Load Balancing In SQL 7.0
Dec 14, 1999
Hi All,
We have a Intranet Application which uses IIS / SQL Server 7.0, we are trying to support the application for 30,000 + users.
Since SQL Server can only support upto 32676 user connections (Theoretically), is it possible achieve this with clustering / dynamic load balancing. Does MSCS and SQL 7.0 support this. Any other ideas, 3rd party software etc?????
Any input will be of great help.
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Feb 27, 2006
How is load balancing working in SQL Server 2000. We want to have two different servers as a back end for our web based eCommerce application. Is this possible? While there be any modification requirement in the application?
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Nov 6, 2000
What is the meaning of Loadbalancing and how can I use this term to my advantage.
Q2. How would I know that I need to do load balancing and how can I set it up.
I have wrote load balancing in BOL and did not get any thing on it. can anyone refer me to where I can read more about it.
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Jul 20, 2005
How much traffic/load can a database server running MS SQL server takebefore it can't handle it anymore? And when that time comes, what are therecourses? Am I able to load balance it between separate servers?
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Sep 9, 2007
need advice for below scenario
currently am having a active / passive cluster sql 2000 server, due to the amount of transactions am moving to new high end servers with sql 2005 cluster.
incase the new cluster also doesnt stands the load what approach i should use similar to load balancing.
with regards
alby peter
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Apr 18, 2008
I want to know about Data Base Load balancing work. How to do that? I want to know that.
Please help me........
Binod Kumar Tiwari
+91 9958680044
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Aug 14, 2007
Why SQL Server 2005 Dosn't Supoort Load Balancing?
I think Load Balancing is a feature of great necessity.
Would it be probably added to other features in Next versions?
thank every one
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Jan 25, 2006
HiOn our SQl Server (2000) we can have queries that take at least 10-20mins(require full table scan fo billion row table). When one of these queriesis running it substantailly slows down very quick queries (sub secondqueries take several seconds).I believe there is no way to set priorities but was wondering if thereare other configuration settings that could help. The server is dualprocessor so maybe setting maxdop to 1 will help. Memory size isdynmaically assigned up to 4Gb but as the DB size is > 1Tb I'm not sureif allowing this much memory is actually decreasing performance when thequick query trys to get through.Any suggestions.ThanksMike
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Nov 30, 2007
need the concpet of load balancing cluster ?can any one help me out with any link....?
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Jul 20, 2005
When a web application becomes overloaded with traffic, one can offload itby load balancing and clustering the front end web servers. What happenswhen the back-end MSSQL database becomes overloaded? Does MYSQL offer loadbalancing and clustering?
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Apr 27, 2007
Hi guys, can I know whether 2 servers (load balancing) able to set up the mirroring on another server? From what I know, mirroring only can set 1 IP address for principal. I just want to double confirm on it. Thanks for any assistance here.
Best Regards,
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Apr 10, 2006
We have a massive database that users run complex queries on. The queries are never the same so caching cannot be used too much effect. When many queries are run at one time by the various users the system slows down.
What we are trying to achieve is maybe have a primary SQL Server 2005 machine and multiple (4-5) SQL Server 2005 secondary machines. The primary machine would get the query and would decide based on loads as to which secondary machine would fulfill the query.
We are not worried about failover and clustering and all that fun stuff. Our primary concern is to achieve the quickest execution of the query. We were wondering if SQL Server 2005 has any feature that enables query load balancing of some kind.
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Nov 3, 2006
Is it compatible to set up SQL DB mirroring on 2
different physical servers (High availbility + FULL transaction safety +
Automatic failover with a third server as witness) and simultaneously set up
network load balancing between these 2 servers (option with Windows Server 2003
Enterprise) ?
If yes, which type of licenses do I need and how
many (for SQL server 2005 and Windows Server 2003) with such a configuration
- 4 physical servers in total : A, B, C and
- load balancing between A and B (same application)
- load balancing between C and D (same application)
- A hosts principal DB X, B hosts mirror of DB
- C hosts principal DB Y, D hosts mirror of DB
- D is witness for A and B
- B is witness for C and D
- A and B : only internal clients <
- C and D : both internal and external clients
(internal clients <25, number of external clients is unknown (>25)
Hoping this description will be helpful enough for
(I am looking for a very high availability
Thank you in advance for your support.
