Log Data Wrongly Redirected To Master.dbo.sysdtslog90

Aug 20, 2007

I have been using the SSIS Log Provider for SQL Server quite a lot this year with little to no problems. Recently however as I edit or create packages the logging seems to keep going to the master.dbo.sysdtslog90 table as opposed to the [db].dbo.sysdtslog90 as setup in the package. I tried totally deleting the connection from the package and recreating and still had the problem.

Is there some setting on the SQL server itself that can cause this? Our "dba" likes to make changes without letting anyone know about them.

Any ideas?

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Master Data Services :: Master Data Services - Data Push Back To Excel Sheet

Nov 2, 2015

We already integrated different client data to MDS with MS Excel plugin, now we want to push back updated or new added record to source database. is it possible do using MDS?  Do we have any background sync process to which automatically sync data to and from subscriber and MDS?

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Output To Be Redirected To A Variable

Mar 26, 2008

here's my code i want my output to be stored in a variable or out statement .Any suggestions on the below procedure

alter proc r (@id INT)

DECLARE @c_input INT
DECLARE @input_left VARCHAR(800)
DECLARE @delimiter CHAR(1)
select @delimiter = ','
declare @list2 VARCHAR(800)

SET @input = 'AWCA,GCS,IHP,Aetna'
select @c_input = (select dbo.Fx_CharCount(@delimiter,@input))
set @c_input = @c_input + 1
while @c_input > 0
select @i_input = charindex(@Delimiter,@input)
if @i_input != 0
select @input_left = left(@input, @i_input - 1)
select @input_left = @input

select @in = '''' + @input_left + ''''
select @list = ISNULL(@list + ',', '') + @in

select @input = right(@input ,(len(@input) - @i_input))
SET @c_input = @c_input -1
if @c_input = 0 or @input = @input_left

PRINT @list


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Sort Wrongly Removing Rows

Aug 7, 2007

I have a sort component which is (wrongly) reducing the number of rows* in my dataset.

NB "remove duplicates" is NOT ticked!

Why is this occuring?

*number displayed on the flow arrows at runtime

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DB Engine :: Server 2014 Wrongly Updated Due To Concurrency

Sep 22, 2015

Account getting wrongly updated due to concurrencyWe are using Sql 2014 and storing data in customer_account table for customer account details however we are experiencing wrong value insertion during concurrency  ..pls find the code

Declare @date datetime2(7)
Declare @InsDate datetime2(7)
SELECT  TOP 1 @Amountremaining =Remaining ,@Date=Datetime                                                            
  FROM <customertaccounttable>                                                              

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Error Redirected To Script Component : Package Doesnt Fail.

Apr 18, 2007

I have created a data flow task. In that, in a 'data conversion', if a column fails validation then that row is redirected to a script component, which in turn writes the error to a variable.

But though the error is generated and script component receives the error, package doesnt fail.

Is there any way to set the package result to failure inside the script component? I tried set 'FailPackageOnFailure' to true but doesnt work.

Any help is greatly appreciated.



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Dec 4, 2007

is there any way to use dbo.sysdtslog90 table for SSIS package logging?

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Improvement Sysdtslog90?

Apr 12, 2007


im trying to create a ssis monitoring tool (using sysdtslog90, reporting services and system tables) including sql server agent ssis schedules/history. but im having some problems evaluating sysdtslog90. im using the built in SSIS logging without any custom logging tasks (i only log OnError and OnWarning) to keep the logging table as small as possible (one sysdtslog90 table for all packages running on the server).

and there is the problem:

there are some executions without any events except OnError. the source of this event is the name of the failed task, so how do i get the name and id of the failed package?

"normal" executions have "PackageStart" and "PackageEnd" where the sourceid and source are equal with the id and name of the package

i could add logging for OnPreValidate and catch the first line, because no package can fail before validation!?

but isnt there any better solution?

i would love it to have two more columns in sysdtslog90.. package id and name. would be much easier to evaluate sysdtslog90 :/

- paul

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How Link Executionid Of Sysdtslog90

Oct 30, 2006

I have enabled logging using database.

