Large Text
Mar 18, 2008
I have one column which contains some large data more than 30000 characters. When I exported the data to Excel file this, some data in this column showed as #######. This # are giving the problem in SSIS package. If I delete that data(####) then SSIS package is working fine.
How to solve this problem.
Thanks in advance.
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Nov 20, 2003
I was wondering what is the best solution to store large amounts of text in a SQL 2000 field. This text will be entered into a multiline textbox.
ex) what data type?......should I use BLOBs?
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Feb 22, 1999
We have created a databse in SQL Server 7 for support issues.
We are having trouble with only one aspect of the databse and that is the body of the supported problem.
The databse is basically a Question/Answer Support database whch house Frequently Asked Questions.
When the user does a search on a specific problem they have a list of matching questions shows on the screen (links).
When the question is clicked on it shows the Questions with the Answer of possible fixes.
Our problem lies in the fact that SQL server is truncating the Answer portion. I have tried different Data Types with maximum lengths with no success it keeps truncating it.
Right now I am on Data Type nvarchar with a length of 4000.
If anyone has any pointers on how to solve this problem all input is appreciated. You can post here to the forum or e-mail me directly at
Thank You.
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May 28, 2007
I am building a generic job site and well I have hit a speed bump. I need to store resumes in the database to be searched on. Well what is the best way to store these full text resumes? so that they can be easily searched on?
SQL 2005
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Feb 7, 2008
To store large amount of text which datatype is best whether text or varchar(max).
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Aug 14, 2007
I'm trying to store a binary data file in my database. I've tried data types image, varchar(max) and text. I don't get error message on loading the data but as soon as the text file exceeds 32,000 bits a query returns an empty data set.
Is this a SSMS display problem and the data is really there? Or is this another one of Microsoft's memory bugs?
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May 18, 2006
I have a large text which contains special characters and I need to insert it in "ErvTxt" field which is a varchar field.
I get an error:
Error:Line 1: Incorrect syntax near '1'.
Unclosed quotation mark before the character string ', 19 )'.
At line 4467SQL statement: INSERT INTO tbl1 (ZPERS, Status, ErvTxt, VENTS, DNR, ANAME, Fall, Zust, GER, Empf, BET, SSK, GA, JAHR, PZ, LAUFNR, RVLAUFNR, EDAT, ETIME, VDAT, UTLAUFNR, Bew, AINR, ErvNr, PrintStatus, FristNr, HDAT, HTIME, RVExportiert, CrDat, CrPers, GATT, AZ, NR) VALUES ( 'STS', -1, '0123'1'00'0138-33/02(1)'J'F'452'R020311'KL01'ZB'01'C'00001'03'i'000000000'430200001'20030116'0905''000000460'20030116'1100'0242'3'15'00'00000001000'''-'00000000000100''''''''00100û¥00000000000100û¥00000000000100û¥0000000000010000000000015699200000'0000000363û¥00000000001000û¥00000000001000 rrrrrrrrrrrr ssss''RI20030'101012003010'1200301160'0''''''''''''''''''''', '', 0, '0138-33/02(1)', 'J', 'F', 97, 'R020311', 'KL01', 'ZB', 1, 3, 'i', 0, 430200001, '2003-01-16 12:00:00', '1899-12-30 09:05:00', NULL, 460, 0, 2927, 1744, 0, 0, '2003-01-16 12:00:00', '1899-12-30 11:00:00', NULL, '2003-01-16 04:04:04', 'STS', 'C', '00001', 19 )
Can anyone tell me what's wrong?
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Jul 31, 2005
Hi!I want to store some really big text in my database (for my articles). The approximate size will be from 500 to 40000 characters. I was thinking of using the database 'text' datatype.I have heard that reading these text fields is slower and decreases the performance. Moreover is it advisable to index this for searching purposes?
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Apr 10, 2001
Hi All,
How do I input a large text page (notepad) into a SQL column. Or assign a pointer to the data. I've tried to use BOL (writetext) and to no avail, I guess I'm missing something. I'm just using EM and Query analyzer. I thought this should be easy. Image data should work the same way.
