Log Shipping Error - Failing To Save Secondary Server Configurations Err # 14262
Apr 24, 2007
I set up Log Shipping with just 2 servers primary and secondary. When I run from the Wizard for the very first time keeps failing at the stage of saving Secondary Server Configuration info. When i instead run the generated script this problem disappears but then restoring of transactions fails - the process can backup transactions from the Primary server , copy them accross to the secondary and fails on the restore. Any ideas why.
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Apr 30, 2007
I am getting the following error " The specified servername does not exist" when I run the Log Shipping procedure. There is only a Primary server running Win Server 2003 withe Service pack 2 and SQL Server 2005 with service pack 2 and one secondary server runnung Win Server 2003 R2 with service pack 2 and SQL Server 2005 with service pack 2. All permission setting look ok . Can anyone help
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Jun 3, 2015
I checked the server and found that LS restore job failing and Backup and copy jobs running fine without any issue. and also observed that Copy folder the trn file existing on secondary server. i try to restore trn file im getting the error. and observed that last log backup file that it restored at the secondary database on May2nd,2015.
2015-06-02 12:25:00.72*** Error: The log in this backup set begins at LSN 761571000000022500001, which is too recent to apply to the database. An earlier log backup that includes LSN 721381000002384200001 can be restored.
From Restore job histort details below.
2015-06-02 12:25:00.72*** Error: The file 'xxxx\_20150530104503.trn' is too recent to apply to the secondary database 'database'.(Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.LogShipping) ***
2015-06-02 12:25:00.72*** Error: The log in this backup set begins at LSN 761571000000022500001, which is too recent to apply to the database. An earlier log backup that includes LSN 721381000002384200001 can be restored.
RESTORE LOG is terminating abnormally.(.Net SqlClient Data Provider) ***
2015-06-02 12:25:00.73Searching for an older log backup file. Secondary Database: 'database'
2015-06-02 12:25:00.73*** Error: Could not find a log backup file that could be applied to secondary database 'database'.(Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.LogShipping) ***
2015-06-02 12:25:00.74Deleting old log backup files. Primary Database: 'database'
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May 5, 2015
We tried to configure log shipping using script generated by GUI and when executed specific script which is meant for secondary server the database is not created and threw below error.
Msg 15010, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sp_add_log_shipping_secondary_database, Line 50
The database 'BUBALLO' does not exist. Supply a valid database name. To see available databases, use sys.databases.Â
Note:Â Only Copy, restore and alerts jobs have been created.
The account I'm trying to configure log shipping is the service account by which SQL and agent services are running and folder in where data and log files are intended and to be created is open to all (everybody has read/write permissioins) believe the issue is not with permissions.
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Jun 18, 2015
I received an alert from one of my two secondary servers (all servers are running 2012 SP1):
File 'E:SQLMS SQL ServerMSSQL11.MSSQLSERVERMSSQLDATAMyDatabaseName_DateTime.tuf' is not a valid undo file for database 'MyDatabaseName (database ID 8). Verify the file path, and specify the correct file.
The detail in the job step shows this additional information:
*** Error: Could not apply log backup file 'MyDatabaseName_DateTime.trn' to secondary database 'MyDatabaseName'.(Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.LogShipping) ***
*** Error: Table error: Page (0:0). Test (m_headerVersion == HEADER_7_0) failed. Values are 0 and 1.
Table error: Page (0:0). Test ((m_type >= DATA_PAGE && m_type <= UNDOFILE_HEADER_PAGE) || (m_type == UNKNOWN_PAGE && level == BASIC_HEADER)) failed. Values are 0 and 0.
Table error: Page (0:0). Test (m_freeData >= PageHeaderOverhead () && m_freeData <= (UINT)PAGESIZE - m_slotCnt * sizeof (Slot)) failed. Values are 0 and 8192.
Starting a few minutes later, the Agent Job named LSRestore_MyServerName_MyDatabaseName fails every time it runs. The generated log backup, copy, and restore jobs run every 15 minutes.
I fixed the immediate problem by running a copy-only full backup on the primary, deleting the database on the secondary and restoring the new backup on the secondary with NORECOVERY. The restore job now succeeds and all seems fine. The secondaries only exists for DR purposes - no one runs reports against them or uses them at all. I had a similar problem last weekend on a different database that is also replicated between the same servers. I've been here for over a year, and these are the first instances of this problem that I've seen. However, I've now seen it twice in a week on the same server.
