Launching Web Page From SQL

Aug 11, 2006

Hello All,

I'm not very knowledgable about SQL server so I'm not quite sure if this is possible.  I want a scheduled task to be ran everyday. (Querying the Database and such).  If a certain parameter is met I want a webpage, w/ code behind that will send an email, to be launched.

Is there any way to launch a web page from SQL????

Thanks in advance,

Kyle Landis

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Launching SSIS

Oct 3, 2007

I have just installed SQL Standard. I beleive I have installed all of the components. But I can't find SSIS. I open teh Business Intel. Studio, select File, New, Project. But no where in the tree do I see SSIS. Did I miss something in the install?

I need to import a tab delimited file and export to tab delimited. I think SSIS is the thing to use.

Thanks for the help.

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Error 80004005 On Launching DTS

Jan 5, 2004

Hi all. I have just migrated our DWH environment from one server to another, from a named instance to another one. When I run the DTS it works fine, but when I launch it by using a job (running dtsrun) it fails with the following error:

DTSRun: Loading... Error: -2147467259 (80004005); Provider Error: 17 (11) Error string: [DBNETLIB][ConnectionOpen (Connect()).]SQL Server does not exist or access denied. Error source: Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server Help file: Help context: 0. Process Exit Code 1. The step failed.

What can be the cause of this? thanks a lot.

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Launching SQL Server 2005

Aug 5, 2006

I installed Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express. However, all that shows up in my "Start" menu is "Configuration tools." How do I open the application where I can start coding?

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Launching An Application From SSRS

May 1, 2008

I would like to launch an application (developed by my team) from a report in SSRS, just like how a web page can be launnched by setting the Navigation property.

Any ideas?

I tried this by writing a function in a custom assembly
public static myfunc()

and calling this function from the report. This is not working.
Iam guessing it has to do with setting permissions. How and where do i need to set this?


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Reporting Services :: All Record Are Displaying On One Page - How To Display Page By Page

Nov 11, 2015

I have created one reports but all the records are displaying on one page.find a solution to display the records page by page. I created the same report without group so the records are displaying in page by page.

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Launching And Monitoring SSIS Packages From A Web App

May 5, 2006

Has anybody developed a ASP.Net app that interfaces to SSIS? If so, what was your experience? Any pitfalls, tips, etc? We have a requirement to launch and monitor SSIS packages via a web interface.

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Problems Launching Reporting Services

Apr 14, 2008

There are so many posts that I've read both here and other sites that attempt to resolve the problem where the message "The report server is not responding. Verify that the report server is running and can be accessed from this computer" appears when browsing to http://localhost/reports but unfortunately I still have a problem with this.

In addition to the above I am also unable to connect to Reporting Services using SSMS.

The configuration tool shows no red boxes, SharePoint Integration, Encryption Keys are in blue, Initialisation is greyed out, Execution Account is yellow. The rest are green.

Please can someone tell me where to start investigating what is causing the error. I've looked in the Windows Event Log and it tells me nothing.

This is really desperate now as I've been trawling through posts etc for days.

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Launching SSIS Packages From Within An Application

Jul 24, 2007

We need to launch SSIS packages from within an application. As a DBA I am trying to come up with a solution that is easy to implement and will fit security best practices. Here are the possibilities that I see:

Launch dtexec via xp_cmdshell. This is the one all developers come up with first. It is not possiblebecause use of xp_cmdshell is restricted to DBAs only.
create a table into which application can insert the dtexec command. Create a job to check the table every minute and run the command via xp_cmdshell. Developers don't like this one because it is not instant.
Same as above but launch the job with sp_start_job. Not allowed because sp_start_job requires sysadmin rights.
Create a table as above but launch the packages via a service that runs on an application server. The service
checks the table and launches the packages. Fairly complex to put together and requires dtexec on the application server.
Install dtexec together with the front end and launch the packages from the client. Too expensive because dtexec requires a SQL Server license.
Create a CLR procedure that launches the package (don't know how difficult this would be and what the pros/cons are)

Does anyone have any other suggestions or comments on my assumptions?

