Limit The Characters Returned In A TEXT Column
Jul 30, 2007
I have a select statement that looks like this:
SELECT TOP 10 [Id], [Abstract] FROM NewsArticles
Abstract is a TEXT Column. I'd like to limit it to 50 characters... how would I do that.
-- shawn
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Jul 10, 2007
Hi, I was wondering if any SQL Server gurus out there could help me...I
have a table which contains text resources for my application. The text
resources are multi-lingual so I've read that if I add a html language
indicator meta tag e.g.<META NAME="MS.LOCALE" CONTENT="ES">and
store the text in a varbinary column with a supporting Document Type
column containing ".html" of varchar(5) then the full text index
service should be intelligent about the language word breakers it
applies when indexing the text. (I hope this is correct technique for
best multi-lingual support in a single table?)However, when I come to query this data the results always return 0 rows (no errors are encountered). e.g.DECLARE @SearchWord nvarchar(256)SET @SearchWord = 'search' -- Yes, this word is definitely present in my resources.SELECT * FROM Resource WHERE CONTAINS(Document, @SearchWord)I'm a little puzzled as Full Text search is working fine on another table that employs an nvarchar column.Any pointers / suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Cheers,Gavin.
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Jul 10, 2007
Hi, I was wondering if any SQL Server gurus out there could help me...
I have a table which contains text resources for my application. The text resources are multi-lingual so I've read that if I add a html language indicator meta tag e.g.
and store the text in a varbinary column with a supporting Document Type column containing ".html" of varchar(5) then the full text index service should be intelligent about the language word breakers it applies when indexing the text. (I hope this is correct technique for best multi-lingual support in a single table?)
However, when I come to query this data the results always return 0 rows (no errors are encountered). e.g.
DECLARE @SearchWord nvarchar(256)
SET @SearchWord = 'search' -- Yes, this word is definitely present in my resources.
SELECT * FROM Resource WHERE CONTAINS(Document, @SearchWord)
I'm a little puzzled as Full Text search is working fine on another table that employs an nvarchar column.
Any pointers / suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Cheers,
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Jun 21, 2007
I'm adding data to a text column, and whenever I have a backslash at the end of a line it disappears. Here's an example:
INSERT INTO MyTable (TextCol) VALUES ('some text
some more text
yet more text')
The on the first line is fine- the on the 2nd line just disappears. If I add a 2nd backslash on the end of the line, one is inserted. If I add a space to the end of the line, everything works as normal. I can fix this client-side, but before I do I'd really like to know what's going on?
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Feb 14, 2008
Is there a way to limit the number of rows returned by a SqlDataReader? I know I can do it by modifying the Stored Procedure, but I'd rather not modify a procedure that is used in multiple apps. I'm hoping there is something easy like setting SqlDataReader.RowsReturned = 100, but that might be too easy to hope for.
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Sep 2, 2004
I am doing some SELECT queries on my database through ASP, but for example, I only want to return the 50 most recent entries that match the criteria. Is there any easy way to limit the number of results returned?
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Aug 17, 2007
In my ASP page, when I select an option from the drop down list, it has to get the records from the database stored procedure. There are around 60,000 records to be fetched. It throws an exception when I select this option. I think the application times out due to the large number of records. Could some tell me how to limit the number of rows to be returned to avoid this problem. Thanks.
SELECT @SQLTier1Select = 'SELECT * FROM dbo.UDV_Tier1Accounts WHERE CUSTOMER IN (SELECT CUSTOMERNUMBER FROM dbo.UDF_GetUsersCustomers(' + CAST(@UserID AS VARCHAR(4)) + '))' + @Criteria + ' AND (number IN (SELECT DISTINCT ph1.number FROM Collect2000.dbo.payhistory ph1 LEFT JOIN Collect2000.dbo.payhistory ph2 ON ph1.UID = ph2.ReverseOfUID WHERE (((ph1.batchtype = ''PU'') OR (ph1.batchtype = ''PC'')) AND ph2.ReverseOfUID IS NULL)) OR code IN (SELECT DISTINCT StatusID FROM tbl_APR_Statuses WHERE SearchCategoryPaidPaymentsT1 = 1))'
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Dec 23, 2013
When I use for instance:
result is - |BegDate|22.12.2013.......................|
Is there any way to limit length of string returned from FORMAT function .