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May 29, 2008
hi all,
For data ware house project, the reporting team needs to know the delta changes to the master database.
one way we were thinking was to use log shipping and run reports / ETL off the secondary server. But the team needs to know which records got changed and i was thinking of adding timestamp columns to the necessary tables (only on the secondary database schema) and that way we can track the changes.
But from my research, it seems like secondary database needs to have similar schema as promary database.
Is log shipping, can my secondary db have a bit different schema? if so how to do it?
If not, how to accomplish the above secanrio, with out adding new columns (if possible) in the master database and with low over head.
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Oct 2, 2006
We have SQL Server 2005 configured with mirroring to protect from physical errors. We also have a need for an (out of sync is ok) reporting server and we'd like to reduce our downtime in the event of a logical error.
The primary database is already being backed up (full and t-logs) to a shared network drive.
Can I implement the second half of log shipping (i.e. the stuff you do to the secondary) so that I don't have to change the current backup schedules on the primary server?
Specifically in the list of sp's below, can I start halfway down at sp_add_log_shipping_secondary_primary (Transact-SQL) ?? Without having to run the primary sp's?
sp_add_log_shipping_primary_database (Transact-SQL)
sp_add_jobschedule (Transact-SQL)
sp_add_log_shipping_alert_job (Transact-SQL)
sp_add_log_shipping_secondary_primary (Transact-SQL)
sp_add_log_shipping_secondary_database (Transact-SQL)
sp_add_log_shipping_primary_secondary (Transact-SQL)
Or do I have to ditch my current backup maintenance plans on the primary and start again?
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Jan 14, 2008
We have set up Log shipping between Primary and Secondary DB. The secondary DB is right now option: Standby/Read-Only. I can not take Backup of Secondary DB now.
Shall we disable Log shipping and change the DB Option to Multi-user mode and take backup? or any different method, without disabling log shipping?
please advice. Thanks in advance.
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Dec 29, 2007
I made B server which get logs from primary server A as a secondary server in the log shipping solution.
it always shows RESTORING in B server, it seems not to accessible.
my question is <if A failed down , how to revoke the B server as the primary one>
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Feb 13, 2008
I have setup Log shipping between two SQL 2005 servers, and everything seems to be working well. The files are transferring and restoring correctly.
My question is whether I need to add any backup procedures for the secondary server to prevent the secondary server's log file size from growing continuously. Should I be doing a transaction log backup on the secondary server? Or will that break the Log chain?
If it makes a difference, the secondary server is in Standby mode after applying the logs.
Any advice would be appreciated,
~ Michelle
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May 12, 2008
We are using MSSQL 2005 and Log Shipping.
After making our secondary SQL server primary, how can we put the secondary SQL server back into standby mode?
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Nov 6, 2006
We're planning to implement log shipping on our databases, and I have been toiling with it all weekend trying to get it to work on some test databases. The result is the same whether I do it via the wizard or manually via T-SQL.
I am using 3 servers, all SQL Server 2005 Standard SP1. All 3 SQL Servers are configured identically.
When I setup log shipping, it initializes with no problems. When it processes the first tran log file, it restores it with no problem. Every successive log file thereafter is not restored. No errors are generated. The only outright indication of a problem is that the monitor server shows that there has not been a recent restore.
The backup and copy both suceed. The restore claims to suceed. If I review the job history for each step, it says that it skipped the log file and then reports that it did not fina any log files to restore.
2006-11-06 05:00:01.92 Skipped log backup file. Secondary DB: 'MyDemo', File: 'D:MSSQLBackupMyDemoMyDemo_20061106115619.trn'
2006-11-06 05:00:01.95 Could not find a log backup file that could be applied to secondary database 'MyDemo'.
2006-11-06 05:00:01.96 The restore operation was successful. Secondary Database: 'MyDemo', Number of log backup files restored: 0
Any ideas or suggestions?
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Jul 26, 2006
Has anyone seen a problem where if you have several parent configurations setup and one fails to find the variable in the parent, gives a warning, and then does NOT load the rest of the parent configruations? I realize order matters in how your configurations are processed, but I wouldn't expect the rest of my configurations to not work simply because it could not find one parent variable.
