Layout File For A Fixed-Length Flat File

Sep 26, 2005


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Flat File With Fixed Length Header And No Delimeter

Aug 21, 2006


I'm trying to extract data from a Flat File which is as fixed length as they come. The file has a header, which simply contains the number of records in the file, followed by the records, with no header delimeter (No CR/LF, nothing).

For example a file would look like the following:


So this has 3 records (indicated by the first 8 characters), each consisting of a Name and Address.

I can't see a way to extract the data using a flat file connection, unless we add a delimeter for the header (not possible at this stage). Am I wrong?

Any suggestions on possible solution would be much appreciated - I'm thinking Ill have to write a script to parse the file manually.

Thanks in advance,


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No Row Delimiter For Fixed Length Flat File Destination?

Dec 8, 2006

When I use SQL 2000 DTS Export to create a fixed length flat file, the data rows are delimited by carriage return-line. Which means that when I open the flat file in a text editor like UltraEdit or WordPad, the data rows are broken out nicely (row ends at the max row length position and new row starts at position 0).

But when I use SSIS to create the file, the whole file is displayed as one line in WordPad. The data rows don't end at the max row lenght position in ultraEdit neither. From Flat File Connection Manager's Preview page, I can see the data rows are displayed properly.

Now I wonder if the flat file destination is a true fixed length file.

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XML Format File For Bulk Insert Of Text File With Fixed Length Columns

Jan 2, 2008

Hey All,

Similar to a previous post (, I am trying to import data into a SQL Table.

I am trying to program a small application that will import product data obtained through suppliers via CD-ROM. One supplier in particular uses Fixed width colums, and data looks like this:

Example of Data

0124015Apple Crate 32.12

0124016Bananna Box 12.56

0124017Mango Carton 15.98

0124018Seedless Watermelon 42.98
My Table would then have:
ProductID as int
Name as text
Cost as money

How would I go about extracting the data with an XML Format file? I am stumbling over how to tell it where to start picking up data for a specific column.
Is there any way that I could trim the Name column (i.e.: "Mango Carton " --> "Mango Carton")?

I don't know if it makes any difference, but I've been calling SQL from my code by doing this:

Code in C# Form

SqlConnection SqlConnection = new SqlConnection(global::SQLClients.Properties.Settings.Default.ClientPhonebookConnectionString);
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand();

cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
cmd.CommandText = "INSERT INTO PhonebookTable(Name, PhoneNumber) VALUES('" + txtName.Text.ToString() + "', '" + txtPhoneNumber.Text.ToString() + "')";
cmd.Connection = SqlConnection;

I am running Visual Studio C# Express 2005 and SQL Server Express 2005.

Thanks for your time,


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Fixed Length File Output

Feb 5, 2008

I need to write data into a fixed column length file and was wondering the best (most efficient) way to tackle this. For example, the first few pieces of the report I'm working on now would be:

PacketID - Starting position 1, Field length 9
TransactionID - Starting position 10, Field length 9
Group number - Starting position 19, field length 10
PID/SSN - Starting position 29, field length 10

For the PID/SSN, if I have a PID it'll be 10 digits and fill the field length, if I don't I use SSN which is only 9 digits and enter a space as the 10th digit. Obviously if I don't have certain pieces of information I'll just need spaces of the specified length to satisfy the file format. I'm using SQL 2005. Thanks in advance for any help provided.

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Fixed Length Text File

Sep 23, 2014

I have approximately 13 columns. Each Column has a start position and end position.. I created this in a table and defined the position, it's still not working for me.

FiceCode char(6), -- starting position 1, field length 6
StateStudID char(10), -- starting position 7, field length 10
CampusStudID char(10), -- starting position 17, field length 10
LastName char(25), -- starting position 27, field length 25

[Code] .....

I need a text output file that will define each start position.I also used: right(replicate('0',25) + cast(last_name as char(25)), 25) in my sql statement.when I add the first_name, I can't get it to start in position 52.

