We are looking for a tool that will allow us to examine the transaction log
for SQL 6.5. Ideally, it should be able to read transaction log dumps, and
one could run it off of the comand line or have some scheduling capabilities. I know that Platinum has a product that supposedly does this, but seems to be fairly limited in features.
I am getteing need help Query analyzer error Unable to connect server local Msg17, level 16,state 1 ODBC SQL server driver [DBNETLIB]SQL server does not exist
When running a script in the SQL Server Query Analyzer for a large database the output is truncating(I cannot able to see the entire line of my output)!! Can someone please respond to this question I would greatly appreciate it!! Thank you
When looking in the server trace in query analyzer – I can see how many ‘reads’ a stored procedure does. So I'm wondering if we can determine whether our query is good or bad by looking at the number of reads/writes that showing in the Trace.
When looking in the server trace in query analyzer – I can see how many ‘reads’ a stored procedure does. So I'm wondering if we can determine whether our query is good or bad by looking at the number of reads/writes that showing in the Trace.
I am new to ASP.NET and met a problem about access a database on a Web Server (www.myserver.com). My meaning here that I created a .sql from my localhost to test, but when to upload to my web server on the internet, an error occured: "System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: SQL Server does not exist or access denied". Anyone here can help me to solve my problem. Waiting for your reply soon. Thanks
I was given a list of user comments from an old application and told to match it up with our current system. After all the easy methods I was still left with 95% of the records unmatched. The only way I had left was to try and match up the names. Given that people could have the same name I added a count to make sure it only found one record. This query has been running for over an hour now. How do I tell if it's actually running, or if it locked up? Also here is the query I'm using, does anyone have any feedback on it? Is this poorly written, is my logic wrong? Did I put the server in a loop? UPDATE user_table_1SET id = s.idFROM user_table_2 AS sWHERE RTRIM(s.first_name) = RTRIM(user_table_1.first_name) AND RTRIM(s.last_name) = RTRIM(user_table_1.last_name) AND (SELECT COUNT (*) FROM user_table_2 AS cs WHERE RTRIM(user_table_1.first_name) = RTRIM(cs.first_name) AND RTRIM(user_table_1.last_name) = RTRIM(cs.last_name)) = 1
Hi everybody! i've got a problem: when trying to connect to SQL Query Analyzer on SQL Server 2000 with SQL Server authentication, i fill in the gaps user name and password but when i press OK it gives me an error. it says: "Unable to connect to server server-name: login failed for user X. Reason: not associated with a trusted SQL Server connection". the user i want to get connected with is correcly set up and appears in the SQL Server security-->logins list with type=standard; server access=permit; default database=master. how could I correct it?
I've been searching around for some info on how to set this up, but with no luck.I need to have a .sql file that will set up a few tables and these tables will have relationships and contraints.I can do this by hand in enterprise manager, but need to set up some procedures that will do the same thing.For instance, I can create the tables just fine.....CREATE TABLE students ( sId int NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, studentId varchar(50) NOT NULL, course varchar(50) ) CREATE TABLE courses ( cId int NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, course varchar(50) NOT NULL, sco varchar(50) )But, I need to set up relationships in there somehow.Once student may have many courses (one to many) and one course may have many sco's (one to many) SCO would be another table.Can someone point me to a good link that would show how to complete these procedures?Thanks all,Zath
Good day. I was able to connect to a database server using SQL ServerEnterprise Manager. The Server name specified on the tree isJOMARGON(Windows NT). But no server was detected using either VisualStudio .NET and SQL Server's query analyzer.I highlighted one database (master) on the SQL Server EnterpriseManager and chose 'SQL Query Analyzer' under the 'Tools' menu. Itworked. The Title of the Query Analyzer window isSQL Server Analyzer - [Query- JOMARGON.master.JOMARGONJM Gonzalezand below on the status bar, I can seeJOMARGON(8.0) and JOMARGONJM Gonzalez(52)But again, I cannot connect manually using Query Analyzer as nothing islisted in the SQL Server drop-down listThanks
I do not know if this is the correct area to post this topic? So, How to access different sql server with query analyzer? Usually, when to install sql server, it access the database server locally installed, now I like to access other sql server within a domain using query analyzer. How to configure this in order I could use query analyzer to access other sql server within a domain? Thanks in advanced.