The problem only seems to come up when I'm dealing with multiple parent configurations. If I'm loading a variable from a config file and then loading the same variable from a parent variable the process works fine. This way I can handle both cases, when I'm debugging it pulls from the config file, when it's running in production it pulls from the parent variable.
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Jun 26, 2007
Good day to the people who's reading this post!
I have some trouble with shipping my transaction logs to the secondary database be it on
another server or within the same server to another database instance.
Im using SQL Server 2005 workGroup editions with Service Pack 2.
Here are the problems that i encountered.
I do hope someone has bumped into such a problem and willing to help me out.
I tried on 2 separate servers (not domain environment) and also between 2 separate instances
(which is supposed to be simple!) on
our development server,but was unsuccessful.
Between 2 separate instances on the development server -
No error after configuring Log shipping though.
The configuring went through and it was a success.
Transaction logs was backup every minute and it got copied over to the other folder.
But SQL Agent not doing its last job which is supposed to restore to the secondary database on
another instance.No errors given out in SQL Agent error log files.Anywhere else im supposed to
look to see if there are errors given out?
Both instances SQL Agent has the same log on username and password with Administartive rights
So what went wrong?
Between the 2 servers-
The transaction logs was backup every 1min on the primary server
but it didn't got copied over to to the secondary database.
- Error message given was:Error in restoring database to the secondary
database.Network path given could not be found. Can't open the AxTest.bak file.
(i am very sure i have type the correct network path,even have shared it out and i think the firewall
is blocking incoming traffic since unlike our development server,
which allows us to access when we use Start>Run and type in the ip address,user name
and password,the primary server will only tell me no network path was found)
I also believe it's because the SQL Agent on the secondary database server wasn't given
permission to access the primary database folder.
I've shared out the drive and folder on the secondary server and
even have allowed SQL Agent to read,write and modify on both servers.
For the primary and secondary SQL Agent,
I configure their log on to be the same user account name and password
which have administrative rights.
So what went wrong?
Isit really true that both servers have to be in domain environment before you can configure log
shipping,mirroring and replication?
Hope someone help me out of this predicament.Thank you in advance!
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Sep 5, 2015
I want to configure the logshipping to secondary database.
Already the primary database transaction log backup running every 15 minutes through (maintanance plan)
I want to skip the transaction log backup job in logshipping configuartion(disable the job)
want to use the existing transaction log backup and copy and restore in secondary using logshipping configuration
is it possible in sql 2008 r2 standard edition.
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Apr 23, 2008
I am new to this environment and was asked to ensure that the transaction log shipping for SQL 2005 on W2K3 boxes is working properly. I noticed the db's on the secondary server are show "Restoring..." I am not sure if these were set up in No Recover Mode or Standby Mode. I have no access to the secondary db's. I get an error message when trying to access them (error 927). Monitoring was not set up initially and as you may or may not know can't be turned on after the fact...unless you delete the job and start over.
My question is is "Restoring..." normal and what does it indicate?
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Apr 19, 2006
Dear All
Please I need an urgent help
After i finished all Transaction Log Shipping Configuration.
I tried to use the database in the secondary database but i couldn't access it
i saw it in SQL Managment Studio as (Restoring......)
i tired to make a database snapshot from it , i had a message
Msg 1822, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
The database must be online to have a database snapshot.
Please urgently
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Dec 13, 2006
I am trying to implement a log shipping scenario in sql 2005 where the secondary server is in standby mode with the ability to roll change during failover.
With the help of BOL (ms-help://MS.SQLCC.v9/MS.SQLSVR.v9.en/udb9/html/2d7cc40a-47e8-4419-9b2b-7c69f700e806.htm) I can implement my scenario in Recovery mode, but not in standby mode. I use the following sql to put my primary in standby
BACKUP LOG [database]
TO DISK = @filename
WITH STANDBY = 'C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLBackupROLLBACK_UNDO_database.BAK'
which works, but then my restore job fails on the last step. How can I put my primary db in standby mode in such a way that the log shipping restore will work?
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Mar 17, 2014
I've configured log shipping to use for DR purposes. I'm concerned that the physical location of the secondary is mis-reported by SQL Server Management Studio.
Viewing the secondary location (with Studio DB_name Properties Files) shows the path of the primary DB (I expected it to show the path of the secondary).
This SQL command shows the correct/actual paths of both primary and secondary DB's when run on their host servers.