When I try to query the sysdtslog90 table using System::ExecutionInstanceGUID to link executionid - it is not matching.

Any resolution?


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Meaning Of Datacode In Sysdtslog90?

Jun 13, 2006

The documentation says:

"An integer value that identifies the event associated with the log entry. The value 0 indicates the event provided no identifier."

When I look at the sysdtslog90 table and I filter for 'PackageEnd' events, I see a value of 0, 1 or 3 in the datacode column. Is there any information I can glean from these values, e.g. package success or failure?

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Sysdtslog90 Table Creation Issue

Jul 25, 2007


when I select sql server provider pointing to connection mydatabase for Logging the sysdtslog90 table is not getting created. However if I point the connection to msdb - sysdtslog90 it works fine.

Can I have sysdtslog90 under the application database? what are the steps to do this?

Thanks in advance.


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Sysdtslog90, Message Field And My Unicode Ignorance

Feb 5, 2008

Sorry to be an ignorant American here, but I'm having a challenge I just can't seem to wrap my head around.

I am attempting to make a nice query for a report that will show how our SSIS jobs are doing. All my packages use the native SQL Server logging capability. The table is sysdtslog90 and it stores the message to a field called 'message' (crazy, I know) with a datatype of nvarchar(4096).

The challenge I'm having is that I'd like to grab all lines where my message is X. The following queries will return no results. The first is me typing in the message I see in the window, the second is copying the value and pasting it in. I know there are instances where that message exists, sadly, in the log table.

Code Snippet




sysdtslog90 L


L.message = N'A commit failed.'




sysdtslog90 L


L.message = N'A commit failed. '

If I were to change that clause out to a like, it'd work just fine. Is that the appropriate way to work with unicode literals? It doesn't feel right.

Code Snippet
sysdtslog90 L
L.message LIKE N'A commit failed.%'

I have exported my sysdtslog90 table to a unicode flat file and looked at this message in a hex editor and it looks fine, nothing looked awry. I then opened the file up in SSMS, thinking perhaps it's a silent conversion issue with pasting, but to no avail. Anyone have some guidance for me?

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Master Data Services :: Error Code 8 While Loading Data From MDS Stage To Model

Apr 22, 2015

I am getting ErrorCode 8 while loading the data from stage to model. I have checked my error view it states that "Member Code is Inactive".

Initially I have loaded same set of data in Model from MDS Stage table but then deleted with ImportType = 5 which removed all the data from the MDM model.

Now i want to load it back but its giving the Error Code 8 ..  Before loading the same data i have changed the stage table Importtype to 2 and Importstatusid to 0.

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Master Data Services :: User Friendly Way To Manage Data With Many-to-many Relationship

Sep 28, 2015

I've been quite excited about SQL Server MDS that should allow non-IT staff to easily maintain data. However maintaining data that have many-to-many relationships seems to be quite a pain. I believe the best way is:

Open up your MDS web interfaceGo to entities > product (for example)Add a new member and fill the details Click "product parts" in the bottom right "Related Entities" partAdd a new memberTry and find the product you just created from the dropdownlistSelect the first part and click OKAgain try and find the product you have created from the dropdownlistSelect the second part and click OKRepeat...Close the tab on your browser and finish your product entity.How I wish it worked:

Open up your MDS web interfaceGo to entities > product (for example)Add a new member and fill the detailsCheck a checkbox for each part visible under "product parts" in the bottom right "Related Entities" partFinish your product entity.

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SQL 2012 :: Master Data Service Export Data On-demand?

Feb 17, 2014

Background: In my current company the business users maintain a huge quantity of master data using excel. Then a series of SSIS jobs are edited and manually executed.

Goal: the challenge is to replace this process using MDS. One of the requested features is the possibility for the users to edit or insert new master data using the Web UI or the Excel Add-in and when they are done perform a merge of the master data in the target, in this case in the reporting DB.

The perfect solution for me is something like trigger the execution of a SSIS package to export the data from the subscription views to the reporting DB after the business rules are apply to a specific entity.

