Large Table-Table Partition, View Or Other Method?
Aug 27, 2007
Hi everyone,
I use sql 2005. What is the best practice for dealing with large table (more than million rows)? Table Partition, View or other?
Can you please give some suggestions? It will be very helpful if you can post some references or examples.
Thank you!
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Jul 28, 2007
Our database has very large number of objects. We have a naming convension by modules, subprojects etc. But for example when we need to open a specific table it still takes time to find it. If we could create custom folders under table folder or stored procedure folder it will be easier to find an object. We could create sub folders by module, subproject and classify our objects with these folders. Will the next version SQL Server 2008 support this kind of functionality?
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Jan 19, 2015
I have a simple query that joins a largeish fact table (3 million rows) to a view that returns 120 rows. The SKEY in the view is returned via a scalar function. The view returns instantly if queried on it's own however when joined to the fact table in the simple query below results in a query execution plan that runs forever. Interestingly if I change the INNER JOIN to a LEFT OUTER JOIN the query returns the matched results almost instantly.
Inner Join Dimension.Age_Band ON
Group By
I know joining to a view using a column generated by a scalar function is not a good recipe for performance. I also know that I could fix this by populating a physical table with the view first as I have already tested this though I hoping not to have to go down that route.
Why a LEFT OUTER JOIN works and not an INNER JOIN or anyway I can get the query optimizer to generate an execution plan that works?
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Jan 22, 2007
Could you tell what's wrong when I split table to the target partition table?USE TEST--ADD FILEGROUP---------------------------------------------------------------------ALTER DATABASE TEST ADD FILEGROUP FG_01ALTER DATABASE TEST ADD FILEGROUP FG_02ALTER DATABASE TEST ADD FILEGROUP FG_03--ADD FILE--------------------------------------------------------------------------ALTER DATABASE TEST ADD FILE (NAME = DF_01,FILENAME = 'D:TESTDF_01.ndf',SIZE = 10MB,MAXSIZE = UNLIMITED,FILEGROWTH = 10MB)TO FILEGROUP FG_01ALTER DATABASE TEST ADD FILE (NAME = DF_02,FILENAME = 'D:TESTDF_02.ndf',SIZE = 10MB,MAXSIZE = UNLIMITED,FILEGROWTH = 10MB)TO FILEGROUP FG_02ALTER DATABASE TEST ADD FILE (NAME = DF_03,FILENAME = 'D:TESTDF_03.ndf',SIZE = 10MB,MAXSIZE = UNLIMITED,FILEGROWTH = 10MB)TO FILEGROUP FG_03--CREATE PARTITION FUNCTION---------------------------------------------------------CREATE PARTITION FUNCTION PF_HIS_HTTP_LOG(datetime)AS RANGE LEFT FOR VALUES ('20070101 23:59:59.997','20070102 23:59:59.997')--CREATE PARTITION SCHEME-----------------------------------------------------------CREATE PARTITION SCHEME PS_HIS_HTTP_LOGAS PARTITION PF_HIS_HTTP_LOG TO ( FG_01, FG_02, [PRIMARY])--CREATE PARTITION TABLE -----------------------------------------------------------CREATE TABLE HIS_HTTP_LOG ( USERID varchar(32) , USERIP varchar(15) ,USERPORT numeric(5,0) , OBJECTIP varchar(15) , OBJECTPORT numeric(5,0) , URL varchar(256) , HOST varchar(64) , DN varchar(64) , VISITIME numeric(5,0) , STARTIME datetime , ENDTIME datetime ) ON PS_HIS_HTTP_LOG(STARTIME)--INSERT DATA,PARTITION 1 20070101-------------------------------------------------DECLARE @i intSET @i = 1WHILE @i <= 100BEGININSERT INTO HIS_HTTP_LOG VALUES(CAST(@i AS varchar(32)),'',5,'',6,'',11,CONVERT" target="_blank">','','',11,CONVERT(datetime,'20070101 13:25:26.100',121),GETDATE())SET @i = @i +1END--INSERT DATA ,PARTITION 2 20070102-------------------------------------------------SET @i = 1WHILE @i <= 200BEGININSERT INTO HIS_HTTP_LOG VALUES(CAST(@i AS varchar(32)),'',5,'',6,'',11,CONVERT" target="_blank">','','',11,CONVERT(datetime,'20070102 11:25:26.100',121),GETDATE())SET @i = @i +1END--CREATE A TABLE -------------------------------------------------------------------CREATE TABLE TMP_HTTP_LOG( USERID varchar(32) , USERIP varchar(15) ,USERPORT numeric(5,0) , OBJECTIP varchar(15) , OBJECTPORT numeric(5,0) , URL varchar(256) , HOST varchar(64) , DN varchar(64) , VISITIME numeric(5,0) , STARTIME