Log Shipping Just Copies Differences?
Mar 27, 2008
In previous threads I saw that in a scenario where Log Shipping is active any other Log Backup activities should be avoided in order to let the Log Chain stay intanct.
Until now we just used Mirroring and Full Backup and Log Backup. Introducing Log Shipping to a third Server in a separate location would mean that the existing Log Backup Jobs must be removed or Log Shipping will not work.
I am glad to have read these threads before falling into that trap myself.
A question was raised by my colleague who is responsible for the System and Network Administration. Are these Log Backups that will be performed by Log Shipping just differential? He would not like to see that Log Shipping is pushing or pulling Log's that grow during time.
I named to him two reasons that it must be differential. A Log Backup truncates the existing Log which implies that the next Log is just the difference since the last Backup. Also, it must be differential because the Transations can only be committed once anyway, so Log Shipping implies that those Log Backups are just as big as the incoming Transactions since the last Log Backup.
Did I get this right?
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Oct 5, 2006
I have 2 copies of the SP i work with. An original one and a backup. I usually work with the backup. Is there any way to update the original after updating the backup?. I usually forget what I have changed in the end of the day.
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Mar 9, 2006
I'm trying to copy results from a view on one table to another table in a different db using DTS in SQL Server Management Studio
Both source and destination db's are version 8.0.194
Everything reports as working, but when I check the results, only one row has copied - DTS reports that 1167 rows were copied.
This happens to different sources and destinations so I doubt it's my query.
When I perfrom the same DTS task using the old enterprise manager DTS in SQL Server 2000, everything copies fine.
Obviously one answer is "Use SQL Server 2000 Enterprise Manager then. " but I'd rather upgrade to 2005 and Management Studio permanently.
Any ideas?
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Jan 31, 2008
at work all the databases i use are only accessible via the local network, i am wanting to take a copy of the databases and save them as a database file so i can burn them onto cd and take home with me so i can get some extra work done on the weekend (i'd also like to start doing this so i have backed up copies of the database incase anything happens to it)
i was wondering how i can do this? are there any tutorials on the web that someone can point me to? i have SQL Server 2005 Management Studio Express.
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Jan 13, 2006
I'm getting 3 copies of the result set expected, could someone take a look and tell me why. I know I covered this in school, but I can't remember the issue. Thanks
SELECT P.Quantity as Qty,
P.Descr as Description,
P.UnitPrice as Price,
Rcvd = 0,
I.QtyRcvd as Ship
FROM PurchaseOrderItems P, ReceivedItems I, Received R
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Feb 6, 2008
I work for a Geographic Information Systems contractor and we are new to SQL 2005. One of our clients sent us a copy of an .mdf file. I have tried to attach the file but they did not send us the associated log file. What is the most efficient way for us to exchange copies of SQL 2005 databases with clients. Most of our clients are novices with SQL 2005 also.
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Feb 15, 2008
Hey guys,
I'm using CLR integration on SQL Server 2005 to call functions from a COM dll made with VB6. I do this to keep some important parts in packed unmanaged code, to make reverse engineering harder.
I keep the COM dll in the system directory. When it's referenced from a .net project, VS copies and uses it as 'interop.myCOM.dll'. When I add the assembly to SQL Server, it needs the referenced 'interop.myCOM.dll' file added. When a class from the COM dll is called by a CLR stored procedure, it needs to locate the real COM dll.
So, the same dll has to be in two different places in two different forms, one as an assembly (interop), and one in its own place. I guess the 'interop' one is not really used, but it just helps to retrieve class information during design time and initialization or something. Everything works ok, but thinking about the packing step and others, this makes things messy. How can I prevent using two copies of my COM dll?
I load the COM class as follows:
Code Snippet
Private Shared ReadOnly m_myClass As myCOM.clsGeneric = New myCOM.clsGeneric
then map stored procedures (shared functions) to related functions of the m_myClass object.
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Oct 9, 2007
is it ok to run VSS (shadow copies) on an SQL server?
I have IIS and SQL on the same server. I would like to make shadow copies of my IIS files, but don't want to do anything that could corrupt my SQL databases.
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Nov 25, 2007
I'm working in a team, and need to share a database between the group - we don't have the luxury of sharing a server and connecting to it.
