Legacy Dts Style Execution Display.
May 22, 2006
My manager wants me to produce a legacy dts-style display of an executing package in an asp.net grid view. It would be color-coded the same way: red, green, black showing the status of each step with start and finish time. Any ideas on how to do this?
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Jun 9, 2006
I want to make a CSS Style solution for my reports. I have few ideas related to this, changing the report properties on the fly, but I am not sure for which I should go for.
- We know that we can put expression on reports almost everywhere, and can also call custom code for setting up those expressions. i.e.
Public Shared Function GetValue(ByVal Key As String) As String
Dim myDataReader As SqlDataReader
Dim mySqlConnection As SqlConnection
Dim mySqlCommand As SqlCommand
mySqlConnection = New SqlConnection("server=localhost;Trusted_Connection=yes;database=tempMIQB")
mySqlCommand = New SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM [Properties] Where PropertyName='" & Key & "'", mySqlConnection)
myDataReader = mySqlCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection)
If myDataReader.Read() Then
GetValue = myDataReader.Item("PropertyValue").ToString
GetValue = "None"
End If
End Function
and in textbox or any where I can say =Code.GetValue("BGColor") or from .NET dll.
For going further on with this idea I can create an .NET dll and get the list from database or XML file. (Please give suggestions for performance/scalability issue.)
- second idea is to write a custom application (script) which can go through all the reports and change the color and fonts and every thing.
- third is to use parameters and use Array.IndexOf method to search for the value, but in this case i need to add dataset to all reports and, I think we cannot access report properties i.e. Parameters from custom code, just to make a generic function to access parameter value.
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Apr 4, 2008
What's the use of display estimated execution plan....
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Mar 10, 2008
I am using SQL Server 2005. I want to know about display estimated execution plan feature.
Please help!!!
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Sep 24, 2015
ExecutionTime gives server time, How can I get local time ? I'm planning to create a report part and use it across all the reports to display report execution time.
- Reports are being opened in Citrix
-MS SQL Server 2008 R2
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Mar 16, 2007
I have imported 3 DTS from SQL 2000 to the SQL 2005 server. The wizard went fine, everything is ok. When I close the wizard window, I cannot see any of them. If I reimport it, it asks confirmation to override it. Where are the 3 DTS in the management Studio if they are not under Legacy DTS?
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May 30, 2006
I am in the process of migrating to a new SQL 2005 server. I have a number of DTS packages on my SQL2000 server, approximately 200, that are used on a daily basis. I used the migration wizard to migrate the packages from the 2000 server to the new 2005 server however there are issues with the way some were brought over. I would like to have all of the packages moved from the 2000 to the 2005 server and appear under Legacy DTS so that I can run them as 2000 DTS packages unitl I have a chance to correct the issues.
Here is where my question lies. The migration wizard migrates upgrades all of the packages. How do I move them from the one server to the other and perserve their 2000 DTS format? The servers are on 2 separate boxes with different instance names. Everything I've read tells you how to run the legacy packages but nothing seems to explain on to move them.
Any help would be appreciated
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Oct 4, 2006
How can I scheudule a legacy DTS 2000 package if it stored in SQL Server itself?
I assume the package 'lives' in the msdb database.
For what bizarre reason is there no option to schedule legacy packages anyway, why provide the DTS legacy/designer components if the ability to schedule them isn't possible?
Is this microsoft's subtle way of telling me that I should convert them to SSIS packages ...I just don't have the time to do that...help
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Mar 8, 2007
Hi everyone,
I am trying to migrate DTS packages from sql2000 To SQL2005 server. I am running the migration wizard from Data Transformation services under the ManagementLegacy Node on SQL 2005 server. I get to choose the packages to be migrated, but each of the selected pkg ends with a progress of "STOPPED" in the wizard and the outcome of the wizard shows as Successfull with a chaek mark on Top Left corner.
But No packageg appear under the location reff. above. I like to know if anoyone has a solution for this issue.
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Apr 20, 2007
I have changed a legacy dts 2000 package. It resides on a sql 2005 server. How do I schedule it? That option doesn't look like it is available for legacy 2000 dts packages.
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Mar 24, 2006
I have a legacy DTS package on my test SQL Server 2005 in the ManagementLegacyData Transformation Services folder. I can run the package, but how can I schedule it?? this doesn't appear to be an option anymore like it was in 2000.
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Mar 6, 2007
I am converting several DTS pkgs to SSIS. Several of the pkgs contain complicated "Active X script" transformations on text files. That is, it would take me a long time to have to re-write this!
In the meanwhile, do you think it's just best to use the EXECUTE DTS 2000 task until I have a better grip on SSIS??
Also, what is the equivalent of "Active X script" validation in SSIS?
