Linked Table Name With Dbo_customer

Jun 15, 2001

This is a newbie question. I tried to create a link table in ACCESS 2000 linking to SQL Server 2000.The table name is automatically put table owner before the real table name. For example, "customer" owned by "dbo" is named "dbo_customer" in Access 2000.

Any idea of preventing this renaming? Thanks.

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The OLE DB Provider MSDAORA For Linked Server .... Does Not Contain The Table COUNTRY. The Table Either Does Not Exist Or The Current User Does Not Have Permissions On That Table.

Jun 13, 2006

I am using SQL Server 2005 and trying to create a linked server on Oracle 10. I used the commands below:
EXEC sp_addlinkedserver
@server = 'test1',
@srvproduct = 'Oracle',
@provider = 'MSDAORA',
@datasrc = 'testsource'
exec sp_addlinkedsrvlogin
@rmtsrvname = 'test1',
@useself = 'false',
When I execute
select * from test1...COUNTRY
I get the error. "The OLE DB provider "MSDAORA" for linked server "...." does not contain the table "COUNTRY". The table either does not exist or the current user does not have permissions on that table."
The 'sp' user I am connecting is the owner of the table. What could be the problem ?
Thanks a lot.

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Append Query From Access Table To Linked SQL Server Table Failing

Jun 18, 2004

Strange one here - I am posting this in both SQL Server and Access forums

Access is telling me it can't append any of the records due to a key violation.

The query:

INSERT INTO dbo_Colors ( NameColorID, Application, Red, Green, Blue )
SELECT Colors_Access.NameColorID, Colors_Access.Application, Colors_Access.Red, Colors_Access.Green, Colors_Access.Blue
FROM Colors_Access;

Colors_Access is linked from another MDB and dbo_Colors is linked from SQL Server 2000.

There are no indexes or foreign contraints on the SQL table. I have no relationships on the dbo_ table in my MDB. The query works if I append to another Access table. The datatypes all match between the two tables though the dbo_ tables has two additional fields not refrenced in the query.

I can manually append the records using cut and paste with no problems.

I have tried re-linking the tables.

Any ideas?

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Query To Return Records Where One Table Is Void Of Linked Data In Another Table

Feb 13, 2008

I have two tables that share a common identity row. I need to build a query where data that exists in one table does not contain data in the other table. For example, table 1 has columns of Owner_ID, LastName, FirstName and table 2 has columns Auto_ID, Owner_ID, AutoMake. Both tables are joined by the Owner_ID column. I need a query that provides all owners from table 1 who do not have an entry in table 2.

Thanks in advance,


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Altering Table Definition On A Linked Server Table.

Aug 11, 2000

SQL Server 7.0 (SP1)
OLE DB provider 'SQLOLEDB' supplied inconsistent metadata. An extra column was supplied during execution that was not found at compile time.

A column was deleted from the a table on the linked server and now this message appears when using the linked server definition to access the table. Deleting/Recreating the Linked Server has no effect. I found an earlier note on this...but it just kind of ended with no resolution. Anyone have any thoughts on this now.

Thanks for any input.

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Transact SQL :: Update Table From Linked Table If Something Has Changed?

May 20, 2015

Is it possible to check/notify if something (record) has changed in the linked table (from linked server) and automatically update table in local one?

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Need Help In Linked Table

Jan 3, 2005

I have established a system DSN Data source named 'work' connect to local SQL Server 2000 and the connection test was sucessful.

I also have written the VB 6.0 code below to connect local Microsoft Access:
dim dbLocal as ADODB.Connection
set dbLocal = New ADODB.Connection dbLocal.Open "Provider='Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0';data source='C:localdbdatalocaldb.mdb'"

I have some store procedures. some of them accessed the local Microsoft Access tables, some of them accessed both local Microsoft Access tables and local SQL Server tables.

When I tried to execute the store procedures only accessed tthe local Access tables, they passed.
When I tried to execute the store procedures that linked to SQL Server tables, the error is:
ODBC--connection to work failed.

What should I do?

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Data Into Linked Table

Jan 24, 2008

Hey there!  I've take a look around the forum and didn't find anything about my problem.  The SelectCommand of my SqlDataSource get data from 3 tables. SqlDataSource.SelectCommand = "SELECT [sa_Profil].[ID], [Nom], [Prenom], [Telephone], [ID_Reference], [ID_Appel], [Nom_Reference], [Type_Appel] FROM [sa_Profil], [sa_Suivi], [sa_Reference], [sa_Appel] WHERE [sa_Profil].[ID] = [ID_Profil] AND [ID_Reference] = [sa_Reference].[ID] AND [ID_Appel] = [sa_Appel].[ID]"   How can I wrote my InsertCommand & UpdateCommand ? I mean, INSERT INTO Table1 Table2 ... doesn't exist ... Thanks for your help! 