I am implementing the security and add different windows domain group and also assign then appropriate rights and permission.
No i want that if some knows the "sa" password and want to connect to sql server 2005 via query analyzer then message should display to user that u can not login with sa login while using SQL Server Query analyzer.
Hi All, Please let me know how we can need to run “SELECT” statement (in SQL SERVER query analyzer) for a table in different database without going/loading DATABASE B (i.e. without running “USE B”) e.g. we are in a database “A” and we need to run “SELECT” command for a table in Database say “B” without going/loading (i.e. without running “USE B”) the Database “B” Thanks in Advance J
I have a project that consists of modifying a report in Crystal. The problem is that I know very little about SQL and I need to add some data items to Crystal using SQL. The guide that I was given refers to Enterprise Manager and SQL Query Analyzer but they have since upgraded to SQL Server Management Studio. Can anyone translate the following statement into SQL Server Management Studio so that I can complete this process?
Best regards,
We will now edit the View on the MS SQL server. Open Enterprise Manager and find the cst_adEnroll_MyInitials _vw in the Views section of the database. Right-click, select Copy, then go to the menu bar and Select Tools and SQL Query Analyzer. Once Query Analyzer opens: Change CREATE to ALTER before the view name.
Environment:Server1 (Local)OS Windows 2000 ServerSQL Server 2000Server2 (Remote)OS Windows 2003 ServerSQL Server 2000(Both with most recent service packs)Using Enterprise Manager, we have set up the Link Server (LINK_A) inthe Local Server 1 to connect to Server 2.The SQL we need to run is the following:INSERT INTO table1(column1,column2)SELECT A.column1, A.column2FROM LINK_A.catalog_name.dbo.table2 AS AWHERE A.column1 xxxx;When we run this from the Query Analyzer, it completes with no problemsin a few seconds.Our problem:When we add the DTS Package as the ActiveX Script (VB Script) to theLocal Package, it times out at "obj_Conn.Execute str_Sql"Dim Sql, obj_ConnSet obj_Conn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")obj_Conn.Open XXXXobj_Conn.BeginTransstr_Sql = "INSERT INTO table1("str_Sql = str_Sql & "column1"str_Sql = str_Sql & ", column2"str_Sql = str_Sql & ")"str_Sql = str_Sql & " SELECT A.column1"str_Sql = str_Sql & ", A.column2"str_Sql = str_Sql & " FROM LINK_A.catalog_name.dbo.table2 AS A"str_Sql = str_Sql & " WHERE A.column1 0"str_Sql = str_Sql & ";"obj_Conn.Execute str_Sql----------------------------------------------------------When we make a Stored Procedure and run the following SQL, it freezes.INSERT INTO table1(column1,column2)SELECT A.column1, A.column2FROM LINK_A.catalog_name.dbo.table2 AS AWHERE A.column1 xxxxWe've also tried the following with the same results;INSERT INTO table1(column1,column2)SELECT A.column1, A.column2FROM [LINK_A].[catalog_name].[dbo].[table2] AS AWHERE A.column1 xxxxThe same thing happens when we try to run the "SELECT" by itself.SELECT TOP 1 @test=A.column1FROM LINK_A.catalog_name.dbo.table2 AS AWHERE A.column1 xxxxORDER BY A.column1What is going wrong here, and how do we need to change this so that itruns without timing out or freezing?
Is there any similar tool that provides more helpful debugging infothan SQL Analyzer? When one write hundred and hundres lines of codefor some heavy duty task, it's almost inevitable that typo and the likehappens, so, easy INDENT and LINE NUMBERING is very helpful for a tool.TIA.
Is Query Analyzer being droped in MS-SQL 2005? I'm using Microsoft SQL Server Managemant Studio and I couldn't find the Store Procedure node and Query Analyzer anymore. Help is appreciated.
Say you have a state column with the name of a state in it. And you need to add a branchId to the table. I know I should not have it in there, and the application should use proper lookup tables, but that's not the case. Can SQL Server query analyzer loop through and update the branchid field based on a lookup in a lookup table? How would that be done?
