Log Backup Takes Much Longer Than DB Backup

Sep 20, 2000

How is it possible that a 133MB SQL7 database, the backup of the database itself takes 2 seconds, the transaction log backup takes 25 minutes??? We are doing log backup every 10 minutes, and appending.


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Backup Takes Longer At Month End Than Begining

Aug 1, 2007

sql 2005 stnd on a server of decent spec.

dbase in question is only about 5GB on a 450GB partition.

at the begining of the month I run:

BACKUP LOG [objectstore] TO DISK ='D:BackupsProdackup_objectstore.BAK'
WITH NOFORMAT , INIT , NAME = N'objectstore backup'

and then every 10 minutes (within working hours) for the rest of the month I

BACKUP LOG [objectstore] TO DISK ='D:BackupsProdackup_objectstore.BAK'
WITH NOFORMAT , NOINIT , NAME = N'objectstore backup'.

The amount of data that gets backed up is the same through out the month and
the loading on the server as a whole also stays constant throughout the month
- NOTHING increases throughout the month that would affect this server in any
way, yet at the begining of the month the backup takes 10 seconds, and at the
end, it gets up to 5-6 minutes.



Alastair Jones.

"A computer once beat me at chess - but it was no match for me at kick boxing" - Emo Phillips.

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Adding A New Record Takes Longer And Longer -- Archive? (was Table Help)

Mar 1, 2005

Hi we have a table with about 400000 records in it. It starting to take longer and longer to add a new record. I was thinking of creating another identical table and archiving off most of the records every month (we are now adding about about 4000 records a day) . Is this the best thing to do?
I don't know a lot about sql server so any help or suggestions would be great

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Backup Taking Longer Than Usaual On Sundays

Mar 13, 2008

Hi All,

My Full backups are taking longer than the usual time on sundays.
I know this has nothing to do with the SQl Server storage engine or Database engine.
i hvae checked there are no jobs ruuning at this time..and this across all the servers sharing the SAN.

How can prove that some thing else is reponsible for this Behvaior and not SQL server.

are there any counters (perfmon) or tools or some sniffers which can tell me what is causing this.

please help.

Thanks in advance.

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BACKUP Job Takes Too Long...

Dec 16, 2004

The database is about 5 Gb and the transaction log is about 13 M
and it takes 11 hours to do a full back up.

I am not sure why it takes that long? Is there any thing I can check?

IT is SQL v7.

Thank you

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URGENT !!!! Transaction Log Backup Running Longer Time

Dec 26, 2002

Hi Guys,

We have a database with 20 gig and with huge transactions. The transaction log backup is scheduled every one hour
from 3.00 AM to 9.00 PM.

We take a full backup in the disk at 9.00 PM and again a full backup in the tape at 2.00 AM

It works fine in the day from 6.00 AM and complete within seconds and the size is approx. 50 to 200 MB.

But the very first transaction log backup at 3.00 AM is running like 3 hrs and the size is approx. 11 gig whick is almost equivalent to the Full backup size. There are some dts packages that are running in the night and as usual reindex, intergrity checks are running and there no large user traffic during night. But I have no idea which the very first transaction log backup in the morning takes longer time and has this bug size. Is there any work around to fix this proble.

Please advise.


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Backup Takes MSSQL 2000 DB Offline

Dec 2, 2004

ok, here is an interesting one.
We have multiple jobs that run the following SQL Backups to Permanent Backup devices.

Backup Database DBX to DBXFull with NoInit - 1 am
Backup Database DBX to DBXDiff with Differential, NoInit - 12 pm
Backup Log DBX to DBXLog with NoInit - every hour on the hour

the devices are in path E:SQLBackups<databasename>
E: is on a SAN

Every Night E: is backed up by legato, When Legato Starts to backup the directory, at the hour a transaction log backup occurs. The Backup Fails and The Database Is Taken OFFLINE.

Questions are as follows.
What is causing the db to be taken offlline?
How can i stop the db from being taken offline while still mainting my current backup strategy.

Temporarily we have stopped tlog backups during the directory backup phase (legato) and then resume them when it is complete.

Difficulty Level: we will not be using Legato's SQL Plugin for the backups, they have to be performed with jobs and SQL Backup.

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BACKUP LOG Cannot Be Performed Because There Is No Current Database Backup. BACKUP LOG Is Terminating Abnormally.

Jan 31, 2008

Hi there

I'm getting this message on my third automated backup of the transaction logs of the day. Both databases are in full recovery mode, both successfully backed up at 01.00. The transaction logs backed up perfectly happily at 01:30 and 05:30, but failed at 09:30.

