I have this specific problem, that has been causing me alot of headaches for the last couple of days, and I can't seem to fiure it out on my own.
Basically i am working on a many to one currency conversion setup, where I have a fact table with exchange rates for periods and for all input currencies. The reporting currency is USD. Here is a demonstration of the data in it:
Normal period by period conversion is easy enough, but I want to convert the measures at the latest known rate, based on the period selected. Lets say I run an analysis without slicing on time, then it want it to convert at the last entered rate of all time, and if the user wants to run the analysis as of March 08, then it should convert all data to the rate as of January, since this is the latest one known.
I have tried to set the measure to a semi-additive behaviour, with "lastnonempty", but the problem with that is the conversion over time. Here is an example:
I want to show a measure summed "all to date" as of June 08. What I want is it to convert everything at the rates entered in April 08, but what I get is that it convert everything up until Jan 08 and the rates entered in January, and thereafter it starts to use the rated entered in April.
Period Amount LCY Currency Code Exchange Rate
Dec 07 100 GBP 2.0563 (Wrong, should be 1.9968)
Dec 07 100 EUR 1.4634 (Wrong, should be 1.5197)
Jan 08 100 GBP 2.0563 (Wrong, should be 1.9968)
Jan 08 100 EUR 1.4634 (Wrong, should be 1.5197)
Feb 08 100 GBP 1.9968
Feb 08 100 EUR 1.5197
Mar 08 100 GBP 1.9968
Mar 08 100 EUR 1.5197
Apr 08 100 GBP 1.9968
Apr 08 100 EUR 1.5197
May 08 100 GBP 1.9968
May 08 100 EUR 1.5197
Jun 08 100 GBP 1.9968
Jun 08 100 EUR 1.5197
How do I create a measure containing the latest known rates based on time selection?
I'm trying to find a way to import data from this data xml feed to get daily exchange rate. I' tried:
select * from openrowset(bulk 'http://www.bankofcanada.ca/stats/assets/xml/fx-noon.xml',single_blob) as x
Which is a feeble attempt at a start; however, am getting this error message:
Cannot bulk load because the file "http://www.bankofcanada.ca/stats/assets/xml/fx-noon.xml" could not be opened. Operating system error code 123(The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.).
I have created a spreadsheet using powerquery and powerpivot. Loading the data on powerquery from different spreadsheets was a charm, the problem is calculating the exchange rates per month.The structure is as following:I have 3 tables, they are:
Dates– Just a dates (loaded directly on PowerPivot). Invoice – Details of invoices for all customers, gross totals are in different rates (loaded through power query) Customer – Detailed information of customers (loaded directly on PowerPivot). Currency – exchange rates (loaded directly on PowerPivot).
Note: I mentioned where they were loaded because I do not know if that really matters, I guess it does not... but extra information will not hurt. Now, let's go to how these tables are connected between each other and their key columns.The Invoice table has information on invoices dates, invoice gross total and customer code. This table is related to Customer table, which has the actual name of customers and other details. This link is done through the Customer Code column. The Currency table have a relationship with the Customer Table through the Country Column.
What I want to achieve is a formula to do the exchange rate based on the Invoice Date column present on the Invoice Table. So I have created a column on the Currency Table named at each month of the year and populated it with the exchange rates for all countries (countries listed using ISO3 format).My problem is while I am able to select a column from the Currency table to do the exchange rate calculation using the below formula, I fail to realize how to do it per month:=CALCULATE(sum(invoice[Gross Value])*SUM(Currency[Reverse]))*Reverse is the column with the exchange rate for the country money to USD.What I am failing to do is how to make that calculation to also consider the month of the invoice and pull the exchange rate for the same month from the Currency table
Get the invoice date then find the column on Currency[Month] and multiply, providing me the USD amount.I was unable to figure out a solution using the filters parameters from Calculate. If some of you ask why I am using SUM inside Calculate, is because if I only use SUM and try to do the math between the two tables I get an error saying that it was not possible to determine the value on Currency[Reverse]. Same happens with SUMX. It worked out with Calculate, but then I cannot create other formulas using CALCULATE on that table because it will give that error on redundancy, unless I add a filter on it, which worked last time (but I do not remember which thing /parameter used to filter, so do not ask it right now.I do not really need that level of accuracy, but my Virgo perfectionist side demands me to find a solution to that, that will not use a single exchange rate, but consider which is the correct exchange rate for the month of the invoice and calculate it correctly for all invoices. Just so you know, the Invoices tables has more than 1million lines.
