Linking Two Queries From Two Database Using Temp Table

May 20, 2014

I am using SQL 2008 r2. I have two SQL Queries from 2 different database but they share one server. I need to linked these two SQL Queries as they share the same Primary key which CustomerID see example below

Query 1

Select StudentID , FName, LName
From Student

Query 2

Database ::Finance
Select StudentID,Tution
FROM Payment

I need to be able combine two query which come from two database but they share one server.I would like to use two temp tables so that I can perform a left / right join to retrieve the data by linking two queries using primary id which they both share ( StudentID)

Summary : I have two DB's on the same server. I have two simple select queries for each DB which work correctly.

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Help Using Dynamic Queries In Temp Table

Nov 20, 2006

The dynamic sql is used for link server. Can someone help. Im getting an error
( @LinkCompany nvarchar(50), @Page int, @RecsPerPage int )
--Create temp table
( ID int IDENTITY, Company nvarchar(50), AcctID int, IsActive bit )
INSERT INTO #TempTable (Name, AccountID, Active)
--dynamic sql
DECLARE @sql nvarchar(4000)
SET @sql = 'SELECT a.Name, a.AccountID, a.Active
                   FROM CRMSBALINK.' + @LinkCompany + '.dbo.AccountTable a
                   LEFT OUTER JOIN CRM2OA.dbo.GSCCustomer b
                   ON a.AccountID = b.oaAccountID
                   WHERE oaAccountID IS NULL
                   ORDER BY Name ASC'
EXEC sp_executesql @sql
--Find out the first and last record
DECLARE @FirstRec int
DECLARE @LastRec int
SELECT @FirstRec = (@Page - 1) * @RecsPerPage
SELECT @LastRec = (@Page * @RecsPerPage + 1)
--Return the set of paged records, plus an indication of more records or not
SELECT *, (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM #TempTable TI WHERE TI.ID >= @LastRec) AS MoreRecords
FROM #TempTable
WHERE ID > @FirstRec AND ID < @LastRec
Msg 156, Level 15, State 1, Procedure GSCLink, Line 22
Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'DECLARE'.

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How To Append Multiple Queries To A Temp Table?

Apr 4, 2006

Hello. I'm having some difficulty trying to output the results of two seperate queries into the same temporary table.

Does anyone know if it is possible to use the UNION operator to output the results into a temporary table?

Select * From TableA
Select * From TableB
<---output result to temporary table here--->

Alternatively, is it possible to output the results of two queries in to the same temporary table without the UNION clause?

The following statement fails on the second SELECT INTO due to the fact that #MyTempTable already exists.

Select * INTO #MyTempTable FROM TableA
Select * INTO #MyTempTable FROM TableB

Thanks in advance.

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Moving Values From Temp Table To Another Temp Table?

Apr 9, 2014

Below are my temp tables

--DROP TABLE #Base_Resource, #Resource, #Resource_Trans;
SELECT data.*
INTO #Base_Resource
SELECT '11A','Samsung' UNION ALL

[Code] ....

I want to loop through the data from #Base_Resource and do the follwing logic.

1. get the Resourcekey from #Base_Resource and insert into #Resource table

2. Get the SCOPE_IDENTITY(),value and insert into to

#Resource_Trans table's column(StringId,value)

I am able to do this using while loop. Is there any way to avoid the while loop to make this work?

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Create Temp Table To Store Data From Database(mssql)

Jun 26, 2007

I am a starter of and trying to build a web application. Do anyone know how to create a temp table to store data from database? I need to extract data from 3 different tables (Profile,Family,Quali). Therefore, i need to use 3 different queries to extract from the 3 tables and then store it in the temp table. Then, i need to output the data from temp table to the screen. Do anyone can help me?

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SQL 2012 :: Partially Contained Database And Temp Table Creation

Nov 20, 2014

As far as I know temp tables/objects will be created inside the default filegroup of the partially contained database and not in tempdb. Is it possible to either define a set of files dedicated to temp objects or define a second partially contained database dedicated to temp objects like tempdb?

