List Services On Server

Sep 4, 2006

--The following query will list all services and current state of each service on server
--where MSSQL2000 is installed.

CREATE TABLE #services (ident SMALLINT identity, fld NVARCHAR(200))

--get output of command in temporary table
INSERT INTO #services (fld)
EXEC master..xp_cmdshell 'sc query state= all' --remove 'state= all' for displaying only running services

--keep only needed records (service code, service displayed name, state
DELETE FROM #services

--remove labels
UPDATE #services
SET fld = LTRIM(RIGHT(fld, LEN(fld) - CHARINDEX(':', fld, 1)))

--display services, names and state
SELECT tbl1.fld AS srv_code, tbl2.fld AS srv_name, tbl3.fld AS state
FROM #services tbl1, #services tbl2, #services tbl3
WHERE tbl2.ident = tbl1.ident+1
AND tbl3.ident = tbl1.ident + 3

DROP TABLE #services



For those working with Linked Servers, and dont want to worry about the state of Distributed Transaction Coordinator service, the following query can be used for ensuring that MSDTC is running before any action takes place

EXEC xp_cmdshell 'sc start msdtc', no_output


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Sql Server 2005: Get A List Of All Configured Web Services In The Object Explorer

Oct 21, 2005

Hello,i have created some (test) Web Services in a Sql Server 2005 via theCreate Endpoint Statement. Now i look for a node in the "ManagmentStudio" where i can see these Web Services. But i dont found that. Whatis the plainest way to do that? What alternatives are existent?Thank you,Hans

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Reporting Services :: Securable List Still Displaying Previous Server Name?

Nov 16, 2015

I changed my laptop name from DELL-5 to KHALEDPC..I have SQL Server 2014 Express Edition with Advanced Services installed.every thing went well for reporting services and connecting to the server but I noticed that the Securables list for my Login still displaying the old server name?

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SQL Browser Services Not Present In The Services List

Mar 4, 2008


I am trying to install SQL 2k5 on Windows SBS premium edition , everything goes well but when I try to connect to the local database through Management studio it says connection failed & one of the possible reasons it says is SQL Browser service is not started.I tried to start the service but, when I go to services I could not find any such service in the list.There is only SQL server VSS writer service. Pls help me to come out of this situation. I tried reinstalling SQL server few times but in vain. Pls help me.

Thanks in advance.

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Drop Down List In Reporting Services

Dec 21, 2007

How do you create a drop down box on the report so the users can chose a value and conduct their search according to that value, See I have a SP that when the users enter a parameter they get the results according to that paramter, I would like for the choose one rather then type it up. Can anyone help please

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List Of Databases In Analysis Services

Jul 23, 2005

Hi all,I have to write a program to read the names of databases in AnalysisServices. I don't know which table I can get this information from.Thanks a bunch

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Dynamic List Of Tables In Integration Services

Apr 27, 2006

I need to report on data from several databases on several servers. They are all SQL Server 2005 databases. I am trying to created an Integration Services task to consolidate and transform this data for easy reporting. The problem I am having is one database in particular. It has tables like this:


I want to use only the tables of the form "tblLookupParseData*" for this list. I can do this in Stored Procedures by dynmacally building up the sql query. I cannot find out how to do this in Integration Services. When I make Datasource Views, they seem to expect me to pick from a list of known tables. This list of tables grows as Customers are added to the system.

NOTE: The way the tables are structured was NOT my idea. I hate storing "data" in the structure of the database. Many people also do this when they create "period" tables such as "CustomerData_05_2005". It speeds up writing the data, and querying a specific table, but it is a nightmare for reporting. I cannot change this as it is not in my responsibility.

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Sharepoint List As Datasource In Reporting Services ?

Oct 25, 2007

Hi everybody,

I was wondering if it's possible to use a sharepoint list as datasource in reporting services ? If yes, what's your trick ?
Is it possible to use a directory as datasource in reporting services ?

Thanks for your response,

Have a nice day,


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Sharepoint List Reporting Services Extension

Sep 17, 2007

Is Microsoft planning to include reporting services extensionsion for usering Sharepoint lists as datasource in MS SQL Server 2008?
And what about reporting services extension for building semantic model on Sharepoint lists?

