Large Data Needs To Be Deleted??? HOW???

Jul 20, 2005

I have a database that is 70GB big. One of the tables has over 350
million rows of data. I need to delete about 1/3 of the data in that
one table.

I was going to use a simple delete command to delete the unnessacay
Something like

Delete from tablename where columname > '100'

However, it takes SOOO LONG to run, over 8 hours, if not longer....

What is the best way to delete this data???

One idea was to create a Temp Table, then move the needed data to the
temp table, then Truncate the Table, and move that data back.
I'm not very good with SQL Query Language, so can somone give me an
example on how to do this?? Or if you have a differant idea that would
be faster please let me know.



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Deleted Data

Apr 18, 2007

Is there anyway to retreive deleted data (rows) of a table? Unfortunately the backups are corrupt so we can't do a restore.

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Subscription Data Are Deleted...

Nov 8, 2005

Subscription data are deleted...

We've got a merge replication. I have one Publisher and one Subscriber. I've made a pull subscription to a Publisher.

I've got into trouble few times occasionally 3-4 times a year. Today also I got problem with one table only one row among so many not carried out on at subscriber, even it is not find out at publisher.

This row was entered at subscriber in the morning, printed by users but in evening report it is not coming down in reports, so I had checkup and find out it is not available at any server. How?

I don’t understand, how inserted, printed data erase from subscriber but rarely. Is there any clue?

Which parameter of the subscription is responsible for it ?

Best regards.

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Need Help With Retrieving Deleted Data

Mar 4, 2008


Thank you for reading this. I am faced with a problem where there is no storage of deleted or updated information in an OLTP DB. I am mostly concerned about retrieving the deleted data from a table when an update occurs so as to make the deleted data show as an error. Is there a way to retrieve these kind of data from a DB, if so how? Can these data be retrieved by dates? Also how much time do you have before the data can no longer be retrieved? Assuming that the data can be retrieved.

I know the good stuff about datawarehousing but unfortunately we have no DW. Any help will be greatly appreciated.

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Data Gets Deleted From Database

Apr 20, 2015

I have created a web api hosted on Azure. A couple of times a day all data from my database get deleted and I see these errors in the log. I have tried to reinstall microsoft sql server spatial types from nuget, but that didnt work. Could not load assembly 'D:homesitewwwrootbinSqlServerT ypesx86SqlServerSpatial110.dll'.

Error received: 'Could not load file or assembly 'file:///D:homesitewwwrootbinSqlServerTypesx86SqlServerSpatial110.dll' or one of its dependencies. The module was expected to contain an assembly manifest.'. 

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Recover Deleted Data

Jan 24, 2006

I want to learn that if my query deleted all data in the table by mistake, is it possible recovery and how?

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Can I Recorver The Data That I Have Deleted.....

Apr 23, 2008

hi Guys..

i don't know i m stupid or what.. but somehow i deleted my company very improtant data.. and more over i hvn't taken the backup of database..

Please help me out if any one of you guys know how can i recover the data.. i don't have a single back of this database...
Thanks .....

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Is It Possible To Retrieve Deleted Data From .log File

Mar 21, 2008

hi,is it possible to retrieve deleted data from .log file in sql server 2005 ? ThanksMayur Panchal      

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Restore Deleted Columns With Data

Jan 20, 2007

I need to restore a single table which one of my developers has deleted two columns from that table with all datas.

The copy of that database is on another server ,if some one can show me through EM, a step by step i will appreciate.

Thank you.

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Data Being Deleted By Service Account

Apr 28, 2014

I have an older instance of SQL Server (2000) used for an old installation of Great Plains. Over the years there have been several custom application built to interface various accounting related systems with the data on this server.

Recently there have been several instances where random transactions are being deleted. The folks in the accounting group setup Great Plains to track any deletes from the GL account and determine who did the deletes. They're telling me that the same account we use to launch SQL Server is the account deleting the data.

It's possible that someone knows the login creds for this account and is using it to do some task that's causing the problem, but that's a long shot in my opinion. I rather believe that one of these custom interface apps is causing the problem.

One of the custom interfaces includes several SQL jobs that run that do some truncating and bulk inserting. In each case these jobs are owned by the sa account. If one of these jobs deleted the data would it be reported as being deleted by sa or by the service account since that's the account that launches SQL Server Agent?

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How To Recover Deleted Database Data?

Oct 18, 2006

I accidentally deleted some useful data in my database. I have both .LDF and .MDF files for this database.
Is there a way to recover this database to a point of time?

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Copy Objects Wizard - Deleted Data????