SELECT name, physical_name AS CurrentLocation, state_desc FROM sys.master_files
Is this just cosmetic?
Here is an Example of how the Studio shows the incorrect path for the secondary.
(Primary) servername=prodSrv, DBname=aquaDB, Actual_Path=G:aquaDB, SQL-studio-Properties-Path=G:AquaDB, sys.master_files Path=G:AquaDB,
Log shipped to
(Secondary / Read Only) servername=DRSrv, DBname=aquaDB, Actual Path=F:aquaDR, SQL-studio-Properties-Path=G:AquaDB(WRONG), sys.master_files Path=F:aquaDR
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Jul 15, 2015
I have issue with Logshipping copy job,Below is the Error. What was the mistake in configuration. Which stage it is failing copy or Paste ?
Microsoft (R) SQL Server Log Shipping Agent
[Assembly Version =, File Version = 11.0.2100.60 ((SQL11_RTM).120210-1917 )]
Copyright (c) 2012 Microsoft. All rights reserved.
2015-07-15 09:28:35.58 ----- START OF TRANSACTION LOG COPY Â -----
2015-07-15 09:28:40.22 Starting transaction log copy. Secondary ID: '117c7df2-09c7-42b1-a8fb-1f06641f8a01'
[Code] .....
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Oct 2, 2014
I have a scenario where a customer is going to be using Log Shipping to the DR site; however, we need to maintain the normal backup strategy on the current system. (i.e. Nightly Full, Every 6 Hour Differential and Hourly Transaction Log backup)I know how to setup Transaction Log Shipping and Fail-over to DR and backup but now the local backup strategy is going to be an issue. I use the [URL] .... maintenance solution currently.
Is it even possible to do regular backups locally keeping data integrity for your backup strategy with Transaction Log Shipping enabled?
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Nov 21, 2013
I have several databases on a 2012 instance that are mirrored to a second server, and log ship to a third server for reporting purposes.Recently, for two of the databases, the log shipping has been failing at least once per day, and sometimes more often.
i have deleted and recreated both the mirroring and log shipped databases on several occasions, but the problem is still happening.The log shipping restore jobs don't get marked as failed in the job history, but if you expand the history you can see errors such as this:
Date21/11/2013 13:00:01
LogJob History (LSRestore_OAK-DCSQLDB1_OtherCarrierLive)
Step ID1
Job NameLSRestore_OAK-DCSQLDB1_OtherCarrierLive
Step NameLog shipping restore log job step.
Sql Severity0
Restoring a new backup of the database cures the problem for anywhere between 15minutes and 12 hours, but it always seems to re-occur.I have run DBCC on the source databases with no errors reported, and five other databases have the log shipping working without errors.
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Sep 11, 2007
I am having an issue with a job that runs a SSIS package that moves data from a transactional system to a data warehouse database.. The problem is that I have Log Shipping running to this database every 30 minutes which disconnects the users from the database so the transaction log can be restored. This is causing the job to fail. Is there a way in the job that runs to have it wait for the database to come on line or not fail because there is no connection? This job is a master job that runs multiple SSIS packages.
Thanks for any help.
Date 9/11/2007 2:00:01 PM
Log Job History (Reports Master)
Step ID 1
Job Name Reports Master
Step Name Step1
Duration 00:00:01
Sql Severity 0
Sql Message ID 0
Operator Emailed
Operator Net sent
Operator Paged
Retries Attempted 0
Executed as user: TWDOMAINSQLADMIN. ... 9.00.3042.00 for 64-bit Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 1984-2005. All rights reserved. Started: 2:00:01 PM Error: 2007-09-11 14:00:02.34 Code: 0xC0202009 Source: BidBacklog Connection manager "TWSQLRPTS.HomeBASE" Description: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_OLEDBERROR. An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80004005. An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft SQL Native Client" Hresult: 0x80004005 Description: "Login failed for user 'TWDOMAINSQLADMIN'.". An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft SQL Native Client" Hresult: 0x80004005 Description: "Cannot open database "HomeBASE" requested by the login. The login failed.". End Error Error: 2007-09-11 14:00:02.34 Code: 0xC020801C Source: DTSTask_DTSDataPumpTask_1 OLE DB Source [1] Description: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_CANNOTACQUIRECONNECTIONFROMCONNECTIONMANAGER. The AcquireConnection method call to the connection manager ... The package execution fa... The step failed.
