Kindly Advice On How To Test Faulty Connection To Database?

Jun 2, 2008


I have an application which connects to SQL Server 2005 database.

One out of 15 times (approx) the applicaiton does not make connection to the database and an exception is thrown.

I am not sure how to debug this. Should I write some code which can make connections in a loop to test how much stress the sever can handle?

Kindly suggest some ideas. Thanks.

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Initial Catalog Faulty In Connection String - Why?

Jul 26, 2007

Hi there, I am in the process or deploying our existing .NET 1.1 application together with its SQL Server 2000 databases to 2 new hardware platforms (one for databases and one for application). I have transferred the databases and installed the application (using our installers). I have tested the database logins and checked the database user rights - everything is fine - or so it appears to be. However, when I try to open the application it receive the following exception
[Exception: Data Source=;Persist Security Info=False;UID=myAccount; password=myPassword;Connect Timeout=60;;Initial Catalog=http://xxx.xx.x.x/directory/myPage.aspxMYDATABASE;Pooling = 'false';Application Name=WEBAPP; System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Cannot open database requested in login 'http://xxx.xx.x.x/directory/myPage.aspxMYDATABASE'. Login fails.
Login failed for user 'myAccount'.
at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlInternalConnection.OpenAndLogin()
at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlInternalConnection..ctor(SqlConnection connection, SqlConnectionString connectionOptions)
at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.Open()
at FrameWork.DataServices.DBConnect.GetInternalConnection(Int32& icnt)]
FrameWork.DataServices.DBConnect.GetInternalConnection(Int32& icnt) +655
FrameWork.DataServices.DBConnect.GetInternalConnection() +16
FrameWork.Components.DBComponent.get_m_SqlConnection() +59
FrameWork.Components.DBComponent.ExecuteReader(SqlCommand cmd, Int32 iRetry, Boolean bIgnorecase) +53
FrameWork.Components.DBComponent.ExecuteReader(SqlCommand cmd, Boolean bIgnorecase) +337
FrameWork.Components.DBComponent.ExecuteReader(SqlCommand cmd) +7
It appears as if my ADO connection string is faulty. If a manually connect using a connection string in the format I expected it to be, everything works. Here are my manual connection string:
 Data Source=xxx.xx.x.x;Persist Security Info=False;UID=myAccount; password=myPassword;Connect Timeout=60;;Initial Catalog=MYDATABASE;Pooling = 'false' What is inserting the URL that I used to open the page ahead of my Initial Catalog parameter?Any assistance will be more than welcome.CJ  

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Faulty Insert Into Sql Express Database

Apr 2, 2007

Hello All,

I have an InfoPath form that submits data to a .NET webservice. The webservice parses the infopath form and inserts the data into a database. The database is SQL Server EXPRESS.

I have however run into some problems. The InfoPath form is within SharePoint and I noticed that when I submit the data, it only shows up in the database as a new record 9 out of 10 times. That is for every 10 submissions of the form, there are only about 9 new records in the database. The ID field (an autoincrement field) also skips a number indicating the the transaction may have failed.

However, when I test the form on my local PC, it inserts a new record for every submission.

The webservice and database are on a remote server not my local.

Does anyone have any ideas? Could it be a deficiency of SQL Server Express?

Any ideas, answers or suggestions would be much appreciated.

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DB Engine :: Replicate A Master Test Database To 100 Test Environments?

Oct 12, 2015

We are setting up a test lab environment with 100 machines.  We want one master testing db that gets replicated to each to run scripted application tests nightly.  

My goal is to minimize the amount of work to move this thing to each of the 100 test machines.  I am wondering if we need to even have the sql local and invest in a monster db server with 100 copies of the db we restore and each test machine point to their own db on that server, or if I should use db mirroring or something to get the master test db to each of those machines instead.

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Mirroring Issue Kindly Help Needed

Apr 25, 2008

Trying to create mirroring in SQL Server 2005. I followed the steps through Security Wizard. For miror server instance connect I used
'SA' login and pwd..I m not using i clicked on finish I got below error.
On pricipal server i got error message but on mirror server I got success message.

error message:

TITLE: Microsoft SQL Server
SQL Server cannot create the mirroring endpoint, 'Mirroring'.
Create failed for Endpoint 'Mirroring'. (Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo)
For help, click:
An exception occurred while executing a Transact-SQL statement or batch. (Microsoft.SqlServer.ConnectionInfo)
Database mirroring is disabled by default. Database mirroring is currently provided for evaluation purposes only and is not to be used in production environments. To enable database mirroring for evaluation purposes, use trace flag 1400 during startup. For more information about trace flags and startup options, see SQL Server Books Online. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 1498)
For help, click:

Select @@version for Principal server is
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 - 9.00.1406.00 (Intel X86) Mar 3 2007 18:40:02 Copyright (c) 1988-2005
Microsoft Corporation Standard Edition on Windows NT 5.2 (Build 3790: Service Pack 1)

Select @@version for Mirror server is
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 - 9.00.3054.00 (Intel X86) Mar 23 2007 16:28:52 Copyright (c) 1988-2005
Microsoft Corporation Standard Edition on Windows NT 5.2 (Build 3790: Service Pack 2)

I searched some google pages and got information that I need to enable DB Mirroring.
I followed To configure startup options : and add -T 1400 there and restart service.

also run T-SQL


but getting error
Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Line 3
Incorrect syntax near 'ENABLED'.

also this
still get error:
Msg 1088, Level 15, State 100, Line 1
Cannot find the object "Mirroring" because it does not exist or you do not have permissions.