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Master Data Services :: Clearing MDS Tables Of Data?

Jul 29, 2011

Everytime I run the load packages that I have built into the MDS staging the tables, in MDS_Staging, get cleared down and then repopulated. When the MDS database gets new data it appends it and does not clear down the data that is already in the database and is there fore hold duplicate rows.

Is there a way of truncating the tables in the MDS database before populating again with the new data from the MDS_Staging database so as to not hold duplicate rows?

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Master Data Services :: How To Transfer Data From Table To MDS

Nov 26, 2015

I am newbie to MDS of SQL,want to know how we can transfer tables from two different SQL Databases to MDS.Suggest me the steps to proceed with any examples.

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Updating Master DB With Seperate Data

Nov 15, 2004

Hey all, Here is what I would like to do.. if any can give some advice or direction with this i would appreciate it.

We have a "master database" (MS SQL) at our main office. Then a smaller office with only a dial-up connection. Can I have my db application write all the data input to a local DB. Then write something to connect with the master DB, through a Terminal server, etc., and update it with the data from the other smaller db?

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Master Data Services - Concurrency

Dec 15, 2014

2 user are connected to MDM through Excel. What would happen if 2 Users are updating the same row in an MDM Entity? How would you prevent that?

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What Is The Difference Of Master Data Management And ETL?

Apr 3, 2007

Hi, all experts here,

Thank you very much for your kind attention.

I got a bit stuck for the concepts of master data management and ETL. Arent they the same things? I mean both of them are serving the same aims of cleaning and validating data? Any experts please shed any light on that for what is the big difference between them? And what is the best practice to combine these two technologies if there is any clear difference between them?

Thank you very much in advance for your advices and help. And I am looking forward to hearing from you.

With best regards,

Yours sincerely,

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Logging Package Name For Any Event In Sysdtslog90 Logging Table

Oct 17, 2007

I decided to use the SQL Server log provider to store logging data of all my Integration Services packages. I also created some reports about this data for operating purposes.
I have a problem occurs the name of the executing package is not always written to the log,but the name of the single task which failed. But that is not very useful information for operating, because I do not see any chance to get the name of the package by the information which is logged in the sysdtslog90 table in the database which I defined for SSIS Logging.

How do I configure the package to always log the package information into the table, too?

Best regards,

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Using Transaction To Insert Master/Detail Data(ASP.NET 2.0)

Sep 30, 2007

Hi !
I want to insert master/detail data using transaction if while insert if error it will Rollback. Help me! Thanks

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How To Recover Master Database Table Data

Aug 14, 2006

Hi all, I am working with SQL Server2000 and I have done a horrible thing here.
We here have an script that delete all data from all user tables of a database, and I run it in the master DATABASE.
As we don't made backups of this database, now somethings of the database aren't working.

Here is the script:

declare @table_name sysname
declare @alter_table_statement varchar(256)
declare @delete_statement varchar(256)

-- definindo o cursor...
declare table_name_cursor cursor local fast_forward for
xtype = 'U'
name <> 'dtproperties'

-- desligando os vínculos...
open table_name_cursor
fetch next from table_name_cursor into @table_name
select @alter_table_statement = 'alter table ' + ltrim(rtrim(@table_name)) + ' nocheck constraint all'
while @@Fetch_Status = 0
fetch next from table_name_cursor into @table_name
select @alter_table_statement = 'alter table ' + ltrim(rtrim(@table_name)) + ' nocheck constraint all'
close table_name_cursor

open table_name_cursor
fetch next from table_name_cursor into @table_name
select @delete_statement = 'delete from ' + ltrim(rtrim(@table_name))
while @@Fetch_Status = 0
fetch next from table_name_cursor into @table_name
select @delete_statement = 'delete from ' + ltrim(rtrim(@table_name))
close table_name_cursor

open table_name_cursor
fetch next from table_name_cursor into @table_name
select @alter_table_statement = 'alter table ' + ltrim(rtrim(@table_name)) + ' check constraint all'
while @@Fetch_Status = 0
fetch next from table_name_cursor into @table_name
select @alter_table_statement = 'alter table ' + ltrim(rtrim(@table_name)) + ' check constraint all'
close table_name_cursor

deallocate table_name_cursor

I have tried to restore master table with the restore function, but it doesn't work. When I try to do this I received a message informing that it can't copy the data because one file was in use. The server was in a single user mode.