-- Thanks,

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Reporting Services :: Two List View - Get Job Info From Table

Oct 2, 2015

I need ssrs report  which  get job info from job table in list control  and other  one is jobid and workdate which also need to be group by and storeproc I am using for this  report is as follow:

ALTER proc [dbo].[VRAJ_JobScheduleReport]            
    @JobID int = null,    @StartDate varchar(25) = null,    @EndDate varchar(25) = nullASSET
NOCOUNT ON SET ANSI_NULLS ON SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON DECLARE @sql varchar(max);DECLARE @param varchar(max);DECLARE @where1 varchar(max);DECLARE
@where2 varchar(max);SET @param='';SET @where1='';SET @where2='';IF @JobID IS NOT NULL    BEGIN     
SET @param = @param + 'DECLARE @JobID int; SET @JobID=' + CAST(@JobID AS varchar(50)) + ';';      IF @where1 = ''       
[Code] ...

I need ssrs report which get job info from job table in list control and other one is jobid and workdate which also need to be group by and storeproc I am using for this report is as follow:

ALTER proc [dbo].[VRAJ_JobScheduleReport]
@JobID int = null,
@StartDate varchar(25) = null,
@EndDate varchar(25) = null

[Code] .....

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Reporting Services :: Populate Parameter List Of Users

Aug 18, 2015

I have a report where a user selects a AD Global Group.  Then I have another parameter that populates with the members of that group.  My problem is the userlist parameter isn't populating.  If I hard code a Global group name it works, but it isn't getting the Global Group parameter when I use @GlobalGroup.

SELECT sAMAccountName, displayName, distinguishedName
FROM 'LDAP://DC=xxx,DC=xx,DC=xx,DC=xx,DC=xx,DC=xx'
WHERE objectCategory = 'Person' AND objectClass = 'user' AND
memberOf = 'CN=@GlobalGroup,OU=Groups,OU=SCSM,OU=Applications,DC=xxxx,DC=xx,DC=xx,DC=xx,DC=xx,DC=us'

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Integration Services :: Best Way To Pull The Data From SharePoint List?

Jun 15, 2015

I already tried SharePoint List Source and found some bugs in it. Ex. Duplication of records, sometimes its throw an error: A possible reason might be you are trying to retrieve too many items at a time (Batch size).

I also used SharePoint WebServices and store the records into XML file and used those files as a source to load the data into Sql Server Table. 

Is there any other approach to pull the data from SharePoint List?

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Reporting Services :: Could Not Update List Of Fields For Query

Oct 7, 2015

I have the following store procedure which execute perfectly fine Under SSMS as it is :

-- Insert statements for procedure here

[Code] ....

But then when I try to create a dataset using ReportBuilder and pointing to that StoreProcedure, I get the following error message box :

"Could not update a list of fields for the query. Verify that you can connect to the data source and that your query syntax is correct. An  item with same key already been added" ...

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Reporting Services :: Display A Report From Another Dataset In Same List?

May 29, 2015

I would like to display different addresses in the same list:

I have the query for married couples working, Also, I have a separate query of non-married people working.I would like to create a separate datasets for unmarried people in the same report.-Is there way to setup another the second data set without duplicating the fields from the first datasource. I tried to use alias on the second datasets and it did not work okay.

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Integration Services :: Connect SharePoint List View To SSMS

Aug 31, 2015

I need to install SSIS/SSRS in SSMS. I have connected the SharePoint list view to excel for reporting purpose but due to data size the performances is very slow in excel and now I would like to connect the SharePoint List to SSIS/SSRS

I have windows 8, 64 bit system

I have installed SQL Server Management studio 2012 but I am unable to enable the Integration and Reporting Services

May be I have missed to choose the option during installation.

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Integration Services :: Load Data From Sharepoint List To Database

Apr 15, 2015

I am trying to load data from sharepoint to Database. WhenI try to execute the package, am getting below error.

[SHAREPOINT_SRC_SLTS_FIELDS [286]] Error: Microsoft.Samples.SqlServer.SSIS.SharePointUtility.SharePointUnhandledException: Unspecified SharePoint Error.  A possible reason might be you are trying to retrieve too many items at a time (Batch size) ---> System.ServiceModel.FaultException: Exception of type 'Microsoft.SharePoint.SoapServer.SoapServerException' was thrown.