datetime , ENDTIME datetime ) ON FG_03--INSERT DATA TO TMP_HTTP_LOG 20070103-----------------------------------------------DECLARE @i intSET @i = 1WHILE @i <= 400BEGININSERT INTO TMP_HTTP_LOG VALUES(CAST(@i AS varchar(32)),'',5,'', 6,'',11,CONVERT" target="_blank">','','',11,CONVERT(datetime,'20070103 09:25:26.100',121),GETDATE())SET @i = @i +1END--ADD CONSTRAINT--------------------------------------------------------------------ALTER TABLE TMP_HTTP_LOGWITH CHECKADD CONSTRAINT CK001CHECK (STARTIME >= '20070103 00:00:00.000' AND STARTIME <= '20070103 23:59:59.997')--SPLIT RANGE ,SWITCH DATA----------------------------------------------------------ALTER PARTITION SCHEME PS_HIS_HTTP_LOG NEXT USED FG_03ALTER PARTITION FUNCTION PF_HIS_HTTP_LOG() SPLIT RANGE ('20070103 23:59:59.997')ALTER TABLE TMP_HTTP_LOG SWITCH TO HIS_HTTP_LOG PARTITION 3--==========================================�======================================Why is the error in step of“ALTER TABLE TMP_HTTP_LOG SWITCH TO HIS_HTTP_LOG PARTITION 3�error infomation:message_id 4972,level 16,severity 1ALTER TABLE SWITCH statement failed. Check constraints or partition function of source table 'TEST.dbo.TMP_HTTP_LOG' allows values that are not allowed by check constraints or partition function on target table 'TEST.dbo.HIS_HTTP_LOG'.Please tell me why ? check constraints ?Thank you very much !
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Apr 10, 2007
A customer wants to implement table partitioning on a replicated table.
They want to hold 13 months of data in the table and roll off the earliest/oldest month to an identical archive table. The table has a date field and partitioning by month makes sense all around.
So SWITCH PARTITION is the obvious solution to this, except for the fact that the table is replicated (transactional w/no subscriber updates).
What are his architectural or practical solutions to using table partitioning and replication?
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Oct 4, 2015
I am studying indexes and keys. I have a table that has a fixed width of data to be loaded in the first column which is parsed in a view based on data types within the fixed width specifications.
Example column A:
(name phone house cost of house,zipcodecountystatecountry)
-a view will later split this large varchar string basedÂ
column b: is the source filename of the data load (varchar 256)
a. would there be a benefit of adding a clustered or nonclustered index (if so which/point in direction on why)
b. is there benefit of making one of these two columns a primary key (millions of records) or for adding a 3rd new column as a pk?
c. view: this parses the data in column a so it ends up looking more like "name phone house cost of house zipcode county state country" each having their own column.
-any pros/cons of adding indexes (if so which) to the view instead of the tables or both for once the data is parsed?
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Jun 25, 2007
Hi, all experts here,
I am wondering if tempdb stores all results tempararily whenever I query a large fact table with over 4 million records which joins another dimension table? Since each time when I run the query, the tempdb grows to nearly 1GB which nearly runs out all the space on my local system drive, as a result the performance totally down. Is there any way to fix this problem? Thanks a lot in advance and I am looking forward to hearing from you shortly for your kind advices.
With best regards,
Yours sincerely,
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Nov 22, 2005
Please help me how to do the Horizontal table partition??
I have to split the table in to multiple sub tables with same columns and less rows and then I have to use each sub table.
Thanks you in advance....
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Feb 27, 2008
I have a partitioned table (1.7 billion rows) that is across 97 partions. The table is partitioned on datetime field.
When I query only this table with datetime field in where clause I see that cleary it outperforms the unpartitioned table.
When this table is joined to 3 tables it performs no better than
the non-partitioned table... it seems that the query does a partition scan.
The part. table has a 3 part composite clustered index and
a NC index on the partion field value.
Would appreciate any feedback.