Nothing i m seeing on Principal server but getting onw row on mirror server

SELECT * FROM sys.database_mirroring_endpoints;

But still it didnt work for me

One more thing what happened if i did


on mirror server?? Mirror server remain as it is as it was before doing all above steps???

Any kind help...


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There Is A Question When I Work On Linkedserver~Pls Kindly Help Me:)

Nov 23, 2005

I have a question when I work on LinkedserverThe Linkedserver name is [Hp-server],the Datebase name isNewexec,the Table name is Customers_CoypTestThe SQLScript is below:Update [Hp-server].Newexec.dbo.Customers_CoypTestset Unitname=b.Unitnamefrom [Hp-server].Newexec.dbo.Customers_CoypTest a joinNewexec.dbo.Customers_CoypTest bon a.Cid=b.Cid and b.Cid='Tony'The server returns ERROR like this:a) can not open this table '"Newexec"."dbo"."Customers_CoypTest"'(come from OLE DB provide server 'SQLOLEDB'). provide server do notsupport index scan on the data source.b) [OLE/DB provider returned message:Error occured whenmulti-operate.If possible, please check each OLE DB status value.Nowork had been completed.]c) OLE DB Error trace[OLE/DB Provider 'SQLOLEDB'IOpenRowset::OpenRowset returned 0x80040e21:[PROPID=DBPROP_COMMANDTIMEOUT VALUE=600 STATUS=DBPROPSTATUS_OK],[PROPID=Unknown PropertyID VALUE=True STATUS=DBPROPSTATUS_OK],[PROPID=DBPROP_IRowsetIndex VALUE=TrueSTATUS=DBPROPSTATUS_NOTSUPPORTED]].

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How To Test Connection In DTS...

Feb 27, 2008

Hi All

I have a Job which having a Step "Clear_Report" and Step having
" DTSRun /S "CrosconnectSrv" /U "dt_Fee" /P "res@1i2" /N "Report_Clear" /A "Our_camp_suit":"7"="1" /W "R" "

and it throwing an Error

DTSRun OnError: DTSStep_DTSActiveScriptTask_1, Error = -2147220482 (800403FE)
Error string: Invalid connection string attribute
Error source: Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server
Help file:
Help context: 0

Error Detail Records:

Error: -2147220482 (800403FE); Provider Error: 0 (0)
Error string: Error Code: 0
Error Source= Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server
Error Description: Invalid connection string attribute

Error on Line 52

Error source: Microsoft Data Transformation Services (DTS) Package
Help file: sqldts80.hlp
Help context: 4500

Error: -2147217843 (80040E4D); Provider Error: 18456 (4818)
Error string: Login failed for user 'dt_Fee'.
Error source: Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server
Help file:
Help context: 0

Error: -2147217843 (80040E4D); Provider Error: 0 (0)
Error string: Invalid connection string attribute
Error source: Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server
Help file:
Help context: 0

DTSRun OnFinish: DTSStep_DTSActiveScriptTask_1
DTSRun: Package execution complete.

By seeing we came to know this is User problem,But It is working till yester day....
now I want "Test the connection externally from Query Analyzer and I want find out the what was the problem arised.

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Advice Needed For Connection To DB2

Apr 20, 2006

I am writing a report in RS and my query is supposed to pull transactional records from a certain date (yesterday).

The table I am querying contains roughly 1.5 million records. This is on an AS400 dB2 system. Mostly I use ODBC with no problems, however this query ran for about two hours and was still running before I killed it.

I am thinking of using SSIS to copy the records into SQL. If I go this approach (which should be much faster), is there a way to just copy over differential records each day?

Or does anybody have any other suggestions? What is Linking a Server?

Thanks for the information. I am using SQL 2005

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Logon Time Looks Faulty

Jul 20, 2005

HiOracle Unix 11Application run peoplesoftLogon_time from v$session shows Friday Jan 3.The database was haltedon Saturday Jan 4.What is logon_time supposed to represent.All inquiries so far does notindicateThanks for your inputVincento

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How Can I Test A Connection String?

Jul 21, 2005

I'm trying to convert an application from MSDE to SQL2K.  I am able execute the MSDE script to populate the SQL database and I've modified the .config file to point to the new db but it appears as though the web app is not connecting.Is there a way I can test the connection string using Visual Studio or WebMatrix?Thanks for helping!Scott 

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Test Connection Problem

Apr 13, 2007


select the database
then Test connection button, then it hurls at me:

Unable to open the physical file " file path name". Operating system error 32: " the file is being
used by another process)

an attempt to attach an auto-named database for the file d:Microsoft SQL server 2005MSSQL.1MSSQLDatasampleDB.mdf has failed.

but when i try with Adventure works db, Test connection succeeded!

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Test SQL Connection With Telnet

Aug 23, 2007

I have just been able to configure remote connection on SQL 2005. I can also access the AdventureWorks database remotely via ODBC on port 1433. The install directions of a some software instruct me to do telnet <hostname> 1433 to check for connectivity. It doesn't work! I gave my instance the name RM and I also tried telnet <hostname>RM 1433 but again failed.