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Launching SQL Server Management Studio

Aug 25, 2006

Okay forgive my ignorance. I just installed the SQL Server Management Studio Express, now how the heck do I launch it? :)

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URL Launching From Report Builder Reports?

Apr 9, 2007

Hello -

I know that you can build a Report Designer report and add URL navigation from a field. I am trying to figure out how to do this with report BUILDER. I haven't been able to do it using the UI and editing the RDL directly to match what I see in a similar report Designer report is being ignored (if I did it right).

I can put the URL into the DSV & Model as a field/attribute, but displaying the a field with a URL in it doesn't make it "clickable".

Does anyone have a trick for this? Or know that there is definately no way to do it?

Thanks in advance,

Toni Fielder

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Launching Report Manager Url Fails

May 30, 2006

Under Books online, topic "Install client and server components on a single computer"

Configure the Report Server and install samples

3. Verify that installation succeeded by launching Report Manager. In the URL address, type https://localhost/reports or http://localhost/reports. You should see the Report Manager Home page.

I get in IE with url http://localhost/reports :

<%@ Page language="c#" Codebehind="Home.aspx.cs" AutoEventWireup="false" Inherits="Microsoft.ReportingServices.UI.HomePage" %>
<%@ Register TagPrefix="MSRS" Namespace="Microsoft.ReportingServices.UI" Assembly="ReportingServicesWebUserInterface" %>

I can see in IIS, Default Web site, "Reports" and "ReportServer" and in SQLStudio Express both tables, "ReportServer" and "ReportServerTempDB"

I am running on Windows XP SP2

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4002 Error When Launching Security Manager

Mar 10, 1999

I recently changed the security properties on my sql server from mixed to standard and then back to mix. Now I get an 4002 login failed when attempting to open the security manager. I am able to successfully connect to the server using the same password in the enterprise manager. Any ideas?


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Error Launching SQL Server Configuration Manager

Dec 5, 2007

SQL Server 2005 (9.00.3042.00)

The servers are actually a cluster in an active / passive configuration. There are 2 servers with internal IP addresses and then a virtual server. We'll call them 192.1, 192.2 and VirtualBox. If I remote desktop into VirtualBox and run the config manager, nothing will happen for about 45 seconds and then I get a dialog with this message "Connection to target machine could not be made in a timely fasion.". Other than 'fashion' is misspelled :), I'm unable to determine what could cause this. Are there issues running this on a clustered environment? Or are there some things I can look at to diagnose this issue?

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Launching Visual Studio Express Under All Programs

Oct 24, 2007

I apologize up front since this question seems so basic but I'm really running into difficulty with it. Should there be a Visual Studio Express program to launch under Start - All Programs or do you simply have to select one of the pieces such as Microsoft Visual Web Developer 2005 Express Edition? I have seen documentation telling the user to launch Visual Studio Express yet I have nothing for that. Also, since I'm trying to become familiar with Reporting Services I suspect it's somewhere I haven't located yet, leading me to believe perhaps I'm missing something very, very basic. Thank you in advance.

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Server Error : Launching SSIS Using A Webservice And

Jan 16, 2007

Hey guys,

I have a webservice set up on the same box where my SSIS packages sit at. I have an app which calls the webservice. The webservice in turn invokes the ssis package and , I run it on file system.

i keep getting this error

System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException was unhandled by user code
Message="Server was unable to process request. ---> That assembly does not allow partially trusted callers."
at System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol.ReadResponse(SoapClientMessage message, WebResponse response, Stream responseStream, Boolean asyncCall)
at System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol.Invoke(String methodName, Object[] parameters)
at sourceType, String sourceLocation, String packageName) in D:ProjectsCallDummyWebServCallDummyWebServWeb Referencescom.bls.cmndev2Reference.cs:line 78
at CallDummyWebServ._Default.btnSayHello_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e) in D:ProjectsCallDummyWebServCallDummyWebServDefault.aspx.cs:line 26
at System.Web.UI.WebControls.Button.OnClick(EventArgs e)
at System.Web.UI.WebControls.Button.RaisePostBackEvent(String eventArgument)
at System.Web.UI.WebControls.Button.System.Web.UI.IPostBackEventHandler.RaisePostBackEvent(String eventArgument)
at System.Web.UI.Page.RaisePostBackEvent(IPostBackEventHandler sourceControl, String eventArgument)
at System.Web.UI.Page.RaisePostBackEvent(NameValueCollection postData)
at System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain(Boolean includeStagesBeforeAsyncPoint, Boolean includeStagesAfterAsyncPoint)