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Jan 24, 2015
i have created a new login in primary server and provided dbowner permission to primary db.how do i transfer this login to secondary server and assign the same permission to secondary db ?
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Apr 20, 2015
I have not used log shipping before and find myself in a position where I need to reboot the secondary node and then the primary node and I don't actually need to failover.
Is there anything I need to be aware of. When rebooting the secondary node I assume the transactions will be held in the primary nodes log till the secondary comes back and just carry on once back up?
When rebooting the primary node nothing needs to be done and the log shipping will just start again once it has come back?
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Oct 12, 2015
I am working on adding DBs to the AG but for some reason I am getting this error.
"Joining DB on secondary replica resulted in error"
Msg: The remote copy of the database is not recovered far enough to enable DB mirroring or to join AG. Missing log records have to be applied to the remote DB by restoring the current log backups" Which I did. I took the log backup of DB1, restored it on DB2 with no recovery, but still I am getting the same error.
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Aug 4, 2015
I'm working on SQL 2012 Box, which is having Logshipping failed on secondary database, the secondary database was in stand by mode right now but no more restore operation performed on this database since 2 weeks! We checked in the SQL error log and found the error code 14421, severity 16, stat: 1
How to reset the logship back to normally, do I need to disable the jobs before proceed any operation!
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Feb 11, 2006
Hello:I didn't find any documentation that notes save point names are casesensitive, but I guess they are...Stored Proc to reproduce:/* START CODE SNIPPET */If Exists (Select * From sysobjects Where Type = 'P' and Name ='TestSaveTran')Drop Procedure dbo.TestSaveTranGoCreate Procedure dbo.TestSaveTranAsBeginDeclare@tranCount int--Transaction HandlingSelect @tranCount = @@TRANCOUNTIf (@tranCount=0)Begin Tran localtranElseSave Tran localtranBegin Try--Simulate Error While ProcessingRAISERROR('Something bad happened', 16, 1)/*If this proc started transaction then commit it,otherwise return and let caller handle transaction*/IF (@tranCount=0)Commit Tran localtranEnd TryBegin Catch--Rollback to save pointRollback Tran LOCALTRAN --<< NOTE case change--Log Error--Reraise ErrorEnd CatchEndGo--Execute Stored ProcExec dbo.TestSaveTran/*Should receive the following message:Cannot roll back LOCALTRAN. No transaction or savepoint of that namewas found.*//* END CODE SNIPPET */What is really strange, if there is a transaction open, then no erroris thrown. So if you execute as so:/* START CODE SNIPPET */Begin Tran--Execute Stored ProcExec dbo.TestSaveTran/* END CODE SNIPPET */There is no "Cannot roll back LOCALTRAN...." message.Questions:1-)Can someone confirm save point names are case sensitve and this isnot happening because of a server setting?2-)Is this a logic error that I am not seeing in the example codeabove?We have changed our code to store the save point name in a variable,which will hopefully mitigate this "problem".Thx.
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Feb 15, 2007
Dear All,
I just created SSIS in my local computer. It is successfully run if trigger manually. I want the SSIS triggered by SQL_proxy_agent.
So, I try to save the copy of SSIS pakage in SQL Server but there is an error appear:
Error Code 0x80040E09: Execute Permission denied on Object ' sp_dts_getfolder', database 'mdsb', shema 'dbo'
Could anyone clear my doubt.
Thank you.
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Dec 31, 2005
Hello, I need some help with installing release copies of SQL05(+SSIS) and VS05 on Win03R2. It is very frustrating when a basic install fails. I€™ve been going round and round with this. M$ support has not been of help yet.
I have a new development box for SQL05/VS05 development, and when I do a clean install of release software from MSDN: Windows Server 2003 R2 ent; SQL Server 2005 dev; Visual Studio 2005 pro I find that the "save to server" in SSIS (and other utilities that save a package) fails with a non-informative message *No Description Found* (see error text below).
To setup this box I install Win03R2 first, promote it to a Active Directory DC (the one and only DC in a test forest), then install VS05 onto the E: drive. Note, I must install VS05 first (before SQL05) so that all components get installed to the RAID5 *E:* drive. If SQL05 is installed first then VS that comes with SQL gets installed on to C: (no way I see to get around this) then the full VS05 pro gets forced to install on the C: drive.