So What we'd like to do is make a copy of the database schema, and then share that through our repository.
I figured I just need to copy the .mdf file from the sql server database folder, and put it in the visual studio directory to work on it?
So I've tried this, but when I try to create a TableAdapter to the database through visual studio, It gives me an "access denied". I figure this is probably something to do with security settings?
Do you think I'll need to change my Database connection from windows authentication to sql authentication?
I don't really know exactly how to do what I'm trying to do, so any help will be appreciated.
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Oct 26, 2006
ok her is my question.
there are two developers in different offices and they have started with the same db and keep modifying the stored procedures. in a point they want to update their copies of the DB with each other. Is there a easy way to do this in MS Sql server 2005.
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Oct 26, 2006
ok her is my question.
there are two developers in different offices and they have started with the same db and keep modifying the stored procedures. in a point they want to update their copies of the DB with each other. Is there a easy way to do this in MS Sql server 2005.
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May 13, 2007
I could not able to find Forums in regards to 'Log Shipping' thats why posting this question in here. Appriciate if someone can provide me answers depends on their experience.
Can we switch database recovery model when log shipping is turned on ?
We want to switch from Full Recovery to Bulk Logged Recovery to make sure Bulk Insert operations during the after hours load process will have some performance gain.
Is there any possibility of loosing data ?
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Mar 21, 2015
I am creating a program that will take a master database and create separate databases for class room training.creating my own app to do this since it will have other stuff to do.i will have a master database that i will need to create multiple copies of. 2-20 copies, it is about 7GB large. it is used in a classroom training course for our company software. it will also copy a folder on the server onto multiple subfolders.each computer in the classroom will access its own copy of the database/windows folders.
What i am looking for is a fast/reliable way to create the multiple database copies. then when the training class is over and a new one is getting started, we will run my program to reset everything back to start.Should i detach/copy/attach or create a master backup and restore it 20 times. What kind of user access pitfalls will i need to look out for.
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Jan 14, 2008
Wondering how this is handled by Multicast component. If multiple copies are created in the memory and the size of the dataset is large, this could cause some performance problems. Any thoughts? TIA
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Sep 23, 2007
I want to write a batch file that will do just that. The problem is bcp or bulkcopy never works with my code, it doesn't recognize it. Maybe I'm going the wrong way to do this, but I could use some help. Ideally I'll make the batch to do the importing via bulkcopy or something like it of a text file into a table and use windows scheduler to automate it. Be as specific as you can please, I'm very new to sql server.
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Dec 31, 2006
I am new to reporting services and I'm really stuck on a design problem. Can someone please help me?
I would like to design my own print function. When a user clicks on the print icon (preferably the one that came with reporting services), the report is automatically printed twice, once with "For Person A" and the second time with "For Person B" on it. It doesn't matter where these two labels are placed on the page. These two reports need to be printed on letter-size paper regardless of user's selection. How do I do this with minimum amount of code?
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
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Jun 8, 2006
I 'm sure I am missing something obvious, hopefully someone could point it out. After a failover log shipping, I want to fail back to my inital Primary server database; however, my database is marked as loading. How can I mark it as normal?
I did the failover as follow:
I did a failover log shipping from the 2 server Sv1 (Primary) and Sv2 (Secondary) by doing the following
1) Stop the primary database by using sp_change_primary_role (Sv1)
2) Change the 2nd server to primary server by running sp_change_secondary_role (Sv2)
3) Change the monitor role by running sp-change_monitor_role (Sv2)
4) Resolve the log ins - (Sv2)
5) Now I want to fail back - I copy the TRN files to Sv1 - use SQL Ent to restore the database at point in time. The task is done; however, the database is still mark as loading. I could not use sp_dboption.
I appreciate any suggestion.
Thanks in advance
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Nov 22, 1998
I am curious to what major differences there are between these two versions.
Trying to decide whether or not to purchase the SQL 6.5 training kit from Microsoft or not. If the code and utilities are the same, then I could probably still learn from the 6.5 version. Any thoughts, suggestions will be greatly appreciated.
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Aug 12, 2004
What is the differences between SQL Server Desktop Engine and SQL Server Standard Edition???