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Integration Services :: Get Data From Source By Executing Set Of Queries That Have Temp Tables

Jul 29, 2015

I need to grab data from teradata(using odbc connection).. i have no issues if its just bunch of joins and wheres conditions.. but now i have a challenge. simple scenario, i have to create volatile table, dump data into this and then grab data from this volatile table. (Don't want to modify the query in such a way i don't have to use this volatile table.. its a pretty big query and i have no choice but create bunch of volatile tables, above scenarios is just mentioned on simple 1 volatile table ).

So i created a proc and trying to pass this string into teradata, not sure if it works.. what options i have.. (I dont have a leisure to create proc in terdata and get it executed when ever i want and then grab data from the table. )

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SQL Server 2008 :: Queries Running Against To A Table In Database

Jun 15, 2015

How can we get most frequent queries that are running against to a table in our database?

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Temp Table Vs Global Temp Table

Jun 24, 1999

I think this is a very simple question, however, I don't know the
answer. What is the difference between a regular Temp table
and a Global Temp table? I need to create a temp table within
an sp that all users will use. I want the table recreated each
time someone accesses the sp, though, because some of the
same info may need to be inserted and I don't want any PK errors.

Toni Eibner

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Create Single Table By Linking All The Table

Sep 29, 2014

i have 6 table in SQL Server and i have created one view and create single table by linking all the table,now i want to join two column like

Column A and Column B = Column C
Atul Jadhav Atuljadhav
Vijay vijayvijay

in above exambe column A having firstName and Column B having second name and i want to join this two column in C column "atuljadhav" and if column B is blank then it join A value tow timestriger code as it is auto update column and every time (update, append, modify, delete) it should be update automatic

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Importing Pdf Mages Into A Table And Linking It To Another Table.

Jan 3, 2008

I have several pdf files that need to be imported into the database. Each pdf file is to link to several rows in a database.
The files have different file names and keep coming every week. I need to import them into a table and link it with the data table. Need help on how to get the filename out of the pdf file and save it on the table with the image. I can use that filename as the foriegn key..Any help would be really great..

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Linking A Table

Nov 10, 2005

Little puzzle this.I need to link from SQL2000 to Access to get to a table held within anAccess DB. Now you can link within Access to a SQL table, but can thisbe done the other way round ? It's the first time I've needed to dosomething like this.What I have is an application which was written (by me) with an Accessbackend (to run on a CD) and now it needs to run on SQL. However, Iwant to be able to swap over between backends so that I can choosewhere this runs from. I've done this with the sole exception of onetable. Previously most of the data was held in one MDB file and a linkto another (one local copy and one on CD). My queries use the link toquery both local and the CD copy data together.I can re-write things if I need to, but I was curious about there beinga way of doing this. What I want in effect is to query a view on SQL,but the data will be held in Access instead of on SQL.I suppose I can import as I need it as the data is purely read only. Idon't think this can be done, but wanted to check first. I can alwaysmove the remainder of the data over to SQL if needed. It's not a bigproblem, just something I'm curious about.Any pointers would be appreciated.Thanks in advanceRyanp.s. In case anyone wonders why I have taken this approach it isbecause we have a query tool and data that we send out to clients onCD. Some now want this web based, so I will publish the application ona Citrix server, and by changing a config file can swap within theapplication to point to SQL (by changing the ODBC settings). This way,I only need one copy of the application and can change backends as Ineed to.

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Linking 2 Database

May 28, 2007


I have 2 databases from which my data will be coming from. How can I join this 2 databases in reporting services?


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Linking Access Database From Sql 2005 Database

Feb 15, 2008

I was checking this site:

and I do not know what parameters are neeed to do the following two.
Configuring a Linked Microsoft Access Server on SQL 2005 Server - Linked Servers on SQL 2005 Server
I would also like to know how to do it through this method as well.