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Integration Services :: Cannot Find SharePoint List Source And Destination

Nov 6, 2015

I have installed the SharePoint adapters from codeplex and they show OK in SSIS 2008R2. But in SSIS 2012, I can't find them and their is no SSIS component tab to pick it and add it to the toolbox.

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Reporting Services :: Can't See Drop Down List For A Report On SSRS 2012

Oct 20, 2015

Here's my setup:

1) SSRS in native mode
2) 2012
3) I have "Browser, Content Manager, My Reports, Publisher, Report Builder" permissions on the folder that has the report

I can't see the drop down list associated with the report that's hosted inside the folder. Here's what I mean by drop down list -- the one that lists things like: properties, subscribe, etc. In other words If i click on that dropdown arrow, I don't see the list.

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Integration Services :: Cannot See SSIS Package In Drop Down List When Setting Up Job

May 26, 2015

I have an SSIS package created on SQL Server 2005. I have moved this to a SQL Server 2008 R2 server and amended the package on this new server to point at the correct databases.

The package runs manually. However, I cannot see the package when trying to schedule a job. The dropdown list does not contain the package.

I imported the package by right clicking on MSDB and selecting the package from the file system. The package then appears under this folder (SQL Server Integration Services). I then create the SQL job but cannot see the package I just created.

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Integration Services :: SSIS Custom Task - Drop Down List In UI Window

May 23, 2015

I'm writing my first SSIS custom task. I have added Public properties, which appear in the standard task properties window, and to one of them I have added an EditorAttribute as follows:

    <Category("General"), _
    Browsable(True), _
    EditorAttribute(GetType(UIFileNameEditor), _
    GetType(System.Drawing.Design.UITypeEditor))> _
    Public Property FilesToArchive() As String

[Code] ....

When I select the FilesToArchive property in the Properties window, I get an ellipsis that appears in the property value. When I click on the ellipsis, it brings up the FolderBrowserDialog, which is defined in the UIFileNameEditor class. This all works fine.

What I want to do is to bring up the EditorUI, the one you get when you double click on the task, and also populate that with properties which can be edited. I have a class which inherits DTSBaseTaskUI, which is displayed when I double click on the task.

I can also get properties to be displayed in that UI but I cannot get them to be editable in that UI, using the same technique as in the standard Properties window, as described above.

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Reporting Services :: Pass Parameters - Error In List Of Values In IN Clause

Nov 30, 2015

I have created a ssrs report which connects to vertica database through odbc connection. When I try to pass parameter value through parameter (e.g.:  column name  IN (@parameter) )  then getting error message in query designer prompting  "Error in list of values in IN clause.  Unable to parse query text. ". Using sql server 2012 , visual studio 2010 version and HP Vertica 7.1 . 

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Integration Services :: SSIS 2008 / Turning Delimited List Into Table?

Sep 30, 2015

I have list (in an input file) where each row is about 20K in size (so it can't be stored in a sql table). I want to convert the list into a table as shown below:

pk1,  c1, d1, c2, d2, c3, d3,......
pk2   c1,d1,c2,d2,c3,d3.....

where "pk" denotes a primary key and in a given row (c1,c2.c3,...) are all distinct. ("c" are columns names, "d" is the associated data)

after: (desired conversion)

I was planning to have SSIS pull in the "before" data, run a custom C# program in SSIS against it to massage the data to vertical (3-column format), then export the massaged data to a new text file. The new text file would later be imported into a sql table using SSIS. 

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Integration Services :: Clear SharePoint List Before Running SSIS Data Flow

Oct 19, 2015

I am using the SharePoint adapters from Codeplex that allow me to use SharePoint source and destination tasks in SSIS for SQL Server 2008 and SharePoint 2010.  I am able to pull the data from the SQL Server and insert it into the SharePoint List.

However, I prefer to just have fresh data every time, so I'd like to add a step to delete all the items in the list before inserting the new ones.  Is there a way I can configure the SharePoint SSIS destination task to clear all the items before I insert new ones?

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Reporting Services :: How To Display Fixed Number Of Rows In Page Wise Using List

Sep 10, 2015

i want to break 2 by 2 rows in reportceiling(rownumber(nothing)/2).i used this expression in row group. URL....but i want to use this expression in matrix and that matirx is with in list . so i  am getting error . how to use rownumber in i used list to break the page wise id

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Integration Services :: Updating List Of Tables From CSV File Based On Values In Columns

Jun 16, 2015

Here is a requirement. Need to update the columns in the tables with the latest values available in CSV.

