I need to export data from an LDAP-compliant data source, to a SQL Server database. Is this possible with SQL Server 2005 Integration Services? The Import and Export Wizard does not appear to support LDAP in the Data Source drop down list.
I need to export data from an LDAP-compliant data source, to a SQL Server database. Is this possible with SQL Server 2005 Integration Services? The Import and Export Wizard does not appear to support LDAP in the Data Source drop down list.
This is something that should not be so difficult, but it is proving to be very cumbersome. I need to query an LDAP database on a Linux server FROM a sql server, namely sql server 2005. I have found bits and pieces, but can€™t seem to put it all together yet €“ it should be easy, but it€™s proving to be very difficult. It seems like you can either link an LDAP server through sp_addlinkedserver OR through enterprise manager/sql server studio, you can create a LINKED SERVER. The problem is HOW to do this. Here are the parameters for the ldap server: Server name: serverabc Ldap info (which I don€™t know how to label) is: 'ou=Hosts,dc=mc,dc=vanderbilt,dc=edu'. I was able to somehow get this to work last week, but now it€™s not working - it didn't return any data, as i don't have any ldap hierarchy specified, but at least it came back with "command completed successfully": SELECT * FROM OPENQUERY( [serverabc], 'SELECT * FROM ''LDAP://serverabcu/ OU=Hosts,DC=mc,DC=vanderbilt,DC=edu'' ') With all the ldap usage out there, this is really frustrating not being able to find out how to do this. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks
I currently have the problem that I have to write some data into a SUN Directory Server 5.2 LDAP directory. Does anyone know how I can do this. I already found some articles in this forum that provide solutions how to access the active directory - but how can I access a none Microsoft LDAP Server?
Is there any way to use the OLE DB Destination or do I have to implement my own LDAP adapter in VB.net?
Hi Everyone, Am a third year student doing work placement. Could anyone please give me clues on how to go about extracting data from a LDAP and then into an SQL database?
1 A defined subset of data is to be extracted from GDS on a nightly basis, 2 Then imported into a SQL database for quick & easy retrieval. 3 A web interface is required to present data retrieved from the SQL database.
, Hi In this code how can I create a new data source and new data source view and model and structure that it run dynamic. In this code I have a lot of errors, that they are about server and database don€™t have in current code, In this code, first I should definition server or no?
How can I create data source and data source view and model and structure? Please say code of that, and guide me. databasename and srv is unknown. Do I add other reference with analysis services? Please explain about these codes: ************************************************************************ 1) RelationalDataSource dsNew = new RelationalDataSource( datasourceName, Utils.GetSyntacticallyValidID( datasourceName, typeof(RelationalDataSource)));
I have set up a new connection as a connection from data source, but I cannot see how to use this connection to create my Data Flow Source. I have tried using an OLE DB connection, but this is painfully slow! The process of loading 10,000 rows takes 14 - 15 minutes. The same process in Access using SQL on a linked table via DSN takes 45 seconds.
Have I missed something in my set up of the OLE DB source / connection? Will a DSN source be faster?
hi everybody, i want to create data source and data source view for data mining, with using C Sharp. i have create data source and data source view and export to XML file, but when i change to another computer, run those XML file, it return error, when i run statement to create and biuld mining model, what can i change on xml or how to run XML on another computer sucessfully, and have i build data source and data source view, how to do it.?
Today I was making a few reports. When I tested the reports in Visual Studio, they worked great: I got the expected result. But when I deployed the reports to our reportserver the problem started. When I click on the directory in which my reports are deployed, I got my 4 reports. Till now everything worked correct. But when I click on a report to view the results it went wrong. I got an error: "Cannot create a connection to data source 'Live'" (Live is the name of our data source).
We are using the Windows Logons and I am sure that I have all the rights on the server, I gave myself 'sysadmin' rights, so it should work. I also have tried it with all the roles assigned on my account, but then it still won't work.
When I modify the data source, and set it to another server en database it works. The datasource 'Live' exists on a x64 MsSQL server, en the other datasource is on a x86 MsSQL server. Maybe that is the problem?
I was trying to load data using SSIS, Data Flow Task, OLE DB Source, source was a view to a OLE DB Destination (SQL Server). This view returns 420,591 rows from Query Analyzer in 21 seconds. Row length is 925. When I try to executed the Data Flow Task from SSIS, I had to stop the process after 30 minutes, because only 2,000 rows had been retrieved. I modified the view to retun top 440, 000 and reran. This time all 420, 591 rows were retrieved and written in 22 seconds. Next, I tried to use a TOP 100 Percent. Again, only 2,000 rows were return after 30 minutes. TempDB is on a separate SAN Raid group with 200 gig free, Databases on a separate drive with 200 gig free. Server has 13 gig of memory and no other processes were executing.
