Hello, I'm using ASP.Net to update a table which include a lot of fields may be around 30 fields, I used stored procedure to update these fields. Unfortunatily I had to use a FormView to handle some TextBoxes and RadioButtonLists which are about 30 web controls. I 've built and tested my stored procedure, and it worked successfully thru the SQL Builder.The problem I faced that I have to define the variable in the stored procedure and define it again the code behind againALTER PROCEDURE dbo.UpdateItems ( @eName nvarchar, @ePRN nvarchar, @cID nvarchar, @eCC nvarchar,@sDate nvarchar,@eLOC nvarchar, @eTEL nvarchar, @ePhone nvarchar, @eMobile nvarchar, @q1 bit, @inMDDmn nvarchar, @inMDDyr nvarchar, @inMDDRetIns nvarchar, @outMDDmn nvarchar, @outMDDyr nvarchar, @outMDDRetIns nvarchar, @insNo nvarchar,@q2 bit, @qper2 nvarchar, @qplc2 nvarchar, @q3 bit, @qper3 nvarchar, @qplc3 nvarchar, @q4 bit, @qper4 nvarchar, @pic1 nvarchar, @pic2 nvarchar, @pic3 nvarchar, @esigdt nvarchar, @CCHName nvarchar, @CCHTitle nvarchar, @CCHsigdt nvarchar, @username nvarchar, @levent nvarchar, @eventdate nvarchar, @eventtime nvarchar ) AS UPDATE iTrnsSET eName = @eName, cID = @cID, eCC = @eCC, sDate = @sDate, eLOC = @eLOC, eTel = @eTEL, ePhone = @ePhone, eMobile = @eMobile, q1 = @q1, inMDDmn = @inMDDmn, inMDDyr = @inMDDyr, inMDDRetIns = @inMDDRetIns, outMDDmn = @outMDDmn, outMDDyr = @outMDDyr, outMDDRetIns = @outMDDRetIns, insNo = @insNo, q2 = @q2, qper2 = @qper2, qplc2 = @qplc2, q3 = @q3, qper3 = @qper3, qplc3 = @qplc3, q4 = @q4, qper4 = @qper4, pic1 = @pic1, pic2 = @pic2, pic3 = @pic3, esigdt = @esigdt, CCHName = @CCHName, CCHTitle = @CCHTitle, CCHsigdt = @CCHsigdt, username = @username, levent = @levent, eventdate = @eventdate, eventtime = @eventtime WHERE (ePRN = @ePRN) and the code behind which i have to write will be something like thiscmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@eName", ((TextBox)FormView1.FindControl("TextBox1")).Text);cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ePRN", ((TextBox)FormView1.FindControl("TextBox2")).Text); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@cID", ((TextBox)FormView1.FindControl("TextBox3")).Text);cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@eCC", ((TextBox)FormView1.FindControl("TextBox4")).Text); ((TextBox)FormView1.FindControl("TextBox7")).Text = ((TextBox)FormView1.FindControl("TextBox7")).Text + ((TextBox)FormView1.FindControl("TextBox6")).Text + ((TextBox)FormView1.FindControl("TextBox5")).Text;cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@sDate", ((TextBox)FormView1.FindControl("TextBox7")).Text); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@eLOC", ((TextBox)FormView1.FindControl("TextBox8")).Text);cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@eTel", ((TextBox)FormView1.FindControl("TextBox9")).Text); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ePhone", ((TextBox)FormView1.FindControl("TextBox10")).Text); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@eMobile", ((TextBox)FormView1.FindControl("TextBox11")).Text); So is there any way to do it better than this way ?? Thank you
I am trying to sort out the member "Adams" from the committee members, and sum up the total amounts that were donated while he was the committee member.
