Large Database, Slow Query Speed. Help!

May 29, 2008

Hi guys,

I am asking this question on behalf of a friend. I have little knowledge of SQL 2005 but my friend is quite knowledgeable, although this is the first time he is dealing with large database for a client. So here's the story.

His client has a database containing 1.5 million books. Now he is setting up a website which will enable users to search books. Searching by ISBN is no problem as it only takes 1 seconds. The problem is, searching by Title takes more than 20seconds, which is unacceptable. My friend has only done smaller database and he just recently thought of implementing indexing and now looking for other ideas.

Each row contains book details such as Title, Author1, Author2, Author3, Publisher, Publication Date, ISBN, etc.

Can anyone who are more experienced in doing large database share with me some design ideas? His client is aiming for 8seconds or less.

Thanks in advance!

View 14 Replies


Large Table/slow Query/ Can Performance Be Improved?

Jul 20, 2005

I am having performance issues on a SQL query in Access. My query isaccessing and joining several tables (one very large one). The tables arelinked ODBC. The client submits the query to the server, separated byseveral states. It appears the query is retrieving gigs of data from thetable and processing the joins on the client. Is there away to perform moreof the work on the server there by minimizing the amount of extraneous tabledata moving across the network and improving performance (woefully slowabout 6 hours)?

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Fulltext Large (500.000) Count Query Performace Too Slow

Feb 14, 2008


I am with the response time for a simple count on a fulltext search that is too slow.

Even using the most simple query on a good server (64 bit Dual Opteron 4GB Ram with high speed 16 raid disk storage)):

select count(*) from content_books where contains(searchData,'"english"')
Takes 4 seconds to count the avg 500.000 resultsI have removed all the joins with real table data so that the query is only inside the fulltext engine..

I would expect this to be down to 4 milli seconds. Isn't it just getting the size of the "english" word result index?

It seems the engine is going through all the results because if a do a more complex search that returns less results the performance is better.

Any clues of how to do this faster? I never read the thousands of records BUT i need to count them...

Thank you very much.

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Select Statement Is Very Slow - How Can I Speed This Up?

Nov 14, 2007

The following stored procedure is run whenever someone searches my database.  When I first created the site, this search took less than 3 seconds.  Now, there is more data in the system and the search is taking over 30 seconds.
I am not very good with SQL and I'm sure I am doing some dumb things.  Is there a better way to write this query to speed things up?
Thanks a lot,
-- =============================================
-- Author:Chris Messineo
-- Create date: 4/27/2007
-- Description:Get Search
-- =============================================
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[Search]
@Keyword as varchar(40)=NULL
Join Contest on (Script.ContestID=Contest.ContestID)
Join ScriptComment on (Script.ScriptID=ScriptComment.ScriptID)
Join Member on (Script.MemberID=Member.MemberID)
(Title like '%' + COALESCE(@Keyword, Title) + '%' or
Logline like '%' + COALESCE(@Keyword, Logline) + '%' or
Comments like '%' + COALESCE(@Keyword, Comments) + '%')

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Low Process Speed Large Scale Storage Question...

Nov 2, 2006

Hi,I'm implementing mass information procedures that is stored in a SQL Database.What methods and actions i need to take in order for the process to be faster in a case like this (its more then 1000000 rows).I'm trying also to improve the memory usage since i use the DataTable in C# and I'm looking for a better way to process the retrieved data. is there a better class or method thats improving the speed and preventing any memory leaks ?please advise....Thanks for any help,Lior S  ;)

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SQL Server 2008 :: Speed Up Text Search In Large Result Set?

Jul 14, 2015

I have a query below which filters detail field in the #TempLogins table. The details field is a text field which contains many types of text strings, some containing urls that have parts like "ResultID=5" which is what is contained in the ResultIDSearch and ResultSetIDSearch fields. The records with entries like "ResultID=5" are the ones I'm trying to filter for.

The problem I have is that the query takes way too long to run. The TempLogin table has around 200 K records and the TempSearch table has around 80 K records.

select * from #TempLogins a where exists
(select 1 from #TempSearch t1 where
a.detail like '%' + t1.ResultIDSearch + '%'
a.detail like '%' + t1.ResultSetIDSearch + '%')

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Slow ADO Connection Speed Vista Vs XP To SQL2005 / Server 2003

Jan 31, 2008

I have an application written in VB6 that creates a ADO connection using the (native SQL2005 clien)t from the client to SQLServer 2005 on Server 2003 configured as a stand alone server. The application works great on XP and has for a number of years.

Now I am attempting to deploy in Vista and using the same code the connection speed CRAWLS. it's in the magnitude of atleast 10 times slower. It eventualy works but the selects and doing a readnext against the resulting record set is at a snails pace.

What am I missing. It's has to be some sort of configuration problem somewhere.

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Slow Inserts Into Large Tables

Nov 29, 2000

We are inserting into a table, which includes an identity primary key column. When the table gets really large (i.e. 1.5 million records), the performance of the inserts reduce.

I noticed that when we insert into the table an exclusive lock on the table is obtained. Do inserts into tables with identities always lock the table?

Given the table size is unavoidable, does anyone have a suggestion to improve the performance?


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Large Table, Really Slow Queries

Jul 26, 2007

I'm working with a table with about 60 million records. This monster is growing every minute of the day as well, by 200,000 - 300,000 records/day. It's 11 columns wide, and has one index on a datetime column. My task is to create some custom reports based on three of these columns, including the datetime one.

The problem is response time. Any query executed on this table takes forever--anywhere between 30 seconds and 4 minutes. Queries such as this one below, as simple as it is, can take a minute or more:

count(dt_date) as Searches

As the table gets larger and large, the response time is going to get worse and worse. Long story short, what are my options to get the speed of queries down to just a few seconds with a table this big? So far the best I can come up with is index any other appropriate columns (of which there is one for sure, maybe two).

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Large FullText Tables - Slow Queries

May 31, 2007


I currently have a large table (35 million rows, over 80GB). I have one varchar(max) column on the table that is used in the fulltext index.

