qure to analyse the impact of the compression on reads, writes, CPU, overall duration etc.

What I'm finding is that even across 2 different 'baseline' runs, which are replaying the exact same workload against the exact same database, performance etc differs to a significant enough degree that it calls into question the validity of the test. I can only put this down to the fact this server is on a VM, which is affecting available resources, which in turn affects execution plans the workload is generating and causes different replays of the same workload. I'm therefore looking at doing this on a standalone server, but I still can't be sure the differences will go away.

How to make tests such as this as similar as possible on multiple runs, when elements outside of SQL Server are in effect out of my control?

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Factors Affecting Effort Estimate For SSIS Package

Aug 30, 2007


I need to estimate the effort required in writing some SSIS packages.
Could anyone provide some pointers to the various factors (E.g. number of tables, source, etc.) which influence the effort estimate for SSIS packages?

Thanks in advance.


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Better Performace With Query

Mar 15, 2007

its k i got it :)

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Why The Performace Differs?

Aug 30, 2005

All,I have a problem regarding SQL Server 2000 SP3,I have SP that calls other SP and it inserts about 30,000 records as atime,in the development environment (MS Windows 2003 Enterprise, 256 RAM,3.0 GHz Intel Processor) takes about 6 seconds to run this SP.But, with the same Software but, 2.6 GHz Intel and 1 GB Ram, it runsvery slow it takes more than 135 Seconds to run,I have read a lot of articles about expanding the SQL Memory and giveit a higher process privilege but, with no use,I don't know where the problem is, do you have any idea about what isthe problem?Thank you in advance,MAG

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JOIN Performace Vs. Multiple RersultSets

Jun 13, 2006

Can anyone give me some guidelines as to when to chose JOINS over returning multiple resultsets in a strored procedure..
For eample, I have two tables, Orders and OrderDetails, which are linked by a primary key field. There can be orders w/o a corresponding record in orderdetails.
1.) I can return all orders and their details using a stored preocedure that has:
   SELECT o.order_id as OrderId, o.customername, od.order_id, od.orderdate FROM orders AS o LEFT OUTER JOIN orderdetails AS od ON (o.order_id=od.order_id)
2.) I can do the same by returning two results sets in a different stored procedure:
   SELECT order_id, customername FROM orders
   SELECT order_id, orderdate FROM orderdetails
I think the client processing time for the second option will be slightly less, because the resultset I need to filter will only be as big as the orederdetails table (it will not include records for orders that have no details). Regardless, I think this would only make for a small performance gain, so if Option 1 is better in Database performace, I would probably go with that.
I assume the method to choose also depends on table size and # of JOINS. Any guidance would be appreciated. Thanks,

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Openquery Potential Performace Blackhole?

Jun 19, 2001

I have a openquery query like this
Select * from openquery([db2],'Select * from tableA')

To only return and process records for a given date range I changed it to be something like this

Select * from openquery([db2],'Select * from tableA')
where datefield > '06/06/2001'

While this works fine, my question is that does it copy all the records from the db2 server to the sql server before filtering them. I think it does.
The db2 table will have over 1,000,000 records eventually, and the sql server will use records for a given day/date range only.

I cannot add the where clause to the db2 query.

any ideas ?



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Frustration.. Slow Performace When Editing A DTS

Apr 17, 2006

I have tried many things and even the worst case thing which I was trying to avoid i.e. uninstalled MSDE SP3 and Analysis Services and service packs but the problem is still not solved...

Whenever I open a DTS in design view and double click on the link (the line connecting the two) between the source and destination servers the PC goes to sleep and comes back after a long time and then the same problem occurs when I press on the transformation tab...

I know this may sound weird but that really is the case :o

Any clues anyone .... please

View 14 Replies View Related

Frustration.. Slow Performace When Editing A DTS

Apr 17, 2006

I have tried many things and even the worst case thing which I was trying to avoid i.e. uninstalled MSDE SP3 and Analysis Services and service packs but the problem is still not solved...

Whenever I open a DTS in design view and double click on the link (the line connecting the two) between the source and destination servers the PC goes to sleep and comes back after a long time and then the same problem occurs when I press on the transformation tab...

