Localization Issue

Jul 23, 2005

Hi All,

I already have a web site running with SQL Server as a backend (in
english)For future growth, I would like to make it localized. Regarding
the database, I have come up with several approaches.

1) just simply add the column in those table which needs different

2) add additional tables to do it.

3) create a new database to store different language's information

As mentioned, my database have already been implemented, so the minimum
modification is preferred. Could you guys suggest me the best way to do

Another thing, if I alter my existing database into UTF-8 now, will it
affect the original data (ie. English).



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Jun 24, 2007

Dear friends,

Is there any provision to make the SQL Server Reporting Services commands,returning from SQL query, instead of writing that directly in the report.

Best Regards,


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Localization And Sqlserver

Jul 20, 2005

Hi,I have a simple 'user' table and an ASP form that connects to it. Iwant users of all languages to be able to type in their registrationinfo, in their own language, store it that way, then have another pagethat displays it.Are there any specific settings I need in SQL Server to handle this?Thanks

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Localization Of Reports

May 15, 2007

How can i add resources to my report (*.rdl) at runtime depending upon the curren culture ie text ,date formats ,currency setting getting changed according to current culture.Is there any way i can define resource file for report?

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Report Localization

Aug 20, 2007

I want to make my report in both english and spenish language.
how can I set culture for reports?

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Localization.Brain Storming.

Mar 16, 2007

 Hello,I am working on a Blog and a Documents systems.What I need is:1. Each blog can have various language versions.2. Each document can have various language versions.I have been thinking about this and I end up with two approaches:1. Use a structure where all tables depend on a localized table:BLOGS|---- BlogsLocalized|---- BlogsPosts|---- BlogsRatings|---- BlogsComments2. Use a structure where each table has a localized versionBLOGS|---- BlogsLocalized|---- BlogsPosts|---- BlogsPostsLocalized|---- BlogsComments|---- BlogsCommentsLocalized3. Create a simpler, without localization, in SQL and in my web sites have different versions for each language.The same approach is under thinking for DocumentsTables.Could someone give me some advice?I have been looking in internet but until no I couldn't find anything really useful.Thanks,Miguel

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Localization In SQL Server 2000

Jun 19, 2007

I have distributed databases in different language versions, I am creating a stored procedure, and this problably in future is going to be migrated to other SQL Server database. the query that I have inside the stored procedure is this:
Insert Into Prueba Values(14,'31/07/1999') -------> format date of this query is in Hispanic version (this works fine)
But, If this query is migrated to other SQL Server and it's version would be in English, that query wouldn't work, the principal reason is the format date.
Solution that I have on mind is creating a stored procedure that receives three parameters the month,day and year. I want to identify the localization of that SQL Server database and use "IF" conditions and inside of these concatenate month,day and year obviously depending of the date format identified through "IF" conditions.
If somebody has an idea to solve this or somebody knows how to identify the locatization in an SQL Server database I would be thankful.
Thank you again and best regards.

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Localization In SQL Server- Is There Such A Thing?

Apr 30, 2007

Hello all,
I'm working on an ASP.NET with a SQL server for database. Some of the tables, for example, contain information such as different types of Fabrics (silk, cotton, etc..) . I'd like to have this table localizable (English and French for instance). Is this possible ? Is there an equivalent of resource files in SQL server ?
Or do I have to do this manually ? (have 2 separate fields in the table for those 2 locales)

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Localization Using SQL Server - DesignTimeResourceProviderFactory

Aug 17, 2006


I am implementing a "customizable resource provider" for Globalization based  on Sql Server instead of resource files. After reading the following articules:



I was able to produce a library that save local resources and and retrive resources from Sql Server using "GetGlobalResourceObject() and GetLocalResourceObject()", but I am having trouble to make it work with "Intelicense".

I think that the issue is related to class derived from "System.Web.UI.Design.DesignTimeResourceProviderFactory" class.

Does anyone knows where I can get more information regarding customizable resource provider and intelicense?

Note: I do not know how to attach my code.


Thank you,




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Report Parameter Localization

Jul 24, 2007

Hi everybody,
I have a question does it possible to have the param prompt in the different language without doing multipe report for each language, I saw it is possible for the label, but I didn't see how to do for the prompt param.
I hope someone could help me.
Thank you.

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Date Formatting Or Localization

May 31, 2007

I have written this ugly expression because I didn't know any other way. What I am trying to do is convert an English date string to a French string.