The only way I could populate the table was by using an Execute SQL Task and hard code an Insert into table selecting data from the view (35 seconds) from SSIS.
Have anyone else experience this or a similar issue? Anyone have a solutionexplanation?
Dear Friends, Here I have 2 stored procedure to return data via LDAP from Active Directory. The first SP it's OK, but the second doesn't. The difference is in ''@MyDIR'' because in the second I want to use a paramter... How can I use a paramter in the second SP? THANKS
SET @SQLString = N'SELECT * FROM OPENQUERY(ADSI,'' SELECT name FROM ''''LDAP://OU=DSO,OU=Estacoes,OU=Servicos-Centrais,OU=cgd,DC=GrupoCGD,DC=com'''' '')';
EXECUTE sp_executesql @SQLString;
SET @SQLString = N'SELECT * FROM OPENQUERY(ADSI,'' SELECT name FROM ''''LDAP://OU='' @MyDIR '' ,OU=Estacoes,OU=Servicos-Centrais,OU=cgd,DC=GrupoCGD,DC=com'''' '')';
Hi, can anyone tell me how exactly sql server7 interacts with Site Server, LDAP. I am a sql dba, trying to work with above ones. Anyone pls suggest me any book or material or ur ideas.
I have very unusual question. I have seen a query that looks something like this:
SELECT A, B, C FROM 'LDAP://abc.def.com'
What exactly does this mean? Could such a query be executed in the SQL Server Management Studio? Where would such a table/database be actually located?
Hi,- SQLserver 2000- Yellowfin 2.4- Windows 2003 serverI have been asked to investigate seting up LDAP authentication toaccess ourYellowfin reporting.If anyone has experience in setting this up? Your help would beappreciated.Tips and tricks .. ??ThanksDuncan Beaumont
I thought I was successful in linking SQL to a Third Party LDAP in the past, but I cannot get it to work now. It has been about 2 years ago I played with this. The LDAP does require authentication and I think that is where the problem lies, but if anyone can tell me if there is a way to do this and what the steps are I would greatly appreciate it.
Dear friens, I'm having a problem with ADSI and SQL... Could you tell me, where is the error? The problem surge when I try to use parameter€¦
" CREATE PROCEDURE TEST AS DECLARE @charVariable nvarchar(11); DECLARE @SQLString NVARCHAR(500); DECLARE @ParmDefinition NVARCHAR(500);
/* Build the SQL string one time. */ SET @SQLString = N'SELECT * FROM OPENQUERY(ADSI,''SELECT * FROM ''''LDAP://DC=GrupoCGD,DC=com'''' WHERE objectClass = ''''user'''' AND sAMAccountName=@UserID'')'
/* Specify the parameter format one time. */ SET @ParmDefinition = N'@UserID varchar(11)';
/* Execute the string with the first parameter value. */ SET @charVariable = 'rhs0002'; EXECUTE sp_executesql @SQLString, @ParmDefinition, @userID = @charVariable; "
ERROR is: Msg 7321, Level 16, State 2, Line 1 An error occurred while preparing the query "SELECT * FROM 'LDAP://DC=GrupoCGD,DC=com' WHERE objectClass = 'user' AND sAMAccountName=@UserID" for execution against OLE DB provider "ADSDSOObject" for linked server "ADSI".
FOR EXAMPLE THIS VIEW WORKS€¦ USE [dbGestaoDesktop] GO /****** Object: View [dbo].[AD_VW_DIR_Users] Script Date: 11/22/2006 11:53:13 ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO
CREATE VIEW [dbo].[AD_VW_DIR_Users] AS SELECT TOP (100) PERCENT cn, createTimeStamp,department, extensionAttribute1 FROM OPENQUERY(ADSI, ' SELECT createTimeStamp,cn, department, extensionAttribute1 FROM ''LDAP://OU=DSO,OU=Utilizadores,OU=Servicos-Centrais,OU=cgd,DC=GrupoCGD,DC=com''
WHERE objectclass=''user''
') AS MyTable WHERE (NOT (cn IS NULL)) ORDER BY createTimeStamp
I have a linked server set up and working correctly. I can create a query to get all the users from active directory with something like this:
SELECT [name], [samaccountname] from OpenQuery( ADSI, 'SELECT name, samaccountname FROM ''LDAP://DC=domain,DC=com'' WHERE objectClass = ''user'' and objectCategory=''Person''')
Now I am trying to select all the users in a specifed security group, but I am not having much luck. What is the best way to get this?
