List Causes Adobe To Leave Blank Page When Exporting

Jan 11, 2008


My report page settings are as follows

page width 28cm
page height 21cm

all margins 1cm

My report when rendered to the screen outputs the correct number off pages...HOWEVER when i export it to adobe i get a trailing blank page which accompanies each page break.

Can anyone please help ?

My report has a table which is bounded to a list with separate fields at the top of the list specifying the username in a text field and the table displays the user details, For each user there is a page break.

I have notice when i got rid off the list everything is ok, however the list seems to be within the boundaries of the report

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Blank Page When Printing/Exporting Prior To Every Report Page

Jan 23, 2008

I'm hoping that someone can shed some light on this for me... I'm using SSRS SP2 and I have a basic report using a single list object which, at the moment, should print only two pages based on the results of the underlying query. When previewing the report, it shows the two pages. But when the report is printed or exported, there is a blank page before each report page.

What I've done so far:
1) Verified the properties of the list object and made sure that 'Insert a page break before this list' is not checked

2) Ensured that there are no hidden objects that could be causing this behavior
3) Ensured that the report size + margins are within the boudaries of an standard 8.5x11 paper size

Any suggestions on something that would solve this issue?


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Single Page Report In SSRS Is Printing With The Second Page Blank....URGENT

May 16, 2008

Hi All,
In my SSRS report. I have a report which has only one page. In preview it is showing as only 1 page but when I am printing the report. I am getting two printouts with the second page as a blank.. Please help me in printing the page that contains report. Intially I used a Page header, at that it used to print the blank page with a header only. Now as I removed the header it is printing the page without header i.e Blank Page.. So please help me in prinitng a single page that has the report. It is urgent,..


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Page Header Taking Up Blank Space On 1st Page Even If Not Printing

Apr 15, 2008

In SRSS 2005 (SP2) my page header seems to take up the same amount of space on the
1st page it would take if it were to print; I have PRINT ON FIRST PAGE set to
false - the header doesn't print - it just leaves the same amount of space.
How do you get the report to ignore that. I do have a report header built
into the body of my report. I have tested this by increasing the size of my
page header and it does move the report up or down on the 1st page by that

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Blank Page && Page Footer Problem

Mar 31, 2007

hi i am very concerned about this problem in my report.

to solve this problem i increased the height of page footer,blank page vanishes but the page footer is not printing on every page,it is only printing on 1 st page .

i am having probelm because the records from the dataset are more than the page limit , page break is there but no footer is printing on the second page only blank space is there.

can u please help me out from this problem??

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Reg: Blank Pages While Exporting To PDF

Feb 5, 2008


I'm currently working in SSRS 2000. While exporting a report to PDF format, some blank pages are being added in the PDF file. Can you suggest me how to take them off. It is an urgent requirement and any feedbacks are appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

Krishna Chaitanya

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Exporting Reports Creates A Blank Window

Nov 15, 2006

I have created a few reports and linked them to a URL on a web page. (sample link is : http://servername/ReportServer/Pages/ReportViewer.aspx?%2fMy_Reports%2fBacklog+Report&rs:Command=Render )

When the user clicks on the link above it renders correctly but when the user tries to export the report to any format on the list, it launches another window with the following URL : http://servername/ReportServer/Reserved.ReportViewerWebControl.axd?ExecutionID=czq4c355dmsxdy55dif1nm55&ControlID=ad74d68e-2a9c-430f-8655-dd0e6c46f831&Culture=1033&UICulture=9&ReportStack=1&OpType=Export&FileName=Backlog+Report&ContentDisposition=OnlyHtmlInline&Format=EXCEL

which then prompts the user to Open or Save the report.

How do I stop this window from opening ? or how can I make it close automatically ?

Please advise.

I know if I can change the ContentDisposition somehow to AlwaysInline then this extra window will not show during the export but it keeps defaulting to OnlyHTMLInline for ContentDisposition.

Thanks in advance.


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Page In Blank

Nov 21, 2007

Good Morning friends. I am using MS SQL Server Reporting Services version 9.00.2047.00 and I have a problem and i would like your help:

I have one report (Cuadro de Mando) and 4 subreports (subquadro, subquadro2, subquadro3, subquadro4):

Note: Nome of the subreports above, have a page break after showing the records and neither the report. The subreports are perfectly designed in the main report (Cuadro de Mando).

There is no space free between the desgin of the 4 subreports.

Each subreport are designed in only one page. I tested each one of the subreports individually and the preview of each is ok in olnly one page.

But when i test the report (€śCuadro de Mando€?) with contains the 4 subreports, one page in blank always appears between the previous page and the next page of the 4 subreports.

What can we do to solve this problem?

Thank you very much.

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Blank Home Page

Mar 24, 2008

Hi there,

Could you please fill me in on some possible reasons and solutions as to why the report server home page appears blank?


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Insert Blank Page

Oct 25, 2007

is it possible for me to force a blank page after a group break?