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Linked Table To Access

Nov 7, 2005

I've created a linked table to Access. I want to be able to delete records and modify existing records through this linked table. I used the account with sa privelleges yet i am unable to delete/update any records.

Does anyone know if there is any fix or am i doing anything wrong ?

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Linked Table/server To Db2(AS/400)

Jan 25, 2008

I'm very new to SQL server so forgive me for the newbie questions.

Basically I have some tables/files on an AS/400.
I want to have a link to those files/tables from SQL server 2005 (like how you would link a file in msAccess.

Is this possible?

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SQL Table Linked To Access

Apr 30, 2004

I'm using ODBC to link a SQL table to access and using Access as the frontend, so to speak. Trying to write a query, but I get Timeout Error.
I need to resolve the timeout error, I've tried several things in the ODBC
configuration, but no solution yet.

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Selecting From A Linked Table

Jun 20, 2008


I've created a linked table connection to an external data source within sql server 2005.

The link looks OK, I can see all the tables etc, but I want to create a view on another database to some of the tables on the linked database.

How do I perform something as simple as a select statement as I can't seem to be able to select anything.

Is there something that i need to do first in order to be able to select fields from the linked table?


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Updating A Linked Table?

Sep 4, 2006


I have an SQL 2005 Express table with the fields DocID (Unique), DocTitle, DocPath and DocSubmitter.

I am using a Web Form to insert records, I can do the Title (textbox) and Path (FileUpload) no problem.

The submitter is linked via a submitterID relationship to another table, submitters. So it will be expecting a number (1-30) not a name as listed in a dropdown list on the web form.

How do I update this field???

Thanks, Mark

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Linked Table Is Read-only, But Why?

Apr 17, 2008

I work on an MS Access project ( *.apd - file) that is linked with a
SQL-express server 2005 (local installed). On this server are 2 databases x
and y.
I linked some tables of database x to y and here's the problem: the linked
tables are read-only.
My authentication for the server is Windows authentication and I'm
I say this because I think the problem is a security problem.

when I try to change data in the
linked table in Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express, I get now the follow error:
No row was updated.

The data in row 12 was not committed
Error source: .Net SqlClient Data provider.
Error Message: Transaction context in use by another session.

Correct the errors an retry or press ESC to cancel the change(s).
All other programs are close, except MSE

thanks a lot!!!!!

Can somebody help me to make the linked tables are not read-only? What is
the problem, what did I wrong?

Thanks a lot!

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Updating A Linked Table In Access

May 26, 1999

I currently have a database that I can update in Microsoft Access by going into datasheet view of the table and just changing the value of a given field.

Here is the problem. I have made a copy of this database by backing it up and restoring to a new database. Now when I go into Access datasheet view to update, I get the following error: "ODBC--update on a linked table '<tablename>' failed". I have tried restoring to a database on the same server as well as others and have checked for differences set for each database as well as differneces in indexes. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance

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Creating Table On A Different Linked Server

May 6, 2007

Using Microsoft SQL 2000

When creating a table I want to be able to specify not only the db to create it on but also which server to create it on. I have two servers that are linked together, I can view all data without issue.

Doing further research it looks like with the create table command you can tell it the new table name and the database but you can't tell it which server to use. Is there a way of doing this?

Example :

CREATE TABLE LAPTOP.database.dbo.tableName (a INT) gives the following error:

The object name 'LAPTOP.database.dbo.' contains more than the maximum number of prefixes. The maximum is 2.

I am new to linked servers so basically my question is, how do you point to a server within sql before I execute the create table command?

Tx in advance


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Problem W/ Linked Table Permissions

Aug 24, 2004

This question involves SQL server as well as Access, so I hope that someone can follow.
I'm trying to give someone read and write access to a table in SQL server through a linked table scenario in Access.
I set up a new user account with datareader and datawriter permissions and made sure it went into the particular table as well. I also re-created the DSN on the user's local machine using this new login information. However, each time you open up the table after logging in using this info and try to edit a field, it gives a "Write Conflict" error and gives three choices: Save Changes, Copy to Clipboard, Drop Changes and of course, Save Changes is disabled.
We also tried logging in using the db admin account and it won't work.
Anyone have similar experiences with this? If so, is there a work-around so that you can edit data through Access?