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Mar 2, 2000
I'm sorry, but I'm a definite newbie. How can I store really long pieces of text other than as the 'text' datatype, which is too short in SQLS7?
Please help! It's key to my site admin system for importing third party wysiwyg-generated pages into our system....
John E.
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Oct 11, 2000
I'm trying to transfer a table from SQL Server 7 database to another SQL server 7 database on
another server. This table has a text field with lots of data (~.5-1 G). I'm using the export wizard
and the transfer appears to complete successfully, but when I view it, the text field data has
been truncated.
Any ideas?
Thanks, Nicole Lane
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May 3, 2002
I'm importing a large text field from an Excel spreadsheet into my Sql dbase using Enterprise Manager and I'm getting the error message "Data for source column 31 'fieldname' is too large for the specified buffer size." How do I go about changing the buffer size to allow for larger text fields? Thank you.
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Jun 11, 2002
Does anyone know how to write a stored procedure to insert a large amount of text into a column? SQL server BOL says that you cannot declare a local variable as a text, ntext or image. I need to write a stored procedure that captures a long string of data from a web server and store it in a table. Thanks for your help in advance.
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Mar 20, 2007
this may seem like a simple question, but I have a report/lease agreement I need to put together and wanted to know the simpliest way to add large amounts of text. Basically its all the legal stuff most leases include in the amount of some 14 pages.
Should this be just one long string-- or does ssrs have another way to format this
thanks as always
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Apr 9, 2008
how do i insert a large chunk of text into a table column. my project is to build a news website. where people can go and read news articles. the articles are provided by the author in word format, so how do i insert that news article into the table's column? any help would be appreciated
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Oct 10, 2007
Hi all,
I have an existing database, which is used to store complaints data and have one field, which stores notes in a varchar(8000) column.
My users are now wanting to store information, which exceed the number of available characters. What options do I have in facilitating this?
Many thanks
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Jun 27, 2005
What datatype to use when inserted large amount of Text ??
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Aug 12, 2005
I am running into a problem inserting large amounts of text into my table. Everything works well when I test with a few simple words but when I try to do a test with larger amounts of text (ie 35,000 characters) the appropriate field is left blank. The Insert still performs (all the other fields recieve their data, but the "Description" field is blank. I have tried this with both "text" and "ntext" datatypes. I am using a stored procedure with input parameters. As I mentioned, the query goes off flawlessly with small amounts of data (eg "Hi there!") but not with the larger amount.I check and the ntext field claims to be able to accept 1073741823 bytes of data. Is there some other thing I should consider with large amounts of text?
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Jun 15, 2001
When using DTS (in SQL 7) to export via OLE DB a large varchar to a text file, it clips it at 255 chars.
No other data access drivers seem to work, either. This is lame! I cannot use bcp as a work
around, because i want to use quoted comma-delimited, which it doesn't support, and I
am using query-based export, where the query calls a stored proc, which bcp also doesn't
Are there any new versions of MDAC that fix this? Anyone know a workaround? My current hack fix
is to split my field into 2, but this is a grubby fix that hassles my reciptients.
This is a pretty fundamental limitation to a major product!
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Apr 5, 2001
I have an idea to use LIKEW opeartor (with te wildcards) to match large (>10Kb) text fields of 'text' and 'ntext' types. Are there known problems here?
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Jul 7, 2004
I have a large text colum I am trying to insert into a DB
This colum is about 800 chars longs
I have set the colum type in the table to text
I have set the table option for text in row to on
I have set the table option for text in row to 1000
But it is still chopping the text at the 256 char mark on insert.
Anyone have any ideas ?? This is SQL 2000.
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Jul 23, 2005
I have a bunch of SPs that all rely on a UDF that parses a commadelimitted list of numbers into a table. Everything was working fine,but now my application is growing and I'm starting to approach the 8000character limit of the varChar variable used to store the list.I would like to change the UDF only and avoid having to dig through allof my stored procedures. I was hoping to use the text datatype toallow for much larger lists, but I am unable to perform anymanipulations necessary to parse the list into a table. I have triedPATINDEX, but it alone is not enough without the text maniuplations andI don't think the sp_xml_preparedocument can be used in a UDF.Anyone with any thoughts on managing large arrays in t-sql?thanks,Matt Weiner
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Oct 24, 2007
On SQL2005, we have a table called Document_lie with 2 fields : doc_type (varchar(50)) and doc_Document (text).
