Log Shipping To Remote Site With FTP?

Sep 14, 2012

I'm I missing something or does the log shipping wizard really not have an option for sending the transaction logs to a server outside my network? Is that something you have to do yourself with SSIS or a third party app?

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SQL 2012 :: Local Backup Strategy On Primary With Transaction Log Shipping Enabled To Secondary DR Site

Oct 2, 2014

I have a scenario where a customer is going to be using Log Shipping to the DR site; however, we need to maintain the normal backup strategy on the current system. (i.e. Nightly Full, Every 6 Hour Differential and Hourly Transaction Log backup)I know how to setup Transaction Log Shipping and Fail-over to DR and backup but now the local backup strategy is going to be an issue. I use the [URL] .... maintenance solution currently.

Is it even possible to do regular backups locally keeping data integrity for your backup strategy with Transaction Log Shipping enabled?

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Accessing My MS-SQL Database On Remote Web Site

Apr 24, 2008

I've downloaded a copy of Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express from MS. Can this product be used to query an SQL database at a web site.
Conversely, is there a command line utility for running SELECT statement queries on my remote web site database?

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Connecting A Web Site To A Remote SQL Server

Feb 11, 2006

Hello everybody!
Can anyone tell me what steps i should follow in order to get my web site (which is hosted with a  web host in ireland) to connect to yet another server (different country) where SQL Server 2005 will be running?
Thank you! - Callam

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Best Way To Install A Database At A Remote Site

Jul 20, 2005

Greetings,I am in the process of installing a SQL database at a customerlocation. I have determined that there are 3 ways to do this, and Iwanted to know which is the best of the 3.1 Install From Script.In this method I create the database and its objects in scripts thatare run via osql utility on the SQL server machine. For loading anyinitial data that I need in the database I also run bcp commands.2 Install from a backupIn this method I created an empty database on the SQL server, and thenrestore over it the database from a backup of the database that I needto deploy. Then I add or re-attach the users for the database. Iperform all of these operations using osql as well.3 Install by attaching the data files.In this method I created an empty database on the SQL server, and thenI attach the data files to the database using the sp_attach procedure.Then I add or re-attach the users for the database. I perform all ofthese operations using osql as well.Although it is no problem for me to use any of these methods, I wantedto know from you veterans out there what the best practices are. Andalso if there are any unseen hazards for each method above. Or if Iam totally off-the-target, and there is another method that is thepreferred way.Thanks in Advance,roger

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SQLExpress - Remote Access Trouble When Publishing A Site

Sep 12, 2007

Hi all,
I followed this excellent tutorial (from Microsoft) about creating and using a SQLExpress db table internal to your website:
and the site I created works just fine - locally. When I publish to my web host provider I get this error:
[SqlException (0x80131904): An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server.  When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections. (provider: SQL Network Interfaces, error: 26 - Error Locating Server/Instance Specified)]
My web host provider supports .NET 2.0 but doesn't support MS SQL Server. But that should matter - right? Because I'm putting the db instance right in the website?
I did a search and followed some of the advice:
I went into the SQL Server Surface Area Config Mgr and set SQLExpress for local and remote connections and rebooted/republished. I also have SQL Server 2005 installed as a separate entity (if that makes a difference).
I still get the above error. This is the connection string from the web.config:
<connectionStrings><add name="ConnectionString" connectionString="Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|Customers.mdf;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient"/>
</connectionStrings>And this is the call from the markup:
<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:ConnectionString %>"
SelectCommand="SELECT * FROM [Customer]"></asp:SqlDataSource>
Does any know the fix for this? 
Thanking you in advance

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Problem Connecting To Remote Site With Enterprise Manager

Apr 22, 2004

Hi All,

Recently had to rebuild our SQLServer installation from scratch! major pain!! We had a remote server running a replicated version of the internal database system for the website. We also have a SQL DB hosted with a new ISP which is in test mode. All managed via EM.

Re-installed software, upgaded tp SP3, new MDAC. Set up the references for the two external DB's with the Client Network Utility. In EM set up a connection to DB on the new ISP, works perfectly, tried on the old DB and get 'SQL Server is not running or access denied' error message.

I confirmed the server is running, as its our live site. Cant connect using Query Analyser. I can ping the adress successfully. I've created new user logings that mach on both machines/servers, still no luck!

Can anyone suggest what the problem is/might be or how to fix... I'm flat out of ideas!

Major THANKS! for any gems...


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Receive Files From Remote Site Only If File Does Not Exist In Local Directory

Jul 13, 2007

I need to only receive files via ftp when the file does not exist on my local machine. FIles are being added to the remote location on a weekly basis and they are being downloaded locally. I do not want to download all the files each time. Instead, just download what was not already downloaded. Is there a way to do this? I want to do this using SSIS / ftp task.

Thanks in advance.

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FAQ: Are There Any Whitepapers About Building A Disaster Recovery Site At A Remote Location For SQL Server 2000

Sep 9, 2006


Sorry for the wide distribution.

