LOCKS Issue On SQL Server Cluster

Feb 18, 2008

Hi All,
I am frequently getting an error of Unable to acquire a LOCK at this time. Something about too many users logged in. What is the limit of LOCKS in MS SQL 2005 ? When I switch the cluster nodes, the LOCK issue goes away. The issue only occurs when someone tries a DDL command. Advice.

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SQL Server 2008 :: Row Locks Not Escalating To Table Locks After 5000

Jul 16, 2015

I've got an INSERT that's selecting data from a linked server and attempting to push 10 million rows into the blank table. More or less, it looks like this:

insert into ReceivingTable (
Field1, Field2, Field3, Field4
, Field5, Field6, Field7, Field8
, Field9, Field10, Field11, Field12
, Field13, Field14, Field15


The instance of the SQL Server Database Engine cannot obtain a LOCK resource at this time. Rerun your statement when there are fewer active users. Ask the database administrator to check the lock and memory configuration for this instance, or to check for long-running transactions. There are no other active users. I ran it again and monitored the following DMO to watch the growth of locks for that spid:

SELECT request_session_id, COUNT (*) num_locks
-- select *
FROM sys.dm_tran_locks
--where request_session_id = 77
GROUP BY request_session_id
ORDER BY count (*) DESC

The number of locks started small and held for a while around 4-7 locks, but at about 5 minutes in the number of locks held by that spid grew dramatically to more than 8 million before finally erroring again with the same message. Researching, I can't figure out why it's not escalating from row locks to table locks at the appropriate threshold. The threshold in was set to 0 at first (Server Properties > Advanced > Parallelism > Locks). I set it to 5000, and it still didn't seem to work. Rewriting the INSERT to include a WITH (TABLOCK) allows it to finish successfully in testing. My problem is that it's coming out of an ETL with source code that I can't edit. I need to figure out how to force it to escalate to locking the entire table via table or server level settings.

A colleague suggested that installing service packs may take care of it (the client is running SQL Server 2008 R2 (RTM)), but I haven't found anything online to support that theory.

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Transact SQL :: How To List All Locks (including NON-BLOCKING Locks)

Aug 5, 2015

We are migrating our database(s) from ORACLE to SQL. In Oracle we were able to issue a SELECT statement and see all of the locks (Blocking and Non-Blocking) currently in the system.  The query also included the Process ID of the process we needed to kill in order to get rid of the lock.

We now need to create the same type of query for Microsoft SQL Server 2012. I have seen postings on different sites saying that this info can be obtained using SP_WHO2 or using the SQL Server Management Studio Activity Monitor's PROCESSES tab, but we are looking for a SELECT statement that will give us similar information.

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How To Upgrade SQL Server 2000 Cluster To SQL Server 2005 Cluster(Database)

May 8, 2007


We are planning to upgrade the SQL Server in our production environment from SQL Server 2000 to SQL Server 2005. This is a 4 Node cluster environment with 3 Databases on 3 Virtual instances. The main requirement is to achieve this with no/minimal downtime.

Could you please suggest or direct me to any documentation for the best practices used to upgrade such an environment?



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SQL 2012 :: Server Cluster Without Windows Failover Cluster

Feb 18, 2014

I´ve been reading that SQL Server 2012 Always On is dependent on having a Windows Failover Cluster setup. Is that correct ?

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Upgrading A SQL Server 2000 Cluster To A SQL Server 2005 Cluster

Dec 28, 2007

We're upgrading a SQL Server 2000 cluster (Active/Passive) running on Windows 2000 Server to a SQL Server 2005 Cluster running on Windows Server 2003. We can't purchase new hardware and we have no spare hardware. We also need to move from Windows 2000 Server to Windows 2003 Server at the same time. We want to keep downtime to a bare minimum.

What we were thinking was the following steps... Anyone try this?

1. Break the link between the servers.

2. Install a fresh copy of windows 2003 server on one side along with SQL Server 2005. While this step is running, the active node would still be live on Windows 2000 Server and SQL Server 2000 serving our customers.

3. Restore a copy of a backup from the active production side to the node we're upgrading and at that point we would bring the active node down, switching the active node to be the newly upgraded server.

4. As a final step, the old active node would now have the link to it broken, we would install a fresh copy of windows 2003 server on it and sql server 2005. At this point we would bring it back into the cluster and the cluster would be complete again.


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Upgrading SQL Server 2000 Cluster To SQL Server 2005 Cluster

May 14, 2008

Friends -

Need your help and guidence for doing upgrading SQL Server 2000 Cluster to SQL Server 2005 Cluster.

Let me explain my current environment.

1. Currently SQL Server 2000 Cluster environment is running on Windows 2000 Server we need to upgrade this to SQL Server 2005 on Windows 2003 Server. >>> Production environment.