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Fixed Length File Read

Feb 15, 2006

I have a fixed-length flat file that contains about 30 columns. I have got it pretty well figured out using the flat file connection tool, but I am having trouble with the end of the line.

I know when I look at the file it is a CrLf that separates the rows, and SSIS only seems to understand this to a certain extent. It knows to go to the next line, but it also adds two rectangles to the lines, like this:

Col1 Col2 Col3 Col4 Col5
aaaaaa bbbbb ccccc ddddd eeeee

[][]aaaaa bbbbb ccccc ddddd eee
ee[][]aaaaa bbbbb ccccc ddddd e
eeee[][]aaaaa bbbbb ccccc ddddd

While this does create a cool pattern, it is a pain in the butt. The only solution I have found is adding two more spaces to the last column in the table, but the ?s just get appended there.

If anybody has any clue how to get rid of them, that would be great.

Thanks in advance

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Importing Fixed Length Text File..

Apr 16, 2001

Hi, Does anybody know how to import a fixed field length ASCII text file which is 370 bytes into a SQL Table by DTS?


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Can't Import Text File Fixed Length

Apr 21, 2003

Will be getting new file for download from vendor to process in future. When I use DTS or Import wizard in sql server I get "could not find the selected row delimiter within the first 8kb of data, is the selected delimited valid? This is for a fixed length file. If I answer yes and continue everything is fine, until I get to the end of the record which it can't find. It basically lumps the records together. What is interesting, that if I import the same file in Access 2000, I don't get this problem. ANyone seen this before? Could not find anything on MSDN

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DTS Fixed Field Length File Limitations

Jul 20, 2004

I am trying to upload a fixed field text file to a sqlserver table using the DTS wizard. The txt file has 111 columns and the total length of a single row is 5897. The problem is when I use the wizard to specify the starting and ending of each column, its not allowing me to specify the columns beyond the position 4095.
Is there a limitation on this? if so is there a work around ? to solve this.
Any help on this is truly appreciated.

Thanks much. :)

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Bulk Insert - Fixed Length File

Jan 10, 2007

I'm trying to do an insert using Bulk Insert with a fixed length file.I'm using a format file.I'm getting the following error message:Cannot perform bulk insert. Invalid collation name for source column 16in format file '\wbhq.comdfsdviDataIntGOPFilesGOPFormatFile. txt'.Any suggestions are appreciated.Thanks!JenniferFormat File Contents:8.0161SQLCHAR02""0Space""2SQLCHAR04""1YearID""3SQLCHAR02""0Space""4SQLCHAR02""2PeriodID""5SQLCHAR02""3CompanyID""6SQLCHAR01""0Dash""7SQLCHAR04""0Space""8SQLCHAR01""0Dash""9SQLCHAR04""4UnitID""10SQLCHAR01""0Dash""11SQLCHAR04""5AccountCode""12SQLCHAR05""0Space""13SQLCHAR01""6AccountType""14SQLCHAR029""0Space""15SQLCHAR016""7GLAmount""16SQLCHAR0105"
"0Space""Bulk Insert Statement:BULK INSERT FlatFile_GOPFROM '\wbhq.comdfsdviDataIntGOPFilesGLPAM.GOP'WITH(FORMATFILE ='\wbhq.comdfsdviDataIntGOPFilesGOPFormatFile. txt')Table Definition:CREATE TABLE [dbo].[FlatFile_GOP] ([YearID] [smallint] NOT NULL ,[PeriodID] [smallint] NOT NULL ,[CompanyID] [smallint] NOT NULL ,[UnitID] [smallint] NOT NULL ,[AccountCode] [int] NOT NULL ,[AccountType] [char] (1) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL,[GLBalance] [money] NOT NULL) ON [PRIMARY]GOFile Contents:2007 210- -0002-3000 G196395.102007 210- -0002-3700 B1484.002007 210- -0002-3700 G1571.132007 210- -0002-3800 B157457.002007 210- -0002-3800 G161577.73

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Import Variable Fixed Length File

Mar 3, 2006

I have a requirement to import a file of rows containing fixed length data. The problem is that each row can be one of 5 different formats (i.e. different columns) -- where the "type" of row is indicated by the first two characters of the row. Each row gets inserted into its own table.