The only difference between 05:30 and 09:30's backups is that the log files were shrunk at 08:15 (the databases in question are the ones that sit under ILM2007, and keeping the log files small keeps the system running better).

Is it possible that shrinking the log files causes the database to think that there hasn't been a full database backup?



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How Do I Know What Queries Takes Longer?

Mar 14, 2008

Hi, Is there any way to audit or record in SQL Server 2000 what queries are the ones that consume more resources in the server so I can focus and improve them?


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SP Takes Much Longer In SQL2005

Mar 28, 2008

I could use a little help here. We have a stored procedure that runs on SQL2000 and for a large dataset only takes 1-2 minutes. On SQL2005 however, it takes around 25 minutes. Any advice or insight anyone could give would be great.

Here's the stored procedure:

CREATE PROCEDURE daa_upd_relationship_balance_hist
begin tran
insert fldarts..daa_relationship_bal_hist
select <-- list snipped -->
from daa_relationship_bal drb, daa_user_review dur
drb.acct_no = dur.acct_no and
drb.control_2 = dur.control_2 and
drb.nb_gl_cost_ctr = dur.nb_gl_cost_ctr and
drb.nb_dda_sav_type = dur.nb_dda_sav_type and
drb.acct_no+drb.control_2+drb.nb_gl_cost_ctr+drb.nb_dda_sav_type+convert(char(10),dur.activity_date, 101)
not in
(select acct_no+control_2+nb_gl_cost_ctr+nb_dda_sav_type+convert(char(10), activity_date, 101)
from fldarts..daa_relationship_bal_hist)
if @@error = 0
commit tran
rollback tran
print '!!!Error (daa_relationship_bal_hist) : Relationship Balance History not updated'

So we have three tables. Here's a schema for each and the indexes on them. I've omitted columns from the tables that are not utilized in this query.


CREATE TABLE [daa_relationship_bal] (
[control_2] [char] (3) NOT NULL ,
[nb_gl_cost_ctr] [char] (7) NOT NULL ,
[acct_no] [char] (14) NOT NULL ,
[nb_dda_sav_type] [char] (3) NOT NULL


idx_upd_balance_hist nonclustered located on PRIMARY acct_no, control_2, nb_gl_cost_ctr, nb_dda_sav_type


CREATE TABLE [daa_user_review] (
[control_2] [char] (3) NOT NULL ,
[nb_gl_cost_ctr] [char] (7) NOT NULL ,
[acct_no] [char] (14) NOT NULL ,
[nb_dda_sav_type] [char] (1) NOT NULL ,
[activity_date] [datetime] NULL


PK_daa_user_review_1__37 nonclustered, unique, primary key located on INDEXES control_2, nb_gl_cost_ctr, acct_no, nb_dda_sav_type


CREATE TABLE [daa_relationship_bal_hist] (
[control_2] [char] (3) NOT NULL ,
[nb_gl_cost_ctr] [char] (7) NOT NULL ,
[acct_no] [char] (14) NOT NULL ,
[nb_dda_sav_type] [char] (3) NOT NULL ,
[activity_date] [datetime] NOT NULL


PK_daa_rel_bal_hist_1__37 nonclustered, unique, primary key located on PRIMARY control_2, nb_gl_cost_ctr, acct_no, nb_dda_sav_type, activity_date

Any help on this would be great. If more information is needed, please let me know.

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Wanting To Move An Entire Database Using Backup? Export? That Takes All Users, All Data, All Permissions

Apr 25, 2008

I've had issues where backup up and restoring data from sqlserver2005 does not reattach the data to the correct users.  Any tips on how to best accomplish full database moves where data is owned by different security users?

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Why DELETE Takes Longer Than INSERT?

Jul 20, 2005

I'm running an ISP database in SQL 6.5 which has a table 'calls'. When thenew month starts I create a new table with the same fields and move the dataof previous month into that table and delete it from calls. So 'calls' holdsthe data of only the current month. for example at the start of november2003 I ran the queriesCreate Table Oct2003Calls {................................}/* Now insert data of october into new table */INSERT Oct2003CallsSELECT *FROM callsWHERE calldate < '11/1/03'/* Finaly delete october data from calls table */DELETE FROM callsWHERE calldate < '11/1/03'The problem is that while the insert query takes about 2 minutes to executethe delete queries takes over 10 minutes to affect the same no. of rows. Whyis that?This causes problems because user authentication stops when this query isrunning which means users cant connect to the internet.