I tried to set up the impersonation on both the 2.0 config and web.config .. but the problem is stil haunting me .. any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

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Issue With Launching Report Builder From Client PC's

Jul 4, 2005


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Help!!! Launching Report Builder From Url Is Adding .rdl To Name When Saving.

Mar 3, 2007


When I launch a report using the following url, and then make changes to the report and save it, Reportbuilder is creating another report with the same name but also including the .rdl within the name itself.. therfore I now have two reports now displayed within the report manager


Can someone please help...

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Launching A Stored Procedure With Parameter From Excel 2003

Oct 2, 2007

I have a stored procedure in SQL Server which needs a parameter and returns a resultset.

sp_xxx 'parameterValue'

I'd like to know if it is possible to launch this stored procedure through Excel 2003 and get the resultset in the active spreadsheet.

I have tried to do this with Microsoft Query but it doesn't allow parameters in queries that can't be graphically represented.

I have tried also through an ODC files but I get an error.

Is it possible to do this?

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Can Not Create A Stable Subkey Under A Volatile Parent Key. Why Am I Getting This Error When Launching Sql Sever Management Studio Express

Apr 25, 2007

Iam running sql sever 2005 express with advanced services but when i try to launch sql sever management studio express, i get the following message message and i have no idea why.
unhandled exception has occurred in a component in your application. If you click continue the application will ignore the this error and attempt to continue .
Can not create a stable key under a volatile parent key.

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I Need To Pass Data Entered /created On The First Page To The Next Page And Populate The Next Page With Some Data From The Fir

Nov 28, 2006

Hello I have a project that uses a large number of MS Data access pages created in Access 2003 and runs on MS SQL2005.

When I am on lets say my client, (first page in a series) data access page and I have completed the fields in the (DAP), I am directing my users to the next step of the registration process by means of a hyperlink to another Data access page in the same web but in a linked or sometimes different table.

I need to pass data entered /created on the first page to the next page and populate the next page with some data from the first page / table. (like staying on the client name and ID when i go to the next page)

I also need the first data access page to open and display a blank or new record. Not an existing record. I will also be looking to creata a drop down box as a record selector.

Any pointers in the right direction would be appreciated.
I am some what new to data access pages so a walk through would be nice but anything you got is welcome. Thanks Peter€¦

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Expression After Table Object Forced To Display On The Last Page Even There Are Still Spaces At The Bottom Of The First Page.

Oct 16, 2006

The following objects are placed on the Report body of the Report pane of SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services :

<textbox: expression1>
<textbox: expression2>

<table:table1 with at least 30 columns and 30 expressions>

<textbox: string1> - considered as the Title in the Footer section of the report

<texbox:string2> <textbox:expression3>
<textbox:string3> <textbox:expression4>
<textbox:string4> <textbox:expression5>

I can't find any explanation why is it string1 and string 2 of the footer section of my report displayed separately from the expression3 which is aligned on it and the rest of the object on the second page.

The expected design is that all Footer items should be displayed together of whether it is placed on the first page or on the last page.

As a workaround of this, I converted string 1 into an expression (Added = and enclosed the string with double quote).. As a result, all of the items in the Footer section are now placed together on the last page of the report.

I also remember one of the issue I encountered before where the Footer items where placed together on the first page and still have space at the bottom of the page, but then expression 6 is forced to display (alone) on the last page of my report.

I can't find any discussion related to this, I wish somebody could give me an idea why RS behaved like this.

Thanks in advance

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Fit An Intere Table In Same Page Without Page Breaks Excel Export In A Single Sheet.

Feb 14, 2008

Fit an intere table in same page without page break for save the excel export.