January 2005 ---> Janvier 2005

Thank you,



Month(CDate(Fields!Month.Value) ) = 1, "Janvier" & " " & Year(CDate(Fields!Month.Value)),
Month(CDate(Fields!Month.Value) ) = 2, "Fevrier" & " " & Year(CDate(Fields!Month.Value)),
Month(CDate(Fields!Month.Value) ) = 3, "Mars" & " " & Year(CDate(Fields!Month.Value)),
Month(CDate(Fields!Month.Value) ) = 4, "Avril" & " " & Year(CDate(Fields!Month.Value)),
Month(CDate(Fields!Month.Value) ) = 5, "Mai" & " " & Year(CDate(Fields!Month.Value)),
Month(CDate(Fields!Month.Value) ) = 6, "Juin" & " " & Year(CDate(Fields!Month.Value)),
Month(CDate(Fields!Month.Value) ) = 7, "Juillet" & " " & Year(CDate(Fields!Month.Value)),
Month(CDate(Fields!Month.Value) ) = 8, "Aout" & " " & Year(CDate(Fields!Month.Value)),
Month(CDate(Fields!Month.Value) ) = 9, "September" & " " & Year(CDate(Fields!Month.Value)),
Month(CDate(Fields!Month.Value) ) = 10, "Octobre" & " " & Year(CDate(Fields!Month.Value)),
Month(CDate(Fields!Month.Value) ) = 11, "November" & " " & Year(CDate(Fields!Month.Value)),
Month(CDate(Fields!Month.Value) ) = 12, "December" & " " & Year(CDate(Fields!Month.Value))


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Localization And BUILTIN Groups

Jun 28, 2006

Is there a synonym for the group BUILTINUsers which can be used for GRANT ... TO and sp_grantlogin/sp_grantdbaccess, but which will work on localized computers?

I have a number of automated unit tests I wish to run on two different computers. The process involves recreating a database if it does not exist and then granting access and privileges to the BUILTINUsers group.

The problem is that one computer is installed with a Swedish Windows XP Professional (the users group is called BUILTINAnvändare) and the other is an English WinXP MCE (the group is called BUILTINUsers) so I cannot easily script this.

An alternative is to be able to retrieve the respective name through a .NET class or the Windows API.

Is any of this possible?


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Localization/Language/Culture Parameter

Sep 17, 2007

Where can I obtain a list of the languages as used in the report language property for populating a parameter?

Currently if I put the list that is in the Language Dropdown (Ex. "French (France)") it does not work. I have to use "fr - Fr"


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Localization Of Report Manager To Portuguese

Dec 19, 2006

Hello to all!

I want to translate de interface of the Report Manager to Portuguese. I'm develop a class that implements

Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms.IReportViewerMessages The class is in a file called "ReportViewerMessages.cs". The structure is like this, the project is called "PortugueseReportManager", there is a namespace named "PortugueseReportManager" and the name of the class is "ReportViewerMessages".

So far so good, but when I change de web.config file in the report manager folder I'm getting over and over this error message when I try to see a report: The type PortugueseReportManager.ReportViewerMessages, PortugueseReportManager, Version=1.612.19.1, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=5cdefa29ce50bd9e does not implement IReportViewerMessages or could not be found

This is the line that I add to the config file:

<add key="ReportViewerMessages" value="PortugueseReportManager.ReportViewerMessages, PortugueseReportManager, Version=1.612.19.1, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=5cdefa29ce50bd9e"/>

The version is correct and the public key token I get by strong signing the class and then run de command: "sn -T PortugueseReportManager.dll

I copy the dll file to the Bin folder of my Report Manager folder.

Please, can anyone help me in this one? I try a lot of combinations in the config file and so far I did't get any results.

Thanks in advance!

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Localization Web ReportViewer Control In VS2005

Jan 17, 2008

Hi everyone,I followed the steps below to localize the report viewer control accoring to http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms251723(VS.80).aspx"
Deploying Localized Versions of ReportViewer ControlsThe ReportViewer control includes language packs for eight languages: Chinese-Simplified, Chinese-Traditional, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, and Spanish. To use a localized version of the control, you must do the following:1. Run ReportViewer.exe.2. Navigate to the folder that contains the language pack you want to use. Language pack folders are located at <drive>:Program FilesMicrosoft Visual Studio 8SDKv2.0BootStrapperPackagesReportViewer<lang>.3. Run ReportViewerLP.exe."
But I could not find the ReportViewerLP.exe in the step 3. Could anyone please tell me why?Thanks a lot.Danny

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SQL Server 2012 :: Localization Of A Table To Japanese Language?

Jul 15, 2015

I have a table called country that will store all the country related details in it. Below is the screenshot of my country table.

I want to localize this table to Japanese language. I googled out and found out that a new table needs to be created for storing the data in localized language.

If that's the case do we need to manually translate the text in the country table for each and every country?

Is there any automated process for that? Just like not translating the text manually for each and every rows..

This is because I have few more tables in which the text are not static. they will get loaded on a daily basis. So i will not be able to translate them every day..

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Reporting Services :: Localization Data In Reporting Services?

Jul 27, 2015

I work in a big project and we will begin in using reporting services as the base technique for reports and I will be responsible for this part. but I have a problem I will discuss in the following:

Currently: We use currently devexpress reports and we have 2 languages(Arabic and English). the data in tables saved in two ways (Arabic and English). when the end user change the language of the web site the report data language changed when run it.


we have table with (ID, NAME_AR, NAME_EN, JobTitle_AR, JobTitle_EN). designed report will display(ID, NAME_EN, JobTitle_EN) . but the end user change the language of the system the report will

dispaly(ID, NAME_AR, JobTitle_AR) 

Hint:this done pragmatically

how to do this in reporting services.

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