Log File Space Usage

Feb 24, 2000

On SQL*Server7, is there a system table to find out the transaction log space used? DBCC SQLPERF (logspace) must be using a undocumented system table.

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Space Usage

May 20, 1999

I need to export data out of an sql database using the SQLOLE object
in visual basic.
I have no idea how to even begin how to do this.

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Monitor Space Usage

Jul 17, 2001

Please give me an idea how to monitor database size.
Thank you

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TempDB Log Space Usage

Jul 21, 2015

I received an alert from our alerting system that log space for tempdb is used over 60%.

My question is what options do I have to troubleshoot and fix it? If it would be a regular user database, I would check for log_reuse_wait_desc in sys.databases, run another log backup, and maybe some other things. But what I can do with tempdb?

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Script To Analyze Table Space Usage

Feb 14, 2006

Edit 2007-8-9:
Added code to show database file sizes. Not really closely related to tables sizes, but a lot of the people who need this want to know why their database it so large, so it may help to know which files, especially the logs, are so large, and if the files have empty space in them.

-- Script to analyze table space usage using the
-- output from the sp_spaceused stored procedure
-- Works with SQL 7.0, 2000, and 2005

set nocount on

print 'Show Size, Space Used, Unused Space, Type, and Name of all database files'

convert(numeric(10,2),sum(round(fileproperty( a.name,'SpaceUsed')/128.,2))) ,
convert(numeric(10,2),sum(round((a.size-fileproperty( a.name,'SpaceUsed'))/128.,2))) ,
[Type] =
case when a.groupid is null then '' when a.groupid = 0 then 'Log' else 'Data' end,
[DBFileName]= isnull(a.name,'*** Total for all files ***')
sysfiles a
group by
with rollup
a.groupid is null or
a.name is not null
order by
case when a.groupid is null then 99 when a.groupid = 0 then 0 else 1 end,
case when a.name is null then 99 else 0 end,

create table #TABLE_SPACE_WORK
TABLE_NAME sysnamenot null ,
TABLE_ROWS numeric(18,0)not null ,
RESERVED varchar(50) not null ,
DATA varchar(50) not null ,
INDEX_SIZE varchar(50) not null ,
UNUSED varchar(50) not null ,

create table #TABLE_SPACE_USED
Seqintnot null
identity(1,1)primary key clustered,
TABLE_NAME sysnamenot null ,
TABLE_ROWS numeric(18,0)not null ,
RESERVED varchar(50) not null ,
DATA varchar(50) not null ,
INDEX_SIZE varchar(50) not null ,
UNUSED varchar(50) not null ,

create table #TABLE_SPACE
Seqintnot null
identity(1,1)primary key clustered,
TABLE_ROWS int not null ,
RESERVED int not null ,
DATA int not null ,
INDEX_SIZE int not null ,
UNUSED int not null ,
USED_MBnumeric(18,4)not null,
USED_GBnumeric(18,4)not null,

declare @fetch_status int

declare @proc varchar(200)
select@proc= rtrim(db_name())+'.dbo.sp_spaceused'

declare Cur_Cursor cursor local
order by

open Cur_Cursor

declare @TABLE_NAME varchar(200)

select @fetch_status = 0

while @fetch_status = 0

fetch next from Cur_Cursor

select @fetch_status = @@fetch_status

if @fetch_status <> 0

truncate table #TABLE_SPACE_WORK

insert into #TABLE_SPACE_WORK
exec @proc @objname =
@TABLE_NAME ,@updateusage = 'true'

-- Needed to work with SQL 7

insert into #TABLE_SPACE_USED

end --While end

close Cur_Cursor

deallocate Cur_Cursor

insert into #TABLE_SPACE

when TABLE_ROWS <> 0
then round(
else null
when TABLE_ROWS <> 0
then round(
else null
when TABLE_ROWS <> 0
then round(
else null
when TABLE_ROWS <> 0
then round(
else null
) a
order by

print 'Show results in descending order by size in MB'

select * from #TABLE_SPACE order by USED_MB desc

drop table #TABLE_SPACE_WORK
drop table #TABLE_SPACE_USED
drop table #TABLE_SPACE


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DB Engine :: Transaction Log Space Usage On TempDB Ever Increasing

Jun 15, 2015

today I've put in production a big database accessed by 200 concurrent users, this database has READ_COMMITTED_SNAPHOT set to ON.I know that RCSI set to ON is very aggressive on tempDB so I'm monitoring it.I've noticed that the Transaction log space usage (%) on TempDB is slowly but ever increasing, I mean in the last 24 hours I've started from a 99% space free, now we are 37% space free...is it normal? TempDB log is 35GB in size.