To query the complete index is fast, for example:

SELECT 'ipod', COUNT(*)

FROM CONTAINSTABLE(MyDB.dbo.Contents, [Body], 'ipod') CT

This took 70 seconds (which I can live with). However, I seldom run queries like this, most are more like:

SELECT 'ipod', COUNT(*)

FROM CONTAINSTABLE(MyDB.dbo.Contents, [Body], 'ipod') CT

JOIN Pages ITP ON ITP.PageID = CT.[Key]



WHERE ITB.ID IN (1342,246)

These queries are much slower (this example took 17 minutes). I understand that FT searches the index and returns all rows that match the query to SQL. SQL then performs the joins and counts only the correct results. (Correct me if I'm wrong here).

One solution I've seen to this to put data or "tags" into the FT column - so my Body column would become something like:

'{ID:1342}' + [Body]

That sounds like a very good idea. I could then change the 2nd query above to be:

SELECT 'ipod', COUNT(*)

FROM CONTAINSTABLE(MyDB.dbo.Contents, [Body], '("ID:1342" OR "ID:246") AND "ipod"') CT

That all works well until I want to select 1000 different ID's because the FT query will become very long and complex. Also I'm only including one column (ID) in this example - but I have about 7 or 8 columns that I would need to include in these "tags". Quering multiple columns become very complex quickly and no doubt I will reach a query limit at somepoint.

If anyone has any other suggestions to the above I'd love to hear them. Another thought I'm having is to partition the table. I can find very little online about how FT behaves on partitioned tables - I fear it behaves exactly the same, what I'd like to think is that I could partition the table on an ID say 100 per partition or something, and then fulltext would only search the relevant partitions. If it behaves like this it may work. If no-one knows then I'll give it ago, but this will take me a while due to the table size - so I'm hoping one of you clever lot know!

Many thanks for any advice.


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SQL Server 2012 :: Asynchronous Cursor Population Slow For Large Result Sets

Jul 2, 2015

so async cursor population is supposed to create the cursor and return the cursor id quickly, while the server works on async populating the results. For a keyset-driven cursor, SQL Server stores the key sets in tempdb, which it then uses to fetch data for cursor results. Anyway, this works fine for smaller tables, but I'm finding for large result sets, the async cursor population is very slow and indeed seems to approximate synchronous time. The wait stat I get while it is running (supposedly asynchronously) is TRANSACTION_MUTEX.

--enable async cursor
exec dbo.sp_configure 'cursor threshold', 0; reconfigure;
declare @cursor int, @stmt nvarchar(max), @scrollopt int, @ccopt int, @rowcount int;
--example of giant result set
set @stmt = 'select * from sys.all_objects o1, sys.all_objects o1';


Note that using the SQL "select * from sys.all_objects o1" is much faster than "select * from sys.all_objects o1, sys.all_objects o2". However, if cursor population is async, I'd expect the time to return a cursor id to be similar between the two.

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¿What Improves SQL Server Performance? HD Speed, Processor Speed Or Ram?

Oct 18, 2007


I have several data bases on a server (SQL Server 2000 only, no web server installed) and lately, as the company keeps gowing, my users complain saying the server gets slow, (this dbs are well designed and recieve optimizations and integrity checks, etc) because of this, Im thinking about getting a new server to repleace my old ProLiant ML 330 which was bought 4 years ago but Im concerned about what server arquitecture or characteristic can help me best to improve response performance, is it HD speed? Processor speed? or more Ram? I want to make a good decision, so I´d really appreciate your help...

Thanks, Luis Luevano

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Speed Up Query

Jan 17, 2007

Can anyone tell me a way to speed up these querys?
//This is selecting a number of records (sent by user) from a table and randomizing those
tempSQL.Text = "select top " + amount.Text + " number from [" + src.Text + "] Where pull='N' order by newID()";
SqlConnection conn2 = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["MyDB"].ConnectionString);
SqlCommand cmd3 = new SqlCommand(tempSQL.Text, conn2);
cmd3.CommandTimeout = 1000;
SqlDataReader dr = cmd3.ExecuteReader();
//Then I open a data reader that uses the records
SqlConnection conn2a = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["MyDB"].ConnectionString);
while (dr.Read())
//the records are then placed 1 by one into a temp table
string fillresultID = "Insert into [" + src.Text + "_Additional_Temp] (number) Values('" + dr["number"] + "')";
SqlCommand cmd4 = new SqlCommand(fillresultID, conn2a);
cmd4.CommandTimeout = 0;
//then the original table that held the numbers is marked as used(again one by one)
string update = "Update [" + src.Text + "] set pull='Y' where number='" + dr["number"] + "'";
SqlCommand cmd5 = new SqlCommand(update, conn2a);
cmd5.CommandTimeout = 0;

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How Can I Speed Up This Query

Apr 22, 2008

Hi, how can i speed up this query, it seems to be taking a very long time to bring back the reults;
--This stored procedure retrieves access rights for usersCREATE PROCEDURE wc_User_Access_Right_List 
ASSELECT      dbo.tblRep.Rep_ID, RTRIM(dbo.tblRep.Rep_Forename) + ' ' + RTRIM(dbo.tblRep.Rep_Surname) AS User_Full_Name, dbo.tblAccessRight.Access_Right, dbo.tblAccessRight.Access_Right_IDFROM         dbo.tblRep LEFT OUTER JOIN                      dbo.tblAccessRight ON dbo.tblRep.Access_Right_ID = dbo.tblAccessRight.Access_Right_ID ORDER BY User_Full_Name
--Make sure this has saved, if not return 10 as this is unexpected error
IF @@rowcount = 0 return 10 
DECLARE @RETURN_VALUE tinyintIF @@error <>0 RETURN @@errorGO

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Query Speed

May 20, 2008

I am working with some third party software and trying to rebuild my own queries for my own reports but using the business logic that is behind their queries so that I can be sure the numbers still match up and are useable. The reports in the third party software seem to be built on the fly as I am finding when I run sql profiler because there are no stored procedures. I have a query which returns a basic result set but it takes 52 seconds to get it back and I feel like that is way to long for such a simple result set of returning a count by location. The query creates a few temporary tables and combines and updates some data. I want to update this query to make it faster but am not sure of the best approach to take. The temporary tables create alot of columns that I am not even going to need in the final result set or the update statements so I thought by removing some it would help. I am going to paste in the original query and if anyone has any ideas to make this more up to date with sql 2005 standards and just faster please feel free to let me know. Thanks! :)