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Feb 13, 2008
I am having the following problem AFTER converting to VS2008 from VS2005 and SQLCE 3.5 from 3.01:
SQL CE db file has a table called Court0 with various columns of type float. I populate the values by copying floats from another table/tables. I do this via ado.net using this code snippet:
foreach (DataColumn column in this.mycourtsDataSet1.Tables[tableName].Columns)
string columnName = column.ColumnName.ToString();
string columnValue = aRow[0][columnName].ToString();
object cValue = aRow[0][columnName];
if (columnName.Remove(1) == "T" && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(columnValue))
// Add the value to the Court0 table.
DataRow[] bRow = this.mycourtsDataSet1.Tables["Court0"].Select("BookingPeriod = '" + columnName + "'");
if (bRow.Length > 0)
double colValue = Convert.ToDouble(cValue);
//bRow[0][tableName] = Convert.ToInt32(columnValue);
========> bRow[0][tableName] = colValue; <==== colValue is '1055.01'
This works fine in VS2005/CE3.01 BUT not in VS2008/CE3.5
In CE3.5, the value entered into the cell looses it's decimal value.
For example, '1055.01' becomes '1055.0' in CE3.5 .
Can someone explain to me why the conversion stuffs up in CE3.5 and what do I do to fix it.
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Jul 4, 2006
Table struct (table1 and table2):
phonenumber2 (combined areacode + phonenumber) (actual column)
select x.areacode, x.phonenumber from table1 as x
inner table2 as y
on x.AreaCode = y.AreaCode and x.phonenumber = y.phonenumber
result: 0
select x.areacode, x.phonenumber from table1 as x
inner join table2 as y
on x.phonenumber2 = y.phonenumber2
result: 100
select (x.areacode + x.phonenumber) as phone from table1 as x
inner join table2 as y
on (x.areacode + x.phonenumber) = (y.areacode + y.phonenumber)
result: 0
WHat's the difference between those queries? Why can't I get a result from the 1st and 3rd query?
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Feb 5, 2004
We have a database that when an update is released (and this is very often) the release notes don't cover most of the actual changes. Every time groups of our custom queries and reports get broken due to database changes. Does anyone know how to compare two databases and get a report of the differences between them? I can either have the two versions on the same server or on different servers if that makes a difference.
I'm hoping for something where you input @oldversion, @newversion
and return is
@oldversion, tblname, fieldname, char(8)
@newversion, tblname, fieldname, varchar(8)
@oldversion, tblname, [Null], [Null]
@newversion, tblname, fieldname, int
@oldversion, [Null]
@newversion, tblname
also any changes in dependancies
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Feb 20, 2004
I have just converted some Access VBA code to a sproc. I'm finding that for some reason the rounding is different:
ROUND(17 * 97995 / 1000,2) = 1665.915 before Rounding
SQL SProc: 1665.91 Rounds down
ADP VBA: 1665.92 Rounds up
Does this make sense?
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Jul 7, 2003
as promised:
--sp_addlinkedserver @server = '____________'
--sp_addlinkedserver @server = '____________'
--select * from sysservers
-- '____________',
-- 'Oracle',
-- 'ORC1'
--Select * from ___________.ORC1.dbo.sysobjects
/* Objects in Company1 Missing in Company2 */
Select 'Table Objects in Company1 but are not in Company2'
select Left(a.name,30), a.refdate from sysobjects a
Where a.xtype = 'U'
and a.name like 'TBL%'
and Not Exists (Select 1 From ____________.dbname.dbo.sysobjects b where a.name = b.name)
/* Objects in Company2 Missing in Company1 */
Select 'Table Objects in Company2 but are not in Company1'
select Left(a.name,30), a.refdate from ____________.dbname.dbo.sysobjects a
Where a.xtype = 'U'
and a.name like 'TBL%'
and Not Exists (Select 1 From sysobjects b where a.name = b.name)
/* Column Differences */
Select 'Column Differences between like named tables'
select Left(x.TabName,30) as TableName, Left(x.ColName,30) as ColumnName
, Left(x.DataType,15) as Company1DataType, x.length as Company1Length, x.refdate as Company1RefDate
, Left(y.DataType,15) as Company2DataType, y.length As Company2Length, y.refdate as Company2RefDate
( Select a.name as TabName, b.name as ColName, b.length, c.name as DataType, a.refdate
from sysobjects a, syscolumns b, systypes c