I'm trying to query an LDAP server from a stored procedure written for the CLR but not getting the expected results.
The code is as follows:
<Microsoft.SqlServer.Server.SqlProcedure()> _ Public Shared Sub LDAP_UserExists(<Out()> ByRef exists As Boolean, ByVal username As SqlString)
Dim adspath As New StringBuilder() adspath.Append(LDAP://[.......]/ou=Members/cn=) adspath.Append(username)
If username.ToString().Length > 0 Then Dim uobject As New DirectoryEntry(adspath.ToString(), "", "", System.DirectoryServices.AuthenticationTypes.Anonymous) If Not (uobject Is Nothing) Then exists = True Else exists = False End If End If
End Sub
The same code works fine from an ASP.NET. If I deploy the code and execute it with
exec LDAP_UserExists 'username'
I receive the error
Error converting data type varchar to bit.
And if I right-click and select "Execute Stored Procedure..." I receive @exists = 1 and Return Value = 0, regardless of the value I pass in as the username parameter.
Given that the same code works correctly on the ASP.NET page I suspect that this error has something to do with the <out()> parameter in the stored procedure declaration.
Can anyone suggest the correct method of performing this query?
I am trying to get members of an Active Directory group by querying the AD server from Transact-SQL (SQL Server 2005). Although there does not seem to be any written list of LDAP attributes that can be queried in AD (or I am not finding it), I have gotten this far:
'SELECT cn, msExchHomeServerName, userPrincipalName FROM ''LDAP://CN=Users,DC=MYSERVER,DC=COM'' WHERE userPrincipalName=''*'' ')
This gives me a user list. But I can't find the syntax or attribute name(s) to query in order to get the membership of a specific group - for example, the group "SQL_Developers".
Anybody out there familiar enough with LDAP, AD and OPENQUERY() to give me a hand?
Hello I am trying to run a query via tsql against ad. Below is the error I am getting. I have read the http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-US/library/ms190803.aspx and changed the domain but still having issues. Any help would be appreciated.
EXEC sp_addlinkedserver 'ADSI', 'Active Directory Service Interfaces',
'ADSDSOObject', 'adsdatasource'
WHERE objectCategory = ''Person'' AND
objectClass = ''user''')
Msg 7321, Level 16, State 2, Line 1
An error occurred while preparing the query "SELECT Name, SN, ST
WHERE objectCategory = 'Person' AND
objectClass = 'user'" for execution against OLE DB provider "ADSDSOObject" for linked server "ADSI".
We have a custom application that connects remotely to a SQL Server 2000 (SP2) database. We would like our application to validate a user's login against Active Directory.
So far I have been able to get a lookup working, but I can not find documentation on how to validate the password from within SQL Server. I found a lot of notes on using ASP.NET objects, or VB, C#, etc, but for this solution it must be done entirely in SQL. It would also be nice if this were SQL Server 2005; we could just embed the C# code and call it as a SQL stored proc, but unfortunately we are left with the constraint that we cannot upgrade this DB at this time.
Linked server 'ADSI' is set up with the sp_addlinkedserver command:
Two table functions in our test DB (trying to test both ways I've found in docs):
ALTER FUNCTION [dbo].[GetAuthenticatedUserViaLDAP] ( -- Add the parameters for the function here @userId nvarchar(50), @password nvarchar(50) ) RETURNS TABLE AS RETURN ( -- Add the SELECT statement with parameter references here SELECT [SAMAccountName], CN [Name], SN [Last Name], ST State FROM OPENQUERY( ADSI, '<LDAP://DC=company,DC=com>;((objectClass=user));SAMAccountName,cn,sn,st') WHERE [SAMAccountName] = @userId )
ALTER FUNCTION [dbo].[GetAuthenticatedUser] ( -- Add the parameters for the function here @userId nvarchar(50), @password nvarchar(50) ) RETURNS TABLE AS RETURN ( -- Add the SELECT statement with parameter references here SELECT [SAMAccountName], [Name], SN [Last Name], ST State FROM OPENQUERY( ADSI, 'SELECT SAMAccountName, Name, SN, ST FROM ''LDAP://bdsserver1/ CN=users,DC=company,DC=com'' WHERE objectCategory = ''Person'' AND objectClass = ''user'' ') WHERE [SAMAccountName] = @userId )
So calling either of these table functions from our custom application gives the same result:
select * from dbo.GetAuthenticatedUser('astonaker','abc') OR select * from dbo.GetAuthenticatedUserViaLDAP('astonaker','abc')
'astonaker', 'Anthony', 'Stonaker' 'NULL'
So I can at least tell if a given user exists or not, but I have no visibility into whether the password they entered into our application is valid in LDAP.