(practice_id char(4) null, location_id uniqueidentifier null, rendering_id uniqueidentifier null, service_item_id char(12) null, service_item_lib_id uniqueidentifier null, service_item_desc varchar(80) null, cpt4_code_id char(12) null, charge_amt numeric(19,2) null, quantity dec(19,2) null, begin_date_of_service char(8) null, closing_date char(8) null, create_timestamp datetime null, rvu1 float null, rvu1_total float null, rvu2 float null, rvu2_total float null, rvu3 float null, rvu3_total float null, rvu4 float null, rvu4_total float null, end_date_of_service char(8) null, midlevel_id uniqueidentifier null, unit_price numeric(19,2) null, override_ind char(1) null, modifier_1 char(2) null, modifier_2 char(2) null, modifier_3 char(2) null, modifier_4 char(2) null, link_id uniqueidentifier null, source_id uniqueidentifier null, enc_nbr numeric null, source_type char(1) null, name varchar(150) null, person_id uniqueidentifier null, date_of_birth char(8) null, patient_age char(8) null, address_line_1 varchar(55) null, address_line_2 varchar(55) null, city varchar(35) null, state varchar(3) null, zip char(9) null, country_id uniqueidentifier null, county_id uniqueidentifier null, county_desc varchar(100) null, sex char(1) null, sex_desc varchar(30) null, batch_info varchar(40) null, override_closing_date char(8) null, ud_demo1_id uniqueidentifier null, ud_demo2_id uniqueidentifier null, ud_demo3_id uniqueidentifier null, ud_demo4_id uniqueidentifier null, ud_demo5_id uniqueidentifier null, ud_demo6_id uniqueidentifier null, ud_demo7_id uniqueidentifier null, ud_demo8_id uniqueidentifier null, ud_demo9_id uniqueidentifier null, ud_demo10_id uniqueidentifier null, icd9cm_code_id varchar(10) null, icd9cm_code_id_2 varchar(10) null, icd9cm_code_id_3 varchar(10) null, icd9cm_code_id_4 varchar(10) null, icd9cm_code_desc varchar(255) null, icd9cm_code_desc_2 varchar(255) null, icd9cm_code_desc_3 varchar(255) null, icd9cm_code_desc_4 varchar(255) null, quadrant char(2) null, tooth char(2) null, surface_description varchar(200) null, form char(4) null, fin_class_id uniqueidentifier, person_payer_id uniqueidentifier, department_id uniqueidentifier, outsource_ind char(1) null, outsource_date char(8) null, outsource_agency_id uniqueidentifier, outsource_agency_desc varchar(40) null, fqhc_enc_ind char(1) null, fin_class varchar(100) null, payer_name varchar(40) null, person_nbr char(12) null, pat_prov_name_1 varchar(75), pat_prov_name_2 varchar(75), pat_prov_name_3 varchar(75), pat_prov_name_4 varchar(75), pat_prov_name_5 varchar(75), pat_prov_name_6 varchar(75), pat_prov_name_7 varchar(75), pat_prov_name_8 varchar(75), pat_prov_name_9 varchar(75), pat_prov_name_10 varchar(75), pat_prov_name_11 varchar(75), pat_prov_name_12 varchar(75))

(practice_id, source_id, source_type, location_id, rendering_id, service_item_id, service_item_lib_id, cpt4_code_id, charge_amt, quantity, begin_date_of_service, closing_date, create_timestamp, rvu1_total, rvu2_total, rvu3_total, rvu4_total, end_date_of_service, modifier_1, modifier_2, modifier_3, modifier_4, midlevel_id, unit_price, override_ind, link_id, person_id, override_closing_date, batch_info, icd9cm_code_id, icd9cm_code_id_2, icd9cm_code_id_3, icd9cm_code_id_4, icd9cm_code_desc, icd9cm_code_desc_2, icd9cm_code_desc_3, icd9cm_code_desc_4, quadrant, tooth, surface_description, form, fin_class_id, person_payer_id, outsource_ind, outsource_date, outsource_agency_id, fqhc_enc_ind)

SELECT c.practice_id, c.source_id, c.source_type, c.location_id, c.rendering_id, c.service_item_id, c.service_item_lib_id, c.cpt4_code_id, amt, quantity, begin_date_of_service, closing_date, c.create_timestamp, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, end_date_of_service, c.modifier_1, c.modifier_2, modifier_3, modifier_4, midlevel_id, unit_price, override_ind, link_id, c.person_id, override_closing_date, batch_info, c.icd9cm_code_id, c.icd9cm_code_id_2, c.icd9cm_code_id_3, c.icd9cm_code_id_4, icd9cm_code_desc, icd9cm_code_desc_2, icd9cm_code_desc_3, icd9cm_code_desc_4, quadrant, tooth, surface_description, c.form, p.financial_class, pe.cob1_person_payer_id, outsource_ind, outsource_date, outsource_agency_id, pe.fqhc_enc_ind

FROM charges c, patient_encounter pe, payer_mstr p

WHERE source_type = 'V' and c.practice_id = pe.practice_id and c.source_id = pe.enc_id and pe.cob1_payer_id = p.payer_id and begin_date_of_service >= '20080401' and begin_date_of_service < '20080501' and (c.link_id is null) AND c.practice_id = '0001'

