Logic Statement Using Select Query

May 29, 2007

I'd like to make a logic statement, that would take as arguments result of the sql select query. In more details: I would like to create a local Bool variable that would be false if some value is NULL in the table (or select query).
Query example:

select taskID from Users where Login=@username
Which classes/methods should i use to solve this problem? I use SqlDataSource to get access to database and i think i should use something like SqlDataSource.UpdateCommand and SqlDataSource.UpdateParameters but dont know how to build from this a logic statement.
Thanks in advance

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If Else Logic In Sql Select Query

May 25, 2007

Hi All
I have a sqlserver database with product, catagory and sub catagory format. Before I describe my problem, let me share whats I have in db. Their are two types of sinaros, either the products are directly assigned to a catagory or a product is placed in subcatagory that is in turn have a catagory. I use the following table struct for both of the scenarios:
Product>>subcat bridge>>subcatagory
Here are the queries to get them:
1. If product assinged direct in catagory then
select product.pid, product.Prd_heading,product.[Description], product.Brand, product.img from product,cat_bridge,category where product.id=cat_bridge.pid and cat_bridge.catid=category.catid;
2. If product assinged to sub cat then
select product.pid, product.Prd_heading,product.[Description], product.Brand, product.img from product,subcat_bridge,subcategory where product.pid=subcat_bridge.pid and subcat_bridge.subcatid=subcategory.subcatid and subcategory.catid=category.catid;
Now the problem is, I want to use a single query to download all the products to a CSV format and I need to combine both of the queries with a single one, probably with if else logic, but I am not getting it, I mean how to acheive. Can anyone help me sort this out?
 Thanks in Advance

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Select Statement Within Select Statement Makes My Query Slow....

Sep 3, 2007

Hello... im having a problem with my query optimization....

I have a query that looks like this:

SELECT * FROM table1
WHERE location_id IN (SELECT location_id from location_table WHERE account_id = 998)

it produces my desired data but it takes 3 minutes to run the query... is there any way to make this faster?... thank you so much...

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Update Statement Logic

May 9, 2008

Hi guys

We have a table X with a gender column taking values M(male) or F(Female).There are 52 rows in the table X.We want to update all the rows with Gender M as F and update all remaining F as males (M) in a single Update Query.Im looking for the exact logic we would write in the single update statement.
Please help me out.

Thanks in advance

ARvind L

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Please Help With Complex Update Statement Logic

Nov 8, 2006

hi.I am having probelms with an update statement. every timei run it, "every" row updates, not just the one(s) intended.so, here is what i have. i have tried this with both AND and ORand neither seem to work.i dont know why this is elluding me, but i'd appreciate help with thesolution.thanks.UPDATE addSET add_s = 1WHERE add.add_status = 0 and add.add_email = 'mags23@rice.edu'or add_s in(SELECT a.add_sFROM add a, edit eWHERE a.email_address = e.email_addressand e.public_name = 'professor')

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Select Statement Query

Oct 4, 2006


I have a table called notes, with thousands of rows of "notes" entered by customer services agents. Each row has an account number, date and username columns.

An account can have many notes on thetable.

How can I select the last two notes on the table left for each account? Trying to use select top 2, but of course it's only giving me the top 2 notes for ALL accounts.

Please help.

Thanks very much.

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Select Statement Query

Jan 29, 2008

In my select statement, I return a column for 'datediff' using a CASEquery. I call this column 'Elapsed_days'is there anyway I can use this result later on in the same select? IEI want to refer to 'elasped days' in another CASE query rather thanhave to re-write something which incorporates the original one.Simpler the better - I'm new!Make any sense?Hope so

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Case Statement - How To Overwrite Logic In Column

Feb 13, 2014

Aim – when Fee_Code = ‘42B’ and month_end_date =>2013-02-01 change the Fee_Code from “42B” to “42C”. Anything prior to 2013-02-01 the fee_code needs to remain the same

I can do this as a case statement(as seen below) but this creates a new column. How can i overwrite this logic in the fee_code column ?My query is

sum(Fact_Fee_History.Retail_amount) as 'PCI',
fee_code = '42B' and (month_end_date >='2013-02-01') then '42C' end as Test
from Fact_Fee_History


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Select With If/then Logic

Dec 1, 2005

I need to do something like the following logic: (What I am trying to do is a weight conversion statement)

@somevariable = net_wt / (if net_wt_um <> pack_um then
(if exist(select conversion)
from table1
where field2 = pack_um)
then pack_wt / conversion
else pack_wt

Any thougts? I am basically just looking for a way to do if/else in select statements.


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Can Anyone Tell Me How To Use 'Case' Statement In Select Query In SQL ?