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Query Takes Longer To Execute The Second Time

Feb 13, 2001

Has anybody come across situations where queries take longer to execute the second time? The server is a dedicated sql server box with 1gb memory.

Thanks in advance.

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Stored Procedure Takes Longer To Run Than The Script That's In It???

Mar 3, 2005

Hi there... I wrote a SP to check for different types of exceptions in a few database tables. When I was writing the scripts, everything seemed to execute fairly quickly and I was satisfied with the performance. When I completed the scripts and compiled them into a stored procedure and ran it (using Exec), it took a lot longer to run than I thought it would. So I went through each section of the script and ran each portion individually to see which part was taking so long.... but all the scripts ran very quickly. The individual scripts, run separately, took a combined total of 0:26 to run.... but the SP was taking 1:30 to run. (????) So then I took ALL the script contained in the SP and ran it by itself in the Query Analyzer.... it took 0:27 to run. (??????)

So basically... the script that I wrote takes 27 seconds to execute, when run by itself in the Query Analyzer... but when I take that very same script and turn it into a Store Procedure and run it, it takes a minute and a half.

Any ideas why?? I thought SP's were supposed to run faster because they're pre-compiled.


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SQL 2012 :: Importing Xer Format Files Through Wizard Takes Longer Time?

Aug 9, 2015

We are importing xer formats through the wizard to sqlserver database and It takes upto 35-45 mins for each import (single project), any option to reduce the time.Is they any other import options - which can give us faster results.

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SQl Server Backup Takes 2 Hours To Run But 12 Minutes After A Server Reboot(?)

Sep 19, 2007

Sorry i think i may have posted this in the incorrect forum before - if i have done it again here can someone tell me where i should post this please, thanks:

we are having problems with a server Intel RZeon 3ghz, 3gb ram running 2003 service pack 2 with a 70gb drive and and 400 gb drive all with adequate free space. There are 6 hard disks in total and i assume operating at least RAID 5. We have SQL2000 server with a few standard sized databases and a connection to one other server.

A few months ago the back up of SQL server databases started taking 4- 5 hours when before it took 20 minutes. We had actually lost one of our disks in the RAID array and it before this was spotted by our engineers we reindexed the sql databases and defragged both 70gbC: and D: 400gb drives hoping to correct this slow down. Unfortunately the new disk had not been correctly seated and this was why it was taking 4-5 hours. After fixing the disk the backups took 12 minutes again but then started taking 2-3 hours after a few days.

The reindex/defrag did seem to improve the speed of the backups to 12 minutes (from 20 minutes) when the backup did function correctly (also the sql databases' performance improved). However the backups only take 12 minutes after a server reboot - this can last from only 2, up to 5 backups(days) in a row before a slow down to 2-3 hours and again only a reboot will sort out this problem.

NB this intermittent slowdown only occurred after the disk failure.

We have tried monitoring SQL server and can find no CPU/RAM intensive clashes or long running jobs interferring with the back up. Does anyone know what might be going on here? and if there are any server monitoring tools that may help us discover what is causing this problem ?

thanks for your help
best regards

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SQL Server 2008 :: Merge Statement Takes Several Times Longer To Execute Than Equivalent Update

Jun 20, 2013

Problem Summary: Merge Statement takes several times longer to execute than equivalent Update, Insert and Delete as separate statements. Why?

I have a relatively large table (about 35,000,000 records, approximately 13 GB uncompressed and 4 GB with page compression - including indexes). A MERGE statement pretty consistently takes two or three minutes to perform an update, insert and delete. At one extreme, updating 82 (yes 82) records took 1 minute, 45 seconds. At the other extreme, updating 100,000 records took about five minutes.When I changed the MERGE to the equivalent separate UPDATE, INSERT & DELETE statements (embedded in an explicit transaction) the entire update took only 17 seconds. The query plans for the separate UPDATE, INSERT & DELETE statements look very similar to the query plan for the combined MERGE. However, all the row count estimates for the MERGE statement are way off.

Obviously, I am going to use the separate UPDATE, INSERT & DELETE statements. The actual query plans for the four statements ( combined MERGE and the separate UPDATE, INSERT & DELETE ) are attached. SQL Code to create the source and target tables and the actual queries themselves are below. I've also included the statistics created by my test run. Nothing else was running on the server when I ran the test.

