Log Size Balloons During Import, Bigger Then Table

Feb 25, 2008

I'm importing about 15 million rows of data from an access file to an MSSQL database. Some of the fields in the Access file are of DataType "text". The destination fields in the SQL DB are of type varchar(50), and none of the text fields in the access file actually use anything other then English characters. I put in a "data conversion" item to handle the switch from "text" (which usually trys conversion to nvarchar by default) to varchar.

The import works, and the resulting table ends up weighing about 1.2 gigs. HOWEVER, the log itself is a crazy 7-8 gigs heavy. I have no idea why the log size bloats this much. I can backup/shrink later in the package, but this 8 gig could easily push the hard drive over its limit at some point before completion and I'm looking for a better alternative.

Database is on "simple" recovery mode. The combined size of the db, before the operation, log + data, is maybe around 5 meg.

Incidentally, I tried with out the intermediate data conversion step, and a similar thing happened - log finishes up about 7 gig, table is 1.2

Seems ridiculous that the log should grow faster then the table. Any ideas why??

SSRS Kills Kittens.

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Row Is Bigger Than Maximum Size (1962 Bytes)

Mar 11, 2000

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error ' 80040e14'

[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Updated or inserted row is bigger than maximum size (1962 bytes) allowed for this table.

database:microsoft 6.5 SQL

How can I solve this problem

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Data Used Bigger Than Data Size

Feb 20, 2002

One of our databases has the following sizes:

Data used : 4017.14MB (191.29%)
Indexes 35.48 mb (1.69%)
Unused : 5.27 MB (0.25 %)
Unreserved: -1957.89 mb (- 93.23 %)
Total Size 2100MB

looking at this the data size is 2100Mb and the data used is more at 4014.14MB.

How can I sort this out, do I simply need to create another device and expand the database or do I need to do something else?


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Reporting Services :: SSRS 2012 - Speech Balloons Over Some Bars In A Bar Chart?

May 7, 2015

A customer would like to show speech bubbles with a short text above some bars in a bar chart (similar to the image shown below). Is this possible with SSRS?

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Possible To Find Table Size And In That Table Each Row Size

Jun 10, 2014

It is possible to find table size and in that table each row size.

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SQL2005 Data Import Error, Unicode Data Is Odd Byte Size For Column &&<n&&>. Should Be Even Byte Size

Aug 23, 2006

Hi, I have a problem importing data from SQL Server 2000 'text' columns to SQL Server 2005 nvarchar(max) columns. I get the following error when encountering a transfer of any column that matches the above.
The error is copied below,

Any help on this greatly appreciated...

ERROR : errorCode=-1071636471 description=An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80004005.An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft SQL Native Client" Hresult: 0x80004005 Description: "Unicode data is odd byte size for column 3. Should be even byte size.". helpFile=dtsmsg.rll helpContext=0 idofInterfaceWithError={8BDFE893-E9D8-4D23-9739-DA807BCDC2AC} (Microsoft.SqlServer.DtsTransferProvider)

Many thanks

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How To Change Dts Import/export Window's Size

Jul 20, 2005

Howdy!Does any of you good folk know how to change window size of the DTSImport/Export Wizard window?Darn thing is very small and inconvinient to work with, no apparent way tochange it's size,may be there is a registry tweak or something.Thanks in advance,I.B.

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Log Bigger Than The Data???

Sep 21, 2000

idp data: 55% full (Total: 4600 MB Used: 2515 MB Free: 2085 MB)
idp log: 88% full (Total: 3500 MB Used: 3073 MB Free: 427 MB)

Normally the "data" is bigger than the "log" would you say this is a problem and how can one reverse the problem?

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SQL Server Import And Export Wizard Fails To Import Data From A View To A Table

Feb 25, 2008

A view named "Viw_Labour_Cost_By_Service_Order_No" has been created and can be run successfully on the server.
I want to import the data which draws from the view to a table using SQL Server Import and Export Wizard.
However, when I run the wizard on the server, it gives me the following error message and stop on the step Setting Source Connection

Operation stopped...

- Initializing Data Flow Task (Success)

- Initializing Connections (Success)

- Setting SQL Command (Success)
- Setting Source Connection (Error)
Error 0xc020801c: Source - Viw_Labour_Cost_By_Service_Order_No [1]: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_CANNOTACQUIRECONNECTIONFROMCONNECTIONMANAGER. The AcquireConnection method call to the connection manager "SourceConnectionOLEDB" failed with error code 0xC0014019. There may be error messages posted before this with more information on why the AcquireConnection method call failed.
(SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)

Exception from HRESULT: 0xC020801C (Microsoft.SqlServer.DTSPipelineWrap)

- Setting Destination Connection (Stopped)

- Validating (Stopped)

- Prepare for Execute (Stopped)

- Pre-execute (Stopped)

- Executing (Stopped)

- Copying to [NAV_CSG].[dbo].[Report_Labour_Cost_By_Service_Order_No] (Stopped)

- Post-execute (Stopped)

Does anyone encounter this problem before and know what is happening?