Mar 14, 2008

I need to pull one field from one table and one field from  another table that is i need to pull 'eGroupName' field from 'Exception' Table and 'eGroup Description' field from 'eGroup' Table  but there is no connection between these two tables means there is no forign key relationship between these two tables but i need to pull both fields . If i use INNER JOIN i need to mention relationship between both tables right? so how to write query for this , and one more thing is i need to add an extra column as "Location"which is not there in either of tables for that i need to use CASE Statement as if DataSource = 1 then "ABC" else "BCD" . pls help me out in writing SQL Statement???
is this correct ?? its showing me errors
Select Exception.eGroupName, eGroup.eGroupDescription from Exception Inner Join eGroup ON ???
(case when 'DataSource =1' then 'ABC' then 'BCD' endcase)
Where .....
 Pls correct me

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Query To Sum The Same Field Twice In The Select Statement

Mar 17, 2008

 Hello friends ,    I have table (MoneyTrans) with following structure
[Id] [bigint] NOT NULL,
[TransDate] [smalldatetime] NOT NULL,
[TransName] [varchar](30) NOT NULL, -- CAN have values  'Deposit' / 'WithDraw'
[Amount] [money] NOT NULL
I need to write a query to generate following output
Trans Date, total deposits, total withdrawls, closing balance
i.e. Trans Date,  sum(amount) for TransName='Deposit' and Date=TransDate , sum(amount) for TransName=Withdraw and Date=TransDate , Closing balance (Sum of deposit - sum of withdraw for date < = TransDate )
I am working on this for past two days with out getting a right solution. Any help is appreciated

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Select Statement Help:How Do I Query Two Tables

Mar 20, 2006

How do I Query two tables and minus the result to be displayed in a gridview.  I will appreciate all the help that I can get in this regard. Find below my two select statement
1st Select StatementDim SelectString As String = "SELECT DISTINCT [Course_Code], [Course_Description], [Credit_Hr], [Course_Type], [Course_Method] FROM [MSISCourses] WHERE (([Course_Type] = Core) OR ([Course_Type] = Information Integration Project) "If radBtnView.Checked = True ThenSelectString = SelectString & " OR ([Course_Type] = 'Knowledge')"End IfIf chkGView.Checked = True ThenSelectString = SelectString & " OR ([Specialization] = 'Data Management')"End IfIf chkGView2.Checked = True ThenSelectString = SelectString & " OR ([Specialization] = 'General')"End IfIf chkGView1.Checked = True ThenSelectString = SelectString & " OR ([Specialization] = 'Electronic Commerce')"End IfIf chkGView3.Checked = True ThenSelectString = SelectString & " OR ([Specialization] = 'Network Administration and Security')"End IfIf chkGView4.Checked = True ThenSelectString = SelectString & " OR ([Specialization] = 'Healthcare Information Systems')"End IfSqlDataSource3.SelectCommand = SelectString
2nd Select Statement"SELECT DISTINCT [Co_Code], [Co_Description], [Cr_Hr], [Co_Type], [Co_Method] FROM [StudentCourses] WHERE ([Co_Code] = StdIDLabel)"
my gridview<asp:GridView ID="GridView2" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False" DataKeyNames="Course_Code" DataSourceID="SqlDataSource3" GridLines="Horizontal"><Columns><asp:BoundField DataField="Course_Code" HeaderText="Course_Code" ReadOnly="True" SortExpression="Course_Code" /> <asp:BoundField DataField="Course_Description" HeaderText="Course_Description" SortExpression="Course_Description" /> <asp:BoundField DataField="Credit_Hr" HeaderText="Credit_Hr" SortExpression="Credit_Hr" /> <asp:BoundField DataField="Course_Type" HeaderText="Course_Type" SortExpression="Course_Type" /> <asp:BoundField DataField="Course_Method" HeaderText="Course_Method" SortExpression="Course_Method" /> </Columns></asp:GridView>

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Can&#39;t Query More Than 15 Fields In A Select Statement

Jul 14, 1999

An ADODB error spawn everytime I query more than 15 fields in a specific SQL Table. My sql statement is something like this:

set rs=server.createobject("ADODB.Recordset")
rs.open "select * from mytbl",application("mycon"),1,3

And the error is something like this:

"you can't query more than the maximum field "

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Using A CASE Statement Within A Select Query

Jul 25, 2006

Hi folks,

Hope you are all well.

I am using a CASE statement within a SELECT query to sum up values for different customers.