This licensing question is pretty much urgent (for
a bid) : a quick answer would be very appreciated...
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Jun 7, 2005
Hi!Currently we only have one SQL Server database in our production system. I would like to add one more SQL server 2000 database. I would like to configure them so that both server share the load and Failover. I did some research and I found that I can do this by installing the OS (Windows 2000 Server Enterprise Edition) and SQL 2000 Enterprise Edition on both machines using the windows clustering. I want both servers to be active. They both have a copy of the production data. What I don't know is that, if it is possible to synchronize the data on both databases using SQL Server Replication utitlites. From what I know one SQL Server must be Publisher and one Subscriber. Can one sql server be both? Because I want both sql server to be identical. Can I set up replication between more than 2 servers? We just need to add one server for now but I would like it to be expandable. In the future we may need more.So Please provide me some ideas and answers about the following.1- Can two SQL Server cross replicate (both update each other in order to be identical)?2 -Does replication work beyond 2 servers.?3- If you were to set up a production database; what do you recommend considering the load balancing and Failover using Windows 2000 Server Enterprise Edition and SQL Sever 20000 Enterprise Edition?Thanks,Michael
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Oct 15, 2007
We are looking at expanding our web application (C# and Sql Server). The module we are going to be adding will be far more processor intense (plotting and modeling) than any of the current code.
I need to know what the best design for this add on would be.
Would it be better to
a) Keep the new module as part of the core db (entire application on 1 database) and use loading balncing between 2 (or more) servers to handle the huge increase in demand?
b) Create the new module as a seperate database that runs on a seperate server?
If B is the best option (I am thinking it is not) is there a way to write easy and efficient queries and views of the 2 databases as 1.
Justin Bezanson
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Nov 6, 2006
i have a table with 10,000,000,000 records and i need Select and Insert many
records from or into this table in less than one second.
i can't buy a very expensive hardware(Server) for this SQL Server 2005
but i can buy many medium price hardwares(Servers) for this SQL Server
how can i distribute or cluster this table between many hardwares(Servers)?
note: i have few users (maximum 5 users) for my database but i have a
very large table and Sql server 2005 server need to respond to this
users in less than 1 second.
i want to distribute this huge table in seperated hardwares. becuase i
can't buy a very expensive hardware from my server but i can buy many
medium price hardware for my server.
note: i need this: when a user run a select query on this huge table
his/her request distribute between many hardwares not one hardware.
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Jun 29, 2006
I am trying to achieve load balancing through service broker.
I have a 3 server setup:
Source Database where the requests are sent. This has two routes created on this to server 2 and 3 with the service broker instance id specified. The service broker matches both these routes to the destination databases on Server 2 & 3 and send the requests in a round robin fashion by itself.
server2 & 3: These servers have the destination databases. The databases are exactly same with same messages, contracts, queues, services, and servicing programs. These don't send the responce back and the source is also not expecting for any response from the target databases.
When I tested this scenario it was behaving in a different manner. If there are 20 requests, in a normal case 10 requests should go to either of the destiantion servers, but I found that sometimes it was 11-9 or 12-8 only once did it do a 10-10.
Also I want to know is it best practice to rely on the inbuilt feature of the service broker in matching the routes and sending the messages rather than doing it ourselves. I which case one has to write the logic for sending the message to appropriate target server based on the status of the destination queue.
I also want to know which would be the best technique to use to bring the two destination databases in a concurrent state.
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Nov 8, 2001
Hey guys,
Lately we have come across a problem where our application is undergoing some extreme load against the SQL 2000 server database we have setup, where the server is hitting 100% CPU utilization each time. Currently the box is a 2 processor box.
Here is the question I have. I have seen under most SQL Server clusters that an active/passive setup is implemented. Where the passive server just exists as a failover mechanism. What I am looking for is some information on how to setup active/active setup where each server receives processes to handle.
Has anyone created a setup like this? Are there any standard benchmarking tools that can be used to see how this configuration increases performance? Is this setup more favorable than going to a 4 processor server as oppossed to our current 2 processor server?
BTW: We have noticed that after a web application where the user sits idle for a while the SQL Server application loses the connection with the application user...Is this the SQL Timeout causing the connection to disconnect?
Thanx for any response...
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Jun 13, 2014
Is there such a thing called 'Load balancing' on fail over cluster?