My Plans:

1. On Testing Environment Install SQL Server 2000 cluster on Windows 2003 Server and do a restore of databases from the produciton environment.

2. Upgrade In-Place from SQL Server 2000 Cluster to SQL Server 2005 Cluster.

My doubts

1. Can i install SQL Server 2000 Cluster on Windows 2003 Server. Is it possible or not.

Please advise me and correct my steps.


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Sql Server Has Run Out Of Locks

Sep 13, 2000

Everytime I try to open the design-mode of a table from enterprise mgr, I get this error 1204.---
SQL Server has run out of LOCKS. Rerun your statement when there are fewer active users, or ask the system administrator to reconfigure SQL Server with more LOCKS.
There no other users but me. Locks have been configured to their max (over 200000000). Don't understand whats wrong. Please help..

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Sql Server Locks

Jun 8, 2004

We've experienced persistent hang up on our application. I tried opening the enterprise manager->management->Current Activity->Locks/Object and I've seen ridiculous entries like master.dbo.spt_values, SIS.dbo.feesclass,tempdb.dbo$##lockinfo205. I don't what this mean? does it tell us that something wrong with the application that does not release locks? please help me.

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SQL Server Locks?

Jan 17, 2005

I have a simple web application using ASP.NET/C#/SQL Server 2000/Windows 2000

I'm having problems with the server "hanging" for ~15 minutes. Disk/CPU are idle so this isn't a resource issue. In Enterprise Manager, under "Current Activity" I see several processes waiting on:


How do I investigate this? My application is so simple, I have trouble imagining how a lock-related problem could ocurr? There is absolutely no concurrent processing done on this server. There is only one user running this app and there are no separate threads spawned.

Although this problem is sporadic, this happens the most while doing the following:

- Open connection1 (for SELECT)
- Open connection2 (for UPDATE)
- Open SqlDataReader through connection1 with SELECT statement
- Iterate through
- For certain records issue UPDATE statement via connection2.

Here are some sample code snippets. Default ADO.NET options and everything should be cleaned up through C# "using" blocks without relying on garbage collection.

using (SqlConnection selectConnection = LeadsDatabase.OpenConnection()) {
using (SqlConnection updateConnection = LeadsDatabase.OpenConnection()) {
using (SqlCommand dbCommand = new SqlCommand(sql, selectConnection)) {
using (SqlDataReader reader = dbCommand.ExecuteReader()) {
while (reader.Read()) {
using (SqlCommand updateCommand = new SqlCommand(sql, updateConnection)) {

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SQL 6.5 Cluster Upgrade To SQL Server 7.0 Cluster

Jul 17, 2000

I am trying to upgrade a SQL Server 6.5(Cluster) to SQL Serevr 7.0 (Cluster)..I already have an intsllation of 7.0(On a Cluster),so this means that 6.5 and sql 7 are on seperate cluster's ,if i try to upgrade from 6.5 Cluster to 7.0 Cluster is asks me to uncluster 6.5 and 7.0 is this correct ,assume i cannot break the cluster then what???.. what is the best way i can achieve this functinality.....

thanks in advance


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Sql Server Running Out Of Locks

Feb 28, 2002

Hi, i have installed sql 7.0 sp1 on a server that frecuently report the error: 1024

"SQL Server has run out of LOCKS. Rerun your statement when there are fewer active users, or ask the system administrator to reconfigure SQL Server with more LOCKS.."

I reconfiguered the locks twice, but the error persist.

What do you recomend to do to avoid this error??


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How To Log On The Server For Reconfiguring Locks

Apr 14, 1999

When I ran a query and bumped into a message that is "SQL server has run out of LOCKS. Re-run your command when there are fewer active ussers. or ask your system administratroe to reconfigyre SQL Server with more LOCKS." Then, I tried to reconfigure/increase the locks. It could not let me do it. So, I tried to relog on the server, then I kept getting the same message as above.

Is there a way to log on the server and reconfigure the locks? Do I have reinstall the SQL server?

I appreciate it ahead of time.

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Locks Problem On SQL Server...

Nov 29, 2001


I am getting the following message from the SQL Server 7.0.
I have increased the locks but still it is getting messages on few days.

Coould you please advise me what is the main reason for ran out of locks and how can solve this problem otherthan increase the locks.If needs to be increased what is the calculation method to arrive at the number of locks.