Database is on ACCESS.
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Jun 28, 2006
Im currently working with a DTS-package used for importing a Excelsheet into SQL-server.
I have a "Microsoft Excel 97-2000" as source and a "Microsoft OLE DB" as destination.
A "Transformation Data Task" is used to shuffle the data.
The package works ok as long as the path for the Excelsheet doesn't exceed 128 characters! Then it gets truncated at 128 characters and of course the data task can't find the file......
I can browse to my excelsheet, and when I look at the path it's ok. But when I close the package and then opens it again the path is truncated at 128 characters. Grrrr.
Is this a set limit in SQL Server or is it something I can mail the databaseadministrator about tomorrow?
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Nov 12, 2015
Is there a limit on the number of characters that can be entered in a cell? If so, what is it?
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Jul 20, 2006
How could I go about doing the following:
I have a column with lets say
How could I make a column next to it that is basically the same but cuts off anything after the third letter? So this new column would look like:
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Jan 7, 2008
Hi Experts,
I am extracting data from SQL Server 2005 to flat file destination. I am using SQL Command to specify the data selection query. One of my query uses Replicate function to derive a column value. When I execute this package it fails with the error "Data conversion failed. The data conversion for column "value" returned status value 4 and status text "Text was truncated or one or more characters had no match in the target code page".
The reason for the problem is that, it is taking the InputColumnWidth of the flat file destination as 8000 and I specified the OutputColumnWidth as 4.
If I change the OutputColumnWidth to 8000, it is working without any error but resulting in the column width of 8000.
I tried using DerivedColumn Transformation's Type cast and DataConversion Transformation but still I am getting the same error in the respective Transformation components.
Can anyone suggest how to solve this issue.
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Jul 23, 2005
Hi, all:I'd heard that the upper row limit in SQL of 6080 bytes may have beenincreased with SP3.Can anyone confirm/deny this? Is this still a 'carved-in-stone' uppercap?Thanks,DW.
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Jul 23, 2007
Any one knows for sure if there is any limit on the number of characters/letters that a FLATFILE connection manager can maximally have?
Is the following name (36 letters) valid ?
Code Snippet
<DTS:Property DTS:Name="ObjectName">Load Ready Output Connection Manager</DTS:Property>
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Apr 10, 2007
I have no problem getting OLE DB Command transformations to support single returns by a procedure.
For example, exec name_of_procedure ?,?,? OUTPUT
However, I have a stored procedure which accepts 1 input and returns 5 outputs. This procedure works fine at the command line but when I try to incorporate it into a OLE DB Command I don't get the multiple values returned. There's no problem at all configuring the transform as it recognizes all input and output parameters. For some reason I just don't get values returned.
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Nov 16, 2004
I am not sure about the architecture of the Issue Tracker and hence not sure if it applies here. But I will post in any case and wait for users on this forums comments as well.
===========Earlier post==================
This question is regarding the architecture of TimeEntry.
In some programs it builds an arrayList for Master-detail type of relationship and when user is ready to save it by clicking 'submit' it build a variable with pipe delimited fields.
This is then passed to a sql query.
This to me does not seem to be an efficient manner. Because the max character is 1500 chars as parameter to SQL query.
I was wondering if instead I could store it as an XML and then use the XML to import in to SQL.
Any ideas is greatly appreciated, I am running in to problems where my variable construct does increase to more than 1500 chars. Any thoughts are much appreciated in this regards.
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May 15, 2006
Im a programmer for an university webportal which uses php and msssql.
When an user creates a new entry and his text is too long the entry is cut short and weird characters appear at the end of the entry.
For example:
How can I set the text limit to unlimited?
Could it be something else?
Is there a way of splitting an entry to several text fields automatically?