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Jun 14, 2007
I am confuse and cant decide on how to setup high availability on our SQL 2005. Here's what on my mind and on resources list:
I plan to have mirroring on my SQL1 to SQL2 with the help of SQL3 as witness. So this would be automatic failover. My idea on mirroring is when SQL1 goes down, SQL3 would tell SQL2 to run and be the primary. It will automatically failover to SQL2. Right? My questions are:
1) How can I revert back to SQL1 once it is ready?
2) I read in one of the post that it is impossible to write in a mirrored DB, is this true? I mean, what's the use of failing over to the next node when it's not possible to write and update data/records?
3) If number 2 is false (i hope so), how would the data be synchronize from SQL2 back to SQL1. Those transaction that were made while SQL1 is down.
4) How about the connection string from the web applications? Would it be automatically point to SQL2? We have load balancing setup in place, would this help web application connection to automatically point to SQL2?
Another setup:
We have SAN in place (not yet used, but is planning to use for this SQL thing), EMC to be specific. My question would be:
1) For SAN setup, the data storage would be centralize. So would that mean that SQL1 and SQL2 services will use the same data and log file from the SAN storage?
2) How would you call this setup then? Can this be clustering type of high availability? Will clustering work under load balancing setup? I believe mirroring is not possible here? Right?
3) How can I setup my 3 SQL servers with the same theory in mind: when SQL1 goes down, SQL2 will take over. Data will be synchronize when SQL1 is up and running again. With automatic failover and reverting back to primary.
I read so much topics about this, but the more I research, the more I get confuse.
Any suggestions, comments, advice is greatly appreciated!
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Mar 22, 2006
You will all have to excuse my ignorance. I'm a developer who also doubles up as a development DBA. I am however not particularly knowedgeable about all the really important DBA stuff.
We've built a small BI solution using SQL Server 2000. Our problem is that our server is getting on in years (5) and doesn't really have enough disk space or grunt. We havce a number of summary cubes that we've optimised quite successfully but our billing line level cubes run to 60 million rows and, well, they're about as quick as a dead ferret. Especially given the stupid queries our data analysts keep running.
We have however proved our point. That this can be done and indeed SQL Server can do it. So we're now looking at some infrastructure spend and some new copies of SQL2005.
But i need some advice. Our user base is climbing through the roof, we originally had 10, now we have closer to 50 and at this rate it'll be a couple of hundred by the end of the year. We're using a plugin called XLCubed to deliver that data into Excel from the Analysis Server.
The OLTP database that sits behind it is fairly robust but we have a number of web based apps (mostly lookup systems) that want to use the nice shiny new accurate tables of data we have created.
So I'm looking at a fairly big server to hold the OLTP DB, this will also serve up live data to our web apps. Its worth pointing out that the source data system is a batch system that processes overnight so we load data from yesterday at 6pm each evening and process our cubes and stuff overnight. Thus the data is a couple of days out of date. Don't laugh they used to use MS Access and got one mangy data set a month so this is a massive leap forward.
I wanted to mirror the DB to another machine but I also want to have a separate Cube Server. I wondered if the cube server could use the mirror to read its data from as opposed to loading the Main Server (the mirror would be an identical box) we would also have a separate box running some of our other systems acting as the witness.
I also wonderd about exporting the Cubes onto file shares for use locally as opposed to via the server which is how they connect now.
We have been using Reporting Services and some of the queries the devs write are not exactly efficient. So I was also planning on clustering a pair of smaller servers into a reporting farm. Could I use another SQL Server to serve data up to them? Could I use a DB snapshot to copy the data required to this server? What are the time / size implications of using a snapshot and replicating it over each night?
Any suggestions for places to read up on this? I've looked at the MS marketing blurb and while its big on buzzwords its light on specifics. Like how it actually works and how you would actually configure it to do some of this and what the implications would be.
Any advice?
many thanks
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Aug 28, 2014
We are having a conversation at work and the subject of load balancing with SQL came up. Right now we are running SQL Server 2014 on four (4) machines. I am using a AlwaysOn with Availability Groups (AG). Now I know that we can scale out the reading in AG by allowing the secondary serves to receive reads.
Is there a way to be able to do this with writes? Can I have in essences 2 masters that some how reconcile with each other? We are expecting a huge amount of writes in the near future and we need a way for SQL to handle the amount of traffic we are expecting with out any issues.
