Load Data From Text File Into Some Table Implemented In Stored Procedure.
Nov 8, 2006
Hello, I want to load data from text file to MS SQL DB table.
In MySQL, it is the "LOAD DATA INFILE..." query statement.
What is sutable query if I want to migration from Mysql to MS SQL Server 2005 Express?
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Jun 16, 2015
We have created SSIS package to load a text file into a table. Source system shares 10 text files and recently they stopped generating data for one of the text file (comping empty), after few months they will start generating the data for the empty file batch processing.
The Issue here is Data Flow task is getting failed while loading empty text file into table. How to handle this empty file load issue in SSIS package.
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Apr 9, 2015
I am having one store procedure which use to load data from flat file to staging table dynamically.
Everything is working fine.staging_temp table have single column. All the data stored in that single column. below is the sample row.
After the staging_temp data gets inserted into main table.my probelm is to handle such a file where number of columns are more than the actual table.
If you see the sample rows there are 4 column separated by "¯".but actual I am having only 3 columns in my main table.so how can I get only first 3 column from the satging_temp table.
Output should be like below.
How to achieve above scenario...
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Apr 19, 2006
1 4/19/06 abc3100UD:Dcod25-uss1 PAGE 1
0 0123454681 xxxx, xxxxxxxxxx 10 9 06/04/05 abc 060418 $310,000.00 ABC temp plus
1 $310,000.00
0523468431 xxxxx, xxxxx xx 14 13 06/04/04 efg 060418 $127,120.00 cAPITAL MANAGEMENT INC
1 $127,120.00
0542616443 xxxxx, xxxx xxxxxx 14 13 05/12/01 hij 060418 $200,000.00 fRIENDS CLUB
1 $200,000.00
0516545461 xxxxx, xxxxxxxx x 205 204 06/03/02 klm 060418 $283,992.00 MICROTECH TECHNOLOGY
0135554455 xxxxx, xxxxx xx 115 114 06/04/04 060418 $230,000.00 ABC TEMP PLUS
2 $513,992.00
0151981313 xxxxxxxx, xxxx xxxxxx 205 204 06/04/05 nop 060418 $80,000.00 INTERNAL REFERRAL
1 $80,000.00
0111111111 xxxxx, xxxxx 115 114 06/03/05 qrs 060418 $86,800.00 gMA INC
0222222222 xxxx, xxxxxxxxxx 115 114 06/04/03 060418 $156,720.00 INTERNAL
0333333333 xxxxx, xxxxxx 205 204 06/04/03 060418 $156,720.00 HOME
3 $400,240.00
TOTAL 9 $8,005,672.00
1 abc351Uab:cod5K-SUM
0 ABC 1
How can I load the above txt file into a table with following schema?
Loan(BorrowerName, Loan#)
All I need is the borrower name which are xxxxx, xxxx and loan numbers.
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Dec 13, 2007
I am new to SSIS but i have avg working knowledge in sql.
My problem is as follows ,I have a text pipe dilimited file in some folder and the number of columns and the name of the column is not consistant. It can have N number of column and it can have any column names. I need to load this text file data into a sql table. All that i want is to load this file to SQL Database with some temp name. Once i get the table in SQL Database, i can match the column names of both taget table and this temp table and only push those column which matches with the target table. For this i can frame Dynamic SQL. This part is clear to me.
Now the problem is , I developed a SSIS pacakge to push the text file to SQL Table. I am able to do this. But if i change the column names or added new column SSIS is not able to push the new columns. Is this functionality available in SSIS, is it can be dynamic like this?
I hope i am clear with my prob... if need any clarification please let me know
thanks in advance
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Oct 1, 2001
can one of you please show me how to import data from a text file into a temp table in a stored proc.
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Feb 29, 2004
Hello, i need to load some data from a long comma delimited text file, How can a i do that, using t-sql?, thanks for your help!!!!!
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Apr 3, 2001
i have this flat text file that has a number of packed decimal
field type. How do I load that text file into a sql table.
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Jan 2, 2007
Hi Guys,
have a flat file which is loaded into the database on a daily basis.
The file contains rows of strings which I load into a table,
specifically to a column of length 8000.
The string has a length of 690, but the format is like 'xxxxxx xx xx..'
and so on, where 'xxxx' represents data. So there are spaces, etc present in the middle.
I used SQL 2000 DTS to load the files in, and it was just a Column
Transformation with the Col001 from the text file loading straight to
my table column. After the load, if I select len(col) it gives me 750
for all rows.
Once I started to migrate this to SSIS, I
allocated the Control Flow Task and specified the flat file source and
the oledb destination, and gave the output column a type of String and
output column width of 8000. But when I run the data flow task it
copies only 181 or 231 characters out of the 750 required.
I feel it stops where it finds the SPACES and skips the rest.
specified row delimiters or CR, and LF. I checked the file under
UltraEdit and there were no special characters in the file that would
cause the problem.
