May 12, 2008
I would like to use LINQ to generate a sql statement that does not use LIKE, but rather uses CONTAINS. Is this possible? If not, my second question is whether or not I can parameterize a SqlCommand that uses CONTAINS. For example the following statement works just fine when I pass in the parameter via SqlCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue()
SELECT * FROM [event] WHERE CONTAINS(comments, @searchTerm1)
However, the following results in a variable not defined error.
SELECT * FROM [event] WHERE (comments LIKE @searchTerm1)
Any ideas? Thanks for your help.
I have n Tables: T_1, T_2, ... T_n that all have the same exact fields/columns. Ultimately, I want to search through ALL n tables and return a single table of relevant results from all tables, arranged in order by rank. I'm not sure if this is possible. So far, I have: 1 SELECT RANK, field_1, field_2, ..., field_m FROM 2 ( 3 SELECT RANK, field_1, field_2, ..., field_m FROM T_1, 4 CONTAINSTABLE(T_1, field_i,@searchText) searchTable 5 WHERE KEY = T_1.field_i 6 UNION 7 SELECT RANK, field_1, field_2, ..., field_m FROM T_2, 8 CONTAINSTABLE(T_2, field_i,@searchText) searchTable 9 WHERE KEY = T_2.field_i 10 UNION 11 . 12 . 13 . 14 UNION 15 SELECT RANK, field_1, field_2, ... field_m FROM T_n, 16 CONTAINSTABLE(T_n, field_i,@searchText) searchTable 17 WHERE KEY = T_n.field_i 18 ) 19 ORDER BY RANK DESC
I haven't tried it yet, but it seems wrong. How do we actually do this?
I'm trying to write a query to associate to an alternate key. Cansomeone provide the right syntax/keyword I need to accomplish this?Here's the line that keeps giving me the error (Operand type clash:uniqueidentifier is incompatible with int):JOIN CONTAINSTABLE(VocabularyFrench, *, 'FORMSOF(INFLECTIONAL,"remorques")') SRCH ON P.PRODUCT_ID = SRCH.[KEY]Thanks,Jeff
i use two containstable (one of them with 'formsof') and one freetexttable attributes in a select command and i want to combine them with the logical 'or'.can i do this in the same command? what is the syntax?my code :select table1.field1,a.rank,b.rank,c.rankfrom table1containstable(table1,field,'"word"') as aor containstable(table1,field,'formsof(inflectional(word)') as b)or freetexttable(table1,field,'word') as cwhere[key] and[key] and[key]the above syntax is wrong. i tried ',' instead of 'or' but the results were not right. thanks
Hi,I'm doing a search function for recipe database and have the query:1 SELECT K.RANK, tRecipe.sHeadline, tRecipe.sIngredients, tRecipe.sImagePath 2 FROM tRecipe 3 INNER JOIN 4 FaktaRecipe ON tRecipe.iRecipeID = FaktaRecipe.iRecipe 5 INNER JOIN 6 CONTAINSTABLE(tRecipe, *, 'ISABOUT (chick* WEIGHT(0.2))') AS K 7 ON tRecipe.iRecipeID = K.[KEY] 8 WHERE (FaktaRecipe.iRecipeFakta = 5) 9 ORDER BY RANK DESC I want to return records like 'chicken pie' etc, hence using the wildcard in chick* BUT the wildcard doesn't work! It works fine if I use the whole word 'chicken' but of course a user won't always do that... I am using SQL server 2000. Any ideas? - I'm tearing my hair out! Thanks,Paul
This works when @searchString is used in containstable (provided searchString has value)...
set @searchStringNoneOfWords = 'not(Airplane)' SET @searchString = @searchString + ' AND ' + @searchStringNoneOfWords
This does NOT work when @searchString is used in containstable...
set @searchStringNoneOfWords = 'not(Airplane)' SET @searchString = @searchStringNoneOfWords
I understand it is because the syntax is AND NOT, but what if I have a list of words that I do not want included? How do I start out with a NOT using containstable? It is kind of like Google's advanced search except that if you enter a word in the "without words" section with the other fields blank it would return everything under the sun except for things found with those words.
