Large FullText Tables - Slow Queries

May 31, 2007


I currently have a large table (35 million rows, over 80GB). I have one varchar(max) column on the table that is used in the fulltext index.

To query the complete index is fast, for example:

SELECT 'ipod', COUNT(*)

FROM CONTAINSTABLE(MyDB.dbo.Contents, [Body], 'ipod') CT

This took 70 seconds (which I can live with). However, I seldom run queries like this, most are more like:

SELECT 'ipod', COUNT(*)

FROM CONTAINSTABLE(MyDB.dbo.Contents, [Body], 'ipod') CT

JOIN Pages ITP ON ITP.PageID = CT.[Key]



WHERE ITB.ID IN (1342,246)

These queries are much slower (this example took 17 minutes). I understand that FT searches the index and returns all rows that match the query to SQL. SQL then performs the joins and counts only the correct results. (Correct me if I'm wrong here).

One solution I've seen to this to put data or "tags" into the FT column - so my Body column would become something like:

'{ID:1342}' + [Body]

That sounds like a very good idea. I could then change the 2nd query above to be:

SELECT 'ipod', COUNT(*)

FROM CONTAINSTABLE(MyDB.dbo.Contents, [Body], '("ID:1342" OR "ID:246") AND "ipod"') CT

That all works well until I want to select 1000 different ID's because the FT query will become very long and complex. Also I'm only including one column (ID) in this example - but I have about 7 or 8 columns that I would need to include in these "tags". Quering multiple columns become very complex quickly and no doubt I will reach a query limit at somepoint.

If anyone has any other suggestions to the above I'd love to hear them. Another thought I'm having is to partition the table. I can find very little online about how FT behaves on partitioned tables - I fear it behaves exactly the same, what I'd like to think is that I could partition the table on an ID say 100 per partition or something, and then fulltext would only search the relevant partitions. If it behaves like this it may work. If no-one knows then I'll give it ago, but this will take me a while due to the table size - so I'm hoping one of you clever lot know!

Many thanks for any advice.


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Fulltext Large (500.000) Count Query Performace Too Slow

Feb 14, 2008


I am with the response time for a simple count on a fulltext search that is too slow.

Even using the most simple query on a good server (64 bit Dual Opteron 4GB Ram with high speed 16 raid disk storage)):

select count(*) from content_books where contains(searchData,'"english"')
Takes 4 seconds to count the avg 500.000 resultsI have removed all the joins with real table data so that the query is only inside the fulltext engine..

I would expect this to be down to 4 milli seconds. Isn't it just getting the size of the "english" word result index?

It seems the engine is going through all the results because if a do a more complex search that returns less results the performance is better.

Any clues of how to do this faster? I never read the thousands of records BUT i need to count them...

Thank you very much.

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Large Table, Really Slow Queries

Jul 26, 2007

I'm working with a table with about 60 million records. This monster is growing every minute of the day as well, by 200,000 - 300,000 records/day. It's 11 columns wide, and has one index on a datetime column. My task is to create some custom reports based on three of these columns, including the datetime one.

The problem is response time. Any query executed on this table takes forever--anywhere between 30 seconds and 4 minutes. Queries such as this one below, as simple as it is, can take a minute or more:

count(dt_date) as Searches

As the table gets larger and large, the response time is going to get worse and worse. Long story short, what are my options to get the speed of queries down to just a few seconds with a table this big? So far the best I can come up with is index any other appropriate columns (of which there is one for sure, maybe two).

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Slow Inserts Into Large Tables

Nov 29, 2000

We are inserting into a table, which includes an identity primary key column. When the table gets really large (i.e. 1.5 million records), the performance of the inserts reduce.

I noticed that when we insert into the table an exclusive lock on the table is obtained. Do inserts into tables with identities always lock the table?

Given the table size is unavoidable, does anyone have a suggestion to improve the performance?


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Slow Queries

Mar 15, 2001

Some of my queries are running too slow.It's taking as long as 30secs .Earlier the same query was taking less than 5 secs.
I understand the db has grown BUT I do not know to look at this query where should i start from and what should I look into.
It is on production server.
the db size is 15GB and unallocated is 9GB.
log space used is 4%.

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Slow Queries

Oct 10, 2002

Howdy. I have a table in my DB that has about 2 million records. The search times are taking 15 - 30 seconds depending on the number of records I am returning. Is this normal? The machine is NT 4 sp6a Dual PIII 866's with 1 GB of RAM on RAID5 SCSI disk. This seems like a long time to me. What kind of performance should I expect? Any kind of tuning steps I can take?