(practice_id, source_id, source_type, location_id, rendering_id, service_item_id, service_item_lib_id, cpt4_code_id, charge_amt, quantity, begin_date_of_service, closing_date, create_timestamp, rvu1_total, rvu2_total, rvu3_total, rvu4_total, end_date_of_service, modifier_1, modifier_2, modifier_3, modifier_4, midlevel_id, unit_price, override_ind, link_id, person_id, override_closing_date, batch_info, icd9cm_code_id, icd9cm_code_id_2, icd9cm_code_id_3, icd9cm_code_id_4, icd9cm_code_desc, icd9cm_code_desc_2, icd9cm_code_desc_3, icd9cm_code_desc_4, quadrant, tooth, surface_description, form, outsource_ind, outsource_date, outsource_agency_id, fqhc_enc_ind) SELECT c.practice_id, c.source_id, c.source_type, c.location_id, c.rendering_id, c.service_item_id, c.service_item_lib_id, c.cpt4_code_id, amt, quantity, begin_date_of_service, closing_date, c.create_timestamp, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, end_date_of_service, c.modifier_1, c.modifier_2, modifier_3, modifier_4, midlevel_id, unit_price, override_ind, link_id, c.person_id, override_closing_date, batch_info, c.icd9cm_code_id, c.icd9cm_code_id_2, c.icd9cm_code_id_3, c.icd9cm_code_id_4, icd9cm_code_desc, icd9cm_code_desc_2, icd9cm_code_desc_3, icd9cm_code_desc_4, quadrant, tooth, surface_description, c.form, outsource_ind, outsource_date, outsource_agency_id, pe.fqhc_enc_ind FROM charges c, patient_encounter pe

WHERE source_type = 'V' and c.practice_id = pe.practice_id and c.source_id = pe.enc_id and pe.cob1_person_payer_id is null and begin_date_of_service >= '20080401' and begin_date_of_service < '20080501' and (c.link_id is null) AND c.practice_id = '0001'

(practice_id, source_id, source_type, location_id, rendering_id, service_item_id, service_item_lib_id, cpt4_code_id, charge_amt, quantity, begin_date_of_service, closing_date, create_timestamp, rvu1_total, rvu2_total, rvu3_total, rvu4_total, end_date_of_service, modifier_1, modifier_2, modifier_3, modifier_4, midlevel_id, unit_price, override_ind, link_id, person_id, override_closing_date, batch_info, icd9cm_code_id, icd9cm_code_id_2, icd9cm_code_id_3, icd9cm_code_id_4, icd9cm_code_desc, icd9cm_code_desc_2, icd9cm_code_desc_3, icd9cm_code_desc_4, quadrant, tooth, surface_description, form, outsource_ind)

SELECT c.practice_id, c.source_id, c.source_type, c.location_id, c.rendering_id, c.service_item_id, c.service_item_lib_id, c.cpt4_code_id, amt, quantity, begin_date_of_service, closing_date, c.create_timestamp, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000, end_date_of_service, c.modifier_1, c.modifier_2, modifier_3, modifier_4, midlevel_id, unit_price, override_ind, link_id, c.person_id, override_closing_date, batch_info, c.icd9cm_code_id, c.icd9cm_code_id_2, c.icd9cm_code_id_3, c.icd9cm_code_id_4, icd9cm_code_desc, icd9cm_code_desc_2, icd9cm_code_desc_3, icd9cm_code_desc_4, quadrant, tooth, surface_description, c.form, c.outsource_ind FROM charges c

WHERE source_type = 'I' and begin_date_of_service >= '20080401' and begin_date_of_service < '20080501' and (c.link_id is null) AND c.practice_id = '0001'

SET name = isnull(per.last_name,'') + ', ' + isnull(per.first_name,'') + ' ' + isnull(per.middle_name,''), date_of_birth = per.date_of_birth, patient_age = per.date_of_birth, city =, zip =, country_id = per.country_id, sex =, address_line_1 = per.address_line_1, address_line_2 = per.address_line_2, state = per.state, county_id = per.county_id, person_nbr = per.person_nbr
FROM person per
WHERE #FI28EF3WE3DN.person_id = per.person_id

SET name =, city =, zip =, address_line_1 = emp.address_line_1, address_line_2 = emp.address_line_2, state = emp.state, county_id = emp.county_id
FROM invoices inv, accounts ac, employer_mstr emp
WHERE #FI28EF3WE3DN.source_type = 'I' and #FI28EF3WE3DN.practice_id = inv.practice_id and #FI28EF3WE3DN.source_id = inv.invoice_id and inv.practice_id = ac.practice_id and inv.acct_id = ac.acct_id and ac.guar_type = 'E' and ac.guar_id = emp.employer_id