The Table:
CREATE TABLE contribution_list (contrib_date DATE NOT NULL, donor_name VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL, amount NUMBER(8,2), program VARCHAR2(30), committee_member VARCHAR2(20) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (contrib_date,donor_name,committee_member));
The Code that is giving me errors:(not a group by expression):
CREATE or REPLACE VIEW adams_conrtibution_total as select program, committee_member, sum(amount) from contribution_list where committee_member = 'Adams' group by program;
First and foremost, thanks for reading and responding!Does it matter how big a stored procedure is if you do things in the stored procedure such as:declare the parametersIF @Parm_Select = '<ALL>'do a select IF @Parm_Select <> '<ALL> and @Parm_Report = '1'do a selectIF @Parm_Select <> '<ALL> and @Parm_Report = '2'do select This goes on and on and on and I have written a couple of stored procedures that are about 1500 lines of code based upon parameters passed I do not create any tables - they are just all select statements based upon the parameters passed.I thought I was doing the right thing cause I did not want to have to write a procedure that called a procedure, (I read this and got confused on the return prarmeters cause there is a lot of data being returned from the select ----- I don't think I said that correctly! . I am just learning this SQL stuff and I it is cool and I am excited - but I don't want to develop any bad habits in the beginning - and I try to look these things up on the www - but I just don't get explicit answers from reading all of this stuff. Thank to all in advance!
I have 10k indexes I need to rebuild and each time the script reaches an error it stops all further activity. How can I append 'GO' to the end of each line so it will continue on error messages?
Once I have the syntax I can do a find and replace function in Notepad++
USE [AdventureWorks2014] + char(13) + char(10) + GO ALTER INDEX [IX_Person] ON [Person].[Person] REBUILD PARTITION = ALL WITH (PAD_INDEX = OFF) + char(13) + char(10) + GO ALTER INDEX [IX_Emp] ON [HumanResources].[Employee] REBUILD PARTITION = ALL WITH (PAD_INDEX = OFF) + char(13) + char(10) + GO ************** Truncate ***********
Whenever I open a new query I see 3 vertical lines on the screen, from top to button. Did a full reinstall, and they are still there. How to get rid of them?
I'm trying to run a query to check the downtime in production lines, but if a line has assigned more than one cause for the downtime it repeat the info for each cause.
This is the code.
SELECT D.Line AS Line, D.ProductionLine AS ProductionLine, D.Shift AS Shift, D.DownTime, CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), D.DatePacked,101) AS DatePacked, AssignedDowntime, (D.DownTime - AssignedDowntime) AS NOASSIGNED, R.Enviromental,R.Equipment, R.IT_Systems, R.Material_External,R.Quality,R.Material_Internal, R.Method,R.PreProduction,R.People FROM ( SELECT Line, Shift, DatePacked, SUM(Cast(Downtime AS INT)) AS AssignedDowntime,
[Code] ....
I'm expecting that if is more than one "Down Reason "it will include in the same line. At this moment if i have more than one reason it create a line for each one for example:
If i have a total Downtime of 50 minutes and they are assigned 10 for itequipment, 30 by testequipment and 10 assigned to quality issues i will have and output like this:
hello friends my one insert code lines is below :) what does int32 mean ? AND WHAT IS DIFFERENT BETWEEN ONE CODE LINES AND SECOND CODE LINES :)Dim conn As New SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("ConnectionString").ConnectionString) Dim cmd As New SqlCommand("Insert into table1 (UserId) VALUES (@UserId)", conn) 'you should use sproc instead cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@UserId", textbox1.text) 'your value Try conn.Open()Dim rows As Int32 = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery() conn.Close()Trace.Write(String.Format("You have {0} rows inserted successfully!", rows.ToString())) Catch sex As SqlExceptionThrow sex Finally If conn.State <> Data.ConnectionState.Closed Then conn.Close() End If End Try MY SECOND INSERT CODE LINES IS BELOWDim SglDataSource2, yeni As New SqlDataSource() SglDataSource2.ConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("ConnectionString").ToString SglDataSource2.InsertCommandType = SqlDataSourceCommandType.Text SglDataSource2.InsertCommand = "INSERT INTO urunlistesi2 (kategori1) VALUES (@kategori1)" SglDataSource2.InsertParameters.Add("kategori1", kategoril1.Text)Dim rowsaffected As Integer = 0 Try rowsaffected = SglDataSource2.Insert()Catch ex As Exception Server.Transfer("yardim.aspx") Finally SglDataSource2 = Nothing End Try If rowsaffected <> 1 ThenServer.Transfer("yardim.aspx") ElseServer.Transfer("urunsat.aspx") End If
I would like to know if there are any good MDX query builder tools out there. The one that is shipped with AS does not suffice in that it does not support more than 2 axes. Also if there are any are there any that make life a little easier in that they are drag and drop and all but create the statement for you?