Configuring a Linked Microsoft Access Server on SQL 2005 Server - Using the Management Studio to set up a Linked Server Sorry for the large typing I was using cut and paste to make sure I had everything correct.

Thank you

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How Do I Delete When Using A Linking Table

Aug 12, 2007

Can someone help me with how I should set the relationship in my address tables and how they will affect the deleting of a client?
So, if I have:
tblClients ClientID
tblClientAddresses AddressID
tblClientAddressLinks AddressID, ClientID
Currently I have them set as a 1-M from tblClients to tblClientAddressLinks and a 1-M from tblClientAddresses to tblClientAddressLinks
If I try and delete a client and there address is shared wont this go very wrong?
So here is what happens when I try and delete a client:
The DELETE statement conflicted with the REFERENCE constraint "FK_tblClientAddressLinks_tblClients". The conflict occurred in database "DBSQL2", table "dbo.tblcLIENTAddressLinks", column 'clientID'.The statement has been terminated.
Here is what happens when I try and delete an address:
The DELETE statement conflicted with the REFERENCE constraint "FK_tblClientAddressLinks_tblClientAddresses". The conflict occurred in database "DBSQL2", table "dbo.tblClientAddressLinks", column 'Address_ID'.The statement has been terminated.  

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Linking Sql Table To Access97

May 11, 1999

I am trying to link a table from a MS SQL database into access97 thru ODBC. When I do this, I get the message "Can't define field more than once." When I look at the table in SQL, there are no duplicate field names, however, when I bring the table in to do a Crystal Report, I see there are 2 fields that have duplicate field names 6 times. (Evidently Crystal doesn't care about this as Access does.) Any clues on what is happening?

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Table Linking Discussion

Jan 15, 2004

I would like to hear your thoughts on a philosophy I adhere to.

As a rule of thumb I've always preached that Unique Indexes are for linking tables and Primary Keys are used to ensure that records aren't duplicated. I’ve embraced this philosophy for a couple reasons, the main one being that I don’t have to create numerous foreign key fields in the foreign key table.

However I’ve done most of my programming in Access and am now in need of something more robust (SQL Server v7) and I’m wondering if I need to reconsider.

I do also have a how to question; that being is it possible to create a table join on a unique index in SQL Server v7 and if so how? I would like to have an Auto Number / Auto Incremented / Unique Identifier field in the Primary Key table that links to a numeric field in the Foreign Key table.

Thanks in advance

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Linking To An SQL Server Table

Apr 3, 2006

Rather than using the upsize wizard in MS Access to connect to tables on a backend SQL server, how would I go about linking an Access Database to an existing table on an SQL server?

Thanks, Phil

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Linking Access MDB From Database

Jul 10, 2014

I tried this syntax in SQL Mngt Studio which i got from SQL menu.

EXEC sp_addlinkedserver
@server = 'Test2',
@provider = 'Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0',
@srvproduct = 'OLE DB Provider for Jet',
@datasrc = 'C:MSOfficeonus.mdb'

Linked is created but when i tried to open the table from bonus.mdb using the linked servers-Test2-Catalogs-System Catalogs-default-Tables the tables are not showing and throwing an error of OLE DB provider ....... for linked server "Test2" reported an error. Authentication Failed. Cannot initialize..

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Problems Linking To A DB2 Database

Apr 30, 2008

I'm going to be extracting data from a DB2 database on an AS400. I've set up the Datasource ok, and have created a Datasource View. There are about 5 tables in the view so far, taken from 3 DB2 libraries. This is fine, but the tables in the view have no field definitions in them, and I can't access the data. If I try I get an error message:

Code SnippetSQL0104: Token . was not valid. Valid tokens: , FROM INTO.
Cause . . . . . : A syntax error was detected at token .. Token . is not a valid token. A partial list of valid tokens is , FROM INTO. This list assumes that the statement is correct up to the token. The error may be earlier in the statement, but the syntax of the statement appears to be valid up to this point. Recovery . . . : Do one or more of the following and try the request again: -- Verify the SQL statement in the area of the token .. Correct the statement. The error could be a missing comma or quotation mark, it could be a misspelled word, or it could be related to the order of clauses. -- If the error token is <END-OF-STATEMENT>, correct the SQL statement because it does not end with a valid clause.