Thanks in advance for any help you can give me,
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Jul 20, 2006
What is the limit of chars you can have in a field of type 'text' ?
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Oct 22, 2015
I’m getting ASCII characters in one column of my table. So I want to replace same column value in NON ASCII characters.
Note – values in column must be same
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Oct 18, 2007
I'm running a maintenance query that uses this statement to create a list of terms to full text search for
DECLARE @TermList varchar(8000);
SELECT @TermList = COALESCE(@TermList + '|', '') +o+':'+D
(Select O,D from table where
c='sd' and y=1823 group by o, d) as tab;
The full text query works great, and executes in several seconds vs several minutes using like, unfortunately I get the following error message if I use more then about 150 "OR"'s or so.
Too many full-text columns or the full-text query is too complex to be executed.
The full text part of the query itself is simply this:
Any Idea's?? Its kinda stupid issue to run into considering how fast the query runs.
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Mar 27, 2000
We're connecting to SQL Server 7.0 (sp2) via ODBC for our ASP application, and are having trouble saving information collected in a <textarea> tag on an HTML form. I assume the <textarea> tag contains data of type TEXT. i thought there would be no problem in converting it into a string and saving it in a VARCHAR field in the database. this works fine as long as the string is 255 characters or less. anything over that give me an "Errors Occurred" SQL Server error. the field that i'm saving this into is a VARCHAR length 8000. i thought SQL 7.0 had gotten rid of the 255 limit on varchar - could this be an ODBC driver problem (on my web server i currently have 3.50.0305) and/or should i install service pack 2 on my SQL Server? anyone advice would be much appreciated.
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Apr 18, 2005
Hai Every one
i am facing a werid problem it is related to storing a long text data in SQL 2000 the text data is some thing like the following
in short it is really long so i opted to go with TEXT data type as it states that it can store more than 8 kb but when i try to insert this data it gives me error stating that Text data type cannot be of length more than 128...........?
What am i doing wrong........if Text is not the proper datatype to store such a data then can anyone suggest some thing better...............
Thanks in advance
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Jul 23, 2005
Hi - I am changing a field from type nvarchar to type text, given thatI need to store strings longer than 255 characters. To do this Ichange the data type in SQL Server, then I change the parameter code inthe calling procedure, as per below:cmd.Parameters.Append(cmd.CreateParameter("@title", adVarWChar,adParamInput, 255, title));becomes:cmd.Parameters.Append(cmd.CreateParameter("@title", adLongVarWChar,adParamInput, 1073741823, title));However, when I do this, for some reason, the field is still limited to255 characters - when I try to update the field with 256 characters,the error 'Application uses a value of the wrong type for the currentoperation.' occurs.Why is this? I've checked that the correct data is contained in theparameter. When I look at the data in the database, the column inquestion shows the content, whereas the next column, which has alwaysbeen of type text, shows '<LongText>' - does this mean anything? Do Ineed to do something special to convert the column from nvarchar totext?Many thanks,Iain
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Jun 18, 2015
I have a column that is populated similar to below
[URL] ....
I need to extract just the 12345 portion. This will always appear after the first "=" and always be proceeded by &UL. I know how I can do this separately, which would be like
To get 12345&UL
replace(cast(MyCol as nvarchar(max)),
replicate(cast(' ' as nvarchar(max)),10000)),
10001, 10000)))
And then I could run an update on the table after doing the above step using something like
What I'd like to do is to have everything performed in one step, the above 2 SQL statements combined as one statement, so a separate update does not need to be ran.
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Dec 25, 2006
hi all
does anybody know why the fields of my db with the type "text" can store max. 64 characters? i thought fields of the type "text" could save unlimited characters. is it any wrong setting?i'm using visual web developer with sql server express
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Jan 26, 1999
Is there a way to have a memo field in a table that is larger than 255 characters? I like to have a memo field of of about 1000 characters of text.
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Nov 2, 2015
I have a table of data with lines of various lengths. An example is
A Smith - Give #12345# Sydney City
B Jones and S Jones - Give #876543# Washington
I am trying to work out how to create a new column with just the number between the # symbols. The number would be between 5 and 9 numbers.
