i have a column that stores the last update date for a dimension table. This column will store the date when a row was last updated.
i'm using SCD in my dimension table data flow. i can't manage to set the lastupdate column to be modified when a row has been changed. when i set the column as fixed attribute, the column will not change even though it has been updated. if i set the column as changing attribute, the whole column for the table will change regardless it has been updated or not...
I want to compare two columns in the same table called start date and end date for one clientId.if clientId is having continuous refenceid and sartdate and enddate of reference that I don't need any caseopendate but if clientID has new reference id and it's start date is not continuous to its previous reference id then I need to set that start date as caseopendate.
Hi,I have a problem with updating a datetime column,When I try to change the Column from VB I get "Incorrect syntax near'942'" returned from [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]'942' is the unique key column valueHowever if I update any other column the syntax is fineThe same blanket update query makes the changes no matter what isupdatedThe problem only happens when I set a unique key on the date field inquestionKey is a composite of an ID, and 2 date fieldsIf I allow duplicates in the index it all works perfectlyI am trying to trap 'Duplicate value in index' (which is working onother non-date columns in other tables)This is driving me nutsAny help would be appreciated
I do realize that his could be posted in a few spots but I think the answer is in the SQL. I have a ASP.NET page, with a SqlDataSource, Text Box and Calendar Controls. I have the textbox and calendar controls eval'ed to the same sql data source DateTime Field. The text box is formatted eval to small time and the calendars eval has no formatting. ex: <asp:TextBox ID="START_TIME" Text='<%# Eval("EVENT_START","{0:t}") %>' runat=server Width=200></asp:TextBox> I want to merge the two controls; one has the date the other has the time when I update the pages data to the SqlDataSource field EVENT_START. I've tried a couple of methods, but I would like some other opinions. As Sql server only supports date and time together I am storing the two together. I could merge the two together in the code behind on the update button's event handler or merge the two during the update query using parameters. Not that I could get an illegal date for the calendar control, but I could get garbage from the textfield time. So I still would have to do validation on the text field before the SQL server could do the update. There's a few ways to go about this, so I was wondering if anyone else has figured out an elegant way to handle it. wbochar
I have a reference table that currently has no web front-end. It's a small table(<10 rows) that's not going to change very often (maybe once every few months).
We manually update rows on the table via the GUI table interface in Enterprise Mgr., not in T-SQL.
What I'd like to do is have SQL Server automatically update the "Last_Modified" column with the current timestamp. I can do it on an Insert using the GetDate() function, but if I update a row, this doesn't work.
Is there a function I can use that can auto-populate for both insert and updates?
Here is the code... How do I get the table just to give me back the date by latest date??
update RIO.dbo.tblArCust SET CustName = LEFT (CustomerName,25), Addr1 = LEFT (Address1,25), Addr2 = LEFT (Address2,25), City = LEFT (COFFEE.dbo.vueCustomerAddress.City,15), Region = LEFT (State,2), PostalCode = LEFT (Zip,5) from COFFEE.dbo.vueCustomerAddress join RIO.dbo.tblArCust on COFFEE.dbo.vueCustomerAddress.CustomerCode = RIO.dbo.tblArCust.CustId AND COFFEE.dbo.vueCustomerAddress.addresstypeid = 1 and COFFEE.dbo.vueCustomerAddress.LastUpdatedDate > ????
I have two tables incidents and prodwin . I have prodrecddt (datetimecolumn) in prodwin table which I have to update and it should be updated such that it should be greater than initdt and less than invcompleteddt which are in incidents table. Right now my prodrecddt is same as initdt. My date diff between initdt and invcompleteddt is from 3- 28 days
I thought of increasing the prodrecdt plus one and then updating it like this but it wont work this way
UPDATE prodwin SET prodrecddt = invcompleteddt -DATEPART(hour, invcompleteddt)%5 + 1
is there any way i can use WHERE field so that i can say where datediff is more than 5
Is there a way to find when was a table last updated? We do not have any timestamp column in it. Idea is to get rid of tables that are not used for long long time! Thanks. Di.
hi. i am working with PHP and MSSQL (i know its not a smart move, but I don't have a choice). I got almost everything working correctly except the date format.
I can select the date and display it the way I want by doing this select convert(VARCHAR(10), date, 105) as new_date FROM table.
But when I have a field to update the date I am having trouble.