I don't want to pass unencrypted passwords through the network, but then I don't know how to encrypt/compare these passwords without using the .NET Connection or DirectoryEntry, etc objects.
Is it possible to use a parameter in a ldap query using the ADsDSOObject provider? I keep getting an error "The ICommandWithParameters interface is not supported by the "ADSDSOObject" provider". Command parameters are unsupported with the current provider.
I don't have a linked server on my DB server to Active Directory so I'm just querying in the SSRS report design. Here is my query for my dataset. If I hard code an example it works. Just doesn't work when I pass a parameter. I've tried making it an expression (= sign), Tried several syntax's, Tried everything I can think of. Is this possible? or do I just need to push for a linked server?
[DTS.Pipeline] Error: "component "Excel Source" (1)" failed validation and returned validation status "VS_NEEDSNEWMETADATA".
and also this:
[Excel Source [1]] Warning: The external metadata column collection is out of synchronization with the data source columns. The column "Fiscal Week" needs to be updated in the external metadata column collection. The column "Fiscal Year" needs to be updated in the external metadata column collection. The column "1st level" needs to be added to the external metadata column collection. The column "2nd level" needs to be added to the external metadata column collection. The column "3rd level" needs to be added to the external metadata column collection. The "external metadata column "1st Level" (16745)" needs to be removed from the external metadata column collection. The "external metadata column "3rd Level" (16609)" needs to be removed from the external metadata column collection. The "external metadata column "2nd Level" (16272)" needs to be removed from the external metadata column collection.
I tried going data flow->excel connection->advanced editor for excel source-> input and output properties and tried to refresh the columns affected. It seems that somehow the 3 columns are not read in from the source file? ans alslo fiscal year, fiscal week is not set up up properly in my data destination? anyone faced such errors before?
RE: XML Data source .. Expression? Variable? Connection? Error: unable to read the XML data.
I want my XML Data source to be an expression as i will be looping through a directory of xml files.
I don't see the expression property or the connection property??
I tried setting the XMLData property to @[User::filename], but that results in:
Information: 0x40043006 at Load XML Files, DTS.Pipeline: Prepare for Execute phase is beginning. Error: 0xC02090D0 at Load XML Files, XML Source [108]: The component "XML Source" (108) was unable to read the XML data. Error: 0xC0047019 at Load XML Files, DTS.Pipeline: component "XML Source" (108) failed the prepare phase and returned error code 0xC02090D0. Information: 0x4004300B at Load XML Files, DTS.Pipeline: "component "OLE DB Destination" (341)" wrote 0 rows. Task failed: Load XML Files Information: 0xC002F30E at Bad, File System Task: File or directory "d:jcpxmlLoadjcp2.xml.bad" was deleted. Warning: 0x80019002 at Package: The Execution method succeeded, but the number of errors raised (2) reached the maximum allowed (1); resulting in failure. This occurs when the number of errors reaches the number specified in MaximumErrorCount. Change the MaximumErrorCount or fix the errors. SSIS package "Package.dtsx" finished: Failure. The program '[3312] Package.dtsx: DTS' has exited with code 0 (0x0).
I've question about how to handle structural datamodel changes in a datasource of PowerPivot. Suppose I'm developing a starmodel in SQL Server and sometimes a datatype changes or a name of a field changes in a table. It seems to me that PowerPivot handle this not gracefully as Analysis MD does (mostly). I received an error because of a wrong fieldname or even no error when a dattype changes in PowerPivot. Is this common or do I something wrong here. Does this mean that every time the datamodel changes the PowerPivot should be recreated? Or am I missing the clue here?
Was wondering if there was a best practice minimum permissions for creating a SQL login to use when setting up a new shared Data source for SSRS report manager?
Something along the lines of them being a data read for the DB and permissions to update tempdb?
Would have thought it not advisable to have the login be able to update the main db...