Listing Procdure/trigger SQL Code

Aug 2, 2006

I would like to create a script that lists out all of the SQL code for the procedures and triggers I have created in a database.

What I want to do is save the code for each procedure/trigger as a *.SQL file without having to open up each one in Enterprise Manager and save them individually.

Listing the names is easy by looking in sysobjects, but is the SQL code stored in a system table anywhere?

Does anybody have any alternative approach to this problem?

Thanks in advance,


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Execute Process Task - Error/Return Code Listing With Descriptive Messages?

May 28, 2008

I'm having a hard time locating a listing of potential error codes and the meanings for the Execute Process Task component...can someone assist?


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Please Help!!! Stored Procdure.

Mar 19, 2002

Whenever I run this DTS package that has a SQLTask, I get the following error message: "Maximum stored procedure nesting level exceeded(Limit 32)"

What does this mean? My query was working fine, but now I'm recieving this error message. I won't complet my required task. Is there any way to change the nesting level to be unlimited. I am totally confused. If you can please help. Thanks again.


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A Trigger Code

Jul 14, 2006

I have table T1 and I am trying to extract some date from T1 table based on inserts, updates and deletes. The destination table T2 has three fields F1, F2, F3, so I need something like
Insert into T2 (F1, F2, F3)
Select (F1, F2,Type)
From T1
Type should be defined based on Insert, Update, or Delete. This will be my first trigger, Can anyone write this trigger for me?

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Trigger Code

Jun 14, 2008

How can I write a trigger for the below issue,
I have table named Subscribers with fields Name (varchar), MobileNumber (varchar), status (char). Here if I want to insert a record into this table then first I need to check whether this mobile number exist or not in this table. If it is not exist then this record should be insert and if it is exist then this record should not be insert in to this table.

How can I do a trigger for this one?

with regards

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Aug 26, 2007

ON Users




any idea what is wrong with the above code?
The users table exist and u_paid is a column in that table.

Im getting the following error:
Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'OF'.

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Trigger Code

Jul 20, 2005

Am using SQL Server 2000 on WINXP Pro. Have a requirement to change someOracle triggers to SQL 2000. I have modied this one Insert Trigger, but getan error when I attempt to compile:CREATE TRIGGER trg_ins_attend_audit_logON ATTENDAFTER INSERT-- Insert Trigger for SQL ServerASDECLAREBEGINInsert ATTEND_AUDIT_LOGSelect licnum,lic_suffix,als_hsp_id,last_name,first_name,mid_name,birth_date,sex,serv1,serv2,serv3,paid_vol,amb_res,street1,street2,town,state,zipcode,phone,lic_year,print_lic,lic_exp,send_hx,user_id,getdate(),"I",modifiedfrom insertedENDERROR:Incorrect syntax near "AS."Can anyone point out the error of my ways here??

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A Trigger Code

Jul 14, 2006

I have table T1 and I am trying to extract some date from T1 table based on inserts, updates and deletes. The destination table T2 has three fields F1, F2, F3, so I need something like

Insert into T2 (F1, F2, F3)
Select (F1, F2,Type)
From T1

Type should be defined based on Insert, Update, or Delete. This will be my first trigger, Can anyone write this trigger for me?

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Help With Trigger Code (loop)

Jun 4, 2007

Hello all
I've been thrown in at the deep end by the manager and asked to use a SQL database for a new site. I've managed to get most of the code working but are having trouble with this particular one.
The idea is that a user can log a fault (online) and that this gets added to a table. Once the data is added a trigger fires that takes this new data and loops through an "e-mail alert" table containing settings for different department managers and then stores the relevant manager name in a separate table (e-mail sent fromt this table to the manager) once the department and fault id's match.
 I have the following code (which is by no means good) in my trigger - did I says this is my first outing into SQL land!!ALTER TRIGGER [dbo].[usd_emailalertqueue]
ON [dbo].[FaultPostings] AFTER INSERT
-- declare variables from new fault table
DECLARE @iDeptID intDECLARE @iFaultID intDECLARE @iReferenceID int
-- declare variables from email alerts tableDECLARE @Managername nvarchar(255)DECLARE @DeptID intDECLARE @FaultID intDECLARE @ReferenceID int
-- Read in values new fault tableSELECT @sParam = FaultDescription FROM INSERTEDSELECT @iFaultID = FaultID FROM INSERTEDSELECT @iDeptID = DeptID FROM INSERTEDSELECT @iReferenceID = ReferenceID FROM INSERTED
-- Read values from saved e-alertsSELECT @Managername = Managername FROM [dbo].[emailAlerts]SELECT @DeptID = DeptID FROM [dbo].[emailAlerts]SELECT @FaultID = FaultID FROM [dbo].[emailAlerts]
INSERT INTO EmailAlertQueue(ReferenceID,Managername)SELECT  @iReferenceID, @Managername
FROM [dbo].[emailAlerts] WHERE (@iDeptID = @Deptid) AND (@iFaultID = @Faultid) then  END
At the moment, this is what happens when a fault is added:  the EmailAlertQueue table gets populated with the name of the last managername from the emailAlerts table several times (only if the Dept and Fault id's macth otherwise nothing gets populated.. e.g. if there at 4 alerts setup in the EmailAlerts table with different dept and fault ID's but the last one matches the criteria the emailAlerts table is uotaed with 4 rows containing the managername.  (Hope this makes sense).
 I think I need to have some sort of loop but so far as I can tell a "For Each" loop doesn't work in triggers (i could be wrong though).
(I'm not even sure if this is the correct approach to take)
As usual, any help is appreciated.