Hi all,I have the following tableName Date Wish ValidName is person's name, date defaults to getdate() and is neverassigned directly (datetime field), Wish is some message, and Valid isbit, 1 indicates if the wish is the latest, and therefore valid. Allprevious wishes are kept in database, and are "invalidated" by settingthe Valid to 0.So, a typical data set looks like:Name Date Wish ValidJoe 02/01/2007 Ice Cream 0Joe 02/04/2007 Bicycle 0Joe 02/06/2007 PS3 0Joe 02/22/2007 XBox 360 1Mary 02/02/2007 Barbie 0Mary 02/04/2007 Cindy 0Mary 02/06/2007 Barbie house 0Mary 02/20/2007 Get married 1My users want to see the initial wish at some point and another onesome time later (they provide dates). So, if someone wanted to seechanges in wishes between 02/03 and till 02/15, they would get thatJoe's initial wish was Bicycle and the latest that he wanted was PS3.As for Mary, she started wanting Cindy and ended up thinking about theBarbie house.I can do UNION, but is there another way to do that?Thank you.
Chasis Status Date pl1 sold 10/20/2004 pl1 return 10/21/2004 pl2 sold 10/24/2004 pl2 return 10/25/2004 pl3 sold 11/01/2004 pl4 sold 11/03/2004 pl4 return 11/04/2004 pl4 sold 11/06/2004
sp i want to list out cars that status solid has been sold
so in this case only pl3 and pl4 can be display. So anyone can advise me on this. thanks
select DayRank = ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY a.datedel DESC), a.order,a.line,a.datedel,a.recpt,b.status, b.item,b.t_sup from historytbl a inner join order b on a.order = b.order and a.line = b.line and a.status =4 group by a.order,line,a.datedel,a.recpt,b.status,b.item,b.sup
I have a table T (a1, ..., an, time, id). I need to select those rows that have different id (GROUP BY id), and from each "id group" the row that has the latest field 'time'. Something like SELECT a1, ..., an, time, id ORDER BY time DESC GROUP BY id. This is the wrong syntax and I don't know how to handle this.
hopefully someone can suggest the best way of implementing the problem i am trying to resolve. We have a table which contains rows relating to tests run on our product. This table is populated from an SSIS job which parses CSV files.
There are multiple rows per serial number relating to multiple tests. The only tests i am interested in are the ones with an ID of T120. Here is the query i have so far which should make it a little easier to explain:
SELECT [SerialNumber] ,Param1 ,[TimeStamp] FROM [Build Efficiency System].[dbo].[SSIS_SCANNERDATA_TBL] WHERE Test = 'T120' GROUP BY SerialNumber, Param1, [TimeStamp] ORDER BY SerialNumber
What i have above is fine to a point. The problem i am encountering is that in test T120 it specifies a part which can be be one of about 6 in field Param1. If during testing there is a problem with the part then it is replaced and the test run a second time up until the whole product passes the test. The query above returns all instances of replacements so i may have the out put as follows:
I have the following table called BADSANTA: varchar(30) datetime NAME WHENBAD OJ Simpson 2007-1-12 xx:xx:xx:xxx OJ Simpson 2007-4-2 xx:xx:xx:xxx Monica Lewinsky 2006-7-4 xx:xx:xx:xxx Monica Lewinsky 2006-10-31 xx:xx:xx:xxx Bill Clinton 2006-7-4 xx:xx:xx:xxx Bill Clinton 2006-10-31 xx:xx:xx:xxx Bart Simpson 2006-11-2 xx:xx:xx:xxx Bart Simpson 2006-2-25 xx:xx:xx:xxx Bart Simpson 2005-07-27 xx:xx:xx:xxx
I want the records of the persons latest WHENBAD date. It should return one recordset for each person.