Another application is putting base64 encoded text in doc_document.
This code works:
$sql=" Select Top 1 DOC_Type,DOC_Document from Document_lie
where Doc_Compteur =7418;
if ($stmt) {
sqlsrv_stmt_fetch( $stmt );
while (!feof($photostream))
echo $photobin;
While this one doesn't:
$sql=" Select Top 1DOC_Type,DOC_Document from Document_lie
where Doc_Compteur =7418;
if ($stmt){
while ($result=sqlsrv_stmt_fetch_array($stmt, SQLSRV_FETCH_TYPE_ASSOC)){
echo $photobin;
In fact, if you look at $photocod, you see the problem easily: $photocod gets the good length (in my case 80734 bytes), but only the first 65535 bytes are correct. The rest is filled with garbage. Looks like a pointer problem.
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Dec 19, 2007
During my web search looking for a solution I ran across SQL CE 3.5 articles. My questions about SQL CE 3.5 are:
1) Can SQL CE 3.5 handle a 4 €“ 6 GB file
- Read
- Parse (SQL)
2) Can SQL CE 3.5 act as a standalone client that a user can view a large (4-6 GB) text file?
- Will I need a .NET (small) client to read the large (4-6 GB) text file?
More info:
The text file will reside on the machine where the SQL CE 3.5 is installed. There is no pull to get the data.
Thank you (in advance)€¦
SQL CE 3.5
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May 10, 2006
Hello everybody,
I've got a little problem wich i'm trying to solve since 1-2 years and i hoped it would go away with SQL 2005 - but that wasn't the case :(.
I've just bought a new Server containing:
SQL 2005
64 Bit Enviroment
2x AMD Opteron 2 GHz Prozeccors (Dual Core)
2x RAID Controllers (RAID 1) containing
1.1 System
1.2 Data
2.1 Transaction Logs
I've created a full-text table containing all the search terms i need to search.
Table build:
RecID - int - Primary Key
SrcID - varchar(30)
ArticleID - int - referring to an original table
SearchField - varchar(150) - Containing the search terms
timestamp - timestamp field
Fulltext index:
RecID as Primary Key
SearchField as indexed field - Wordbreaker: Neutral (containing several languages), Accent sensitivity off
Now i've got different tables imported in here resulting in a table size of ~ 13 million rows.
There is no problem with the performance on this catalog if i search a term wich isn't contained in more than 200-300 recordsets - but if i search for a term wich could occur in 200'000 upwards it gets extremely slow.
On the slow query the first records get in after no time, but until the query finished up to 60 seconds pass.
The problem is that i have to sort by a ranking value wich is stored externally - so i need all results to sort them...
current (debugging) query:
SELECT ArticleID FROM fullTextTable AS ft INNER JOIN CONTAINSTABLE(FullTextCatalog,SearchField,'"term*"') AS ftRes ON ftRes.[KEY]=ft.idEntry
Now if i check in the performance monitor:
As soon as i run the query the 'Avg. Disk Read Queue Length' counter on disk D (SQL Data Files) jumps to the top, until the query has finished.
Almost no read/write activity on C: where the Fulltext is stored...
If i rerun the query, after it finished once successfully - it takes place below 1-2 seconds, would be nice to get that result in first place :).
Does anybody know a workaround to this problem?
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Aug 13, 2007
What is the easiest way to get a large fixed width text file (200 columns) defintion into SSIS? To have to define each column with the ruler would be very cumbersome.
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May 16, 2007
I have designed a CV database with complete CV stored in a TEXT field. There is a keyword search which queries the TEXT field also. The query conditions are defined in T-SQL submitted through an ASP page. There is about 20,000 records now. Now while querying the database for keyword search I am receiving time out errors. Is there any solution other than Index server to rectify this situation. How can I speed up the query execution time. Please advise.