When I try just telnet <hostname> it works.

Can anyone help?

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Test Connection Successful, Yet No Data

May 18, 2007

I run XP Professional on a home machine. I recently installed VB 2003 with MSDE. When I go to the server explorer window, right click to add a connection, the Data Link properties dialog box pops up as it should. I select the name of home server, indicate integrated security, and select a sample database such as model or master from the list. The test connection is successful and clicking OK causes the connection to appear in the Server Explorer window. Yet when I go to open the connection, there is no data. The folders for Tables, Stored Procedures and so forth appear but they are empty. I have another 2000 database that a friend sent me. If I try to indicate in the Data Link propetries dialog box that I would like to attach this database, I get the same symptom. Test connection successful, yet when I create and open this connection, the folders are empty. I am a newbie to ADO .NET and I am not sure where to begin. Can someone help?

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Needed: User, Login, Connection Advice.

Mar 12, 2005

I'm still on the steep side of the learning curve with ASP.NET. I've looked through a number of threads on this forum, and have gotten pieces of the answer, but need help getting past a roadblock.

I haven't been able to get a simple test application to connect to the Pubs database loaded on my system running MSDE. The only control in the application is a WebDataForm created by the Wizard. Everything works well (even the Preview Data form the Data menu loads and displays the correct data), except when the form is viewed in a browser. Click the load button and an error:Login failed for user 'NT AUTHORITYNETWORK SERVICE'.

Similar stories are common on this forum, and I tried to address the problem. I'm quite sure it's a autherization or authentication problem. I have Windows Server 2003 (with IIS 6.0), VS.NET 03 and MSDE as the SQL server on the same box. The MSDE server is using Windows Security mode. I Created a new user called ASPNET on the Windows Server. I added a login to the SQL Server 'WinServerNameASPNET' using windows auth. Still get the same login failed message.

Is there something I'm missing? Do I have to add a new user to IIS?

For the record, what users/settings do I need to have in Windows, SQL-Server and IIS, get past this login problem.

Thanks for answering this basic question - one more time.

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Best Practice Advice For Efficient SQL Connection Code

Feb 26, 2006

I have an application which is similar to the following example
Private Sub Start()For a as int16 = 1 to 300lstResults.items.add(GetPriceFromItem(a))NextEnd Sub
Private Function GetPriceFromItem(byval item as int16) as String'Connect to SQL'Execute "SELECT Price FROM Table WHERE Item='" & item.tostring & "'"'Close Database connection'Return PriceEnd Function
I want to know if there is a more efficeint way of doing this, i.e. i'm concerned that the routine creates 300 SqlConnection instances, 300 open/closes and 300 queries
Would a better way be to connect to SQL once, get the entire table then do the 300 "lookups" locally somehow, perhaps put it all into a DataTable, but can you query a datatable in this way, or could you suggest another control.
Best Regards

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Test MAPI Connection (Definitive Description)

Feb 9, 2005

(Isn't this fun? Type MAPI and SQL into Google and it almost tilts!)

Here is the situation:
1- When SQL Agent starts, it establishes a MAPI session. For some bizarre design reason, it keeps that session open as long as it is running, rather than re-opening the session when it has mail to send. (this can be days, weeks, or months)
2- Frequently, Exchange servers are clustered. When the virtual server moves to a different physical server in the cluster, - or the Exchange server is restarted for whatever reason - the (above) MAPI session of the SQL Agent gets jammed.
3- SQL Agent tries, and fails to send an E-mail saying (for instance) that a database dump has completed (etc.)
4- User posts a question to some forum, asking for help again.

My solution: I created a job to run on a daily basis to restart the SQL Agent, and re-establish the MAPI session. Voila!

The problem: Now we (sometimes) get the message:
[241] Startup error: Unable to initialize error reporting system (reason: The EventLog service has not been started)
This is incorrect - the service was never stopped!

*sigh* No hits in Microsoft or Google - Back to the drawing board.

SO: Can anyone think of a way to *test* the MAPI connection in a job step (without actually sending a message), so that the agent restart job is only executed if the MAPI connection is failing?

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Test Linked Server Connection SQL 2000

Feb 27, 2007

I€™m trying to resolve an issue and wonder if anybody has ever run into and possibly had a resolution for.

I wrote a custom conflict resolvers to manage data at the column level. What I needed to do to achieve this was to use a remote query to the mobile subscriber that raised the conflict. I€™m trying to put in a rule that if there are any issues connecting to the subscriber I want to use the default conflict resolver and move forward. Here is my issue, it seems there is no way I can test a connection without getting a critical error that I can€™t seem to trap. Example

I was trying to do

Select * from [linkedserver].[database].[dbo].[incident]
If @@error <> 0
use default conflict resolver

What I did to test this was I changed the linked server authentication to an incorrect password to get the following error that there is no way to trap.

Server: Msg 18456, Level 14, State 1, Line 1
Login failed for user 'sa'.

Does anybody have an idea how to trap this? In SQL 2005 there is a stored procedure

sp_testlinkedserver to handle this but I need this to work in SQL 2000 also, it seems many people have ran into this issue on the web and I tried to get the one where sqldmo is used to test connection but that will not work since I wont always know the password. I would like to just check the @@error value after trying to run a remote query.