Hi All, I think I post this in a wrong section but I cant find forum for sql server and i just have a quick question basically, I installed sql server 2005 and I need to debug a store procedure.1. Does query analyzer come with sql server 2005?2. If not how can I debug store procedure in sql server 2005?Thanks in advance
I have been working with webmatrix nicely until i came across designing database security issues. I was trying to grant some users to some tabls to access. I thought in the begining it should be ways to do it through the webmatrix itself( using MSDE). unfortunately, there isn't up to my knowledge. I went to the sql anlayzer to do this task, and it was not clear to me how to do it. Therefore, I would like to know whether there is a way to designe my database grant issues using MSDE through the Webmatrix. If there isn't, what is the best and easy way to do it?
Does anyone know if there is a limitation in Query Analyzer in terms of the number of characters in a query that it will parse?
I am having a problem with some large queries, and I am not sure if it is Query Analyzer, or the SQL Server query parsing engine that is causing the problem.
The query just involves a simple SELECT statement, albeit for a large number of columns.
I'm using SQL Server 7.0. I connect to one database in Query Analyzer and I can use the "Perform Index Analysis" option under the "Query" menu option. when I connect to one of our other databases, the "Perform Index Analysis" option under the "Query" menu option is disabled (greyed out). Does anyone know what the problem could be and how might I be able to enable this option.
Hello In query Analyzer of SQL2000 when i select 2 Select Queries and Run it shows in same Window as 2 Grids I have seen people using seperate grid option to view each query results in a Tab query results Pane in MSSQL 7.
Eg Select * from table1 (in one grid) select * from table2 (in another grid) like a TAB so that i can move from one tab to another.
Is it possible to do that in query Analyzer? Regards
I would like to use the Query Analyzer to create a script that will prompt the user(dialog box) for a response in SQL Server 7.0. I found a post someone mentioned DBMS can return messages and using Query Analyzer.
I'm trying to do a couple of things with some different tables.
With the first table, I have first name and last name in two separate columns.
I'm trying to create a new ID column that would do the following.
Take the first 3 letters of the last name (and remove any non characters such as ',&) and the first 3 letters of the first name, and then combine them.
I know how to use substring to take the first three, and I know how to combine them, but I'm having problems removing the non alpha characters.
For example, if the columns looked as follows: First Last John O'Connor
I'd want the result to look like OCOJOH, however, I'm getting O'CJOH.
The second issue is how would I do something similar if the First and Last Name were in the same column and string.
For example, if the column looks as follows:
Name John O'Connor Publishing
I'd like to pull the first 3 from the first string before the space and then the next 3 so it would be as follows:
Finally, I want to compare these new IDs, and add numbers to them.
So if I had the following First Last John O'Connor Johnny O'Connell
The first would be OCOJOH01 The second would be OCOJOH02
If there are not any duplicates with the new ID, I'd like to call it OCOJOH01 and then move on.
I would like to change the format of dates that is in colum using query analyzer. The name of the colum is StartD and this how they look: 3292006 I would like to insert the / / . Can someone show me how to accomplish it.
I have a database with couple of store procedure and views. Is there any way that i can find out all sp or views which contains word like *svc*. I am talking about the containt of the sp and views not name.
We are replacing one module so i have to change the all sp and views which use table or view start with svc.
I am not sure how to approach this problem or if I can even do itwithin SQL.Say I have 2 tables invoice_hdr and invoice_dtl. I want to pullspecific fields from both tables, I want the data to be groupedtogether however I want the information to be on different lines. Onefor the information from the header and one for each correspondingdetail record.So my output might look likeInvoice_number (1), Invoice_date, Customer_NumberItem_number (1-1), qty, price, descriptionItem_number (1-2), qty, price, descriptionInvoice_number (2), Invoice_data, Customer_numberItem_number (2-1), qty, price, descriptionItem_number (2-2), qty, price, descriptionItem_number (2-3), qty, price, descriptionetc..So the invoice_number (1) is my first invoice and item_number (1-1)would be the 1st item on tins invoice, etc...My ultimate goal is to export this to a text or csv file.Thanks.