For example, I have an Active X script that checks the values of a particular column in a text file. If the column contains a datefield, then load into the database, if not, then discard... what task in SSIS would replace this logic? (not now, but for later reference)
Thanks so much
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Apr 28, 2008
I am trying to import a legacy dBase III file (.dbf format) into SQL server. The file contains timestamp fields which, as implemented in the dBase data file format, are actually eight-byte character strings. I am using this command:
SELECT * INTO LegacyData FROM OPENROWSET('MSDASQL','Driver={Microsoft dBase Driver (*.dbf)};DBQ=D:Files','SELECT * FROM data.dbf')
The command fails with this error:
Msg 8114, Level 16, State 8, Line 1
Error converting data type DBTYPE_DBTIMESTAMP to datetime.
This is happening because some of the datetime fields contain strings that can't be parsed by SQL as valid dates and times. The legacy application which created the data file apparently indicated a missing timestamp by storing "- - " as the character string.
If I change the select statement to say "select top 2 *" to only import the first two records (neither of which happen to have any invalid datetime values), the records are imported successfully. What I would like to do is to import all records and either skip those records that have a bad datetime value or, better yet, import all records converting invalid dates to null values.
I tried changing the select statement to include various types of casts but it seems that because the .dbf file indicates that the data field is of time timestamp, SQL will always try to read it as a datetime field regardless of how the select statement is written. I don't currently have any way of modifying the dBase III file or I would attempt to search for and remove the offending records.
Does anyone know of a workaround for such a situation? Is there a way I can import the data using SQL server or will I need to find a dabasebase conversion utility that can handle unparseable date strings?
Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks
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Sep 7, 2007
Hi Guys
There are a few dts packages in our sql server 2000 database which we schedule daily for at night for business purposes.
how can i schedule the same DTS packages in Legacy SQL 2000 DTS when we migrate the Databases across to Sql 2005.
Can that be done or we need to migrate the DTS Package to SSIS
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Dec 29, 2005
My packages are migrated over our new 2005 server. How do I schedule/run them? BOL seems to suggest that we replace the dtsrun commands with the dtexec one. Am I on the right track?
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May 1, 2008
We are in the process of converting legacy DTS packages to SSIS. we have some script like this :
If trim(DTSSource(col1)) = "" then
DTSDestination(DestCol) = null
DTSDestination(errorcode) = "1"
DTSDestination(DestCol) = trim(DTSDestination(DestCol))
I am re-writing like this:
trim(Row.col1) = "" then
Row.DestCol_isnull = true
Row.errorcode = "1"
Row.col1 = trim(Row.col1)
But, this is not writing NULL to the column, writing just nothing to the column. I want to see NULL in my columns. How do I achive this using script ?
Thank for the help!!
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Apr 9, 2008
if we see provider=sqloledb in the connection string of a legacy sql server 2000/2005 system we're trying to understand better, can we conclude that ODBC is definitely not in the client picture, that possibly OLEDB is and that SQL Native isnt? Can we conclude for sure what middleware must be in use?
My limited understanding of this "middleware" space is that ODBC is old and restrictive, OLEDB is a lot more state of the art and general, and that SQL Native is more proprietary than OLEDB.
Even if we can conclude what middleware must be in use, is it generally as simple as changing a connection string and ensuring installation of the preferred middleware in upgrading to better performing middleware?
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May 29, 2007
I am not able to delete the Legacy maintenance plans created:
for example I created a maintenance plan: "MyPlan" with:
and the plan created at:
ManagementLegacyDatabase Maintenance PlansMyPlan
After this I tryed to delete this using SQL Server Management Studio, it is
deleted (right click on the plan and select delete menu item)
But when I refresh the server, the "MyPlan" is back again.
Any idea how to delete Legacy Maintenance plans?
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Sep 13, 1999
There r plenty of duplicate rows in the legacy system(Unix /Cobol) from which the data has to be migrated to SQL Server 7.0 Using DTS.Could u please help me in finding out all the repeating rows so that my people could go through it manually and make it unique rows. I expect a query that can be executed to select the repeating rows in a staging/temp table that contain all the rows from legacy system. If u could sujest any other alternative u r most welcome...
Thanks in advance..
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Apr 11, 2008
I am unable to acces Oracle from legacy DTS designer, here is what I have done,
1. I have kept my old DTS packages in SQL2K5 legacy DTS container
2. Now I am unable to access oracle; it gives provider error
3. I am able to connect oracle from SQLPLUS
How can I troubleshoot this problem?
I think, therefore I am - Rene Descartes
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Jun 1, 2007
Hi all,
the SQL Management Studio keeps crashing out on me everytime i try to open a Lookup in one of my DTS packages i am using in the Legacy section.
I am copying the DTS package across and need to change the server connections (which i do), but then i was getting a permissions based error when the package ran when it tries to access the Lookup.
I tried to open the Lookup and the SQL Management Studio hanged when it tried to display the details for the lookup. It's done this many times and i have tried different files incase one was corrupted to no avail.