Thank you,
Pauly C

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Test Connection Failed Because Of Error In Initializing Provider

Jan 1, 2014

I am using SSIS and try to connect with Oracle DB but its generating following error:

Test connection failed because of an error in initializing provider. ORA-06413: Connection not open.

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Oledbconnection In 2005 And Sql Server Express Test Connection

Jan 18, 2008

Hey everyone,

I was had just finished creating the architecture for a test databse using sql express 2005 and have been able to get the browser and sql service started just fine. However, When I try to create an oledbconnection or oledbadapter to the database using the Microsoft SQL Server engines I get the following error: I have tried using a direct path to the database in the server name and the computer's name itself. Everything is on the local machine and I have not started remotely connecting. [DBNETLIB][ConnectionOpen (Connect()).] SQL Server does not exist or access denied. I am using windows authentication and have also specified the direct patht to the database in the attach database file: Thanks for the help.


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SQL 2012 :: Test Connection Failed Because Of Error In Initializing Provider

May 29, 2015

I am creating my first SSIS package, simple, I read a file, a computation and then write it to an excel.

I am getting the message: "Test connection failed because of an error in initializing provider." The database is NOT remote. My computer is slow though. after about 10 or 15 seconds after clicking the button to test my connection, I get the message and much more. The message asks me if the instance name is correct. I don't know what this would be. This message is on the first task, reading the file (finding the file).

The last sentence of the long message is: "Named pipes provider: Could not open a connection to SQL Server (2).

My question is: Why am I getting this message and what do I need to do to resolve this problem?

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DB Engine :: Test Connection Failed Because Of Error In Initializing Provider / Login Timeout Expired

Jul 8, 2015

Have 6 SQL Server 2012  failover clusters  environments on Windows 2012 R2 standard edition.Have intermittent connectivity issues  when using Windows Authentication, with the error "test connection failed because of an error in initializing provider. login timeout expired" . Am checking by using a UDL file and have tried the below.

1) Have made port changes to use static 1433 port.
2) Have enabled shared memory and using Named Pipes and TCP/IP by using cliconfig.
3) Have turned off firewall.
4) Loopback is disabled
5) SQL Browser is running, have changed 'Built in Account setting'  from 'Local Service' to 'Network Service'. but with no effect.

Still I am getting intermittent connectivity issues.

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Package Executes On Test Database But Not In Production Database

Aug 24, 2006


I am able to run the package successfuly in test database. but not in production database. It throughs up error saying

Description: Unable to load the package as XML because of package does not have a valid XML format. A specific XML parser error will be posted.
Description: Failed to open package file "D:\TAHOE\APPS\SSISPackages\Integration Services Packages\ArchiveMain.dtsx" due to error 0x80070015 "The device is not ready.". This happens when loading a package and the file cannot be opened or loaded c
orrectly into the XML document. This can be the result of either providing an incorrect file name was specified when calling LoadPackage or the XML file was specified and has an incorrect format.
End Error
Could not load package "D:\TAHOE\APPS\SSISPackages\Integration Services Packages\ArchiveMain.dtsx" because of error 0xC0011002.
Description: Failed to open package file "D:\TAHOE\APPS\SSISPackages\Integration Services Packages\ArchiveMain.dtsx" due to error 0x80070015 "The device is not ready.". This happens when loading a package and the file cannot be opened or loaded corr
ectly into the XML document. This can be the result of either providing an incorrect file name was specified when calling LoadPackage or the XML file was specified and has an incorrect format.

what is the problem here....


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Database Advice

Dec 8, 2007

 Hi,I recently contacted my hosting company's customer support about my databases not working - saying that I use sql express (which they support).The guy recommended:
"I would suggest you to upgrade the db's to use mssql 2005." "This
is because, sql express is built for development environment. When you
are in development environment, you are accessing everything with
administrator permission. However, in live hosting environment (when
there are differnet kind of permission restrictions), sql express often
failed on attaching database." Does anyone have any opinion on that? Would it be best to change db's to use mssql 2005? How complicated/time consuming will it be to upgrade?Thanks!Jon 

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Advice On Database Structure

Jun 4, 2007

 I am thinking of doing a fake PC company site for my ASP project. so
what they will have is a chat, products with reviews, and users can
have "Buddies".So my DB so far (Tables):ProductPC - ID, Processor, RAM, HDD, Graphics, LCD ...ProductHardware
- ID, Title (Like "Intel C2D E6600"), Description, Price, Rating (0-5
stars, so integer), Category (CPU, HDD, Graphics)ProductSoftware - ID, Title (eg. "Adobe CS3"), Description, Price, Rating, Category (eg. Design, Programming)Reviews - ID, ProductID, Title, Content, DateChat - ID, TopicID, Title, Content, DateUsers - ID, Username, Password,The problem, how do i connect Reviews to the products since they are from diff tables.How do i get the "buddy" system workingChat i think its not as simple as thatBut i just need a simple ASP project, so no need to get too complex, but i still hope to learn as much.

