Load Severals Table On SQL Sever 2005 With Integrataion Services From Oracle Database

Mar 30, 2007


I want to load some table fromoracle database:

first : i created a datasource link between sql server and oracle database

second : i maked a flow to load data

Thus simple thing works good for one table...

But my question is how can i do for a group of table

In reality we have 30 table to do and i hear about variable, parameters ....

but i don't understand what it mean !!

so if somebody could explain to me the steps to do !!

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Export Table From Sql Sever 2005 To Oracle

Feb 12, 2008

dear all experts plz kindly give me ur help! i have a table in sql server 2005 and exported it to oracle successfully. i hv no porblem with the following query:

select * from table1

however, when i try to select a specific field from this table, for example:

select cust_name from table1

i fail to do so and it give me an error message that '

OLE DB provider "XXXXXXX" for linked server "(null)" returned message "ORA-00904: "cust_name": invalid identifier".

and the probelm is not just this field, but for every single field that i try to select. can anyone plz help?

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Integration Services :: Extract Data From Server And Load Into Oracle Database?

Jun 23, 2015

Looking for sample ETL package to extract data from SQL Sever Database and load into Oracle Database using SQL SERVER INTEGRATION SERVICES 2008. The requirement is for full load and incremental load both.

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View SQL Sever 2005 Express Database On SQL Sever Enterprise Manager

Apr 25, 2006

Is it possible to connect SQL Sever 2005 Express from SQL Sever 2000 Enterprise Manager? Tried to connect but got the error message "must use SQL Server management tools to connect this sever"


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Integration Services :: How To Load Similar Excel Files Into Database Table

Aug 25, 2015

have an excel file which contains lots of sheets. Some of them are named as DW-<day>-<month> (for e.g; DW-1-July). Like this I have sheets for the whole month. I have other sheets too with a different name. I would like to import data from these sheets only (DW ones). Upon my research I have found that this can be achieved via For Each Loop Container.

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Running Analysis Services 2005 On A Separate Sever

Jul 28, 2007

My first question is can I run Analysis Services 2005 on a different server to where the databases are running
If yes, any pointers to some articles.

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What Procedures Need To Be Done On A SQl Sever 2005 Database Before Commandline Backups Can Be Successfull

Jun 12, 2007

I have a sql sever 2005 express edition database but when i run my backup command from the command prompt, i get this error message .
The .Net SqlClient Data Provider has received a severity 16, state 11 error number 911 on line 1 of procedure on server KSS15SQLEXPRESS: Could not locate entry in sysdatabases for database 'DATABASE1'. No entry found with that name. Make sure that the name is entered correctly. The .Net SqlClient Data Provider has received a severity 16, state 1 error number 3013 on line 1 of procedure on server KSS15SQLEXPRESS: BACKUP DATABASE is terminating abnormally.
DATABASE one is the name of the database i want to backup. Now it looks there so many databases some of which i have no idea where they are. It looks like there some system stored procedures i have to run first before my database file can be located by my commands. It would be wonderfull if some one pointed me to an article that covers this initial part thoroughly.

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SQL Sever 2005 Write XML Data Stored In A Table Out To A XML File On My Local Machine

Mar 16, 2008

Hello All
Just wondered if someone could help me with a bit of T-SQL, i have a application in ASP.NET/VB that allows the user to update a message board by clicking a button "update" this in turn triggers my Stored Procedure for inserting this data into a table, which works great.
It inserts the data into its respective fields and also takes The Title, Line 1, Line 2 and so on and creates a XML file  (Using FOR XML) which is stored in the same Table under a column call XML_Data. Which again works great.
My problem now is how do i output this XML_Data to an actual XML file that is on my local machine, i.e. It be created in say C:Inetpubwwwrootxmlfiles("xml file name inserted here from another column that holds xml file name").xml
Any help on this would be greatfully apreciated
 Thanks In Advance

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Integration Services :: Load Incremental Data Into Fact Table When Source Table Not Have Timestamp And Unique Key

Sep 24, 2015

I have a transaction table having about 40 crore rows in source. It don't have timestamp and unique key columns. It have only Bill_month and Bill_Year columns. Actually for loading this table into staging I have added a new datetime column by adding default bill_date as 01. Then

* First we delete last 3 month data from staging tables.
* Get last 3 months data from source table.
* Load that 3 months data from source to staging table. 