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Jul 14, 2015
I have a query below which filters detail field in the #TempLogins table. The details field is a text field which contains many types of text strings, some containing urls that have parts like "ResultID=5" which is what is contained in the ResultIDSearch and ResultSetIDSearch fields. The records with entries like "ResultID=5" are the ones I'm trying to filter for.
The problem I have is that the query takes way too long to run. The TempLogin table has around 200 K records and the TempSearch table has around 80 K records.
select * from #TempLogins a where exists
(select 1 from #TempSearch t1 where
a.detail like '%' + t1.ResultIDSearch + '%'
a.detail like '%' + t1.ResultSetIDSearch + '%')
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May 25, 2006
I am having a small problem.
When I generate a report with a large amount of text data (Paragraphs) the report will not split the text between two pages.
It will move the entire text box to the next page leaving a large amount of space on the previous page.
I tried every control on the page to render this. I tried textboxes, tables, lists, rectangles, subreports, etc..
The data is stored in a SQL table using a text data type (there can be a large amount of data entered into these database.
Any help on this would be great. I like reporting services, but there are just a few bugs.
I am using Reporting Services 2000 with Service Pack 2 and Hotfix (That fixed a different PDF rendering issue) and this problem was occuring prior to this hotfix.
Thanks in advance
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Dec 12, 2007
We are using the SQL Server 2005 Full Text Service. The data is not huge, but the kind of data is that each record is small and there are a large number of records. There are 35 million records now with 11 GB of data and about 1.6 GB of FT catalog on the table. This is expected to grow to at least 10 times the size of this data. The issue is with FTS taking a long time to return results when the number of hits (rows) getting returned from FTS is large for some searches, it takes a very long time. With the same data & catalog, those full text queries for less common words return timely. The nature of the problem doesnt allow us to only have top results. We need all the results. So it’s not about the size of data but the number of results getting returned from FT. (As the catalog is inverted). The machine is dual processor with 4 GB RAM.
I am considering splitting the table and hence the catalog and using multiple servers to do full text searches in smaller catalogs. Is there any other way this issue can be solved ?
If splitting is the only way, can you give me an idea as to what is a statistical/standard limit to the number of search results/cataog size as which FTS gives good results
Thanks in advance
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Dec 10, 2014
I need to update a large table, about 55 million rows, without filling the transaction log, in the shortest time as possible. The goal is to alter the table and change the data type for Text column from VARCHAR(7900) to NVARCHAR(MAX).
Since I cannot do it with an ALTER TABLE statement (it would fill up the transaction log) I'm thinking to:
- rename column Text in Text_OLD
- add Text column of type NVARCHAR(MAX)
- copy values in batches from Text_OLD to Text
The table is defined like:
create table DATATEXT(
[Code] ....
I've thought about a stored procedure doing this but how to copy values in batch from Text_OLD to Text.
The code I would start with (doing just this part) is the following, but maybe there are more efficient ways to do it, or at least there's a better way to select @startSeq in the WHILE loop (avoiding to select a bunch of 100000 sequences and later selecting the max).
declare @startSeq timestamp
declare @lastSeq timestamp
select @lastSeq = MAX(sequence) from [DATATEXT] where [Text] is null
select @startSeq = MIN(Sequence) FROM [DATATEXT] where [Text]is null
WHILE @startSeq < @lastSeq
[Code] ....
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Apr 16, 2008
Hi every one,
I am facing problem in printing the reports from browser and also when i export it to pdf,the problem i am facing is blank pages are coming when report column getting the large amount of text around 2500 characters into column value.
can any one help me in this issue?. if the report is getting acceptable amout of data it is printing in proper way i.e no balnk pages at all.i maintained all properties like margins+body size < page size.
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Nov 14, 2007
I have a web form with a text field that needs to take in as much as the user decides to type and insert it into an nvarchar(max) field in the database behind. I've tried using the new .write() method in my update statement, but it cuts off the text after a while. Is there a way to insert/update in SQL 2005 this without resorting to Bulk Insert? It bloats the transaction log and turning the logging off requires a call to sp_dboptions (or a straight-up ALTER DATABASE), which I'd like to avoid if I can.
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