I need to create a matrix in SSRS using cubes and in doing so need to write MDX queries, not my strong point. Are there any tools that can help me "auto create" the statement with drag and drop functionality?
Hi people!I'm looking for an SQL query builder application that helps me constructSELECT queries with full respect of underlaying relational model. It wouldbe nice if the app is database independant because my work covers MSSQL,mySQL and Oracle DB.OpenSource and/or comercial suggestions are welcome!*** thanx ***
HI, in a lookup component, when I want to use the query builder, it will show tables from a different connection manager than the one I picked for being the lookup source. E.g. connection manager A points to a schema that contains table1 and table2 and connection manager B points to a schema that contains table 5 and table 6.
When I configure the lookup component to use connection manager B, I still see connection manager A tablles; isntead of seeing table 5 and 6 I see table 1 and 2.
hi,i can do"select * from products where name = @name" kind of statements in query builder but"select * from products where name LIKE @name" dosen't work!" any ideas? i'm using sql server express. thanks
Hi All, For one of our projects, we are supposed to write a query builder to display reports in tabular format. For the filter criteria ( i.e where clause ) user can select from a list of predefined columns and assign conditions to it. For example, user can select 'CustomerName' as the column and specify condition where name begines with 'A'. Similarly he can also select ouput columns Problem The columns that user selects can come from different tables. We are planning to store mapping between tables and columns and also their primary and foreign keys in an xml file. But I would want to understand how to build the join clause. For example, say there are 4 tables customer, customer address, order, and items. Say user wants the number of items purchased by each customer who stays in 'Delhi'. 1. In output column he selects customer.name and count(items.id) 2. In filter criteria he selects address.city = 'delhi' How would the query builder know that to join customer and items, order also has to be joined. Any pointers would be helpful.
I hope you mind a questions from an inexperienced SQL 2000 user.
I don't have much experience with building queries for SQL2000. So I am lookinf for a software tool that will help me create simple queries. I'm also looking for an online (either on the web or a downloadable program) query reference to help remine me how to make these queries.
I am trying to emulate the "Find unmatched Records" Access Query using DTS. I have a small table with a list of codes that I need to use to exclude records in my text export.
I have created a left outer join and set the criteria for the joined field in the 'right' table to be null. I am repeatedly getting no records as a result.
Wouldn't the joined field in the right table for unmatched records by default be null? I'm stumped as to why this seamingly simple process won't work for me. I have attached the select statement for your review.
On pages 123, 124 of Data Mining with SQL Server 2005, I can't finish the example. When I add 'Monthly' to the end of the expression "[Home Owners].[Theater Freq]" in the Criteria/Argument column, I usually get an error message saying the syntax is incorrect when I switch to the Results view. If I place a dot after the original expression, like this: [Home Owners].[Theater Freq].Monthly, I get an error message that "The dot expression is not allowed in the context at line 4, column 23. Use sub-SELECT instead." What am I doing wrong?
Either edit the query from Dataset edit dialog or in the query builder (switch the design mode to show the query string), I can't save the query and always get the following error:
TITLE: Microsoft Visual Studio ------------------------------
The query cannot be retrieved from the query builder. Check the query for syntax errors. Reporting Services will continue to use the most recent valid query.
NOTE: I am using Brian Larsons book Delivering Business Intelligence with SQL Server 2005. I am stuck on page 588 - step 20. I am using Windows Vista Ultimate
Once all the Dimensions & attributes I have selected are dragged into the query area in MDX query builder no data is displayed. There is a message: "No rows found. Click to execute the query." - clicking does nothing.