I am using the following query to search all columns in the 'dashboard'table for the value 'Meets':SELECT * from dashboard AS FT_TBL INNER JOIN CONTAINSTABLE(dashboard,*,'meets') AS KEY_TBL ON FT_TBL.employee = KEY_TBL.[KEY]I have multiple records that contain the word 'Meets', but none areshowing up as a result of this query. Any ideas?Also, anytime I use a space in my search condition (Meets Expectationsinstead of Meets) I am getting an error:Syntax error occurred near 'Expectations'. Expected ''''' in searchcondition 'Meets Expectations'.Any ideas?Thanks in advance.
I have a stored procedure that uses containstable and want to make it a little dynamic so I was going to add a parameter that consist of the column names that needed to be search. But when I add a variable I get an error saying incorrect syntax....
Can you not use a variable as a column list?? I have a variable for search criteria and it works fine...
Here is my syntax
I have been looking online and can't seem to find anything that says I can or cannot use a variable.
Can somebody help me in identifying the difference between FREETEXTABLE and CONTAINSTABLE statements?
I have recently started experimenting with the free text search and I feel that FREETEXTTABLE can look for the search string into multiple columns by breaking it into tokens.
For example
select ft_tbl.saon, ft_tbl.paon, ft_tbl.street, ft_tbl.postcode ,key_tbl.rank from temp as ft_tbl INNER JOIN freetextTABLE(temp, (saon, paon, street), '80 ridge avenue', 15) as key_tbl ON FT_tbl.ID = key_tbl.[key]
Now in my case €œ80€? is in PAON column and €œRidge Avenue€? is in STREET column. Among the resulting rows it also displays the required row. If I try to achieve this with CONTAINSTABLE using
select ft_tbl.saon, ft_tbl.paon, ft_tbl.street, ft_tbl.postcode ,key_tbl.rank from temp as ft_tbl INNER JOIN containsTABLE(temp, (saon, paon, street, postcode), '80 ridge avenue') as key_tbl ON FT_tbl.ID = key_tbl.[key]
It gives me error Syntax error near 'ridge' in the full-text search condition '80 ridge avenue'.
If I make search string as €˜€?80 ridge avenue€?€™ instead of €˜ridge avenue€™ then it doesn€™t give me error but also displays no results because 80 ridge avenue does not appear as whole in any single column. If I search by only specifying €œridge avenue€? in search string then I get a full list where street is ridge avenue.
My question is Does FREETEXTTABLE can search in all listed column by breaking the search string into tokens and CONTAINSTABLE only in one as whole?
Is there a simple and direct way to perform a fulltext query in a table with multiple columns, and to use AND over multiple columns? I've noticed that AND only works within one column.
Example: Take a column 'lastname' with 'jones' and 'smith' in it. Another column 'firstname' with 'alan' where lastname=smith. Search for 'alan and smith', and no results are returned because they are in different columns. If you would have a lastname 'alan smith', that would be found.
I have a few questions related to using CONTAINSTABLE in a query that I hope someone can help with.
I am working on a project to add document search capabilities to my companies product using fulltext indexing. Part of this requirement is an ability to breakdown the component parts of of the search query and provide information on *why* documentX ranked higher than documentY. This is a bit convoluted, but taking this (very simple) example - the user wishes to search for 2 skills - "HTML" and/or "XML". The generated query looks a little like :-
This returns the "overall" rank, and a rank for the 2 component parts, so I can say this doc ranked XXX overall because it scored "rank1" for HTML and scored "rank2" for XML etc....
My question on this part is about the values for the "overall rank". If the query contained an OR it always seems to return the highest of the "rankX" values, and if it doesnt, it returns the lowest. e.g. for the example for java and word and excel and access - the overall ranking is 2 , java=36, word=2, excel=16 and access=36 for java and word or excel and access - the overall ranking is 16 , java=36, word=2, excel=16 and access=36 for (java and word) or (excel and access) - the overall ranking is 16 , java=36, word=2, excel=16 and access=36
So in the first example, regardless of what the other values are, the rank returned is always 2 (the score for "word"). My resultset has 100ish rows, all with a rank of < 5 for word, but all with ranks of 18-100 for the other 3 values - yet the "overall" rank always matched the "word" rank.....?? This doesnt feel right to me somehow, I would expect a different value as if the document ranked really highly for one value but low for the other, it doesnt feel right the value is clamped to the lowest? Or am I just understanding it wrong? If I use "freetexttable" the overall rank is a little more meaningful - but unfortunately I also need to use weighting, which brings me to my next question . . .