SELECT CR_CUST.Customer_Code,
'General_01' = CASE WHEN CR_PROD.Part_Class_Code = '01' THEN SUM(CR_INVOICE.Line_Value) ELSE 0 END,
'General_07' = CASE WHEN CR_PROD.Part_Class_Code = '07' THEN SUM(CR_INVOICE.Line_Value) ELSE 0 END,
'General_08' = CASE WHEN CR_PROD.Part_Class_Code = '08' THEN SUM(CR_INVOICE.Line_Value) ELSE 0 END
WHERE (CR_PROD.Part_Class_Code = 1 OR
CR_PROD.Part_Class_Code = 7 OR
CR_PROD.Part_Class_Code = 8)
GROUP BY CR_CUST.Customer_Code,

The above query produces the following results...

Customer_Code General_01 General_07 General_08
------------- ---------------- ---------------- ----------------
02210 10074.30 .00 .00
02347 7606.49 .00 .00
02210 .00 12618.42 .00
02347 .00 13131.63 .00
02210 .00 .00 4505.44
02347 .00 .00 5018.03

My question is this - is it possible to expand my SQL Query into a Sub Query so that each customers data appears on the same line of the results?, like so...

Customer_Code General_01 General_07 General_08
------------- ---------------- ---------------- ----------------
02210 10074.30 12618.42 4505.44
02347 7606.49 13131.63 5018.03

I can achieve this by writing my results into a temporary table and extracting the data with the following SQL Query, but I just thought it would be really cool if I could do it in one SQL Statement without using a temporary table.

SELECT Customer_Code,
FROM #MyTempTable
GROUP BY Customer_Code

Thanks in advance,

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Multiple CTE In One SELECT Statement Query

May 8, 2014

I am trying to apply the logic from the following resource: URL....but cannot get it to work with my logic for some reason.For example, the following query:


Produces the following output:

Col1 | Col2
2014-05-08 10:55:54 | 2014/05/08

But, as soon as I try to do something else like:

;WITH CTE1 AS (SELECT COUNT(login) FROM userinfo AS Col1),
CTE2 AS (SELECT COUNT(login) FROM userinfo AS Col2)

I receive the following errors:

Msg 8155, Level 16, State 2, Line 1
No column name was specified for column 1 of 'CTE1'.
Msg 8155, Level 16, State 2, Line 2
No column name was specified for column 1 of 'CTE2'.

Are there limitations when trying to use multiple CTE in a single query?

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How To Use Select Statement In Insert Query

Jul 20, 2005

hi my self avii want to copy data from one table to other table,by giving certaincondition and i want o use insert statement .in this i want to pass somevalue directly and some value from select statement , if i try i ll geterror i.e all column of destination table (i.e in which i want to insertdata) should match with all columns in values column some thing likethis.plz give me some helpful suggetion on this

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How Do I Use Select Statement In Update Query

Jul 20, 2005

hi myself avii am developing one appliacaion in which i am using vb 6 as front end,adodb as database library and sql sever 7 as backend.i want to update one table for which i required data from other table. andiretrive data from second table by giving some condition. when i get data,then to update first table i need to use do while loop. instead of that iwant to use select statement directly in update query.plz give me some help.following is the my queries and its out putStrSql = ""StrSql = "Select * From SalesVchMaterialDesc where TransactionID=" &txtTransactionID.text & ""rsMName.Open StrSql, Conn, adOpenKeysetDo While Not rsMName.EOFStrSql = ""StrSql = "Update StockTable Set Outward=Outward - " &rsMName("Netweight") & ",OutwardQty=OutwardQty - " & rsMName("Qty") & "Where MaterialId=" & rsMName("Material_Name") & " and VoucherDate='" &Format(rsMName("VoucherDate"), "mm/dd/yyyy") & "'RsAdd.Open StrSql, Conn, adOpenStaticrsMName.MoveNextLooprsMName.Closeout put***main querySelect * From SalesVchMaterialDesc where TransactionID=848do while not loopUpdate StockTable Set Outward=Outward - 8.06,OutwardQty=OutwardQty - 1Where MaterialId=221 and VoucherDate='04/01/2004' and SMID=0loop

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T-SQL CASE Statement.. NOT In A SELECT Query - ??

Feb 4, 2008

How come SQL Server doesn't like the following?

(@myvar int)
CASE @myvar
EXEC sp1
EXEC sp2
EXEC sp3
EXEC sp3

How can I code something like this legally in T-SQL?


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Transact SQL :: Managing First Application Of MERGE Statement In ETL Logic

Apr 20, 2015

In order to feed a fact table of a dwh from a staging table I'm using the MERGE statement in order to control insert and update operations. It is possible that the staging table has duplicate rows respect to the fields controlled in the merge condition:

When I run the first time the MERGE statement unwanted rows could be inserted in the fact table.