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Slow SQL Queries

Jan 5, 2005

Hi All,

Am very new to SQL server so don't really understand what effects the speed of queries. I have the two below queries, which are nearly the same apart from one has a right join and the other doesn't. The both return about 5000 records, and I am implementing this query from an accss databse with an odbc link to sql server. What I don't understand is it takes about 8 seconds for the query with the right join in to return the records and only about 4 seconds for the one without. What I'm after really is just some general advice on how to bulid fast queries, and any advice on the two below queries would be nice. Thanks

SELECT Employees.Name, Calls.CallDate, Calls.CallTime, Calls.Callername, Contacts.CompanyID, Contacts.ContactID, Calls.CallerNumber, Calls.CallerCompany, Calls.ActionTakenID, Calls.OperatorID, Calls.Confirmed, Calls.Charged, Calls.Notes, Company.CompanyName, Operators.Operatorname, Calls.CallID, Calls.ShortMessage
FROM (Contacts INNER JOIN Company ON Contacts.CompanyID = Company.CompanyID) INNER JOIN (Operators INNER JOIN (Employees RIGHT JOIN Calls ON Employees.EmployeesID = Calls.EmployeesID) ON Operators.ID = Calls.OperatorID) ON Contacts.ContactID = Calls.ContactID
WHERE (((Contacts.ContactID)=1442))
ORDER BY Calls.CallDate DESC , Calls.CallTime DESC;

SELECT Employees.Name, Calls.CallDate, Calls.CallTime, Calls.Callername, Contacts.CompanyID, Contacts.ContactID, Calls.CallerNumber, Calls.CallerCompany, Calls.ActionTakenID, Calls.OperatorID, Calls.Confirmed, Calls.Charged, Calls.Notes, Company.CompanyName, Operators.Operatorname, Calls.CallID, Calls.ShortMessage
FROM (Contacts INNER JOIN Company ON Contacts.CompanyID = Company.CompanyID) INNER JOIN (Operators RIGHT JOIN (Employees RIGHT JOIN Calls ON Employees.EmployeesID = Calls.EmployeesID) ON Operators.ID = Calls.OperatorID) ON Contacts.ContactID = Calls.ContactID
WHERE (((Contacts.ContactID)=1442))
ORDER BY Calls.CallDate DESC , Calls.CallTime DESC;

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Number Of SQL Queries Too Large?

Jul 28, 2004

Hi All,

I'm currently in the middle of building quite a large CMS using ASP.NET and MSSQL2K and have began to question if the amount of queries I am using for one page to be built is too many?

For one page (View Forum) I am getting all of the templates and checking access then pulling a list of threads, getting the first and last posts, then user info for the first and last posts... anyway to view 10 threads on the page the number of queries comes to about 54 and the page takes 0.064 seconds to load.

My question is, Is this to many queries to be running for a single page load? All queries are using Stored Procedures.

Thanks Guys.

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Large Database, Slow Query Speed. Help!

May 29, 2008

Hi guys,

I am asking this question on behalf of a friend. I have little knowledge of SQL 2005 but my friend is quite knowledgeable, although this is the first time he is dealing with large database for a client. So here's the story.

His client has a database containing 1.5 million books. Now he is setting up a website which will enable users to search books. Searching by ISBN is no problem as it only takes 1 seconds. The problem is, searching by Title takes more than 20seconds, which is unacceptable. My friend has only done smaller database and he just recently thought of implementing indexing and now looking for other ideas.

Each row contains book details such as Title, Author1, Author2, Author3, Publisher, Publication Date, ISBN, etc.

Can anyone who are more experienced in doing large database share with me some design ideas? His client is aiming for 8seconds or less.

Thanks in advance!

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Need Help Optimizing Slow SQL Queries (?)