The file is based on department so the list of tables which is under this department all the corresponding tables needs to updated.

The CSV file which is dynamic in nature the number of columns changes it has header of the columns that needs to be updated.

The destination tables are listed under department table for each department. So I have to update the columns in the tables with the values in csv.

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Reporting Services :: Null Value Not Appearing In SSRS Multi-Select Parameter List

Apr 16, 2009

I am trying to get a null value to pass to a multi-select parameter in SSRS 2005.  The multi-select box is getting its possible values from the following query:


This query is pre-pending a row with NULL as the first ID.  The resulting data set is exactly what you would expect - Row 1 has a null in column CMP_ID, and <all companies> in column COMPANY.  All the rest of the rows have proper data. My multi-select parameter box is of type Multi-value Int, with possible values populated by this query and a default of NULL. However, when I preview the report, the <all companies> row disappears. 

It's not even in the list, and it's not getting selected by the default selector.  So, of course, when I try to View Report without selecting anything, I get prompted to select a company. Why the prepended row in my dataset is getting dropped from the multi-select box at display time?  And yes, I have to be able to pass a null value because the stored procedure on which the report is based expects this parameter to be optional.

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Integration Services :: Source Script Component To Read Data From Sharepoint List?

Apr 29, 2015

All examples I found refer to classes under Microsoft.SharePoint namespace. However, I have the SharePoint CSOM that only gives me the Microsoft.Sharepoint.Client namespace.

I need to read the selected values of a multichoice field, but not sure how to do it with classes in the namespace above.

everthing works, exept the TSQL_x0020_Reference_x0020_Numbe field.

my code looks like this:

Webweb = cont.Web;
Listsstest = web.Lists.GetByTitle("T-SQL
Code Review Tracking");
//CamlQuery query = CamlQuery.CreateAllItemsQuery();


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Integration Services :: Adding Values To A Drop Down List In Custom SSIS Task

May 12, 2015

I am writing my first custom SSIS task and I can see that, if I put a public property into the task, I see that property in the standard Properties window. If I add a property of type String, I can put a value in that property, in the task code, and when I instantiate the task in a package, I can see the value I entered.

To try and get a drop down list property in the Properties window, I declared a property of type Combobox, and indeed a drop down list appears in that property.

My problem is trying to get values in that property. I have used the test items:


But I do not see the values in the drop down list. All I do see is one item with a value of "(none)".

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Integration Services :: SSIS 2014 Sharepoint List Source And Destination Missing From Toolbox

Jun 22, 2015

I am using SSIS 2014 and installed adapter for sharepoint list source and destination and when I refresh the toolbox I don't see them. Is there a way to manually add them?

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Reporting Services :: Set Default Values For Selection List Navigator For Data Source View

Jul 14, 2015

How to set default values for selection list navigator without using parametrized queries for data source view.

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Reporting Services :: Change Order Of The Day Of Week Names In Parameter Drop Down List In SSRS?

Aug 26, 2015

I have a requirement to show Day of week in parameter drop down list in different order, actual order is Monday to Sunday (Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday,Friday,Saturday,Sunday) in DayOfWeek dimension in cube.

But my requirement is to show Friday to Thursday(Friday,Saturday,Sunday,Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday) in DayOf Week parameter drop down list and report table. How I can get this requirement done.

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Integration Services :: Insert To Data From SSIS Package To SharePoint List People Or Group Column

Dec 13, 2013

When I am trying to insert to data from SQL ssis package to SharePoint list people or group column I am getting below error.[SSIS.Pipeline] Error: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_PROCESSINPUTFAILED.  The ProcessInput method on component "SharePoint List Destination" (25) failed with error code 0x80131500 while processing input "Component Input" (34). The identified component returned an error from the ProcessInput method. The error is specific to the component, but the error is fatal and will cause the Data Flow task to stop running.

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Reporting Services :: Preview Has One Extra Parameter Than Parameter List - SSRS

Aug 21, 2015

I am working on existing ssrs report. When I see the preview I could see the extra parameter than the actual parameter. 

How do I know , when this parameter is coming in the preview ?

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