Thanks for kindly reply.

Best regards,
Calvin Lam

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New Bigger, Better SQL Server...slow

Mar 23, 2006


We just put on our main accounting (50 GB total, 8 GB largest table - GLTRAN) database on a new Windows Advanced 2003 server with 8 GBs of memory. Everything is essentially the same as the old box, aside from the fact that it's on Windows Advanced 2003 Server and it's using LUNS as the E: drive where the SQL database is kept. It runs fine for the most part, excpet this one report takes literally 20 times longer to run than on the pld box.

It's SQL Enterprise 2000 SP4 (also the same). Are there new config options for SQL when running on a 2003 server? Or is it how the OS is handling the SQL service? I'm perplexed. It's not indexes. I still have the old box and load the current dbase to it for testing purposes and the report runs like lightning on it.


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What Is Bigger Than Varbinary(80000)

Feb 17, 2004

Is there something else begger than that ?? as to be in binary !! for my image..

thanx.. because 8000 is not big enought..

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Case Statement With Bigger Than?

Aug 13, 2007


How can i create a case statement with a bigger and smaller than sign in it. I keep on getting an error.

Here is the piece of code i'm working on and simply enough, the idea of what i am trying to accomplish.

Code Snippet
SELECT Weight.Weight,
(Weight.Weight/(Height.Height*Height.Height)) AS BMI,
WHEN (BMI < 18) THEN 'Under Weight'
WHEN (BMI < 25) THEN 'Healthy Weight'
END AS 'BMI Grouping'

Any Help will be greatly appreciated

Kind Regards
Carel Greaves

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How To Set A Bigger Rollback Segment?

May 17, 2007


I´m trying to transfer a large amount of data from Oracle 8 to Sql Server. For each table, I have an OleDBSource with DataAccessMode Command (select with one inner join), Data Conversion and OleDBDestination. Sometimes I´m getting an ORA-01555 snapshot too old error, so I´d like to set a bigger rollback segment, but don´t know how. Please, can anybody help me?



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Table Size And Database Size

Mar 2, 2008

i use this script that show me the size of each table and do the sum of all the table size.

REPLACE(CONVERT(varchar, CONVERT(money, X.[rows]), 1), '.00', '') AS [rows],
REPLACE(CONVERT(varchar, CONVERT(money, X.[reserved]), 1), '.00', '') AS [reserved],
REPLACE(CONVERT(varchar, CONVERT(money, X.[data]), 1), '.00', '') AS [data],
REPLACE(CONVERT(varchar, CONVERT(money, X.[index_size]), 1), '.00', '') AS [index_size],
REPLACE(CONVERT(varchar, CONVERT(money, X.[unused]), 1), '.00', '') AS [unused]
CAST(object_name(id) AS varchar(50)) AS [name],
SUM(CASE WHEN indid < 2 THEN CONVERT(bigint, [rows]) END) AS [rows],
SUM(CONVERT(bigint, reserved)) * 8 AS reserved,
SUM(CONVERT(bigint, dpages)) * 8 AS data,
SUM(CONVERT(bigint, used) - CONVERT(bigint, dpages)) * 8 AS index_size,
SUM(CONVERT(bigint, reserved) - CONVERT(bigint, used)) * 8 AS unused
FROM sysindexes WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE sysindexes.indid IN (0, 1, 255)
AND sysindexes.id > 100
AND object_name(sysindexes.id) <> 'dtproperties'
GROUP BY sysindexes.id WITH ROLLUP) AS X
ORDER BY X.[name]

the problem is that the sum of all tables is not the same size when i make a full database backup.
example of this is when i run this query against my database i see a sum of 111,899 KB that they are 111MB,but when
i do full backup to that database the size of this full backup is 1.5GB,why is that and where this size come from?


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MSSQL DB File Getting Bigger, Can Split Or Reduce?

Aug 30, 2006

Hi.. We have a MSSQL application and the DB file (not the log file) seems getting bigger over this few year and right now you are running almost out of space. May I know how does the other company deal with this kind of situation?

i am sure other company data is getting bigger as well and it has been longer time than ours. How to deal with it ?

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Make Subtotal Column Widths Bigger Than Normal Columns?

Feb 12, 2007

The reason I say this is because a subtotal of a dollar amount will take up more space than other values. Right now, I'm forced to make all columns the same larger width because it appears to be all wrapped into 1 column width setting. I can try to change the value of the subtotal column, "matrixcolumn4", but it reverts to the other value after I press enter to apply the changes.

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SQL 2005 Resize Initial Log Size: MODIFY FILE Failed. Specified Size Is Less Than Current Size.

Sep 4, 2007

I am trying to resize a database initial log file from 500M to 2M. I€™m using€?


And I'm getting "MODIFY FILE failed. Specified size is less than current size." I tried going into the database properties and setting the log file to 2M, but it doesn€™t keep the changes.

Any help with this process?