Then I install SQL05 (with everything including SSIS). At this point every thing works fine, packages can be saved ok.
If I then install VS05 again so that all settings of VS05 are as expected of a standard VS05 install (not the SQL version) then the problem with saving packages arises.
If the error message was a little more informative, I might be able to track down the source of the problem. Please help! I have tried a bunch of things - creating credentials, proxies, using the most privileged accounts possible, etc.
Thanks, MikeC
Error from create SSIS package (save to server):
No description found (Microsoft Visual Studio)
Program Location: at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.Application.SaveToSqlServerAs(Package package, IDTSEvents events, String packagePath, String serverName, String serverUserName, String serverPassword) at Microsoft.DataTransformationServices.Controls.PackageLocationControl.SavePackage(Package package) at Microsoft.DataTransformationServices.Design.Controls.PackageSaveCopyForm.PackageSaveCopyForm_FormClosing(Object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e)
Error from copy db wizard:
No description found (Copy Database Wizard)
Program Location: at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.Application.SaveToSqlServerAs(Package package, IDTSEvents events, String packagePath, String serverName, String
serverUserName, String serverPassword) at Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.CopyDatabaseWizard.PackageCreator.SavePackage()
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Feb 14, 2007
I have a pretty complicated report (lots of subreports, tables, etc) that can be well over a few hundred pages long. I can generate the report just fine, but I cannot seem to export it to anything other than an html archive. I need to export to PDF. Every time I try to export it get an error that says:
An internal error occurred on the report server. See the error log for more details.
I don't get any more information than that. Is there a way that I can figure out what the actual error is, or any other way I can go about troubleshooting this? Thanks.
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Jun 4, 2007
I wanted to add all my configurations/vairbles in a config file, so I€™d tried to use the Package Configuration Organizer, to create and enable package configurations€¦
If I want the config to contain information regarding on of my connection manageres, the package fails during test, with the following msg:
Information: 0x40016041 at OrcaleToSQLServer: The package is attempting to configure from the XML file "BDK_LABasedataDTS_config.dtsConfig".
SSIS package "OrcaleToSQLServer.dtsx" starting.
Information: 0x4004300A at Transfer data from Oracle To SQL server, DTS.Pipeline: Validation phase is beginning.
Error: 0xC0202009 at OrcaleToSQLServer, Connection manager "XXXXX.xxxx": An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80040E21.
An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft OLE DB Service Components" Hresult: 0x80040E21 Description: "Der opstod en eller flere fejl ved en OLE DB-handling på flere trin. Kontroller alle OLE DB-statusværdier. Handlingen blev ikke udført.".
Error: 0xC020801C at Transfer data from Oracle To SQL server, OLE DB Source to Orcale [1]: The AcquireConnection method call to the connection manager "LASYS.lakig" failed with error code 0xC0202009.
Error: 0xC0047017 at Transfer data from Oracle To SQL server, DTS.Pipeline: component "OLE DB Source to Orcale" (1) failed validation and returned error code 0xC020801C.
Error: 0xC004700C at Transfer data from Oracle To SQL server, DTS.Pipeline: One or more component failed validation.
Error: 0xC0024107 at Transfer data from Oracle To SQL server: There were errors during task validation.
SSIS package "OrcaleToSQLServer.dtsx" finished: Failure.
Translation Danish line:
Der opstod en eller flere fejl ved en OLE DB-handling pÃ¥ flere trin. Kontroller alle OLE DB-statusværdier. Handlingen blev ikke udført -> One or more errors regarding a OLE DB-action on serveral steps. Check all OLE DB-statevalues€¦ the action was not carried out..
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Sep 28, 2007
I have merge replication configured over VPN and the replication is failing to connect to the subscriber through Named pipes with the error Named Pipes Provider, error: 40 - Could not open a connection to SQL Server ......
Actually , I am having issues with Named pipes connection from publisher to subcriber. I have enabled the protocols and also enabled the remote connections using both tcp/ip and named pipes. I have created the client network alias using named pipes
Also, due to security reasons only few ports have been released on the subscriber. Please provide me some information on the following.
1) Does any port specifically be released for listening on named pipes? i am able to connect using tcpip with out any issues as 1433 has been released.
2) How to configure the replciation to use tcpip and not named pipes (guess by default it will use named pipes)?
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