I explored the possibility of Peer - to - Peer replication; however, it seems that it would be more work if we are constantly making updates to the database scheme.
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Jul 7, 2007
I have posted this also in one forum. Somebody might have idea here.
We have four Windows 2003 advance servers with SP 3 configured on NLB.
Each of them has one NIC.
Recently we started to get frequent time-out error messages from web applications on those servers when they try to establish the connection with the SQL 2005. If you run web pages application to connect to sql server 10 times, 9 times you will get good connection results and 1 time you will get time-out.
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server error '80004005'
Timeout expired
/common/mypage.asp, line 20
Connection to sql server is established with the connection string. Any idea how to solve this problem? Is there a connectionproblem? from NLB to Web to SQL?
We have tried doing some suggestions (e.g. LMHOST, IP, domain account for WEb to SQL connection, the Query Wait in SQL advance property.), but seems this timeout expired still exist
Thanks in advance...
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Feb 28, 2005
I have two sets of data i.e two instances of SQL server in two different cities. Data entry happens at both the places.I need to balance the data in two servers i.e. I need to Synchronize the data.
Currently I am Exchanging the data between two sides and using a Buffer database to update the incremental infromation.(Running a SQL script).
I have GUID columns in my database. I am too new to replication.I wanted to know whether I can implement repliaction and what changes i need to make?(e.g. Replacing GUID columns with Identity columns).
Permanent connectivity between two databases is required or Replication can be performed whenever connected?
Best Regards
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Jun 15, 2006
We are storing all our SQL 2000 databases on SAN LUNs, and one of our databases currently uses a single 40GB file which is approaching capacity. If we add further files using different LUNs, the data will start being added to these new files. My questions are these: if we were to add a number of new LUNs to this database, is there a way to redistribute the existing data so it is balanced across all files in order to gain the most benefit from having multiple files, rather than just dispersing the additional fragments across the new files?
Will the optimise feature of the maintenance plan do this automatically during the index rebuilds?
Is it better to add more files to the PRIMARY filegroup, or add a number of filegroups with single files in each? We aren't looking to use filegroups for fiddling with our backups by the way.
Many thanks for any recommendations offered.
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Jun 16, 2006
We are beginning to design a new application with SQL Server 2005. Our current production environment is slated to be two SQL Server 2005 machines with the databases residing on an EMC SAN. We have requirements to both have automatic failover between servers for availability and also be able to balance the load over two hot servers for scalability.
Can anyone point me in the right direction for things I need to consider in order to be able to implement both of these requirements? Can I implement database mirroring (for failover) and transactional replication (for balancing) given the hardware configuration I'v mentioned? Is more information needed? Where should I turn next?
I am coming off a mainly Oracle background for the last ten or so years with a smattering of SQL Server mixed in. I've tried to hit the ground running on this project, but sometimes find myself hitting the wall running instead.
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Jul 20, 2005
I will be doing some performance testing on financial application nextmonth. Without going into a lot of details, I suspect I will have apotential bottleneck when writing to the log file.My hardware setup is a quad 2.8 Xeon Dell server direct attached to aDELL/EMC CX200 (Fibre channel array with 10 X 30something GB, 15,000rpm drives, with about 1GB of memory on the array for caching.This is a benchmark environment, so I am not concerned about loosingdata. I am looking for a little guidance on using raid (0 or 10)and/or file groups to spread IO to db objects (log file(s), data,indexes, tempdb, etc). I have read about and played with file groupsenough to know that SQL server does some level of load balancingacross file, but am unclear it is in parallel or serialized.Common wisdom seems to be to separate data, non-clustered index, logs,and tempdb onto separate files, but I am unclear on how to make bestuse of the high-speed disk array. I'd greatly appreciate opinions onwhich would perform better; one file on a stripe set of N drives (raid0 or 10), N files in a file group placed on N (non-striped) drives, ora combination of the two? Is the answer the same for both log and data(or index) files?Thanks,-Bernie
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Dec 14, 2007
Here I will describe my problem.
1. We are loading large amount of data from database on background thread which is starting on Application_start event in global.aspx.cs file.The data is later cached for subsquent request to improve the performance.