Any suggestions how I can get it to load the full data?
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Jan 31, 2008
What is the easiest way to accomplish this task with SSIS?
Basically I have a stored procedure that unions multiple queries between databases. I need to be able to export this to a text file on a daily basis and add a total records: row to the end of the text file.
Thanks in advance for any help.
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May 8, 2014
I would like to know if the following sql can be used to obtain specific columns from calling a stored procedure with parameters:
/* Create TempTable */
/* Run SP and Insert Value in TempTable */
INSERT INTO #tempTable (MyDate, IntValue)
EXEC TestSP @parm1, @parm2
If the above does not work or there is a better way to accomplish this goal, how to change the sql?
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May 28, 2015
how I can load the CSV file data into the sql server table. I know there are ways like bulk insert and other to load the csv file data into the table. But in my case the table doesn't exist and has to be created at the run time. With simple insert in temp table we do like select * into #temp from tablename and that creates the temp table. So. I need something like that which create the temp table and load the data into it. because the CSV file would have different number of columns and names so I can not create the table structure in advance. I have to create the table at run time.
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Aug 4, 2004
Hi guys,
I need to be able to send a text file with data seperated by tabs to a stored procedure that populates my table.
I am new to SQL and SPROCs that I am not sure how to even start. If you guys have any ideas I would really like to hear them or maybe any on-line docs and examples.
Thanks in advance!
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Apr 13, 2001
Hi List
I have stored procedure which need 4 input variables. I want to send the stored procedure output to Table or text file. Is there any way I can do it let me know. Here is the stored procedure.
Exec TestProcedure 'USD',@test1 output, @test2 output, @test3 output
Thanks in advance
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Sep 7, 1999
Is there a way to use BCP or something else within a stored procedure to extract data from a select statement out to a text file?
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Aug 7, 1998
Is it possible to create a stored procedure which will create a text file (containing information from some tables) and send it via e-mail to a list of user.
I know that I will have to configure the SQL Mail.
If it is possible, can someone give me sample code.
Thanks you.
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Aug 23, 2004
I have data in text files ( not in csv format but in a properitary format).
My requirment is to read the text files and parse it into corresponding data and then store it into the MSSQL Server Database.
Is there any way to do this by using Stored Procedure or extended stored prodcedure in SQL Server. Or is there any other way to do this in
SQL Server. My database is there in SQL 2000.
Any help will be appreciated..
with regards
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Oct 19, 2011
I have a sp which saves the necessary information regarding the status of action(whether success or failure, rows affected etc) to a log table say( StatusLog )After this, I was sending a database mail with information taken from the log table via sp_send_dbmail. Now I would like to write the status information to a 'txt' file instead of sending via mail.How can I write to a text file from a stored procedure in ms sql server 2005?
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Sep 26, 2013
Want to write from a table variable to a text file from a stored procedure.Read about xp_cmdshell bcp etc. but worried because it's supposed to be a security problem and needs to be from a permanent database.Also am getting error "The EXECUTE permission was denied on the object 'xp_cmdshell'..."
1. Is xp_cmdshell a bad idea to use even if I get permissions ?
2. Can a "permanent" table be used in a stored procedure starting out fresh each time with 0 rows rather than use a table variable ?
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Sep 9, 2005
Greetings,I have a sp that dumps text into a textfile but I am having troublecreating the textfile.EXEC master.dbo.xp_cmdShell '\servernamed$The Filesubfilename.dat'The directory "The File" has a space in it. I've tried putting thecarat ^ before the space, and putting double quotes...but I keepgetting this error'\servernamed$The' is not recognized as an internal or externalcommand, operable program or batch file.If I do EXEC master.dbo.xp_cmdShell '"\servernamed$TheFilesubfilename.dat"' I get the same thing.If I do EXEC master.dbo.xp_cmdShell '""\servernamed$TheFilesubfilename.dat""' I get'"\servernamed$The Filesubfilename.dat"'is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable programor batch file.Does anybody see what I am doing wrong?
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Mar 29, 2006
Writing to text file from table/view is done using osql,bcp etc. How do we write output of stored procedure into text file??
Thank you
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Sep 29, 2006
We are working on a DataWarehouse app. The DW has been loaded wiith transactional data from the start of September. and we want refresh the DW with a full load from the original source. This full load wil consist largely of the same records that we loaded initially in the DW but some records will be new and others will have changed.
During the load I want to direct input records NOT already in the DW to a "mods" table and ignore those input records that alreayd exist in the DW. Can SSIS help out with this task?
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Jun 11, 2015
I have a requirement to load bulk of csv files to sql table. some times, some columns could not come in csv file(some times 100 columns and some times 80 cloumns). That time the package is getting failed. How to create a table dynamically based on csv file structure.