Aug 6, 2007

Hi, I have absolutely no knowledge of PHP or SQL .... I moderate a PHPBB forum at
Our web host (SiteGround) has taken our site down temporarily because we are overloading the server. I have no idea how to fix the problem, so hopefully someone here can help me out! Smiley

PHP version 4.4.4
MySQL version 5.0.27-standard-log

Here's the info sent to me by SiteGround (I don't understand a word of it!):

quote:Upon further investigation, it turned out that the following queries in your account are slow and heavily consume server resources:

# User@Host: savingsh_phpb1[savingsh_phpb1] @ localhost []
# Query_time: 4 Lock_time: 0 Rows_sent: 1 Rows_examined: 1284
use savingsh_phpbb2;
SELECT user_id, username, user_password, user_active, user_level, user_login_tries, user_last_login_try
FROM phpbb_users
delete from rs_stat_ip where platnost_do<'2007-08-03 16:49:43';
# User@Host: savingsh_phpb1[savingsh_phpb1] @ localhost []
# Query_time: 5 Lock_time: 3 Rows_sent: 1 Rows_examined: 0
use savingsh_phpbb2;
SELECT * FROM phpbb_optimize_db;
# User@Host: binaryte_lhlp1[binaryte_lhlp1] @ localhost []
# Time: 070803 16:50:27
# User@Host: savingsh_phpb1[savingsh_phpb1] @ localhost []
# Query_time: 4 Lock_time: 2 Rows_sent: 1 Rows_examined: 0
use savingsh_phpbb2;
SELECT t.topic_id, t.topic_title, t.topic_status, t.topic_replies, t.topic_time, t.topic_type, t.topic_vote, t.topic_last_post_id, f.forum_name, f.forum_status, f.forum_id, f.auth_view, f.auth_read, f.auth_post, f.auth_reply, f.auth_edit, f.auth_delete, f.auth_sticky, f.auth_announce, f.auth_pollcreate, f.auth_vote, f.auth_attachments
FROM phpbb_topics t, phpbb_forums f

In order to have the limitations removed, please optimize your script.

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Slow Queries In SQL Express

Jul 17, 2007

Some queries take a long time to complete.

Setup is:

- SQL Express SP2

- Windows Vista Business

- 2 GB RAM

- Core 2 Duo processor

- Connecting to (local) server with SQL Authentication

- only 1 Instance of MSSQLSERVER

Simple queries (SELECT * FROM TableName) wher the table has only a few records. This query may take up to 30 or more to execute. This slowness is consistent to certain tables. Other much larger tables run queries fine.

If a different computer logs in to the same server, queries provide instantaneous results.

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Large Table/slow Query/ Can Performance Be Improved?

Jul 20, 2005

I am having performance issues on a SQL query in Access. My query isaccessing and joining several tables (one very large one). The tables arelinked ODBC. The client submits the query to the server, separated byseveral states. It appears the query is retrieving gigs of data from thetable and processing the joins on the client. Is there away to perform moreof the work on the server there by minimizing the amount of extraneous tabledata moving across the network and improving performance (woefully slowabout 6 hours)?

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How To Analyze Slow Performance Queries

Feb 27, 2008

Hi All

I struck up with Slow perfornace query,Please some body help me how to analyze Slow perforamnce queris.

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How To Pass Large Queries Into Variables In SSIS?

Nov 26, 2007

I want to pass below given query into a variable

"if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[ <POS_MONTH>]]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1)

SELECT * INTO [dbo].[<POS_DATE>] ]
FROM SG_POS_Template
WHERE 1 = 0;
Where [<POS_DATE>] is a parameter by which value will be assigned dymanically.....anybody please help me out....!!

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Query Analyzer Very Slow For Even Trivial Queries

Oct 12, 2005

I've been using MS-SQL Server for many years but never come across this problem before.

When I try and run a very simple query from Query Analyzer it takes a LONG time. Even when there are no tables involved!


select 1

takes 28 seconds to return '1' when running against the local server. i.e. both QA and the Server are running on the same machine.

Can anyone help explain how to get my performance back! Thanks.

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Queries Are Slow When Accessed From Remote Machine

May 30, 2007


I have succesfully created a Stored Procedure which runs under 2 seconds locally.

However when i run the same proc from another machine in the LAN, the response times vary from 5 sec to over 40 Secs and even occassionally times out.

My server is SQL 2005 Dev Edition (32 Bit) running on a Dual Core Box with 2GB memory.

Any Ideas why this would be happening?

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Slow Execution Of Queries Inside Transaction

Apr 11, 2006

I have some VB.NET code that starts a transaction and after that executes one by one a lot of queries. Somehow, when I take out the transaction part, my queries are getting executed in around 10 min. With the transaction in place it takes me more than 30 min on one query and then I get timeout.
I have checked sp_lock myprocessid and I've noticed there are a lot of exclusive locks on different objects. Using sp_who I could not see any deadlocks.
I even tried to set the isolation level to Read UNCOMMITED and still have the same problem.
As I said, once I execute my queries without being in a transaction everything works great.
Can you help me to find out the problem?