(practice_id char(4) null, location_id uniqueidentifier null, practice_name varchar(40) null, location_desc varchar(40) null, rendering_id uniqueidentifier null, attend_first_name varchar(25) null, attend_middle_name varchar(25) null, attend_last_name varchar(25) null, service_item_id char(12) null, service_item_desc varchar(80) null, cpt4_code_id char(12) null, cpt4_desc varchar(50) null, charge_amt numeric(19,2) null, quantity dec(19,2) null, begin_date_of_service char(8) null, closing_date char(8) null, create_timestamp datetime null, rvu1 float null, rvu1_total float null, rvu2 float null, rvu2_total float null, rvu3 float null, rvu3_total float null, rvu4 float null, rvu4_total float null, end_date_of_service char(8) null, midlevel_id uniqueidentifier null, unit_price numeric(19,2) null, override_ind char(1) null, modifier_1 char(2) null, modifier_2 char(2) null, modifier_3 char(2) null, modifier_4 char(2) null, link_id uniqueidentifier null, mid_last_name varchar(25) NULL, mid_first_name varchar(25) NULL, mid_middle_name varchar(25) NULL, link_ind char(1) null, name varchar(150) null, date_of_birth char(8) null, patient_age char(8) null, address_line_1 varchar(55) null, address_line_2 varchar(55) null, city varchar(35) null, state varchar(3) null, zip char(9) null, country_id uniqueidentifier null, county_id uniqueidentifier null, county_desc varchar(100) null, sex char(1) null, sex_desc varchar(30) null, batch_info varchar(40) null, override_closing_date char(8) null, location_subgrouping1_id uniqueidentifier null, location_subgrouping1_desc varchar(100) null, location_subgrouping2_id uniqueidentifier null, location_subgrouping2_desc varchar(100) null, provider_subgrp1_id uniqueidentifier null, provider_subgrp1_desc varchar(100) null, provider_subgrp2_id uniqueidentifier null, provider_subgrp2_desc varchar(100) null, ud_demo1_id uniqueidentifier null, ud_demo1 char(100) null, ud_demo2_id uniqueidentifier null, ud_demo2 char(100) null, ud_demo3_id uniqueidentifier null, ud_demo3 char(100) null, ud_demo4_id uniqueidentifier null, ud_demo4 char(100) null, ud_demo5_id uniqueidentifier null, ud_demo5 char(100) null, ud_demo6_id uniqueidentifier null, ud_demo6 char(100) null, ud_demo7_id uniqueidentifier null, ud_demo7 char(100) null, ud_demo8_id uniqueidentifier null, ud_demo8 char(100) null, ud_demo9_id uniqueidentifier null, ud_demo9 char(100) null, ud_demo10_id uniqueidentifier null, ud_demo10 char(100) null, icd9cm_code_id varchar(10) null, icd9cm_code_id_2 varchar(10) null, icd9cm_code_id_3 varchar(10) null, icd9cm_code_id_4 varchar(10) null, icd9cm_code_desc varchar(100) null, icd9cm_code_desc_2 varchar(100) null, icd9cm_code_desc_3 varchar(100) null, icd9cm_code_desc_4 varchar(100) null, quadrant char(2) null, tooth char(2) null, form char(4) null, quad_desc varchar(200) null, tooth_desc varchar(200) null, surface_description varchar(200) null, form_desc varchar(200) null, department_id uniqueidentifier, fin_class varchar(100) null, payer_name varchar(40) null, department varchar(100) null, outsource_ind char(1) null, outsource_date char(8) null, outsource_agency_desc varchar(40) null, fqhc_enc_ind char(1) null, person_nbr char(12) null, pat_prov_name_1 varchar(75), pat_prov_name_2 varchar(75), pat_prov_name_3 varchar(75), pat_prov_name_4 varchar(75), pat_prov_name_5 varchar(75), pat_prov_name_6 varchar(75), pat_prov_name_7 varchar(75), pat_prov_name_8 varchar(75), pat_prov_name_9 varchar(75), pat_prov_name_10 varchar(75), pat_prov_name_11 varchar(75), pat_prov_name_12 varchar(75))

(practice_id, location_id, rendering_id, service_item_id, service_item_desc, cpt4_code_id, charge_amt, quantity, begin_date_of_service, closing_date, create_timestamp, rvu1, rvu1_total, rvu2, rvu2_total, rvu3, rvu3_total, rvu4, rvu4_total, end_date_of_service, modifier_1, modifier_2, modifier_3, modifier_4, midlevel_id, unit_price, override_ind, link_id, name, date_of_birth, patient_age, address_line_1, address_line_2, city, state, zip, country_id, county_id, sex, override_closing_date, batch_info, ud_demo1_id, ud_demo2_id, ud_demo3_id, ud_demo4_id, ud_demo5_id, ud_demo6_id, ud_demo7_id, ud_demo8_id, ud_demo9_id, ud_demo10_id, icd9cm_code_id, icd9cm_code_id_2, icd9cm_code_id_3, icd9cm_code_id_4, icd9cm_code_desc, icd9cm_code_desc_2, icd9cm_code_desc_3, icd9cm_code_desc_4, quadrant, tooth, surface_description, form, department_id, outsource_ind, outsource_date, outsource_agency_desc, fqhc_enc_ind, fin_class, payer_name, person_nbr, pat_prov_name_1, pat_prov_name_2, pat_prov_name_3, pat_prov_name_4, pat_prov_name_5, pat_prov_name_6, pat_prov_name_7, pat_prov_name_8, pat_prov_name_9, pat_prov_name_10, pat_prov_name_11, pat_prov_name_12)

SELECT practice_id, location_id, rendering_id, null , null , null , sum(isnull(charge_amt,0)), sum(isnull(quantity,0)), begin_date_of_service, null , null , null , sum(isnull(rvu1_total,0)), null , sum(isnull(rvu2_total,0)), null , sum(isnull(rvu3_total,0)), null , sum(isnull(rvu4_total,0)), null , null , null , null , null , null , null , null , null , name, date_of_birth, null , null , null , null , null , null , null , null , null , null , null , null , null , null , null , null , null , null , null , null , null , null , null , null , null , null , null , null , null , null , null , null , null , null , null , null , null , null , null , null , null , null , null , null , null , null , null , null , null , null , null , null , null

FROM #FI28EF3WE3DN group by practice_id, location_id, rendering_id, begin_date_of_service, name, date_of_birth


SET attend_first_name = pm.first_name, attend_middle_name = pm.middle_name, attend_last_name = pm.last_name, provider_subgrp1_id = pm.provider_subgrouping1_id, provider_subgrp2_id = pm.provider_subgrouping2_id FROM provider_mstr pm

WHERE #GP28EF3WE3DQ.rendering_id = pm.provider_id

SET practice_name = p.practice_name FROM practice p
WHERE #GP28EF3WE3DQ.practice_id = p.practice_id

SET location_desc = l.location_name, location_subgrouping1_id = l.location_subgrouping1_id, location_subgrouping2_id = l.location_subgrouping2_id
FROM location_mstr l
WHERE #GP28EF3WE3DQ.location_id = l.location_id

UPDATE #GP28EF3WE3DQ SET link_ind = 'Y'
WHERE link_id is not null


SET #GP28EF3WE3DQ.department = ml.mstr_list_item_desc
FROM mstr_lists ml
WHERE #GP28EF3WE3DQ.department_id = ml.mstr_list_item_id and mstr_list_type = 'department'

SET county_desc = ml.mstr_list_item_desc
FROM mstr_lists ml
WHERE #GP28EF3WE3DQ.county_id = ml.mstr_list_item_id and ml.mstr_list_type = 'county'

select location_desc,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null, count(*) from #GP28EF3WE3DQ GROUP BY location_desc Order By location_desc

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Need To Speed Up Query.