Could I use a simple Conditional Split to route the rows? Or is the split for routing similiar rows? Anyways, problems are never this simple...

In addition, each "grouping" of rows is related. The "first" row is considered the "primary" row (and gets a row id via IDENTITY, whereas the remaining rows in the group are "secondary" rows and have foreign key references back the the primary rows id.

Given (using spaces to separate columns and CrLf to show "grouping"):

01 MSFT blah blah
02 blahblah blahblahblah
03 boring boringblah

01 AAPL blah blah
02 blahblah blahblahblah
03 boring boringblah

01 CSCO blah blah
02 blahblah blahblahblah
02 blahblah blahblahblah
03 boring boringblah

So, the first 3 lines are all related to a MSFT record which needs to be spread across multiple tables. The next three lines are all related to AAPL, And the next FOUR lines (yes, each record can have zero, one, or more secondary rows) are related to CSCO.

(If this is still not clear, all the "01" rows will be written to [Table1] with each row having an IDENTITY value. All the "02" rows will be written to [Table2] the a FK pointing to the correct [Table1] row. All the "03" rows will be written to... and so on.

Any ideas would be appreciated.

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Fixed Length Text File Import

Dec 5, 2007


I am trying to import a text file that has fixed length fields.
It also has column headers repeated in the file.

The text file is delimited by <CR><LF>.

Question 1

There are certain rows that end abruptly after a column for ex:
Row 1 <col1 data>.....<col2 data>.....<col3 data><CR><LF>
Row 2 <col1 data>.....<col2 data><CR><LF>

This seems to be throwing off the text file import as row 1 seems to be importing alright but row 2 gets ignored.
This not the behaviour I want. I want row 2 to also be imported and have a default of NULL for the columns that
are not specified.

Does anyone know how to achieve this?

Question 2

This is not that serious, but currently, I do not know of a way to ignore repeating column headers.
It would be nice if there was a way, but I can always resort to T-SQL based data cleaning after the import.


Shailen Sukul
Software Architect / Developer
Ashlen Consulting Services

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How To Bulk Insert A File With Fixed Row Length And No Row Terminator?

Jul 16, 2004

Hi All,

I have a file that has fixed row size of 148 and fixed column size, but the file has no end of line character. I know it is wierd but a client has made the file and refuses to change the format. So I am stuck with reading it the way it is.
In Enterprise Manager, I used the Import/Export wizard and I specified fixed length and it let me specify 148 as the lenght of each line. Then it recognized the file and I was able to read it in.
I saved the DTS package and I can run it over and over again using dtsrun. However I want to do the same thing using Bulk Insert. How do you specify fixed row length for Bulk insert and how do you give it individual column lengths?



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Reading A Text File With Fixed Length Column

May 11, 2008


I would like to read from a Text File using SSIS Integration Package.

The file has a fixed number of columns, let's say 3 columns.
There is no row header and each columns length is fixed. There is no delimiter as well.

Here is the sample of the file contents:
John Doe USA
Mary Monroe UK
Andy Archibald Singapore

Here is the hints to read the file contents
John Doe USA
Mary Monroe UK
Andy Archibald Singapore

If you notice, from the 1st column until the 9th column, it's reserved for the first name.
The 10-th column until the 19th column, it's reserved for the last name. Finally the 20-th column until the 29th column is reserved for the Origin Country.

Since there's no delimiter inside the flat file contents, i have difficulty in parsing this text using SSIS Package.

Please let me know if you need any necessary information.

Thanks for all your help.


Hadi Teo.

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Import Fixed Length Text File To Sql Server Using SSIS

Apr 18, 2008

what is the best way to import fixed length text file to sql server using SSIS?

I was trying to using text file source and ole db destination..but since the text file has no columns and have different length per column and per line( it show only one column becasue it all concatnated), I can not map it to destination column..