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Code Needed For A Trigger

Mar 11, 2005

Does anyone have code for a trigger that when the user deletes the record trigger it to insert into another table? Thanks in advance and appreciate your help!

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Get Trigger Schema Within CLR Code

Apr 21, 2006


I am trying to get the schema in which the trigger is created within the CLR code.

1)create a new schema MySchema.

2) created a table MySchema.MyTable

3) created the assembly and trigger ( create trigger MySchema.MyTrigger on MySchema.MyTable..... ) Trigger writes to another table MySchema.MyLog.

Code works fine if I hardcode Myschema.MyLog in the CLR but fails when I say just MyLog.

So how do dynamically get the trigger's schema name ?

Thanks for your help.


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Trigger Code Error

Apr 3, 2008


Please can anyone help me code the trigger below. I have had errors pointing to "sp_configure 'SQL Mail XPs', 1;" and "RECONFIGURE", that this lines should be not where I have placed them. I have tried other combinations and have not worked at all! Is any other ways I can achieve this all?

Code Snippet

ON Bug_Report
sp_configure 'SQL Mail XPs', 1;
EXEC master..xp_sendmail 'MaryM',
'Don't forget to print a bug report.'

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Pass Variable To Stored Procdure

Apr 4, 2007

I have the following stroed procedure and need someone to tell me what i am doing wrong. First off i am passing the value of sName from ASP to my sql stored procedure.

the following will work if i do (select distinct * )


@sName varchar(255)


Select DISTINCT @sName
From CheckDetail
Where @sName is not Null and @sName <> ''
/*Order by @sName*/


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Database Trigger To Run Managed C# Code

Aug 24, 2007

Hi there,
Values in my database need to updated periodically. The code, upon starting the application, queries the database and stores the values in the Application collection. This is to avoid making a database call everytime the values are needed (increases performance). The drawback is that changes to the database values are not updated in the code.
How can I create a database trigger that will update the C# Application colllection whenever a table value is updated?

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Retrieving Code From A Trigger In The Database

May 12, 2006

I have inherited a database and with it a set of triggers that are 'apparently' installed. However I have a number of different 'versions' for a specific update trigger and it is not clear from the files which is the latest, hence I am unsure of what 'version' of the trigger is installed in the database itself.

I am trying to retrieve the trigger code from the databse so that i can correctly determine which one of my trigger files is the latest version.

I don't want to end up in a situation where an earlier version of the update trigger is installed as this could wreck the underlying data.

I have tried using the syscomments.text column that relates to the trigger but it only gives me a concatenated version of the sql code and not enough to determine which file version was used for the trigger.

Is there a way of retreiving the entire SQL code that was entered rather than just the first few lines?

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Calling Native Code From A Trigger.

Jun 26, 2007

I've been searching for a bit but I can't seem to find a difinitive answer.

Can an SQL Server trigger call native C/C++ functions? If so, what is the mechanism?

Thanks in advance.

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Stored Procdure To Update Two Tables While In Detailsview