Jul 20, 2005

OK Guys. I'm fed up of the query below taking too much time. I CANTchange the query since it is generated by a 3rd party product. I canchange indexes and add new indexes though.The schema of the tables is given below. The most expensive operationis a bookmark lookup on VGNCCB_ROLE_JT. I created the speed_up_loginindex as a covering index to cover thequery but that has not seemed to help.Any ideas, suggestions are most welcome ....selectROLE_ID,NAME,DESCRIPTION,CREATE_DATE,MODIFIED_DATEFROMvign.VGNCCB_ROLEWHEREROLE_ID in (select ROLE_IDFROMvign.VGNCCB_ROLE_JTWHEREUSER_NAME = 'XXXX' or GROUP_ID in (select GROUP_IDFROMvign.VGNCCB_GROUP_USER_JTWHEREUSER_NAME = 'XXXX) )************************************************** ************VGNCCB_ROLE_JTColumn_nameTypeIDintROLE_IDintUSER_NAMEnvarcharGROUP_IDintPK__VGNCCB_ROLE_JT__218BE82Bclustered, unique, primary key located onPRIMARYIDspeed_up_loginnonclustered located on PRIMARYUSER_NAME, GROUP_ID,ROLE_IDVGNCCB_ROLE_JT_INDEX1nonclustered located on PRIMARYUSER_NAMEVGNCCB_ROLE_JT_INDEX2nonclustered located on PRIMARYGROUP_ID************************************************** *************VGNCCB_GROUP_USER_JTColumn_nameTypeComputedLengthPrecScaleNullableTrimTrailingBlanksFixedLenNullInSourceCollationIDintGROUP_IDintUSER_NAMEnvarcharPK__VGNCCB_GROUP_USE__1DBB5747clustered, unique, primary key locatedon PRIMARYIDVGNCCB_GROUP_USER_JT_INDEX1nonclustered located on PRIMARYGROUP_IDVGNCCB_GROUP_USER_JT_INDEX2nonclustered located on PRIMARYUSER_NAME************************************************** *****************

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Please Help Speed Up My Query!

Jul 20, 2005

Hi there,had to rush some sql and am now going back to it due to a slow dbperformance. I have a db for sales leads and have created 3 views basedon the data I need to produce.However one o the views, which has subqueries to the other views is VERYslow and it needs to be speeded up, but am unsure how, can anyonehelp... below is the sql?SELECT CGAMain.CGAMainId,CGAMain.Salutation,CGAMain.First Name,CGAMain.LastName,CGAMain.Salutation2,CGAMain.First Name2,CGAMain.LastName2,cgamain.telephone,CGAMain.[Post Code],other.dbo.users.UserName, other.dbo.agents.[agent_name],LEADSTATUS.CURRENTSTATUS,leadstatus.activestatus,L eadstatus.[noanswer],CGAMain.rescode,Agent_displayname As 'Called By'FROM Leadstatus INNER JOIN CGAMain ON Leadstatus.CGAMainId =CGAMain.CGAmainIdINNER JOIN other.dbo.users ON Leadstatus.LTAid = other.dbo.users.userrefINNER JOIN other.dbo.agents ON Leadstatus.agentid = other.dbo.agents.idWHERE(StatusAssigned = 1)AND (leadstatus.activestatus = 'Active')please help???*** Sent via Developersdex ***Don't just participate in USENET...get rewarded for it!

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Query Speed

May 25, 2006

I am facing some strange query speed problem. I have a ASP form that query SQL Express base on date and branchID. I get different speed in result for different date. Even using CTP to check, I have the following problem, so it can not be the ASP problem:

1) on my May 20th version database on a particular date eg May18, if I query on all branch ie, no restriction on branchID, then the query is fast (3 sec), but if I query on one particular branch, it can take 3mins.

2) on the same query with the selected branch base on May 18 date as above, I run the query on May 18th backup database, the query run at 3sec. Speed different!

3) On query base on same selected branch, I search base on date May 10, 11, both query run about 3 min in 18th and 20th database. Strange!

I could not understand this strange query speed different. Anyone has encounter this strange thing?


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How To Speed Up The Query

Apr 21, 2008

I am doing a query on SQL Server that is taking so long because of the huge no. of records being fetched. I'm already using stored procedures. I'm trying to avoid using these:

select * from table limit 1000


select top 1000 from table

The above methods require a trip to the sql server every time the next batch is fetched. Is there a way to do just one trip to the server but enable me to show some records while the rest are still being fetched? In other words, if I'm getting a million records, can I show a thousand to the user while waiting for the rest? When I do a query in SQL server management studio, it shows me some records immediately while the rest are still being fetched. Is there a way in C# (code behind) to get these first batch of records from sql server before it finish getting all the records? This way, the first batch of records can be shown in a Datagrid already and then later update the Datagrid when all the records are in.
Thanks in advance.

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Sql Query Execution Speed

Sep 25, 2000


Is there anything to be gained in a single table query by using :

tablename.columnname1, tablename.columnname2 etc

vs just columnname1,columnname2 ?


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Improving The Speed Of A LIKE Query

May 16, 2007

Hi all,

My colleague and I are having some difficulties regarding the speed of a LIKE query on our intranet system. Please see the quote below as posted on another SQL forum (To which no one has responded yet ).

Quote: Howdy,

I've taken control of an SQL Database with an ASP front end. The CPU usage of the SQL Server process periodically jumps up to between 75-99%. I've managed to identify the ASP page that is causing it and it's a search page.

It's basically doing something like this:

SELECT JobNumber, CustomerName, CustomerAddress, CustomerPostCode
FROM Customers
WHERE CustomerName LIKE '%query%'
OR CustomerAddress LIKE '%query%'
OR CustomerPostCode LIKE '%query%'

Where query is the value the user has searched on.

The CustomerName and CustomerPostCode fields are varchar fields, but the CustomerAddress field is a text field.

I know if I replace the CustomerAddress text field with a series of varchar fields then I could make them non-clustered indexes, but would this help speed things up with a LIKE query?

There's a lot of work required on the ASP side if I'm going to split the field out, so I only want to do it if I'm gonna get a significant benefit from doing it.

Failing this, is there a better way of performing a search like this?