How can I import it?

Here is the example of text file ( fixed with row delimeter)that i need to import to different columns...

010000000000000000001164.00023 YV

02004101 1 2008-04-OLL 43456 0000000001 2008-04-08


047890 7556 YYU 779

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Exporting To A Flat Fixed File

Oct 6, 2004

I have a request from a vendor to export data out of my SQL Server 2K database view to a 'flat fixed file'.

What kind of file is this exactly, not a .csv ? Does EM have the capabilities through the DTS wizard, by choosing the output to a text file and fixed width ?

Thank you

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Fixed Width Flat File Destination

May 29, 2006

Currently we're working on an SSIS package to extract data from a SQL Server database to several fixed width flat files.

Some of the data needs to be formatted/converted in a certain way
DateTimes need to be formatted in ISO8601Booleans need to be 0/1 instead of False/True...Has anybody any idea what the preferred approach (best practice) would be to do these conversions?Convert everything in the select query? What about readability of your query?
Do it somewhere in the package? If so, how?....

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Exporting Data To A Fixed-width Flat File

Feb 1, 2007

There's a lot of information on importing data from text files, but not a lot on exporting data to text files... I've checked but found no info on this.

I'm trying to export data from SQL Server to a fixed-width flat file and wondering if I'm doing it the right way.

I use a view as source (using a OLEDB connection manager) and I can see the data without problem.

I defined a Flat File Destination (using a flat file connection manager). When setting up the flat file connection manager, I am asked for a file... Does this mean one should create manually a template file with the desired output format? So I used a production file as template since we're replacing an existing process.

After having set up everything, I run the SSIS only to see all the data on the same row. There are no CRLF...

When I create the file connection manager, there's no way to mention the row delimiter. In the properties I see a "Row Delimiter" field and when I try with "{CR}{LF}" it makes no difference. Interesting to note that, contrary to the HeaderRowDelimiter field, the RowDelimiter field has no drop-down control to give choices.

So I had to return the CRLF as the last field of the source view (SELECT .... ,'CRLF' = CHAR(13) + CHAR(10) FROM ...) to make it work.

Seems odd... Is it the way to go?


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Padding And Writing To A Fixed Format Flat File!

Apr 18, 2007


I am trying to write to a fixed format flat file using Flat File Destination Data Flow Component. I have all required information gathered from more than one sources. But when I tried to format the columns to a big string that will make up one line in the flat file, I could not figure out how to do that. Couple of issues that I am facing are:

How to padd different columns? For example, One interger column has could be 1 to 10 character long in my case. When I convert to string, dont know how to padd the remaining characters i.e. if the value of integer is '1234', it should be written to file as '1234 ' . Which transformation is best in this case, if available?
How to convert T-SQL datetime to a specific date and time format to write in the flate file? I have to write these date formats depending upon one of the parameters passed.
Also, I dont want to put a delimiter at the end of each column, just the new line characters at the end of each record.
Some of the columns has some unwanted characters (like new line characters) how to find them and remove them from the string.
Can we directly write columns to a specific position in the flat file? e.g. col 1 a position 1 and col2 starts at postion 20 etc.

Your co-operation will be appreciated.



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Flat File, Fixed Width Import With Nulls Always Fails

Dec 12, 2006

More SSIS woes. DTS was so much easier.

I have a flat file. It's fixed-with with CRLF record delimiters (a.k.a. Ragged Right format).

Some fields are null, and represented by the text NULL.

I'm trying to import the file into SQL via an OLE DB connection. The target table is a SQL 2000 data table. Two of the fields in the target database are of type smallint.

When I run PREVIEW on the data source (Flat File), everything looks good & correct. I added the convert columns task to convert my strings to smallint. This is where things go haywire.

After linking everything up, the conversion gives me a "Cannot convert because of a possible loss of data." All of my numbers are < 50, so I know this isn't the case. Another SSIS bogus error

My first instinct is the SSIS doesn't understand that NULL means null. I edited the file and replaced all instances of NULL with 4 emtpy string chars. Still no good. It seems to be having a hard time parsing the file now.

