List The Folder Contents Using SQL

Jun 15, 2004

Hi all,
I have built a Disaster Recovery Site for my DB.on periodic basis, trn files from production server reach DR server and DR setup will apply them locally.

If the flow is smooth then no issues, if one of the file does not reach DR
the entire setup will halt for the want of the file and I dn't have any means to
know which file is missing.

Both my production and DR site located remotely behind firewalls, i.e i can't
physically access the servers or remotely login to the server.

Can anyone tell me how to see the contents in a folder in the server using
SQL query .

Any help is highly appreciated

Thanks and Regards
Srinivas Varanasi

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Query Hightest Value Contents Of Each Folder?

Jul 20, 2005

Hi,Can anyone tell me how to select the "most recent" date values from agrouped query? Consider the following:CREATE TABLE [dbo].[TestQuery] ( [ID] [int] NOT NULL , [ID_Parent] [int] NOTNULL , [Date] [datetime] NOT NULL ) ON [PRIMARY]This is a simplified adjacency list. What I want to do is find the highestvalued item by date for each sub-tree. In other words, the single highestdate item when This.ID_Parent = That.ID_Parent. I think I first need togroup by ID_Parent, then select the TOP 1 from this query, but how toaggregate them so I get the TOP 1 for each ID_Parent?Thanks for any help you can give me,Robin

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SQL Server 2008 :: Can Delete Contents Of Update-cache Folder

Sep 26, 2013

this directory is over 2gb

Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server100Setup BootstrapUpdate Cache

can you delete the contents safely?

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SQL Server 2008 :: SSIS - Package To Zip Contents Of A Folder Into One ZIP File

Aug 12, 2015

I have a requirement to create a package that takes all files in a given folder and adds them to a single archive (.zip) file. I've tried several methods using 7zip and while I can create archives for every file in the directory I can't seem to get them into a single .zip file.

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How Do I List Contents Of File Directory In The SQL Query Analyzer

Apr 13, 2006

how do I list contents of file directory in the SQL Query Analyzer

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SQL Server 2008 :: List Store Procedures Contents?

Jul 27, 2015

who i can to list the content of all store procedures and funtions in text file ?

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Create A Table Of Contents Based On Report Items From A List Control

Apr 28, 2008

What are the options to create a table of contents based on the report items in a List Control? Document Mapping works for online viewing. A table of content would make the report easier to read when it's printed.

Any help is much appreciated. Thanks.

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Get File List In Specified Folder Through Sqlserver

Mar 20, 2008

like in .net or any other language,we can get the file list in a specified folder
How we can do this through sqlserver (stored procedure or any thing else)
I want to show the file name list(by providing the path of any folder on system) in sql query analyser by running any script for that

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Display List Of Databases In App_Data Folder

May 16, 2007

Hi All,
The web site I'm working on will allow admin users to create a new database for each new client. I'm hoping to be able to keep all of the databases in the local App_Data folder, but I'm finding that I can't even find a way of generating a list of the databases in the App_Data folder.
The code I have is:Dim serverConn As New ServerConnection(".SQLEXPRESS")
serverConn.LoginSecure = True
serverConn.ConnectTimeout = 30
Dim sqlServer As Server = New Server(serverConn)

For Each db As Database In sqlServer.Databases
NextThis does populate a list of databases, but not the ones in the App_Data folder - just those attached directly to the server.Any help on this will be greatly appreciated as it's starting to drive me nuts!Thanks,Paul

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To List Ssis Packages Stored In File Folder

Nov 13, 2007

newbie to sql2005. I am trying to write a VB.NET program to list all ssis packages we have stored in a file folder (not in MSDB) where both SqlServer and ssis servers are located. These packages currently running on daily basis by automated jobs with no problem.

I have found the following link on the web that includes VB.Net program. If you scroll down under Example (SSIS Package Store) , you'll see a VB.NET program that I am trying to get it to work for me but keep getting error message like "Cannot find folder......"

My goal is to:
1. List all ssis packages stored in the file systems (.dstx)
2. List DB source and distination providers(tables in/out) in a ssis package
3. List properties for DB providers
4. List FlatFile & Excel file provider properties in a ssis package.
My assumption, but not sure, is that I may need to register this file folder (where packages are located) to the SqlServer if that is not done already. Any command or sys table in Sql2005 to figure this out?

I would appreciate any help on this in advance.
Thank You.

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ForEach File In Folder - Missing From Dropdown List

Jun 28, 2007

I'm working through the SSIS tutorial, and am on lesson 2.
This says
"Double-click Foreach File in Folder to reopen the Foreach Loop Editor.

Click Collection.

On the Collection page, select Foreach File Enumerator."

The drop down only contains

foreach ado enumerator
foreach schema_rowset.enumerator
foreach from variable.enumerator
foreach nodelist.enumerator
foreach smo.enumerator

How do I get the "foreach file in folder" to appear in the drop down list?