Does the MERGE statement allow to manage this case or do I need to filter data from the staging table before to write them into the fact table?

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Need Help Converting A Select Query Into A Case Statement

Nov 24, 2004

I have the following query:

(SELECT MIN(CFGDates.AccountPdEnd)
AR ON AR.Period = CFGDates.Period
WHERE AR.Period = '200408')

I need to convert this into a case statement.
I tried various ways but did not get the result that I was after


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Insert Statement Using Results Of Select Query

Feb 11, 2015

I need to insert data into a table based on the results returned by a select statement. Basically, the select statement below gives me a list of all the work orders created in the last hour.

select worknumber from worksorderhdr where date_created > DATEADD(HOUR, -1, GETDATE())

This might return anywhere between 5 and 50 records each time. What I then need to do is use each of the work numbers returned to create a record in the spec_checklist_remind table. The other details in the insert statement will be the same for each insert, it's just the worknumber from the select statement that needs to be added to the insert where the ?? are below:

INSERT INTO spec_checklist_remind (form, record_type, linked_to_worknumber, spec_checklist_id) values (5, 0, '??',52)"

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SQL Query (SELECT Statement) And Table Design

Aug 19, 2007

I am wondering if there is a direct query in this case:

I am developing a program to a company which simply sells services
One service may have different prices for different types of clients
The price of any service for any client can change at any time, and I should be able to trace these changes at any time

I made the following tables (simplified): (asterisk for primary key)

(Table) (Fields)

CLIENT_TYPES : ID*, ClientTypeName
SERVICES : ID*, ServiceName
PRICES : ServiceID*, ClientTypeID*, Price, Date*
ORDERS : ID*, Date, ClientTypeID

The field in bold is the area of the question

This is a sample data in the PRICES table:

ServiceID ClientTypeID Price Date1 1 100 1/1/20072 1 150 1/1/20071 2 90 1/1/20072 2 135 1/1/2007

Now if I want to update a price of service 1 for clienttype 1, I add the following row:

1 1 100 1/1/2008

So one product for one client can have any number of prices with different dates

The following query:


will retrieve all prices with repeats for a specific client (#1 here)

What I want is a query to retrieve the most recent prices for specific client for all products, even if a query on query

If there is commemts on table design please tell me

thanks for any one who provides help

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Select Statement Subcribed To Query Notification

Dec 13, 2007

I have noticed something strange on the select statement that you can use on query notification.

I have a table that contains a compute column let's call it "Calculate".

If I subscribe to query notification:
Select ID from table
the subscription fails.

The column Calculate doesn't use the column ID.

for me it shouldn't be the case

MArina B.

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SQL Server 2012 :: Stored Procedure With Conditional IF Statement Logic

Aug 9, 2015

I have a data model with 7 tables and I'm trying to write a stored procedure for each table that allows four actions. Each stored procedure should have 4 parameters to allow a user to insert, select, update and delete a record from the table.

I want to have a stored procedure that can accept those 4 parameters so I only need to have one stored procedure per table instead of having 28 stored procedures for those 4 actions for 7 tables. I haven't found a good example online yet of conditional logic used in a stored procedure.

Is there a way to add a conditional logic IF statement to a stored procedure so if the parameter was INSERT, go run this statement, if it was UPDATE, go run this statement, etc?

I have attached my data model for reference.

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Convert A Time Field In The Select Statement Of The Query

May 21, 2007


I have a field called "Starting DateTime" and I want to convert into my local time. I can convert it in the report with the expression "=System.TimeZone.CurrentTimeZone.ToLocalTime(Fields!Starting_DateTime.Value)", but that is too late. I want to convert it in the Select statement of the query.

Can anyone help me please?


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SQL Server 2012 :: Replacing CASE Statement In Update With Table-driven Logic

Oct 20, 2014

I have a stored proc that contains an update which utilizes a case statement to populate values in a particular column in a table, based on values found in other columns within the same table. The existing update looks like this (object names and values have been changed to protect the innocent):

UPDATE dbo.target_table
set target_column =
when source_column_1= 'ABC'then 'XYZ'
when source_column_2= '123'then 'PDQ'

[Code] ....

The powers that be would like to replace this case statement with some sort of table-driven structure, so that the mapping rules defined above can be maintained in the database by the business owner, rather than having it embedded in code and thus requiring developer intervention to perform changes/additions to the rules.

The rules defined in the case statement are in a pre-defined sequence which reflects the order of precedence in which the rules are to be applied (in other words, if a matching value in source_column_1 is found, this trumps a conflicting matching value in source_column_2, etc). A case statement handles this nicely, of course, because the case statement will stop when it finds the first "hit" amongst the WHEN clauses, testing each in the order in which they are coded in the proc logic.