We do this because we only get update for last three months data. Now I have to include this transaction table as Fact table in DW. What will be the best practice for loading the fact table by picking data form staging table. Also we have to look up with dimensions for Foreign Keys. 

* Should I implement the same method of deleting last 3 months records and loading them again. 

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Sql Server Time Format In HH:mm AM, Oracle HH:mm AM Equivalent In SQL Sever

Jul 31, 2006

Hi All,

I need time in the formate HH:mm AM (ex: 06:25 AM, 08:30 PM)

I have tryed with the following query
"SELECT right(CONVERT( varchar, getDate(), 100),7)"
it is giving time like 6:25 AM, But I need in the format 06:25 AM.

I need exaclty equivalent of following oracle query. TO_CHAR(sysdate,'HH:mm AM')

Please reply me.

Thanks & Regards

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Reporting Services 2005 (VS 2005) Using Oracle 10g Stored Procedure

Apr 17, 2008

I want to get data from Oracle 10g Stored procedure to Reporting Services 2005. I could pass a SQL text and get a record set, but I want to execute a store proc and get the record set.

1. Add New Data Source
2. Choose Type : Oracle and connection tested OK
3. { call Test_Package.Test_Procedure(?) } is it wrong... how to write???
There is an error in the query. ORA-00911: invalid character

Also make sure that you use the text-based generic query designer (2 panes !) instead of the visual query designer (4 panes) - you can switch between them through an icon on the toolbar in the data view of report designer.
Question : I tried many methods but unable to solve it...

create or replace
PACKAGE Test_Package
END Test_Package;

create or replace PROCEDURE Test_Procedure (
Test_Cursor IN OUT Test_Package.Test_Type,
Test_Parameter IN Test_Table.ID%TYPE
OPEN Test_Cursor FOR
FROM Test_Table WHERE Test_Table.ID >= Test_Parameter;
END Test_Procedure;

The below site gave some example but i could not solve it... any suggestions greatly appreciated...



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SQL 2005 Reporting Services On Load Balanced Web Servers

Feb 27, 2007

Is the any issues running SQL 2005 Reporting Services on Load balanced web servers?

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Integration Services :: How To Load Data From CSV File To Dynamic Table

Jun 11, 2015

I have a requirement to load bulk of csv files to sql table. some times, some columns could not come in csv file(some times 100 columns and some times 80 cloumns). That time the package is getting failed. How to create a table dynamically based on csv file structure.

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Integration Services :: Data Load From Flat File To Database

Sep 22, 2015

I am having difficulties loading data from a flat file to a SQL Database. I am able to load some data but the rest gets kicked out for the following reasons:

1 – The field is varchar 50 and I would like to convert it to a date field
2 – The field contain periods (.) (Only 1 period in each row)
3 – The field contain blanks (NULLS)

How do I create a derived column that will bypass blanks (Nulls) and remove periods (.) in each row then convert column to a date field in SSIS? Looking for steps to create a derived date column using SSIS (derived task); convert it to a date column (09-19-2015); use functions to redirect the nulls and possibly remove the period (.)?

[b][u]Sample Data[/u][/b]
Column 3 (Varchar 50)       Need to convert to date; remove periods, and bypass nulls(blanks)                 

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Integration Services :: Load Data From Sharepoint List To Database

Apr 15, 2015

I am trying to load data from sharepoint to Database. WhenI try to execute the package, am getting below error.

[SHAREPOINT_SRC_SLTS_FIELDS [286]] Error: Microsoft.Samples.SqlServer.SSIS.SharePointUtility.SharePointUnhandledException: Unspecified SharePoint Error.  A possible reason might be you are trying to retrieve too many items at a time (Batch size) ---> System.ServiceModel.FaultException: Exception of type 'Microsoft.SharePoint.SoapServer.SoapServerException' was thrown.

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Integration Services :: Load Multiple Files From Table Using For Each Loop Container

Oct 28, 2015

I have a requirement to load multiple flat files in target table .

I have created the package which used to load files into target table using For each loop container.

But now requirement has been changed now I have to take only those files from table where status="Success" and max JobId. By the query I am to get those records which need to load into table.