Feb 21, 2008

I am using a stored procedure to update data while in detailsview.I am having a rough time. Dont know why this wont workthanks a lotheres my codeALTER PROCEDURE UpdateCustomerInfo    ( @CustomerID as INT, @LName as varchar(50), @FName as varchar(50), @Dept as varchar(50)=NULL, @PhoneType as varchar(50)=NULL, @OfficeType as varchar(50) = NULL, @Ext as Int=NULL, @BridgeExt as int=NULL, @Workstation as varchar(50)=NULL, @OldPrinters as varchar(50)=NULL, @NewPrinters as varchar(50)=NULL, @PhoneImg as varchar(50)=NULL, @OfficeImg as varchar(50)=NULL, @Complete as Bit=NULL, @FaxModel as varchar(50)=NULL, @FaxNumber as varchar(50)=NULL, @ConfPhone as varchar(50)=NULL, @ConfExt as varchar(50)=NULL, @ReutersDacsId as Varchar(50)=NULL, @Bloomberg as Varchar(50)=NULL, @NewFloor as Int=NULL, @OldFloor as Int=NULL )AS    UPDATE CustomerInfo SET LName = @LName, FName = @FName, Dept = @Dept, PhoneType = @PhoneType, Ext = @Ext, BridgeExt = @BridgeExt, Workstation = @Workstation, OldPrinters = @OldPrinters, NewPrinters = @NewPrinters, OfficeImg = @OfficeImg, PhoneImg = @PhoneImg, Complete = @Complete Where CustomerId = @CustomerId        UPDATE Extras SET CustomerID = @CustomerID, FaxModel=@FaxModel, FaxNumber=@FaxNumber, ConfPhone=@ConfPhone, ConfExt=@ConfExt, ReutersDacsId=@ReutersDacsId, Bloomberg=@Bloomberg where CustomerID = @CustomerID        RETURN 

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Multiple Return Values From Stored Procdure.

Feb 1, 2007

I have a table that contains 5 columns (VarChar); where column(0) is a unique ID. Using the unique ID I would like to get the other 4 columns return to me via a stored procedure. Is it possible to have a sproc that has one input var and 4 output?

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Calling Linked Server Stored Procdure From Another

Oct 27, 2007

Hi Sir,

I want to call one linked server stored procedure from another stored procedure.


SET @IBatchNum = 2

EXEC PR_Linked_Server

@VServer = 'Linked_Amisys'
,@VSrvProduct = ''
,@VProvider = 'SQLOLEDB'
,@VDataSrc = 'DTCORPMXDV9'
,@VCatalog = 'pubs'
,@VCurrentUsr = 'CORPajohri'
,@VServerUsr = 'dba'
,@VServerPwd = 'dba'


The linked server was not created When I executed the query. However, I was able to create the linked server when I executed this query(batch 2) alone.
Is there any limitation of SP which I am not aware of?

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What Code Is Required To Use The Trigger With The Application Of .NET && SQL 2005

Apr 22, 2007

Hi Everyone,        I m using ASP.NET 2005 with C# and SQL SERVER 2005.        I m using stored procedure and sql datasource control to retrieve the data.        I want to use the trigger alongwith storedprocedure.        I have created the following trigger on emp_table. CREATE TRIGGER Employeee on emp_tableAFTER DELETE ASDECLARE @empid int&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; SELECT @empid=empid from emp_table where locationid=(SELECT locationid from deleted)IF @@ROWCOUNT=0&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; DELETE FROM location_table where locationid=(SELECT locationid from deleted)What i wanted to know is how can i use it with and sql server 2005 when any update,delete or insert query is executed thru the stoed procedure...What code is required to use the trigger with the application of .NET thanxs.....

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Trigger Not Executing CLR Code/stored Proc

May 7, 2008

I have a database trigger that is set to call a CLR trigger/stored proc when a certain field in a table is updated. The issue is that if i execute the stored proc manually in enterprise studio, it works perfectly but the same call made through the trigger does not go through. A few more details -

I have CLR integration enabled on the sql server.

The dbo has UNSAFE ASSEMBLY rights

I have the both the assembly and the serialized dll imported in the database.

Here's the definition of the stored proc -

CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[WriteXMLNotification]

@TaskID [nvarchar](20)



EXTERNAL NAME [DataInterfaceWebServices].[TaskUpdateXMLWriter.WriteXMLNotification].[run]

and the trigger -

CREATE TRIGGER [dbo].[tr_Task_U]

ON [dbo].[_Task]


IF UPDATE (TaskType_Status) OR UPDATE (TaskType) OR UPDATE (TaskType_SubType1)






DECLARE @taskID as sysname

DECLARE @cmd as sysname

DECLARE @parentTask as sysname

DECLARE @NotificationXMLTaskID as sysname

SELECT @status = [TaskType_Status] FROM inserted

SELECT @taskType = [TaskType] FROM inserted

SELECT @taskSubType = [TaskType_SubType1] FROM inserted

SELECT @taskID = [TaskID] FROM inserted

SELECT @parentTask = [Parent_TaskID] FROM inserted

SELECT @NotificationXMLTaskID = [MCCTaskID] FROM _TaskNotificationXML WHERE [MCCTaskID] = @parentTask

IF (@status = 2602) AND (@taskType = 2282) AND (@taskSubType = 19500)


exec WriteXMLNotification @taskID;


ELSE IF (@taskType = 2285) AND (@parentTask IS NOT NULL) AND (@NotificationXMLTaskID IS NOT NULL)


exec WriteXMLNotification @parentTask;



I stepped into the trigger and it seems to execute the line " exec WriteXMLNotification @taskID;" but nothing happens, but if I run that same line manually, it works. Could it be that the impersonation by the EXECUTE AS clause is causing it to fail?