What I'm struggling with is how to replicate this using a lookup table of some sort and joins from the target table to the lookup to replace the above case statement. I'm thinking that I would need a lookup table that has column name/value pairings, with a sequence number on each row that designates the row's placement in the precedence hierarchy. I'd then join to the lookup table somehow based on column names and values and return the match with the lowest sequence number, or something to that effect.

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SQL Server 2014 :: How To Call Dynamic Query Stored Procedure In Select Statement

Jul 23, 2014

I have created a stored procedure with dynamic query and using sp_executesql . stored procedure is work fine.

Now i want to call stored procedure in select statement because stored procedure return a single value.

I search on google and i find openrowset but this generate a meta data error

So how i can resolve it ???

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Query Logic

Jul 28, 2005

I have 2 tables:
First table: empID,PlanID,groupID
Second: PlanID,groupID,EffectiveDate,TerminationDate,DeadlineDate
I need to show only employee with in spesific group who is not
enroll for the current month until deadline passed.

empID PlanIDgroupID
PlanIDGroupIDEffectiveDate TerminationdateDeadlineDate

If I run it today I should not get any results back. If I run in
on 8/15/2005 I should get back data with palnID11.

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Query Logic - SQL Help

Jun 8, 2007

I have some table data and know how I want the results but I'm just having a bit of trouble in constructing the SQL logic to obtain the desired results. There's a site where visitors are able to select from a list of parts, and it will return a set of model/products that they can produce with the selected parts. Here's the data ...

tblModel tblPart
ModelId ModelName PartId PartName
---------------------- ----------------------
1 Alpha 1 CHOO1 Stem
2 Bravo 2 BH034 Rod
3 Bravo Pro 3 HRE Seat

ModelPartId ModelId PartId
1 1 1
2 2 1
3 2 3
4 3 1
5 3 2
6 3 3

... and here's the logic that I'm trying to implement, assume that the user selects from a form, parts with the PartId 1 and 3 ...

1. Return all models that contain only the parts selected.

ModelId ModelName
2 Bravo

2. Return all models that contain the parts selected, and may contain other parts.

ModelId ModelName
2 Bravo
3 Bravo Pro

... so do you have any idea on how the SQL would look for either of these queries?

Thanks in advance,

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Help(query) Need In This Logic.

Mar 20, 2008

I have two tables X,Y
1.....4500....1050.... 750.......robert

1.....4500....1000.... 000.......robert

If you see the above tables I have data mismatch in X and Y tables for the same empno.
I need to write a query which shows emp no and columns(name of col) where the data mismatch has occured.
I came up with a query which I have to write for every individual column to get the mismatch.
Since there 120 columns it is pretty hard task..i m looking for a logic where I can write a query which shows mismatched data in columns.

Expected Output
table z
Appreciate your help.

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Query Logic

Apr 14, 2008

Hi, sorry for a newbie question but I was wondering if the following is possible:

I have to select some information from a table which I have already created a query for. This information then has to be inserted into a new table but needs another column (not the promary key) with another unique custom identifer for each record in the format EX01 which is incremented by 1 for each record. I was wondering how is it possible to do this?

My approach was to create a view and then insert the values form the view into the new table but I still have no idea how to do the unique identifer. Was the first part of my approach correct or have been wrong from the start?

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Query Logic Not Working...

Sep 14, 2006

I have a little system of 3 tables Job, employees and times. This times table has the fields times_id, employee_id and job_idI'm trying to have a query that pull of employees that don't have a certain job_id yet. I'm going to put this data in a table so the user knows they are available for that job. The code i have isn't working, and i'm not sure why.SELECT DISTINCT times.employee_id, employee.employee_nameFROM employee INNER JOIN times ON employee.employee_id = times.employee_id WHERE (times.job_id <> @job_id)  Thanks in advance for any help. I'm sure I missing someting silly, or maybe i need to have a stored procedure involved?... Thanks!

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Logic On UPDATE Query

Jan 25, 2006

I am dealing with two tables and I am trying to take one column from a table and match the records with another table and append the data of that column.

I used an update query that looks like this:

UPDATE Acct_table Set Acct_table.Score =
(Select Score_tbl.Score from Score_tbl
Where Acct_table.Acctnb = Score_tbl.Acctnb

This process has been running for over an hour and a half and is building a large log file. I am curious to know if there is a better command that I can use in order to join the tables and then just drop the column from one to the other. Both tables are indexed on Acctnb.

Any insight would truly help.

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