My table has a Group for order my dates.

I need to have the intere table in the same page, i don't care about blank space at the end of the page.

I can't use the page break beacuse i need an excel export in a unique sheet..
I have tested.. every page'll have a different sheet in your excel export

I need something like this

page 1


page 2


but an unique sheet in the excel export

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Local - Including Page Header Forces Viewer To Expand To Page Size

Jul 17, 2007

If I have a report that includes a page header, the report viewer will render the report at the full width, but if I hide the page header and show only the body it will use the absolute width of the report.

I have a 7" wide report, with .75" borders set on each side.

Interactive & Print size are set to 8.5x11
Changing these sizes has no effect on the behavior of the viewer, which appears to ignore them.

When I view this report in the local viewer the contents fill the window if there is no page header.
If I enable the page header then the report is drawn at 8.5" wide, leaving a _big_ white border on the right side.
Any comments or workarounds that anyone knows? I know the local viewer is not a standard configuration (at least it seems) but it is what we need to use.Thanks,//Andrew

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How To Access A .asp Page Or .aspx Page From A Store Procedure In Sql Server 2000

Sep 21, 2006

Hi, I wanted to know that can we access a webpagefrom a store procedure in sql server 2000 like we run a exe file from sql server. Bye.

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DBCC SHRINKFILE: Page 4:11283400 Could Not Be Moved Because It Is A Work Table Page.

Jul 20, 2007


I issued this command on Tempdb but it doesnot shrink the file.

dbcc shrinkfile (tempdev_3,1)




DBCC SHRINKFILE: Page 4:11283400 could not be moved because it is a work table page.


I have checked that there are no tables associated with any user in tempdb. Any help is appreciated.



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How Can I Print A Field That Is In The Dataset On Each Page And Show The Table Hearder On Each Page?

Apr 16, 2007

How can I print a field that is in the dataset on each page? I added a textbox in the Page Header and use =Fields!ProjectName.value in the value property. I got an error "Fields cannot used in page header and footer."

How can I have the table header shows on each page? Currently if the data goes to the second page, there is no table header.



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Removing The White Space In Between The Image And Page Border Of The Page Header

May 26, 2008

Hi Team,

When i view the Report from SSRS Report preview Tab it's working fine, But when i deploy that and try to view in the IE
I am seeing the Body background color in between the image and page border of the page footer how to solve that?

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Single Page Report In SSRS Is Printing With The Second Page Blank....URGENT

May 16, 2008

Hi All,
In my SSRS report. I have a report which has only one page. In preview it is showing as only 1 page but when I am printing the report. I am getting two printouts with the second page as a blank.. Please help me in printing the page that contains report. Intially I used a Page header, at that it used to print the blank page with a header only. Now as I removed the header it is printing the page without header i.e Blank Page.. So please help me in prinitng a single page that has the report. It is urgent,..


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Reporting Services :: Tables Are Showing Up In Same Page When There Is No Data Even After Giving Page Break Option

May 7, 2015

I have a report with multiple tables. I need to show each tables in different pages. When there is no data for tables/tables , it is coming with the next table which has data. I have given "Add a page break after" option in the tablix but still the tables are coming together when no data available. How can I show it in different page?

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SQL Server 2012 :: Force Page Footer At Bottom Of The Page

Mar 12, 2015

I have a report with tablix. when tablix returns no rows Footer is coming all the way up . How to display the footer at the bottom of the page all time.

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Reporting Services :: Page Break In Middle Of Two Page Report

Nov 11, 2015

How do I add a hard page break in the middle of a two page report? I use Microsoft reports for windows.

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Page Header Taking Up Blank Space On 1st Page Even If Not Printing

Apr 15, 2008

In SRSS 2005 (SP2) my page header seems to take up the same amount of space on the
1st page it would take if it were to print; I have PRINT ON FIRST PAGE set to
false - the header doesn't print - it just leaves the same amount of space.
How do you get the report to ignore that. I do have a report header built
into the body of my report. I have tested this by increasing the size of my
page header and it does move the report up or down on the 1st page by that

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