I dropped the convert task and tried editing the data source, and set the two smallint fields to smallint instead of string (SSIS formats). I get the same conversion error.

Changing the NULL values to 0 fixed the problem, but they're not 0. They're null.

Short of creating another script that converts all zeros to NULL using the aforementioned hack, I'm out of ideas.

I'm I missing something or is SSIS just incapable of handling nulls in fixed-width flat file formats?


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How To Export To A Fixed Width Flat Text File With Row Delimiters?

Aug 28, 2007

We're having issues exporting a set of data from SQL to a fixed width flat text file by just doing a right click on the DB, then choosing Tasks > Export Data. You can not specify a row delimiter when you choose a Fixed Width format. The only way around this that we've found is to specificy char(13) and char(10) at the end of the SQL select statement. Without row delimiters you end up with 1 giant record rather than 20,000 regular sized records. Is there any other way around this that we're missing?

Using Ragged Right is not an option either since the record lengths will be inconsistent if the last field doesn't contain a consistent length to the data.


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Flat File Source And Destination - Need Fixed Width Output

Sep 14, 2007

I have a text file that is comma delimited and im pulling it in with a flatfile connection manager. I want to read some of the data, then output another flat file but in a fixed column width. What settings do I made to the connection manager of the output flatfile ?

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SSIS - Output Table To Flat Fixed-width File

Oct 19, 2007

I am new to SSIS and am having trouble with automatically setting up the destination output columns.

I am sure there must be an easy way to do this.

My table (source) has 86 columns in it of varying lenghts.

In my connection magagers, I have created one for the SQL Server (source data) and one for the flat file (destination output).

I have also created an OLE DB source data object and a destination Flat File object and set them up to the respective connection managers.

Finally I have linked the source to the destination.

Now when I look at the source, it shows me all 86 columns.

When I open up destination, there are no columns set up.

Problem: do I have to type in all the columns manually in the connection manager for the Flat File?

I would think there would be some automatic way that it would self-populate the columns over to the flat file destination.

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Syntax - Reading Flat File - Row Length

Oct 12, 2007

I am reading a flat file in to SSIS. In the script, I want to process differently depending on the length of the row. However, since I am new to .net, I can't figure out the syntax to find the length of the row.
Can anyone tell me the syntax?

Public Overrides Sub Input0_ProcessInputRow(ByVal Row As Input0Buffer)

'Dim d As Double

If Row.MemberSourceLine.ToString.Length.Equals(267) Then <-- my latest try, but it does not work....

Row.WholesalerCode = Row.MemberSourceLine.ToString.Substring(1, 5)

Row.UPCNumber = Row.MemberSourceLine.ToString.Substring(34, 12)

'Row.SKUNumber = Row.MemberSourceLine.ToString.Substring(6, 14)

End If

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SQL 2005 -- Export Table To A Fixed Width Flat File -- Posting Again

Dec 7, 2006

I am sorry, I am posting this message again, since I did not get anyreply.I want to export a table into a "fixed width" file using SQL 2005import export wizard.This is the version I have:SQL Server 2005 - 9.00.2047.00For some reason it joins all the rows together. For EX: if the tableis like this:Create table Mytable (col1 varchar(50) null, col2 varchar(60) null,col3 varchar (100) Null)Insert into MyTable values ("abcdef", "12345", "8900")Insert into MyTable values ("xxxxxxx", "11111111", "22222222")Insert into MyTable values ("yyyyyyyyy", "5555555555555555","6666666666")Insert into MyTable values ("abcdef", "12345", "8900")Insert into MyTable values ("xxxxxxx", "11111111", "22222222")Insert into MyTable values ("yyyyyyyyy", "5555555555555555","6666666666")It is not exporting every row in a single line. Actually if I open itin "Ultra Edit", it is all in one line.I used to do this regularly with SQL 2000 import export wizard and itexported every row in one line.I looked at the setting:The header row delimiter has {CR}{LF}Code page has 1252 Ansi-Latin.In the Advanced tab:String:dt_str.I tried changing the header row delimiter to just {CR} or just {LF}.Also I tried changing the string to dt_text and nothing seems to help.Please help.Thank you