This question is about rankings returned from the ISABOUT function. In the following example, select * from documents as DOC inner join containstable(docs,doc,'project') as doc0 on DOC.DOC_ID=doc0."key" inner join containstable(docs,doc,'ISABOUT (project weight (1.0))') as doc1 on DOC.DOC_ID=doc1."key" inner join containstable(docs,doc,'ISABOUT (project weight (0.5))') as doc2 on DOC.DOC_ID=doc2."key" inner join containstable(docs,doc,'ISABOUT (project weight (0.1))') as doc3 on DOC.DOC_ID=doc3."key" inner join containstable(docs,doc,'ISABOUT (project weight (0.0))') as doc4 on DOC.DOC_ID=doc4."key" order by doc0.rank desc
The values I get from the doc1/2/3/4.RANK columns dont seem right. In this example,
doc0.rank = 133 doc1.rank = 150 doc2.rank = 330
doc3.rank = 924
doc4.rank = 0
These values dont make any sense to me, as the rank seems to go UP when the documentation on ISABOUT says it goes down (I think it says somewhere the calculated rank is multiplied by the weight?). Once again, is there something I missed or am I understanding it wrong?
Thanks in advance for any help into understanding the whys of this...
This works when @searchString is used in containstable (provided searchString has value)...
set @searchStringNoneOfWords = 'not(Airplane)' SET @searchString = @searchString + ' AND ' + @searchStringNoneOfWords
This does NOT work when @searchString is used in containstable...
set @searchStringNoneOfWords = 'not(Airplane)' SET @searchString = @searchStringNoneOfWords
I understand it is because the syntax is AND NOT, but what if I have a list of words that I do not want included? How do I start out with a NOT using containstable? It is kind of like Google's advanced search except that if you enter a word in the "without words" section with the other fields blank it would return everything under the sun except for things found with those words.
I am using the ContainsTable function to search a database from my (c#) app. This works relatively well and all fields of the table are indexed and searched. That is, any column, but per record only one column. What I mean is this: when searching for "chris 2007", I want to retrieve all items where author contains chris and year contains 2007. Currently, a search for chris brings up all items where author (or any other field) contains chris, a search for 2007 works as well, but chris 2007 fails as there is no -one- field where chris and 2007 are located. Can anybody help me achieve this? My code is:
Code Block SELECT FT_TBL.ID, FT_TBL.Type, FT_TBL.Author, IsNull(FT_TBL.Author, FT_TBL.Editor + ' (Ed.)') AS CorrectedAuthor, FT_TBL.Editor, FT_TBL.Title, FT_TBL.Abstract, FT_TBL.Comments, FT_TBL.Year, FT_TBL.City, FT_TBL.Publisher, FT_TBL.ISBN, FT_TBL.Pages, FT_TBL.Journal, FT_TBL.Issue, FT_TBL.Hyperlink, FT_TBL.Tags, KEY_TBL.RANK FROM Sources AS FT_TBL INNER JOIN CONTAINSTABLE(Sources, *, @searchQuery) AS KEY_TBL ON FT_TBL.ID = KEY_TBL.[KEY] ORDER BY KEY_TBL.RANK DESC;
I'm trying to use CONTAINSTABLE to do a product search on a number of columns. I want matches on some columns to be weighted higher than for other columns.