I know this may sound weird but that really is the case :eek:

Please help :o

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Performace Issue With SQL Native Client

Jun 4, 2008

and TCP as a connection method.

When using Named Pipes the issue is no longer there.

On massive batch inserts we sometimes get a long pause at the end of one insert and before begining the next one. Example:

1000 inserts in the same table and then repeat. This will work fine for 3 or 4 iterations, then pause during the 5th iteration for up to 40 seconds and then simply continue.

When this exact same procedure is done using Named Pipes as the connection method this never happens.

While this is happening neither the server or the workstation is doing anything, 0% CPU, 0% network, it just sits there.

All this using the SQL Native Client 2005 and ADO.

Anyone have any ideas?

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Unable To Get The Performace With Partition Table

Jan 11, 2007

I created two tables one is based on partition structure and one is non-partition structure.

File Groups= Jan,Feb.....Dec
Partition Functions='20060101','20060201'......'20061201'
I am using RIGHT Range in Partition function.
Then I defined partition scheme on partition function.

I have more than 7,00,000 data in my database.
I checked filegroups and count rows. It works fine.

But When I check the estimation plan time out for query it is same for both partition table and non partition table.

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Note: Font, FontSize, BoldText, ShowBox, Character Count And More Factors Needed For Calculation(s)?

Jul 17, 2007

Situation: In this stored procedure, I have to calculate in some manner: Font, FontSize, BoldText, ShowBox and number of characters to see how many lines it will take on a Crystal Report. Wondering if you have seen some like this on Web or have an ideas? Measurements(length, width) and character count seem appropriate. How about a function?

Uses Arial and fontsize can be 8pt - 28pt.

Thanks. TAEG

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Mdac 2.8 And Sql 2005 Cursor Performace Issue

Jun 18, 2007

HelloI have a VB6 application using classic ado (MDAC 2.8) for connectingms sql 2000 server. Application uses a lot of server side cursors. NowI want to switch to ms sql 2005 server but I have noticed very seriousperformance problem. Sql profiler results of execution of followingcommands:declare @p1 intset @p1=180150131declare @p3 intset @p3=1declare @p4 intset @p4=16388declare @p5 intset @p5=22221exec sp_cursoropen @p1 output,N' Select ... from ... where .... orderby ...',@p3 output,@p4 output,@p5 outputselect @p1, @p3, @p4, @p5on sql server 2000:CPU: 234Reads:82515Writes:136Duration:296and on sql server 2005:CPU: 4703Reads:678751Writes:1Duration:4867Both databases are identical, the servers runs on the same machine(Pentium 2,8 Ghz, 2 GB RAM) with only one client connected. On forumsI've read that Microsoft doesn't recommend using server side cursorson sql 2005 but is there any way to increase performance to someacceptable level?thanks in advanceszymon strus

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Fulltext Large (500.000) Count Query Performace Too Slow

Feb 14, 2008


I am with the response time for a simple count on a fulltext search that is too slow.

Even using the most simple query on a good server (64 bit Dual Opteron 4GB Ram with high speed 16 raid disk storage)):

select count(*) from content_books where contains(searchData,'"english"')
Takes 4 seconds to count the avg 500.000 resultsI have removed all the joins with real table data so that the query is only inside the fulltext engine..

I would expect this to be down to 4 milli seconds. Isn't it just getting the size of the "english" word result index?

It seems the engine is going through all the results because if a do a more complex search that returns less results the performance is better.

Any clues of how to do this faster? I never read the thousands of records BUT i need to count them...

Thank you very much.

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Tuning SQL Server

Jan 25, 2000

Does anyone know of any good reference material on how to tune SQL Server 7?

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SQL Server Tuning

Aug 2, 2007


Can some one give links to SQL Server tuning and applications performace.

I am looking for some examples which i can use in interviews .


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Sql Server Performance Tuning

Feb 7, 2008

   Can some one please send me the Sql Server 2005 Performance Tuning artilce links?