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Output To Fixed Width Flat File Not Adding Line Breaks

May 19, 2008

Hi All,

I have a simple SSIS package that runs a query on the db and outputs a fixed width flat file. I have all my column widths defined and in the connection manager i can preview the output. Everything looks great. All the fields fall where they should and each record is on it's own line.

When i run the SSIS program and then go open my text file with a text editor the ouput is all on the same line. I have tried changing my file format from fixed width to ragging right and adding a row delimiter but that doesn't work either. I feel like i'm missing something small here. It could even be an issue w/ my text editor (although i've tried to open the text file in multiple editors). In the flat file connection manager I have my file defined to be 187 characters long, So figure every 187 characters it should output a new line (it should add the carraige return right?).

Has anyone encountered an issue like this?

Any help would be much appreciated.

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Adding A Header Record To A Fixed Width Flat File Data Export.

Jun 21, 2007

Hi-I have a sql database (2005) that I need to extract a report from that looks somehintg like  SELECT * From Empl_Hours WHERE some_flag <> 'true' .The thing works fine, but the problem is this: I need to insert a record in the 1st row that looks like "Static_text"+row_count() +"more_static_text"where row_count is the actual # of rows that were retrieved. Thanks in advance for any help.DAn 

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[SQL 2005 Express] How Do I Load Fixed Width Per Row Flat File? Bulk Insert Possible?

May 14, 2007

I can't use DTS nor DTSwizard as I need to put it in a .sql and run it through a command line via .bat file (it's more for the users).

Each row ends with an EOL character, the fields are all fixed width, but I have a little problem here, some rows are empty but just with a EOL character.

How shall I go about it?

many thanks! :D

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Redefining Columns Isn't Possible With Flat File Connection Manager Editor Properties Already Fixed??

May 29, 2006

Dear fellows,

I know that I think as sql2k programmer-dba yet but I can€™t avoid.

I€™ve got Flat File Connection Manager Editor dragged with a text file as €˜ragged right€™ format and CRLF as header row limiter. When from properties page and Columns option I€™m going to alter just a few colums I am not be able.
It seems that you must erase all of them in order to define one or two. And in the case you€™d have 50????
When I ran sql2k DTS designer did that without problems, alter columns again and again.

As far as I know it€™s a lose of flexibility, or not? Or is there any way for do that without deleting nothing else?

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Flat File Destination , Ragged Right Output Column Length

Sep 14, 2007

how do I make the output columns padded with extra space ? I intentionally set my output width larger than the input width, but the generated file is still jamming all the columns next to each other

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Unable To Edit Pre-defined Flat File Connection Manager Properties In The Flat File Destination Editor

Aug 24, 2007


I am testing SSIS and have created a Flat File Destination. I defined the Flat File Connection as New for the first time and it worked fine. Now, I would like to go back and modify the Flat File Connection in the Flat File Destination Editor, but it allows only to create a New connection rather allowing me to edit the existing one. For testing, I can go back and create a new connection, but if my connection had 50-100 columns then it would be an issue to re-create it from scratch.

Did someone else faced this issue?


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Flat File Connection Manager Throws Error When A Column Gets Added To The Flat File

Dec 27, 2006


I have a situation where a tab limited text file is used to populate a sql server table.

The tab limited text file comes from a third party vendor. There are fixed number of columns we need to export to the sql server table. However the third party may add colums in the text file. Whenenver the text file has an added column (which we dont need to import) the build fails since the flat file connection manager does not create the metadata for it again. The problem goes away  where I press the button "Reset Columns" since it builds the metadata then. Since we need to build the tables everyday we cannot automate it using SSIS because the metadata does not change automatically. Is there a way out in SSIS?

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