Any help is much appreciated,


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How To Speed Up The Query Execution In Sp.

Aug 21, 2004


I am using a store procedure and in this sp i am having a simple select statement. Now i found that when i executes this sp in query analyzer it takes about 8-10 min to show the output. Table is having thousands of records. I can rebuild indexes on table, but apart from this what else i can do to speed up the query.

I know there is something like we can use indexes explicitly in sql query. Is it true? if yes plz show me how to use it, by giving example

Also is there any other way to run the query much faster.

Plz help me, its very urgent

Thanks And Regards,

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Query Execution Speed

Jul 23, 2005

Hi there - i'm hoping someone can help me!I'm having a problem with a live database that i'm running on MSDE - Itseems to have slowed down quite considerably from the test environment(even when all the data is the same). The is notably different on oneparticular query that takes 1 sec on the test machine and almost 1 minon the live machineThe total number of user connections on the live machine is normally 4or so (found out through the Performance monitor). So I can't see thatit's MSDE's performance throttler...Has anybody got any ideas on things i can check for??Many thanksJames

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Low Query Excuting Speed

Dec 14, 2006

Some time I get delay in running particular querry.I check in my App and also in sql visual stodiu.I'm using sqlexpress edition.If I use Sql developer does speed go up?

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Does It Store All The Results To Tempdb Database When I Query Against A Large Table Which Joins Another Table?

Jun 25, 2007

Hi, all experts here,

I am wondering if tempdb stores all results tempararily whenever I query a large fact table with over 4 million records which joins another dimension table? Since each time when I run the query, the tempdb grows to nearly 1GB which nearly runs out all the space on my local system drive, as a result the performance totally down. Is there any way to fix this problem? Thanks a lot in advance and I am looking forward to hearing from you shortly for your kind advices.

With best regards,

Yours sincerely,

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Is Order By Affect The Query Speed

Aug 7, 2007


I have a query that insert insert into new table , and then i select from this table,

if i add ORDER BY in the INSERT INTO script , does it affect the speed of the SELECT

i have big table that take about 70 sec

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Compressed Folder && Query Speed

Nov 23, 2005

One way to save storage space is to put the SQL data files into a compressedfile. Has anyone got any idea how this will affect the query speed?

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Does 'Group By' Affect The Query Speed?

Nov 16, 2006

i have a table such sa below:

Name1, Name2, Name3, Nam4, C1, C2,.., C100

and in this table, i have found index for Name1-Nam4,

i don't why sql below is very slow?

Name1, sum(C1), ...., Sum(C100)
Name1, Name2, sum(C1) as C1, ...., Sum(C100) as C100
Name1, Name2, Name3, sum(C1) as C1, ...., Sum(C100) as C100
Name1, Name2, Name3, Name4, C1, ...., C100
group by Name1, Name2, Name3, Name4
) as T
group by Name1, Name2, Nam3
) as T
group by Name1, Name2
) as T
group by Name1

Does 'Group By' affect the speed of query?

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How To Speed Up Database

Nov 8, 2006

I have database that contains over 500000 rows. The speed of data excution is extremely slow. Is there any way to speed up the operation?


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Query Speed From ISQL/w For 15000 Records

Oct 27, 2000

The simple 'select' from ISQL/W is taking more than 2 mins. for getting 20000 records. Is it normal?
The time that is shown at bottom of window is the correct measure of response time or is there any other way?


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Query Optimization: CPU Speed Or Logical Reads Better?