Anyone have any ideas of what i can try?
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Sep 12, 2007
Hi Experts
I am trying to schedule a legacy DTS 2000 package in 64 bit Sql Server 2005.
I cannot use the DTSRun tool on the Command prompt of the Sql 2005. What about dtexec ?Can i run Sql Server 2000 DTS packages from the Command Prompt.
Is DTS 2000 the only way to do that?
Any Advise is greatly appreciated
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May 13, 2008
Hi All,
One of my user was able create DTS package using DTS Wizard, working from his workstation and saved this DTS in Legacy(in Data Transaformation services) on different SQL 2005 EE SP 2(9.0.3042) production server..
At same time he has no access to msdb on this SQL 2005 server(he also not sysadmin for this server).. How this could happen..??
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Nov 17, 2005
We have a large table which is very old and not much ppl take care about, recently there is a performance problem from the report need to query to this table. Eventally we find that this table have primary key missing and there is duplicate data which make "alter table add primary key" don't work
Besides the data size of this table require unacceptable time to execute something like "insert into new_table_with_pk from select distinct * from old table"
Do you have any recommendation of fixing this? As the application run on oracle , sybase and sql server, is that cross database approace will work?
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Oct 4, 2007
We have a SQL server with many legacy DTS packages. sa and Admins can open them and change them then save them but we need to allow the DTS people (Developers) the rights to save the package after they have opened it and modified it.
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Jun 24, 2005
How can I apply a style sheet "style.css" to a .rdl file (a report in Reporting Services)?
Could I modify the width of the parameters combobox?
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Feb 24, 2007
" When connecting to the server with a pre-4.1 client program, use an account that still has a pre-4.1-style password. Reset the password to a pre-4.1 style for each who must use a pre-4.1 client program."
What is "pre-4.1-style password"? Can you give an example for a "pre-4.1-style password"?
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Feb 21, 2008
i can't find the format style for mmddyyyy..
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Aug 23, 2007
after moving off VS debugger and into management studio to exercise our SQLCLR sp, we notice that the 2nd execution gets an error suggesting that our static SqlCommand object is getting reused from the 1st execution (of the sp under mgt studio). If this is expected behavior, we have no problem limiting our statics to only completely reusable objects but would first like to know if this is expected? Is the fact that debugger doesnt show this behavior also expected?
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Apr 21, 2006
MySQL allowed INSERT statements that looked like this:
INSERT INTO Table SET col1 = value1, col2 = value2, col3 = value3
Basically this closely matched the format of the UPDATE statements.
Here is why this was good: I could do something like this: if (RecordExists == false) {
SQLquery = "INSERT INTO Table SET ";
} else {
SQLquery = "UPDATE Table SET ";
SQLquery += "col1 = value1, ";
SQLquery += "col2 = value2, ";
SQLquery += "col3 = value3, ";
SQLquery += "col4 = value4 ";
if (RecordExists == true) {
SQLquery += "WHERE id = " + ourID;
If I had a good 50 columns then it means I can reuse a sizable chunk of code for both INSERT and UPDATE statements (since both use the same general format). Whereas if I have to use "INSERT INTO Table(columns) VALUES (values)" then I'm look at duplicating a lot of code.
Does MS-SQL support something similar to "INSERT INTO SET"? How are others dealing with this?
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Jan 19, 2006
If the datetime value is '20.01.2006', what will be the style in CONVERT function ?
Eg : select convert(datetime, '20.01.2006') gives datetime out-of-range error.
There is no style provided for dd.mm.yyyy in SQL Server documentation. Is there any way to do such conversion with this constant value of format dd.mm.yyyy ?
Please advice,
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Jun 11, 2007
Hi!If you like to spend some moments on my code examples,please look at it - usage is free (-:http://www.codeproject.com/useritems/TSQL_coding.aspFeedback welcome.GreetingsBjorn
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Jul 20, 2005
Hello, I'm looking for a little input on this situation.I'm working on an inventory system and was thinking that I'd like tobuild it similiar to the way a bank keeps track of your funds.If you look at at bank statement, for each line item, you'll normallysee at least date/time, description, amount (plus or minus value), andbalance.In my inventory system, the amount and balance would be a count of theitems used or transferred instead of money.Does this sound reasonable? Or is there a better design? I am planningto connect the inventory system to a few different ordering interfaces,and I think it would work well if I can dump transactions into theinventory instead of incrementing and decrementing counts.The only problem I see with this, is if I want to implement the balancepart of it with each record....I can't think of a way to do that currently.I can certainly use a trigger in the database to retrieve the mostrecent transaction and update the balance field for one record insertedat a time, but if a list of transactions is dumped into the inventorysystem at once, I'd have to compensate for that in the trigger.Ideas?*** Sent via Developersdex http://www.developersdex.com ***Don't just participate in USENET...get rewarded for it!
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