Server Configuration:

SQL Server 2008 R2 SP1, Enterprise Edition
3 x Quad-Core Xeon Processor
Max Degree of Parallelism = 8
148 GB RAM

SQL Code:

Target Table:
IF OBJECT_ID('dbo.ParticipantResponse') IS NOT NULL
DROP TABLE dbo.ParticipantResponse;


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SQL 2012 :: Error (backup Failed To Complete The Command BACKUP LOG) In Event Viewer

Aug 23, 2013

On the SQL Server the Event Viewer shows the same messages and errors every evening between 22:05:00 and 22:08:00. The following information messages are shown for every database:

"I/O is frozen on database <database name>. No user action is required. However, if I/O is not resumed promptly, you could cancel the backup."

"I/O was resumed on database <database name>. No user action is required."

"Database backed up. Database: <database name>, creation date(time): 2003/04/08(09:13:36), pages dumped: 306, first LSN: 44:148:37, last LSN: 44:165:1, number of dump devices: 1, device information: (FILE=1, TYPE=VIRTUAL_DEVICE: {'{A79410F7-4AC5-47CE-9E9B-F91660F1072B}4'}). This is an informational message only. No user action is required."

After the 3 messages the following error message is shown for every database:

"BACKUP failed to complete the command BACKUP LOG <database name>. Check the backup application log for detailed messages."

I have added a Maintenance Plan but these jobs run after 02:00:00 at night.

Where can I find the command or setup which will backup all databases and log files at 22:00:00 in the evening?

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SQL Server 2008 :: Backup Running Long And Backup Threads Show Suspended

Feb 18, 2015

SQL Server 2008 r2 - 6 GB memory...I attempted a backup on a 500GB database but it was taking way too long. I checked the resources on the box and saw the CPU at 100%. I checked the SQL Server activity log and saw a hung query (user was not even logged on) that had multiple threads so I killed it and now the CPU utilization is back to normal.

Trouble is, now all of the threads in the activity monitor for the backup show 'suspended' and the backup appears to be not doing anything.

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Backup Failed (Error 3041) While Try To Issue A BACKUP Statement In Local

Feb 9, 2004


I use the Transact-SQL BACKUP statement in Visual Basic to backup my local MSSQL Database. It give me this error

Error 3041

BACKUP failed to complete the command BACKUP DATABASE [BCFPC] to BCFPCBKP

I already created a backup device called BCFPCBKP and it is backup to the disk.

I tried to run the same BACKUP statement in SQL Query Analyzer and it worked fine. I tried to run my VB application in another PC. It worked fine when i use this command remotely. Can anyone tell me what's the problem?

Thanks in advance

M.Y. Yap

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SQL 2012 :: Backup Cleanup Of Differential And Log Backups Based On Full Backup?

Feb 19, 2015

Using Ola Hallengren's scripts I do a full backup of a database on a Sunday. Then differential backups every 6 hours and log backups every hour. I would like to keep a full week of backups based off the full backup done on Sunday. Is there a way for me to clear out the diff and log folders after the successful full backup on Sunday nights?

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Restore DB With Full Backup And Transactional Log Backup

Aug 3, 2015

Need to restore database,here's the scenario:

Data got deleted on Friday evening, need to have database restored to FRiday afternoon and also some data has been entered on Monday, which needs to be there.

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Can Windows 2003 Server Backup Utility Be Used To Backup A SQL 2000 Dbase

Dec 28, 2007

Windows 2003 backup utility uses the shadow copy option that allows it to copy open files.
Therefore, can I use this utility to backup the .mdf and .ldf files for my SQL 2000 database?
I can then attach the .mdf files if I need to restore the database to another server.
Can anyone tell me if this is safe? I've tried it and it worked but I'm worried there maybe some lurking danger in using this approach.

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SQL Security :: Full Backup Needed After Restoration Of Database Before Transaction Log Backup

Jul 15, 2015

We take a full backup in the early morning and hourly transaction log back during the working hours for one database in the production server. The application team made certain changes to the design of the said database in their development server. The backup from the development server was restored to the production server during working hours. After the restoration should we take a full backup before next transactional logbackup? Would the transactional log backup with out a full backup after the restoration of a database be valid?

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SQL Server 2008 :: Count Number Of Backup Files Deleted From A Default Backup Location

Mar 13, 2015

I've written a custom script to delete backup files from location. But unable to modify now to count the number of files are deleted. How to modify the script...

/* Script to delete older than N days backup from a specific directory */

USE [db_admin]
IF OBJECT_ID('usp_DeleteBackup', 'P') IS NOT NULL
DROP PROC usp_DeleteBackup

[Code] .....