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Advice On The Best Way To Update A Database

Jun 17, 2007

Hi,Apologies if this has already been asked, but I couldnt find a thread that asked exactly what I wanted.Im making an administration panel for a site where you can change various settings, options, and categories that data can fall into. When editing, adding or deleting a record i COULD make a trip to the database every time, but this feels very inefficient as I understand that establishing the connection is usually the biggest performance hit when querying a database.An alternative plan is for me to simply record the changes made in the panel and have a "save" button. When this is clicked, ONE database connection would be opened and all the data would be saved/updated/deleted as necessary. However, this would involve several "for" loops while the connection is open.The question is; which method would you recommend and why? And does having several "for" loops while the connection is open nullify the advantage gained by only opening one connection?Any advice would be very much appreciated. Thank you  

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Need Advice On Planning For DataBase Changes

May 16, 2005


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Need Advice On Database Plan. Thank You.

Dec 16, 2005

Hello,I am working on a web site which will use SQL 2005.I am planing my first SQL database and I am looking for advice.1. There will be two types of users: students and professors.2. Both users types will have login information.   (Username, Password, AccessLevel)   3. The remaining information on students and professores is different.   Student (Name, Email, Phone, ...) / Professor (Name, Email, Phone, Subjects, ...)4. Professors can publish documents.   Each document has some info (Type, Title, Description, ...)My plan in this moment is to:A. Create the tables Students, Professors, Login and Documents.B. Students table would be connected to Login table.   Professors table would be connected to Login table and Documents table.C. The field [Type] in documents table should include the type or   should I create a table DocumentsTypes where I add codes for each type.   I have seen this. What is the advantage?Can someone give me some advice?Thank you Very Much,Miguel

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Database Design. Need Advice. Thank You.

Oct 19, 2007


I am creating a database where:
- I have a Blogs and Folders system.
- Use a common design so I can implement new systems in the future.

Users, Comments, Ratings, View, Tags and Categories are tables common to all systems, i.e., used by Posts and Files in Blogs and Folders.

- One Tag or Category can be associated to many Posts or Files.
- One Comment, View or Rating should be only associated to one Post or one File. I am missing this ... (1)

Relations between a File / Folder and Comments / Ratings / View / Tags / Categories are done using FilesRatings, FoldersViews, etc.

I am using UniqueIdentifier as Primary Keys.
I checked ASP.NET Membership tables, a few articles and few features in my project, such as renaming files with the GUID of their records.
I didn't decided yet for INT or UNIQUEIDENTIFIER.

I am looking for some feedback on the design of my database.
One thing I need to improve is mentioned in (1)

Thank You,

My Database Script:

-- Users ...
create table dbo.Users
UserID uniqueidentifier not null
constraint PK_User primary key clustered,
[Name] nvarchar(200) not null,
Email nvarchar(200) null,
UpdatedDate datetime not null

-- Categories ...
create table dbo.Categories
CategoryID uniqueidentifier not null
constraint PK_Category primary key clustered,
[Name] nvarchar(100) not null

-- Comments ...
create table dbo.Comments
CommentID uniqueidentifier not null
constraint PK_Comment primary key clustered,
AuthorID uniqueidentifier not null,
Title nvarchar(400) null,
Body nvarchar(max) null,
UpdatedDate datetime not null,
constraint FK_Comments_Users
foreign key(AuthorID)
references dbo.Users(UserID)

-- Ratings ...
create table dbo.Ratings
RatingID uniqueidentifier not null
constraint PK_Rating primary key clustered,
AuthorID uniqueidentifier not null,
Value float not null,
constraint FK_Ratings_Users
foreign key(AuthorID)
references dbo.Users(UserID)

-- Tags ...
create table dbo.Tags
TagID uniqueidentifier not null
constraint PK_Tag primary key clustered,
[Name] nvarchar(100) not null

-- Views ...
create table dbo.Views
ViewID uniqueidentifier not null
constraint PK_View primary key clustered,
Ticket [datetime] not null

-- Blogs ...
create table dbo.Blogs
BlogID uniqueidentifier not null
constraint PK_Blog primary key clustered,
Title nvarchar(400) null,
Description nvarchar(2000) null,
CreatedDate datetime null

-- Posts ...
create table dbo.Posts
PostID uniqueidentifier not null
constraint PK_Post primary key clustered,
BlogID uniqueidentifier not null,
AuthorID uniqueidentifier not null,
Title nchar(1000) null,
Body nvarchar(max) null,
UpdatedDate datetime not null,
IsPublished bit not null,
constraint FK_Posts_Blogs
foreign key(BlogID)
references dbo.Blogs(BlogID)
on delete cascade,
constraint FK_Posts_Users
foreign key(AuthorID)
references dbo.Users(UserID)
on delete cascade

-- PostsCategories ...
create table dbo.PostsCategories
PostID uniqueidentifier not null,
CategoryID uniqueidentifier not null,
constraint PK_PostsCategories
primary key clustered (PostID, CategoryID),
constraint FK_PostsCategories_Posts
foreign key(PostID)
references dbo.Posts(PostID)
on delete cascade,
constraint FK_PostsCategories_Categories
foreign key(CategoryID)
references dbo.Categories(CategoryID)

-- PostsComments ...
create table dbo.PostsComments
PostID uniqueidentifier not null,
CommentID uniqueidentifier not null,
constraint PK_PostsComments
primary key clustered (PostID, CommentID),
constraint FK_PostsComments_Posts
foreign key(PostID)
references dbo.Posts(PostID)
on delete cascade,
constraint FK_PostsComments_Comments
foreign key(CommentID)
references dbo.Comments(CommentID)
on delete cascade