It seems like there should be a way to do this with CONTAINSTABLE - I know I can search by multiple strings and weight those matches variably, but what I want is to vary the weight by which column a single term matched. What I have now is a series of UNION queries, which are quite slow: =================== SELECT m.TitleCode, m.ShortName, m.ShortDescription, a.Rank, 50 as theWeight FROM CONTAINSTABLE (Product, ShortName, @theSearchTerm) as a, Product m(NoLock) WHERE a.[KEY] = m.TitleCode
SELECT m.TitleCode, m.ShortName, m.ShortDescription, a.Rank, 40 as theWeight FROM FREETEXTTABLE (Product, ShortName, @theSearchTerm) as a, Product m(NoLock) WHERE a.[KEY] = m.TitleCode
SELECT m.TitleCode, m.ShortName, m.ShortDescription, a.Rank, 30 as theWeight FROM FREETEXTTABLE (Product, MatchKeywords, @theSearchTerm) as a, Product m(NoLock) WHERE a.[KEY] = m.TitleCode
SELECT m.TitleCode, m.ShortName, m.ShortDescription, a.Rank, 20 as theWeight FROM FREETEXTTABLE (Product, ShortDescription, @theSearchTerm) as a, Product m(NoLock) WHERE a.[KEY] = m.TitleCode
Hello! I try to get a list of ConditionsVersion where Version is MAX for each ConditionsVersion. I tried something like this (as seen on
1 List<ConditionsVersion> list = (from cv in ConditionsVersions2 group cv by cv.FKConditions into cv3 select new { 4 PKConditions = cv.PKConditions,5 FKConditions = cv.FKConditions,6 MaxVersion = cv.GroupBy.Max(cv => cv.Version)7 CTimestamp = cv.Timestamp8 }).ToList();
But it doesn't work. It would be great if someone knows why. Thank you!
Well, just played a little bit with that new thing from Microsoft. Genius! Microsoft presented that step backwards as a step forward.
Say good bye to the 3-tier architecture, now any programmer, after 1 week training, will be able to put SELECT * into the source code. No more stored procedures and logic on a server. No more ugly WHERE clauses. Just SELECT * and pass all records in a loop :)
When I looked at the queries, generated by LINQ in SQL profiler, I noticed that they are generated automatically using the same pattern. It is obvious, of course, but now it would be really difficult to trace a problematic query back to the C# code. All updates to table X will look like as identical twins!
On the other side, it is not so bad. We will have soon a lot of projects, failing when they go to the production and face the real volumes of data. And a long queue of companies, crying and asking to save them. Perfect “job security�. Please, use LINQ! Port all your code to LINQ immediately (Laughing demonically like Dr. Evil)
Hm… a second thought, but what could we suggest to these companies, having performance problems with LINQ 3rd party applications, when there is no source code? Now we could at least modify some stored procedures, and with LINQ looks like the only recommendation could be “contact a developer of that application or buy more a powerful server�.
Hullo am using Asp.Net 3.5, I want to create a usercontrol that is supported to all projects to upload file into sqlserver, the user just give the database connection string, tablename, column name depending upon their need, here I develop the code using LINQ technology. I Write a class with simple format like below,
using System; using System.Data; using System.Configuration; using System.Linq; using System.Web; using System.Web.Security; using System.Web.UI; using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls; using System.Web.UI.WebControls; using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts; using System.Xml.Linq; using System.Data.Linq;
This is working but, this is suitable only for single table, I expect depending upon the user input automaticaly the tablename, column name will change in the yellow block codes . Is there any way to update the tablename , columnname from any other class?