where a.id = b.id
and b.xusertype = c.xusertype
and a.xtype = 'U' and a.name like 'TBL%') As x
, ( Select a.name as TabName, b.name as ColName, b.length, c.name as DataType, a.refdate
from ____________.dbname.dbo.sysobjects a, ____________.dbname.dbo.syscolumns b, ____________.dbname.dbo.systypes c
where a.id = b.id and a.xtype = 'U'
and b.xusertype = c.xusertype
and a.name like 'TBL%') As y
Where x.TabName = y.TabName
and x.ColName = y.ColName
and (x.length <> y.length or x.DataType <> y.DataType)
/* Column Differences */
Select 'Column in Company1.com not in Company2'
Select Left(a.name,30) as TableName, Left(b.name,30) as ColumnName, b.length, c.name, a.refdate
from sysobjects a, syscolumns b, systypes c
where a.id = b.id
and b.xusertype = c.xusertype
and a.xtype = 'U'
and a.name like 'TBL%'
and Not Exists (
Select 1
from ____________.dbname.dbo.sysobjects d, ____________.dbname.dbo.syscolumns e
where d.id = e.id
and a.xtype = 'U'
and a.name like 'TBL%'
and a.name = d.name
and b.name = e.name)
Order by 1, 2
/* Column Differences */
Select 'Column in Company2 not in Company1.com'
Select Left(a.name,30) as TableName, Left(b.name,30) as ColumnName, b.length, c.name, a.refdate
from ____________.dbname.dbo.sysobjects a, ____________.dbname.dbo.syscolumns b, ____________.dbname.dbo.systypes c
where a.id = b.id
and b.xusertype = c.xusertype
and a.xtype = 'U'
and a.name like 'TBL%'
and Not Exists (
Select 1
from sysobjects d, syscolumns e
where d.id = e.id
and a.xtype = 'U'
and a.name like 'TBL%'
and a.name = d.name
and b.name = e.name)
Order by 1, 2
--Select 'Table Objects that are still in use in both Company2 and Company1'
--select Left(a.name,30), a.refdate from sysobjects a, ____________.dbname.dbo.sysobjects b
--where a.name = b.name and a.xtype = 'U'
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Apr 2, 2008
I saw some demo-codes ,introducing sqlconnection class, sqlcommand class and etc, are involed .sqlexpress and c:abc.mdf.
so , I am quite confuse what's the deferences between .sqlexpress and c:abc.mdf
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Jun 2, 2005
What's the difference between using CREATE TABLE #TempTable and DECLARE @Table TABLE for temp tables and are there any advantages or disadvantages to using one over the other?Thanks
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Mar 14, 2002
I have a server with two test instances of a data base. I have a query which creates a temp table, inserts 29 rows, perform 4 update queries to add counts and then dumpps out the results. This entire query script runs 1.33 minutes on one instance and 2.5 minutes on the other. On the production server this query now runs in 9 seconds. If I run any one of the test updates individually they execute under 2 seconds, just like the production server.
THe results are repeatable.
All are SQL 7 with all service packs on NT4 sp6. Both test data bases are backups of production from last week. I suspect some kind of caching/buffer problem, but I do not know what to look for. I am not a DBA so I have no idea what role TEMPDB plays may play in this.
Can anyone give us ideas on where to look for the performance difference? Will our impending upgrade to SQL2K solve this problem or make it worse? Any ideas would be appreciated.
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Mar 29, 2002
Is there any tool to find the differences between the two databases. I would like to know the differences in developmental server and Production server. if the developers create any new objects, I want to migrate them to production server.
Can we do it in sql server 200 or do we need to have separate tool.
Thanks in advance.
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Sep 13, 2004
I am updating a db with data from a file, in this data we have new info, info that has been updated and info that is to be removed from the db.
Now I was wondering which approach results in better performance/shorter executin time:
1. first update excisting values, then insert new ones, and last delete cancelled data
2. delete cancelled data and data that will be updated, then insert new and updated info
I get all this data from a file, in that file all rows are similar and there is one column that defines if the data is new, updated or to be deleted (thus all the updates also include the information for the enty that has not been altered).