-- PostsRatings ...
create table dbo.PostsRatings
PostID uniqueidentifier not null,
RatingID uniqueidentifier not null,
constraint PK_PostsRatings
primary key clustered (PostID, RatingID),
constraint FK_PostsRatings_Posts
foreign key(PostID)
references dbo.Posts(PostID)
on delete cascade,
constraint FK_PostsRatings_Ratings
foreign key(RatingID)
references dbo.Ratings(RatingID)
on delete cascade

-- PostsTags ...
create table dbo.PostsTags
PostID uniqueidentifier not null,
TagID uniqueidentifier not null,
constraint PK_PostsTags
primary key clustered (PostID, TagID),
constraint FK_PostsTags_Posts
foreign key(PostID)
references dbo.Posts(PostID)
on delete cascade,
constraint FK_PostsTags_Tags
foreign key(TagID)
references dbo.Tags(TagID)

-- PostsViews ...
create table dbo.PostsViews
PostID uniqueidentifier not null,
ViewID uniqueidentifier not null,
constraint PK_PostsViews
primary key clustered (PostID, ViewID),
constraint FK_PostsViews_Posts
foreign key(PostID)
references dbo.Posts(PostID)
on delete cascade,
constraint FK_PostsViews_Views
foreign key(ViewID)
references dbo.Views(ViewID)
on delete cascade

-- Folders ...
create table dbo.Folders
FolderID uniqueidentifier not null
constraint PK_Folder primary key clustered,
[Name] nvarchar(100) null,
Description nvarchar(2000) null,
CreatedDate datetime not null,
URL nvarchar(400) not null

-- Files ...
create table dbo.Files
FileID uniqueidentifier not null
constraint PK_File primary key clustered,
FolderID uniqueidentifier not null,
AuthorID uniqueidentifier not null,
Title nvarchar(400) null,
Description nvarchar(2000) null,
[Name] nvarchar(100) not null,
URL nvarchar(400) not null,
UpdatedDate datetime not null,
IsPublished bit not null,
Type nvarchar(50) null,
constraint FK_Files_Folders
foreign key(FolderID)
references dbo.Folders(FolderID)
on delete cascade,
constraint FK_Files_Users
foreign key(AuthorID)
references dbo.Users(UserID)
on delete cascade

-- FilesCategories ...
create table dbo.FilesCategories
FileID uniqueidentifier not null,
CategoryID uniqueidentifier not null,
constraint PK_FilesCategories
primary key clustered (FileID, CategoryID),
constraint FK_FilesCategories_Files
foreign key(FileID)
references dbo.Files(FileID)
on delete cascade,
constraint FK_FilesCategories_Categories
foreign key(CategoryID)
references dbo.Categories(CategoryID)

-- FilesComments ...
create table dbo.FilesComments
FileID uniqueidentifier not null,
CommentID uniqueidentifier not null,
constraint PK_FilesComments
primary key clustered (FileID, CommentID),
constraint FK_FilesComments_Files
foreign key(FileID)
references dbo.Files(FileID)
on delete cascade,
constraint FK_FilesComments_Comments
foreign key(CommentID)
references dbo.Comments(CommentID)
on delete cascade

-- FilesRatings ...
create table dbo.FilesRatings
FileID uniqueidentifier not null,
RatingID uniqueidentifier not null,
constraint PK_FilesRatings
primary key clustered (FileID, RatingID),
constraint FK_FilesRatings_Files
foreign key(FileID)
references dbo.Files(FileID)
on delete cascade,
constraint FK_FilesRatings_Ratings
foreign key(RatingID)
references dbo.Ratings(RatingID)
on delete cascade

-- FilesTags ...
create table dbo.FilesTags
FileID uniqueidentifier not null,
TagID uniqueidentifier not null,
constraint PK_FilesTags
primary key clustered (FileID, TagID),
constraint FK_FilesTags_Files
foreign key(FileID)
references dbo.Files(FileID)
on delete cascade,
constraint FK_FilesTags_Tags
foreign key(TagID)
references dbo.Tags(TagID)

-- FilesViews ...
create table dbo.FilesViews
FileID uniqueidentifier not null,
ViewID uniqueidentifier not null,
constraint PK_FilesViews
primary key clustered (FileID, ViewID),
constraint FK_FilesViews_Files
foreign key(FileID)
references dbo.Files(FileID)
on delete cascade,
constraint FK_FilesViews_Views
foreign key(ViewID)
references dbo.Views(ViewID)
on delete cascade

-- Run script

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Database Expansion Advice

Feb 13, 2008

I'm at a new installation where there's no DBA at all, so, as a Coldfusion programmer, I'm now the DBA, LOL.

The main SQL2000 DB we use is approximately 100MB with about 7MB of free space and is allocated to expand by 10%.

I am adding a new, large table, about 60 columns with lots of variable-length unicode fields, mostly nvarchar. It's being used to track non-USA user-form information. Even though the DB is set to expand, I'm concerned that due to the potential size/volume of records, that the auto-expand could cause performance issues.

The SQL2000 server has plenty of room, about 49GB, so I'm wondering if I should expand the size of the current DB, or if the auto-expand feature will be ok.

At this point I'm not sure what the volume of the user-form records will be in the new table. It won't be a million records certainly, but I'm guessing it could climb to maybe 10-20,000 records.

If I should expand the DB, can I do this while the DB is still online?


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Inheritance Advice In A Database...