I'm new to ASP/VS/Linq and I'm having a small problem. I have one table setup in SQL Server Express 2005 through Visual Studio 2008. The table name is "Users" and has three columns (accountID, userName, email). AccountID is the primary key and set to auto incriment. I've added a couple of records by hand and it works. I have a single form with a button, a label, and two text boxes. The button code is below. After entering some fake data that does not already exist in the database and clicking the button I get this. Cannot insert explicit value for identity column in table 'Users' when IDENTITY_INSERT is set to OFF. I understand that it is trying to insert something into the accountID field but I don't understand why since I'm only providing a username and e-mail address to insert. Your help is greatly appreciated.protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { MyDatabaseDataContext db = new MyDatabaseDataContext(); var query = from u in db.Users where == txtEmail.Text select u;
var count = query.Count(); if (count == 0) { //Create a new user object. User newUser = new User();
//Add the user to the User table. db.Users.InsertOnSubmit(newUser); db.SubmitChanges(); } else { Label1.Text = txtEmail.Text + " already exists in the database."; }
I have a supplier table with all my suppliers in it. I list them in a gridview. In this gridview, there is a link next to each record to an edit page. Below is the code for the edit page. Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load Dim db As New orderLinqDataContext
Dim q = db.selectSupplierByID(Request.QueryString("id")) Dim r As New System.Data.DataTable
txtFriend.Text = q(0).friendlyName txtAdd1.Text = q(0).address1 txtAdd2.Text = q(0).address2 txtAdd3.Text = q(0).address3 txtAdd4.Text = q(0).address4 txtName.Text = q(0).supplierName txtPhone.Text = q(0).phone txtFax.Text = q(0).fax txtPostCode.Text = q(0).postCode End Sub This causes a runtime error. The error is: "The query results cannot be enumerated more than once." and the txtAdd1.text line is highlighted. How am I supposed to get at the data so I can fill my text boxes this way? Thanks,
var query = from cloc in context.t_companylocs where (cloc.ref_company == companyid) && (cloc.street == attributes["Street"]) && (cloc.postalcode == attributes["Postalcode"]) && ( in countrylist) && ( in citylist) select cloc; attributes is a Dictionary<string, string> object.countrylist and citylist are List<string> objects.Of course the syntax above doesn't work. It's basically what I'm trying to achieve :-)A quick and dirty solution would be to just drop the two where constraints containing the "where in" statement and handle that part in the following foreach() loop.Can anyone please explain how you would do it properly?regards
Does anyone have a good example of how to insert data using System.Data.Linq? All the examples I've seen do something likeNorthwindDataContext db = new NorthwindDataContext();var x = new Product() {...}; db.Products.Add(x);db.SubmitChanges(); However I'm not seeing an Add method on System.Data.Linq.Table<T>. Has this changed? Could I somehow not be generating my model correctly?
Hi there, In 2005.NET, if I used an asp:repeater, I would load the data from source and then manipulate it like so://load the data from source using a predefined connection and SQL Statement.private void LoadMyDataFromSource(){ try { connection.Open(); OleDbDataReader myReader = comm.ExecuteReader(); rptrCatList.DataSource = myReader; rptrCatList.DataBind(); myReader.Close(); } finally { connection.Close(); }} //catch the ItemDataBound event and manipulate the data how I wish before it's loaded into the Repeater.protected void rptrCatList_ItemDataBound(object sender, RepeaterItemEventArgs e) { if (e.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.Item || e.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.AlternatingItem) { int title = 4; //this is the index of the column I wish to manipulate((Label)e.Item.FindControl("lblTitle")).Text = ((IDataRecord)e.Item.DataItem).GetString(title) + ":" } }This would give me all the flexbility I ever needed. But now I wish to use linq and since the IDataRecord relies on dataReader sources, I cannot obtain the same flexbility. Can anyone point me in the right direction for obtaining the same kind of flexbility but using a linq-to-SQL dataContext? I wish to manipulate mostData that comes through from my source, so: //loadng the data in via my linq-to-sql context.private void LoadProducts() { MyDataContext db = new MyDataContext (); var all = from p in db.Products_IncontinenceStandards where p.Product_Cat == "Category1" select p; rpterCat.DataSource = all; rpterCat.DataBind(); }This is where I get stuck because, even though I can still capture the ItemDataBound event since I have databound the Repeater to the linqSource, I can't access the individual fields (or this is what I think I can't do!), Does anyone know how to relate to this so I can create the same effect? Many Thanks,Nathan Channon
Hi Guys, I started working with linq and vb9.0 but i have a small problem i could feagure how to solve in c# but not in vb I wanted to make left join or right join on vb 9.0 and linq is it possible or this is only c# feature ? Waiting to hear from u guys, Thanks Softy
Hello, How do I add multiple data using LINQ, this one doesn't work. ... Protected Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click Dim i As Integer For i = 0 To 3 Dim db As personalDataContext = New personalDataContext Dim p As personal = New personal = "John" p.number = "01213" p.picture = "image/image.jpg" db.personals.InsertOnSubmit(p) Next End Sub... cheers,imperialx