How do I update the MSSQL database with a new date if the date displayed is DD-MM-YY
How do I update a date with this format? I put HTMLEncode = false and dataformatString = {0:d} so I can just have the date and drop the time. Now it's not updating in the database. Here's my stored procedure: CREATE PROCEDURE [UpdateRtnDate] @loanrequestid int, @returndate datetime AS Update LibraryRequest set[returndate]=@returndatewhere loanrequestid = @loanrequestid It doesn't go into the database what am I misisng?
I have a table called ppd2002, which has an id field a testdate field (datetime), and a previoustesdate field (datetime). The testdate field is filled in. I have another table called ppd which has an id field and a testdate field. I need to update the ppd2002 field called previoustestdate with the max(testdate) field from ppd, but that max date must be less than the current testdate in the ppd2002 field. The id field is the link field between the 2 tables. Tried to create a view, then a update but still stuck.
Startdate, rec_num , recursive_value, recursive_date 04/02/2014 3 d 04/02/2014 04/02/2014 3 d 04/02/2014 04/02/2014 3 d 04/02/2014
I will like to update recursive_date to emulate the recursive_number and recursive_value fields which specify every 3 days. The recursive_value field can also be w to specify weeks, m to specify month or y to specify years. So my value in the recursive_date field should be updated as followed
Startdate, rec_number , recursive_value, recursive_date 04/02/2014 3 d 04/02/2014 04/02/2014 3 d 04/05/2014 04/02/2014 3 d 04/08/2014
hi! i'm new to sql and working on my first database, I use microsoft sql server 2000 - in my table i want a row in which date and time is saved whenever the dataset is changed. I use getdate() as default value and it saves the time when I create a new entry, but not yet when I update an old one. I know that it must be a formula with something like update tbl set = getdate() but I don't know exactly how it works. any help on this?
I have a table with date,cost,Ltype columns I have to update the cost based on Ltype and count of rows in a singel day. the business rule is like this 1.LtypeA =$90 LtypeB=$30 2.50% discount($45 & $15) after 30th row in a singel day for each row over 30
i have data for 2006 year and updated every day with new rows ie i have to run a update for the historic data and run it everyday for the newonce.
I have a site and there is a ` current features` on the index which shows our newest pictures for movies. I use dreamweaver, so When you insert record a "picture", it takes place on the table, but when you insert another one, it doesn't replace the current one.
Could someone help me with the most efficient way to update a date field. Ihave a field with Date and Time in it but I want to update it with only theDate and strip off the time. Any ideas for the shortest way to do this?
sql = "update ABC.dbo.member set user_name = '"& c_user_name &"', rec_date = #"& c_rec_date &"# where user_id='"& c_user_id &"'"
conn.Execute sql conn.close set rsinsert=nothing
error :
錯誤類型: Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80040E14) [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Line 1: Incorrect syntax near '上�'.
Hi Friends, I need a select query to identify how many records violate the basic dateformat, later on i update the junkdata with null. Initially I have a database, in which one field(for Date) is given as Varchar, now as we know varchar accepts all types of data, when migrating the same data to another server, i am using Date as datatype for the new field and want to remove all other format's of data (Junk data) entered to that field and want to ratain only the general format i.e, MM/DD/YYYY or MM/DD/YYYY, this query should also support MM<=12, DD<=31 Regards, Prasad K
on SQL Server 2000 They show only Create date but I need know update date because I install my system on customer's site and solve problem on customer site and I can't bring all stored procedure back to my office and restore all stored because of my database have two projects.
Consider the following tableCustomercustId char(10)accountExpiryDate datetimeaccountStatus bitNow, I want to update the accountStatus to False as soon as thecurrent date becomes accountExpiryDate.I think it can be done using "SQL Agent" but my webhost doesnt provideme access to that. I have access only to the Query Analyzer.ThanksShane
How can I set a column in a table to auto update the date and time everytime something in that row is updated or when the row is first added? Thanks ahead for the help,Jason
I'm converting an ASP system from using msaccess to SQL Server as the db engine, and I'm stumped on the following query
update timecard set TcdDate = #3/18/05#
TcdDate is defined as a date/time type
It will not run with the date bracketed by # signs, and when I take them out, 1/1/1900 is stored in the dbs. Is there a different symbol to bracket the date with or should I be using a function to convert the date?
I created one stored procedure to update the date difference in the table . in this table i have dt1,dt2,dt3... column and diff1,diff2... I wanted to find the difference between dt2 and dt1, and dt4 and dt3 and put it in separate column.
When I compiled the stored procedure, it did not show any error. But when i execute, it shows the error:
Conversion failed when converting datetime from character string.
set ANSI_NULLS ON set QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON go ALTER procedure [dbo].[autopost1] as begin declare inner int