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SQL Server 2005 Slows Down After A Large Number Of Queries

Jul 4, 2007


We are running SQL Server 2005 Ent Edition with SP2 on a Windows 2003 Ent. Server SP2 with Intel E6600 Dual core CPU and 4GB of RAM. We have an C# application which perform a large number of calculation that run in a loop. The application first load transactions that needs to be updated and then goes to each one of the rows, query another table get some values and update the transaction.

I have set a limit of 2GB of RAM for SQL server and when I run the application, it performs 5 records update (the process described above) per second. After roughly 10,000 records, the application slows down to about 1 record per second. I have tried to examine the activity monitor however I can't find anything that might indicate what's causing this.

I have read that there are some known issues with Hyper-Threaded CPUs however since my CPU is Dual-core, I do not know if the issue applies to those CPUs too and I have no one to disable one core in the bios.

The only thing that I have noticed is that if I change the Max Degree of Parallelism when the server slows down (I.e. From 0 to 1 and then back to 0), the server speeds up for another 10,000 records update and then slows down. Does anyone has an idea of what's causing it? What does the property change do that make the server speed up again?

If there is no solution for this problem, does anyone know if there is a stored procedure or anything else than can be used programmatically to speed up the server when it slows down? (This is not the optimal solution however I will use it as a workaround)

Any advice will be greatly appreciated.


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SQL Server 2012 :: Asynchronous Cursor Population Slow For Large Result Sets

Jul 2, 2015

so async cursor population is supposed to create the cursor and return the cursor id quickly, while the server works on async populating the results. For a keyset-driven cursor, SQL Server stores the key sets in tempdb, which it then uses to fetch data for cursor results. Anyway, this works fine for smaller tables, but I'm finding for large result sets, the async cursor population is very slow and indeed seems to approximate synchronous time. The wait stat I get while it is running (supposedly asynchronously) is TRANSACTION_MUTEX.

--enable async cursor
exec dbo.sp_configure 'cursor threshold', 0; reconfigure;
declare @cursor int, @stmt nvarchar(max), @scrollopt int, @ccopt int, @rowcount int;
--example of giant result set
set @stmt = 'select * from sys.all_objects o1, sys.all_objects o1';


Note that using the SQL "select * from sys.all_objects o1" is much faster than "select * from sys.all_objects o1, sys.all_objects o2". However, if cursor population is async, I'd expect the time to return a cursor id to be similar between the two.

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Handling Large Queries In A Table Valued User Defined Function

May 20, 2008


We have created several Table Valued User Defined Functions in a Production SQL Server 2005 DB that are returning large (tens of thousands of) rows obtained through a web service. Our code is based on the MSDN article Extending SQL Server Reporting Services with SQL CLR Table-Valued Functions .

What we have found in our implementations of variations of this code on three seperate servers is that as the rowset grows, the length of time required to return the rows grows exponentially. With 10 columns, we have maxed out at approximately 2 500 rows. Once our rowset hit that size, no rows were being returned and the queries were timing out.

Here is a chart comparing the time elapsed to the rows returned at that time for a sample trial i ran:

Sec / Actual Rows Returned
0 0
10 237
20 447
30 481
40 585
50 655
60 725
70 793
80 860
90 940
100 1013
110 1081
120 1115
130 1151
140 1217
150 1250
160 1325
170 1325
180 1430
190 1467
200 1502
210 1539
220 1574
230 1610
240 1645
250 1679
260 1715
270 1750
280 1787
290 1822
300 1857
310 1892
320 1923
330 1956
340 1988
350 1988
360 2022
370 2060
380 2094
390 2094
400 2130
410 2160
420 2209
430 2237
440 2237
450 2274
460 2274
470 2308
480 2342
490 2380
500 2380
510 2418
520 2418
530 2451
540 2480
550 2493
560 2531
570 2566

It took 570 seconds (just over 9 1/2 minutes to return 2566 rows).