Please advise!

Thanks in Advance,
-Mihir Sonalkar.

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Trigger To Set Status Code Using Multiple Conditions (EXISTS)

Sep 6, 2007

My goal is to create a trigger to automatically set the value for a status id on a table based on set criteria. Depending on the values of other fields will determine the value that the status id field is assigned. So far, I have written the trigger to update the status id field and I go through a seperate Update statement for each status id value. The problem is that I can't get this to work at the record level. The problem that I am getting is that if I have 50 records in TABLE1 and at least one of them satisfies the where clause of the update statement, all of the records get updated. So, using these two update statements, all of my records end up with a status value of '24' because that was the last update statement run in the trigger. Here is the code I have so far:

CREATE TRIGGER dbo.JulieTrigger1

ON dbo.Table1





/*Update Table1.Status to POTENTIAL (id 23) status */


SET status_id = 23



ON b.order_id = a.order_id

WHERE a.start_dt IS NULL

AND b.current_status_ind = 1

AND b.lead_status_id NOT IN (15,16)

AND a.order_id = TABLE1.order_id)

/*Update Table1.Status to ACTIVE (id 24) status */


SET status_id = 24



WHERE fill_ind = 1

AND (end_dt IS NULL OR end_dt > getdate() )

AND a.job_order_id = TABLE1.job_order_id)



DECLARE @ErrorMessage NVARCHAR(4000);

DECLARE @ErrorSeverity INT;

DECLARE @ErrorState INT;


@ErrorMessage = ERROR_MESSAGE(),

@ErrorSeverity = ERROR_SEVERITY(),

@ErrorState = ERROR_STATE()



-- Return the error to the calling object

RAISERROR (@ErrorMessage, -- Message text.

@ErrorSeverity, -- Severity.

@ErrorState -- State.






Thanks in advance for any help!

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Can I Call Tigger In Store Procdure And Vice Versa??(urgent)

Jun 19, 2006

Can i call tigger in store procdure and vice versa??
if yes how it ?????????

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Must Declare The Scalar Variable @CategoryID. Error In Stored Procdure.

Dec 12, 2007

Hi People, i'm having some trouble with a stored proceddure used for an updat from a Formview.
Error message i'm getting is Must declare the scalar variable "@CategoryID".
I can't seem to work out why this is occuring and not allowing my proc to run properly. If anyone could help me that would be great :-)
Here is the whole store procedure.
 ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.DeluxeGuideAdmin_Update
@ID int,@CategoryID varchar(10),
@RegionID int,@CompanyName nvarchar(25),
@Email nvarchar(25),@PDFFront nvarchar(50),
@PDFBack nvarchar(50),@ThumbFront nvarchar(50),
@ThumbBack nvarchar(50),@Notes nvarchar(max)
DECLARE @SQL varchar(1000)
SET @SQL = 'UPDATE DeluxeGuide SET CategoryID = @CategoryID, RegionID = @RegionID, CompanyName = @CompanyName, Email = @Email, Notes = @Notes'IF (@PDFFront IS NOT NULL) OR (@PDFFront != '')
SET @SQL = @SQL + ', PDFFront = @PDFFront'IF (@PDFBack IS NOT NULL) OR (@PDFBack != '')
SET @SQL = @SQL + ', PDFBack = @PDFBack'IF (@ThumbFront IS NOT NULL) OR (@ThumbFront != '')
SET @SQL = @SQL + ', ThumbFront = @ThumbFront'IF (@ThumbBack IS NOT NULL) OR (@ThumbBack != '')
SET @SQL = @SQL + ', ThumbBack = @ThumbBack'
SET @SQL = @SQL + ' WHERE (ID = @ID)'
Print '@SQL = ' + @SQLEXEC(@SQL)

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Linked Server Exec Stored Procdure Results In Transaction Context In Use By Another Session.

Nov 3, 2005

I am using sql 2005 beta

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Is Having A Trigger That Inserts A Row In Table 'A', When A Row In Same Table Is Inserted By ADo.Net Code?