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Dec 13, 2007
Hi Every body,
I am creating Table partition in tables but i am getting this error can you anybody plz help how can we do table partition in the database
CREATE TABLE PartitionTable (col1 int, col2 char(10))
ON myRangePS2 (col1) ;
CREATE TABLE NonPartitionTable (col1 int, col2 char(10))
ON test2fg1 ;
ALTER TABLE PartitionTable SWITCH PARTITION 2 TO NonPartitionTable ;
Msg 1921, Level 16, State 1, Line 2
Invalid partition scheme 'myRangePS2' specified.
Msg 1921, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Invalid filegroup 'test2fg1' specified.
Msg 4902, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Cannot find the object "PartitionTable" because it does not exist or you do not have permissions.
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Nov 29, 2007
Is there a method to convert "Select * From Table" to "Select field1,field2,...fieldn From Table" ?
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Jan 23, 2007
1 HIS_HTTP_LOG a partition table2 REL_HTTP_LOG not a partition table,the same structure of HIS_HTTP_LOGï¼›3 When HIS_HTTP_LOG doesn't exist any index the following executed succeed
========================= Error messages================================================"ALTER TABLE SWITCH statement failed. There is no identical index in source table 'TMP_HTTP_LOG SWITCH ' for the index 'IDX_HIS_HTTP_LOG_001' in target table 'HIS_HTTP_LOG' ."
When I added index in REL_HTTP_LOG ,it gave me the same error message
Could you tell me how can I solve the problem !
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Feb 27, 2008
Can you join a partitioned table to other tables that either
are/are not partitioned??
When you join partitioned tables ... Do they have to be partition key 'aligned'??
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Feb 13, 2008
How do you alter the table to use the new partition (I know ALTER TABLE is in there but BOL doesn't give a valid example with the move option)? I can create the partition but I want to apply it to an existing table with no partition?
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Feb 1, 2008
Hi all,
My question is about Indexs on partition where I have a table with say 5 partitions and I want to create index on partitions and not on the whole table. The objective is that if i create a table level index on a partition table and eventually if I drop one of the partition or add another partition, what will happen to the index?
1) Do I need to re-create the index for the partion which are left after deleting one partition?
2) If a partition is added do I need re-create the index for the whole table or just create the index for that particular new partition?
Let me know if there is any white paper or code available. I have gone through the white paper published "SQL Server 2005" Partitioned Tables and Indexes Author: Kimberly L. Tripp, Founder,
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Apr 24, 2007
I would like to partition a table having only items posted in the last 24 hours in one filegroup and all others in another. Is there a way that my partition function could contain something like "col1 >= dateadd(d,-1,getdate())" and have items move to the secondary filegroup as they age pst 24 hours?
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Aug 18, 2006
I have a table about 300 GIG and I want to partition this table into several filegroup. Is this possible in SQL 2000?
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Jul 1, 2005
I have a table with 52 million rows which resides on Primary file group in my database. Because of huge number of rows the performance has gone very down and I would like to break the table into parts.
Can anyone suggest me the steps for doing the same and the number of parts that should be made. It is named as Account_Transactions and contains information of Policies in an insurance database.
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Mar 23, 2015
How can I make partitions on a table for a particular value and ranges together?
For example, for customer id 12345 i need a separate partition, then for 56789 i need a separate partition, and if i have range of values like 1000 to 1020 then a separate partition for this.
For certain ids i need unique partition, and for certain ids i need Ranges.
is it possible in SQL 2012?
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Jan 11, 2007
I created two tables one is based on partition structure and one is non-partition structure.
File Groups= Jan,Feb.....Dec
Partition Functions='20060101','20060201'......'20061201'
I am using RIGHT Range in Partition function.
Then I defined partition scheme on partition function.
I have more than 7,00,000 data in my database.
I checked filegroups and count rows. It works fine.
But When I check the estimation plan time out for query it is same for both partition table and non partition table.
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Jan 11, 2007
I created two tables one is based on partition structure and one is non-partition structure.
File Groups= Jan,Feb.....Dec
Partition Functions='20060101','20060201'......'20061201'
I am using RIGHT Range in Partition function.
Then I defined partition scheme on partition function.
I have more than 7,00,000 data in my database.
I checked filegroups and count rows. It works fine.
But When I check the estimation plan time out for query it is same for both partition table and non partition table.
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Jan 11, 2007
I created two tables one is based on partition structure and one is non-partition structure.