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Mar 6, 2007
I have a C# SQL 2005 .net stored procedure which scrubs a text file looking for characters not in a range of characters and replacing them with another character. This works fine except when the process is killed. When this happens the file handle of the file being scrubbed is not released. I use a try catch finally block when opening the file and the output file. The finally section fiushes the output file and closes all files and streams but still when I go to access the file again or use the file in explorer it says the file is still in use. Should I be handling this some other way? How do I know the files will always be closed correctly.
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Apr 29, 2009
I am having a Stored Procedure Or SQL Script to be attached to Job Scheduler. When this Stored procedure executes it generates some output text. I need to store this output to text file when ever this store Procedure (or) SQL Script executed by job Scheduler.
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Jul 31, 2013
I am working on an HR project and I have one final component that I am stuck on.
I have an Excel File that is loaded into a folder every month.
I have built a package that captures the data from the excel file and loads it into a staging table (transforming a few bits of data).
I then combine it with another table in a view.
I have another package that loads that view into a Master table and I have added a Slowly Changing Dimension so that it only updates what has been changed. (it’s a table of all employees, positions, hire dates, term dates etc).
Our HR wants to have this data in a report (with charts and tables) and they wanted it to be in a familiar format. So I made a data connection with Excel loading the data into a series of pivot tables.
I have one final component that i cant seem to figure out. At the end of every year I need to capture a count of all Active Employees and all Termed employees for that year. Just a count.
So the data will look like this.
|2010|447 |57 |
|2011|419 |67 |
|2012|420 |51 |
The data is in one table labeled [EEMaster]. To test the count I have the following.
SELECT COUNT([PersNo]) AS HistoricalHC
FROM [dbo].[EEMaster]
WHERE [ChangeStatus] = 'Current' AND [EmpStatusName] = 'Active'
this returns the HistoricalHC for 2013 as 418.
FROM [dbo].[EEMaster]
WHERE [ChangeStatus] = 'Current' AND [EmpStatusName] = 'Withdrawn' AND [TermYear] = '2013'
This returns the Number of Termed employees for 2013 as 42.
I have created a table to report from called [dbo.TORateFY] that I have manually entered previous years data into.
|2010|447 |57 |
|2011|419 |67 |
|2012|420 |51 |
I need a script (or possibly a couple of scripts) that will add the numbers every year with the year that the data came from.
(so on Dec 31st this package will run and add |2013|418|42| to the next row, and so on.
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Jan 16, 2008
Hi,I've got some XML which exists as a text variable in a temp table in SQL Server 2000.I need to pass this XML into sp_xml_preparedocument so I can rebuild a table out of it. But I can't figure out the syntax.If I try doing this:declare @idoc intexec sp_xml_preparedocument @idoc output, (select XmlResult from #cache)I get an error, with or without the brackets round the select statement.The temp table is created using an SP, but I can't call that directly either. This:declare @idoc intexec sp_xml_preparedocument @idoc output, exec Search$GetCache @searchIDAlso throws an error.I can't put it into a
local variable because they can't be of type text. I can't pass it into
the SP somewhere as it's being generated on the fly.How can I get my xml into sp_xml_preparedocument?Cheers,Matt
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Jan 16, 2008
I've got some XML which exists as a text variable in a temp table in SQL Server 2000.
I need to pass this XML into sp_xml_preparedocument so I can rebuild a table out of it. But I can't figure out the syntax.
If I try doing this:
declare @idoc int
exec sp_xml_preparedocument @idoc output, (select XmlResult from #cache)
I get an error, with or without the brackets round the select statement.
The temp table is created using an SP, but I can't call that directly either. This:
declare @idoc int
exec sp_xml_preparedocument @idoc output, exec Search$GetCache @searchID
Also throws an error.
I can't put it into a local variable because they can't be of type text. I can't pass it into the SP somewhere as it's being generated on the fly.
How can I get my xml into sp_xml_preparedocument?
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Apr 3, 2015
I am unable to load data from flat file to sql table using bulk insert sql statement
My code:-
DECLARE @filePath VARCHAR(200)
Declare @filename varchar(100)
set @filename='CCNVZ_150401054418'
SET @filePath = 'I:IncomingFiles'+@FileName+'.txt'
[Code] .....
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Mar 25, 2008
Hi All,
I want to load a text file into database without using Bulk Insert.
I readed the text file and kept in a datatable. I need to insert this data into database.
how can i bing data in datatable to dataset.
how can i update changes in dataset to database.
Please help me....
Thank you.
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Feb 23, 2005
how to load text file into single row
I already created dts using
Read File Transformation to place
data in to buffer table then
update row in main table
Is Any way to do it without using DTS , just with T- Sql or bcp ?
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Jul 27, 2001
Hi, does anyone know if it is possible to use DTS Transformation to load a test file to a view instead of a table? When I select from the DTS window, only tables are available for selections not the views.
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Jul 20, 2005
How can I make a stored procedure which has a output parameter withtext data type? My procedure is:CREATE PROCEDURE try@outPrm text OutputASselect @outPrm =(select field1 from databaseName Wherefield2='12345')GOHere field1 is text data type.Thanks
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