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Index File Grown Bigger Than Data File Day By Day

Dec 15, 2004

Hi all,

I have a serious problem:

I created 1 database with 2 file group : 1 primary and 1 index.
- Primary file group includes 1 data file (*.mdf): store all tables
- Index file group includes 1 index file (*.ndf): store all indexes

Most of indexes are non-cluster indexes

After a short time using, data file is 2GB but index file is 12 GB.
I do not know what problem happened in my database.
I have some questions:

1/ How so I reduce size of index file ?
2/ How to know what is stored in index file?
3/ How to trace all impact to index file?
4/ How to limit size growing of index file?

Thanks in advanced

Thi Nguyen

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Table Size

Mar 1, 2002

I have some question and would like ask experts:

The largest table in our database eats up above 4G . we do "sp_spaceused" for this table.The length of all columns of this table ( just int, char, varchar, money ,numeric fields types) is about 200 bytes, and the table has around 1,300,000 rows, but the reserved spaced for this table is 4,800,000kb and the data space is around 4,600,00kb.

How can average each row take 3.7kb ( the total size of all columns just 200 bytes)? Any other things I need check?
Any one can give any suggestion what cause this problem? or it is normal?

Thank you very much.


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Table Size

May 18, 2001

Hello, Everyone,

Can anyone tell me how to find the size of a table in a DB?


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Table Size In SQL 6.5

Nov 21, 2000

I'm trying to run a query or sp that will give me a
list of tables and the number of rows in it.

Is there any way for me to do this?

I appreciate the assistance.

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Table Size

Dec 21, 1999

I am wondering if there is the limitation of maximum table size in SQL 6.5. I have a table with 2.6GB and 12,000,000 rows in SQL 6.5 database. Is this a problem?


Stella Liu

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Max Table Size?

Jul 15, 1999

Is there a practical size limit, in MB's, of a table in SQL Server 6.5?

Is there a size, that once exceeded, degrades performance signifigantly?

I am speaking of raw megabytes. The table in question will consist of only 3 int columns but has the possiblity of becoming VERY LARGE (+1,000,000 rows). I am still in the design phase and can change my strategy if this will prove to be a problem.

Thanks for any help!

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Table Size.

Jan 14, 1999

hello all,

I am trying to solve this problem for quite some time.. I was wondering if I can get some help..

These questions are all abt. MSSQL 6.5

1. Is there a limit on the size of the table ?
2. Does it make sense to have more tables if the size of the row size is more that the limit set by 6.5 or i should let have more rows in a different table with duplicate entries for a particular field.
3. What is the number of rows before the performance of a query starts getting affected..



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Table Size

Aug 26, 2002

I created a same table on two different server with same data. I run sp_sapceuse on both server and I got following result

it's useing 392 MB for table
name rows reserved data index_size unused
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- ------------------ ------------------ ------------------ ------------------
DUNS_SITE 100000 401288 KB 400000 KB 1264 KB 24 KB

its using only 97.3 MB

name rows reserved data index_size unused
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- ------------------ ------------------ ------------------ ------------------
DUNS_SITE 100000 99720 KB 99376 KB 328 KB 16 KB



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Table Size

Jul 19, 2004

How can i get the size of a table in sqserver 2000 ?
How can read a image field ?
Thanks for this answer.

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Max Size Of A Table

Mar 2, 2005

Is there a maximum or optimum number of rows I should have in a table so that I can have fastest search queries. I am a novice programmer just developed something for my work place.
The database has a table created by converting data from excel spreadsheets. There were 24 spreadsheets for 12 months each having approximately 500 rows. Designed this way the table will have approximately 24 * 500 = 12000 records. Should I consider redesigning the database to make searches faster

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Table Size ;

May 25, 2006

Hi all,

How can I find the exact size in the disk occupied by a TABLE ?

When I execute "sp_spaceused" it returns the following parameters for a table


Which of the parameters I should consider to calculate the exact space occupied by the table.

Thanks in advance,

Hari Haran Arulmozhi

View 9 Replies View Related

Table Size

Jan 19, 2006

Is there any way I can find the size of each table?

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Table Size

Jul 20, 2005

Is it better to have a table with 10,000 row or 10 tables of 100 rows?

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SQL Table Size

May 17, 2006


If i want to know the size of table then how can i do it in SQL Server 2000 and in SQL Server 2005.

-- how much amount of data can a table store in sql.

-- On which thing the size of table depends.

or Can anyone give me a introduction about the size of table in sql

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Row Size Of Each Row In Each Table - Urgent

Jul 10, 2006

Hi. I am trying to get a row count of each row of each table in the database. Is that possible? Using a SP or UDFS? I dont want the column size of each table but the total datasize of each row.So for example if I have 5 rows each in 3 tables I need a query that will return 15 rows with the size of each row(size of all coumn data summed together). Thanks.

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Size Of Table - Any Functions?

Jan 1, 2004

Been digging around, I want to query the size of a table (disc size)


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