We have SQL Server 6.5 with an Access 8.0 front-end. We are about to re-write our front-end in VB6 using RDO. Obviously Access has a nice fast and easy to use query builder. My question therefore is - is there any such query builder that can be used within VB6 to simplify query writing ? Or do I have to write all query's and and stored procedures using straight SQL and/or stored procedures. I do not want to use Visdata as it doesn't appear up to the task.
Hi, I am trying to generate a report and I am using the query builder feature in SQL Server Reporting Services.
I just entered a simple query (actually the query builder generated it for me):
SELECT ID, pname FROM jira393.project
and it seems to run fine but when I click "OK" to go to the next step, I keep getting an invalid object name error: 'jira393.project'
I don't know what is wrong right now since when I run it, it seems to display the correct information but trying to go to the next step displays that invalid object error.
I have created a model from the underlying database. Now I want the capability to write SQL Queries when creating reports instead of drag and drop the reports. Is there anyway we can achieve it in MS Report Builder. I would like to know the options available in MS world on this.
Is their a way when creating a Report Builder model to set a query timeout? Similar to what can be done when creating a Reporting DataSet in VS.NET during report development.
My ultimate goal is to be able to limit ad-hoc report users running Report Builder from waisting resources on my SQL instance. This has nothing to do with a report being published to a report server and setting a reports execution time limit.
In my reports I want Date attribute to be added only in the data set and not in the query builder, As if I am adding it in the query builder report is taking very long time to generate and I am getting around 7000 pages of data which is absurd.So, if I can add it only in the data set then I can use filters for my reports and get only the required data. So, is there any way where in which I can add the Date attribute only in the dataset and not in the query builder????
I have a question about using the query builder, or just straight sql, to create expressions. My first example caused the query builder to generate a query configuration error:
Syntax error: Expecting "," or "FROM" after column alias or "*"
Initially I thought I was dead in the water but then I decided to just run it anyway and it worked! I got my cost. OK so fine the query tool doesn't recognize some sql expressions. Because I am trying to make a large flat file I thought I'd concatenate 2 fields to generate a recognizable requisition, which everyone knows is the year followed by a hyphen then the req number:
My old Access query had this: Req: Right([REQ_YR],2) & "-" & [REQ_NO]
and I tried to change it to this: substring (EIM_REQUISITIONS.REQ_YR from 2 for 2) || '-' || EIM_REQUISITIONS.REQ_NO AS REQ
So apparently my older sql book doesn't have the syntax right. Since I plan to do more of this could someone point me to a reliable book or site that could help me with sql syntax?
Hi i have a database with several tables and i want to create a Insert query. and i do this by adding the tables to a dataset and create the relations between them and now i click on the table i want to create a query for and select Add Query. and then the TableAdapter Query configuration Wizard pops-up. but the problem is that in the query builder i can add ONLY ONE table, why? i need to add more than one table in order to make my query. This is how this problem accured: At first i had to two databases, the first database i created myself and there i had all my tables and the second database was the one that contained all the membership info(this database is the one that visual studio creates automaticly for you when u are using the membership thing ASPNETDB.MDF). so i decided to only have one database and i re-created all my tables in the aspnetdb.mfd database, that is where this problem accured, that i can add only one table in the query builder. appreciate any help :) tnx
I am sure there will be a simple answer to this but it has got me stumped.
Having to move over to Vista with my new machine so I am having to switch to 2005 version for my development but still upload to a 2000 server.
I have had a look at 2005, like the new Management Studio, however I ahve a couple of problems which I can not find the answer to.
Firstly, the SQL Query Builder, where has it gone? I often have to import/export data from Excel files and used to use the SQL query builder to create my queries. If I want to copy all columns it is fine but if I want to import select columns I find it easier to view a list and then just add the ones I want.
Am I missing something here?
Secondly, copying stored procedures, before when running DTS ther were three options, Copy Tables/Views, Data Using Query and Copy Objects.
I used the copy opbjects a lot as it was a very quick way of transfering a group of tables and stored prcoedures that I had created. This appears to have now been replaced with Copy Database, which copies everthing, can can not be used to copy from SQL2005 to SQL2000.