I want to fetch below 3 records from the above scenario i.e. latest record of each amount (Latest is determined using "descr" column i.e. 4 is greater then 3 -
I have a SQL query I need to design to select name and email addressesfor policies that are due and not renewed in a given time period. Theproblem is, the database keeps the information for every renewal inthe history of the policyholder.The information is in 2 tables, policy and customer, which share thecustid data. The polno changes with every renewal Renewals in 2004would be D, 2005 S, and 2006 L. polexpdates for a given customer couldbe 2007-03-21, 2006-03-21, 2005-03-21, and 2004-09-21, with polno of1234 (original policy), 1234D (renewal in 2004), 1234S (renewal in2005), and 1235L (renewed in 2006).The policy is identified in trantype as either 'rwl' for renewal, or'nbs' for new business.The policies would have poleffdates of 2004-03-21 (original 6 monthpolicy) 2004-09-21 (first 6 month renewal) , 2005-03-21 (2nd renewal,1 year), 2006-03-21(3rd renewal, 1 yr).I want ONLY THE LATEST information, and keep getting earlyinformation.My current query structure is:select c.lastname, c.email, p.polno, p.polexpdatefrom policy p, customer cwhere p.polid = c.polidand p.polexpdate between '2006-03-01 and 2006-03-31and p.polno like '1234%s'and p.trantype like 'rwl'and c.email is not nullunionselect c.lastname, c.email, p.polno, p.polexpdatefrom policy p, customer cwhere p.polid = c.polidand p.polexpdate between '2006-03-01 and 2006-03-31and p.polno like '1234%'and p.trantype like 'nbs'and c.email is not nullHow do I make this query give me ONLY the polno 123%, or 123%Sinformation, and not give me the information on policies that ALSOhave 123%L policies, and/ or renewal dates after 2006-03-31?Adding a 'and not polexpdate > 2006-03-31' does not work.I am working with SQL SERVER 2003. Was using SQL Server 7, but foundit was too restrictive, and I had a valid 2003 licence, so I upgraded,and still could not do it (after updating the syntax - things likeusing single quotes instead of double, etc)I keep getting those policies that were due in the stated range andHAVE been renewed as well as those which have not. I need to get onlythose which have NOT been renewed, and I cannot modify the database inany way.*** Free account sponsored by SecureIX.com ****** Encrypt your Internet usage with a free VPN account from http://www.SecureIX.com ***
The following SQL query :-SELECT CardHolder.RecordID, History.GenTime, History.Link1FROM History FULL OUTER JOINCard ON History.Param3 =LTRIM(RTRIM(Card.CardNumber)) FULL OUTER JOINCardHolder ON Card.CardHolderID =CardHolder.RecordIDWHERE (Card.Deleted = 0) AND (History.GenTime IS NOT NULL)ORDER BY CardHolder.RecordID, History.GenTime DESCreturns :-RecordID GenTime Link12 04/06/2004 15:30:00 1232 01/06/2004 16:00:00 1232 01/06/2004 08:00:00 1101155 02/06/2004 11:30:00 1231155 02/06/2004 08:00:00 1103925 03/06/2004 09:00:00 1233925 03/06/2004 08:00:00 1104511 06/06/2004 11:30:00 1234511 06/06/2004 10:30:00 110Is there a way of modifying this query to just return the lastestgenTime for each RecordID ??? ie return just rows 1,4,6 & 8.I assume it is something to do with MAX, but I can't seem to get myhead around it.Any help, or pointers would be appreciated.Oh, running query on Microsoft SQL Server 2000.RegardsDave
Let's say I have a table of data as per the below..
I'm trying to extract only the green highlighted items..
The rules applied are: Only the latest data concerning all cases, and only 1 line (the latest) per case.
As you can see in the image, I don't want the 2nd,3rd, and 4th record extracted cause they are all superseded by more recent records (identified as they are further in the table).
I've considered using either Distinct or Having? but can't get that to work.. If I could use Distinct but then ensure it's the latest record in the table that would be perfect.
Hi,Is there an easy way to determine the rate of change for table? I realizethat I could do periodic select count(*) from XXX, but that would onlydetermine the size of the table. It would ignore updates.What I'd really like to do would be able to determine the number of non-readoperations over a table so that I can determine the rate of change for thattable.Thanks for any help..
Hi All, I would like to print out a dataflow's tarnsfer rate (row/sec) to the output window and refresh it in each 5. second. Could anybody help me? Thanks in advance. m
I have a SQL Server hosted on a Win2003 server. I have a monitor on the server letting me know the average download speeds. When I do a large select from a remote connection, it looks like the download rate maxes out at around 10 kb/sec.
Is this an average download rate for a server hosting sql server?