Oct 13, 2006

I want to insert a row for a Global user  in Table 'A' whenever ADO.Net code inserts a Local user row into same table. I recommended using a trigger to implement this functionality, but the DBA was against it, saying that stored proecedures should be used, since triggers are unreliable and slow down the system by placing unecessary locks on the table. Is this true OR the DBA is saying something wrong? My thinking is that Microsoft will never include triggers if they are unreliable and the DBA is just wanting to offload the extra DBA task of triggers to the programmer so that a stored procedure is getting called, so he has less headache on his hands.Thanks

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Job Listing

Mar 9, 2006

Hi fellas.

I need you to answer a question:
What should I do and which SQL Server tool do I have to use in order to find a job listing on the database ?

Thanks in advance,

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ASP.Net Unleashed Listing 12.16 Example

Dec 2, 2004

I am trying to get the following code to work but I keep getting an error.

DELETE statement conflicted with COLUMN REFERENCE constraint 'FK__titleauth__title__060DEAE8'. The conflict occurred in database 'pubs', table 'titleauthor', column 'title_id'.

Has anyone else experienced a problem with this example? Let me know what is wrong
with it.


<%@ Page Language="VB" Debug="true" %>
<%@ import Namespace="System.Data" %>
<%@ import Namespace="System.Data.SqlClient" %>
<script runat="server">

Sub Page_Load
Dim dstPubs As DataSet
Dim conPubs As SqlConnection
Dim dadTitles As SqlDataAdapter
Dim dtblTitles As DataTable
Dim drowTitle As DataRow
Dim objCommandBuilder As New SqlCommandBuilder

' Grab Titles Table
dstPubs = New DataSet()
conPubs = New SqlConnection( "Server='(local)';Database=Pubs;trusted_connection=true" )
dadTitles = New SqlDataAdapter( "Select * from Titles", conPubs )
dadTitles.Fill( dstPubs, "Titles" )
dtblTitles = dstPubs.Tables( "Titles" )

' Display Original Titles Table
dgrdOriginalTitles.DataSource = dstPubs

' Add a Row
drowTitle = dtblTitles.NewRow()
drowTitle( "Title_id" ) = "xxxx"
drowTitle( "Title" ) = "ASP.NET Unleashed"
drowTitle( "Price" ) = 1200.00
drowTitle( "Type" ) = "Mystery"
drowTitle( "PubDate" ) = #12/25/1966#
dtblTitles.Rows.Add( drowTitle )

' Delete the First Row
dtblTitles.Rows( 0 ).Delete()

' Double the price of the Second Row
drowTitle = dtblTitles.Rows( 2 )
drowTitle( "Price" ) *= 2

' Generate the SQL Commands
objCommandBuilder = New SqlCommandBuilder( dadTitles )

' Update Titles Table
dadTitles.Update( dstPubs, "Titles" )

' Display New Titles Table
dgrdNewTitles.DataSource = dstPubs
End Sub

<h2>Original Titles Table
<asp:DataGrid id="dgrdOriginalTitles" Runat="Server"></asp:DataGrid>
<h2>New Titles Table
<asp:DataGrid id="dgrdNewTitles" Runat="Server"></asp:DataGrid>

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Listing Indexes

May 31, 2001

Is there a way to list all table index in a user database? Not the system index.

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Index Listing

Aug 28, 2003

I want something like:

select TableName, IndexName
from SomeSystemTables
where TableName like 'Src%'
and IndexName not like '_WA%'

I plan on using this in a cursor in order to delete all indexes. Then I rebuild all tables from an old VMS.Ingres database and create new indexes.

I've looked over previous posts on listing indexes, but don't get the method for identifying both the tablename and the indexname in the same query. DB is SQL2000.



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Index Listing

Mar 21, 2001

Does anyone know of a system stored procedure that I can run to print a list of indexes for a specific datbase. I know I can do it for a specified table, but I would like it for all tables. Thanks!

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Listing Db Values

Mar 12, 2004

Hi, I want to make a logfile where i store all tables, collnames and values of a specified database. Which statement can I use in SQLserver or Oracle? I already found the following statements:

select * from all_tables
select * from user_tables

select * from sysobjects where type'='U'

So getting the tablenames isn't the problem. The question is how the get the matching columns with their type and value.


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Listing Zero Count

Jan 22, 2007

I have a query that lists the names of all employees and the number of training modules they have sat. The query is below:

SELECT distinct AS principals_name,
COUNT(*) AS coursecount
and like 'MT%'
and pps_principals.login like '%testlogin%'
and pps_transcripts.date_created between '2006-10-01' and '2007-09-30'
ORDER BY coursecount desc

The cont goes all the way down to those who have sat 1 module.

I now however need to be able to report all those names of individuals who have sat 0 courses.

Any help appreciated.

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