I'm trying to find any useful whitepapers about how to effectively build and operate a disaster recovery site at a remote location for SQL Server 2000. Does anyone know where to find such information?

I also know that one good option for my customer is using the Mirroring feature of SQL Server 2005. What are the other options? Is Replication an effective one for a mission-critical database (online banking)?

Thanks in advance

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Log Shipping - Switching Recovery Model In Log Shipping

May 13, 2007


I could not able to find Forums in regards to 'Log Shipping' thats why posting this question in here. Appriciate if someone can provide me answers depends on their experience.

Can we switch database recovery model when log shipping is turned on ?

We want to switch from Full Recovery to Bulk Logged Recovery to make sure Bulk Insert operations during the after hours load process will have some performance gain.

Is there any possibility of loosing data ?


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Log Shipping: How To Failback After A Failover Log Shipping?

Jun 8, 2006


I 'm sure I am missing something obvious, hopefully someone could point it out. After a failover log shipping, I want to fail back to my inital Primary server database; however, my database is marked as loading. How can I mark it as normal?

I did the failover as follow:

I did a failover log shipping from the 2 server Sv1 (Primary) and Sv2 (Secondary) by doing the following

1) Stop the primary database by using sp_change_primary_role (Sv1)

2) Change the 2nd server to primary server by running sp_change_secondary_role (Sv2)

3) Change the monitor role by running sp-change_monitor_role (Sv2)

4) Resolve the log ins - (Sv2)

5) Now I want to fail back - I copy the TRN files to Sv1 - use SQL Ent to restore the database at point in time. The task is done; however, the database is still mark as loading. I could not use sp_dboption.

I appreciate any suggestion.

Thanks in advance

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Remote Access Server Configuration Option And Remote Query Timeout?

Jun 2, 2015

- When I disable "allow remote connections to this server" from server properties>connection page, I can still remotely connect to the server from SSMS...so what is the impact of enable/disabling it?

- what is the impact of changing the remote query timeout (on the same page) from default value?

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Remote Connections Enabled, But I Still Get Error That Remote Is Not Configured - Sql 2005

Aug 23, 2006

Fellow Devs,
I have an instance of SQL Server Express 2005 running on another box and I have Remote Connections enabled over both TCP/IP and Named Pipes, but on my other box I keep getting the error that the server does not accept Remote Connections.
Any ideas why this might be happening? Is there some other configuration?

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SQL Remote Connection Not Being Seen, Though Remote Connections Allowed

Oct 11, 2007

HiI'm going insane.I have a club starter kit on my local server which is working fine.I have migrated the database to my remote host and seems to have transfered ok.For a brief period I was able to connect to the database remotely, but now I cannot I get the following, even though SQL Server Surface Area Config is set to accept remote connections.An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server.  When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections. (provider: TCP Provider, error: 0 - A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond.)This is my connection string;<add name="ClubSiteDB" connectionString="Data Source=xx.xxx.xx.xx,xxxx; Network Library=DBMSSOCN; Initial Catalog=tets; User ID=sqladminbob;Password=sqlbob4398;" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient="/>I hav also tried to use  aspnet_regsql.exe to add the remote provider but I get the same message. Thanks 

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Permissions Via ASP.NET Web Site

Jan 31, 2007

I have a website with membership system.  I've been through a lot implementing the site and I think I'm on the verge of full implementation.  I can't get my registration page or my admin page to add, edit or delete users.  I'm assuming that asp does not have proper permissions on SQL to do such.
I'm running the site on a provider that has a SQL 2000 server.  I access the database through VS2005 and  SQL Server Management Studio Express.
Is there a tutorial out there that could help a newbie to SQL understand how to check and correct my permissions issue (or find out that I'm haveing a different issue entirely.

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Using ASPNETDB For All Site!

May 26, 2008

Hi all,
I`m a .NET desktop-app developer and i`m new to ASP.NET and web development, i start developping a web application with SQL Server database and i want to know if i can put all my tables in ASPNETDB?
is any restriction with that?

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SQL 7 And Site Serer 3.0

Feb 3, 1999


This may be the wrong place to add this but....

I am attempting to setup a membership instance for Site Server 3.0 using SQL 7 and try as I might, Site Server Membership will not see the server at all. I can do anything else I want to to that server and it works great (commerce, etc.). It all works OK under SQL 6.5 SP3 or later, just not SQL 7.

Does anyone have any thoughts or insights?


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Get A File To A FTP Site T-sql

Oct 6, 2003

I have to download a file from a ftp site using either SQL/T-Sql or ActiveX script. I'm using SQL Server 2000. Please help

Thanks in advance

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SQL Serverback Up To FTP Site

Oct 13, 2004

Is there a good back up software that willl back up by SQL server to a FTP site. All of them I have seen either backs up to a disk or tape.



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Does Anybody Look At The Jobs On This Site

Nov 17, 2004

Poeple are calling me for resume 5 years old. They need DBA's all over the country. Please pass it on to look at the job opportunities on this site.