2. Now when we put the application on web farm garden, it is not able to load the application.
3. We are sending the request the servers through Router kind of application.
4 This application is working fine on single server enviornment.
Please help us.
Ajay Kumar Dwivedi
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Apr 26, 2008
Due to SQL's proportional fill algorithm I'd like to have the amount of data in my data files as close to equal as possible.
File sizes before:
dat 482,895 MB 0% free
2dat 436,927 MB 3% free
I made the max size of each file 600,000 MB and added a third file 3dat also 600,000 MB. I rebuilt all the clustered indexes (and nonclustered for good measure) and unfortunately the re-balancing wasn't quite right.
File sizes after:
dat 464,761 MB 77% free
2dat 443,234 MB 73% free
3dat 309,568 MB 51% free
I only have a handful of heap tables that take up <100MB total so they're not the issue. I did do an ONLINE index rebuild. I'm not sure if an offline rebuild would have been better. I will not be able to try and offline for a few weeks though as it's time consuming and I have other tasks I need to run on this test server now.
I did a FULLSCAN rebuild on any column statistics not updated by the index rebuild but that didn't help either.
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Apr 27, 2007
I just have done the SSIS example in the tutorial document included when install SQL 2005 ENT. I have a problem that whenever I test to run, the service load all data from source with out noticing about the data (I mean it load all the data to the destination), I do it several time and it continue to load all without checking. That mean the data is dublicated when the schedule run???
I think there should be a paramete or something like that to help the engine just load the new data to the destination. Could you help please?
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May 7, 2014
A little background on what I am trying to achieve first. We are moving to Azure virtual machines and we will have 8 disks on the SQL Server box. I am adding more files to the primary file group and each file will go on its own drive. I am then rebalancing data across these files by rebuilding all of the indexes on the tables which is working fine. No problems so far all is good.
I now have an additional problem. If there is a lob or blob column on the table, rebuilding the clustered index and all the non clustered indexes doesn't rebalance the blob or lob data across the disks such as it does with in row data.
I cannot find any articles on rebalancing lob or blob data because all the articles say to move to a new file group. I do not want a new file group, I just want to use the primary file group where the data already resides, and just redistribute it evenly in the same way that I can in row data which is working fine.
One solution I thought about was to BCP data out of the table, truncate the table and then BCP back into the table which I imagine would have the desired effect of distributing the data evenly over the files.
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May 19, 2006
I have a big problem and i'm not able to find any hint on the Network.
I have a window2000 pc, VS2005,II5 and SQLServer 2005(dev edition)
I created an SSIS Package (query to DB and the result is loaded into an Excel file) that works fine.
I imported the dtsx file inside my "Stored Packages".
I would like to load and run the package programmatically on a Remote Scenario using the web services.
I created a solution with web service and web page that invoke the web service.
When my code execute:
Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.Application.LoadFromDtsServer(packagePath, ".", Nothing)
I got the Error:
Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.DtsRuntimeException: The package failed to load due to error 0xC0011008 "Error loading from XML. No further detailed error information can be specified for this problem because no Events object was passed where detailed error information can be stored.". This occurs when CPackage::LoadFromXML fails.
The error message doesn't help so much and there is nothing on the www to give me and advice....
Is it a SSIS problem???
Thank you for any help!!
Marina B.
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Mar 7, 2007
Hi there.
I have an assembly, call it A1, that I've deployed to a SQL Server 2005 database. I can use the managed stored procedures from A1 in SQL Server no problem.
In A1 there is a bit of code which uses the Assembly.Load() method, so load another assembly and use instances of class found in that external assembly. However, when I run the managed stored proc in A1 that uses Assembly.Load() I get the error:
Could not load file or assembly 'A1, Version=, Culture=neutral,PublicKeyToken='????' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.
(note: for security I've changed some of the above line).
So I changed the Assembly.Load() to use
I re-built the project, re-deployed it and ran the code in SQL Server - it worked. I could create an instance of a System.Data.DataSet for example. So why can't I load my own custom assembly? My assembly does have a strong name and it's installed in the GAC. I wrote a console app to try and Assembly.Load() my custom assembly and that worked fine (it was also running on the same server as the SQL Server).
So it's defiantely the SQL Server that can't 'see' my customer assembly. What do I need to do this assembly so that SQL Server will allow me to Assembly.Load it, just as it can with System.Data?
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