Jul 20, 2005

hi folks,i'm puzzled over this one, anyone with some solid db experience might beable to enlighten me here.i'm modelling a file system in a database as follows, and i can't figure outto cleanly implement an inheritance mechanism.i have a hierarchy of folders in an sql table. every folder has aparentFolderID, if this value is 0 then it means it's a root folder.then, in a 'files' table, every file has a parentFolderID to give it alocation in the structure. fairly basic.the hard part is that each file record has an attribute 'STYLE' that can beexplicitly specified, or inherited from it's parent folder, or it's parentsparent folder, or.. all the way back to the root.the 2 ways i've come up with representing it are:1) if the style is being inherited, enter a null value in the STYLE field.then to figure out what style applies to a file or folder, i trace backthrough it's parentFolderID records until i find a style attribute that isnot null.the good thing about this is that if i change the style that is applied tothe entire filesystem, it only takes one update.the bad thing is when i want to figure out what style applies to a file, ihave to traverse back through possibly several records to locate the folderthat actually specifies the style being inherited by the file.2) explicitly state all style values in each record.this is good for accessing the style of a file or folder because you get itstraight out first time from the db.the bad thing is if i update the entire file system, i might have severalhundred / thousand update sql statements to execute to update all the valuesin every folder and every file. nasty!thanks for any help, i'm really stumped with this and i'm thinking theremust be a more elegant way to implement inheritance.thankstim

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Advice On A Database Replication

May 1, 2006


I.m trying to find the best practice for my solution.

This is the situation.

My application has two databases and 2 client interface. One with a windows forms having a database (sql server 2000) running in an office (on a static IP but on a slow connection). the second one is an web application running on the net with an online database. Both these databases have to have same information. Users can add records to both databases independently but these databases should be synchronize at a point. I hope the situation is cleare. Is there a standard way of doing this. If some one knows good article of how this can be done pls forward it to me.

Many thanks.


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Database Design. Need Advice. Thank You.

Oct 21, 2007


I am creating a database where:
- I have a Blogs and Folders system.
- Use a common design so I can implement new systems in the future.

Users, Comments, Ratings, View, Tags and Categories are tables common to all systems, i.e., used by Posts and Files in Blogs and Folders.

- One Tag or Category can be associated to many Posts or Files.
- One Comment, View or Rating should be only associated to one Post or one File. I am missing this ... (1)

Relations between a File / Folder and Comments / Ratings / View / Tags / Categories are done using FilesRatings, FoldersViews, etc.

I am using UniqueIdentifier as Primary Keys.
I checked ASP.NET Membership tables, a few articles and few features in my project, such as renaming files with the GUID of their records.
I didn't decided yet for INT or UNIQUEIDENTIFIER

I am looking for some feedback on the design of my database.
One thing I think need to improve is mentioned in (1)

But any advices to improve it would be great.

Thank You,

My Database Script:

-- Users ...
create table dbo.Users
UserID uniqueidentifier not null
constraint PK_User primary key clustered,
[Name] nvarchar(200) not null,
Email nvarchar(200) null,
UpdatedDate datetime not null

-- Categories ...
create table dbo.Categories
CategoryID uniqueidentifier not null
constraint PK_Category primary key clustered,
[Name] nvarchar(100) not null

-- Comments ...
create table dbo.Comments
CommentID uniqueidentifier not null
constraint PK_Comment primary key clustered,
AuthorID uniqueidentifier not null,
Title nvarchar(400) null,
Body nvarchar(max) null,
UpdatedDate datetime not null,
constraint FK_Comments_Users
foreign key(AuthorID)
references dbo.Users(UserID)

-- Ratings ...
create table dbo.Ratings
RatingID uniqueidentifier not null
constraint PK_Rating primary key clustered,
AuthorID uniqueidentifier not null,
Value float not null,
constraint FK_Ratings_Users
foreign key(AuthorID)
references dbo.Users(UserID)

-- Tags ...
create table dbo.Tags
TagID uniqueidentifier not null
constraint PK_Tag primary key clustered,
[Name] nvarchar(100) not null

-- Views ...
create table dbo.Views
ViewID uniqueidentifier not null
constraint PK_View primary key clustered,
Ticket [datetime] not null

-- Blogs ...
create table dbo.Blogs
BlogID uniqueidentifier not null
constraint PK_Blog primary key clustered,
Title nvarchar(400) null,
Description nvarchar(2000) null,
CreatedDate datetime null

-- Posts ...
create table dbo.Posts
PostID uniqueidentifier not null
constraint PK_Post primary key clustered,
BlogID uniqueidentifier not null,
AuthorID uniqueidentifier not null,
Title nchar(1000) null,
Body nvarchar(max) null,
UpdatedDate datetime not null,
IsPublished bit not null,
constraint FK_Posts_Blogs
foreign key(BlogID)
references dbo.Blogs(BlogID)
on delete cascade,
constraint FK_Posts_Users
foreign key(AuthorID)
references dbo.Users(UserID)
on delete cascade

-- PostsCategories ...
create table dbo.PostsCategories
PostID uniqueidentifier not null,
CategoryID uniqueidentifier not null,
constraint PK_PostsCategories
primary key clustered (PostID, CategoryID),
constraint FK_PostsCategories_Posts
foreign key(PostID)
references dbo.Posts(PostID)
on delete cascade,
constraint FK_PostsCategories_Categories
foreign key(CategoryID)
references dbo.Categories(CategoryID)