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SQL 2012 :: TempDB Log File Usage Constantly Rising And File Keeps Growing?

Jun 16, 2014

The TEMPDB transaction log file keeps growing.The database server is new and the transaction log was presized to 1 GB on installation. After installing a number of databases, the log file grew over a day to 38GB. Issuing a manual checkpoint was the only way to free some space to allow it to be shrunk back to a usable size. The usage of the file is still going up.

I am struggling to find what process is causing the log to be used so heavily. Looking at the log reuse wait desc for tempdb returns "Nothing" and tempdb itself isn't being used very much or growing in size.

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Shrink File Tool From EM Took All The Empty Space Allocated To Data File

Jul 20, 2005

I've production sql server 7 sp3 on windows NT. I had a 8GB data file ofwhich 5GB were used and 3GB were unused. I wanted to take back the unused3GB.So I did the following with EM GUI:1. I tried to "truncate fre space from end of the file". Didn't truncatethe file. I believe there was no empty space at the end of the file.2. Next I chose the option to "shrink file to 5GB". And to my horror thedata file instead of taking just 5GB took the empty spaces also and the sizeof the used data file went to 8GB.Any idea what's going on?TIA,SP

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SQL Server 2008 :: Log File Space Is 5 Times The Data File

Mar 16, 2015

one of my database data file is 100 GB and the log file is 500 GB.DB is in full recovery model and the transaction logs happen once in 6 hours.Even then, the Database log file isn't reducing in size.

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Page File Usage

Jun 17, 2007


I have SQL Server 2005 running on Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition SP2.

The server has 3GB of physical memory and its PF size is fixed with a 2GB min and 4 GB max.

This server has only 1 database with maybe a max of about 10 concurrent db connections.

Everytime after a reboot or databse restart, the PF usage slowly grows and grows until the server locks up. It appears as though the server is not releasing the RAM after is uses it...

For example, right now, it is early in the morning and there is only 1 db connection but the PF usage is sitting at 1.87GB and slowly growing.

Has anyone ever had this issue before or does someone know how I can resolve this issue?

I would appreciate any help


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Usage Of Raw File In SSIS

May 31, 2006

What is raw file in SSIS, could you tell me samples for usage of raw file

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SQL Server Page File Usage;

Jun 22, 2007

Hi all,

We have our SQL Server 2005 installed in a server with below specifications.

MS Windows Server 2003 R2
Standard x64 Edition
Service Pack 2

5160 @ 3.00GHz
3.00 GHz, 8.00 GB of RAM

The issue is ,

When a query window is opened and a procedure is executed or a DBCC command is executed , the PF usage keeps on increasing and reaches the maximum 8.81 GB and remains there forever even if the query is stopped and the session is closed.

The CPU usage also shoots up and stays between 90 - 100 %.

Now, it is not possible to open a new query or do any operation in the SQL server and a Timeout Expired error is thrown.

My questions are ,

1. Is that good for the SQL server to occupy the total RAM ?

2. Is the performance related to the RAM space occupied by SQL server ?

3. What should we do in order free the PF usage after the a process is complete ?

4. Have anyone faced similar scenario ? Any solutions ?

Thanks for your time & any help should be apprecitated.


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High Page File Usage

May 3, 2007

Just built a new DB server. Using SQL2K5Standard 64bit on W2K3Server 64bit. Hardware includes 16GBs memory/dual 4-core procs and many spindles, however we only have a 2GB page file on C:. SQL is set to to usa a maximum of 12GB memory which is way more than it should need. Problem is, we are occasionally seeing very high page file usage. If Task Manager is correct, (which it really can't) I am using 10 and 13.8GB (as listed in PF Usage) But I only have a 2GB page file! Occasionally when simply copying a file from one partition to another, PerfMon shows Pages/sec jump to 10,000. Also see some very high Disk Queueing.This system isn't even in production yet. My main questions are two: 1) some documentation says with SQL2K5-64 bit running on W2K3-64bit I may not even need a page file. Is this correct? 2) What would be causing high usage of the swap file with 16GBs of installed memory? And help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance!