Below query I am using to get the files which need to load.

select [JobLogKey],[SrcNm],[DestNm]
FROM [ConfigRep].[dbo].[JobLog]
Where [JobId]=
(Select Max(cast([JobId] as Int)) Jobid
FROM [ConfigRep].[dbo].[JobLog]
Where [JobStat]='Success')


JobLogKey SrcNm   DestNm
268 H:Data PlatformSource FileClient2LocHGSSpecLocation.txt Location.txt
269 H:Data PlatformSource FileClient1LocHGSSpecLocation.txt Location.txt

I have to load using above 2 files which are under SrcNm. I have created one variable called FileToLoad as Object and mapping to result set of above query. I have create JobId,SrcNm and DestNm variable to catch the record at every loop. I have  created 2 For each Loop container 

Below screen shot of outer Foreach loop. Till here Its working fine. Inner for each loop container not executing any task under that. How to get it done.

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Integration Services :: Load Table Where Source XML File Format Is Not Fixed

Jun 17, 2015

I am looking for a way to load the SQL server table where the source xml file format is not fixed.

It has to dynamically check for the attributes and load into a SQL Server table with changing source xml file format.

The levels of the attribute can change in side the xml tags, the C# code has to parse the file get the attribute name and load the associated value.

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Integration Services :: Split CSV File Based On First Column Value Changes And Load Into Destination Table In SSIS?

Jun 10, 2015

Import.csv file looks like,

tab1 table1 A
tab1 table1 B
tab1 table1 C
tab2 table2 D
tab2 table2 E
tab2 table2 G...

First column values are table names which are already exists in target database. Next two columns[Desc],[Code] data gets populate from CSV file to table.

In this scenario, how to load tab1 data into the same table in destination and so on.

Which way will be more standard to accomplish this task? If its a script task using C#, looking for clear script to identify a value changes in the first column.

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Problem Connecting To Oracle Using Sql Server 2005 Reporting Services

Sep 3, 2007

I'm new to SSRS but have a problem connecting to Oracle. I have placed my reports upon a reporting server but the shared data connection isn't working and I'm confused as to why. I have specified the name, connection type as "Oracle", set the correct user id and password for the credentials and the connection string as for example 'Data Source=oracleExample;Unicode="True"'. I also have set the correct entry in the tnsnames.ora file for this datasource, example:
"oracleExample =
(SID = oracle)
Unfortunately I receive the following error when trying to connect.

An error has occurred during report processing.

Cannot create a connection to data source 'oracleDataSource'.

For more information about this error navigate to the report server on the local server machine, or enable remote errors


I'm mystified as to what the issue is. Any ideas? Would restarting the report server pick up the tnsnames.ora file? I have this working locally using report designer.
Any help, much appreciated.

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Integration Services :: Automate Process Using SSIS To Create Tables In Corresponding Database And Load Data

Oct 6, 2015

We are using SQL Server 2014 and SSDT-BI 2013. We have a reporting environment where business users create objects which need to be persisted for fiscal year reporting. Let's say for instance SQLSERVER1SRVR1 they create table objects like below in the reporting environment.

Accounting2014, Accounting2015 in AccountingDB; 
Sales2014, Sales2015 in SalesDB; 
Products2014, Products2015 in ProductsDB; 
Inventory2014, Inventory2015 in InventoryDB etc....

These tables are persisted for auditing in a different environment SQLSERVER2SRVR2 for finance & audit folks.We would want to automate this process using SSIS to create tables in corresponding database and load data. I tried using For Each Loop container but the catch is I could loop the source or destination but how do we loop on Source & Destination at the same time (i.e when source is in AccountingDB destination to be AccountingDB, source SalesDB then destination SalesDB so on etc....

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Integration Services :: Handling Empty Text File Load Into Table Through SSIS Data Flow?

Jun 16, 2015

We have created SSIS package to load a text file into a table. Source system shares 10 text files and recently they stopped generating data for one of the text file (comping empty), after few months they will start generating the data for the empty file batch processing. 

The Issue here is Data Flow task is getting failed while loading empty text file into table. How to handle this empty file load issue in SSIS package.

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Integration Services :: Connect To Oracle Database Using OLEDB Manager

Nov 23, 2010

Getting following error while trying to connect to ORACEL database using OLEDB manager.

Error at RADAR [Connection manager "RADAR_Updated"]: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_OLEDB_NOPROVIDER_ERROR.  The requested OLE DB provider OraOLEDB.Oracle.1 is not registered. Error code: 0x00000000.
An OLE DB record is available.  Source: "Microsoft OLE DB Service Components"  Hresult: 0x80040154  Description: "Class not registered".