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Blank Page In PDF Reports

Mar 10, 2008

Hi,I am facing a problem with page breaking, I have PDF Reports,there i need to show particular data under one group ,when ever new group starts i need to show in new page,for this i took LIst Box Control, there i kept a the problem is In list Box Properties,i selected EDIT DETAILS GROUP, there i selected Page Break at End.Finally it is fine ;But giving page break when new group starts,at last it is giving Blank Page,any one can help me.......

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Blank Page On Mobile Device

Sep 13, 2007


I am using the SQL Reporting services with SQL Server 2005. I am able to view my reports in the report manager however, when the report generates on my device it shows blank of 0 pages. I created a simple test report with just a header, company's logo and contact info and still no luck. I am using anoynomous user access and have given IUSR datareader access in SQL Server. Not sure where I am going wrong. I feel like I am so close...If someone out there had any success viewing reports on mobile device (WM5.0) and would be so kind to share their experience or knowledge, I would greatly appreciate it!


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Hidden Columns/blank PDF Page(s)

Jul 11, 2006

I have been trying for some time to create a columnar report where certain columns can be hidden as requested by the user. I have tried placing the complete column set in the report, and then hiding a subset of columns, but blank pages are produced when rendered to PDF since the report body does not appear to shrink as columns are hidden and justify themselves to the left. I have tried a table, list, and matrix to no avail...

Does anyone know of a workaround, a trick, or even a hack that may accomplish what I am after?


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Visual Studio-extra Blank Page

Feb 13, 2007

I am a novice Visual Studio user. When creating reports in Visual Studio, I get an extra blank page with a report heading when I save the report as a .pdf and print from Adobe. I recently created a report with 2 grouping levels and I get 2 blank pages (w/report header only) between every full detail page. I've checked my report properties and grouping settting several times. I've also checked the properties for each of the lines defined in my report and nothing indicates that it would cause a problem. Note: My report consists of a header, a body with a table-header-detail-2 grouping levels-footer, and a report footer. I would REALLY appreciate any suggestions for solving my problem. Also, when I view the report on the Preview Pane it looks exactly as I would expect. The extra pages only appear when saving as a .pdf and printing from Adobe.:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:

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Hidden Rectangle Causing Blank Page.

Sep 21, 2007

Hello all,

I'm running into an issue with a report we have, I was hoping you may be able to help...

We have a report that contains a rectangle which has conditional visiblity. When the expression evaluates to true, the contents of the rectangle are indeed "hidden", but we are seeing a blank page.

The rectangle does NOT have page breaks selected before or after it. (and neither does the objects before or after that rectangle.)

Any ideas?

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Report Manager Shows A Blank Page

Mar 9, 2007

Hi all. My name is Guilherme and I'm a Braziliam software developer.

I've installed on my computer all the software required to work with MS SQL RS. I log on this computer using my domain user. and a few days ago i needed to change my password (network policy)

Now, when I open the adress http://localhost/reports on my computer, I can't see the installed reports, neither the configuration page.

What should I do?

Thanks in advance.

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Reporting Services :: Blank Page Reporter

Jun 27, 2015

I can not access the url of reporting services.Reports_REPORTER, gives me a blank page.I tried to change service accountand plugged network services, but the same is not working.

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My Report Manager Home Page Is Almost Blank!!!

Oct 18, 2007

All I see is:

SQL Server Reporting Services

Home | My Subscriptions | Help

Anyone any ideas on how I get the rest of the page back?

If I go to the reports home page, I get:

Reporting Services Error

The permissions granted to user 'NT AUTHORITYIUSR' are insufficient for performing this operation. (rsAccessDenied) Get Online Help

SQL Server Reporting Services

I'm using Vista Ultimate and SQL Server 9.0.3159.

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Reporting Services :: Every Other PDF Converted Page Is Blank

May 8, 2015

I have created a report and convert it to PDF. Every other page on pdf is blank. I have checked the margin and could not fix on the report.

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Report Manager - Blank Reports Page

May 21, 2006


I'm getting blank page when I open the Report Manager: I've got a header - "...Reporting... HOME", and then just empty space.

I had it working fine a week ago. Any ideas?

The RS runs on Win2003 Std, SQL 2005 Std.


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Extra Blank Page Printing At The End Of The Report

Feb 20, 2008


I have report with a list and a table inside it.

I want each item of the list in a new page.
So I checked the "Insert page break after this table" of the table properties to make sure that the next table is rendered on the next page.

But printing or exporting the report, a blank page with just the header and the footer is printing.

Is there a way to remove this last extra blank page?

Thanks for your time.


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Extra Blank Lines When Using Multiple List For Groups.

Oct 9, 2007

I am working on conversion of Crystal reports to SSRS. The existing report has two level of grouping. So I have included 2 list inside a third list and then done the grouping. Is there another way to do multiple grouping ? Every thing is working fine except for getting one extra blank page at the end of report with only header and footer. I have properly checked the body height and width and page margins. It has something to do with list but i cant figure out what.

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PDF Format Print Extra Blank Page With Header

Nov 6, 2007


When I Preview my report then it's fine only 2 pages with no blank page with header in between.

I then deploy it & open via web.

But when i export to PDF & print it pints 3 pages with the first being a blank page with header.

Any Idea what I'm doing wrong?