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SQL Server Performance Monitor Log File Usage ??

Nov 4, 1999


I logged some of the parameters of my SQL server using the Performance monitor into a log file - smn5.log & the log settings in smn5.pml. I started the log and the log file (smn5.log) started growing in size indicating that it was collecting data.

I then went to Options button and said Save. After this in the File menu, I selected Export Log and saved it in a .CSV file, expecting it to contain the Logged data. However, it contains only the Log settings as shown below :
Reported on L&T1362
Log File C:MSSQLLOGsmn5
Interval: 15.000 seconds

SQLServer-Procedure Cache,ERMINTRUDE
SQLServer-Procedure Cache,FLORENCE

Could some one please tell me how to gather and view the logged information ? smn5.log contains 10MB of data - the perf. monitor shows that.


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SQL 2012 :: Tracking Page File Usage - Values Appear Incorrect

Jul 31, 2015

I'm looking for monitoring page file usage for SQL Server. Ultimately, I'm trying to prove that there is not a problem with a server and that it is not struggling with the workload, but someone has looked at page file usage and suggested there is a problem.

I've set up performance counters running from a separate server, but the counters relating to page file usage seem wildly inaccurate. E.g., I've got (_Total\% Usage), and (Total)\%Usage Peak), with Total Usage showing a constant value of 64, and the peak showing 92. I've also got Process (sqlservr)Page File Bytes and Page File Bytes Peak, which are showing values like 61,275,688,960 and hardly dropping below this.

If I look at Performance Monitor directly the values shown in here correlate with this, as shown in my first screenshot. However, if I look at resource monitor and look at disk activity, you can see that there is basically nothing going on (screenshot 2).

The server is more than equipped to deal with the workload, and looking at other counters for SQL there is no indication of problems, e.g. page life expectancy has a minimum value showing of 576,258, there is never less than 6GB of free RAM, SQL compilations are at a maximum of 5% of batch requests.

It is a physical server with 2x 8 core multi threaded CPUs, 64GB RAM with 58GB as the SQL server maximum. Hopefully this is enough info, but I'm happy to check anything else.

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I/O Congestion Troubleshooting: Memory And Swap File Usage Question

Jul 20, 2005

We are hosting a 140 GB database on SQL Server Version 7 and Windows2000 Advanced Server on an 8-cpu box connected to a 15K rpm RAID 5SAN, with 4 GB of RAM (only 2 GB of which seem to be visible to theOS) and a 4 GB swap file. (The PeopleSoft CIS application will notpermit us to upgrade to SQL 2K.) We recently upgraded the server from4 to 8 cpus and the SAN disks from 10K to 15K drives. But we stillhave heavy SAN disk usage, sometimes at 100%, and read queues oftenaveraging 4 and peaking at 12.The CPUs are loaded at only 20-50%. (The politics are such that it iseasier to throw hardware at the problems.)We are looking into archiving, converting from RAID 5 to RAID 10, andat splitting the mdf file into several file groups in an attempt toget more disk heads into play. (We are also looking at rewriting theapplication to reduce the read volume and frequency.) Does anyone haveany other ideas?Incidentally, does swapfile get used when the physical memory equalsthe OS maximum? If the OS can only see 2 GB and we have 2 GB (actually4 GB) of memory, is the 4GB local swap file on the C drive unused?Thanks in advance for any assistance.

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Log File - Out Of Space

Mar 5, 2008


I am trying to run SSIS project which is failing on one of the dataflow. This dataflow should create in Destination approximately 209,405,240 records. My flow is failing and the reason for it €“ size and log file.

This is the error I am getting.

An Ole db record is available. Source: €œMicrosoft SQL Native Client€? Hresult 0x80004005 Description: €œThe transaction log for database €˜tempdb€™ is full. To find
out why space in the log cannot be reused, see the log_reuse_wait_desc column in sys.databases.
An ole DB record is available. Source: €œMicrosoft SQL Native Client€? Hresult 0x80004005 Description: Could not allocate space for object €˜dbo.DataPoint€™. €˜PK_DataPoint€™ in database €˜DatabaseName€™ because the €˜primary€™ filegroup is full. Create disk space by deleting unneeded files, dropping objects in the filegroup, adding additional files to the filegroup, or setting autogrowth on for eisting files in the filegroup.€?