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Deploying A Web Site

Jun 14, 2006

I am having problems deploying my web site from my machine to the hosting server.

Does any know of any special configurations that have to be perfomed before copying your web site to a server? All I have is a login in page that loads another page. The login page is launching okay but it does not load the second page.

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Should My Site And Sql Be On The Same Server

Apr 11, 2007


I am upgrading my site from a VPS with a shared SQL server to a dedicated server and my own sql server 2003 standard. My site is an ecommerce site with about 10,000 users a month with between 10-20 people on the site at one time.

It is better to host both my site and the SQL server on the same system or is it better to have them on separate systems? if they are on the same system is 1 gig of ram enough? is will there really be much better performance with 2 gigs?

Any information on the best way to do this would be greatly appreciated!!!

Best regards,

~ Moe

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Phishing Web Site

Dec 17, 2007

How can a genuine Web Outlook url be classified by filtering software as a known phishing web site?


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Accessing FTP Site

May 15, 2008


I am trying access a FTP site present from a different server (remote work station). I am getting "The page cannot be displayed" error. I am able to access from my local machine.

Please help me solving this.


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Backup To FTP Site

Feb 7, 2006

I want to backup my database to an ftp site. How can I do that with SQL Server 2005? Thanks.

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Getting Files From An FTP Site

Apr 23, 2008


I have setup a Flat File connection manager and set the location of the file as such:

When I enter this URL into Start | Run on my machine it opens the txt file fine. Working in BIDS, when I create the flat file connection manager, it doesn't give me a message saying this file does not exist, indicating it is correct. When I create a flat file Source that uses the connection manager, the preview comes up blank. When I try to execute the step it gives an error saying it "cannot open datafile"

Any idea what could be going on?


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Site Settings

Oct 16, 2006

I need to place some site settings in my Report Manger.But in my Report Manager there is no Site Settings Icon.Is this installation problem please help me.

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Using Encryption Via An Asp Site. How Is It Done

Feb 18, 2007

ive been playing around with encryption, just encrypting a column with a symmetric key, and having that symmetric key encrypted with a cert, and all that , and it works well through the SSMS, but i want to know how that will be used if im using sql server as a back end database for an asp web site, or an application. does the sql server have to be protected with an SSL cert, and once a user has logged in, what would the steps be to view encrypted data?

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Error 15185: There Is No Remote User 'sa' Mapped To Local User '(null)' From The Remote Server 'DTS_FSERVER'.

Nov 10, 2006

I am trying to add a linked server from a AMD x64 server (Windows 2003) with SQL Server 2005 64 bit to a Server running SQL 2000. These are not in the same domain.

I can create a linked server using the option "Be made using the login's current security context" but can not when trying to specify the security context, i.e. sa and the sa password. When I try I get the following message:

Msg 15185, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sp_addlinkedsrvlogin, Line 98
There is no remote user 'sa' mapped to local user '(null)' from the remote server 'DTS_FSERVER'.

I have several other x64 server that I have no problem creating a linked server and specifying sa and the sa password.

The problem with using "the login's current security context" option is that I get an error when trying to run any Jobs against the linked server. The job fails withe the following error:

Executed as user: NT AUTHORITYSYSTEM. Access to the remote server is denied because no login-mapping exists. [SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 7416). The step failed.

I'm sure the two errors are related. Any ideas what is going on?

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Web Site Admin Tool

Aug 24, 2006

My problem is...i gut this errormessage in Web Site Administration Tool:
There is a problem with your selected data store. This can be caused by an invalid server name or credentials, or by insufficient permission. It can also be caused by the role manager feature not being enabled. Click the button below to be redirected to a page where you can choose a new data store. The following message may help in diagnosing the problem: The database filename can not contain the following 3 characters: [ (open square brace), ] (close square brace) and ' (single quote)
I recieved it after i try'ed to change the default Providers and use another DB then default. Now i want to go back to how it was from start, if i create a user and role - i want VS 2005 to create a SQL Express DB for me. Can anyone help me? I have even tryed to reinstalled VS 2005 but it didn't help.

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Web Site Too Slow Search

Dec 21, 2006

how can I scale the full text search system on my web site?

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Problem With My WebParts Site(s)

Mar 8, 2007

hi alliam trying to build an asp.net webpart site, i donot want to use SQL Server Express for it, rathar than that i planned to use an sql server 2000 database , so far after doing this my pages is getting me this errorAn error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server.
 When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that
under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections.
(provider: SQL Network Interfaces, error: 26 - Error Locating Server/Instance
Specified)where i surprise because i tell it in web.config to use my profile rathar than this default one, can any one tell me the secret behind thatRegards,  

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Updating Site/Database Once It Is Already In Use

Mar 28, 2007

I am wondering how some of you update your database once it is already been in use.  So take for example you have a few tables and users can enter data into the site.  Now suppose you either add tables to the db or you add fields to an existing table.  I am using sql express 2005 and just want to copy the db over with the copy website but it would overwrite any data users entered.Is there any easy solutions or suggestions for this.Thanks 

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