SQL Server Alert System: 'Demo: Sev. 19 Errors' occurred on CSQWBDB1

DESCRIPTION:Error: 1204, Severity: 19, State: 1
SQL Server has run out of LOCKS. Rerun your statement when there are fewer active users, or ask the system administrator to reconfigure SQL Server with more LOCKS. "

The present configuration:

name minimum maximum config_value run_value

locks 5000 2147483647 225000 225000

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Step By Step For Upgrading SQL Server 2000 Cluster To SQL Server 2005 Cluster

May 15, 2008

Friends -

Could any one of you provide steps for upgrading SQL Server 2000 cluster to SQL server 2005 cluster.

My environment is Windows 2003 server.

Appreciate your support.


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Linked Server Transaction Locks...

Mar 9, 2007

Hey all,

I've been experiencing an issue related to linked server. Here is the scene:

- Application A queries View V located in SQL Server S1
- View V accesses Table T located in SQL Server S2 using a linked server

The problem is:
- Application A start the transaction and it simply gets locked. It throws no errors nor exceptions.

- S1 and S2 are in different machines
- When S1 = S2, then the application successfully access View V.

Any suggestions?

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How To Identify Locks In SQL Server And Kill Them

Mar 9, 2007

I have to find locks which have been caused by some particular users before the scheduled jobs kick off and kill the locked processes so that the scheduled job executes without failing. How to do this in SQL server? please help

Thanks in Advance

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SQL SERVER 2000 SELECT Waiting And Locks

Jun 17, 2004

Is anyone have already encountered such a problem :

When a table is locked by several locks (key, pag), either a SELECT request which does not need to lock any row cannot succeed.

In SQL Server Enterprise Manager, I see that my request is waiting for a lock "LCK_M_S" !!!

How I can avoid this kind of situation which seems to me completely abnormal.

I have never been faced with this kind of problem in Oracle.

Thanks for anyone who will help me to resolve this "bug".

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A Lot Of Locks In SQL SERVER 2005 Using OLEDB Connection

May 28, 2008


I have an application wrote in Power Builder 11 and use OLEDB connection for SQL SERVER 2005 DB.
it works excellent till multiple users access the application. 2 seconds passes and locks appears and blocks all the DB!
I realy don't know what is the reason. In past I used SQL Native driver and it works well with the same application!!! (other reasons caused me to change the connection. not this).
Does someone can help me????????

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Sql Server 2005 Queries Start Timing Out Because Sa Is Acquriing And Releasing Locks

Oct 23, 2007

I have a co-worker whose sql server 2005 is exhibiting strange behavior. We have already re-installed sql server 2005 and service packed it to SP2 to try and see if the behavior stops but it has not.

Every so often during the day sql server 2005 will start to slow down to the point that my co-worker's queries begin to time out. He turned on profiler to look at what was going on behind the scenes.

We see where sa is releasing and acquring locks to the tune of 180,000 rows in a fifteen minute span when this behavior starts so does his time outs. He has reporting options and analysis services installed but not configured. His only connection is to his local database. Occasionally, you see a number like - (03000d8f0ecc) appear in the Text Data column in profiler for sa. I read something about reporting options using sa for clean up but I don't think that is what is happening here.

Does someone have a clue as to what is happening and a way we can prevent the behavior? It is affecting his ability to work on his application.


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SQL Server 2014 :: Query Causing Blocking / Locks Table For 1000 Seconds?

Feb 11, 2015

I have a sql snippet from a 3rd party application that will not complete its transaction. The SELECT statement executes but does not finish. Instead the statement just sits in AWAITING COMMAND for 1000 seconds then dies, thus killing the UPDATE statement that is supposed to follow.

The CROSS JOIN and CROSS APPLY seem suspect.

@p1 INT,
@p2 INT,
@p3 NVARCHAR(4000),
@p4 INT,


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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: SPID Causing Locks With No Query Text Shown

Oct 1, 2015

I just ran into an issue with cascading locks due to a SPID on one of my production servers. When researching the lock, I noticed that there was no sql text. SP_Who 2, nor the following query captured anything,

, sqlplan.query_plan
, req.session_id
, req.status
, req.command

[Code] ....

I spoke to the user causing the lock and he ran into a visual basic error when this occurred and didn't close out that window. So my guess is that it's due to an uncommitted transaction. However, shouldn't I still see something if that was the case?

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Setup And Upgrade :: Cluster Installation Failed On Adding Node To Cluster

Oct 10, 2015

During the installation of Adding node to a SQL Server failover cluster(On passive node) getting error like.. The MOF compiler could not connect with the WMI server. This is either because of a semantic error such as an incompatibility with the existing WMI repository or an actual error such as the failure of the WMI server to start.We  run the below commands but didn’t get any resolution & got the same above error .
1<sup>st</sup> Method…

1. Open console command (Run->CMD with administrator privileges). 

2. net stop winmgmt 

3. Rename folder %windir%System32WbemRepository to other one, for backup purposes (for example _Repository). 

4. net start winmgmt

2<sup>nd</sup> Method..