Thanks in advance,

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Stop Rounding Up In A Linked Table

Oct 13, 2004

Can anyone tell me how to prevent rounding up in a table. I have tried to change the table properties from Long Integer to Decimal however I cannot as "This property cannot be modified in linked tables". Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thankx

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Foreign Key From Another Table In A Linked Server

Apr 19, 2008


We're having a few linked servers in our company. some tables in one of the linked servers include columns (better saying, foreign keys) of tables in another server. I wonder if there's a way to create a foreign key referencing one column in another server. That is, suppose there's Column A in table A in Server A which references Column B in table B in server B, is there a way to create column A as foreign key referencing column B?

Any idea is appreciated.

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Foreign Key From Another Table In A Linked Server

Apr 19, 2008


We're having a few linked servers in our company. some tables in one of the linked servers include columns (better saying, foreign keys) of tables in another server. I wonder if there's a way to create a foreign key referencing one columns in another server. That is, suppose there's Column A in table A in Server A which references Column B in table B in server B, is there a way to create column A as foreign key referencing column B?

Any idea is appreciated.

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Open Linked SQL Express Table In VBA

Feb 19, 2006

The following problem is in Access 2003 as front end and SQL Server Express holding the data.
I have about 50 tables in Access linked to the SSE.
When I try to open and work with the linked tables using the following code, some of the table works fine and other give error 3622.
Dim Tab1 As Recordset, DB1 As Database, SQL1 As String
Set DB1 = CurrentDb
SQL1 = "SELECT * FROM Any_Table"
Set Tab1 = DB1.OpenRecordset(SQL1, DB_OPEN_DYNASET)
do the required work with Any_Table
Tab1.Close: Set DB1 = Nothing
I can not figure out why some table open fine and some give error.
If I use ADO all tables will open without problem but it works much slower then the code above.

I appreciate any help.

I just got the solution from another forum, a dbSeeChanges option must be added to the open statment.
Hope it may help someone, this issue is solved.

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A Query Where Two Tables Are Linked To The Same Another Table

Jul 23, 2005

Hello,I'm not an expert in SQL, if you could help me for that littleproblem:I had tree simple tables with their fields:[Client] IdClient, Param[Sale] IdSale, IdClient, Param[Param] IdParam, ValueHow can I retrieve a recordset with this columns ?IdClient, IdSale, ValueOfParamClient, ValueOfParamSaleThe problem is that I can retrieve a Param for one table (Client orSale) like this request :SELECT Client.IdClient, Sale.IdSale, Param.ValueFROM(ClientINNER JOIN SaleON Sale.IdClient = Client.IdClient)LEFT JOIN ParamON Param.IdParam = Sale.ParamBut how can I retrieve the Param of the another table in a simplequery ? (because I would also like that it works for access)Thank for your help,Marc

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Table Structure Of Linked Server

Aug 2, 2005

Hello!Does anybody know how to get tables structure of linked server (DBF tablesvia ODBC connection). I know that table structure of "normal" (not linked)server can get from systables and syscolumns tables, but now I need astructure of linked server tables.Thanks!

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Temp Table On Linked Server

Oct 7, 2005

Trying to do this all day and googling for answers but found none, hopesomeone can help. Thanks in * intoOPENROWSET('SQLOLEDB','SERVER';'uid';'pwd',##test) from LocalTableReason: I am joining local tables with linked server tables using theformat "LinkedServer.database.owner.object" to execute a query, ittakes forever to execute since the tables joined on the remote servershave more than 50Mil records. I read somewhere that sql server needs tocopy the tables locally to the temp db and does the join there, hence Iwas hoping to dump the data of the local database into a temp table onthe remote server and then do a join with OPENQUERY, which will executethe query on the linked server and return the results.

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Truncate Table On Linked Server?

May 15, 2006

Can one use Truncate Table on a linked server table? When I try it, I get amessage that only two prefixes are allowed. Here's what I'm using:Truncate Table svrname.dbname.dbo.tablename

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How Do I Set Up A Linked Table In MSSQL 2005?

Sep 28, 2006

I am new to SQL Server.

I have a fox pro database that is part of a vendor's product. I want to link some of the individual tables in the foxpro database in my SQL database.

Can someone point me to a tutorial or example on how to do this?