The connection has Force Translate set to 0 which solved a problem with incorrect data coming back when I connected using a quick C# program.

Any ideas?

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Linking SQL7 Table To Access97

Jan 11, 2000

I would like to create a MSAccess97 front end for some SQL7 data.
I created an odbc source system dsn for the server holding the SQL7 data.
When I try to add a table to my Access97 database by linking it to a SQL7 table, the only choices presented me are tables in the default database for SQL7 on my server. How do I link to tables in another database on that server? Thanks.

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Linking SQL7 Table To Access97

Sep 28, 1998

I`m trying out SQLServer7, have installed it on my workstation, have been able to open access97 and link to sql7 tables I created. Want another user to use access97 to set up her own database and link to my sql7 tables. Do I need to install anything from the sql7 beta disk on her desktop? Right now she can`t link a sql7 table to her access97 db. Thanks.

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Ms Access Linking Table With Nvarchar(max)

Aug 30, 2006

I'm having problems seeing the correct data type when linking my Access tables to MS SQL Server 2005. My varchar(max) fields are showing as text(255). I'm using the SQL Native Client.Has anyone else ssen this issue?

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Need Some Assistance Linking An Oracle Database

Dec 15, 2004

I'm trying to set up an Oracle database as a linked server in SQL server 7 but having some problems.

The client software is installed and seems to be working fine (Used access to link some tables). I set the product name to Oracle 8.1 and the Datasource to the system dns name. I left provider string, location and catalog blank. Under the security tab I had it set to map to the oracle account and also tried the impersonate option, but always got the same error.

Error: 7399 OLE DB provider 'MSDASQL' reported an error. Driver's SQLSetConnectAttr failed]
ORA-12640: Authentication Adapter initialization failed]

This is my first time trying to set up and Oracle database as a linked server, any help is appreciated.

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Linking Website To MySQL Database

Feb 28, 2003

I am currently trying to complete part of my A-level coursework but am stuck.

i am creating a website for a restaurant on which customers can submit information to do with four areas:
Job Applications

i have used access alot in the past and had no problems creating a running model of my final database.

i have built my website and created the four tables in the alloted MySQL area that came with my website package.


how do i create the interface for people to submit data and for it to be sent to my database?

i am a complete beginner to MySQL using it for the first time this week so im not sure what i need to do in the slightest to solve this issue


any help or advice would be VERY VERY gratefull

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Linking Database Tables On Different Servers?

Oct 16, 2015

I have two production servers with two different databases and I was thinking about using Linked Servers, but never did this before.Found this stored procedure

sp_addlinkedserver('servername').Would you just execute this and then run your query after the SP?

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Linking Informix Database To Sql Server

Sep 7, 2005

Can anyone halp me with this?

I want to link/access informix database to Sql Server stored procedure.

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Invalid Primary Key Error During Table Linking

Dec 30, 2005


Something strange has happened to my table. I used Enterprise Manager today to delete 3 columns. When I went to re-link the table using Access Linked Table Manager, it gave me an error. I then deleted the link to the table, and tried to Link it again using 'Get External Data---Link Tables'. I am getting an error (no surprise!):

" 'dbo.tblSpaceUse.PK_RoomID' is not a valid name. Make sure that it does not include invalid characters or punctuation and that it is not too long".

When I go into Enterprise Manager to 'manage Indexes' on the table, it shows me that the existing index is in fact dbo.tblSpaceUse.PK_RoomID.