Jul 23, 2005

I have not used the copy objects wizard that much. I used it today to copy 4views from my dev box to production. It copied the views, but also wiped outmy data in all the tables that the views are built around!!! Inproduction!!!!Can someone provide me some insight into why this happened?Thanks,Chad

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Recover Truncated, Deleted, Or Modified Data

Nov 1, 2007

Hi all

Any way to Recover truncated, deleted, or modified data . i will be appreciated for any help

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Merge Replication Reinitialization Deleted All Data

May 3, 2007


When I reinitialized a subscription from SQL2005 db (publisher) to a SQL 2000 DB (Subscriber) and had the Upload changes before reinitialization turned on, the data from the SQL 2000 db didn't get uploaded. This resulted in a loss of 2 days worth of data.

Does anyone have any idea if there's anywhere that data is kept. (unfortunately a series of errors caused our backups to not be running on the 2000 db either).

Thank You


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Dealing With Deleted Records In Source Data

Jan 29, 2008

I have an SSIS package that runs each day from a live data source to create a data mart, which is then used for various things including SSAS and SSRS.

The problem is that certain records that will eventually go on to form fact tables are deleted from the live system (not a very robost database in the first place, hence the SSIS!) but these are not reflected in the SSIS transformation, creating plus figures when compared to the live system.

I currently use type 1 slowly changing dimension processes in each data flow (of which there are about 35) but I realise that this only updates records and does not delete.

The solution I have in place is to truncate the fact tables in the mart before the run starts using an Execute SQL task. This solves the problem though to me seems a little heavy-handed and renders the slowly changing dimension processes redundant (as it is currently only run once a day).

My question is, is there a better method of dealing with the above scenario? If there isn't, it would be a nice feature to add to future versions (*nudge nudge*).

Thanks in advance :-)

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DB Engine :: How To Recover Data From Deleted Table

May 15, 2015

I have deleted some data from some table. I dont have any backups and the database in simple recovery Mode. How to recover that data ...

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Text Data Type From Deleted Table (trigger)

Feb 12, 2003


I need to prevent modification/update to a field.

So I created a trigger. To take the data from DELETED table then replace the field data.

However, I have problem with one field which data type is text.

MS SQL always return me this error:
Cannot use text, ntext, or image columns in the 'inserted' and 'deleted' tables.

I use the following code to take the data from deleted table

DECLARE @ptrval varbinary(16)

I also tried simple Select statement
Select notes from deleted

What code should I use to take the deleted data

Please help.

Thanks in advance

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Recovery :: Retrieving Deleted Data In Production Table?

Jul 8, 2015

I am in problem that I have delete data in my production table.

Now how to retrieve it?

I have only Yesterdays Full and Transaction Backup files.

I used the following query for deleting all data.

delete from t1;

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Transact SQL :: Key And Indexes On Two Column Data Table Or Parsed View (Large String Of Data And Filename)

Oct 4, 2015

I am studying indexes and keys. I have a table that has a fixed width of data to be loaded in the first column which is parsed in a view based on data types within the fixed width specifications.

Example column A:
(name phone house cost of house,zipcodecountystatecountry)
-a view will later split this large varchar string based 
column b: is the source filename of the data load (varchar 256)

a. would there be a benefit of adding a clustered or nonclustered index (if so which/point in direction on why)

b. is there benefit of making one of these two columns a primary key (millions of records) or for adding a 3rd new column as a pk?

c. view: this parses the data in column a so it ends up looking more like "name phone house cost of house zipcode county state country" each having their own column.

-any pros/cons of adding indexes (if so which) to the view instead of the tables or both for once the data is parsed?

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SQL 2012 :: Auto ID Primary Key Specified As Int And Table Data Is Deleted Periodically?

Jun 25, 2015

I have a table that has a primary key that is auto incremented by 1. This table's data is cleared out periodically and as data gets added the auto id primary key continues to increase in numeric value. Once the data is cleared from the table the auto id names could be used again(the eventId is not stored) Currently the eventID is at 26,581,399. I know the maximum int value is 2,147,483,647.

How should I handle this? or rebuild the table every time the data is cleared(problematically)?

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Using Inserted / Deleted Tables With Text / NText / Image Data Type

Oct 6, 2004

Hi folks,


a int,
b int,
c int,
d text

I need to change my AFTER - Trigger from this (example!):

select * into #ins from inserted

to something like

select *(without Text / nText / image -columns) into #ins from inserted.

So I tried to build a string like this: (using INFORMATIONSCHEMES)

select @sql = 'select a,b,c into #ins from inserted'

a,b,c are not of Text, nText or Image datatype.

After executing the trigger, I get an error, that inserted is unknown.

Does anyone know how to solve this ?


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Source Data Base Deleted Records Reflection On Dataware House DB

Jun 27, 2007

Iam using Sql Server Integration Service to transfer the data. I have to methods to transfer the data.

Method -1

Daily cleaning Dataware house Data base and transfering the data from Source database.

Method -2

Only new rows transfering from the Source database to dataware house data base.

If i use first method, Any performence issues's will come in the future?. In future my source data will have upto 6 lacks records.

If i use second method, daily date based i can transfer the data. But if they delete any previous records from the source database how can i reflect the same in Data ware house Data base.