Is there anyway to recover the data that I have lost?

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Master Data Services :: Explorer Page Within MDS

Nov 19, 2015

I have just installed Microsoft SQL Server 2014 on a Windows 2008 Enterprise server, and for some reason the following error appears every time I try to access the "Explore" page within MDS.

Arguments:Debugging resource strings are unavailable.Often the key and arguments provide sufficient information to diagnose the problem. URL...

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Master Data Services :: Can Set Entity As Not Delete?

Oct 4, 2015

Is it possible to set an entity is update but can't add/delete? I want to control adding/deleting members in SSIS from another source system, but only allow users to change certain attributes.

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Master Data Services :: Excel Add-in Can't Connect To MDS

Aug 8, 2015

I have 2 SQL servers (2012 SP1 & 2014SP1) with MDS. Both are working well on web. I installed the 2014 version Excel add-in, however, it can connect to 2012 instance but failed to connect to 2014 with below error.The connection failed because the URL is not valid or the Master Data Manager web application version is not supported.

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Master Data Services :: Table Partitions In MDS?

Apr 13, 2015

Perhaps this task is not for MDS.... But another tool for rapid development & startUp - we don't have. And nevertheless....

We created table managers_plan in MDS :

id_manager (domain attr)
POS (domain attr)
Managers ~ 800 records
POS  ~ 100 000 records

managers_plan Total records for
1 year = 100K x 12 = 1 200 000

managers_plan  - table partitions  
- Will bemade ?

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Master Data Services :: Could Not Install MDS Add-in For Excel

Jul 9, 2015

I have Office 2013 installed, SQL server 2012  and MDS installed.I tried installing MDS add-in (all version supporting 2010, 2013 & 2016) and I get same error about the prerequistes.I tried installing it via command prompt through run as administrator option.

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Master Data Services :: Get Value Of A Member From Another Entity

Jul 6, 2015

My problem seems simple but I can't how to do it with MDS... or even if it's possible !

I've got 2 entities "Agent" and "Function". 

"Agent" has a code, a name, and an attribute called "function_code" which refers to "Function"'s code

"Function" as a code and a name. Name is the description of the function. 

I'd like to see in a single row : 

"Code", "Name", "Funcion_code" and "Name" (the last one from the entity "Function"). 

In SQL it will something like 

Select a.code, a.name, a.function_code, f.name
from agent a, function f
where a.function_code = f.code

I've tried with explicit hierarchy, derived hierarchy, consolidated members... 

I was able to have an entity with all those attributes but I can choose the attribute I want. My goal is that, according to "Function_code" in Agent, I get the "Name" of the function... 

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Data Warehousing :: Copy Data From Staging Tables To Other Instance Master Tables?

Aug 14, 2015

I need to copy data from warehouse tables to master tables of different SQL instances. Refresh need to done once in an hour. What is the best way to do this? SQL agent jobs or SSIS packages?

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SQL 2012 :: Master Data Service Access Denied

Apr 25, 2014

I removed MDS web UI which is working before and recreated. I enabled Window Authentication and Disabled Anonymous Authentication in IIS Authentication. I am getting Access denied when I view MDS web Site.

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SQL 2012 :: Master Data Services (MDS) Service Packs?

Mar 18, 2015

I was reading that when applying 2008 R2 SP1 you need to run the MDS update component manually: [URL] I was curious if that package changed in later service packs because I couldn't find any mention of it.

SQL 2012, if there was a similar process in their service packs for MDS, or if it hasn't been upgraded?

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Master Data Services :: Connect To MDS From Excel Addin

Jun 16, 2015

I have an issue with MDS (Master Data Services for ONE platform). When I try to connect to MDS from Excel addin, I get the error - please see the attachement.

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