Please let me know what can I do about it? Should I change some properties? How do I make it work and have better performance?


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Computing The CPU Usage ,memory Usage For An Inserted Record

Nov 2, 2007

I have a client program that writes to sql server database 10 records per second . i want to compute the CPU usage and the memory usage for the whole program or CPU usage,memory usage for the insert statement in the program .

Can anybody help me with this?

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CPU Usage(%), Logical IO Performed (%) Usage For Adhoc Queries Is 90%

Sep 7, 2007

Hello, When I am seeing SQL Server 2005 Management studio Server Dashboard> I am seeing my(USERS) databases and msdb database usage is very small % of in CPU Usage(%), Logical IO Performed (%) Usage pie chart.

90% of Total cpu usage is showing for Adhoc Queries. what excatly this means in Dashboard? if application uses more than it would have shown in Database level or not?

sicerely this dashboard is good, if any one is watching daily, please advice their experiences here.

Thanks in advance. Hail SQL Server!

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How To Know The Space Used In The Data / Log File

Apr 10, 2008

I have 4 drives in my HDD namely C,D,E,F
On Each Drive, i have my Database Data, Log and Index File.

I wanted to know the Allocated Space / space used in the Database Data / Log or Index File.

What if i am not able to login to Database then how will i determine the used space / free space in the DB File or Log File or Index File.

Thanks in advance.
-- Chetan

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Free Space In DB File.

Apr 19, 2007

How to check the free space in a DB file using TSQL?

I think, therefore I am - Rene Descartes

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How Much Space Used In Each Transaction Log File

Mar 22, 2007

Is there a way to know how much space is free in each transaction log file of the same database?


A database with 3, 1GB files for transaction log: A, B and C created in this sequence.

From what I have read, since SQL Server 2005 writes to a single transaction log only, I guess if the transaction log is using 2.5GB than A and B are full and B is only half full. Is this correct?


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Documented T-sql For File Space ?

Jun 27, 2006

Hi There

I would like to write sql to check that space used by any given data file in SS2000.

sp_spaceused only returns the total space used by the DB or object in the DB, not for a specific data file.

DBCC SHOWFILESTATS does give me this information , but it is not documented in BOL, i would prefer not to use an undocumented command to ensure future use in later versions. Is DBCC SHOWFILESTATS an undocumented T-SQL command ? If so what documented t-sql command will provide me with this information ?

I could query system table's and work this out , but as mentioned this may not not work in future versions of SS.


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Obtain Version 7 Log File Space Used Using T-SQL

Mar 14, 2000

I need to be able to obtain the storage space used for database log files through T-SQL commands.
I can do this in version 6.5 but have been unable to accomplish this in version 7.0.
Does anyone have a suggestion?

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Database File And Disk Space

Dec 3, 2007

Hi All,

One of the drives that stores the database file is close to running out of space. The chance of me getting more space added to this drive any time soon are really low. What are other options I have?


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Database File And Disk Space

Dec 3, 2007

Hi All,

One of the drives that stores the database file is close to running out of space. The chance of me getting more space added to this drive any time soon are really low. What are other options I have?


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File Group Space Error

Jul 20, 2005

Hi,Received the following error during index creation of the tables. Thedata & log files are set to 'unrestricted growth' and enough spaceavailable on the disk. Any reasons?___________Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server (80040e14): Could not allocatenew page for database 'Ultimareports'. There are no more pages availablein filegroup PRIMARY. Space can be created by dropping objects, addingadditional files, or allowing file growth___________ThanksJohn Jayaseelan*** Sent via Developersdex http://www.developersdex.com ***Don't just participate in USENET...get rewarded for it!

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File Group Is Running Out Of Space?

Jul 21, 2015

I am currently SQL admin since our ordinary SQL folks are at summer vacation.

Yesterday SCOM alerted that File Group is running out of space on one not so critical database "The file group "PRIMARY" for the database "loganalys" in SQL instance "MSSQLSERVER" on computer "sqlserver2" is running out of space".

