I have created a linked server using my local SQL2005. The linked server can be seen as a linked server, but the database can not been expanded to see the tables, stored procedures, views, and other details regarding the linked server. The only method that I have found that will allow me to see all the details is to use XP's Remote Desktop Connection to access the database. Has anyone else experienced this problem, if so, how did you resolve it?
I created am inventory table with few columns say, Servername, version, patching details, etc
I want a tracking of the table.
Let's say people are asked to modify the base table and I want a complete capture of the details modified and the session of the user ( ) who (system_user) is actually modifying the details.
I have came across a table in SQL server 2000 which named 'Order Details' in the sample 'Northwind' database which is available with the product. Am using the eval version . Generally no table name exist with a 'space' between the words. But the table 'Order Details' exist in the Northwind sample database.
Due to the naming convention i can't run sql queries on that. Is anyone aware of this type of issues.
We have equipment table which stores Equipment_ID,Code,Parent_Id etc..for each Equipment_ID there is a Parent_Id. The PK is Equipment_ID Now i want to select the Code for the Parent_Id which also sits in the same table. All the Parent_Id's also are Equipment_ID's.
I am using SQL Server 2005 and trying to create a linked server on Oracle 10. I used the commands below: EXEC sp_addlinkedserver @server = 'test1', @srvproduct = 'Oracle', @provider = 'MSDAORA', @datasrc = 'testsource' exec sp_addlinkedsrvlogin @rmtsrvname = 'test1', @useself = 'false', @rmtuser='sp', @rmtpassword='sp'
When I execute select * from test1...COUNTRY I get the error. "The OLE DB provider "MSDAORA" for linked server "...." does not contain the table "COUNTRY". The table either does not exist or the current user does not have permissions on that table." The 'sp' user I am connecting is the owner of the table. What could be the problem ? Thanks a lot.
For some reason whenever I look at the SQL statement of a particular table, the table name displays twice.For example,SELECT * FROM State StateEven when I execute this statement, it still returns the correct results. It does this for all tables in this particular database. I also check another database and thoses display the table names in the SQL statements correctly. Does anyone know why the table name would display twice in a table inside of a particular database?
I am having problems displaying time values in my SSRS report. below is info. Tried expressions still does not work. I want the values to show what in the SQL Server table 00:00:00.82. I tried stored proc still does not work.
SQL Server table time value shown in milliseconds: 00:00:00.82
Strange one here - I am posting this in both SQL Server and Access forums
Access is telling me it can't append any of the records due to a key violation.
The query:
INSERT INTO dbo_Colors ( NameColorID, Application, Red, Green, Blue ) SELECT Colors_Access.NameColorID, Colors_Access.Application, Colors_Access.Red, Colors_Access.Green, Colors_Access.Blue FROM Colors_Access;
Colors_Access is linked from another MDB and dbo_Colors is linked from SQL Server 2000.
There are no indexes or foreign contraints on the SQL table. I have no relationships on the dbo_ table in my MDB. The query works if I append to another Access table. The datatypes all match between the two tables though the dbo_ tables has two additional fields not refrenced in the query.
I can manually append the records using cut and paste with no problems.
SQL Server 7.0 (SP1) Error: ------ OLE DB provider 'SQLOLEDB' supplied inconsistent metadata. An extra column was supplied during execution that was not found at compile time.
A column was deleted from the a table on the linked server and now this message appears when using the linked server definition to access the table. Deleting/Recreating the Linked Server has no effect. I found an earlier note on this...but it just kind of ended with no resolution. Anyone have any thoughts on this now.
I need to combine the details of two tables and narrow the data included.
in my tutor table i have
tutorLastName, tutorSessions and tutorSkills
in my term table i have
week, date, session_Name, tutorName
i need to combine the tales to show:
(from the term table) week, date,session_Name, tutorName, (from the tutor table) tutorSkills.
i then need to narrow the table down so it shows only tutors with guitar skills and the term dats when the session_name is empty
i can run the two searches sepereately but cannot combine them i am tryin to use Where date = "whateverdate" AND session_name is null AND tutorSkills = guitar
I had noticed that certain expressions won't work in details. Is this true ? when I tried using an IIF expression, I always get a blank or an empty field even if it was a text. could someone clarify this ? I don't know whether it is just me or is it a limitation.
I want to make a report with a table who gives some figures of a family and elements of her subfamily. For example, for the Fruit family I have like subfamily the apple, the pear, the banana. I tried to make a table with a group but to aggregate some figures of the subfamily dataset, calculations are complicated.
So I make two report: - one for a dataset for the subfamily with a parameter (the family). - one for the dataset of the family.
In the second, I want to put the under-report (the first) in the details of the table while passing in parameter the family.