The minute breakdown during my trial is as follows:
1 = 655 (+ 655)
2 = 1081 (+ 426)
3 = 1325 (+244)
4 = 1610 (+285)
5 = 1822 (+212)
6 = 1988 (+166)
7 = 2160 (+172)
8 = 2308 (+148)
9 = 2451 (+143)

As you can tell, except for a few discrepancies to the resulting row count at minutes 4 and 7 (I will attribute these to timing as the results grid in SQL Management Studio was being updated once every 5 seconds or so), as time went on, fewer and fewer rows were being returned in a given time period. This was a "successful" run as the entire rowset was returned but on more than several occasions, we have reached the limit and have had 0 new rows per minute towards the end of execution.

Allow me to explain the code in further detail:

[SqlFunction(FillRowMethodName = "FillListItem")]
public static IEnumerable DiscoverListItems(...)

ArrayList listItems = new ArrayList();

SPToSQLService service = new SPToSQLService();


DataSet itemQueryResult = service.DoItemQuery(...); // This is a synchronous call returning a DataSet from the Web Service

//Load the DS to the ArrayList

return listItems;

public static void FillListItem(object obj, out string col1, out string col2, out string col3, ...)

ArrayList item = (ArrayList) obj;

col1 = item.Count > 0 ? (string) item[0] : "";
col2 = item.Count > 0 ? (string) item[1] : "";
col3 = item.Count > 0 ? (string) item[2] : "";

As you will notice, the web service is called, and the DataSet is loaded to an ArrayList object (containing ArrayList objects), before the main ArrayList is returned by the UDF method. There are 237 rows returned within 10 seconds, which leads me to believe that all of this has occured within 10 seconds. The method GetListItems has executed completely and the ArrayList is now being iterated through by the code calling the FillListItem method. I believe that this code is causing the result set to be returned at a decreasing rate. I know that the GetListItems code is only being executed once and that the WebService is only being called once.

Now alot of my larger queries ( > 20 000 rows) have timed out because of this behaviour, and my workaround was to customize my web service to page the data in reasonable chunks and call my UDF's in a loop using T-SQL. This means calling the Web Service up to 50 times per query in order to return the result set.

Surely someone else who has used Table Valued UDFs has come accross this problem. I would appreciate some feedback from someone in the know, as to whether I'm doing something wrong in my code, or how to optimize an SQL Server properly to allow for better performance with CLR functions.


Dragan Radovic

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Long Memory Grant Queue Waits In SQL Server Express SP2 Causes Slow Queries

Sep 10, 2007

I have a 2GHZ cpu with 1GB of RAM. I occassionally see very slow (long) queries against a local SQL Server 2005 Express (SP2) database. The issue occurs against different SQL Queries, but all queries are rather basic select statements Perfmon shows that the SQL Server counter for the "MEMORY GRANT QUEUE WAIT Avg MS" gets extremely high (25000+ ms). Perfmon also also shows that PAGING is not occuring, and the system is not under unsual stress. The problem is not reproducible with MSDE.

Has anyone seen this issue, or have any recommendations for a next course of action?

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SQL Server 2008 :: How To Find Which Queries / Processes Causing Large Memory Paging Rate

Mar 30, 2015

Our monitoring tool shows that our production system periodically experiencing large rate - up to 800 memory pages/sec. How to find out which particular queries, S.P., processes that initiate this?

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Saving Tables That Are Generated By Queries As HTML File Or Sub-tables

Oct 17, 2006

I have a trade data tables (about 10) and I need to retrieve information based on input parameters. Each table has about 3-4 million rows.

The table has columns like Commodity, Unit, Quantity, Value, Month, Country

A typical query I use to select data is "Select top 10 commodity , sum(value), sum(quantity) , column4, column5, column6 from table where month=xx and country=xxxx"

The column4 = (column2)/(total sum of value) and column 5=(column3)/(total sum of quantity). Column6=column5/column4.

It takes about 3-4 minutes for the query to complete and its a lot of time specially since I need to pull this information from a webpage.

I wanted to know if there is an alternate way to pull the data from server ?

I mean can I write a script that creates tables for all the input combinations i.e month x country (12x228) and save them in table (subtable-table) with a naming convention so from the web I can just pull the table with input parameters mapped to name convention and not running any runtime queries on database ??


Can I write a script that creates a html files for each table for all input combinations save them ?


Is there exists any other solution ?

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Large Tables In SQL 7.0

Jul 12, 2001

We currently have a data warehouse running on SQL 7.0, SP2. One of our primary fact tables is now well over 155 million rows in it. The table is not very wide, as it only contains 17 columns, most of which are defined as integers. The entire database is only 20 GB.