I have attached some test data for you that has two temp tables "#worker" and "#worker_rate".
The issue is to find all workers who are sharing SAME SET of rate_codes.
I'm able to get the output as "workers sharing same rate_codes", but unfortunately I could not get the list of workers sharing same SET of rate_codes. Also definition of SAME SET is not defined.
I have a task to provide users with a list of currency rates in the following format:
Base Currency Hedged Currency Base to Hedge Rate Hedged to Base Rate
"Base Currency"..."Hedged Currency"..."Base to Hedge Rate"..."Hedged to Base Rate" GBP....................USD.......................1.70.........................0.59 GBP....................EUR.......................1.25..........................0.80
(the dots are for the visual only)
The table I have been provided in SQL has the following structure:
Currency Code Currency Rate (Rate against the Base Currency) Base Currency (BIT to recognise which currency is the base one as it can vary from site to site. Only once currency can be Base per a given site)
I have started to implement, but ended up with cursor and temporary table, where I insert the data.
I would like a single SQL to return all employee's total billablecompensation for a year. Their billable rates change throughout the year sounder the employee table (one), there is a compensation table (to many)which has the employee id, effective date, billable hourly rate. So in agiven year calendar year they could have many different (though usually 2 atmost) rates. These rates then have to correspond to and e multiplied bytheir corresponding billable hours from the time sheet table.I know I could create a series of UNIONs and hard code the effective dates,i.e.select from time sheets where employee=john and timesheet.task_date betweenjan 1 and jun 1, compensation.billable rate * timesheet.billable hoursUNIONselect from time sheets where employee=john timesheet.task_date between jun1 and dec 31 compensation.billable_rate * timesheet.billable_hoursI'd have to do that for every employee in a very large SQL.Is there an easier way using straight SQL? If not could it be done with astored procedure?Thanks for any insight.
Ok so I created a SSIS package to get currency exchange rates from web service - http://www.webservicex.net/CurrencyConvertor.asmx . Everything works fine I can run it successfully - i uploaded to SSIS package store - runs successfully./
BUT when I put it in a job - it FREAKING fails every *dem time.
In addition to run it the JOB as SSIS package from store - also straight from the File System = still same freagging error - and SQL 2005 has gotten more stupid than SQL 2000 & DTS - they provide no clue as to y you get an error
I am trying to build a query which will be used in an automated report to calculate failure rates of systems based on cases opened through support. Here is where I am stuck. Some systems may have multiple cases opened within the same span of another cases however we would consider this one failure:
System ACase12013-07-11 13:17:09.0002013-07-15 12:05:03.000 System ACase22013-07-12 16:27:50.0002013-07-12 16:29:12.000 System ACase32013-07-12 17:30:32.0002013-07-12 17:40:11.000 System ACase42013-07-12 19:00:24.0002013-07-12 19:04:14.000 System ACase52013-10-01 18:02:23.0002013-10-01 18:11:26.000
Lets say System A generated those 5 cases however Case 2,3 and 4 all happened within the same period as Case 1 so those 4 cases should count as one failure so my end result should be
System ACase12013-07-11 13:17:09.0002013-07-15 12:05:03.000 System ACase52013-10-01 18:02:23.0002013-10-01 18:11:26.000
And that system should show me 2 failures. I was thinking of using a temp table but not sure if that is possible as I am stumped on how to compare the dates to be able to validate if they fall within the range of an older case and whether or not to include them into the new Temp Table.
Has there been any indication from Microsoft as to when they anticipate using SQL 7.0 in SMS and Exchange? We are currently planning our MCSE+I certification training course schedules through the end of March. We are currently using SMS 1.2 and Exchange 5.5, which use SQL 6.5. We are planning to schedule the SQL 6.5 Admin and Design classes, but knowing when Microsoft will switch to SQL 7.0 for their BackOffice apps may influence our schedule. I have been told that we could take the SQL 7.0 Design class, and the instructor could tell us what has changed since SQL 6.5. I was told that the SQL 7.0 Admin class is very much different, however. Could anyone shed any light on this?
Does Exchange 2000 and SQL 2000 have to be the same machine to use exoledb.dll? I want to link to an Exchange server and gain access to a Public Folder Contact Object for use as a lookup table within an Access front end. Someone directed me to use the Exchange OLE DB Provider, but it does not exist on my SQL machine.