But, I have an error when I want to see the result:" Error: Impossible to post the under-report."
I'm very new to SQL server so forgive me for the newbie questions.
Basically I have some tables/files on an AS/400. I want to have a link to those files/tables from SQL server 2005 (like how you would link a file in msAccess.
I faced a problem when using Northwind sample Database. On of the table in the database is 'Order Details'. I am unable to query on the table because of the space in the name ('Order'<space> 'Details') of the table. When I remove the space in the name, the reports associated in Cognos are not working properly. Let me know whether there is any purpose to put the name like that and if I want to see the data in query mode how it is possible.
Can anyone tell me is it possible to put static data (a string) inside details section of a table? I've tried to find some more pieces of information in the Report Definition Language Specification, but to no avail.
When I put some strings as a detail's cells values they are displayed in the preview window in VS. But thay are invisible when I open my report using ReportViewer in my app. So does it means that the only accepted value of a cell within the details section of a table is a name of the field from DataSet (something like =Fields!FieldName.Value) ?
When creating a table I want to be able to specify not only the db to create it on but also which server to create it on. I have two servers that are linked together, I can view all data without issue.
Doing further research it looks like with the create table command you can tell it the new table name and the database but you can't tell it which server to use. Is there a way of doing this?
Example :
CREATE TABLE LAPTOP.database.dbo.tableName (a INT) gives the following error:
The object name 'LAPTOP.database.dbo.' contains more than the maximum number of prefixes. The maximum is 2.
I am new to linked servers so basically my question is, how do you point to a server within sql before I execute the create table command?
We're having a few linked servers in our company. some tables in one of the linked servers include columns (better saying, foreign keys) of tables in another server. I wonder if there's a way to create a foreign key referencing one column in another server. That is, suppose there's Column A in table A in Server A which references Column B in table B in server B, is there a way to create column A as foreign key referencing column B?
We're having a few linked servers in our company. some tables in one of the linked servers include columns (better saying, foreign keys) of tables in another server. I wonder if there's a way to create a foreign key referencing one columns in another server. That is, suppose there's Column A in table A in Server A which references Column B in table B in server B, is there a way to create column A as foreign key referencing column B?
Hello!Does anybody know how to get tables structure of linked server (DBF tablesvia ODBC connection). I know that table structure of "normal" (not linked)server can get from systables and syscolumns tables, but now I need astructure of linked server tables.Thanks!
Trying to do this all day and googling for answers but found none, hopesomeone can help. Thanks in advance.select * intoOPENROWSET('SQLOLEDB','SERVER';'uid';'pwd',##test) from LocalTableReason: I am joining local tables with linked server tables using theformat "LinkedServer.database.owner.object" to execute a query, ittakes forever to execute since the tables joined on the remote servershave more than 50Mil records. I read somewhere that sql server needs tocopy the tables locally to the temp db and does the join there, hence Iwas hoping to dump the data of the local database into a temp table onthe remote server and then do a join with OPENQUERY, which will executethe query on the linked server and return the results.
Can one use Truncate Table on a linked server table? When I try it, I get amessage that only two prefixes are allowed. Here's what I'm using:Truncate Table svrname.dbname.dbo.tablename
Insert statement to remote server is running very slowly. I have run Profiler and find there is a 'sp_cursor' call for each row. The source system is SQL2005 and destination is SQL2000(sp4). The linked server is using 'SQL server' type connection. Source query is against a single table with a where clause. source and destination table are identical with Primary keys. Purpose is just to move the rows. Connection is a slow network connection - should be ok. I have already overcome same problem for related update and delete queries by use of 'EXECUTE (query) AT LinkedServer' that works great - but insert can not take advantage of this...
INSERT [LinkedServSQL2000sp4].dbname.schema.tablename ({column list}) Select {column list} from tablename WHERE col1 = '7/20/2006' AND col2 in (2,5,7,12,32,54,45,33)
I would like to join two tables: one on a local server which I have admin access to and another server which I only have read access. The local table is very small, but the remote table is very large.
If I look at Query Analyzer's execution plan, it appears that the join will be done locally (i.e. the entire table is transferred from the remote server and then joined to my local table). Is there a way to create a temp table using linked servers, transfer my small local table to the remote server and then perform the join on the remote server? In the past, I have been able to use openquery to restrict the data to a small subset that is transferred but the local table is a little too large for that.
I appreciate any advice / guidance anyone can offer me!
Basically - this doesn't work as an error is returned:-
The object name 'GODZILLA.Racing.dbo.' contains more than the maximum number of prefixes. The maximum is 2.
Now - it has no problem running a SELECT (ie read-only) query from the remote DB but why does it have a problem with writing? And if thats the issue, why doesn't it say so. Am I going about this the right way???