Can you please provide the solutions.



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Updating A Large Set Of Data

Oct 4, 2006

hello guyshere is my problem:i am developing a web app in .net 2.0. i have some sensitive data in my database. which is encrypted using DES ( with some key which is only known by the top level authorities ). now there is an option of changing the secret key. on changing the key the sensitive data has to decrypted using the old key and then again encrypted using the new key. Now if the no of records increases i am afraid that it might take a longer time and the application might look as it got hanged. guys i have no clue on how to do this. if you guys have any idea on how to implement this please let me know. any help would be appreciatedVignesh

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Large Data Sets

Mar 20, 2008

 I'm currently trying to retrieve results from a large dataset, there are over 45000 records and I need to use them all to peform counts etc.  I have set up views, but my page is still being returned slowly, is there anything I can do to speed this up?

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V Large Data Import

Mar 19, 2001

I was wondering if anyone can help me.

I am trying to import data into SQL Server 7. The table will be 700-800 columns, and the data will be about 150,000 records at a time.
The data source is flat file.

First I create the table using a database schema, and secondly I would like to populate the table.
The problem is that most of the data is numeric, and to be used for statistical analysis.

So far I have tried Bulk Insert, bcp, and dts.
DTS is the only method that has worked in any way, shape or form, but that requires importing each column as a Varchar. Importing to my pre-created table doesn't work, because it is interpreting some of the source columns as character data and refusing to insert them into an int field.
Bulk Insert and bcp both give error messages, and I am wondering if that is because of the size of the insert statement that is required to handle so many fields.

For the moment I am just trying to import the data in any way, but eventually, it will have to be run as an automated process, with the table structure probably needing to be altered as well.

Any help/suggestions would be very greatfully received.

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Large String Data

Feb 11, 2004

I have a web site that allows user to enter large strings into a database (comments, etc). What is the best way to do that? Right now I have them limited to 25 characters and the data type is varchar. Is there a better way?


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Which Is Small And Which Is Large Data

Dec 22, 2014

when to use table variable and temp table. i told the interviewer that when rows is less like hundreds or thousand then use table variable else use temp table.After that he asked that what do u mean by less data or thousand rows may be there are multiple columns involved with that less rows and make a huge data set.

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Pagination For Large Data

Jul 20, 2005

I want to build a system that will have about 1 million rows in atable in sql server database.I am using this for a web application andaccessing it via JDBC type 4 driver.But display 20 records at a timeonly using pagination(as in google).What will be the best way to goabout this.

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Large Data Delete

Jul 20, 2005

HiI have a SQL2000 server with 128m rows of data. I want to delete about65m of that. So far I have bcp'ed the relevent data out and put theminto another SQL database.We have a small amount of space for our transaction log so I cannotdelete all 65m rows in one go. So far I have been doing them is 0.5mchuncks, but it is extremly slow.Would a faster way be to bcp the data I wan to keep and truncate thetable and bulk import them in again ?What hapnes to log size in when builk import is happening and is thereanother way of doing this ?Thanks for any help

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Large Value Data Type(bcp)

Jun 5, 2006

I want to store some binary things(pic and so on), so I create a table which contain a a "varbinary" data-type column.

but 1. I used OPENROWSET to insert the large file in this table. 2. I used master..xp_cmdshell to retrieve data out as a file. One strange thing happened: the size of the input and output is really different(output is 1k bigger than the input file).

and it seems that the file is broken with different file format......

I really don't know why....

Any help would be appriciated.....


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How To Manage Large Text Data

Apr 10, 2001

Hi All,
How do I input a large text page (notepad) into a SQL column. Or assign a pointer to the data. I've tried to use BOL (writetext) and to no avail, I guess I'm missing something. I'm just using EM and Query analyzer. I thought this should be easy. Image data should work the same way.


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Under 6.5, Best Way To Archive Data Out Of Large Table?

Oct 31, 1999


The purchased-application mssql 6.5, sp 4 that I am working on has one large table has 13m illion. It the largest table considering thenextlatgest table is only1.75 million rows.

Thew vnedor has made a change to this largest table in recommending changing a data type -- char to varchar. To make this change easier to do,
I want to "archive" older data not necessary for the current year or current processing to another table.

What is the best way to do this archiving?

Any information you can provide will be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

David Spaisman

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Best Way To Gather Large Quantities Of Data

Mar 30, 2008

Hi all,

I have a table which basically stores multiple users' responses to a questionnaire. I want to calculate certain statistics on this data (for example: how many users selected a specific answer to a question). If there are many questions and possible answers, then this can get really inefficient. I was wondering what would be the best way to go about doing this.

Currently, I was thinking of using what I believe are called crosstabs:


SELECT (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tableName WHERE Q1answer='value1'), (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tableName WHERE Q1answer='value2'), (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tableName WHERE Q2answer='value1'), etc...

Is this the best way to go about this or is this really inefficient?

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