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Backup Failed: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlError: Backup And File Manipulation... Must Be Serialized

Jul 11, 2007

Using SQL Server 2005 Server Management Studio, I attempted to back up a database, and received this error:

Backup failed: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlError: Backup and file manipulation operations (such as ALTER DATABASE ADD FILE) on a database must be serialized. Reissue the satement after the current backup or file manipulation is completed (Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo)

Program location:

at Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Backup.SqlBackup(Server srv)
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SqlManagerUI.BackupPropOptions.OnRunNow(Object sender)

Backup Options were set to:

Back up to the existing media set

Overwrite all existing backup sets

I am fairly new to SQL 2005. Can someone help me get past this issue? What other information do I need to provide?

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SQL 2012 :: Schedule Backup / Copy Backup And Rename To Other Folder

Dec 29, 2014

I'm looking to schedule a maintenance plan for my databases which I have done.I'd like this database to be copied to another folder and the name altered to include the file name and the current date time stamp.Is this possible in the scheduled maintenance plan?

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Difference Between Partial Backup (SQL 2005) And File Group Backup

Dec 5, 2006

What is the difference between "Files aned File Groups" backup and Partial Backup?

Looks like both are same.. Please comment.

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Recovery :: Differential Backup Much Larger Than Database / Full Backup

Nov 16, 2015

I have a database that is just over 1.5GB and the Full backup that is 13GB not sure how this is since we have compression on for full backups and my other full backups are much smaller than there respective databases...Now my full backup is taken every Sunday night and the differentials are taken every 6 hours after the full backup. Now I have been thrown into this DBA role with little to no experience just what I have picked up and read. So my understanding of backups are limited but what I think I understand is that we take a full backup and the differential only captures what changes in the database so my question is why is my database 1.5GB but my differential is 15.4GB? I have others database that are on the same instance and don't seem to have this problem. I also just noticed that we do not rebuild the index before a full backup like we do on other instances...

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Newbie Question Regarding Backup Device And Backup Foile

May 10, 2001

This is probably a simple question but I have to ask it anyway. When backing up I can backup to a file on my local drive but I also can create a device to the same location on my local drive. Is this doing the same thing. If I so desire to backup to the local drive(bear with me) what is the difference between creating a device and a file called mybackup or just choosing to backup to a file called mybackup? Should I always create a device? I know these are dumb question but....


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How To Get The Backup History Details From A Backup Device?URGENT!!

Dec 7, 2001

How do we know the list of all the backups that are present in a particualr backup device like file# and time of backup taken etc for the purose of restore?

When I run :

it doesn't give that info. Can anyone tell me the exact command to list all the files of a backup device so that I can restore the right one??

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Does A Full Backup Include Data Changes Made During The Backup?

Nov 29, 2007

If my backup starts at 8PM and take 1 hour to complete, will the changes made to the database during that hour be captured in the full backup?

Stated another way, will my backup be a snapshot of:
a) 8PM when the backup started
b) 8PM with some of the changes made between the hour
c) 9PM when the backup finished?

Anybody know the exact way SQL Server handles that logic?



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Differential Backup Fails Because Of Erroneous Full Backup

Jul 19, 2007


I am using the Simple recovery model and I'm taking a weekly full backup each Monday morning with differentials taken every 4 hours during the day.

On Wednesday afternoon, a programmer ran a process that corrupted the db and I had to restore to the most recent differential. It was 5pm in the afternoon and a differential backup had just occured at 4pm. No problem, I figured.

I restored the full backup from Monday morning and tried to restore the most recent differential backup. The differential restore failed. Since I had used T-SQL for the initial attempt, I tried using Enterprise Manager to try again.

When viewing the backup history, I see my initial full backup taken on Monday plus all the differentials. BUT, on closer inspection, I noticed another full backup in the backup history that was taken early Tuesday morning. I can't figure out where this Tuesday morning full backup came from. It wasn't taken by me (or scheduled by me) and I'm the only one with access to the server. My full backups are usually named something like HCMPRP_20070718_FULL.bak. This erroneous full backup was named something like HCMPRP_03a_361adk2k_dd53.bak. It seemed like it was a system generated name. Not something I would choose. To top it off, I could not find this backup file anywhere on the server and when I tried to restore using this full backup, it failed.

Does anyone have any clues as to where this full backup might come from? Does SQL Server trigger a full backup on its own if some threshold is reached?

I ended up having to restore using the differential taken just before this erroneous full backup and lost a day of transactions.

Any insight is greatly appreciated.

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