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Checking Contents Of Column And Replacing Contents If First Character Is A Letter

Jun 25, 2007

Hi All,I have come up against a wall which i cannot get over.I have an sql db where the date column is set as a varchar (i know, should have used datetime but this was done before my time and i've got to work with what is there). The majority of values are in the format dd/mm/yyyy. However, some values contain the word 'various'.I'm attempting to compare the date chosen on a c# .net page with the values in the db and also return all the 'various' values as well.I have accomplished casting the varchar to a datetime and then comparing to the selected date on the .net page. However, it errors when it comes across the 'various' entrant.Is there anyway to carry out a select statement comparing the start_date values in the db to the selected date on the .net page and also pull out all 'various' entrants at the same time without it erroring? i thought about replacing the 'various' to a date like '01/01/2010' so it doesn't stumble over the none recognised format, but am unsure of how to do it.This is how far i have got: casting the varchar column to datetime and comparing.  SELECT * FROM table1 WHERE Cast(SUBSTRING(Start_Date,4,2) + '/' + SUBSTRING(Start_Date,1,2) + '/' +SUBSTRING(Start_Date,7,4) as datetime)  '" + date + "'"Many thanks in advance! 

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Unable To Copy App_data Folder Databases On Production Server To A Different Folder Or Location

Sep 19, 2007

I dont alot about sql server 2005(Express edition). For debugging purposes i want to copy  the whole app_data folder(.mdf & .log files) on the production server to another folder on the same machine(or sometimes to a network folder).  So when i copy and try to paste this App_data folder to a new location, i get this error message
"cannot copy ASPNETDB: it is being used by another person or program. close any programs that might be using the file and try again."
After reading the above message, i close visual web developer, stop the website in IIS and stop the SQLExpress service on the server and try again but still get the same message.
So how can i make sure that all the programs accessing these database files are closed such that i'm able able to copy them to a different location.

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Integration Services :: SSIS WMI Event Watcher Check For New Folder In Existing Folder

Jul 2, 2015

I know a WMI event watcher can be used to watch for a new file being added to a folder. However, I need to check for new folders being added to an existing folder. I haven't been able to find a post on doing this. Is there a way in WQL to check for a new folder being added instead of a new file? I've used SQL for years, but am new to SSIS.

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SSIS Or SQl Agent Job Moving From A Network Folder To A Sharepoint Folder - Errors...

Oct 31, 2007


I have a network folder called A

I have a SharePoint (2007) Document Library site called B. Web Client is enabled on the server and B is mapped as a Drive (let's call it Y for this discussion)

I want to move documents in A to B. Easy enough, right? Not so....

I first started by creating a batch file that issues a COPY \A \Y /Y at the command prompt. Viola! Worked Great!

I then moved that command to a SQL Agent job as a CMDExec statement (exact same statement) and attempted to run it.....CRASH! It found the files in A but then said "The system cannot find the path specified"

Ok, so I tried it in SSIS. CRASH! Checked the error log. Same thing...

So I then checked the account under which the SQl Agent was running (special domain account for all our SQL Servers). Thinking it might mater I changed it to run under my name (I'm in Domain admin). I also ensured I had permissions to the SPS 2007 library as well. (I did).

Ran again! CRASH! Same error....

So, I created a batch file , placed thec ommand in the batch file and ran that from the command prompt! Viola! Worked Great.

So, I was thinking of how ingenious I was as I pasted my C:RootCopy.bat into my SQL Agent job. With a big grin on my face I right clicked and picked "Start Job at step".......CRASH! Same error.

Does anyone have any ideas on this ???????????????


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Can I Use The Foreach Loop To Obtain The Sub Folder Names Within A Folder?

Sep 4, 2006

I have a set of folders with the following structure:











Is there a way that I can use the foreach loop container to loop the sub folders? My plan was to get the folder name and path into a variable, use this to build the connection string for each file in this folder, carry out the upload for that folder, then move onto the next folder and do the same thing, but I cannot see a way to do this.



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Moving Csv File From One Folder To Another Folder

Mar 28, 2008

I am having problem with moving a file from one folder to another folder. Here is the detailed scenario:

I want to move a input.csv file from shared input folder to shared archive folder. i am using the below code to do this.
declare @inpath varchar(100)
SET @inpath = 'move "\abcdefINPUTinput*.csv" "\abcdefARCHIVEarchive.csv"'
EXEC @filestatus = master..xp_cmdshell @inpath
but the problem was it was cutting the input.csv file from INPUT folder but not pasting it in the ARCHIVE folder.
I really appreciate if anyone can help me to solve this or anyone can tell some workarounds.


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SQL 2012 :: List All Different Values That Go With Single CAS ID To Appear As Comma Separate List

Jun 15, 2015

So at the moment, I don't have a function by the name CONCATENATE. What I like to do is to list all those different values that go with a single CASE_ID to appear as a a comma separate list. You might have a better way of doing without even writing a function

So the output would look like :


dbo.Concatenate( '[' + CAST(preop.value_text AS VARCHAR) + ']' ) as variable
dbo.TBL_Preop preop
preop.Deleted_CD = 0


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Report Designer: Need To List Fields From Multiple Result Rows As Comma Seperated List (like A JOIN On Parameters)

Apr 9, 2008

I know I can do a JOIN(parameter, "some seperator") and it will build me a list/string of all the values in the multiselect parameter.