I logged in to the SQL server and checked the database in question. It is a very large DB with a size  of 577 GB.The storage on which the database files resides has 123 GB free space so that isn't the issue.

The database is set to autogrowth 1 MB at a time (unrestricted) so that doesn't seem to be the issue either.However, in the database properties under General, it says Space avaliable: 570 MB.

I guess that this may be the issue, that this is under some treshold for SCOM to alert on.I have looked at the other databases and they have everything between 0,25MB to 270MB space avaliable (they are all set to autogrowth 1 MB, unrestricted).

I am not sure what this means and if I have to do something about it?

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Check All Databases For File Space Used

Aug 29, 2006

Hi There

As part of monitoring i want to hourly check the data file percentage used for each database, to monitor growth and know in advance when a data file will be full.

However i do not want to write a job for ever single database , this instance may have up to 100 databases that = 100 jobs.

So i want to write a job that checks the percentage space used for all databases.

My first dilema is that i cannot loop through databases dynamically, by that i mean if i use a cursor that loops through database names, and i dynamically build sql the say 'USE @DBNAME' and execute it the cursor context stays local you do not actually change database context.

So how do i loop though databases, i have found

sp_msforeachdb, however this is undocumented in BOL.

Secondly how do i check the percentage of space used for the data file or files for a database, i could use DBCC SHOWFILESTATS, however this is also not documented in BOL.

Obviously i would rather use documented methods.

So bottom line what tsql could i use to check the percentage of file space use for all databases?


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Space Occupied By SISS Raw File Is More

Oct 23, 2007

The system I had developed is having a data flow as following:

Source received as file, .dat file
For better performance I€™m doing little transformation between .dat file to SSIS Raw file then from Raw files doing Type2 and Type3 mappings to adhere the business rules and loading the data to destination tables.

The .dat file I receive (there are many file some where around 25 file) is dumped in a folder as €œsource€? and the Raw file are in other folder as €œSSIS files€?.

My concern is the source folder size is 6GB and the same files converted in SSIS raw files format present in SSIS FILE folder and the size of this folder is 10GB.

Why is that so? Where as there€™s no extra data and the transformations between source and SISS files are like substring for the different date format and data type conversion.

Any ideas, your help in this would be appreciated.

Thank you

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Log File Too Big To Restore Not Enough Drive Space. Now What?

Mar 5, 2008

Hello all

as indicated by my stupid question, I am very new to sql. our vrsion is 2000 and I'm talking about in enterprise manager, the database that was created is not showing up in the list of db. Although I can see the file in explorer.

The problem I€™m having is when I try to attach the database €œmailarchive3Q2007_data.mdf€? it is also looking for the log file €œmailarchive3Q2007_log.ldf€? . The log file was removed by someone else off our system. I have a backup of the file but it is too large to restore now (160 gig) when the system was first set up the recovery model was not set to simple so the log just grew till it filled up our drive. I no longer have the drive space necessary to restore the log file and shrink it. So what do I do now? I need some kind of €œmailarchive3Q2007_log.ldf€? file to attach the database in enterprise manager.

Hope sombody can help.



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File Group Free Space--urgent

May 23, 2000

In sql 7.0 , i would like to create a database with the size of 10Gb, in my server couple of databases already exist.
How do i know how much free space is there in File group.
we are having only one file group i.e PRIMARY.
Could anyone pls tell me about this.
Thank u.


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Log File Alert And Negative Free Space!?

Sep 24, 2007

We've got an alert setup on our production database to warn us when the log file(s) exceeds 7 gigs. The Alert is triggering:

"The SQL Server performance counter 'Log File(s) Size (KB)' (instance 'Lexus') of object 'SQLServer:Databases' is now above the threshold of 7000000.00 (the current value is 7057656.00)."

However, according to the file system, the database properties screen files, and properties tabs, the log files combined are at under 5 gigs so this alert should not be going off.

The scary part is, when going to right-click on the database, choosing "tasks" and going to "Shrink > Files", the "Free Space" shows negative numbers for the first log file:

Log 1
Currently Allocated space: 118.69 MB
Available Free Space: -5323.24 MB (-4485%)

Log 2
Currently Allocated space: 4853.13 MB
Available Free Space: 411.20 MB (7%)

Has anybody ever run into this? Should I be worried that there is a bigger issue at hand?


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