1. Disable and stop the WMI service.

a) Command : - sc config winmgmt start= disabled

b. Command : -                 net stop winmgmt

2. Run the following commands.

a).  Command:  Winmgmt /salvagerepository %windir%System32wbem

b). Command:   Winmgmt /resetrepository %windir%System32wbem

3. Re-enable the WMI service

Command:          sc config winmgmt start= auto 

Last command to run after above steps

4. Command:     mofcomp "%programfiles(x86)%Microsoft SQL Server100Sharedsqlmgmproviderxpsp2up.mof"

File not found Error for above command.

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Access Denied To Cluster Storage When Restoring 2005 Full Text DB To 2014 Cluster

Jun 10, 2015

I am in the process of moving databases from a SQL 2005 Standard version to a 2-node 2014 cluster.All of my 2005 databases back up successfully.They all restore without issue except for one database that has a full text catalog. I get this message

Msg 7610, Level 16, State 1, Line 2
Access is denied to "fileStoragedataMSSQLSERVERFullTextCatalog", or the path is invalid.
Msg 3156, Level 16, State 50, Line 2
File 'sysft_FTCatalog' cannot be restored to 'fileStoragedataMSSQLSERVERFullTextCatalog'. Use WITH MOVE to identify a valid location for the file.
Msg 3119, Level 16, State 1, Line 2
Problems were identified while planning for the RESTORE statement. Previous messages provide details.
Msg 3013, Level 16, State 1, Line 2
RESTORE DATABASE is terminating abnormally.


I went as far as giving the folder full access to everyone temporarily and received the same error.

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SQL 2012 :: Advanced Cluster Preparation For New Instance On Existing Cluster

Apr 10, 2014

I ran the Advanced cluster preparation for a new sql instance on an existing cluster.

Slq Server 2012.

After is completed, it was successful, I realized I specified the wrong Instance Root directory.

Is it possible to remove what the preparation installed? Or is it possible to change the root directory?

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Setup And Upgrade :: Can Build Cluster By Adding Cluster Service

Jul 6, 2015

Can I build a cluster by adding the cluster service, then the SQL instances, then add the other nodes and their passive SQL instances?I would lean to building the cluster first, the add the SQL instances.

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Convert Non-cluster Primary Key To Cluster Unique

Nov 6, 2014

I have following script which i am planning to run to drop all non-clustered primary keys on a database and then created as clustered. I am using someone else's script so don't know how to modify this. Some of primary key columns are used in references in other tables.

is there anyway i can drop the existing primary keys and using their original script then create again as clustered including restoring all foreign and reference keys and unique or no unique.

DECLARE @table NVARCHAR(512), @tablename NVARCHAR(512),
@column NVARCHAR(MAX);
DECLARE @indexname NVARCHAR(512);
SELECT name As 'Table'

[Code] ....

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Recovery :: Can Join A Node In Windows Cluster Which Is Already In Different Cluster

Oct 8, 2015

can we join a node in a windows cluster which is already in a different cluster?

We have this requirement as we need to setup readable secondary ( always on AG) on the third node.

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Recovery :: IP Change For Cluster / Nodes And Windows Cluster?

Jul 15, 2015

We are planning to change all IPs of PRODUCTION Failover Cluster Setup. In my cluster setup ... we have 2 Physical Nodes with windows-2008, Roles are MSDTC and SQL-2008R2.

IP change for:

1. Both Nodes(Physical)
3. SQL Server 
4. windows Cluster 

So Almost... All IPs are going to change.

Im DBA here, I need to take care of SQL cluster and MSDTC. But I haven't performed this activity before.So I'm worrying about Impacts and consequences of this change. steps how should I perform this activity.

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Script To Change Cluster Index To Non Cluster

May 20, 2003

Hi all,

We have many tables which have cluster index on column with datatype 'Char(200)'.
Does anyone have script to change cluster index to noncluster for all user tables which have clustered index on a column with 'char(200)' datatype.


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Transact SQL :: Difference Between Cluster And Non-cluster Index

Jul 26, 2015

Wanted to know about difference between cluster and non cluster index with example.

When to use cluster index and non cluster index .

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DB Engine :: Why Cluster And Non-cluster Indexed Created On Same Key

Jun 10, 2015

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Access](
 [AdminID] [int] NOT NULL,
 [FnID] [int] NOT NULL,

[Code] ....

why the cluster and non cluster indexed created on the same key?

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Change IP Address Of Server Which Is Locally Hosted And Is Not On Cluster?

Sep 3, 2014

I am asking about a virtual IP for SQL Server, is there a way we can assign a different IP to SQL Server other than the server's(host) IP address? like the same what we do in a clustered env.

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