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SQL Server 2k Tuning And Performance

Feb 18, 2004

Hi, I am new to database admin. Actually, I really have no experience what so ever. My boss has asked me to do some tests on our sql server to find bottlenecks or whatever is causing our server to respond so slowly.

Any help would be, ugh helpful.

I am loking for tools or information that will help troubleshoot any problems with the ms sql server 2k. I have tried sql profiler, but I found myself lost, not knowing what to look for.

Thank you

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Help Tuning New Sql2005 Server

Apr 18, 2007


I just upgraded my sql2000 server (3gb Ram,2 x2.4ghz p4xeon processors) to sql2005 64 bit (4gb ram,1 x dual core 2.0 xeon processor) The single processor is supposed to be faster than the previous dual processors combined.

The problem is now I am having major performance problems, the queries are lagging pretty badly intermittently.

What steps should I take to resolve this? I am planning on upgrading to 8gb of RAM tonight or tommorow as a 'throwing hardware at this problem without really knowing what I'm doing approach.'

I am not very good with perfmon, but if you want any stats from there please let me know. I'm googling now what I should be checking for.

I can't figure out why its actually running worse, these problems got worse after I set a maintenance plan to run last night which did backups, reindex all the stuff etc... It failed after 2 hours and I woke up to horrible performance this morning.

Any help much appreciated!


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SQL Server Report Tuning

Nov 27, 2007

I've gotten a request to tune some sql for a report. The actual SQL is pretty long so I won't bother posting it, but I was hoping that someone had a good website or ebook on advanced techniques for tuning sql in SQL Server.

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Sql Server Performance Tuning Tips

Jun 9, 2008

Hi everybody,
i would be thankful if anybody posts some references of the web sites
which relates to  SQL Server Performance tuning.
Thanks in Advance
Suresh Kumar Goudampally

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Tuning On Oracle 10g And SQL Server 2005

May 4, 2006

Does anyone have some more detailed information about how Oracle and MSimplement / allow Tuning on Oracle 10g and SQL Server 2005 and thedifferences between them?Which of them, In a deep comparison about it, allow better tuning andwhy.Regards,Marcio Evangelista

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Sql Server 2005 Performance Tuning Book

Aug 26, 2007

Hello everyone ,

I am looking for an useful sql server 2005 performance tuning book. i have been searching for a real nice book as i m going to start my job from next month in a financial domain with one of the requirement as sql server 2005 performance i m looking forward a book which can help me doing well at my workplace. Any suggestions and links appreciated in advance .

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Performance Tuning On High Volume Server

Jan 4, 2007

I am looking to improve the performance of my sql server databases.

I currently have a dual location system, the database server setup is basically a quad xeon with 4gb at my office and a double xeon with 4gb at a remote webhosting location. There are separate application/web/intranet servers at each site. The two databases servers are replicated with the local server publishing to the remote server.

The relational database holds circa 26 million records, growing by a volume of 10,000 per day, there are approximately 50,000 queries performed per day.

My theory is that the replication of the two databases is causing a slowdown; despite fast network connections (averaging 200ms between servers) the replication seems to place a large load on the local server. Would it be sensible to replicate to a second local server and then replicate to the remote server, placing any burden on the second server?

I am planning to upgrade the local server to a high capacity 4+ cpu 64bit server, my problem is that although I have noticed a slow down in performance over time, I am unsure how to go about measuring and quantifying this in order to diagnose the bottlenecks and ensure that investing in a new server would be worthwhile. Where would one be best advised to start this project?

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Optimize Indexes ...SQL Server Index Tuning Wizard

Jan 8, 2006

I saw this tool for SQL-Server 2000 :

Is there anything similar for SQL-Server 2005 Express ?

Thank you very much for any help!


my favorit hoster is ASPnix : !

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MSSQL 2005 Windows Server 2003 Performance Tuning

Feb 18, 2008

Hello, we currently have our database (MSSQL 2005) on our web server however to do increased traffic and business we are now moving our database to its own server. I was wondering if anyone here knew of some good ways to setup/tune Windows Server 2003 and SQL 2005 for best performance. MSSQL will be the only application running on the server and want to make sure it is as fast as possible!
 Thanks in advance!!!

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