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How To Copy Table From Oracle Database To Sqlserver Database ?

Jul 20, 2005

Hello,I need to copy a table from an 8i oracle database to a sqlserver 2000 database.Is it possible to use the command "COPY FROM ... TO ..." ?So, what is the correct syntax ?Thanks for your helpCyril

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SQL --&> To Oracle Load Error

May 22, 2007


getting ORA-01722: invalid number error when running SQL 2000 DTS to Oracle 10g. This package works fine currently in production which is SQL 2000 and Oracle 9i.

We are going to 10g and in dev the DTS package giving us error:

Unknown provider error.
[OLE/DB provider returned message: [Microsoft][ODBC driver for Oracle][Oracle]ORA-01722: invalid number
OLE DB error trace [OLE/DB Provider 'MSDASQL' IRowsetChange::InsertRow returned 0x80040e03: Unknown provider error.].

please help


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Extract And Load From And To Oracle

May 3, 2007

is it possible to extract from Oracle, transform (preferably in the buffer) and load data into a Oracle db using SSIS? is there any white paper/ article on the process?

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Integration Services :: How To Capture Changed Data Of 2 CSV Files And Modify It In Oracle Database

May 6, 2015

I need reflecting changes of csv file in oracle DB. Suppose,  I load single csv file in oracle DB which contains 10 rows. After some time, I have loaded another CSV file which has the modified row of the previously loaded csv file. So, how can I capture the CSV changes and how it is going to get reflected in oracle DB?There is no unique column in csv file to identify particular row.

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How To Transfer Oracle Table To SQL 2005

Feb 6, 2008

Hi all

How to transfer oracle table to SQL 2005.


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Using SSRS 2005 With Oracle Database - Please Response

Nov 20, 2007

Will like to get some feedback regarding SSRS 2005 with Oracle Database.
Please advice pros and cons..
Thanks in advance and if anyone in such environment is here please respond.
Seems oracle discoverer is useless

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Oracle 9i -&&> SQL Server 2005: Initialization Of Table Failes

Jun 8, 2006

Hi there,

I'm trying to initialize a subscription for a transactional replication between Oracle9i and MS SQL Server 2005.

The snapshot agent runs succesfully, but I get an error when the distribution agent runs to apply the snapshots at the subscriber. I've pastet the job history from the Log File Viewer below.

2006-06-08 09:27:25.516 Applied script 'ADDRESS_8.sch'
2006-06-08 09:27:25.516 Applied script 'ADDRESS_8.idx'
2006-06-08 09:27:25.516 Bulk copying data into table 'ADDRESS'
2006-06-08 09:27:25.641 Agent message code 20037. The process could not bulk copy into table '"ADDRESS"'.
2006-06-08 09:27:25.704 Category:NULL
Source: Microsoft SQL Native Client
Message: Data conversion failed
2006-06-08 09:27:25.704 Category:NULL

Every column contaning null-values at the table in Oracle9i is allowing null-values at the destination table in the SQL Server.

I'm pretty lost here - does anyone know how to solve this problem?

Best regards,

JB Plum

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Integration Services :: How To Load Multiple Date Format Column Date Into Table Using SSIS

Jun 15, 2015

i have a excel file in which i have a date column it having the below date formats below 

Install Date










So using SSIS how we would load this date column into the table into one format like dd/mm/yyyy or any single date format

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SELECT COUNT(*) FROM [Table] From An Oracle Database

Nov 20, 2006

Hi friends,

I have problem when retrieving a result from SELECT COUNT(*) FROM [Table] from an Oracle database.

When I try to put the result (single row) in a variable I get the following error message.

[Execute SQL Task] Error: An error occurred while assigning a value to variable "RowsSource": "Unsupported data type on result set binding RowsSource.".

Pls help me


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Copying Database Objects And Data From Oracle 8 To SQL 2005

May 16, 2007

Does anyone know how to copying database objects and data from Oracle 8 to SQL 2005 ?

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Importing Database From Analysis Services 2005 To SQL Server 2005 Database

Jul 26, 2006

Hi all,

How can I Import a database from Analysis Services database to SQL SERVER using SQL SERVER 2005.

forexample the Adventure Works DW database from Analysis Services to SQL SERVER database.

Any ideas will be higly appreciated.


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