// Pati
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Oct 18, 2005
Hi Guru's,
I am kind of baffeled. I have a table with a column of 8 varchar in 2000
and the same in 6.5. When I insert into 2000 with a data length of more than 8 chars via Cold Fusion into the table, it fails. The same Cold Fusion
program inserts into the 6.5 table, but truncates the data but does not fail.
Does anyone know why this happens. Thanks, Newbie.
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Jun 3, 2008
I have written the SQL below and need to change the case. I need to say that if today’s date (get date) is between <> 4 weeks of sv_latest_appraisal then = Outstanding. Can this be done in SQL? I know it is very specific so not sure. Please help! Sam
SELECT Employee.FORENAME AS Forename,
Employee.SURNAME AS Surname,
Employee.LOCATION AS Location,
Employee.DEPARTMENT AS Department,
Employee.STARTDATE AS Startdate,
Sv_latest_appraisal.NEXT_APP AS Next_app,
Sv_latest_appraisal.USR_EAR_TYPE AS Usr_ear_type,
Sv_latest_appraisal.USR_EAR_TYPE_NEW AS Usr_ear_type_new,
WHEN Sv_latest_appraisal.NEXT_APP <= getdate() THEN 'OVERDUE'
WHEN Sv_latest_appraisal.NEXT_APP >= getdate() THEN 'NOT DUE'
WHEN Sv_latest_appraisal.NEXT_APP = getdate() THEN 'DUE TODAY'
FROM (dbo.EMPLOYEE AS Employee
INNER JOIN dbo.SV_latest_appraisal
ON Employee.EMPLOY_REF = Sv_latest_appraisal.EMPLOY_REF)
ON Employee.JOB_REF = Job.JOB_REF
WHERE (Employee.LEAVER = 0)AND (Employee.LOCATION LIKE 'GE')
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Sep 9, 2014
How can we calculate the difference between two dates (years, months and days)
between '01 / 01/2011 'and '05 / 04/2014' I would have years, months and days
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Jan 22, 2015
I have a SQL Server 2005 table titled "Journeys" as follows:
| Journeys |
| JourneyID |
| PlateNumber |
| DepartureDate |
| DepartureKM |
| ArrivalDate |
| ArrivalKM |
The table contains the following sample data:
| 1 | ABC-123 | 01-01-2015 | 10000 | 01-02-2015 | 10200 |
| 2 | ABC-123 | 01-02-2015 | 10210 | 01-03-2015 | 10500 |
| 3 | ABC-123 | 01-03-2015 | 10500 | 01-04-2015 | 10650 |
| 4 | ABC-123 | 01-04-2015 | 10607 | 01-05-2015 | 10900 |
| 5 | XYZ-999 | 01-15-2015 | 30200 | 01-16-2015 | 30400 |
| 6 | XYZ-999 | 01-16-2015 | 30405 | 01-17-2015 | 30600 |
| 7 | XYZ-999 | 01-17-2015 | 30600 | 01-18-2015 | 30750 |
| 8 | XYZ-999 | 01-18-2015 | 30752 | 01-19-2015 | 30920 |
I want to generate a query that returns a the following results with an extra column named 'KMDifference' which is the difference between 'ArrivalKM' from last day and 'DepartureKM' from today.
Desired results:
| PlateNumber | DepartureDate | DepartureKM | ArrivalDate | ArrivalKM | KMDifference |
| ABC-123 | 01-01-2015 | 10000 | 01-02-2015 | 10200 | 0 |
| ABC-123 | 01-02-2015 | 10210 | 01-03-2015 | 10500 | 10 |
| ABC-123 | 01-03-2015 | 10500 | 01-04-2015 | 10650 | 0 |
| ABC-123 | 01-04-2015 | 10607 | 01-05-2015 | 10900 | 7 |
| XYZ-999 | 01-15-2015 | 30200 | 01-16-2015 | 30400 | 0 |
| XYZ-999 | 01-16-2015 | 30405 | 01-17-2015 | 30600 | 5 |
| XYZ-999 | 01-17-2015 | 30600 | 01-18-2015 | 30750 | 0 |
| XYZ-999 | 01-18-2015 | 30752 | 01-19-2015 | 30920 | 2 |
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