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Adding Security To A Linked Table

Jun 1, 2007

Can someone tell me how to go about adding security to a field in a linked table so that only certain people can access and modify the information? Thank you in advance to anybody who can help me out here!

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Insert Into Table On Linked Server

Oct 23, 2006

Insert statement to remote server is running very slowly. I have run Profiler and find there is a 'sp_cursor' call for each row. The source system is SQL2005 and destination is SQL2000(sp4). The linked server is using 'SQL server' type connection. Source query is against a single table with a where clause. source and destination table are identical with Primary keys. Purpose is just to move the rows. Connection is a slow network connection - should be ok. I have already overcome same problem for related update and delete queries by use of 'EXECUTE (query) AT LinkedServer' that works great - but insert can not take advantage of this...

INSERT [LinkedServSQL2000sp4].dbname.schema.tablename
({column list})
 {column list}
from tablename
WHERE col1 =  '7/20/2006'
  AND col2 in (2,5,7,12,32,54,45,33)

Any thoughts?

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Update Table From Linked Excel Sheet

Mar 20, 2008

I cant seem to reference columns within a linked Excel server
using MS SQL express


UPDATE dbo.Items
FROM XL_SERVER...sheet1$

i.e I want to update column CCC in my Items table from an Excel table column CCC where column BBB begins with 7

I have set up XL_SERVER correctly.


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Copying Table From Local To Linked Server

Feb 17, 2004


I'm trying to copy all the data from a single table across to a remote linked server and I'm having all sorts of problems.

The SQL query I'm attampting is this:-


EXEC sp_addlinkedserver 'GODZILLA', N'SQL Server'
EXEC sp_addlinkedsrvlogin 'GODZILLA', 'False', 'rmtUser', 'lclUser', 'password'


SELECT horse_id, horse_filename, horse_time, horse_new, horse_driveLetter


EXEC sp_droplinkedsrvlogin 'GODZILLA', 'lclUser'
EXEC sp_dropserver 'GODZILLA'

Basically - this doesn't work as an error is returned:-


The object name 'GODZILLA.Racing.dbo.' contains more than the maximum number of prefixes. The maximum is 2.

Now - it has no problem running a SELECT (ie read-only) query from the remote DB but why does it have a problem with writing? And if thats the issue, why doesn't it say so. Am I going about this the right way???

Please help!

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SQL Server Linked Table To Dbase III Files

Feb 2, 2005


I am trying to use linked tables to connect SQL Server 2000 to a legacy system using dbase III files. (I need real time read only access to these files)

I have created a linked table from SQL server to a folder on the C drive which contains the dbase III files, using an ODBC DSN which uses "Microsoft dbase driver (*.dbf)". DSN tested successfully using Excel. Linked server connection is then created using "Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC drivers".

The dbase tables appear OK in Enterprise manager, but I cannot get a query to work in SQL Anayzer, using the 4-part name syntax.

My query is just :
SELECT * FROM LinkedTable...customers

Error message is "Invalid schema or catalog specified for provider 'MSDASQL'". Now I am pretty sure dbase files do not support any sort of schema / catalog set up, so I suspect SQL Server is looking for something it is not going to get.

One clue might be that in Enterprise manager, under the catalog column, I get the pathname to the dbase file, ie c:customers.dbf, which I cannot enter in the 4-part syntax.

Any suggestion welcome !!!

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How Can I Create A Temp Table On A Linked Server?

Apr 11, 2007


I have a local SQL2005 server with a linked SQL2000 server. I would like to know how to create a temporary table in the remote server in such a way that I can make an inner join as follows; my idea is to optimized a distributed query by doing so:

create table #myRemoteTempTable

insert into #myRemoteTempTable
select * from myLocalTable

update myRemoteTable
from myRemoteTable
inner join #myRemoteTempTable on #myRemoteTempTable.ID=myRemoteTable.ID

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DTS Execute SQL Task On Access Linked Table

Mar 11, 2004

Can the DTS execute SQL task recognize a table in an Access database that is linked from another Access database?

I'm attempting to use a DTS Execute SQL task connected to Access1.mdb to make a new table in Access1.mdb that is using a Subquery from a linked table in Access2.mdb . (I know it sounds convoluded..) Its giving me an error in my FROM clause as if it can't recognize the linked table from Access2.mdb.

The reason why I'm doing this is that I'm not sure how to run an Access make table query from DTS that will overwrite the existing table in Access. I get an error that the table already exists.

Any Help?

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