About a month ago, I had to rename the index, because it had been pointing to the wrong table. The SQL I used to rename it (in Query Analyzer) is:
EXEC sp_rename 'dbo.tblSpaceUse.PK_RoomID', 'tblSpaceUse.PK_RoomID', 'INDEX'

I have been using the table successfully since then, until today. I have not done anything with the index; the only change I attempted was to delete 3 columns (not related to the index). I do not think I have made any changes to the table since I renamed the index.

I tried to run the rename SQL again (a desperate attempt!) and get the error message:
Server: Msg 15248, Level 11, State 1, Procedure sp_rename, Line 192
Either the parameter @objname is ambiguous or the claimed @objtype (INDEX) is wrong.

Any ideas on what went wrong and what I can do to fix it???


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How To Force Unique Entries In A Linking Table?

Jul 20, 2005

I have a table 'Group2Operation' that stores many to many relationsbetween the 'Group' table and the 'Operation' table (each group is haspermission to perform one or more of the available operations)PROBLEM=======I need to prevent duplicate entries being created. e.g. lets say thatin the 'Group2Operation' table a record links the 'editor' group tothe 'publish' operation. Should I prevent an administrator creating aduplicate of that record? (Otherwise deleting that permission willhave to be done twice or more for it to be effective)SOLUTION?=========So far I've done this with a trigger:CREATE TRIGGER Group2OperationDuplicates ON dbo.Group2OperationFOR INSERT, UPDATEAS UPDATE Group2OperationSET NoDuplicate = CONVERT(nvarchar(10),GroupID) + OperationTagThe 'NoDuplicate' unique index column in the Group2Operation tablestores a concatenation of the unique group and operation identifiers.So when an attempt is made to create a record, the trigger is fired.If there is a duplicate, this will mean a duplicate entry in the'NoDuplicate' column. As a result, the INSERT or UPDATE will fail andthe duplication will be prevented.WHAT DO YOU THINK?==================What do you think? Am I going about this in the right way? Is atrigger a good way to do this or should I rely on application logic toprevent duplicates?Any help appreciated by this db novice.John Grist

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Linking A Table To A Query Like The Old Days In Access?

Dec 3, 2007

Hi there,
I just upsized my access database which has several tables and query linked to one of the tables residing on a seperate access database. When I do add in the diagram section, I see only table, then my question how would I be able to do the same thing under SQL Server 2005? thank you

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Invalid Object Name When Linking To SQL Table From Access!

Nov 17, 2006

After Upsizing a table to sql I linked to that table using access db

Now when i use one of my forms i get a [Invalid Object name "tablename''], not sure why but i am clearly link and the table is in sql!

Can you help!

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Linking ID From One Table To Data In Another Table?

Mar 15, 2012

I have an assignment where I am to create two tables within a database. One of the tables have the name ContactPerson with the attributes; ID, Forename, Surname, Email, PhoneNumber. The other table is called Company and has the attributes: ID, CompanyName.

Now my problem is that I have to link a ContactPerson to a specific company, but I can't have them in the same table.

I understand that I can use the join statement to show both tables in one query but I need the database to know which person is linked to which company when I implement this databse into my project.

How do I do this?

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Linking To EXCEL Database Sheet Using SQL 2005 Express

Aug 9, 2006

I'm followed instructions to create a linked server to an EXCEL document that has data in 1 sheet.

Used the instructions from

Was planning to import data using a linked server as describe in

"How to import data from EXCEL to SQL Server (using linked servers). All went well until...

The EXCEL document shows up under linked servers correctly, but there were no tables.

I'm using the following:

Server: Microsoft SQL Server 2000

SQL Server Managerment Studio (2005)

Does anyone have Idea what I may do to correct this problem?

I 'm using this because I didn't see any other way to import Excel into SQL Database using SMO 2005.

SMO 2005 doesn't have DTS import export commands.

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