If I want to copy multiple stored procedures from SQL2005 to SQL2000 how is it done now? I have tried finding out but have not been sucessful.
I'm having a heck of a time with named queries. At this point I just want a proof of concept in my DSV. I have a bunch of tables added to the DSV, and I would like to add a named query to it so the user can pick from the name query in report builder. What has to be done to make it appear in the report builder?
I want to make a sqldatasource to insert data ito a table with values from textfields page. I want to use the sqldatasource programically (not bind it to a formcontrol). I drag a sqldatasource from the toolbox to the design surface and start configuring the datasource. I spesify a custom sql statement, select the "Insert" tab and insert the table I want to store into the builder. Then I select the fields and the values (parameters from tue textfields. I test it with the "Execute query" button and the results is stored in the table. (everything seems ok) I press the "OK" button but both the "Next" and "Finish" buttons are dissabled, o I can not store the query. What is going wrong. Can someone please help me ? Tom Knardahl
I have created a cube in Analysis Services with a time dimension named Time. The data is only needed at the month level, so the fields in the table that the dimension is based on are [DTE MM] and [DTE YR]. In Visual Studio 2005 or in SQL Server Mgmt Studio I can browse the dimension and I see that Time has the following attributes: Year and Month both Regular attributes and Time (Key attribute). There is also a hierarchy named [Year - Month] and if I browse that it looks good dril down from All to Year to Month.
However, when I point my Reporting Services Datasource to the cube, and start Query Builder, I see two dimensions, [DTE MM] and [DTE YR] and no Time dimension.
This is causing me huge problems in my report. I need to use a date range in the query. To do this, I created Query Parameters and refer to Report Parameters that will be passed in. For example, I use ="[DTE YR].[Year - Month].[Year].&[" + Parameters!StartYear.Value + "].&[" + Parameters!StartMonth.Value +"]" (thanks to Simon Philips) as the query parameter for the Start Year Month, but if I use the [DTE YR].[Year - Month] in my SELECT, the data is not sliced in my query results. That is to say that the Year and Month show correctly, according to the date range, but the Measure is equal for each month and is equal to the total for the cube. To slice the data, I have to use [DTE YR].[Year].[Year] and [DTE MM].[Month].[Month] in my select, but then the data is shown for every month, i.e. the date range is ignored.
What am I doing wrong, or is this a quirk of RS that I can work around?
I was using the MDX Query Builder to create MDX queries for a SSRS report. I'm not sure what happened, but when I tried to create another dataset against the cube, the "Drop Column Fields Here" and "Drop Row Fields Here" areas were no longer available for me to drop attributes onto.
I have restarted VS, rebooted, you name it, I've tried it (short of re-installing). Has anyone encountered this and how did you "fix" it.
BTW: In order to continue working, I decided to use ProClarity to build the MDX for me and when I tried to paste it into the MDX editor, I get the following error: "The query cannot be prepared: The query must have at least one axis. ..". So, as I've seen from other posts, you can't use "any" MDX in the MDX Query Builder.
I wrote a data mining plug-in algorithm in SSAS and now I am trying to view the lift chart in Management Studio. The studio gives the following error:
"The Data Mining Query builder control cannot be initialized due to the following problem: Deserialization failed: Multiple definition of element 'Column12' causes the content model to become ambigious. A content model must be formed such that during validation of an element information item sequence, the particle contained directly, indirectly or implicitly therein with which to attempt to validate each item in the sequence in turn can be uniquely determined without examining the content or attributes of that item, and without any information about the items in the remainder of the sequence."
I really do not understand what i did wrong. Can anybody help me?
I have a query which returns number of columns using pivot ( rows into columns -- dynamic sql pivot columns). Since it is dynamic pivot, how can I bind this returned values into report builder matrix reports.
Look at this example :
First time query returns StudentId | Col1 | Col2 | Col3
Second time query returns StudentId | Col1 | Col2 | Col3 | Col4 | Col5 | Col6 ...
How to bind this query into report builder 3.0 reports?