The issue is that the loads from the staging table to this fact table have significantly deteriorated over the last month or so, dropping from over 400 transactions per second to around 85. We drop all the indexes on the fact table before we load the data into it.

Are there issues with a manageable table size in SQL 7.0 that we need to be concerned about? And should we consider partitioning the table into several smaller tables and join them with a "union all" view?

I really need to get this performance issue resolved, as our IT support vendor is pushing us to port the data warehouse to UDB because they tell us that SQL server is not scalable enough to handle this volume of data.

Thanks for any help you can provide.

George M. Parker

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Large Tables

Aug 10, 2000


How can i partition the large tables so that the insert and updates which iam doing on the tables take less time.

I want to know how can i partition large tables and if i do that how is that the performance is going to be increased.


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Large Tables

Mar 13, 2001

How can I find largest 5 or 10 tables in a database?

Thanks in advance

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Searching In Large Tables........

Mar 7, 2007

Hi there,i am having some problem related to SQL server........ Actually i am having a table called ZipCodes that have around 80,000 rows... and the size of the table is around 100 MB...... and my table is now on web Server,.  now my problem is that when i fire some query that needs to go through whole of the table then it estimated time to execute the query comes to be 13 seconds and the corsor threshold is set to 7 seconds (and i can't change that)....... so the SQL server cancels the query to be fired........Now i need some Methodology/Technique through which i can search Large Tables with minimum calculations in minimum Time............(Any Ideas)....

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Mar 19, 2001

Is it possible to compress the large tables in the database,

like COMPRESS, ARCHIVE options we use to reduce the size of files
stored on any operating system.

I know there is a difference between the file stored on disk and the table created in the database, but currently I am facing space problems wherein, I have to manage my database within the space available, so please advice me if the option is available in SQL Server 6.5 or 7.
I will be happy if I get the solution immediatly as currently I am facing this problem and waiting for your reply.
Thank you

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Restore Two Tables From Large DB Into A New DB

Feb 12, 2008

I am fairly new to SQL, so please forgive me if my question is a bit elementary. I need to pull two individual tables out of a massive DB into a new DB for testing.

Thanks for the help.

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Manipulating Large Tables

Feb 15, 2008

I'm in the midst of a long file conversion job. Today I found that one of the tables (converted from csv) to be 6.7 million records. My sql script which I use to reconfigure the weird original date format, into something the rest of the planet uses, times out due to the size.

Does anyone please know of a file utility to automagically split sql server 2005 tables for later re-combining once my scripts have successfully completed their task on the smaller tables?

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Partioning Large Tables

Nov 14, 2007

I am making a warehouse managment system. The system will cotain much data, but only a small portion of the data will be accessed frequently. Most of the data will only be accessed seldomly, but the customer wants to keep all historic data (just in case they should need it sometime). I have figured I need to partion the tables somehow to keep what is fresh in one place, and historical data in another place. What is the best way to do this? I am thinking about making historical tables. For example I can have a table named PickList and another table named PickListHistorical. When a picklist is processed/complete I can move it over to the PicklistHistorical table, but when the users need to search for a specific picklist I have to look in both tables. I can ofcourse create a view for this to make it transparant. Sql server 2005 introduced some automatically partioning. Will it be better to use this than create my own historic tables? If so, can you please tell me how I do it?

Thank you!

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Comparing Large Tables

Oct 19, 2007

I've successfully created SSIS packages where I compare two tables in different databases on different servers. However, this is good enough to compare hundreds of thousands of records quickly. The process becomes a huge performance problem when trying to compare table differences when I'm looking at tables that each contain tens of millions of records.

One database is on a SQL 2005 box and the other DB is SQL 7.0 so the lookup component fails for this type of SQL Server. I've been implementing merge joins and conditional components to do my standard table comparisons.

Is there another way to implement this process or maybe partition it somehow to take pieces of the table at a time and compare them? I'm open to ideas.

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What Is Most Efficient Way To Use DataAdapters With Large SQL Tables

Jan 9, 2008

 I'm using DataAdapters with my SQL database with the intention of all the SELECT, UPDATE, INSERT, DELETE commands to be automatically generated.One table is huge so I'm wondering is it more efficient to "SELECT Top(1) * FROM hugetable" instead of  "SELECT * FROM hugetable" in order to facilitate the generation of commands.I hope this isn't too confusing.Thanks,Geoff  

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