-- PostsComments ...
create table dbo.PostsComments
PostID uniqueidentifier not null,
CommentID uniqueidentifier not null,
constraint PK_PostsComments
primary key clustered (PostID, CommentID),
constraint FK_PostsComments_Posts
foreign key(PostID)
references dbo.Posts(PostID)
on delete cascade,
constraint FK_PostsComments_Comments
foreign key(CommentID)
references dbo.Comments(CommentID)
on delete cascade

-- PostsRatings ...
create table dbo.PostsRatings
PostID uniqueidentifier not null,
RatingID uniqueidentifier not null,
constraint PK_PostsRatings
primary key clustered (PostID, RatingID),
constraint FK_PostsRatings_Posts
foreign key(PostID)
references dbo.Posts(PostID)
on delete cascade,
constraint FK_PostsRatings_Ratings
foreign key(RatingID)
references dbo.Ratings(RatingID)
on delete cascade

-- PostsTags ...
create table dbo.PostsTags
PostID uniqueidentifier not null,
TagID uniqueidentifier not null,
constraint PK_PostsTags
primary key clustered (PostID, TagID),
constraint FK_PostsTags_Posts
foreign key(PostID)
references dbo.Posts(PostID)
on delete cascade,
constraint FK_PostsTags_Tags
foreign key(TagID)
references dbo.Tags(TagID)

-- PostsViews ...
create table dbo.PostsViews
PostID uniqueidentifier not null,
ViewID uniqueidentifier not null,
constraint PK_PostsViews
primary key clustered (PostID, ViewID),
constraint FK_PostsViews_Posts
foreign key(PostID)
references dbo.Posts(PostID)
on delete cascade,
constraint FK_PostsViews_Views
foreign key(ViewID)
references dbo.Views(ViewID)
on delete cascade

-- Folders ...
create table dbo.Folders
FolderID uniqueidentifier not null
constraint PK_Folder primary key clustered,
[Name] nvarchar(100) null,
Description nvarchar(2000) null,
CreatedDate datetime not null,
URL nvarchar(400) not null

-- Files ...
create table dbo.Files
FileID uniqueidentifier not null
constraint PK_File primary key clustered,
FolderID uniqueidentifier not null,
AuthorID uniqueidentifier not null,
Title nvarchar(400) null,
Description nvarchar(2000) null,
[Name] nvarchar(100) not null,
URL nvarchar(400) not null,
UpdatedDate datetime not null,
IsPublished bit not null,
Type nvarchar(50) null,
constraint FK_Files_Folders
foreign key(FolderID)
references dbo.Folders(FolderID)
on delete cascade,
constraint FK_Files_Users
foreign key(AuthorID)
references dbo.Users(UserID)
on delete cascade

-- FilesCategories ...
create table dbo.FilesCategories
FileID uniqueidentifier not null,
CategoryID uniqueidentifier not null,
constraint PK_FilesCategories
primary key clustered (FileID, CategoryID),
constraint FK_FilesCategories_Files
foreign key(FileID)
references dbo.Files(FileID)
on delete cascade,
constraint FK_FilesCategories_Categories
foreign key(CategoryID)
references dbo.Categories(CategoryID)

-- FilesComments ...
create table dbo.FilesComments
FileID uniqueidentifier not null,
CommentID uniqueidentifier not null,
constraint PK_FilesComments
primary key clustered (FileID, CommentID),
constraint FK_FilesComments_Files
foreign key(FileID)
references dbo.Files(FileID)
on delete cascade,
constraint FK_FilesComments_Comments
foreign key(CommentID)
references dbo.Comments(CommentID)
on delete cascade

-- FilesRatings ...
create table dbo.FilesRatings
FileID uniqueidentifier not null,
RatingID uniqueidentifier not null,
constraint PK_FilesRatings
primary key clustered (FileID, RatingID),
constraint FK_FilesRatings_Files
foreign key(FileID)
references dbo.Files(FileID)
on delete cascade,
constraint FK_FilesRatings_Ratings
foreign key(RatingID)
references dbo.Ratings(RatingID)
on delete cascade

-- FilesTags ...
create table dbo.FilesTags
FileID uniqueidentifier not null,
TagID uniqueidentifier not null,
constraint PK_FilesTags
primary key clustered (FileID, TagID),
constraint FK_FilesTags_Files
foreign key(FileID)
references dbo.Files(FileID)
on delete cascade,
constraint FK_FilesTags_Tags
foreign key(TagID)
references dbo.Tags(TagID)

-- FilesViews ...
create table dbo.FilesViews
FileID uniqueidentifier not null,
ViewID uniqueidentifier not null,
constraint PK_FilesViews
primary key clustered (FileID, ViewID),
constraint FK_FilesViews_Files
foreign key(FileID)
references dbo.Files(FileID)
on delete cascade,
constraint FK_FilesViews_Views
foreign key(ViewID)
references dbo.Views(ViewID)
on delete cascade

-- Run script

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Unit Testing For SSIS - To Test Or Not To Test?

Oct 17, 2006

Now that we have a good programming model in SSIS - the question is whether to write automated unit tests for your packages, and would it generally be a good idea for packages?

Also - if yes to write tests - then where to find more informations regarding How to accomplish that?

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