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Reporting Services :: Blank Page In PDF Export - SSRS

Jun 30, 2015

I have the multiple pages with in the report. For Example,

1. Dashboard Page
2. Risk Summary Page
3. Issues Summary Page
4. Key Summary Page
I am using the rectangle for the physical page break and set the page break option as "Add a page break after" for each rectangle except for the last key summary page in the RDL
Other Report details
Report Paper Size is A4, Landscape, Width = 29.7cm, Height = 21cm
Report Margins - Left=0.2cm, Right=0.2cm, Top=0.25cm, Bottom=0.25cm
Rectangle size in the report body in each page as
Width=28.7cm, Height=17.5cm,
Header Height= 2cm
Footer Height = 1cm
Now, the issue is when I add the Tablix with the rectangle to display the details data, it also adds the blank page after the page and when I remove the Tablix and only keep the graphs within the rectangle then blank page issue get fixed.

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SQL Reporting Adding Blank Page In The Middle Of A Report

Apr 18, 2008

I build a long report in sql reporting(5 pages)

It has many lists.

on the 3rd page it is inserting a blank page with just the report header

I check the list before and after the page

Insert Page break before and after is "unchecked" on both the list and its grouping.

Is there anything else I can verify to find a solution to print no blank pages. The client will have my head if it is there.


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Controls Are Hidden. Blank Page Occurs In Reporting Services

Dec 26, 2007

We are using SSRS 2005.We designed one report.This report contains Table and chart controls .When Table is hidden,chart only is visible, this chart is going to show only on last page.There is a white space in top of the chart while hiding the table control.

Consider for an Example Report one tables and one chart . We want to show only chart,So we made Table's visible property is false.Total Number of pages is five and table has only four pages and chart has only one page that is in last page. Now the report showing Four pages are empty with header and footer and last page have a chart with header and footer.

Any suggestions how to avoid the empty pages?

I tried to Filter property to filter the table.Same empty page with header and footer is only visible

Thanks In Advance

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Reporting Services :: SSRS Report Show Blank Page When Executed From SharePoint

Sep 22, 2015

I have a set of SSRS reports published on the server. It can be accessed through a web application or through SharePoint. Most of the reports work fine through both - web app and SharePoint. However, one of the report, which returns large amount of data has some problem:

1. It generates fine from web app
2. It generates fine from SharePoint; only if one or two values selected from Filter dropdown
3. However, if all items (about 20 items) selected from Filter dropdown... and click on View Report, it processes for a while and then shows nothing. The page remains blank.

Did some research and felt the problem is with Distributed Cache Service.

Tried restarting it; tried changing SPDistributedCacheClientSetting settings - requestTimeout, channelOpenTimeout... but didn't work.

I checked Event Viewer logs, SharePoint logs and SSRS logs but couldn't find any relevant error messages.

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Exporting From SQL To An Outlook Group Or Dist List?

Jul 20, 2005

I need to export a list of name and email address fields from a SQLtable, in some format so that a user can take the file I generate andImport it into Outlook and it will keep all the names together in aGroup or Distribution List rather than dumping them into the user'smain address book. Any ideas?Francesco

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Exporting Files In The ReportViewer.aspx Page

Mar 25, 2008

I am needing to export some files in landscape when I select the PDF option in the dropdown on the ReportViewer.aspx page. How do I do this?

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Missing Data In Page Header When Exporting To Excel

Mar 12, 2008

Hello all,

I have a report that I need to reference data in my Page Header. I am referencing 2 data fields in my report body to do this. The report will render fine and the data is present in my Pager Header; however, when I export to Excel, the data is missing; only my labels are present. What's even stranger is that it works just fine if I export to a PDF file.

Below is the expression code from one of the fields in my Page Header :

="From: " & ReportItems!dtBegDate.Value

Again, the report will render fine and my data is present. It only comes up blank when I export to Excel. The only part of the data that makes it over is the text (i.e. "From:")

I'm at a loss on this. Any suggestions?



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List Box Page Number

Jul 3, 2007


I have a matrix inside a list box that groups by "question id" to display matrices with summaries for each question. I have checked the box "Insert page break after this list".

I want to be able to place the list box number next to the question, so that I will see something like:

1. Name

2. Category

3. Age

Is there a way to do this? Can I access the current number within the list? If I try the Globals!PageNumber variable, I get an error saying that the variable can only be used in a header or footer.



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List Page OverRun

Dec 26, 2006


Is it possible to set a list control not to grow? I have multiple tables in a list box and text boxes it is grouped by a particular column it possible to say that if it the list has to steach to the next page because to much information is to display just don€™t go over to the next page just hide it or don€™t display the rest of the records

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List All SQL/VS.NET Objects On An Aspx Page?

Mar 4, 2005

Hi guys,

Being new to ASP.NET, I may be asking something that is dead simple, but please bear with me!

How would I go about listing all the tables, stored procedures and views from a SQL database within an aspx page? I understand how to connect and return a dataset etc, but that's about as far as I can get. I want to be able to list all of these objects from a given db - any ideas?

Additionally (this may not be possible) - is there a way I can list all of the objects within a visual solution, again within an aspx page?

Thanks for any help,


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