However, I want to do the same thing with all the occurances of a field in my result set (each row being an occurance).

For example say I have a form that is being printed which will pull in all the medications a patient is currently listed as having perscriptions for. I want to return all those values (say 8) and display them on a single line (or wrap onto additional lines as needed).

Something like:
List of current perscriptions: Allegra, Allegra-D, Clariton, Nasalcort, Sudafed, Zantac

How can I accomplish this?

I was playing with the list box, but that only lets me repeat on a new line, I couldn't find any way to get it to repeate side by side (repeat left to right instead of top to bottom). I played with the orientation options, but that really just lets me adjust how multiple columns are displayed as best I can tell.

Could a custom function of some sort be written to take all the values and spit them out one by one into a comma seperated string?

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Contents Of The Tran Log

Oct 11, 1999


Can everyone tell me how I can view the contents of a transaction log in SQL Server 7.

Many Thanks
Mathew hayward

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Get Contents Of Xml File

Jul 5, 2007

Is it possible is SSIS to get the contents of an xml file and pass it on to a stored procedure?

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Insert Value List Doest Not Match Column List

Apr 18, 2007


I need to do a simple task but it's difficult to a newbie on ssis..

i have two tables...

first one has an identity column and the second has fk to the first...

to each dataset row i need to do an insert on the first table, get the @@Identity and insert it on the second table !!

i'm trying to use ole db command but it's not's showing the error "Insert Value list doest not match column list"

here is the script

INSERT INTO CustomerAddress(
TypeDescription) VALUES(

what's the problem ??

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Copying A Database And All Contents

Mar 25, 2008

Can anyone advise me of a convenient way to make a copy of a database in SQL2005.  I need to make a complete copy - including all Stored procedures, functions tables and table contents.
I want the place the copy ont he sae SQL server but obviously under a different name.

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Need Help Splitting Contents Of A Field In T-Sql

May 22, 2006

I have a table with about 2 million records.
One of the fields has data seperated by a comma. I need to be able to grap the data for each record and split those items into their own table in seperate rows. This is easy in Asp but the page will timeout before it can process all the records.
Any Ideas?

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Read The Contents Of CD..(urgent)

Apr 17, 2002

Here i am sending my query.This is urgent to my job.Please give me solution as
early as possible in SQL server.

My query is..
Check for CD drive on your system.If drive available ,display the name of the CD and read the contents of the CD,and search for given file in CD.
I want search this on local machine and on remote system.


with regards.
laxma P.reddy

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Error.log Contents Interpetation

Dec 15, 1998

Where can I get a reference document that will help me troubleshoot and interpet the MS SQL Server ERROR.LOG file? Something that would
describe in detail what the error is and various actions I could take to correct the errors. JLS

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Masking Cell Contents

Oct 11, 2004

Is there a way to mask the contents of a cell or column? I have a table that stores passwords and I would like to mask the password much like Access does with asterisks. I know I can restrict the column based on user but that creates other problems on the frontend.

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Ordering Rows For Contents

Apr 1, 2008

I have a series of records, that are displayed as contents in a .NET application,i know i can order the items to be dynamic, i.e I set the top item in the contents,
However I know this will get quite messy at the application level.

I would like to set up the default if I insert an item, into the table to make it the last in the list, select max(ordernum) + 1, i guess?

How can I set an on insert constraint, or what its called for this in SQL Server?

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Right Justify Contents Of A Column

Aug 17, 2007

I am new to SQl and need to create a numeric field (15,2) that is right justified. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Copy Contents Of One Field To Another

Jan 3, 2008

I have a SQL table and a field called SpecReq. I want to copy the contents of SpecReq in each record to another field in the record called MeetTitle.

Can I do this with an update query or do I need to use Analyser ? Also what is the syntax please

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Merging Contents Of One Db To Another Huge Db.

Feb 15, 2007

I am storing data temporarily in a database... and periodically needto update that huge database, so just has to copy that temp DB to theoriginal one.Using sql may take a few hours to finish this operation. I think youcan do "export" from temp database into a file and "import" into thehuge database. That will be binary data exort and import and hencewill be faster. But, I am not sure if all databases will support thatthough.So, is there any other solution?

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Contents Of Image Fields

Jul 22, 2007

Hi,I have a SELECT FROM TABLE query and in that table there is a field of typeimage. Result of this select goes throug internet do its destination. But infact I need only to know if in this field is or not an image. Is there anyfunciotn which gives me information about contents of image fields?Regards, Paul

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How To See Contents Of Image Column

Jul 20, 2005

Hello,In my MS SQL SERVER database i have an column with datatype image. Somerecords do have data in this column, some others don't. When i look at thistable in Enterprise Manager then i see in every field '<image>' so no way tosee directly wheter a filed has data or not. Is there a way to changedisplay of this column so i can see the binairy data in it?Marcel

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