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Jul 20, 2005
I have a large table, tblMessage, which stores e-mail messages in textfields. I need to remove the carriage returns the data in these fields,but I have not yet figured out how to do so.I thought that the way to do this would be with the REPLACE function;unfortunately, of course, the REPLACE function cannot work with TEXTfields. I tried CASTing the text field to VARCHAR(8000); however, someof the rows have more than 8000 characters in the text field, so it bombs.Here is the SQL that I tried:selectmsgID,msgSent,msgFromType,msgFromID,msgSubject,REPLACE (CAST(msgMessage AS varchar(8000)), CHAR(13), '<BR>') ASnewMessage,msgOriginal,attIDinto tblMessageNewfrom tblMessageI'm at my wit's end. Truncating the text field to 8000 character is anacceptable option, but I can't even seem to be able to do that.I'm using SQL Server version 7.
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Jun 3, 2007
Hai all,
We have quite a strange problem, we have some SP's in our project which is functioning quite well all these days. Suddenly one day we got an error in the SP stating "Invalid Table Name", when we opened the SP and saw in some places the Tablename was replaced with Junk Characters inside the SP !!!!!!!
For Ex: Inside the SP we have the following SELECT query
"SELECT F1 FROM SampleTable"
the above query is getting replaced with
"SELECT F1 FROM SampleTa?le"
The junk character actually appears like a box!!!.. we were absolutely clueless why this was happening. Then if we change the SP once agin and run it starts to execute but only for a short time and the problem comes back once again. When we went through the SQL logs we got this error repeatedly:
"Error: 17805, Severity: 20, State: 3
Invalid buffer received from clients"
We came to know a little about this problem from kb articles in MS that when you are calling an SP from .Net u should specify the parameter data types explicitly and u should not use SQL Client in Finalise method all which we have not done in the application.
Tha SP was using #Table which we replaced to @Tablevariables but still we got the problem once, we are monitoring with the same Table Variables.
We are using SQL Server 2000 SP4. We have got stuck with this problem for days now . Any help is greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
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Nov 14, 2007
I am working on a report split into 2 Excel spreadsheets because it is roughtly 350 columns wide. I know this exceeds the MS Access column limit, but is there a way to build this in a single table in SQL Server? If not, does anyone have any ideas.
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Sep 27, 2007
I have the following sql:SELECT courseModuleCode FROM courses WHERE courseCode like '%' + @prefixText + '%'UNION
SELECT courseName FROM courses WHERE courseName like '%' + @prefixText + '%'
UNIONSELECT TeacherName FROM courses WHERE TeacherName like '%' + @prefixText + '%' it returns one column, i want to name tha column as "words"how do i do it?thanks
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Nov 12, 2001
Hi Everybody,
I have a table with one column of text data type. This table contains around 1200 records(each row is 60 characters only). My task is, I have to append all these records into a single record(Concatenation of records from other table) to another table.
For that I have created table(destination table) with one column of text datatype. Using the 'UPDATETEXT' function I am able to append 133 records(each row of 60 characters) from the other table into a single row of my destination table. After that I am not able to append my records further. It is giving the following error.
Server: Msg 7135, Level 16, State 4, Procedure gene1_proc, Line 26
Deletion length 60 is not in the range of available text, ntext, or image data. The statement has been terminated.
Why I have created 'text' instead of char or varchar datatype is, it can accept more than 8000 characters. But here in my case it is not accepting more than 8000 characters. The problem is coming from 134 (133*60 = 7980 characters) records onwards.
Can anybody guide me how to proceed with this?.
tks in advance,
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Jul 20, 2005
We just implemented a full-text index on our product master table,however the users are now screaming because they cannot search on someof the special characters that are commonly found in our productdescriptions, specifically the #, %, and period (.)These characters are not in the Noise file, so no luck in justdeleting them from there, but somehow, the full-text is automaticallyignoring those characters, and we would like for the full-text to notignore these characters.Any insight or help would be appreciated.Thanks
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