Dec 12, 2005

How do I determine which method I should use ifI want to optimize the performance of a database.I took Northwind's database to run my example.My query is I want to retrieve the Employees' Firstand Last Names that sold between $100,000 and$200,000.First let me create a function that takes the EmployeeIDas the input parameter and returns the Employee'sFirst and Last name:CREATE FUNCTION dbo.GetEmployeeName(@EmployeeID INT)RETURNS VARCHAR(100)ASBEGINDECLARE @NAME VARCHAR(100)SELECT @NAME = FirstName + ' ' + LastNameFROM EmployeesWHERE EmployeeID = @EmployeeIDRETURN ISNULL(@NAME, '')ENDMy first method to run this:SELECT EmployeeID, dbo.GetEmployeeName(EmployeeID) ASEmployee, SUM(UnitPrice * Quantity) AS AmountFROM OrdersJOIN [Order Details] ON Orders.OrderID =[Order Details].OrderIDGROUP BY EmployeeID,dbo.GetEmployeeName(EmployeeID)HAVING SUM(UnitPrice * Quantity) BETWEEN100000 AND 200000It's running in 4 seconds time. And here are theStatistics IO and Time results:SQL Server Execution Times:CPU time = 0 ms, elapsed time = 0 ms.SQL Server Execution Times:CPU time = 0 ms, elapsed time = 0 ms.SQL Server Execution Times:CPU time = 0 ms, elapsed time = 0 ms.SQL Server parse and compile time:CPU time = 17 ms, elapsed time = 17 ms.(3 row(s) affected)Table 'Order Details'. Scan count 1, logical reads 10,physical reads 0, read-ahead reads 0.Table 'Orders'. Scan count 1, logical reads 21,physical reads 0, read-ahead reads 0.SQL Server Execution Times:CPU time = 3844 ms, elapsed time = 3934 ms.SQL Server Execution Times:CPU time = 3844 ms, elapsed time = 3935 ms.SQL Server Execution Times:CPU time = 3844 ms, elapsed time = 3935 ms.SQL Server parse and compile time:CPU time = 0 ms, elapsed time = 0 ms.Now my 2nd method:IF (SELECT OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#temp_Orders')) IS NOT NULLDROP TABLE #temp_OrdersGOSELECT EmployeeID, SUM(UnitPrice * Quantity) AS AmountINTO #temp_OrdersFROM OrdersJOIN [Order Details] ON Orders.OrderID =[Order Details].OrderIDGROUP BY EmployeeIDHAVING SUM(UnitPrice * Quantity) BETWEEN100000 AND 200000GOSELECT EmployeeID, dbo.GetEmployeeName(EmployeeID),AmountFROM #temp_OrdersGOIt's running in 0 seconds time. And here are the Statistics IOand Time results:SQL Server Execution Times:CPU time = 0 ms, elapsed time = 0 ms.SQL Server Execution Times:CPU time = 0 ms, elapsed time = 0 ms.SQL Server Execution Times:CPU time = 0 ms, elapsed time = 0 ms.SQL Server parse and compile time:CPU time = 0 ms, elapsed time = 0 ms.SQL Server Execution Times:CPU time = 0 ms, elapsed time = 0 ms.SQL Server Execution Times:CPU time = 0 ms, elapsed time = 0 ms.SQL Server Execution Times:CPU time = 0 ms, elapsed time = 0 ms.SQL Server parse and compile time:CPU time = 0 ms, elapsed time = 0 ms.Table '#temp_Orders0000000000F1'. Scan count 0, logicalreads 1, physical reads 0, read-ahead reads 0.Table 'Order Details'. Scan count 830, logical reads 1672,physical reads 0, read-ahead reads 0.Table 'Orders'. Scan count 1, logical reads 3, physical reads 0,read-ahead reads 0.QL Server Execution Times:CPU time = 15 ms, elapsed time = 19 ms.(3 row(s) affected)SQL Server Execution Times:CPU time = 15 ms, elapsed time = 19 ms.SQL Server Execution Times:CPU time = 15 ms, elapsed time = 20 ms.SQL Server parse and compile time:CPU time = 0 ms, elapsed time = 1 ms.(3 row(s) affected)Table '#temp_Orders0000000000F1'. Scan count 1,logical reads 2, physical reads 0, read-ahead reads 0.SQL Server Execution Times:CPU time = 0 ms, elapsed time = 3 ms.SQL Server Execution Times:CPU time = 0 ms, elapsed time = 3 ms.SQL Server Execution Times:CPU time = 0 ms, elapsed time = 3 ms.SQL Server parse and compile time:CPU time = 0 ms, elapsed time = 0 ms.By the way why "SQL Server Execution Times"exists 3 times and not just one time?Summary:The first code is clean, 1 single SELECT statement buttakes 4 long seconds to execute. The logical reads arevery few compared to the second method.The second code is less clean and uses a temp table buttakes 0 second to execute. The logical reads are waytoo high compared to the first method.What am I supposed to conclude in this example?Which method should I use over the other and why?Are both methods good depending on which I prefer?If I can wait four seconds, it's better to reduce the logicalreads in order to provide less Blocking on the live tablesin a heavily accessed database?Which method should I choose on my own database?Calling a function like dbo.GetEmployeeName getsprocessed per each returned row, correct? That meansIf i had a scenario where 1000 records were to be returnedwould it be better to dump 1000 records to a temp tablevariable and then call a function to process each recordone at a time?Or would the direct approach without usinga temp table cause slower processing and moreblocking/deadlocks because I am calling the functionper each row as I am accessing directly from the tables?Thank you

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Sql Query Speed 2000 Versus 2005

Aug 15, 2007

We have an interesting problem. We are attempting to migrate from sql 2000 to sql 2005. the schema we have is exactly the same. the new 2005 box is more powerful than our 2000 box.

here is our schema:

ItemID int pk
ReferenceID int
sessionid varchar(255)
StatusID int

statusid int pk
isinternalstatus bit

there is an index on (ReferenceID, SessionID, StatusID) and (SessionID, StatusID)

this is the query:

DECLARE @referenceid INTEGER
SET @referenceid = 1019

SELECT MAX(i2.itemid)
FROM tbl_Items i2 (NOLOCK)
JOIN tbl_ItemsStatus s (NOLOCK)
ON i2.StatusID = s.StatusID
s.IsInternalStatus = 0
AND i2.referenceid = @referenceid
AND i2.sessionid IN (
SELECT i3.sessionid
FROM tbl_Items i3 (NOLOCK)
i3.referenceid = @referenceid
AND i3.status <> 7
AND i3.status <> 8
AND i3.status <> 10
AND i3.itemid IN (
SELECT max(i4.itemid)
FROM tbl_Items i4 (NOLOCK)
WHERE i4.referenceid = @referenceid
GROUP BY i4.sessionid
AND i3.itemid NOT IN (
SELECT MAX(i7.itemid )
FROM tbl_Items i7 (NOLOCK)
i7.referenceid = @referenceid
AND i7.SessionID IN (
SELECT i5.SessionID
FROM tbl_Items i5 (NOLOCK)
i5.status <> 11
AND i5.referenceid = @referenceid
AND i5.itemid IN (
SELECT MAX(i6.itemid)
FROM tbl_Items i6 (NOLOCK)
i6.referenceid = @referenceid
AND i6.status IN (7,11,8)
GROUP BY i6.sessionid
GROUP BY i7.SessionID

GROUP BY i2.sessionid

we know this query is pretty bad and can be optimized. however, if we run this query as is on 2005 it takes about 2 hours to run...if we run the exact same query on 2000 it takes 9 seconds.

so this query on 2005 if run takes 2 hours..however, if we omit the s.IsInternalStatus = 0 or the i2.referenceid = @referenceid line it takes about 9 seconds.

why would this be? it makes no sense why omitting one of those where clauses would increase the performance of the query by 2 hours? we know its a bad query...but this doesnt make sense.

any one else run into this problem?

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Speed Up SQL Database Backup

Dec 20, 1998

Our DBAs want to speed up SQL database backup of a database of 4 GB data size into a network drive on another server. We are using WINNT 4.0 (SP3)& SQL Server 6.5 (SP4). We know that "Backup buffer size" SQL configuration parameter is a way of doing it. Below are results of increasing the value:
1. If the value is more than 10, the runnable value is always 10 even when stopping and starting SQL server services.
2. The SQL backup took much longer time than before when increasing the value from 5 to 10.

How to properly do it ? What could be the problem ? and are there any other considerations to meet ?

Note that total RAM of servers is 512 MB out of which 128 MB is allocated to SQL server.

Anyone's experience and cooperation will be highly appreciated.
Einas (DBA)

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