File Groups= Jan,Feb.....Dec
Partition Functions='20060101','20060201'......'20061201'
I am using RIGHT Range in Partition function.
Then I defined partition scheme on partition function.
I have more than 7,00,000 data in my database.
I checked filegroups and count rows. It works fine.
But When I check the estimation plan time out for query it is same for both partition table and non partition table.
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Nov 14, 2007
Hi all,
We have a table with 15 Partitions in SQL Server.Can i write a stored procedure or an SQL statement just to truncate a particular partition by passing the partition name.
Any Suggestions??????????
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Aug 4, 2007
I have created the T1 table whcih will accept US records and T2 table for any other country.
CREATE TABLE T1(I INT unique ,name varchar(10) CHECK(name = 'US') PRIMARY KEY(I,name))
CREATE TABLE T2(I INT unique ,name varchar(10) ,CHECK(name IN ('JN','UK','IN')) PRIMARY KEY(I,name))
I am not able to do the bulk insert on partitioned view.
I have used below script to do the bulk insert
FROM 'D:PartTestPart.txt'
apreciates the quick reply
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Aug 4, 2007
I have created the T1 table which will accept US records and T2 table for any other country.
CREATE TABLE T1(I INT unique ,name varchar(10) CHECK(name = 'US') PRIMARY KEY(I,name))
CREATE TABLE T2(I INT unique ,name varchar(10) ,CHECK(name NOT IN ('US')) PRIMARY KEY(I,name))
Then Created the partitioned View using below script
I am able to insert the US records using view
insert into V values (1,'us')
I am not able to insert the non US records like UK and JN...
It is thorwing the exception like partition column not find.
eg : insert into V values (1,'uk')
PLease help me to insert the non US records into the View
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Jul 26, 2015
I have one partition table "tablea" with partition key dateentry on yearly basis and table have four partition with name y2013,y2014,y2013,y2015 with one partition schema . How I can create partition index on tablea that first time create partition  index  and next time I want to rebuild index only on y2015 partition .Â
<iframe id="iagdtd_frame" src="" style=";width:1px;height:1px;left:-9999px;"></iframe>.
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Feb 14, 2008
I am trying to partition the table i have into 10 partitions based on the last digit of the employee ID.
The following is the logic I tried to use but was not successful.
Code Snippet
AS RANGE LEFT FOR VALUES (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)
PARTITION PartitionRange
create TABLE PartitionedTable
counter INT ,
string CHAR(8000) ,
UpdateDate datetime
PartitionScheme (EmpID % 10)
Any suggestions on how I can make the logic work as required.
Thanks in advance.
With regards,
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Sep 4, 2007
Hi ,
I had a table which is going to burst, and of course performance issue is come in to place. and now we thinking to apply to partition method into this table.
So is that possible to create a partition scheme and against the existing table? and how is the T-SQL statement will be look like.
Thanks for anyone for giving some clue...
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Jun 4, 2015
I'm looking to partition a big table into years.
I have a big table with data going back to 2001.
I need to partition this into file groups each for the last 5 years, and the rest into its own file group
I was going to convert the inherent date time field into the format int(yyyymmdd) and partition on that field.
Is this an acceptable way to achieve this? Is there a better way to partition on date? [not time]
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Jul 2, 2015
I need to partitioning the table on which most expensive query run.
Every day 500000 lac records inserted/update in that table
How to create what impact on performance while retrieving the records.
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Jul 31, 2015
I am new to Partitioning tables. My scenario is as listed below.
I am getting Monthly Transaction data on Every First Monday of the Month and I want to do partition for those data.
For Example: Let's say I will get my next monthly data on August 3rd 2015 which is First Monday of the month of August.
I want those Transaction data to go in new partitioned FileGroup in my existing partitioned table. How can I do partition for this kind of scenario ? Can we create one or multiple Stored Procedure which will create New Partition and load data in that partition ?Â
FYI, this monthly data will be loaded in Staging table and that table has LoadDate column which will have 2015-08-03 in it. I am using SQL 2012 Enterprise edition.
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Nov 13, 2007
Hi All,
I am new to SQL Server. I have a table which is paritioned by Value (String). Can I write a stored procedure or an SQL Statment to truncate a particular partition in SQL Server. Please suggest me on this.
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May 21, 2008
I've create a partition function and a partion scheme for my database.
Now I would like to change an existing table to use these partition.
The table is replicated.
How can I do this?
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